The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, September 03, 1891, Page 2, Image 2
THE AMERICAN STATE NKWH, MIMAIM MlMUUNtOUS MAT! till. -" (!o, Thayer attended the district rttunlon lit Ol d, Ciretna peoplo will organise a fait HIlJ trolling asSorUlioil, Tho Saline county fair will bo hold at V liber September 1 to 4, Tho Klklioni raliroad official will nit up a depot nt iMltniemla. A rum Held of horse wilt ho nl Adam count fair In October. Ltihoi'lnu- men of Omaha will ml ebrate labor luy in if nun I stylo, 'J im office of lit 11 Nebraska state fal? opened at Lincoln on AuVut 311. Apple grown in Jloyd county are old by tin)' wagon load In llutto City, Tlifl York county republican con vention will be hold on September 'li, Orouiid U in good condition for full plowing and much of it i bulnjf dona. Jloyd county, tho baby of tho itato, will make an exhibit at tho tula fair. 'Jhfl contract for the new Indian i'IiooI building in Cenoa him boon lot for'o, Henry lllpp, of Humphrey lout a (liH; or whllo iuljullng a grain pout in ii n elevator, Lightening struck the residence Cf I. 1'. J'ui'W mid U. K. HwHimoti of II urn 1 1 ton ntuuuv Ohio peoplo will have a grand plcnbi mid inns meeting at Jiloo Spring in tbo near future, -The people of Jloyd county are noon to hunt better until fuollltlo, thank to Ho tin lor Mandorfion. Tim surveyor of tb Duluth A I'ortlaiid ni li road urn now working be tween Lexington and Stockvlllo. A little three-year-old girl arrived In Fremont lhi other dny, dlroetud to her mother In car of u house of ill am. Fremont citizen ar not pleased with the service rendered nt that place by the Western L'nlon telegraph coin puny, A Nebraska City marble dealer offal' to give '0 per cent off on tomb lone u an inducement for people to buy. Al Troutmnn, ft York druggist, dropped on tint street in Lushton, of heart dieu, Tli attack win hap pily not fatal, 'Jb Queen City land company will noon pii id Uh a book uniting forth tli pnelnl attraction of Hutting and Adam county, Fred Weaver, of Schuyler, won 10 on a home race at David City, but the money wit stolen by a sneak thief till mi m night. Two hundred people are employed at tli lieatrloo canning factory and 2J0, 000 can of corn and toniatoe ar put up each day. Jim old soldier of Valparaiso firitl the neighboring country expect to hold a reunion at Valparaiso thu Jnh and i'ith of September, Jit, J, O. Martin, of JHu Hill, swallowed rusty needle, which wa In tb cal ittfn, Jt lodged in ber throttl, but docior finally rmovd it, - J h" chiwf of pollen wa kpt buy al w4, ciniting 'rook, many of wnom ttii'i"d in J,lucolo on their wuy lo tit (inind Nludd rttunlon, Tb two-ycar-oid on of Kmnoll Urltfif. of lloopor, wn bitum by' riitiio.niiki, and it wu only by th lnot birola effort that hi ! wa ved, According to rfl'orl of expert who bavo bcin examining hi book, Adam fck, tr'a irr of ( bnyinrm county, I hort in th nuin of 011,00, Mr, and Mr, Jf, C. j5Htftnbndr, of Lincoln, enjoy tint dittl nction of b. Jng nominated tor unprernit and di trlct Judgo, rnipei'l)vly on th pro. blduloo tirkt, iCIty, ' COIII'I Chnrlei A. Inl, mi African Mnthodlut dlvlnn, wa In Lincoln last weak tm-klng dountlou In nupporl of tli Itidiimrlal ncliool at Munkognu, tie d Inn Territory. Conductor Hcdbmg, running -twi-on l.lnwooil and Huptu'lor, ha a finnnU iiuititllT which recently bud ton pupplc. Of iIxho her owner ha sold I nliii at Piich. Mary A. hnrgctit, of KoliriiHkii llled a pntltlon in tho dUtrlct court prnvlng for dlvorco from her bimlmiid, I), A. Niirgont, on tho ground of exti cnm crunUy. , W. T. Scott of Kntirnty hu been nwnrdod thn contract for building forty tunuincnt cottage for llio cotton mill opiM'Hllvn. 'J'lu'y am to bo In cloned before cold weather, A larjio nirty of hurvcat exctir alonlNt reached Fremont the other day, en routo up tho Klkhorn valley, Tlicy nonined highly plcimnd with No bniMku a far a tiiey liad gono, lluttn (,'lly, tho temporary county eat of Jloyd. I growing ant. Tho election to decldo tho permanent coun ty neat quewtlon will douhtle ho lit tho general election In November, Aten precinct, Dixon county, will tot on thu queni.lou cf bond or the Norfolk and Yankton mil way Heptein ber 10. The peoplu are mild to bo cn thuMnatlc over tho proponed road. -Jud4 Stark of Hamilton county allowed tho l.owi heir $1,001) dam aire against tho Staton eitate for tho killing of V. W. J,ewl nt IJi-omllold, 'J