The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, August 06, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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    e:r i o a n .
Hi f lH!v.r tftny life Mute lli(H)rtpfm.
Henum llkn' h tliHl'v nod m -i .1 hljili rti(l
With nun:'). uneven place. Tli bright
Klrrniiw il ov.-ly ilnwn; iOhI tliera 1
pwlliirt'.l, i1hii1, liithii llvt'ly 1 him
Thy lnl lu I'tuliu Ah! Imv I yet to Uwu
Wliot hII nii'ii know Ihul 1 inUat wulk
Ami tlmtiidi I am n woman In my yriir.
Whom other Inrn In ir Dm lit lp I perk,
Fllll lit my troiihtcil lunrt lull of viikiiu
And iliwuliilp ilMre; milt frnm tuolirciik
An Iruin kii'hu child, with vme olilieur do
fi'iit. 111 wiimlcrlng Iti uu unknown public
Hi runt.
-Tho Hpi'dutor.
something about
worm, or it tuny bo
giants, or beetle,
turning if you trend
on them too seveiiy.
Tho safest plan I
never to tread on a
worm nob even to tho last new sub
altern from homo, with bin button
hardly out of tissue paper, anl tho
red ot sappy English beef inhiscbeck.
T hiH w th" story of the worm that
turned. For tho sake of brevity wo
will call Henry A ugimtti Hnmmy Falz
anne "The Worm," although ho wan
an exceedingly pretty boy, without a
hair on hi fi-eo ana with a waist )iio
a girl', when bo camo out to tho He
rnial "Hhikarris" and wa mado iin
unhappy in several ways, The "Hhi
karrl aro a high-casto regiment, and
you rnimii bo able to do thing well
play a banjo, or rido more than littlo,
or sing, or m't to got on with them.
j i iiu nuriu uiu iiumihik i'- Ji I'm
of! hi pony and knoek chip out of
tho gatepost with hi trap. Even
that became monotonous aft or atimo.
Jfo objected to whist, cut tho cloth at
billiards, sarin out of tune, kept very
much to himself, and wroto to hi
mamma and sisters at homo, ' Four
oftheKoflve tiling were viced which
tho "Hhikarrl" objected to and get
themselves to eradicate, Every ono
know how subaltern are by brother
gnbaltern Noftonod and not permitted
to bo ferocious, Jt in good and whole
Homo and doc no ono any harm un
less temper aro lout, and then thero
Istrouhlo, There wax ft man onco
but that I another story,
The "Hhikarrl" shikarred Tho
Worm very much, and ho bore every
thing without winking, lie wax go
flood and go anxious to learn, and
flushed go pink, that hi education
wm cut short, and bo was left to bin
own device by every ono except tho
color subaltern, who continued to
make lifo a burden to Tho Worm,
The senior gnbaltern meant no harm,
but hi chat! wa coarse, and liO didn't
quite understand wiiero to top. Jfo
had been waiting too long for hi com
pany, and that al way our a man,
Also, ho wa In love, which mado him
Ono day, after ho had borrowed
Tho Worm' trap for a lady who
never existed, had ued it himself
all the afternoon, had sent a note
to Tho Worm, purporting to
come from tho lady, and wa telling
tho mess all about it, The Worm
rose in hi placo arid nld,in hi quite,
Jadydiko voice; "That wa a very
pretty sell; but I'll Jay you ft month
po-y when you get your etep that I
work aell on you I .hat you'll remem
ber for tho rent of your 'lay, and tho
regiment after you when you're dead
or broke," Tho Worm wami't angry
in tho leant, and the nt of the men
diouted, Then the enior mjballern
looked at The Worm from the boot
upward and down again, and ald,
")ono, Jiaby," Tho VVorm took f lie
ret of tho men to withe that tho
bet hnd been taken, and retired Into
A book with a sweet mile,
Two rnnntli piiftied mid th aetiior
imiirtltern till dui iiiei 'Jim Wmiu,
who ln'piiu to iiium" about a hllle
tnort it the hot went her inmn on, t
bnVH rtid Hint the xettinr ("iibulli tit
wit ill love. Tim ciu iiiiift I hint! In,
t lint a girl w n In Im o w it ii t lie neuinr
ntitialt trn. 'j'huuuli tho cnlnnel nU
awful thing, i nd t holt injur mioiled,
and innn led captnili looked limit I er
able widotii, (iml t ho jmifol' M'olteii,
tiiown two were eiifjngi'd.
