T TWO SON08. 11m nn l geim fa mi Ida vnllnTi, Tim Mr lri'Htlin (Y, nil Hillli On 1lin Imrtt riif, yellow with lichen, A robin lit iliiKlutf nhrlll. t.lltn n tnwny lenf In hl loin, I.lkn n iltiit lenf In Mm what; Iti) In ghtd of tin coming winter An tint IIii iihIi U glint f Hut K1tf ti pr. Tim wmtiil f tlifl Ntiiiniit' piping Collie ill I WM fl'lllll lllwlllllt fnlil Llkn thn rlpplo of running witter, A tuiuiii'Mi mill iwcct hikI colli. Thn two noiiffn iiiIiikIo tiKelherj Lllio mid uiillkn itro they, Fur ono notimlM tired nml pliilatlv Ami oiin rlngn proud nml guy, Tliey tdkn no tliniiKlit of their tuiiHln, The lilril Hint tho h( n 1 1 1 c (nil; II ut thn lil nl voli'ti thrllU with riitu r Ami tho hiiiimu noto In nml, .,, MNTON'8 IIKMKF. "If you hnvo never tried II, I don't uno why you nay It In nil tionnonno," Hlio Maid. "It' ftgnlnHl all tho mien of com won nonno," replied Ilenton, "Tlio very liloa of an illitornto woman hav. Inir mich a power In nlmply rldleiiloun." Ho had nt tucked clulrvoyanry merely bcenunoMInn Dalo defended It, (Slot nl way n knit lmt' brown at lilm ho thoughtfully, regarded lilm ho earn. ontly from thono bright hazel cyan, ami pnrncd up that (lain I y llttlo mouth of horn ho bowllohlngly, that Henton could never roHlnl tho temptation of an argument with her. Hoforo coming to oollcgn Jlontoii had known Kthol Halo Mlghtly, They both lived In Ht. l,ouln, ami had eomo cant at tho hiiiiio time, ho to culm Harvard, and Mm to llvo with an aunt in IIumIoii nml IIiiImIi lmr education tlicro. In IiIn FroMiimin year lot tnlkoi to IiIh nrquuliilaiieon about tho "protlv llttlo Wontcm girl" ho called on ho often i In bin Hophomoro year ho npoko or "MINN (ulo" only to IiIn nionl Intl. tnatu frlendn; ami now in IiIh Junior yearwell, ho never mentioned her namo at all, hut wiim never promt to talk of tho "Ideal woman" and tint "WoHtorri girl Kuntornlzod," Tho only hit of muitluiont he wan guilty of wan to Hit alono hy IiIn flro and Imng. lun two bright cyoN peering at lilm through tho wrenllm of IiIn tobacco nmoko, "Oh, I wan JiiMtiiM Nkoptlcnl an you oiico," hIio contliuiiid, "but I wan con verted, Wo lined to hnvo quite an lu tidllgent HoaniHtroNN In Mt, J,ouln, who became a clairvoyant after hIio left iih, I happened to notice bur udvortlne. mont in n lloHton paper, and went to noo her. HIio didn't know who I wan at all, and ntlll nlie told mo tho mont wonderful tbliin about myHolf," "How dooM nlie go about It!'" inked Jlonton. "Well, Mio taken you Into a dark room and Mln down directly opponlto to you The theory In, you know, that your thoughtN nIiow theniHelveN by the twitching of the norvonln yourln'gornj Ho all through the Houncn Mm hold your liarid, Then nlie fall Into a tranco and telln your fortune, Hho nil In you Homo Mrn ago Indian name Mm called mo 'l'oralioiilun' and tnlkn InnMirlll, piping voice thut'n awfully weird. All of anudden Mm nay 'good by' and won't nay another word, You'd bettor have a neancn hoiiio dayi Ii,'h pent fun, and I'm Hiiro you'd enjoy It, J'vo been round to nee her qulto often, junttotulk with her, and hIio Inn't a bit of a fraud," Hut llentori nlwoliiloly rofunnd to go, The principle of the thing wan utterly bad, he mild, and he did not believe in ncoi.ratrlng nuch t'im foolery, MInm Jbiln tried In vain to convince him, And really felt Homowbat phpied when lio mild good-night, aiparently entirely unmoved by her pornuiiHlonn, In reality llenlon had thought of going from the llrnt, and now an be walked ut to ('ambrldgo, ho decided to vlnlt tho clairvoyant at IiIh earllnNt oppor tunity. , A ow day uftor thin ctmvermitlon Jlenton wen! to have a wentu'rt. Ho rang MInn ,lnhnion'H bell twlco lofoii nnjtiody ciune. The door wan llnully opetieil oy a mien, tlellcitte woman, with ml her a phmxiiiit ixpriNNlon. Hbo looked an mont HtnnmtroNm do, except that thero wan morn Intelll genco about her faco. "In MInh .luhiiMon InP" linpiircd Denton, Thn woman Hcrutlnlxod lilm oliwidy. 