The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899, August 06, 1891, Image 1

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    J THE A
It In not mi uncommon tiling for i
yKoiniin to tniik it plniinl'ilo and seem
Ingly n truthful Answer to everything
which plneim tlitt Itomitn church, or her
dupon, before thn public in their trim
llljlit.. For nouin limn wo liiivo seen lit
to run tliu following nuiUo nnd m-
plnnntloii on tin) fourth pngw
VVti hold nil persons Americans
' who nwimr nlloglniioo to tho
Un(il HIjiIim without ft mental
riiMrviiLlon In fnyor of tho pope,
Now, thin until Imorit lir.n evidently
ntlrrud up tho bllu In Archbishop Ken
I'lek'n nlomnch, for ho haii sent tliu f"t
lowing loiter to a Koimwi sheet for
(Hill AU.KiliNrK TO KOMK.
Wo own no temporal alloglnnco to
lliil bishop or Homo, Wo recognize in
tho govornmnit iirnlor which wo llvo
tho power established by Cod for tho
regulation of society, supremo In nil
that concerns tho ill vll order, and nl-
uiava In I iii I ii i l in I uliiiiiiiini 1 1 m rn
ji ipifrwnoiitn iro not obviously opposed
It to tho litw of Hod. Wo miilulnln, In
li deed, tho superiority of tlio spiritual
1.1 nviti I wt 1 1 ii 1 1 w ifti 1 Mi'iliir Wn 1 1 it 1 1 1
J lain that tho church In tho supremo
)'f Judgo of nil quimUonn oonooniuig f'tlth
li v ninl morn), anil that, In tho doiormlna.
V I tlon of such ouostlnnn. tho Human
lii iioiillir, nn vbinr of Jonus Christ, oou
j'fl stituton h tribunal front which thorn In
'J no appeal, mid to whoso word nil tho
children of tho church uut yield
obedience, N
If thin nppmirn Inoompatflilo Willi
tho alloirlanou wo own to tho, civil
"! r, !l imu'ba uily lit Liit inIui(rof
thomi who Ignoro Uin right of con
so'onoo or supposit that In tho most
dillleult mid momentous o,uostlonn con
solenen ban no certain mlo hy which to
bo guided, mid who, In denying tho
paramount obll'atluii of (rod n law,
would establish, under tho riiimo of
liberty, tho most revolting despotism
that which absolves power from Its
most obvious and nacrod obligation of
obeying J If in from whom nil power do.
noonif i, mid substitutes for tho moral
dury of obodlonco submission to n force
that cannot, bo successfully resisted.
Voii will nollco tho II rut Miinlouco
iloon not utato "wo own no temporal
ftllojfbuiijo to tho popo of Homo," Why
did not tho bUhop l ii I it (half No ouo
luu lullinated thul, bo or any of tho
ifoMiilt owed temporal nlleglauoo to
I ho liUhou of koine. If thov owe
x ' '
j temporal alleKlamio to nny foreign
mil nisi ll la llui iiftiijif Tim iiiui .f
jmo bt not known iu tho bluhop of
' I'uiirt. I f ii wan known an Much fit one
5 i. . f I... ii..,i iiH i i .i.,..,.. . H i
I I l" M"l 111111 llM" "MIO(ll Oiling HJIJIIIIHI
I ' to blm. a good initny , t'lindred V'r
4(o, mid tJm tool of 1m - who
toilbl refer unloM to miS tl. -i ' I'ro.
ItantK to Mr, I'occl n. t uhth b of
Uomo would forfeit all hi 'm y J for
advancement In tho chun n. ?! m Id
hitvo been Jut an imi j f"i tfn, i reb
bUliop to liiivo written " d wan
hit hlui to wrlto blulu si 'J in 'i vhy
did ho riot do HP Iloimu.'c In inn n if
lot did Im would bo fluked t" i";' i n
fow thing- to an luloliir' i'! v vile,
am iift nccennary !ti d'j my
i .
ii. an no nun iitern.'iv the
fVfor Ihelr l no bl-iiofi ,f u,,n,n
tff namo of I'eccl, wl litln , po,
,1 1 f oo J,, alia !U vl' r of
(hI, ftlbw tho vlcc-gi m lit f (,'od,
deli a
i inped what 'f
i, (0(1 ttl 4 defibil
i jo ill popo, Iffl
'V jio, 'J will word
ii fiatfofi that lo
lly nay lug bmliop ,
ienally m'glil l Hi
of temporal allebi'i
lum reaoned In tin t
rn v nrmwer to thla t-
man (Jathollcn nwisiir nijegfufico Ut thn
United Htafon whb a tjnontnl re-rf-tlon
In favor of tl'fl popo, no tlitt
camml fonder will f. nntlnflcd) f will
not lino tho title of pope, foil tfift (t
bihop, nod few peof.lo will o,floffofr
tho ilin'ereiico, If uy do, f nball
praotlco tho obi church dodgo of keep.
