The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, August 06, 1891, Page 6, Image 6

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Hard HftttlN to I und Dltf Oamy
"Tiildi It In!" all my rompanlon,
excitedly, and bending to tlm work I
brought the lino In, lighting for every
Inch that came; when the Mexican
Hlmutcdn, warning. Whlxst ami tho
roil leaped ngnln into tlm nlr. Noth
Im( could wltlwtnml tho runh a head
or directly for tho bottom mid away.
Tho anchor had been hauled up by
tho Mexican at. tho llrst, atrikn, ami
now, wit h lino In hand, wo wero o(T,tho
boat churning t hrouwh tho water,
burling tho Hpray over u, ami bear
ing wave of gloaming foarn ahead.
"Tako inl" eric Joo, who Mnfids ly
tho coil, and again, dlowly fighting
againmfc tho dull IiIowh, tho lino come
In, Ten feet gained, and whlz.-eeo! n
many moro aio lnt, Jn It come onco
more, hand over hand, tho holder of
I lie lino hemling thin way and that,
trying to prcmirvo A balance and
that IoiihIoii which would prevent a
midden hreak. Now tho IImIi dart to
ono Nidi, tearing tho water into
foam, leaving a Hlieet of Nil very bub
ble, and swinging t ho boat around a
on a pivot. Now It In at tho nurfaco
alleetlng vlwlou followed by a hihIi
that carricH tho very gunwale under
walei. TIiIh, followed by a midden
slacking of tho line, Hond denpair to
the heart! ho U gone, tho lino Hunt.
No, whi7,1 and away again, down, All
tho trick of thowturily black ban
thin giant of tho tribe Indulge in, ex
cept tho mid air leap which gladden
tho heart of tho angler. Quick turn,
downward riiMhe, powerful blow,
mighty run thingamy creature make,
light ing inch by Inch, leaving an lm
prcwNloii upon tho mind of tho fUhcr
inin that I not Noon forgotten,
With A largo rone, and by taking
turn, tho liwli could have been mast
ered, but such method wero not eon
Nidcred Nportmaiilik hero, It iuut
bo taken freehanded, a light at arm'
length, and being niicIi, tho moment
lly by; It i half an hour, and wo havo
not yet mocii tho outline ol our game,
Gradually the ruwhcNgrow lex, tho
blow aro lighter, and what I taken
i all gain,Hcribner,
DttaparatA fitruu l of a Nsrro With
thn VenomoUM f(ptll.
Thomas Jerikln, a hard working
negro, who I fond of hunt ing, and who
own a Bmall farm near Opelika, Ala,,
recently had a terrible adventure with
a largo rattlesnake, which ho succeed
ml In killing only after it had bitten
him twice,
Jenkin wan at work removing the
debris of an old out-bulldlng, when tin
snake Nounded It rat i In almot under
hi feet. JIa Npraug back jut in time
to cHcape tho dart of tho reptile, and
struck at It with tho mmill hand ax
ho carried, but wa no unfort unatfl
a to mi It ent irely, when tho winks
with incredible rapidity coiled ilsell
about hi leg. Jle endeavored to
throw itolT, when it buried It fang In
tho flenby part of t ho limb. Heforo it
could wit hdraw t hem ho Nefedit back
of tho head and choked it, a ho
thought, todeath, for ltfold relaxed,
and he wa nhl to (ling it from him,
but upon reaching tho ground. tlm
reptile revived and turned again to
tho attack. Jenkin ngain endeavor
ed to kill it by a Ntroko of hi axo,
lait only Hucceedeil tu evering I ho ex
trome tin of tho tail, and thn next in
stant tho writhing creature had
Ntruck him on thn ankle, when h
brought tho blado down upon It, cut
ting it entirely in two,
Calliimhi wife to nnlt him, Jen-
kin managed to reach a phyicln
living near him, wIioho tinmoillate at'
tention to hi two wound probablv
waved hi )if. Tho limb I tiincl;
swollen and of a livid blue, fait no
danger I anticipated, Tho wound
wero in both iiiHtance deprived ol
thoir full deadline by Jenkins' heaw
troiiHcr and (docking, which nbmub
id much of thopoiMMi and Ihu pre.
vented it (intra net Into tlm body,
Tho Kiiako was tin fddonnof ununiial
in and nirrtai tho extraordinary
number of thirtyeven rattle,
Thnmi reptile aro uniiNiiaily iiuincr
on In this vicinity tlil year, the ono
killed by Jenkin being tho I 'tilth
killod In ono wwk. (Hobo-Democrat.