'I'm lmr; nit down and wait, I'll be ready In a moment; ami w hen tho door opeiiH, walk right In." Mho pointed to A doer Junt oppoNlte, and horNolf went out by a third door, which Henton board her bolt on the other Hide, H wan kept waiting for almoNt a rpuirtor of an hour, ami wiw Junt becoming lrti laitlent, when I he door nlowly Hwung pen. It wiw perfectly dark lnnld, but Ilenton ttntred without boHltatlon Ho wiin bai'dly In, when u dark flguro bniNhed jniHt him, lookod tho door, and took out tho key, Ilenton could fool hU heart give, a midden bump agatiiHt IiIn Hide, and bin hand lnntlnotlvely felt for bin watclu Ttio dark flguro now camo townrdn him and said In n trmnuloua voicm "Two dollarn, ploiiHo," Henton kept a firm bold on hi pui'HO hn bo piiNNod ovr tho money. Ah noon a hl oyen becamo unod to the darkncHH, Kenton noticed that tho clairvoyant wiih nhort and rather light; In cimo of A row, bo thought, ftn poiild, rnHlly maruigo nor. Hho wan nroNHod entirely In black, with a black Veil over her face, and a heavy black Hhawl wrapped comiilclely around her body. Her Imlr wiih entirely concealed by a covering of whlto lace, which looked unnaturally bright In compar. Imoii with her dark clothing. Hho motioned him to nit down nml drew up her chair directly oiioohHo. Hoc whole iipiiearanco won ho Htrnngo and uncanny that Ilenton could not help Hhlverlng ntlghtly iih hIio reached out for IiIh bund, for ho expected to feel Homethlng uioImI and cold. To bin iiHtoiilNhment her baud wiih hoH and warm, and Itn very touch Hoomed to dlnpel IiIn fear, AftiM' Hitting In this portion for Homo moiuenlH, tho clairvoyant begun to brealho heavily, and dually gave a deep High. Hv thin time Ilenton liinl entirely recovered IiIn nerve, Tho clairvoyant nlowly nodded her head, "I will tell you about your pant life, brave," hIio nald, In iihIiiIII, piping voice, The tone Hounded ho alTectod and unnatural that Ilenton bo. came more a nd more nccptlcal, The cbalrvoyiirit nnemeil a llttlo iiet. tied, nml Ilenton could feel a nllght tremor In her hand, "I will tell you about your pant, bravo," nlie hiiIiI at length, Tho ronult wan perfectly startling, Hho told him nemo of the moHt minute delalln of bin life at borne and at col. lego, and finally wild that ho bud lately lent a friend, wIiono nplrlt hIichiiw hovering around lilm. It wan only a week nlnco one of Ilnnton'n (tbinnnialon had died, Ho looked at tho veiled llguro before him with a feeling of awe, and tho Htrnngo iiucnunlnoHH of tho thing began to como over Mm again, "Jlavo you any uuoMtloiiH, brave!'" the clairvoyant linked abruptly, With out taking time to rorinliier, Ilenton Impilredi "Will Harvard or Valo win tho biiNo-ball match next Hatur- dayP" "Harvard," repllnd tho clairvoyant Immediately, "Have you any moro IplCNtlollH!' Huildenly It occurred to Mm to link about Klliid, The very Idea of thin luci'onHod hl exeltemnuti he could feol bin heart b'allng fut again, ami wan afraid ho could not control bin voice. At length he pointed to a llttlo piece of blacK ribbon, which Minn Halo bad given him am) which he wore in bin bullonbole, "1 am in lovo with the girl who gave niu I IiIn, " ho Hiild, "and am thinking of proponing to her in a few dayn, Hhall i dg HP" The fhilrvoMOtl Kceini'il tii'Hli'd Itno Ihcfe in a olijlit ticmei1 In nr