THE AMERICAN TSHE AMERICAN. Telephone 1271, tntmH at iIm Offmlm PoMolfiin Cw.DtuI 0M1CK 1215 W M'i'HKKT, And 10 S. H 8lr't UpMsir, HUHMCHlITiON, 12.00 PF,H YKAIl. ' "AMKHWA FOrt AMKIUOANB" W Hold all IWin American Who Swnur Al lfjiiifir l ih Unitd'i tf Without I Mental Hnwivntioii In rvor ol tha Popo, MW7f B TAN I) 8. A WKKKLY PUMMCATION. tOAAr1 O, THOMPSON, tditor. OMAHA, TllUKMDAY, AUU. , 1891 Tun mistake must not bo made that thin warfare I being made ftnInHt particular Catholic. It, I against tlio ehiinJi a n political organization. Artm you have rend thl paper give It to friend, It the lfiitrwt spread, Tub Patriotic Hon of America of Doston have nominated Uoutouanl Oovernor JMIIo for governor and Hon, Arthur W, Tuft for lioutonaut-gov ernor, It i staled Hint A, I", Plllsbnry wa favorably mentioned in connection with the attorney-generalship, but flint only two nomination were tnado, We should think the taxpayer remember tli action of (lid last Jegilatur and th present governor in giving to a Jtoman lntltullon aevernl thousand dollar of their money, If they do we expect to be Mbld to notify our render of the aucoe of tho campaign that tb have waged. In Doston then) U a much need of cleaning tfie augene table a there I In (Mm (if), Tn at wa a very pertinent question asked by the Manchester Time and copied Into tho Delfaat Weekly New, a to "what would the United Ktnte think If F,ngnnd allowed a standing rru to bo kept tor the purpose of in radiog her territory should any certain tto robefl?" TliW inquiry was made after the report wa f tItrHIiJ nil owr tli worbl tlmt ih IrUh C'jUioIIo Military Union bal bflltl an annual en (mmjiMunt ri Hlulm MhikI, and that th obJ(;t of thfl union wai tha llbora lb of Ir;lnI, 'Hid jrtblnt of thi U.iiid HImU'H ahoubl ia a proclama tion, If within th aop of bU author ity, llbnli the rlh C'alholifl Mfll tary Union anl xlmilir onbir, Utn!r th law of tb UnHuiI ritato no man wb' prof( to b a cltlon of th naino ;tn f nng In war with a nation at p!a! with thlx oountry- Tiikkk wan a bill InlroiJucn'l In th Illinois u;natt which prvl'Id for tha awoarinjj In of tha Oblea'i JIilirnlan Ilillrtd atnto troopn, I, N, 0, Tha :onfitntfon of tha JIibrnln provM that ho I't rnon xhall bom a mbir of tbnt ordnr utthn b la A Itoman (Jatholle, Who tvff harl of an Atnr Umn that waa a mmbr of tha Hiborn- Ian H1t Hi wry nama U forwljn What Atm tha atala of Illinois nmnn by arranging; to aupport IhU f'rlfn, ao tarln aocrttt tficlvtyf Jnlpndnt Uiy Amwncan, RQMR VLAW BTATKMKNTH. 'I'Ihtii linvn apmiig up nil over UiU linlloM, wllhlit llio Inwl few ytiiirn, llimia nnU of Mticrnt aooliillim whloh linvo fur their olijiict thti pifrpiituntlon of Ilia fnui limtltiitloim of thU (Hiuntry, thtit aru now lining, or that nuiy lmrimfUtr bn, iiMiillml by tlio Miilijititta of tho popo. I'robnbly tho otto which lift cuuaiMl tho gruittimt (INliirlmnco In tlio miika of tho faithful In thla atato U that known ih tho A. 1'. A. From tho atari It him tnkdti tli f m city, Mouth OiiihIiii, (ii'iiml InIhikI and a nuiubor of tlio olhor louillng cltioa of tho Ntitto by atonn, Ilunilnxlti of loyal, (ioibfoarlng nuui hiivo boon Initiated onch wook, mid tho naaoolatlona aro now ao Mtrong that many of tho buHfnoMa mon who uro nioinbora any, u nhohltntlnly, thoy bo- long. In thfa olty tho Kornun boycott will havo no tenor fur biiHlnoaa inon who hid on tho oulaldo, by (ho tiiuo auollior mouth him boon uddod to tho piiMt. My that timo niorchnnta will uinlnr- mtnud that thoro uro na many 1'ro'toa taula who Imvo a dollar to apoud n thoro uro Houiana, and that thoy will bo take ii euro of If thoy tuko a aland for tholr country, and not knucklo to tho Itomnn maohluo. 