The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, August 13, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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Id Jorilitti ! tn n(h In n
mtt'H anil Uitt 1li ic im,
Jfenr New jlnlliin.l, I in,, there In
Itttio nwiimp iii'iu1 tho Mad. At Hi
edge Mtnitilft it huge wliiU -iMik tree.
Yenrn Hiri thin npot win often pointed
out n the neeno nf thn murder of
twflvrt won, mill Hmi plnco boro Hid
reputation of being haunted, It. wn
mill tho rattling of ehuinn nnd pruiiiw
nnil m.v'r for mercy could bo din
tlnolly hoard by piimornhy, No oiid
pvpr stopped Id Invent Ignto, on wo citit
tontlfy from' jnTHomil experience,, wiya
a writer in tho Now rk Phipiitrh,
having heard the groan mono torn'
toon yearn ago, end having alw dono
nuuo of thu t.tiiKl 1 iwt IftiiiMhcii travel
Ing in nil our eventful career.
Hut to thontorys Howard 'J'hompMon
WH a wllnonn to tho killing, which on
cm-rod In 1011, bo being about 10 yearn
old at tho tlmo. 1 ho i 11 1 nir wnn dono
by Hob and Hon Jordan of Plekcnn
county, and tho murdered men wore
donor-tarn who had boon arroHtod In
(jlllmor county.
Whllo tho Jordnn boys woro In tint
confndnrnto army a crowd of denortera
vlnltod tho houHo of tbolr father, a
noultod tholr winter and tho wlfo of
Hob Jordnn, and carried tholr father,
who wan about 70 year old, through
thn mountain a (Hntnnou of nixty in II on.
rind mibjoclod Mm to many allocking
erudition. Then tho Jordan boy re
turned homo and began tholr record of
killing. Every man known to bo a
donortnr or nnkullor bnoamn a victim
of tholr unerring Hftn. Hob knot a
'llMt of tho namoM and daton In a Hrnall
book, lbs wan purnuod ono day, and
in cronnlng a river lout bin book, It
Contained 125 namoH, Aftur that bo
kept no record. Thin won before tho
killing nour (JainnHvlllo,
Hob nnd Hon Jordan beenmo recruit
tng officer and arronlnd twonty-nlx
men In ijllmni' county and ntarlnd with
tlK'in to tho front. On tho way two
oneapod and twenty-four word lodged
tn (Jiilnonvlllo Jail, Next morning tbo
Jordan picked out twolvo whom limy
had tho bonfc roiiNon to hollo vo hud
boon implicated Jn tho outrage upon
tholr family and chained thorn to
gof,hor and marched them to thin white,
oa'fc troo on tbo Now Holland road,
Th,ey stood thorn up In a row and Hob
'Jordan marohod nlowly along tho lino
with a largo army pfwtol find nhot them
with bin own hand ono at a tlmo,
Homo foil on their knoon and prayed,
whllo other looked tholr nlnyop
ntralght In tho fa-co and died with an
oath on tholr llpn, Anions tho number
wan a fragile boy about li who wan
chained to a very largo man.
Tho boy wiim nhot Irct and tho man
nup)orted him In a Hlandhitf pofduro
until ho hluiHolf wac nhot, whn they
foil to tho ground toyethor.
TIiomo twolvo men woro Jiawtlly
hurled In a trench, dug upon tho npot,
hut after tho war they woro exhumed
by tho federal mil horil lorn and removed
''to tho national cemetery at dhnUiu
nootfa, Aft'ir tbo war flob Jordan wan bot
to death In Florida by a weak, xloldy
young man upon whom ho wn Impon.
lug. Hon wiih utabbod to death In tt
barroom In 'Wmw.
Thoxpot whom tho killing occurred
Id now in cultivation, but tho old troo
mMH romalriM. Tho laud Ih part of tho
liwit which Tom )anle bought about
two yoarn ago for fl.HOO and Mold n
tow dnyi ago for WJUM.
lilil I'rom a 'i r-flin
Throckmorton county, Texan, jioh.
Umim ft penult tree which, when cut
in any part, oxuden tinapalmoMt tho
exact color and connlntoncy of fronh
blood, HotanlKtn havo confound thorn.
HolvnH at a lon to account for tho pe
culiarity, which they am unanlrnoun,
however, in uncrlblng to nonm coloring
mattor abnorbed from the Mill In which
It grown and which In, In all probabil
ity, tho correct way of accounting for
jt, an cuttlnjfH fj-otn tlio ti'oo pluntod
ptow1nti lnftiliiblv lull b deviion
Uio !tiiio pei'nHiii li.v, Tho pnpo nt
lni't'iS however, lire dt i'oi d 1o look
llll'OH I ho tree nn Bi'ltiet hiinMllO'tUinV.