Ing my mouth nhut and nllo f boso who
are nuckern enough to nwallow rnjf
denhJ- iwitbout mmntlonlng my ffit.f!fi
tlon to mislead by my truly .omifllcal
wording of that nontence, and they will
never bo any tho wiser," Of oonrn
the nrchbliiliop known more Abouf tbo
Homari church than w do nnd (h
known wo know enough to naflufy rry
ordinary mortal - but fven bo can't
jirovo that tho general noceptftrico of
tho term blihop nppllen to t bo popo of
Homo, If ho In not bishop according
to tbo universal tiio of flint termf then
llui, nrchbUhop ban been guilty of
premeditated attempt to bambooxfo tbo
few readern of tho Koman nhept by ft
wilful rind Intentional nno of titlen, If
you don't own temporal ftlleglarico Ut
tho popo, why don't you nay no? f!id
HeV, ,onlah Ufin,, If, ih, necretary of
thu Kvnngelical alliance of tbo United
Htaten, nayn you (h)' and proven It to
tho natlnfactloii of J'roteRtantn, Wo bo
MIVM lll WtP1 if A Vtti.H .- Hit? Mr
' " ' ' .. u ...... . p,f
loan will bavo an much weight In thin
community nn that of even tbo nlickcnf
Itomau. no wo ouoto from wdvanco
proof nheetn of ltv, Htrong'n book
"Our Country" ft follows
Thoro arc many who ar disponed to
attrioulo any roar or Uoman (latbol)
mm in tno united taten to Vtgotry tt
chlbllnbnenn, Huob neo nothing in tbo
character find ftttltiido of Itomanlnm
that In boHtllo to our freo jfintltullonn,
or I ml nothing portonb-im In Ifn
growth, 101 nn, then, flmt fiomparo
nomo of tho fufidamental prlnclplen of
our freo Irmtltutlonn with tboso of tho
Koman C'atholli church,
'J'bo declaration of I n dope n den to
teacben pojnilar novcrefgnty. It nayn
that "government derlvo their' tint
pownrn from tbo connent of tho gov
.irnod," Houmn Catbollo doctrlno jo
vent tho popo with nuoremo notcr
elgnty, In "Knyn on Heliglou nod
lltcrature," edited by rcbblnbop
Manning, l07, wo read, pago rfj
"Moreover, tho right of deposing klngn
in innercnt in tno nupremo sovereignty
which tho iiopen, an vicegerent of
Ohrlst, cxerclno over all Christian mt
In arilclo vl,, section 2, of tho con.
ntltutlon wef find i "Thin ontliufbfi
and tho lawn of tho United ftfate which
nhall bo mado In pursiinnco thereof
nliall ho tl,e niipromo law of the
land," 'J'bo canon law of tbo chorch
of Homo In essentlnlly tho constitution
or tlio cliurcli, landing upon Homftn
(!albolicn everywhere, Tho bull, ''n
toralln lleglmlnln' published by Heme
diet XIV,, In a part of tho canon law
and deereen that tboso who refoso to
obey any "commands of (ho court ot
Home, If (hey bo ecclesiastics, r Ipso
facto suspended from their ordorn and
oflicesj nml, If they bo laymen, are
smitten with excommunication,"
Tbo bull, "Unaui Hanetiim "of Hool-
face VI It,, which In also ft part of tbo
canon law, nml xcknowl.iiltfod Mr
(ardffial Mrirdng n 'niSt'U t4 hmitfti nhU VniiM ty,U tA tb ('(!
faith," nny "ft In hM4tf ths hit ' uUt. t ,un U,"
nword nhoold t iituhr ttmlhrr, until m,t)t m m ulAnY t,r iim
SU'ilflOS lit inn nyirnnnt inrwrf, nn't . ,
ii...- M,.t, ,A AmmuShU iu luL l't'Mt'i it ih limn did not
P., T ... W - -- ...
filled In tb tthnwh una th white.