'J'hoy will bo glvon good and nufllcloiit roaHoun iim to why thoy ahould Idoutlfy thnuiMolvo with tho Amorlcan niovomont, and why thoy ahould cut looao from tho Homan political machl no, Thoy will have it domoiMtralod to thorn that the affair of till olty, of thU county, are aafor In tho bund of a I'rot'iNtaut than thoy are In tho hand of tho avorngo Homan. TImy will bo convinced that tho ox- poimo of conducting tlioao govornmont can and will bo materially loNxonod when tho gang that ha for year mil nfpulatod caucu and convention, and held alt the ofllcoi, I relegated to tho roar, Thoy will bo Informed of tho action of thoao Homan county ofllclal who contributed to a fund to get an at- torniiy to withdraw from a caaoan injunction Agamat another ofllclal In hi official capacity, They will know there I more truth than fiction in tho charge that boodlo ha cut a promi nent figure In the act of aomo city of ficial, They will bo ahown a atato of affair that will convince them that tho Itoman are In Jt for tho money there 1 In it, and that the A. V. A, I organ ized to bring aMwt, if poMlblo, needed reform. While the work of the aaaoclatlon In thl city I bflng done (jointly it 1 being done none the lo effectually, And, while the work at Orand Inland linn been done under tho fire of the inont Ignorant (historically) zealot, It will bo tho more enduring. We will juolo from A letter from a friend in that city to nbow how aecret they worki "We want you to aend u 100 copied of Thk Amkukiaw each week, Thing are go ing along amoothly hern, and we are pronperou. We hung out a atreet lamp last Tueday evening o tho world could aee whero wo rooat," A It a been in (Jrand Inland o It ha been In South Omaha. The boy began without any founding of trumpet and worked hard to build up the order, A nondescript sheet aw A chance to make if nothing more lUelf tho mouth piece of an aaUtant-vlcur of Cbr!i, by vlllifying the American a- nocliitloii. Hlnco tlin war began the memliemlnp linn tiinlily Increased. I'hn nnHUtfliil-vbnir ha concluded Hint it I tlnm to tntrodunu llio ltiiiiUltlon, no ho goe to n gang working In n cer tain brick yni'd and Instruct them to got the aecrelu of the "white oapn" by fair menim If poMilde, by foul menu If noecmmiry. What kind of religion U thl that advice men to becomo crliti I n nl n Unit the curioHlty of n prlent tuny bo grntliludP TIiono aro plain aliitemeiit iim to wliril Iiiih been dona and what will bo dona before tho next elocllon. If you don't want to get wet como In out of tho atorni. 1 Its Aims And Object, Probably nothing la moro nilaumlor atootl limn tho purponeM, objuota, and aim of tho A. P. A, To begin will), It I a pntilotlo orgrinlfilloii and Hockn to defeat tlio political monmiro and achoinea na advanced mid advocated by Homo to control our government and liHliliitlonH. No light I waged ngiiliiNt Individual Catholic; nor I the right of Cnlhollo wot'Nhlp quoMllouod. There oxIhIm a wide dlHereuco between Homanbou and CathollclKiii. Homan bun I political to tho cxcIiihIoii of ro llgioti idea, mid being directly an tug onlNtlo to our law and government, make It an ImpoHNlbllity for Catholic to obey her oanimand and teaching and keep Inviolate their oath of alleg iance to government. Now the Ignorant and Illiterate maH0 which form tho body of tho Homan Oathollo church think, and, In fact, believe thl I all right, but tho intelligent and thoughtful Cathollo know It to bo wrong, and Juxt no long a Catholic aro forbidden the right to rimaon and lubiult to being led and impound on by Homo, harder and fiercer will tho battle be waged again! thl barrier erected between roiornn and blind obed ience. JuNt ho long a Homo denle the