The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, August 06, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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Givm to th World by Uo XIII In 1H'J4, Which
W Diridod Mainly AgninM rms
Thu tho pnpo pronounce, by hi
prerogative of 111(111111)11111, ami n vice
gerent of Cod, whom It I ft unlawful
to refuse to obey ft ll I to refuse "to
obey the power of Cod who rule all
Hung," Hint the dethronement of
Junto ., Catholic king of F.ugland,
wn mi not of disobedience of tlin
jiower of Cod,
"On tlio contempt for the authority
of princes, on the allowing mid up
proving of lust for sedition, on tlin
granting of full license to tho passion
of the people, bridled only by tho fear
of punishment, there must of necessity
nrlsn i chnngo and overthrow of nil
'Tint Free Masons," ho passionately
eric, "have begun to hnvo grunt
weight in ruling state, but they nre
ready to shako tlio foil mlittlona of em
pire nnd in censure, license itnd drive
out tlio chief H!II of ri state wllOII(IV(!r
it administration hooiiis different from
lliolr wishes. J nut so have tlmy de
luded th people by tlmlr flattery. Hy
willing In Hounding twin for liberty
And public prosperity, find srtylng tliiti
It m whiff to tho churob and
; .w-..M-t tlifl poopU ere A HnuUA from bples M wu hnvo thus shown, by
whence tlmy rashly expected prosperity
nud success."
Tim HiiiiiImi colonic In tlin now
world throw ell' by rovolt llm Intoler
able yoko of oppression of tlm Spanish
crown iind made themselves free re
public. 'I'li"y wore not anii tout with
"mu,ltor arranged noonrding to Christ
Inn ordinances" by tho Catholic church,
for tlm boimlll of n rnpaelou nnd cruel
government, with those "ordinances"
administered by Inquisitor. Am tlm
people of Mexico loser thereby? Are
IhiiHii of Chile or Vonc.uoln? Tho
Netherlands, bind imitrly unto death,
at last, by heroic onduriwimi nnd match'
Ins courage, rid tholr country of tlm
(1 mvUIhIi ruin of Alvn. Franco put , an
ond to ninth HaliiriialU of hoU thorn. K.
Hint of tlm eve of HI. HttTthojomew,
nnd In currying away th'f)om to
Avignon paid Homo In full for tlm
blood with which tlm grey Imlrn of old
(!ollgnl dabVlod tlm Hlotiim of I'nrln,
(lod, by Urn liiHtruini'tiliillly of liiillmr,
nvofigid tlm iniirdorod Alblgoimnn nud
Lolhirdu, IIiimn nnd VVIo.llf, doronm of
rrngtm nnd Havoiuiroln; Noi'loimly dU
itrrnngod "inultorn nrrnngnd nnnordliig
to C'lirlHtlnn ordltmnoon," Jinn nil IhU
boon to tlm mnnlfoHt dlmidvuntiigu of
tho pitoplo of tho llborntiid flouulrlim of
tlm world? llnvo tlm Nollmi'liindr,
llolglum, Ilungnry, (Iromio I'wt by It?
Ik Frnrmii inlnornblo nnd Hiill'nrlngP In
(loi'inimy wrotolmd? Don (Jront
Hrllnlri lungiiUh for wnnt of tlm tondor
incrolon of tho pnpnoyP
Tlmt gront Htntoinniin, Hdnuuid
JJurke, nld Hint lio did not know how
to draw an Indiotnmnt (:n!tit a wholo
imjtmt ilvrr nod wnnt th3 basil f -
jiod upon tb jopuIii(j nnd hnvo u-
(ttlgiiii-d it by ft thimt for rovolullon to
Httnnk tho power of both." i
Wlmre? OurlbnhfWy Jtnly, wn n
tiro pci liMpH n
Id Iodgo In
i poimofully
iMnxonii, In
Mhhou of
I thoro linvo
though tlm
Homo two
Fr Mnnon, nnJ
bii nd rd nnd fifty
Jtnly: nnd yot ft klrif
thoro, uphold by th
Iirn,11 tho omporor
tho thirty-third dog
boon no Inwirrootlo I
of tlm putllo portoi l l
fiundrod lodg ft7 Jt bodio. In
J'oitugnl thoro nrtnu Orlont nnd
Hupronm pounoll nnifVuty or xovonly
lodgon, nnd tlm Mnrhnl Duko Knl
dnnhft, who by ponoifu! rovolullon
grivo thnt kingdom ft notintltutlorinl
gnvfirntiiont, wru ciC'grrid nmxlor of
iiifwrni and yot ft king rolgnu jrorioo
fully In J'ortug'tl. In Hjmln thoro nni
U00 lodgon, ftnd OttKtolfir nnd HngiotM
nro rm Mnnon, nnd Alformo rolgn
(loouro, hl throno uphold by I'roo
Attnokd upon tho obm-oh and prlnoon,
tlm popo tolnlm, limllgntod by Froo
Miion, hnvfi glvon tho poopli grontor
pttotitlon than rnllf.y of ndrnntftgo.