Tho m'tilor mibiillern wo noplertni'd
with getting hi coinpnny mid hi
flcreptntieofit the nme tiinothat he
forgot to bother The Worm, Tim gill
wn apretl y girl nnd hnd money ol
her ow n. hho doe not come into thl
One night at the beginning of I he hot
weather nil I ho nieHNecepl,Tlio Worm,
who had gone to hi own room in
write homo letter, werohiltmg on I ho
platform oulide the me-hoiio.
Tho band had linmhe;! plrtying but, no
ono want ed logo in. And t liecnpt ain'
wive wero there alo, The tolly
of a man in love i unlimited, Tho
nonior tiialtern hnd been holding
forth on the merit of t he gui lie wi'
engaged to and tho Indies were
purring Approval, while the men
yawned, wlieti t here wa a rutlo of
Hkirt In the dark and a t ired, faint
voice lilted itelf:
"Where' my hiiband?"
1 do not wihIi in the lcat Ut reltect
on the morality of the "Hhikarrl,"
but it i on record that four men
jumped up a if they bad been hot,
Three of them were married men.
I'erhap they were afraid I hat t heir
wive had coma from homo nude
knowimt, The fourth aid I hatbehad
acted on tho impulMe of tho moment,
ln explained tin afterward,
ThMVoleeerjed''Oh, Lionel!" Lionel
wa the wenior (ihall.ern' name, A
woman camo into tho little circle of
light by tho candle on f ho peg fable,
trotehmg out her hand to the dark
whore theenior wuballerii wa, and
gobbing. We roo f o our feet feeling
that thing were going to happen, and
ready to believe tho wort, In thi
bad, mall world of ourfi cio know
o little of tho life of the next nan,
which after all I ent irely h' own con
cern, that ono I not nrpried when
a crawh come.
Anything might turn tip any day
for any one, j'erhtp theenlor ub
altorn had been trapped in hi youth
Men are crippled that way occaiou
ally. Wo didn't . know wo wanteo
to hear: and tho captain' wive wero
a anxioti a wo, It ho had been
trapped ho wa to bo exenwed, for tho
woman from no where, in the diwty
wlioe and gray traveling drew, wi
very lovely, with black hair and
great eye full of tear, Mho w tall,
with ft fine figure, and her voice had
a running ol in it pit iful to hear,
An moo1 atbeen!or wubaltern stood
up ho threw her arm round hi neck
and called him "my darling," and
aid ho could not bear wdl big alone
in England, and hi letter were o
nhort and cold, and he wihl to tho
end of tho world, and would ho forgive
her? Thl did not ound quite like a
lady' way of fpoaking. It wa too
Thing Nocmcd black Indeed, and
tho captain' wivoM peered under their
eyebrow at tho eidor uhaltem,
and tho colonel' face et like tho day
of judgement framed in gray brftie,
and no one poke for awhile,
Next tho colonel paid very honJy,
"Well, rirl" and tho woman nobbed,
afreli. The enlor uballern wa Unit
choked wit h tho arm round hi neck,1
but bogawped ont,"lt'a d lie f never
had a wife in my life!" "lon'twear
aid the colonel, "f'orno Into the
am, vVomuNtftifb thi clear omo
ho v," And ho ighed to hlmef;for ho
believed in hi "Hhikarrl' did th
We trooped Into i ho ante-morn un
der tho full light, and thero wo mw
how beautiful tho woman wa, Hho
tood up In the middle of u all, gome
time choking with crying, then hard
and proud, and then boiling outlier
arm to the enlor ubalf era. It, wa
like the four) h act of a tragedy, Hho
told ii bow tho geiiior guhallern bad
married her when ho wi homo on
Joave eighteen month before, and ho
Deemed In know all that wo knew, met
limi ii, 1 no, o( hi penpln end hit pant
bio, llottoi Hhit nnd eliy t;rny,
tr)inghow end egaln to break into
I he tot rent other word; nnd we noting
how lovely he wn and wl,"t a climb
n ft I helooled, eHteemed him a ben M of
tho wort kind, Wm felt orry for him
I I n 1 1 1 1 1 .