right of the liberty of the pre, of coiiHcience, of apeech, and denle the freo exerelno of oilier religion, and proclaim the damnation of thomi who dlaobey her, Jut o long will there bo call for aoclotio to alt down on audi preemption, and audi ocletle are a blowing to ProtoNtanl and (Jnlhollc alike, That any foreign potentate Mhould dictate to the people of thl country I an Inmilt and again! all republican Idea and reaon. (inind Inland I well repfimented with good Cathollo clllou, and aomo of them have admitted tho right of oxUteneo of the A. P. A, and Nlmllar organization In Ornnd Iland and cluowhore, A few Ignorant Catholic, fanatical almot' to a point of Inaanlty, have loudly and foollhly curcd the A, P, A, on tho NtreeU and eUewhere. Much poolo hurl tho church and aid the A, P, A. They know absolutely nothing about the order and In their ,eal to injure it, make the mot absurd atnteuiont, thereby calling down ridicule upon their dofermolc head, Progre 1 the headlight of the A, P. A, and noth ing can atop progress, It being a law of nature, First The A. P, A, advocate and demand free apoeeh and free pros. Hoeond-Tbe aeperatlon of church and slate, Third The unhampered maintain a noo of our publlo chool ylem, Fourth Hi'sli'li'led emigration. Tho A. P. A., properly apeaklng, I nlmply a patriot In Institution. One ling, ono government and no Interfer ence, i what It light for. It oppose Humanism In America, knowing It to bo pernicious and dangerous. Cath olic who bellevo that Homo should bo tho first consideration and our republic tho second, are not good cltlens And should move to Homo. A the A. P. A. become belter understood nil citi.on, regardless of creed, 111 liavo a still kindlier feeling toward It. It work for tho best interest of tho country wo llvo In. Wo bellevo that Homan Cath olicism Is a delusion and a snaro, and our turn Is to oonvlnoo all, both Cath olic and Protestants, that It I such, and whatever may bo Haul I said with kind Intent, although to tho deluded Cath olic believer the truth may Hotnetlino appear unpleasant. Wo bellevo that If tho pillar of Homan Catholicism bo torn away tho structure will fall, and the main pillar are Ignorance, Idola try, fanaticism, Intolerance, bigotry, darkness, r-ealotry, blind tradition, nar row thought, blind obedience. May (lod give u the strength of Samson that we may pull down these pillar which support and uphold the tcinplo of Hatan. (Irand Island Times. Tho editor of tho Hadlcal of James- vlllo, Wis., ayHi The Wisconsin login lattiro ha finished Its work. The house ha passed !I!)H and killed 470 mens urc, while the annate passed 1AI and killed 207. Among tho bill passed I ono for the repeal of tho Dennett law and ono providing for tho printing of the proceeding of tho Milwaukeo city council in the Polish language. FORMYOUrf OWN OPINION, Constitution guard the right of per sonal security, personal liberty, private properly and of religion profession and worship," Kent' Commentaries, Vol. 1, Pago 407. I do further de clare the doctrine of the church of Kng land, of the Calvan Ist. Ilutruenot and other Protestants, to be damnable, I will help, assist and advise all or any of hi holiness' agents, In any place where over I shall be mid to do my utmost to extirpate the hereti cal Protestant doc trlno,Mostro,y their power.regal or oth erwise. Jesuit oat h, I will use my best endeavor to promote civil and religion liberty H'ont tho Oath Furnished Ameri can aoclelie bjr Itoman Byinpa thliier. mo toil AMERICAN FEED STORE, 2013 OUMINQ QT.. FEED Of All Kind, With EXPRESS OONNEOTION, ORDER YOUR JOB WORK of Tub, Wa aro prepared to do It right, quick, ana neat. AOilros THE AMERICAN, OMAHA, NF,U.