'hod m tunny n't n dofen tdoie nil
. luoro or loi blooil n rf !1 J it sr. nro poniid
Into inv vmitor ran toiu'ernnur it
It U wild tb it no tioum will pimn
h Itbin bnlf n itilleof it l nlijlit for any
mm thilt con bo oITim'inI, Tho Iron n
plendld ipeeitiieii, mid linn olitjiliied a
I'i'enter nio tliiiu U iiMiuil in npnclen,
Itbelotian to J, 1!. l,oi a fiii iuer of
ibo vicinity, who Imn been obliged to
niirrniind It With a high feiieo to pro
toot U from injury at I ho hinidx of
I'lirloolty-noeket'n, who huso hacked It
for tho Ktikoof obtnlulng a night of tho
Our I'li'M Aioiv.
jn l Uio nrmien of mo Kevoiui ion
woro all dlnbinuh'il. oxcopt "idghty
prlvatenanda duo proportion of of.
ticorn, none to exceed the rmik of cup
tain," to garrlon W'eit point and I'orl
Pitt. In Juno, I7M, the congrcMn of
Uio thirteen nlaten provided for two
companion of artillery and eight of In
fan try, not to exeeeil thlrly-Heveii of
tlcern and 700 enllHteil men, In I7H
ltlncreiiNed the niuiilier to furty-nl
olUcern and KOI men, At that (Into
theno troopn gnrrlnonod tho frontier
pewtn, viz, i Fort llni'iiim', now Marietta,
()hlo: Vliicennert, 1 ml, , n rnl Vennnuo,
N. Y in addition to Went Point, Fort
Pivt and Hiirlnglield, Mum,
Wlint tVlilln HI ink Mini Vnrloiin Wlniin
Ar MiliHiiol to N I if 1 1 1 f y .
A whlto mark on tho nail bonpoaks
Pal 0 or leiidcolorod nalln indicate
meliuicholy peoplo,
Hrond tialln Indicate ti (,'ontlo, timid
and banhful mittiro,
,overn of knowlodgo atid Jlboral
iotitlmont havo round natlH.
' J'eoplo with narrow nalln aro amhl-
tloim and mmrrolwomo,
Small tialln Jndlcato llttlononn of
mind, ohntlnacy nnd conceit,
(,'holerln, martial men, delighting in
war, havo red and spotted nalln.
Nalln growing Into the llewh at the
polnfn and widen indicate luxiirlotin
Peoplo with very pale nalln are sub
ject to much Infirmity of tho'lleph, and
pornecutlon by neighbor and frlondn.
Tim llc( of A(tt l.
An autograph letter of Abraham
Lincoln to n friend I a I d to contain
tho following! "J o not worry. Fat
three mpmro tnealn a day, Hay your
priiyorfc, Thlnlc of your wlfo, Ho
coiirleoun to your creditor, Keep your
dlgontlon good. Weio' clearof bliioiin.
tienn. Fxerclno, do wlow and go onny,
May lie there are other thing that
your CHpeclal cane reuulren to make
you happy, bid, my friend, them) I
reckon, will give you a good lift."
fciMiko nod rii,
An Albany bulchor upon arrival at
iln nhoi the other morning rnlnnod bin
favorite cat. Whllo looking for It ho
glanced into ft corner when ho nnw ft
lingo rut nuake and about half thecal,
Tho other half occupied ti portion of
the nuake, The reptile wan killed by
the police and nionmired eight feet,
In a few moment more It would havo
nueeeedod In gelling outnldu tho cat
without much dillh'uHy,
tit' ilMKOIIir, I,
Tho reduction of poiifugo between
hid hi and Fngland In thu announced
by a Kiiln I'riiiieh mi l,iuater! "Hir,
Kurojie pontage, who In degraded, nho
in two aiinan l- plo, registr illon foe,
K.ho ntaadn two anniin, nh" Inliiet,"
,'luilti liy iUn In t,
In tho creit nnlmal market at Ham
burg, In flcrnmny, idrairon noil Ht
000 a pair, i'hlmiianeo irn at
ftploci) and nelect loin of Hiimiilra men
ky at 11,001;,
I, The oonMitutioiu ol prlnced
not mipct lor, bill iMibuidlimluto r.cctM
IhUchI coantllutlohn,
8. Tim biwi of llin Pnipcrol flitmiot
dlnnolvn llm iwbKiiHtlen or cnimn IrtW,
8. It U not lawful for nn imirror
to t'ini'l mi j tiling epptmml to tliti upon
tulle rule,
4. It In not lii'vful for king to
tttoirp tho thing llmt belong to ptlciitn.
A. No ciinloin of any ono can
lb wart thn ntiUutcn of tho pope.
0. 11 no ri'nUlnuco bo offurcd to
thn npoKlollo (cunoti) picecpu, but lot
lliiun bo nultillfcroindy fulllllcd,
7. Tho yoke luiponml by tho holy
mo I to be borne, though It nppenr In-
lolentblii nnd lunuppoi'lablo
8. Tho l'otitl.T can bo loonnd
nor hound by tho wmulir power,
9. That tlm Pontiir wan milled Hod
by thn plou PrluoQ ConMlnniJnc, ntu
Hint m god ho cannot be Judged by
10. That n god ho I fur above the
rmich of all hinnun law and Judgement.