I xhnll never forget 11m Indiciinent
of (ho Heiiior Hiihalterii l y hi wife,
Nor will Im. It wa o inlden, rnh
Jug out of I hi dark umuiuouncei! Into
our dull live, The captain' wive
Mood back, but their eye were alight ,
ind you could ee that they had al
ready convicted and enteneed tho
genior Hllhalteru, The colonel eeluei
live year older, (hie miijor wa nbad
lug liineye with hi hand and watch
ing tho woman from underneath it,
Another wa chewing hi miiNlacho
and Mmiliiig quietly a If ho wero wit
iieliig a play. Full in the open
Kiiai'o in thocenler by tho whiwt table
tlio enior uhalteran' terrier wa
bunting for Ilea. I remember all thl
a clearly a though a phologrnph
were in my hand. I remember the
look of horror on tho enior wibal
tern' faro, It wa rather liko weeing
a man hanged, but much more inter
oHthig, Finally the woman woundup
by Haying that the Nonior wibaltern car
raid a double F, M, In tattoo on hi
left houlder, We all knew that, and
to our Innocent mind It WHmind to
(iincli the matter, Hut one of tho
bachelor major wild very politely,
"J prewimn that your marriage ccrfill
ca to would bo morn to the ptirpooj"'
That rouwed the woman, Hho lood
up and neered at theenlorubalcrn
for a cur, and abimod the major Mid
the colonel and all the ret. '.I hen alio
wept, and then who pulled a paper
from her breawt, a ylng luiperiouely,
"Take that! And let my huband
my lawfully wedded huwhatid read It
aloud If ho dare!"
Thero wa a huwli, and tho men
looked Info each other' eye a tho
nonior wibalforn camo forward In a
daed and dizzy way arid took the
paper. Wo wero wondering, a wo
etared, whether there wa anything
againwt any one of u that might turn
tip later on, Tho gen lor guhalfern'
throat wa dry; but a ho ran hi eye
over the paper, he broke out Into a
lioarwo cackle of relief and gaid to tho
woman, "You young blackguard!"
iSufc th woman had lied through a
door, and on the paper wa written!
"Thl I to certify that 1, the Worm,
have paid In full tny debt to tho
gcniorgtjhaltorn; and, further, that tho
goubr guballern I my debtor, by
agreement mi the ;td of Febnary, a by
theme attewled, to tho extent of ono
month' captain g pay, in tho lawful
(jurreney of f lie Indian empire,"
Then a deputation get of! for Tho
Worm' quarter, and found hfm,
betwixt and between, unlaying hi
gtayg, with the hat, wig, gorge dre,
etc, on the bed. J l camo over a be
wa, arid the "Hhikarrl" ghouted till
tho gunner' nn'tt gent over to knowr
If they might have a wharo of the fun,
I think we were all, except the colonel
and the genlor gnbaltern, n, littlo
dlappointed that tho gcandal had
come to nothing. Hut thi I human
fiat ore, There could la no two word
about Tho Worm' act ing, J t leaned
a near to a naty tragedy a any.