tlcal powfrf, 'Uphold f h Ibf
ovr I no kuiitm, Ut m4 mi, ntti Ut
prill down, ntut Ut Ut tl.rtw
down, Ut IttiiH nd Ut pktd? 't Uwh
fur, If f h mtthff fittnw it nity, it
whfeb most tut yttlfftiii Uf 1M ninm,
MowrVfrf w my, (Mum nw
firoiittutim it Ut ) tiiltjCMfffif itm
nary Ut Ailvsffoo- ihhi fff br
Cfcafuro sbrtifd bo wAimi Ut iiw lUt
man pontiff" (( 'utm AtttU CmimU'S,
Mpsirt whtUttt, tWf, Urn, i, , ttfKf
Ifero In n distinct lso Ut'ttMnff 1h
hlghosf, ftllcgfunci of th tUttmn i'Mit
olio dtlonn 4 th 'tiitA Mai,
whether It U do Ut UnyittH ftf Ut iim
constitution- nd litw (A 1h inui,
ri'lgrdng pontiff, iff nn Mfetf'ji W
sued fnuary Iff, S'rti, tyv H U
wtufiK Ut ttrMk tit lW f'f 4w
V,htH In (tfttef Ut (Amy t,f, ittl4t.fttt,
of nndef pttfw (4 civil itfttU Ut
transgrosn tbf fam ti tb chorffb,"
Again m XIII, nyn; ' Hot If iUn
lawn of tfi ntitUi fif optittf ut vnriniiM
with f ho inw (A (fart If tfif Wirt Sit
Jury npon fb cborcrV ttt nt
at naught tbo mih'rfUf of fti Chrii
which In vested In tb nupftwm nti,utt,
(hen Indeed It Umimm H' Utty Ut ft
slst tbemf H )fi Ut tttitUf fWHWV
If H nccrcnf nny i hat rW g
geratd tb HumhAkf of m'fi m4
conscience repdrod of d tUtttifW
Catholic, weigh thM wonU (J Card
inal Hellarfofoo, ono of tb rt c 1
brUtod thdogiann o tb YutM
Utiilftfl ittte0iH;! Ut Hit 'opS
urUUrr woold (Vr M oy wno In
db AffUniUm tit John A, fA'wy,
A th, in im AimtU'M I'MhnWn
tptHtivtly liU" ot J'tiy f V.f J, that
liM i'it'iiii'n ihfitif)iui IUh world
UonM HitU(4ty tal llw iiirnl
iiMfff ut iSm )m,' How cm Vl-
loiU'.t t fyd vMStMM ut tb ColUd
tout If by ww)4 did f'r.lgn
tttUHti wd thwAy vi'tlvUt imiiy
Hifttikihokf Yihhi Am m Hptl
lllw Odfulf f iUit bl svlb'Oco
sron kuttttft Ut mnvid tim r;h
iihhopot UiMii'W,y trying, Ut mJ
Uy i,U ttwtiUiH, '-'W w ti't
Utttp'iit nlU'0m,m Ut iim blnbop of
lUtHthV 'I' ttt w.httUiiOff b" fclfwpjy
ti,How4 (M tim (iortribH ot ih t huru fi,
wtiMt UttittUU'M t'rfviwi4 ui twy
mat ll tUtm, in my mti dl ntShU
w, 'IUh nrrfilUhoy bWd fiW
dy;y tbl f it ft SUmmt W;m'ty r
tUmotfittg Ut wrwii ttttr tu iiool yum,
W liiltfH iim IUhmhii wHJ n,tkin
mvM ff v'ff"ft U ilii fb foly
way lh Uimttm bv of f:rKilng us
fdoo ff fb ir inmifA yHy, f
Untfliy nnUittin ih Aiit Votnut on
HiovwtiMHiti hy M'wi; HUUop A,
WwhUiA Cm yr,
'IhH Um SUmw ('MhoiUt iMt'it ot
'fnfttoUt U4 th uWi4tUtjt ifrohU-rv
In ttA'U tvf'rr Ut f'trA Kdv)pw
ChttrtMt, Anting ptit'iiitg wM in
i,?,7, tftm wUioU I ,wM tV,it:
"t im iihit vote it h mm tiit ut
h " i 'AtHKil', th'.llt'M yt MHH coonin'i
intti (titi '
enlolnlng turn of fttfiMdUtjt ftfUm
tbo church wotdd obliged ut hVm
vlcen fr bo gvod find finmtf im, Uhwt
it would nln ylrt ctitmwmr
Tb rovlst tlHtuM ot iitft t'oUM
Mum tWUm 'h hIimn Jng
ciflonshio most tmUtfoHh to frnmrnm
forover all HUf0rtii(m mA fuMUy Ut
nny foreign iince, yAmm, nff fr
sovereignty, in pnrr icmnr in tf wn;w
ho ban been nofdcf' Tb iUrtoHft
('ntholUt frtoiimUitt of fUU, hwiti' ih
sanction ot ih (totmM whMt imi ui
tMi.imof In i Mi, eonffnn ih follow'
M onfb of rSttfut Ut ttt pop',
"And I tded nd nwef fffrf ftM
lenco Ut tbo fSomw pontiff, of
,fesun fihrisf. na tuiMor ot it,
blessed f'etef, frrlfrCO' ot ih wMl,'1
Hero firo men who h? norfl Hejr?