,Vy, rnthor, tho common pooplo, nui
forlng woro opprohn, nro for tho
inont prt f'irood U) bo without thono
yory nllovlutlon of tholr fnUorlon,
which thoy would find with mn nnd
jund'?? If rimitor worn urrringod
nooordlnft to ChrlMlnn ordlnnncoii,
I$ut mnny ntrlvo ngnlnt tlm
ordor nrrnngod by dlvlno J'rovldonco
unnally pny thl ponnlty for tholr prldo,
tlmt thoy moot with n wrotchorl nnd
HilnorftMo fortu'io In tho rpjnrtor
the very word, fnUhfullf trnIfttod,
of tho Honinrj pontltf hlmnolf, thftt IhU
encycllonl lot tor, which purport to bo
only nn nrrnlgniiioiit nud oondoiunn
Hon of Kroo Mnonry, U In Itr? principal
intont nnd doopoNt Hlgnlllonnso nn In
dlotuiont, not only of tlm pooplo of
ov( ry ropubllo nud conlittitlotinl nuiii
nrchy In tho world, but of ovory 1'ro
toMtnut country In tho world; nnd not
only of tlm pooplo of ovory I'rotimUnt
country In tlm world, but of nil Hint
portion of tlm pooplo of ovory (Jut hollo
country who hnvo In t.hoo Inter con
turlo nortod tho right of Hm pooplo
to hnvo n volco In tlm nlfnlr of govorii'
moot nnd to bo oiuiro In thoir poron
nd live ftgnitiNt tho Infornnl iiioIIkmI
of procedure, tho crontlori of Imngin
nry crime nnd tho cruol torturing,
upon moro upleion, of mieli tnbunnl
n tho InipimlUon, It I ft ontonco
purporting to bo uttered by tlm voico
of (Jod, outlrtwlfig nnd excluding from
Imnvcri nil Hm patriot nnd lover of
liberty nnd liberntor of tho people, nil
the, nrrny of innrtyr who hnvo died In
endenvorlng to vlfidlento tho right of
Immunity to frcedont of thought And
It donouncon n wi!ked nnd crlmlnrtl
nnd contrary to tho ordlnnnee of tlm
eiirlHllim religion not only tho 1iw
which pormltlim oleiunl,rttlon of mnr
rlngo by Hm civil mngixtrnto, nud
thoo which (ucludo Nectarlnn religion
tortchlug from Mohoo! nnd ro'inlriurlit
jrinlntnlned by publlo tiuntlon; not
only tlm contltution;il provllon
which In nil Hm ntnte of the Inltod
Ktftte docroo Hm depuration of church
nnd utalo, nnd refuno to tho diiir!h nny
part In tho civil government of tho
ooiintryi not only thnun 1 Vhleh Ih
iirotoBnlon of tlm churfluM sud tlmlr
drill In liiKluln ni.iniiiti mi, i-n freolv
dlsmoot,ty tlm pobllq pr but nlo
llmigrimt principle "ofu wMdi tho
triiverniniiiit of nil rn.iiUMi nro
fouudml, of the noverolgtJj f tlm peo
ple, tlm only legltlinntu w-ure" hud nu
tlmr of civil power ntiA giornniont.
It nert tlm dlvlno right of i inco, If
hold by tho cOiurch of Itotni. to have
lawful niilhorlly, to govisfn men ngamnt
tholr will: that they rr th mlnUlor
of (It, 1; nnd that tho people liavbiio
pijwor to free tlumiitolvo from tho
tyranny mid IpuroMlon' of tlme dl
vlimly ((MiiiiiUlonod Hcoiirgo nud iu
imitlri of Ii.iiiiaull y.
Jj, I nn Indictment of Immunity for
II inillnctlvo truggle to lift Iwelf
nbovo tho inUorloN nnd Imllgultle of
bodily nud Intellectual bondage to
iniimt nnd potentate: for the Involun
tary nud lrroprfilblo nnplrntlon of It
Hon 1 toward light nud kuowleilgo nnd
tlm free ntmonplmro of Intellectual ox-
pnnloiii and for tlm not more Involun
tary quivering of It tortured, racked,
wrenched and mutilated muelo nnd
nerve. Jt I nn Indictment of civiliza
tion, of progroM, of tho Hplrlt of man
hood, of tho xolf-roHpoot of tlm poo-
pie, of tlm proimw onward nml up
ward of Immunity, of tlm xplrlt of tlm
nge, which I tlm very luHplrallon of
(lod, nod of Ood Illmnolf ituo tho bono-
II on nt rrovidenco of (Jod, Who love
tho people in rag, hungry nnd hope
Ie, better than Ho love tho priest in
sonrlet nnd tho tyrant In purple,
In renewing and by hi apostolic au
thority conforming" fiverythlng decreed
by former" pope ngafrit rroo Mit-
onry, ratifying tholr bull m well In
general a In particular, m XIII,
leave to hi faithful mibloot no dl-
cretionary power to regard nny por
tion of thoo niiathonia n otiolote,
or to liny ronpect nnd obedlenco to
tho law, bill of right or contltii-
Hon of tho couulrlo In which thoy
live, which may forbid tho enforcement
of the command of the church con
tained in theo bull.
