MABCH81894 0 THE ALLIANCE -INDEPENDEHT. Todd Get Alter inn Btato Journal. Unios, Feb. 24, 1891. Editor Aluahcb-Ikdepekdkkt: What is the matter with the Nebraska State Journal? In the issue of the Journal of February 20th, appear an ditorlal headed, "Braying in Con grress." I bare not bad the opportunity to read Mr. McKeighan's speech, hve only seen the comments cf the Journal; and from these commeits it is quit evident the donkejr in this case la the Journal's commentator. The Journal ijV'Nebraska suffering under th pressure of bard times resulting from blunders made by Damocratlc 'states- men , ana so r wo . The above paragraph shows the brains as well as the honesty of Mc Kelghan critics. Is it possible that any sane man with as much bralos as an ordinary male can bolievs that all of our troubles, both state and national, are caused by a prob able reduction of a tariff so high that t cut down the importations created by a monopoly market, acd thus de stroyed the revenues of the government, causing a deficiency to be supplied by bonds? Wf hate the tariff yet, the same old McKlnley bill. My friends, It is not fear that kills' this country, but facts. It is not the blunders of Democracy alone, but the actual performance of the party In power for the lent twenty years or more. The crimiaal acts of the Democracy consist in coc gum mat ing fully the work partly performed by the out-going Republican party. I be tariff or Wilson bill can now cut but a small figure in the matter of restoring prosperity. I think our manufacturing Interests are in about the same fix that Nebraska was In a few years since when we sold corn at ten to fifteen cents per bushel. vNow what is the matter with the tsduntry? Suppose the truth is told, how will it suit? Not much, I think. Bat here it is: First, Too much appropriation by congress, too much for rivers and har bors, 'too muchjfor public buildings. Bellevue and Omaha, are specimens; but they reach from Mai Be to Galves ton, Texas. Abo too much navy, too big salaries, too many officers, in fact; too much humbug legislation, too much credit and money invested in nan-productive enterprises. Then let us come to our own stste. Who has been making appropriations for the favored institutions and political grasshoppers for the last forty years? No blunders about that g. o. p., but a straight steal all the way through. Who has stood up better for Nebraska than the Journal editors, Mcsher, Dun dy, &o.? Perhaps I ought to extend the list, but It is so Ions; I forbear. It may, however, be traced from govern ors down to county officers, We now will notice briefly the last bray ef the Journal donkey, wherein be says, No one who is not an entire ignor amus in questions of political economy and finance could pretend to argue that any law-making power can legislate 50 cents worth of silver up to equality with 100 cents worth of gold." The above proposition of the State Journal comfounds common sense with copper cents. He measures both silver and gold with imaginary cents, or cop per cents. Now if we take valuable commodities, such as wheat, flour, beef, corn, cotton, iron, steel, horses, sheep, and all things in common use of intrins ic value as the true value by which to value or fix the price of silver and gold, we find that silver Is still at a parity with commodities; but money has gone up, or everything has (tone down except gold. It Is evident that every possible effort has been made by the ruling power of this country to legislate the -value out of silver. Whether they have succeeded or not we find and know that our United States money should not depend on the market value or parity of tho metals In any foreign market. ' The parity of different kinds of money is, and can be maintained only by, fiat, or law; but no power under (Jod can maintain parity of the two metals ovtr the universe. The value of the metals Is, however, affwcted by legislation very materially by Increasing the de maud. Kven a State Jourual editor ought to know that much. And H would sem to me that the demand for m ney about these times In or J or to discharge and pay off the burdens Ira posrd on the people by a long lino of monopoly usurpations and unjust and xtravagaot legislation, justifies our Independent ttiBgrratimea and senators in standing firmly b) the old money of the conrfitatloa until the last trump sounds. Our !Bdrwnd?Bl repn'Wtt'a ttvt are good ones; they stand up bravely. Hut where Is Mercer, M Ulrjohn, and liatofrr W fast are thy doing for the OMatrj If anything you will find thttn all for the appropriation, I unUt-tad li tr working to fl aa appropriation fr Houlu Omaha. That Is strUHlf In lh. Ifepubika line. Well, BvMiih O.aaka t( any ethti plane on lattn, dutervvs favor. The ttalUttat of the yard Uur and t bullJlaf u of that tUt warkt has I a aid sikll 1 worth more v NVrM and the wtt tbaa a I OVlwf tiU4ii't t IhesUW ighf. u Urntrrt a ciia. to U -4 ar at tun, IntWad of g4g aeay to ( at (, The prvpifotora id (that ati ptUm hae due the )&! t soa ratbrr good, while taking good cars of them selves. 