bmco lo two differeef, prWM, tmw
claiming Ut ti nuttfMii. whot nohf-f
ot aotbordy nr lnspfMy" ttmttA
bigetbcf ftnd which, ihdfntof, tftttA
abundan ftppofimMf tor thriot
conflicting Interest d SffM.wttnhS
Uy way fo throwing iigiii on noeb
Hoatb.n, it I itittrmlUi Ut read In tb
canon Jawf ",o oath t iff ti kpt
if they aro glnt tbo fntfet of fhe
church of tUtm A fid ttgnin ', ' 0fb
which aro ngalnst the ehorcb of !me
nro not fr lo called oaths; lit per
juries' Au American ,mmu)i,
Uishop Knglisti of tMfVott, , ih,
tjtitdm thin canon, nd defending H
'iyn( "These nre tho prlnclplen wbbd
I bavo been faod, from Hooit) V,tSt
olirt ftuthorn by H-oman ('MhoiUf pro-
fessorn; they r f ti ymctptM wi,m, i
find reeotfnfed Irr fill enWffmentn od
InterpretJiflonn of counclUlo the
man Cathode chnrcb, from the eoonej)
at ,ffrnsalem, held by tbo niyfle.
down to the present dy," In wotk
preparer) Mr Itey, r, muottpp,
esoit, for Hooitui f'ai holi school and
college, and bearin the fmproofor
of (,'ardinal Manning, we rn4 (p
'lib), "The civil la aro tAimogt,n
ihoi uutiAiHi wiA Ult.wt ih fiiw
UmA trinit M poviMUA itigrt'AU'nl
Ut ih goimtumA tit tM ttoHfury, un4
ih iionf ot ihf ir M'nt4MUth I in-
MHmtiig every 4y,Vl.y hoA alwAy
ih f4mmoi rw
nd ffbr-f ah-AiPH
gim on Ut t
y bit thw Ut t
y,tijifi4, nA4iug
It woobl wi
ti. tritifAwt
imUou wouiA mp
itmt noA to'iitry.
nA,ui with thi
hifimtf 4ohn Ak
4wf for mo,
m m
1 I
w pr5deit;J
hU U tf.youi
i ii woo Id be
wr with
vry H't
iliry rgai'
y Hfji'Sy it Ait
; who tii'h
it'.ii," with
W ln4i H'A form 7,tow ih grmt
tUtmnn twpir U4i, V,uyio4 U not
ttttyouA ih fftmit (4 Wm mt'M"
A i write, ih wmwkui upon cb
ihmt mum from t'AAwj't, in ih
letfOMf tivptrt) vnf4U-i in ih
i'fimUt cm., Scry,ui r tm
fotUtwi' wof4 ctriMtiiitig ' the om
Um4 ttUtf't
W wiii further Ui. thul in our
UtA'JHWtA ttH M&'M vt'.UiU- whom oh'
iM.t.4 ttft WU tt ii4HI'M hilW
Mini tit Hi i,iih;"wi uf t n"-t
t,rnthi riioo4 Ut ti". ''. ti'A in muttony
with i4 r Uti tf i'itt Ut Aittmt'n in
f tut mitoim spirit J'ft mtoti m
Ut H rl th'ti ttt imi h vim ut
govern Anmr'im hy bonet Ai''ii';'n
votxr, Hia Ut nntii'iii'i tim no mm
trrktit 4 trUit or if t ni n or Mormon
,f ,e tttitti-ri'A Ut ipiAAy ih Am-f'
U'stn mtuf.1 St ttot, trM it',ututn
ho4 ptfjttHr yoiHrniiunt wit pi-riAi
tl hff.
And fbf from ih Amfimtt i'Mhoik
'fli At-fuHiot union1 Ann'M'uio
tioftt t'Mhotic h U i' rw4 by
the f'4 tbt the tmthoft.i i iUttti
httv never In any wy rgntM
ih conscience only fxt long an they rm Catholic imi Ato' tit ,.
Uf I !
m. t
Vl c '