thing thi wide of ft joke can,
When mot of trie gnbaltern gat
upon him with gofa cushion to find
out had not gal i that acting
wa hi gl rong point bcaiiwercd very
quickly; "I don't think you ever
aked me, I liwl to act, at home wit h
my gter," Hut no aeting with girl
could account for The Worm' diplay
that night, I'erwonally I think it wa
In bad tawte, bolde being dnngerou,
There I no gorfc of ue In playing with
fire nveu for fun,
The "Hhikarrl" made him preldent
of tb rgimenlal dcamatla club, and
when tho genior wubaltern paid up hi
debt, which he did at once, Tim Worm
gank the money In wvwry and drewwe,
lie wa a good Worm and the "Hhi k a r
rl" am proud of him, Tho only
drawback I (hat h ha been chriten
ed "Mr, Henlor Hubillern," and, a
thero are now two Mr, Henlor Hub
alterri In tho gtation, thi I lorne-
time conimilng
yard Kipling,
to gtmitgcrg. -liud
A Numlrty mt Mnmlity,
Theiieiil ion of tho earth in globu
hir foi in hit i niiMed many pioblein
which would never have nrlen had
llm l!ev, Mr. ibiMpi-r'tt plan been
followed. One of t hmiddi wt of theMO,
th Hi , trfiiii Uepnblie hIiowh, I that
which ha thrown the people oimiliy
ahead it n error 1 hey lefime to correct,
Manilla I one of t he iimni, Impoi t -autport
lu the Philippine MatnlM,
but hI range toeny, loinilny behind
all ot her place of ilnMie In I he world,
Thi cuiioim fai l I accounted for hi
thl wny; Allhoiigli the l'hilippinn
IhIiiimI lie near t he Axial ic cont, I hey
Were dicovered by Hpnnbild who
Mailed from America.
When they ciomnim thomnglo lino
where Hunday guild' nly change Into
Monday, theo fiery don of proud
(!aflliau anceefor did not i'ovImo
their calendar, When told of thi
year Inter, when (old that their
modern reckoning time wa not up
to modern notloii. they only wild
that wn ho much t he, woro for mod
ern notion,
Anyhow, the fact remain that thenn
I'hllippino Inlander keen plodding al
ong one day behind all ( lie rent of t he
world, which reckon time by new efy lo,
Monkey Money Tester.
It I gald that the great ape of Hlam
aro In great roqueat among the Hlam
eo merchant a cah!er in their
counting hoiiMo, VomI, quanflUe of
ba,Mo coin are known to bo hi 1 1 renin
tlon In Hiarn, and, according to ad vie
e Irom that gcorched up little Orient
al kingdom, no human being can ill
crimlnato between tho good and bad
coinage with a much accuracy a
theo apeg, Tho monkey caghler
poHHeg the faculty of dilingulhirig
the rud( Hiimee counterfeit in giaii
an extraordinary degree that no
trained bankercancompete with them
In their unique avocation,
In plying hi trade the ape cahler
meditatively pul fiwh coin presented
to him in hi moufh and feHf it with
grave fleliberat Ion, From two to live
gecondlall tho time thi Intelligent
animal require in making up hi do
cMon, If ( ho coin i all right It I
carefully deposited in the proper re
feptaclo; II base It i thrown violently
to the floor, while t he mill tester
make known hi displeasure at, being
presented wit h the counterfeit by giv
ing vent to much miury chatlerfng,
the noariHft,
How It I.nlt Minf lli Mimft Clint
Uig it.
'Vh fmgflnh, usually found In flom
peratlvely deep water, wa caught by
th gporUmen off the tfroat reef at low
tide, gayg an article In trio Century,
The derid coral head, which bad been
beaten into a wull and formed thn hld-Inf-pliwie
of Inmiffiomblri II virn form,
were partly bare, the water oonpanlni?
Iiiddcfily U tlci hi no depth of th gulf,
rttandlnj on thl vantage ground, bear
1iflf th crawlish halt and extra tackle,
with thn dinghy hauled up In smooth
wator trn t)in Inner side, the f)hormer
ruiglU' threw beyond the genUn brenk
r into deep water, tcrnintod with
scorn of eager flshee whoso savage g.t;tr open the hmclou halt only gorved
to draw the greater game, Th hltfl
of thi boglwh w ftgunnJy strain; hut
th moment the hook wa felt It be
came a game-fish worthy of the best
effort of the fisherman, Often were
our gpnrtrnari forced amid th tirenlc
er la their attempt to drug th blglt
ly erdored end haiiequlndlse creature
from It home Into tho still writer of
the Inner reef. With II eriorrnoui
mouth the fish ha a peculiarly swlrie
like Appearance, fully redeemed, bow.
ever, by It rim coloring awl tho long'
grid richly cut dorsal fin and tall. It
rank next to the snapper ft a tahle
llrrtynri'N ily, "ttnlllv rel lti 4a"," r
tnrm rilfcM la New Vntk,