1 think when the records of the Independent representatives from Nebraska are made up we will find they have made as much honest effort for the public good as the three Republicans, representing xc stly Omaha bog. You can print this letter If jou please for the benefit of the State Journal. Respectfully, L, O. Todd. Mr Decb's Rep y to tion. a Coinmunica Stoddard, Neb., Feb 15, 1894 W. H. Dkch, Ithaca, Neb. Dear Sir: I have long wanted to write you in regard to the condition of our country, ana asK you a question. First, allow me to state the situation as 1 see it. in locking over me Domi cal field of the world and the Usited States In particular. I find that the momv cower has now, and for a long time has bad, control of the productive industry and from each and all Shylork demands exornuant vm. in snorx, wnai ever we do is at the sweet will of the mosey oligarchy of th world. Now wbn the people of the United S-ates shall see the true condition which they will before long, and resolve upon havlne reform, refusing longer to play serf for a set of money kings and elect a people's congress ana president to UaiiA monev direct to the people, as Per sub-treasury or som better plan, con triving to give r'ni rrora me s&yiocks, what will be the cnnwquenre? You are aware that Wall street can refuse to discount or loan at any time tbey see fit: or, ia other words, the? can in ten days time stop every wheel In factory and ra'lroad and blow out every furnace in the nation. Huppnge men wo eieci iru men, ptr'o'", In November; between Novem- her a d March Ht. is four months. At leas. six months would pass away be-fo-o relief rould be glyen. and bv that time G"d only knows what would 'hap pen. Shylock bavin fir been defeated at the polls would kick up a terrible row amongst the people by refusing to loan and crowding eilWtinns, idleness would soon bwome prevalent all over the nation. They would take advant age of this and incite riot, insurrection and rebellion, anything would be better for tbem than to allow the people to rim their own business, as by It Shylock would low bis MoodiiuoklnBr vocation. This is the situation as T see it How can we ever grt tfor? Would it b pssm for the people to enact tbe'e reform laws and pnt tbem In force with out the greatest bloodshed our nation has ever seen? I am a Populist. I be lieve In the demands of the Oroala platform Land, lab"r and transporta tion are the neceosarv means by which the people obtain. But money la the means by which we exchange. Distri bution, distribution is the. question. Now tell me Brother Dch. Is it ros lhle for the people to get Just distribu tion without a terrible war? Hoping you will writ we, or what would h better, write THE ALLIANCE Independent so that w ll may read It, I am, Yours tru'v, Norman Cowden, Brother Cowden without a doubt szes up the situation as a whole very nearly correot. Yet there are questions to be looked at from two "sides: tour, after the people bad proved by tbere ballet that they wished reform, it would be a very unhealthy move for the capitalist to incite riot, as be is the owner of the property which would be ruthlessly laid waste. Besides he has a physical carcass which he is just as careful of as he Is of the gold he wor ships. Again, we are a union of stater. The various executives of the states remember we must carry states before we carry the nation) could in the event of Shylock shutting dwn on loans to ceate a pmio, call special session? of the various leglolatives and devise (a per Clearing House Certiflcites) a cur rency t bridge over the chasm between November and such time as congress could give national relief. AU that we want to do Is to educite the mass ot the peonle to the fact that there are a lot of men who have by innumerable