biiml. After a I Mime nlie mild: "Ho yon think yon low her, brave"" "I am mire of It, replied llcutnti. I' or uIiuonI, llvo tulimtcN the cbtlrvoy itnl nut pci'li'Cily nili'iit ainl mol ho'li'fN, while lli'iitou could bnrilly cnulrel bin iiIImIIiiii. At length Mie npoko dellh eriitely, iin If wcigulng every word: "When Harvard wlim t!ie game next fSatunlay, go to her IminiNlliilely. If nlie iihUn you to dinner - jiriipimel'" "Do you mean that hIihII accept inor cried Ilenton eagerly. "(ioiid-by, brave," Hiild tho clalr voyiint, ninlilciily dropping IiIh band. Hho glided to the door and opened It, then dlMiippimrcd through a dour at Hie other nlde of the room. Ilenton watched her till nho wan gone, then rono mechanically and hurried out In to tho Htrett. If Harvard won that game on Hatiirdny ho would bo a con vert to clalrvoyaiicy. Haturday afternoon came at hint, and Ilenton wan almoNt the llrnl iniin on tho Held, for ho really could Hot keep away. Jlenlon bad never nuen ho ex citing a game In bin life. Whenever Yale imule a run, bo thought that the game wan lont, and whenever Harvard made a run, ho acted like n inuntac. In tho bint half of the ninth Inning, with the Hcore tied, Dean knocked bin great homo run into the wlllownln left Held, und Harvard had wen, nlno to eight, ilenton wan oil' like a Hindi, tearing punt the gy miianliim and mull ing on through the yard, At length, all broalhloHH, bo Jumped on the back platform of a car. The IIchI, condition wan fullllled, Harvard had won; now would nho ank lilm to dinner!' It wan not till ho wan on tho door Htep and had rung tho bell, that Ilen ton begun to think what ho wan doing, J'rolialuy Hho mid neeu to tho gaunt wlt'i hoiiio other fellow. Thin nppro. hennlon wan noon removed by f ho nor vant girl, who mild ll Inn Halo wiih la and would bo down directly, "Ho far everything ban gone right," thought Ilenton an lie paced up ami down th parlor to recover bin com- ponuro, Suddenly bin cyo happened to wander into the back room. Ho Htarted Involuntarily. There, Htandlng with her buck towardn ) 1 1 r it, wan thn llguro of a woman d rowed entirely In black, except for Home white Itum wrapped about her bead, For Homo moinonlH Ilenton Mood ntlll, "What tho devil In that clairvoyant doing hero, ban nho given mo away Ut Kth elF" ho muttered, Tho very Idea of Hi In mndo blm furloun, lie went up und tapped her roughly on tho hIioiiI dnr. Thn clairvoyant nlowly turned nho hit 1 no veil on thin time, and a pair of bright hazel eyon looked up at hi ill rogulnhly, "Will you May to dinner, Mr. HontonP" nhe nald, Purlng th Availing ftlhnl managed to tdl blm Unit nho had been calling on tho clairvoyant onoiiay ana wan Hitting at the window, when nho hmw blm on the Mepn, Hho pemuaded tho clairvoyant to let her play tho trick, and being about her llguro, managed to dlngulno liernelf completely, "Jmnglno my foollngn," nho con- eluded 'w ill In J wan thinking bow to miNwer your bint question." "Hut bow on earth did you know that Harvard wiih going to wlnP" In j u I red Ilenton. "Ob, that wan by clalrvoyancy," laughed Klhel, "Jlo yon believe In It nowP" "Ho II" nald Ilenton. Harvard Ad vocate, WHY MEN CMOHS THfclM UQH. NieiKi (ruccr I liitriiel ecl I of Men tit Tiilmil, Men generally cronn their legn when there In Iciiit prcNHiire on their mlmln. You will not very often llml a man actually ongnged In bunlneNn with bin eiN ci'OHHi'd, J ho IIiiiIin at Hiomii tlmen are Htralglil.er than at any other, bo. cntiHo the mind mid body work Ut geiher, A man engaged in oudlting hccntuilN will nelilein cro' bin legn neither w 111 a tiiioi who bt writing tui ni llele er bo U