THE AMERICAN, A WOMAN IS'JVRKIK A few week atfo th Hoard of Fli Kiel Follco OunniUsioncri concluded that they uitht to havo a matron at thn city Jail, so they appointed tho lf of Otueer laming to tl position. I" olio respect nt least ) U Just the kind of it woman tho hoard wanted lielng largo niu! niroiiR. then n,,r M,m11' Ileal Ion aro not to o llm milJoot of discussion In Un" l,,r tonally wo cam very llltlo whether ho I competent or Incompetent. Hut what wo aro Rolntf to talk about In llio charge uitittti by it young lady teiio graphor who claim to hitvo befriended tho (Huclng family, ivul as R return for thu assistance to hnvo been thrown down stair by tho matron am! klckoil ,itt tho foot of tho stairs, whllo prostrate and tinablo to rise, by Olllcor (taming. This tho malron strongly denies. Sho admits that Mho load tho young laily to tho door of tho Cuming domicilii, nnd states that, tho stop being wot, tho plaintiff heroin Hllppml ivnd full, rolling to tho bottom. Ho thU a It may, ono thing at least I curtain, and that Is the young lady wait sorlowtly Injured. Our police forno In nomposod of Homo nlnoty num. Unless there havo boon Homo very mount changes, something llko olirhly of that numbiu' nro Roman- 1st. To what class do tho Cuming bolongr Wo aro Informed that tho now super Intmidont of tho juilillo school of Omaha I a Human (Mhollo If UiIh bo trim, It In not ft pleasant fact to con ti!inlato. Wo havo no objection to Catholic tin liullvidals, but wo do very Horlounly object to placing it member of tho polltloo-rrligloiu organisation known m tln Koman Catholic church In such nu Important position. It U a nortoilou fact that that church la the pronounced enemy f our public school system. Its tactics heretofore have been I It ono of open opposition. Thin having proved unsnccasful It denlgn evidently now In to accomplish Itn idilect bv Indirection. Our Protestant pnoplo and all tho friend of tho public hcIiooI system nhould buwaro of tho Jael who coinen with apparent cordial ity and klndnenn, prollerlng tho tokens of her friendly regard. Her object Is to lull her victim Into a fatal security, and then drlvo tho nail through hln templo. Our public hcIiooI nyntcm In not nafo except when it U In tho handn of thono who aro known to bo Itn friends. Contral-Wost. ' Sixth and Last Call, If tho ritev.l P. F. McCarthy will kindly fumlnh tho publlo with tho facts on which ho bane his assertion that din nwn Words "tho Jesuits these black coaled vllUns" did not In spire or lmpcll John Wilkes UootU to assassinate Abraham Lincoln, ho will do it largo proportion of tho reading publlo heiealiouts it ravor, as many on llevo llooth was an Instrument in their hands. Wo bcllovo that, but aro will ing to bo convinced otherwise, nnd aro anxious to help erase ono stain from tho record of tho men who havo risked and dared ho tiiueli for tho Koman church. Hy nil means let tho truth bo published If what Father Charles Chin Imply has published to tho world for moro than a quarter of a century U not tho whole, absolute truth. IM us do tho Jesuits Justice, for (lod knowi they will havo enough to answer for without being held iioeountablo for thing" they hnvt not done. IWt wait ui,iiri,iiH,,r Chlnlnuuv In dead Mot introducing your evidence In rebuttal, . -.SOT THAT KISl OF Til ASH A few days ago a daughter of one of our friend was calling upon a young lady who wears tho nuggntlve namo of laugherty. Whllo tho wan there a very Meek, fat and pompous Individual camo to tho door nnd In quired whether Mr. John Ihtugherty lived thcroP Ho was very politely In formed by tho young lady that ho did, whereupon tho sleek, fat and pompous Individual made tho mistake of his life, and left no loop hole through which to escape. Ho followed his first question with, "You nro Catholics, 1 upposo.M "No, sir! Wo nro not that kind of trash!" was tho curt reply. "Strange; Htrnngo; Daughcrty Is an Irish unmet And you nro not Cath olics?" "No, sir! Wo nro not," and as ho turned to go ho could not help mutter ing In n surprised tone: "Daugherty, Daugliertyl and not Catholic!" In day of old I' wit no great loss, They hanged tho thief upon tho cross Hut now, alas! wo ioo with grief Tliey hang tho cross upon tho Ihlof. Loyal American. Havo your friend add his namo to our subscription list. Take tho Hurllngloii Houto for all point Northwest, South, Fast mid West. First-class service. Foil KKNT- Nlwly furn'shed tiottl corner room and alcove, suitable for two or four p'titlenieit, modern' at SSI J North Fifteenth nt. Flat 0. AMERICAN BARBER SHOP f004 NORTH 10 ST, Slco & Vinoy, Proprietors. WE WANT TO Sit ALL OUR FRIENDS. Wo Km ploy Only FIrst-Clns Artists DR. J. W. SEARCH 402 N. Sixteenth St. OMAHA, NLU TKLKI,I10NK41. OFFICE JIOURS-U) to 12, 8 to fi, 7 to 8 AMERICAN FEED STORE, 203 CUMING ST., FEED Of All Kinds, With EXPRESS CONNECTION, ORDER YOUR JOB WORK of Tiik Ambiucan. We are procured to do It right, quick, mid neat. Adorns THE AMERICAN, OMAHA, NKH. MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF SHOES AT COST AT 322 NORTH SIXTEENTH STREET, OMAHA, Goods Exactly as Represented-Nothing Shoddy, BUT GOOD GOODS FROM RELIABLE FACTORIES POSITIVELY AT COST In Mens Wear we Carry W. L Douglas, Reynolds, Bates, Etc., WHILE IN LADIES' WEAR WE CARRY LUDLOW, PADAN BROS., And the Shoes of Other First-Class Factories, Which We ProDose to Close out at Cost, Therefore If You Want Good Footwear at the Same Price You Will Pau Others for Inferior Goods, Give Us a Call, ' REMEMBER THE PLACE, 322 NORTH SIXTEENTH STREET, OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK, S A R G E N T S UNTIL 10'