The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, August 06, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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Mis llalleMl inador of llio Col.
erldgo bras bund.
Timelier of Unn county have cf
iprum nn organization.
The (tllliiiict) in lilxott county will
pui a mil ticket in ilia floia.
Instrument have been ordered for
ft how cornet bund lit Hooper.
-iiio Harvest in jiunuy county li
coming up f,o nil expectations,
Hasting talking of ft bnso bull
iniiKiy county this year expect to
iiiuq tno nest inirevcr held there,
Went l'olnt tins been floodnd by
heavy rain throe time thin aummer.
A largo num bur of Omaha people
win intend thoJ,ong I'lne Chautaumia,
- A great deal of bulldimr I trolna
on In the country surround Inir Hub-
Hcnklmnan In determined to have
a system of water work at an carl
A large camp of the Hon of Vet
eran ha boon mustorod In at Hoca
-The Franklin county teachers' Jn
atltuto opened with un Attendance ol
-The cimopio factory at Inavali
turn out a dally avoruiro of AOU
Tbo board of ofiuallzatlon
wai In icxhIoii Inni weok adiuntln th
tax Jvy.
-'J'bfl Houth OmatiA yard' capacity
I now 10,000 cattlo, V6.000 hou and
0,000 Klicfip.
'J'h force at the JiurJIriKton and
MiMourl nboii In rlalUrnouth ban
tnon liicrcanfld.
"-The riiMib)lcan of Won counfy
will bold timlr convention at Ifacru
ion Hdptombcr
J he herd of eltfhty.flve wild buf.
falo now at M(!ook will bo exhibited
at the world' fair.
--Ulackleff ban aripniirnd amonir the
cattle on Hnako cwsk, Cheyenne coun
ty, with fatal nmulu.
J he 'j'hiiyer county teacher' In
film to will convene Autfut 10 and
continue three wmk.
T.yman ll Tower, of Omaha, fell
dead from heart dlna at Chattanoo.
gn, 'J'enn,, lan( week.
Jim recent ball utorm flentroyed
nnipe w me amount or i.uw lor Mr,
JIahn of Adam county,
The Hurt county Hundny chool
association will bold H annuiil meet
icif at Craig August, 1 if and 'A.
J,lit week $ I A, 000 worth of Jieat-
rice school bond were presented to
Auditor Jmnton for reglstrallon,
Joe Iludrrea, of Colfax county,
nn just commenced a two year term
In the penitentiary for burglary.
-Torn Henderson, arrested In J'intts
uth for stealing meat, said be did it
pep bl family from starvation,
, ah u, I1., uoxer, a highly
denied resident of Itcatrlce, died last
week at a sanitarium near (,'hlcngo,
- f.and In i'urna and Ilitrlan coun
tic I ld to have advanced an aver
age of (A per acre within the Inst six
The Independent of the Twelfth
Judicial dltrict will bold their nom.
inating convention at Valentine Hep
tern her 17.
Work I progressing on a new
elevator at McCook to take the fdnc
pi the one Destroyed by an Incendiary
fire last spring,
At the Inst session of the county
lupervisor, claim gainst Dixon coun
ty for wolf sculp were filed lo tin
amount of MJ,
The two-yeur-old child of Wrn,
Bmlth, Jllue Jflll, who fell inU a well,
going down about fifty feet, trange
to ay, wa not hurt,
Hrotber Maon of L. 0, Btock.
of Cmicva, iM'fKtttilfd hi m with nn !
flint gold bunded cmie previous to lilt
departure for l',urope,
A couple of Hcoll'e I'.lufT county
boy paid l mid cost each for tint
privilege of Assaulting several ladle
with decayed hen' fruit.
Tim Ojimui City company of Nor
folk offer to deed fifty acre lo the
city free of ('out If the city will Improve
it ml maintain it n A pink.
A, VV, Miarp ha boon appointed
j I ...... m..w, "l-l"'
county clock of H tun ion county, He
wo deputy tinder VV. T, hharp who
wit drowned uniiio lime ago.
An Omaha flve-ycnro!d boy fell
from 11 hammock tin other day air
struck on hi bead In such manner as
to hlto o!f pn t of bin tongue.