methods placed men in our national halls of con eresg, who, if crime is to be measured by the amount of injury inflicted put to shame, so far as heartlessness is con- cernr d, the worst pirate that ever cut s threat or s iuttlrd a ship. No, Brother uowaen, l nave still an abiding faith In the American people as aclxss, and woe be to the scoundrals ho after the people have once sees their treachery and have by ballot de manded hands off, who will then try to stir up a strife AU we need to do is to be honest with ourelves, keep up the educational war, t,nd place the People's party rape rs in to the hand of those yet blind. The saving of Lincoln Is at true today a when be expressed the thought: "You can fool pari if ihe people all of the time you can foot all of the peo ple some t the time; but you can not foul all ot the people all of the time " Youm for truth and right, W. II. Dri ii uw U the TttM t !ty IManm ami Organ. Tbowt who have waited for jtars to get a laa) or aa organ need watt a longer. Yeucaa get a biMl!f! one sow almost at your own prloe and trrma The niataifioeat lattrutueate 4 the Marshal A Malta make are Msg sold o low during t hard Urars that rf hotns la th wastry nan h' r tt u nrm if anog th '"'I mU o tit tiian a4 ttrf . r 4 M a ) t liu mtm Itivral f lh alt 11 ) a Han't r an ) .ii. u l ' , tvr ptMralfg ! (v rtlj :( htaf Mt hr Hw, 4 )! t . rtu , t J a f'n UirvMi A t'l '!. C U" ;Ut .trvwt, N V'r Waa urd. rittf O.I Cake fro iut . ., turw w ms rvr pturaW Mal, I OFFICERS STATE ALLIANCE. President, W. L Dale, AUuU. Vic-Pres., Prof. W. a. Jones, Hastings. BerMtary, Mr. J. T. Kellte. HartweU. Treasurer. Juum Cameron, Bearer City. J. H. Powei a, Sut Lecturer, Kaponee. W. F. Wright, siat Organizer Alliance Aid, Bethany, Neb. KXBCUTTVI COMMITT1B Chairman, L N. Leonrd, Lincoln. K. Boderman, Bertrand. L. W Youog, WllaoarUle. C kt. Lemar, Head. J. M. DlJimick, Macon. The Question of Co-Operatlve Par chaslag. Judging from reports published la i he allianck-Indbi'EWDBnt Mrs. J T. Kellie, Bute Secretary, has gone in to the wholesale buainess for the sa e of farm neceseiiiea. Mrs. Kellie would be of better service to the cause If she would let that part of the businees alone, and give her attention to mare vital question of the order. The Democrat believes In toe old auatre, "Live and let live." The MUligan Progress. The farmers of Nebraska have always been letting everybody elee live, and ws propose to do so yet, but we claim the right to live ourselves and to attend to our business, financial and political, and will do it in spite of all the Democrats of Nebraska, from Morton down to the editor in Fillmore county. The farm ers ef the state knew my ideas on co-operation before they elected me tecretary, and if they did not like them or wanted some one who believed the chief end of the farmers was to produce wealth for every one on earth except themselves to enjoy, they might have ktpt me in the rear and put the Demo crat editor in for secretary. I know that in our county and some others the Alliance has been run too much by thoie who were afraia the farmer did not have sense enough to attend to his political business and his financial also, and they promised us that If we let co operation alene and attended te politics they would soon right all our wrongs. Well, maybe the farmers have not got sense enough to do both it Is very kind to tell him so; but tbere is his wife, you know she belongs to the Al liance also, and they won't let her vote, so why can't she put ia her time tend ing to finances? We have only taken the initial step in SCO-operation yet; but I am corres ponding with secretaries of national and state organizations who have ex perience in this line. There is no reason why we can not transact most of our own business, and if the one who is thrown out of a job wants to live let him produce wealth to exchange with us. We will do all we can to procure for him free and equal opportunities to labor, which is all he can rightfully de mand. Sheridan county is taking the ead in this good work. They have established a purchaslsg bureau com posed of delegates from the various Alliances in the county, and they write me that they are saving their members a good per cent. They bulk their or. ders and buy where they can get goods cheapest. I presume the merchants do not like this, but they have by their votes brought about conditions which force the. farmer to