Explanation of thn Cauda of Color
ing of Flnlie,
Varlou explanations hnvo beenmig-
gented for tho fact that moMt (bit HhIi
havo tho dorsal onipporMiirfnco color
od, ami tho ventral or lower Nurfaco
white, It ha been said that tho
whito ventral surface protect tho
t'mh, for tho Niirrouiiding water with
1 lie light Nhining through it ha about
tho wanio tint, and no an enemy Hoot
ing below and looking up, could not;
diHtingu'iHli him. Recent intercut ing
experiment, to discover tho inlhiencn
of Nimligliton tho color of Hat linaro
noted in thn Kevuo Heientlllquo,
Having placed a few young IIMi in a
gla vonhdI, tho experimenter covered
tho Hide and top of I ho veel. placed
It on a Niipport, and beneath it no ar
ranged a mirror that the sunlight wa
rellected Into tho water, and illumin
ated tho ventral face of the IImIi wliilo
the doral face wore In dark no,
Tin) natural condition wero thus
reversed. Tho water wa frefpieiilly
changed, and tho InIi wero well feu,
At tho Name timo similar IIhIi were
placed in a gla vcnmoI, ami exposed
to tho light in tho UNiial.
Tho result wa that out of thirl y
flh exposed to I lie sunlight from below,
onlp tiireo remained liko those in ,tho
ordinary gins vessel, and t hn oi lier
developed greater or le quantities of
pigment cull on tint ventral face. Thl
indicate that light ha an Important
inline two on tho color of animal, but
it evidently I not tho only Influence
to bo considered, Nines somo armnaii
who habitat ldark havo color.
jinn .1 mm iimr--- -'
rim riniU It W 'Hint rniiylil., dm
ItiMinlor ( htlmeil t int Vlelnry.
Ono morning tho wlfn of a rnlllt
dealer In Jlnrrlwin, N. J wa ittlti(f
tit tho window In thn rear of her hotmn
ho niiw a largo hawk woop down to
ward a hen that had led hnr brood of
chicken a hundred yard away from
tlm poultry ineliinuro, Niy tho New
York Hun. Tho hen had wn tlm ap
proach of the enemy, and, cackling'
loudly, ho called her chicken to.
gethnr, find valiantly Ntnndlng" over
them ho repelled tho flrnt nttack.
Tho riolo lio Jtiado brought a hltf
rootnr to her n.llanw, tmd ho, bio,
fiuMid tho hawk wlih (trmt clamor.
I5ut when thn florttn bird woopod
tigaln it wa tho vigilant hen that met
hi in. Tho rooNtor had prancort away
behind hnr,
'J hnn, however, n tho haflled hawk
tigaln retreated, ho rimluid forward
with thn light of bntlbi Jn hi eyn,
kti'tckod tho hen iivay from her chick
en, ruthloNNly trampled on tho brood
arid Nounded hi clarion nolo of trl-
timph and dnllaueo. ' Twicn moro tho
hawk renewed thonnNlaught, anueaen
tltiin tho hen rtrovo him off and thn
rooUir tihilmed tho victory and trod
down tho chicken, Wlion tho hawk
at Iat flew away with f mpty beak and
talon tho hen hod only two llttlo
lilrd Ui earn fur. Out of a family of
nlnn tho gallant roontnr had trnrnplnd
Noven to death,
WxnvliiK In AikIii( 4lrierr
In ar.eiefit (ireeco tho weaving not
enly of tlu finer kind of cloth, hut of
Milk wa largely in the hand of tlifl
Jw, Jtenjnmln of Tudela, wrttlufl
in 11 til, tell u t hut the city of Thnhe
contained about if, 000 Jnwlhh Irihabl
tont, Nome of whom wero "tho inot
eminent niariufiicluror of llk and
purple cloth In all (ireooo."
mo GranJ Island Independent says the Obltation Printed Alongside tlie Jes
uit's OatH Below, Is Used by tlie A, P, A. It Is Not Tou Can Dccldo
What Class Yon Wonld Rather Have Govern This Country.
I. . now in the nronnnoo of Al
mighty God, tho hlonod virgin Mary,
tho bloMod Mlolmel tho arohnngel, the
blflMfld St. John tho KnptlHt, the holy
apontloi bt. l'uter ana ttt. nun ana ino
taints and naorod hont of henvon. and
to vnn mv irhnNtlv futlier. I do doolare
from my hoart, without niontal ror-
vnllon that tho popo I (JnriHl'i vicar
perioral and I tho true and only hoad
nf thi unlvemal church throughout the
earth, and by virtue of tho keyi of bind
ing nnd looNlng given to nia noiinim
by Jein UhtlKt no nam powor to uo
noMA hflretloal kiniri. nrlnco. Ntato,
commonwealth, govrainorif, all be
ing illegal without hi uncrod confirma
tion, and they mnymifely bo dtttroyod.
J. 111)1 Vl(i f7f vr mhw v mj 'vmi
I will defend thl doctrine and hi hoi-
lnos' right and cimtomn ngalmtt all
UNiirpor of tho heretical or rroioxinni
authority, epochilly ngaliiit the now
tirittAndiid hiithorltv and church In
Kngland and all adherent, in regard
that tlioy bo uurped ami heretical, op-
t iolng tho laorud motlior church of
1 do renounce and dlnown any alleg
Junco an due to any heretical king,
prlnoe or state, named rrotentftnt, or
obedlance to eny of thoir inferior rnng
iMtratflu or ofllcern.