J''or ho Immediately ndd: "Having
entire confidence, In thl respect, In
good vf It of those who nro Christian,
we beseech them, In tho name of their
eternal salvation, nud wo demand of
them to make It for theinselvo n
iacrcd obligation of conscience, never
to depart, even by ono single line,
from tho mandate promulgated on
thl ubjnet by the nposlollo see,"
Ilo then proceed to direct by what
monsure nnd device Hm ' clergy lire
"to cause to disappear the Impure con
tftglou of Urn poison which circulate
In tho vein of society and Infect it
J'lrt-Hy tearing off Hm mask of
Free Masonry nnd showing It it It U.
Heeond Hy upoelal dUooiiro nnd
pastoral letter to Instruct tho people,
'Jtenilnd Hm people," ho ;ty, "Unit
by virtue of the decree often Usued by
our predecessor, no Catholic, If ho de
sire to continue worthy of the nanm
and to have for hi salvation tlm con
cern which it deserves, can, under nny
pri.texl, ntlillnlo with tho ect of I reo
Then, by froouout Instruction nnd
exhortation to help tho masse to no-
rpilro ft knowledge of religion, ex
pounding, In writing nud orally, the
ehmiont of the sacred principle which
coiisiltutfl tho Christian phllosophyi
and to to lncreue the devotion of
dtogy nnd laity to the Catholic church,
the result wlmronf will be Increased
disgust for secret societies niul grontor
cure to avoid thorn, To whloll tut thod
of Inculcating what U believed by Ilia
church Ui bo truth nnd opposing the
progress of what it believe to be error,
ft Free Mason will be the last ninii In
tlm world to 'jbjoel, If It I not to be
supplemented by other too welt known
And to engage with great ?,onl In In
creasing and strengthening tlm third
order of Nt, Francis, In the dUolpilun
whereof tlm pope claim to hnvo made
wise modifications; so that "it may he
able to render great service In helping
to overcome the contagion of these de
testable sect." '
Third To ro-oriitngo t establishing
corporation of working men, to pro
tect, under tlm tutorship of religion,
tlio Interest of labor nnd the moral of
worker; with societies of patron to
assist nnd Instruct tlm proletalre, such
as I tho society of Ht. Vincent do
Fourth Vigilantly to watch with
pastoral solicitude over the young,
drawing them nwav, by renewed ef
forts, from the Nchooi nnd teacher
where they would bo exposed to
hi'eatlm the poisoned breath of the
sect; parent, teacher nnd curates,
urged by the bishops, guarding their
children nnd pupil against "these
criminal societies," which nro ever en
deavoring to ensnare them; Hioo who
have t In charge to prepare young
person to receive the sacrament, In
ducing every one of thorn to take n
firm resolution not to Join any society
without tho knowledge of their parents,
or without having consulted their
curate or confessor,
For the rest, to linpioro tho nld of
tlm Lord with great ardor and reiter
ated solicitation, proportioned to tho
necessity of the circumstance nnd tho
Intensity of tlm peril, "Haughty on
account of it former successes, the
sect of Free Mason Insolently erect
it hind nnd It audacity no longer
seem to know nny bound. United to
one another by the bond of ft criminal
federation nnd by their secret plans,
it adept lend to each other mutual
support nnd incite each other to dare
nnd to do evil."
to ik I!ontini;k,i.
fir ci nil
If tho Hov, F, F. McCarthy will
kindly furnish Hie public with the faotW
f.t..l. I.,, l........ I.i. ,f :
rill wiiien no imisii hi iisseniori Mini
to use hi own words "tho Jesuit
those black coated vll!.ilnM did not In
spire or Impoll John Wilkes Jtooth'ln
assassinate Abraham Mueolri, lie will
do n large proportion of the reading
public hfcionhout n favor, n many be
lieve JbJth we nn Instrument in their
We believe that, but nro will-
lug to be! convinced otherwise, nnd nro
anxious lli help erase one stain from
the rocor'l of the men who have risked
ami oare
I so much tor the Konmu
Hy nil means lot the truth be
If what Father Charlo Chin-
nuuy has1, published to the world for
more than ft 'piartor of it century
I not tho whole, absolute truth, IM
ii do the Jesuit Justice, for Cod know
thoy will have enough to answer foi
without being hold accountable for
tliintrM limy have not done, Don't wait
until minor Chlriinqoy l uoan ooforo
introducing your evidence In rebuttal,