bo cao will go to tho mipcemo court. William Hurrlnon of (liny county mixed three crop of alfalfa on the piuno ground llii year, Tho third cropgavo the ma'let yield and yet it uvorugo iiolght wa over twenty inchex, A tall, awkward looking chap, who I traveling through tho country, protending to bo going to Kaamt after peache. took in Wilber iiport on it foot meo and carried off all tlielr loono CllllflgO, ,lnme J,lnloy, a miction band, whllo loading utool in tho yard nt (Jretnii wa caught by a jeJIen rail and bad hi foot Kmahed, J'hyilolitn found It nocary to amputato our of hi toe, City Engineer Kennedy ol float rlco ha tendered hi rel nation, and Frank M, Davl. formerly coniiected with tho engineering depanmont of the f(, and M-, iia been appointed to tho vacancy, --Jt 1 expo' tod to have Jgwniii Donnelly preent at tho aiane pie. file to bo given in Fremont on the CliiuitaiUjiia ground nometimo early in HcptemboT - tlio dati to to fixed to milt hi convenience, Superintendent firintead, of tho Fremont mdiool, who wa hired for the enulng year, ban presented bl resignation to the board to accept a lucrative position n representative of the publishing bouse of (iinn A Co,, In K an mis, J, J, Alexander, florthwt of Jieaver City, killed tiilrteen rattle naks, Tho largest one wa three feet and eleven incbe long and seven inche in clrcuruforenco, Hloven of the nake were smaii ones, Andrew Carpenter, nuperinten dent of tho Jlnvenni. creamery, lot p xlgned bl position thro and Sep tember 1 will take charge of one of the South J'latto creamery company' ereamerle located at Fairmont, For some tlmo past a man named Anderon ha been running a ooot leg1' alon on the lower island, three tml'! southeast of Jleilevue, in open defiance of tho authorities, claiming to bo In Mill county, Jewa, Ho ha been rreU!d and will bo given an opponu. tilty to explain where he got bl au thority to engage In thl sort of bul ecu. yo mtter hew (food fiisn nmy h, hfn h stilpi s cmii h e'i lnt iiicm, It ( to h right than U? b lrft. UirriMKNT WAYS OF BLEEPING, Ktirissii I, Iks Sufi rill-iwi, lint tfsslnrit I.'P ! lh lUuikt, ."hough It 1 true, n the author of it eehnol composition onno nsncrtod, that 'Mleeplng 1 it untvorsai pnietlco nnioit all nation," it I also Into Hint there I a grout diversity in tho method of aleeplng nniong peoplo of different ballon ntnl dlffm'ttnt way of life, miy tho Youth' Companion. Tho thing that otm need to make him (deep aro proelwdy tho thing which would keep another awake nil night. Kveil tho sodntivo medicine which put ono pei'Hoit immediately Into a heavy uliimber oxclto anoilier into a condition of tiervou restlcMsnes, Tho Kuropeimor American, In order to sleep woll, ordinarily requires a downy pillow under hi head; but tbo Japanese,-stretching himself upon n, rusli-mat on the floor, put a bard, mpiaro block of wood under bl bend, and doo not nloep wU if ho does not have it. Tho Chinese make great account of bl bod, which I very low, Indeed scarcely rising rem the floor but In often carved oxfpilsltoly of wood; but it nover occur to blni 1o make It any any softer than rindi-mat will render It, While tho people of northern coun tries can not sloop miles they have plenty of room to slroteh out their legs, tho Inhabitant of tho tropin often curl thoniHolvo up like monkey tit the lower angle of a suspended lmmmock, and sleep soundly in that position, Tho robust American often cover blmself with pair of blanket and throw bl window widu open to lb nlr, even In Ui winter time, and bo doe not complain If ho find a little drift of snow acros tho top of his bed in the morning. Tho Russian, on tho contrary, like fioIeeplng-placo mi well a tho top of the idg soapstono stove In hi domicile Crawling out of thl blistering bed in tho morning ho like to take a plungo Jit a cold stream, even If ho ha to break through tho. ieo to get into it. The Lriplaiidr crawls, bend rind all, into a bag made of reindeer skin and sloop warm and comfortable within It. The J'-aat Indian, nt the other end of the world, n!o bus a sleeping-bag, but It J wore porous: than tho Lap lander'. Jta purpose i to keep out fiiosqultoe more than to keep the aloeper warm, Whllo tho American still cling to bl feather pillow h I steadily dis carding bl old'fndiloncd feather bed In favor of tho balr or straw metres, The feather bed J relegated to the country and many people who slept upon it alt through their childhood