While trying to do a clreu act on
the trapeze the elght-jear.old mm of
' '- moveo 01 riainview anghtca oil
Mt ftr'"' "klng both bone,
The trump who burglarized 1'ar
klnson' hardware store it Madison ha
""" C'f'turcd and part 0 the stolen
v wt"' """" (
-Application hfi been made In the
dlntrlct court for the appointment of
It. I'. Kolm a ridiiver for theNnbra
kaC'ity wflU-rand light company,
Charle Keye, a laborlnif. man
and atrariynf, wa run over iy a" li, A
M, w!teb fliijfine at Omfihit the other
dny, receiving Injurle that reunited In
hi death.
The J lent National bank of Mton-
ton ha been nued ( Mr, Annie Af,
Kberllno for !,m,l, which m al
leged U the amount of morion inter
t he ha pid the lintltution,
Hherlff Milllknn of Iodae countv
I havlna' the scaffold on which Mp
herd and f- tiret were handed removed
from the Jail, Jle need more room,
a he hn nine Inmate at present.
-Vv, It, William, a prominent
farmer llviuti near iorcheter, died
Inst week, lie wa burled under the
auplce of the Ancient f ree and Ae
rep ted Mion, of which be wa A
prominent member,
The farmer' Alliance Operative
compnny of Kutl filed article of In.
corporntlon with the secretary of tat,
The object of the company I Hi ship i
and sell farm products, and buy and
acll farm machinery.
Jim Mcllevlttof CoJedge killed A
rattlesnake between hi pitoe and Wau
that measured five feet and nine
Inches In brnvth and bad twenty-one
PAtlle und a loltm- The rattle-i.uva
iv,n km, for exhibition,
-Mrs. ,Mry l,ucke, of Omnlia.with
a babe clasped to her breast, attempted
to Jump itiUi the Missouri river, but
was prevented by ftd officer who hap
pened to be In the vicinity. The wo
man Is thought to be demented,
-Frank Ciishing, who recently re
moved from Arapahoe Ut the stale of
Washington, has been entmed to
four year In the penitentiary for dis
posing of stolen goods. He hs4 at
ways borne an upright reputation.
Coal prospecting stJii continue at
llulhell end Indication are so favora
ble that they are preparing to go over
the 700 feet, which depth ha nearly
been reached, Kome i2(40O dollars
ha been expended In coal searching,
At the school m- eilng at Ames on
the 20th for the purpose of de term in
Ing whether or not it was desirable lo
change the site for the school and build i
a new house, it was decided to repair
the old house and mase it do for en
other year,
Hum Com, a gardener living near
Omaha, on bl way lo the city with A
limn of vegetable, iinloaJed half of
them In the middle of the road, say
Ing, "These are for the l.rd." Then
be resumed hi seat and drove on at a
rapid pace,
A sons of veteran and A daugh
ter of veteran camps were organld
at Central City.
Vlrlns and Isln" iesv five tow! her, t,ui
tbey sir net usiisll mi ft, Mtt imam,
I. ''lie !Ohlliutloh of prince are
not miperlor, but subordinate to KccIm-
Mien! fiotistllutloii.
H. The In w of the emperor cn not
dissolve the ncclesmsthml or canon law,
9. It I not lawful lr an emperor
lo cet anything opposed to the po-
i. It I not lawful for king to
osurn the thing that belong to priest,
0, Ho custom of any one enn
thwart the statute of the pope.
