THE AMERICAN MT. ItliOWS OS TllK VAVAUY. The eonrnn of )' niri which Kev 0. M. I leu mii hnn been dellvuHng nl Jlnmmoitt Pink M. K. church each Hnndny morning will bn continued, but they will occur hereafter In tint evening nl7s.'M. Whlin Hi" hint lecture wiw much nhot ler llinii tho-m previously dc Jlvered, It w ii, tit lint mime time, the tnont replete Willi liunl, nlubboru fuel Thcru In i boinbnnt itttotit thenn Icet uren, mi wllil, nennntlomd chnrgen, but plain Htalemeiitn anil liieontroverlnbln truth proved nml nunliliicd by Hid lit tlirilllHtt Of till! Illfldltlg llghln of tint Itommi church. To thone who have ntudlcd tli hlntory, uviiii In n thorough manner, thcrn were many new nml on tlrely original point brought oul, while t(i ii largo majority of the vant nudlmicn In attendance It wan matter of nurprlne that llio church claimed her children no hern body nml noulo ournn nml iliiiiin or blnnn nml nnvo an nlm believed would bent nubnervn her liilercntn; hern to unit nml volt) nn hIih neon will, In tlm mill, nmiilt In securing to her Hut grcntettl licence mid tuont nectirlly In her effort to perpetuate In our free ooiinlry her dark-lnnler Imtlltutlonn of tlm ulitteehlh century) nml hern to rob of every dollar they earn for mannen nml llio other (ixpennlvi) luxurlen of thn holy mother church, Ami, while limy were nurprlncd, they went, nl tint name 1 1 mo highly pleancd. (Julio it number of Komanlnln went prencnt, find whl In limy probably ilhl riot concur In nil that wnn mild, I liny will probably rend morn nml think liioro for thcmntlven In Hm future, nml In tlimi mm Ihnt thU wnr on tlm Koman MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF 322 NORTH SIXTEENTH STREET, OMAHA, Goods Exactly as Represented -Nothing Shoddy, BUT GOOD GOODS FROM RELIABLE FACTORIES f POSITIVELY AT COST In Mens Wear we Carry W, L Douolas, Reynolds, Bales, Etc., WHILE IN LADIEQ' WEAR WE CARRY LUDLOW, PA DAN BROS., And the Slinns of Oilier FlrsKlass Fnctnrles, Which Wo ProDOso to Closn out at Cost, Therefore If You Want Good Footwear at tho Same Price You Will Pau Others for Inferior Coods, Give Us a Call, REMEMBER THE PLACE, 322 NORTH SIXTEENTH STREET, liollllcnl mnchlun In nn much for tlnlr betielll nn It In for llm IVolnninntn, Thn nubjuel which will ln dlneunnci licit Niimliiv I'Vi'iilnif nt tiMO will be thn "I'ollllenl Clnlmn of thn I'o. It will well pay you to pi nml henr thin Imiiorlitnt uueMloii dWeunned. Ncntn f i en, Church nun Muck cut of I hum com park, Irish Roman Loyalty, All Irmh Hoimui dloecnau journal, pnbllnheil In Hi, liiiuU, culled tlm (lull, Inn thin to miy: Tlm biom nt'ipldily of thn prtliidltm n ir nl n nt Iihh ('HlholicN U Miiklnily II I u n ruled by tlm new knowiiollilnif iiiovcimuit In thin country. Hurcly no Niiim man will chiiriro JrUh ('nthollcit with ImiI n cr iIInIoviiI to llm Anmriciin rciiiuiim. j'-vcry nciiooiDoy in innniinr with thn hlMtory or tlm ilnvotlon of Jrlxh cinly;nuilii to tlm citumt of Anicnciin lllxirty. Tlmru nro inmiy thnmiiiniU of mttio men in tlm imiicn maum wto nro rcmly to (Tlmrn mid provo that liith HommiUlM nr dUloynl nml liiw-ilnfy- ng. An to mihoolhoyit lining fnmlllnr wllh llm hlxUry of tlm dnvollon of tlm IiIhIi to tlm ciuimi! of Anmrlcitn llhiirly, tlm Cult imiHt Ii n v it rofcrcuco to tlm hoyi Unit urn rohlxid of our puhlki Nchool tt! vuiitftdM nml dniooucd Into KouiImIi pitrocliliil nohooU hy n guiig of dlnloynl, lllinrlyliittliif