I do further declare the doctrine of
tho church of England, of the Calvan
lU, lluguonot and other Prototaiit,
tn lift itHrnnuhln. and thOMfl tO bo
damned who will notfnriiko tho amo,
I do further deolara that I will help,
alt and tdvle all or any of hi holl
rut' agont, In any place wherever I
hall ho and to do my titmoat to cxtir-
pate tho horetuml rroumtani nocirme,
and to dontroy all their pretended
ruiwur. recral or oilier wine, I do fur
ther promixe and deelaro, that notwlth-
atatidlng I am dli)onod with to &
mi mo any religion horothml for the pro
pagation of tho mother ohuroh'a Inter
eHttokuepmicrotand private all her
agent oounoi a they en.rut me,
and not to divulgo, dlrootly or Indirect
y, by word, writing or olrounnitanoe
whaUoever, but to execute all which
ahnll bo proponed, given In charge or
discovered unto mo, by you my ghotly
All which I, , do nwear by the
bloNNttd trinity, and bleod aacrarnent
which I am about to rneelvo, to per
form, on my part to keep Invloahlyi
and do call on all tho heavenly and
glorlou hot of heaven to wltne my
real Intention to keen my oath, In
testimony whereof, I take thl rnont
holf ami bloNNcd Naeraniont of the
euciiitrlt, and wltne tho tamo further
with my hand and aoal, la the face of
thl holy convent.
Now, what do you think of thntf I
that not a nice thing for an Arnerlcan(f)
citizen to wear around In thl oountryF
8wean to support the holy church (the
pope) without ft mental ronervetlon, no
difference In what country ho may bo,
Swear to help dolroy all horetlo (I'rot
etant) government. Swear thef. he
will not obey TrotoHtant oflloorn or
magistrate. Swoor that all govern
inonU are Illegal nnloM collrmod by
the church, Swear to aid In breaking
down Prototantlrn. Swear to bo
lolely and wholly a Il'manlho obed
ient mirvant, to willing tool of the man
In Rome,
, ;
Grand Ilnnd Indopondonti Thl
following i tho obligation taken by
poraon Joining the A. 1'. A. ai hIiowo
by the working book a explained by
cipher explanation of blank tpaooi
found In nab! booki
Deputy You will repeat after m
the following obligation, giving youi
name in full. (IVtion afHrmlng will
rale the right hand.)
I, , in tho preHoncn of Almlghtj
God, and tlioo wltnno, do aoletnnly
promiNO, dechiro and awoar, that I will
MUpport and defend tho conMtltutlon oi
tho United State, and the tate when
I renldei I will keep inviolate the no
crct of thl organlziinj I will obey
ltd cormtltutlon and law; I wlllune my
bent endeavor to promote civil and re
ligion liberty I will not knowingly
vote for, recommend for, nor appoint
nor alt In electing, or appointing I
Roman Oatholto nor any person sym
pathising with Roman Catholicism, tfl
any political position whatever, and In
all my public and political action will
bo governed by the principles of this
order) I will oppose all attempts to u
the public, fuml for any sectarian pur
pone whatever and will ever malntalo
the great principle of one general un
sectarian free school organization; 1
will never reveal any of the signs,
grins, word, password or other mys
teries of thl order, or the names ol
any of Its members, or It numorloal
strength, to the uninitiated; 1 will hold
those principles above my party affilia
tion; I will always give a brother ol
this order preference in all matters of
business and also in tny act of eleotlvi
franchise, all thing being equal. 1
wlii make prompt report to the chief
recording secretary of every initiation
made by me. 1 will advocate the prin
ciples of thl order, I will use my bel
endeavors to initiate all true men, and
in this way help spread the order; all
this 1 voluntarily promise, declare and
swear (or afllrm) without hesitation oi
mental reservation, or any self evasion
of mind In me, whatever, so help ml
God." (Recently incorporated a thl
American League,)"
How many of you who have takea
the A. P. A. obligation would reoognlxi
the above a that used by tin orderf
What outsider, after reading the Jesu
it's oath in the preceding column, be
lieves oven that obligation wrong? Is
It not tho height of impudenco for ras
cals, for traitors, to try to cell a hall
In tho American movement? Thai
oath shows what the Jesultj are hen
for, It shows they wear the II very of
heaven to serve the devil In. Whllo
they fwn npon short-sighted Protes
tant they have their minions working
to destroy the government which furn
ished them A haven when driven from
nearly every nation upon the earth,
For our part we would not hesitate to
choose between the two oaths. W
are purely and simply an American,
who believes It the duty of every man
who comes to live In this country and
swears allegiance to the United States,
to so swear allegiance as not to bavt
a mental reservation in favor of the
pope. We believe In the above obliga
tion, and care little who knows It