find tbomolve uncomfortable upon Jt Jn their maturity, The (jerman not only sloop upon n feather bed, but underneath one, Th feather covering used in Germany, Jiowever, I not a largo or thick a the one which J used a mnttre, and the foreigner who undertake to sleep beneath It often find bl feet suffering from cold, while bl should er are suffering from beat, 'f Ito Wuy t4t Nlmri'fii Nfrswdrlvsr, The screwdriver hi found not only In tho tool (ihestof every mechanic, but In most bouses, and In not ft few office, Jt rank with tbo hammer, tbo saw and xe in general utility, and yet very few people know ftnything about bow it should be sharpened wi a t' do Jt work most efficiently; that is, with tho least expenditure of power and tho least Injury io tbp bend of errew. In driving a screw into the wood, th foreo used to prn the crw. driver against tho head of the screw tend to aid tbo latter In penetrating the wood; i when wo attempt to a tract screw, every pound of prc nuro that wo apply tend to render it mom difficult to get tho icrew out. It, therefore, become very important that the screwdriver nbould be o formed that It may be kept In the nick of tbo icrew by tb exertion of tho very least degroo of force, for If It ba nny tendency to llp out, wo cai keep It in plnoo only by applying pressure, In which rasa w run great risk of Injuring tbo nick and rendering It iniposslblo to draw tho screw. If wo examine a screwdriver In tbo condition in which. It i ordinarily found, .we shall find that it present a section in which the tide of the wedge, In which all screwdriver tor minute, aro curve with the convex side outward. Now, the effect of tliu curving the ldo of thl wed go 1 to render It greatly more obtuse. Moreover, when we turn th crow driver, tbo tendency to slip out of the nick I Just in proportion to tho ob tusonoMR or bluntncH of the wedge, and, thoroforo, thl form 1 the very worst that can bo chosen. In the hands of most good workmen, tbero foro, wo find that the screwdriver end in a wodge, of which the lde aro perfectly utralgbt Thl i a very good form, but it 1 not equal to a form In which tho side of the wodgo nro curvo, but with tho concave nido turned outward. Jn thl way we les son tho obtusenes of tho wedgo at tho extreme point, and produce a turn, screw which may bo kept in tbo nick by tho least possible pressure endwise. To grind u screwdriver into thl form, it 1 necessary to uso a small grind stone, and many of ttio artificial atone found In tho market answer admirably. Most mechanic would llnd It to their advantage to keep ono of these small grindstone for the purpose,' and It could bo run in tho latho with very 1 1 tt I o tro ubl o. - - Tech nol Alst. .. ) , A Curious Culcul.iCuri, One conoern in Watervlllo, M, rnadt 18,OO0,OW yard of cotton goo U last year, and a Maino newspaper fig ure that the cloth would make a tent that would cover 870 aero and bold all tho people of Maine, New lf iinp shiro, Vermont and Massachusetts, comfortably seated, with al'lng of loH acre In tho center. Jn that ring tho 84,000 borseit of Maine could bo ex hibited at ono tlfie without crowding. An Von I.Ike Id Harbor (to customer) j "OIL lrP Customer (emphatically)! No!" liar hers You aro right, sir, Nona of our best peoplo aro using oil on their hair now-a-day," (To next customer)! "Oil, slrP" Customer! "Why, yes, I Htippose so. I'ropor tiling, isn't it?" Harberi Yes, ir. AH our best peoplo are using oil on their hair now-a-day," IMIs. Hell are tolled In orno of tho wine dlstilcUof Franco when there I like ly to bo a xovoro frost. The inhabit ant nt oneo hurry out of their house a'jd place qunnti tie of tarbotwwn th rtw of vines, Then a signal 1 given l right the lar, and in a few mlnuk a deriNO cloud of srnoko arise which completely protect the vino from the frost .,, WoirianI,lk. "1 believe John will propoe to rno to-filgbt, ma, If ho doe, what shall I say!"' "Accept blm, of course." "Yes, but what hall I ay flrstP" "How long have you been expecting lb! proposal?" "Two year."" "Well, I don't know what you can say except 'J hi 1 o uddonP' Capo Cod item. iTfiiitf Twfnfls. Kmunuol Crlosnor, of Lebanon, I'a,, who 1 Just forty year old, ha boon in (hi country twenty year, married twenty years, and I tho father o twenty children, ay an exchange, Tempii regie JudgeYou aro charged with being a (ramp. Thl I tho third time in i month . Tramp Great heaven! How Urn doe )lp away,