0. 1M no re.lsl.nnce be offered to
the postolli (canon) precept, but let
them be ttlul!ferouly fuliiUcd,
7. The yoke lmpoel by tha holy
l U to he borne, though It appear In
tolerable and Insupportable,
1, The Tontl'T can neither he loosed
lor Imnml by the secular power,
9. That the I'ontlT wa called Ood
bj the plow IVInce Contantlne, and
thut a god he eannot he Judged by
10. That a god he I far above the
reach of all human law and judgement,
It, That all Jaw contrary Ui the
canon and decree of the Woman pre-
late are of no force,
12. That all of the ordinance of
the pope are unhesitatingly to be
18, We ought not ven to eak fo
ene whom the pope ha hmwmhhmU
14, fYIf are father and nmU,r,
ven of prince,
U. The civil law I derived from
ron, but the ecclesiastic!, or canon
law I derived directly from Ood, bf
which the pontiff can, in connection
with hi preUie, make constitution
for the whole christian world, In tnnu
tm Mtod concernng the salvation
t Mult, and the right government of
thehurch and If necessary Judge and
dispone of ail the temporal good of all
II, A heretle, holding or teaching
false doctrine concerning the ac,ra
menu, I eiom;nunlcated and de
graded, and handed over fo the eular
t!0,''U ,
17, HmuUr prince unwilling to
wear to defend the church against
heretic are ecmmunfcate i, and they
ire lain under an interdict,
, The good of heretic are Ui he
confiscated, and applied to the church,
19, Advocate or noturle, favor
Ing heretic, or their defender, or
pleading for them in Jaw suit, or writ-
Ing document for them, are infamou,
and suspended from office,
20, The secular power, whether
permanent or temporary, are hound to
iwer that they will exterminate, ao
MrMng to their power, all heretic
eorndemned h the churchj And A tern
poral lord not purging hi land of here
tic, 1 exeommunlcaUsd,
81, Those signed with the cros tut
the Mtrm!nt,Jon of heretic, rejoice
in the privilege granted to the crosa.
de for the help of the Ifoly J,nd,
22, The are absolved from all obli
gation who are in anywise bound to
Whoever die In battle against
the unbelieving, merit the kingdom of
24, W do not esteem those homl
aldea, U whom it have happened
lit tlmlr Kml for their Mother Church
against the excommunicated, to till
tome of them,
2fl. Tlm( ( atlmllft pi lnc lire bound,
both by dvll mid canon lw, not to re
celve or tolerate heretic, ami much
more are not to permit their f lie, or
other eierclsn of their religion, or
rather, their false sect, but are most
olemnly bound everywlmie, to repel
and expel them,
2fl, The following temporal punish
menu are to be enforced on heretic!
1st, Infamy, and the iionsetient dl.
quaJlfb-Ntion or nil elvll a;U, 2d,
Intestnbllity, a well active and passive
(that l, they can neither !ka will,
nor Inherit what 1 left Ui them ty
other), hi Los of pulernal power
over children, 4lh lw of dowry,
and other privilege granted to women,
lh, Confiscation of all good, fJtli,
That r assul and slave and other are
et Urn Itum all, even sworn ohllga
lion due to their lord or another, 7th,
Cp!Ul corporal piinlshmenf, especial
1 death, and perpeloal ImprlsvnmenC
HI. The canon law orMd ail tofer
M. That Metropolitan nd Clsbop
are td excommnnfeate him who granli
liberty of conscience.
23, No oath I to be ienl toward
heretla prince, lord or other,
M Ifereilc are to be deprived of
'I t'Mi d pafrnal right,
tl. The Tone ftan abdve from all
t, fmt1 j Mim tlfan
In a cause of heresy. The reason 1
because the bishop can ex-officfo, and
ought to exflrpafe bereflc, and Inflict
upon them the due pnlhmenUf and
to thhf ere bound on pain of deposl
lion. IJeslde, are the Molsltor ea
pecfafjy deputed by the AposfoJI rlee,
Kvcry Mshop fn hi diocese I thought
to be, and In reality , a natwral In
jisltr, (literally born wuUWif), m
a lo have the same power with those
already Mentioned in A cause of here,
, u mf wmmf r,afh al
tJ)((Jgh ablufely taken, there are
Mrtflin edition faulty mfatnWd,
amongst which are! First, If I can',
Hcj,r,4, To ve the right and authority
0fAuperlorf Third, When the oat'r,
ntlflfmfit ihil homf of the Apollii9 Htm
, jjjftjt,"
$4. That the Council of Trent, (I he
lt and great tuihwlty of liome), de-
eree and cmmand that the ea;rd
canon and all general council, also
(he other Apo'oil en;tmenU Issued
In favor of ecclesiastic! person of
fcceleslasilcal liberty, and glnt ft
violator, all of which by thf present
decree it renew, and fft he v;fiy
observed hy ail,
;. ' '
Loyal Men
and all
Can (U t All Kind o