11, That all lawn contrary to tho
oiinons and decree of tho Human pro
late urn of no foron.
12. That nil of the ordinance of
tho popo aro unhcnllatlngly to ho
19. We ought not von to upoak to
ono whom tho pope ha cxoonimunl
14. I't'lonl tire father onil iimntern,
even of prince,
15. Tho civil law in derived from
mn, hut tho ccclenlantlcal, or canon
law I derived directly from Ood, by
which tho pontiff oan, jn connection
with hi fu'clulcn, mako conntltutioni
for tho whole chrlntfan world, in mut
ter nplrllufll, concerning tho nalvntlon
of oul, and tho right govornmont of
thit church and If mieonnary Judge and
dlnponn of all tho temporal good of all
18. A heretic, holding or teaching
faln doctrine concerning tho gacra-
rnont, I excommunicated and de
graded, nnd handed over to tho dcoular
17, Hecubir prince unwilling to
iwcar to defend tho church ngalnnt
heretic nro cxeomnuinlcateJ, and they
ro lain tinder an Inlerdlct,
Jfl. Tho good of heretic aro to bo
conflncated, and applied to tho church,
19, Advoeate or notarlo, favor
Ing hurdle, or their defender, or
pleading for them In Jaw nulls, or writ
log document for them, aro Infamou,
and iiinpomled from office,
20, Tho necular power, whether
poi'uiftuerit or temporary, ro bound to
nwiiar that they will cxlurmlriilo, ao
oordlng to tholr power, all heretic
comdninncd by the churoh) and ii tern
poral lord not purging hi land of hero-
tie, I cieommurileiited,
81, Tliono nlgned with tho cron for
the extermination of heretic, rejolco
In tho privilege grunted to tho cnina-d-
for the help of tho Holy land,
23. They aro nbwlved from all obli
gation who aro In anywlno hound to
25, Whoever din In hat I In Ngalnnt
tho unbelieving, merit tho kingdom of
24, Wo do not cnteern thorn) hotel-
Id til, to whom it WfJ havo happened
In tlmlr it'nl for their Molker Chiireli
ngnliHt Hio iicoinmiinlenled, to kilt
some of Ihi'iii,
o. Thai Catholic pi Ince are hound,
both by civil mid ennon lw, not to ro
cidvo or tohonto lieretlon, BtuI lnuoh
tuoto roe lint to permit their rll or
ollirr fteielwi of their religion, or
rut her. their fulnn neet, but Br litont
eleninly bound I'verywhei'o, to repel
nnd cxpid thcin,
20, Tho following temporal punish
ment nro to hn enforced on hernthm:
Int. Infiimy, nntl tho cotincipient ill
quul illeiilionn for all civil actn, 2d.
Inlentnblllty, an well active nnd pannlv
(that In, they can neither make will,
nor Inherit what I left to them by
other). 8d. Lonn of paternal power
over children. 4th Lon of dowry,
and ot her privilege granted to women.
6t,h. CVitillncatlon of nil good, 6th.
That vannal and nhive and other ara
net free from all, oven nworn obliga
tion due to their lord or another. 7th.
Capital oorpornl punlnhmnni, especial
ly death, and perpetuiil Imprlnonniont
27. Tho canon law forbid all toler
ation. 28. That Metropolitan end Hlnhopi
nro to excommunicato him who grant
liberty of conncleuco.
29. No oath I to bo kept toward
horetlo prlnco, lord or other.
SO. Heretic aro to bo deprived of
all civil and paternal right.
81. The Pope ciin ahnolvo from nil
82. Every bbdiop I ordinary Judgo
In a online of hereny. 'Tho reanon I
hocaiino tho blnhop can ex -officio, and
ought to extirpate herellcn, and Inflict
upon them tho duo punlnhment, and
to thl aro bound on pain of dnponl
thn, Hentde, aro tho Inqulnlton on
peclnlly deputed by the Apotollo 8eo,
Every blnhop In hi dloco ! thought
to ho, and In reality I, ft natural in
qulnltor, (literally born Itxpililtor), u
ft to havo tho name power with tbo
already mentioned In acaunoof hereny.
83. Jn vry prornmnory oath nl
though nhnolutely taken, tbera aro
certain condition tacitly understood,
amongnt which aroi First, If I on
Second, To nve tho right and authorlt
of a nujierlorj 'Third, When tho oath
Nuppone the honor of the Aponlollo Beo
to bo Illicit,"
84. That tho Council of Trent, (tb
Iit nnd groat Authority of Home), do-
creo and command that tho acred
canon and all general council, aIo
tho other ApoN'olio enactment Innued
In favor of ccclenlBntlcal pernon of
ecclenlantloal liberty, and ngalnnt It
violator, all of which by thl pronent
decreo it renew, nnd munt bo exactly
observed by all,
Loyal Men
and oil
Can (let All Kind of
. A