employ t-d In any iniin iter where bU bruin U Actively in gngeil, When at work In a nlltlug poHlnre 1 1n HmliN nnlurnlly cP n, vu the Moor In a perfectly Hlraliibt llms A man may en in hi lei'n If be In nit ting In an olllce cbalr dlftCUNNlug nemo piopiHltloii with anolher mo it, but tho Iic'IhiiI, he become really In enrnont nml perceive Honicthlng to be gained, he 'lendn forward teward bin neluhber and IiukIih lo iino IiIn bnmU, HultlieHO olmervnlliuiN are mndo of mankind In general. There are par ticular canon that are otherwUe. There are eerlaln men of illMllngulHheil tnleiiin who, when engaged in literary work, twUt their leyn Into Intrlcato eolU, One of Hie moHt eminent ilraiu iiIIhIn In thin couulry never ahnmloun hlumelfto deep thought without con torting bin lliiilm, which uro long and Hlemler, Into a kind of lingular Heroll work under the table. Another man, wIioho poeuiN appenr iuomI, freipiently In I he iniigaliieH, neenin actually tn wring bin emol lonn out of bin legn, an If they were HpongoH nojiped in tin' alllaliin, However, thoNii are excep tional mannorlHiiiH by which put tlcular men of bralnn are InneiiNlbly alTectod. Homo men twUt their beardii when they are in deep thought, otliorn Hi'ratcli their liendn a-bnlrnctodly, while inborn, again, chew their linger iiiiIIh. To thin abneut-mlndeil genun belongn now and then a imin'wlio cannot pen der Hovoroly without making bin legn nxproHH all the emotloiin of tlionght. New York Hoeorder. WHO AHB TUG HA PI' I EST? Oi Aid lini'lly Nay I'miiiln Wliotn Ivn Am HnveUil In NnUmm, Tho carl of Herby nnnwered thin fiiowllon recently in an addrenn to tho Hcleiitllle and Technological Heboid of Liverpool, an liintltutioii of which ho wan one of tho foumlern, lie mild: "Having known men of many pro. foHHloiin, I Hhoiildnay that tho happlont liven are thono which have been do. voted to Hcloiico. J'lvery ntep In Inter, anting, ami tho huccohh ol thono who do Hiicceed In hinting, "What general, what orator, what ntatenmau, what man of lettern can hope to leave a memory like that of DarwInF An invalid In health, a man who noldoin Htlrred from homo, a mini until bin later yearn very llttlo known to tho outer world, but who from bin quiet nl inly revolutionised tho thought of Kurope and will ho remembered an long an Nowlon und llacon. "If fame In worth working for I do not nay It In that kind of fiuno In Hiiro-' ly tho moNt durablo and tho mont de. Hirablo of all," TIicno wordn aro true of the debitor- cnted men of Helen, Wo bavo never bad'ln thin country men moro uniform ly cheerful and good-tempered than rraiiklln, Hlttenhouno and JelTernon, who Hpent moHt of tho bdnuro of their liven In the purnult of knowledge; ami rofoMHor AgiiNNl, wan noted for tho buoyancy of Mh nplrltn in every com puny where ho felt at homo. Hut wo can nay Homethlng Hlmllar of every pernon who ban a purnult milted to bin talent and clrcuniNtam'en, The happy people are they who hnvo an occupation which they ovo, apart from any advnnlngo It may bring them, one that they can ptirnuo with gener oiih ardor, It In tho element of illwln tereHtedneHH that cheer their liven, whether they are engaged In ordinary ut' extraordinary vocallonnj and thin In tho roanon why eiirnowt M.udontn bavo Nueh a keen enlovment of exltitenco, A lliili ltil Or,r, I'll run doctom Joined a necret order In Omaha, Atlhodoorof tho lodgo room they were met by tlireo fellow phynbdanN, The outride nentliie) wan ft life InNiirance agent; the Inner door keeper wan a drugglM; the onlh wan iidmlnlnlered by amlnller; the curort wan an undertaker ami tomhwtono dealer, und the treanurer wan a city Mil collector,