prlimtn, Wo know Hint n pcrnlntcnt ofl'orl In mlii( imi'lii to ililvo Into tlm riilndn of, MtlliHpn, n tnlllloii children In tlm pnent or pnroidiliil nchooln Hint nil Anmrlcnnn tiro Irnltorn to thin tuition, mid only Irlnh Itoirimilntn nro loynl; t f i nt thn Irlnh KhiiiiiiiikU hnvo iichlovml nil our vlctorhm for im, whlla Aumr. AT COST AT SARGENT Icntm, In liultlc, lit nil thn wnr, worn cownt-itft, We Inkn nrHl plcnmirn In liifotiiiliiff thn Cell Hint Whcin trim liUtory In tituglil tlii'tn nut no nchool lioyn fnmlllnr wllh n hMory thnl flvc to IiUh HouintiUtn nny credit wlmluvi-r for dimitf nnylliiM In thn rcvolutlonnry wnr, or thn wnr of 112, In IN Men li'iin wnr thn Irish HomniiUln, nn body, covered themnelven with lileiiiit Infiimy by llmlr perjury nml dcnerllon to thn Moklmuin, wlmrn ihey fonuei llm "Itlley Hiillnlioii," which wiu met nt Chiiruhimco, defenled, tunny of them killed mid thn rent tnknn prlnoncrn, tried hy court inurtlnl, thirty-one worn hiinir, who denerted nfier wnr wnn iln- cliired, u hi lo thonn who denerted bn font wnr wnn declnred were brnuiled on the eh. ick wllh tlm biter "1M mid vhlpped nevcrely on lh burn bnck In thn prcMcimo of thn whole tinny riot on duty or In tlm hoNpltitl. fioyiil Amur cno. Hohert Hoyle, evldnntly nnxlounto bribe hln wny Into heiiven, be'iuenthiid t!lo,000 to tlm Cnthollo church of Nt. iOiiln; but one of hln helm, Hiininel Hoyle, having morn regard or hln own imrthty hniplnennthmi fortlm Imnveiily inppliienn of Hohert Hoyle, linn cnuned nleitinliig hot boll In thin city by it'll i null to 1renk thn will, Hut Arch. Iilnlm) Kenrick, trim to thn dogmn of robbing thn helm to ctiiich tlm (diurch, thn niiiHt dmnmibln we lenrncd thin ntyln of nwenrlng from thn pope on thn fimn of thn curlli, will renlntHiiiiiiiel !oyln to tlm litruont cuteut, No doubt flintier wilt bn nt n niiiei'lnml,ed boil ing hot point when Hut mm comcn to trlnl,-Monitor. Thon Mho contend for the right of thn fttitle to direct thn ediient on of thn yniilh of tlm liutd, should umlerntnml jilnl whnl (hln proponltlott Impllen, Thn Mule, with tin, In n cototlllutlottitl majority of thn people, If thu tmtjorlly of thn peopln, bee tioii-t'nthollc, limy loduy decree Ihnt It In enxentliil for llm good of tlm Mate Hint thn youth bn ediumted In thn public nchooU, which nhnll bn tion-necinrlmi, tlm tnnjorlty tomorrow, If Cnlholle, tuny decrmi Hint n rellgloun cdiicnllon In enncnlliil to thn good of thn Main mid (hut thn Homln'i religion nh nil bn taught In tlm public nehooln. Tlm moral In that wn Hhould look to it Hint llm UoiiiuiiInU do not become tlm tnnjorlty or governing force, I'ntrlotln American. hut oilier place learn a Ionhoii from Hockford, 111. Thu pollllclann mid I'lngMtern of Kockford laughed nt nn Anmrlonn oriler thern beoaiiMo they had thn audacity to run caudidaten In thn municipal election, but when thn Anmr- cam elected their candidate tlm other 'cIIown miiI down on tlm eurbitoim to recover from llm nhock, mid whllo tlmy timdltated tlm conviction Mowly worked Un f through their thick ukulln that they went In America and that America for American, Then tliey tumbled over oacii other in their nmleavor to dlmb Into the Aiiierlcau baud wagon. t In to bn ho pud they will bn punhed off In thn mud, profennlonnl olllce neekern and wlru-pnllern me not thn kind of men nn American order wanin. Thn Hadlcnl, Have your friend ndd hln riamu to our nubncriptlon lint. SHOES