dispense with all unnecet- sary hired help. We find we have been paying them pret'y high prices. As a sample of what we may soon be able to d in all lines I quote sewing machlces. High arm, improved, f 13; latest style 816. These are well warranted and money refunded in thirty days If not satisfactory. The same paper says it will not delve in politics believing tho best Interests of the town can be better served by pursuing an independent course. Ah! you want to serve the bt'Bt interests of the town, and then dictate how the farmers shall run their Boclety do you? Well there are others the same way but we do not always do their bidding. Henceforth the farmer proposes to live and you might as well conclude to let him. Yaurs for Indus. trial freedom, Mrs. J. T. Kellie. A (Stirring Letter From the Legion Commander. Omaha, Neb., March, 1, 18SH. The Alliancb-Independknt: Tho National Committee at its seaslon in IiOuls, February 22nd, again re commended that the Industrial Legion beatence organized in evtry city, town and voting precinct in the land. Tin y reoognii-d the necessity of getting Into line at once, and saw the abiolute nood of a compact, united band, and in ace r dance with the resolution at the first meeting at Memphis, November PJh, Wl, thy adalt all Alliances, People's Tarty Cluot, Silver League. K. M. 1 A' aavt all other farm and labor orders. by ahnply paying tea cent lor charter and othtr supplies la order to rvach tho people and ee whether they are ready for Ihe batt'e I aanouac the plan below. The !gka U aot secret, bat Its work U simp! thai the ioiB(t momnvr, as wll a the oldest wteraa van tatlf orgaaUa, Let us folio that its! of the wtauu men ot "in Thsrof ir tall en all mew Mrs of th PeouU's party tnmltle, null oouniy, city, fca $r i'lrc, ad all i-f! rol all club.l d 0 friu and UW wrdri thit wlh t.i K iHm t."f !. ta t t w for . (.! Hu'l.trt and iaUeilos Hh't,t dolav. Alt h vat ntiwd 4 , tad w will at one rr t-r, aad nuW ta Iloe4 thirty V have aa eUottoa ts "v ftnl week la Jaa as4 U ?NttiU la August. The people) ia tnese states need help and plead for it every day, and we are powerless to aid. Let all of the true members of the party give one week to this work. If you fool away precious time with Orders that have nobly aocomplishrd their mission, or "patronize non-partisan side shows, you will never get Inside the main tent," but will be an army ef irregulars and stragglers by the wayside, and be slaughtered in detail, and ourselvesand our postsrity be forever enslaved Itecrultlng officers must act at once, delay no longer, the people are ready It jou can not, or will not, select some one who will and hand him your sup plies. Let no one hinder; go ia storm and wade through mud and water, as they do in Oregon, climb mountains and ford rivers, as they do In tho silver states: march through forests and over plaint, as they do In the South and West, all that liberty may be preserved, and the people will be delivered. Women's Legions are springing up; we must welcome tbem. No cause can win without their prayers and mighty aid. Wa want young men to volunteer to work everywhere. Let the people arise for fear committees fall to. Nebraska papers please copy. Paul Vandebvoort. Too Many Organizations Weaken Us. SnELTON, Neb , Feb. 20th, '94. Editor Alliance-Independent; Dear Sir: What Is the use of trying to keep up so many different organiza tions, each having the same object in view, viz: the enactment of the Omaha platform into the law of the land? Such a course only invites jealousy and dis cord and has a tendency to divide the force which should move as one solid mass. If all of the different organiza tions having the same objects in view would unite and form one grand new society, the people would flock around its standard in droves. In our present divided state the enemy will meet us and defeat us pkcemeal. Can this con dition of affairs be right? It certainly is not good politics, and politics must restore the Republic. If not, what then? slavtry, and in time the dernier ressort. Let us hoist our beloved Omaha plat form for our banner and form Into one grand Industrial Legion and march on to sure victory. The rotten ramparts of the enemy's works would not long stand such an assault. . D. V. Wood. In towns and In the country where it is not thought advisable to organize the Alliance the Industrial Legion ought to be organized. There would seem to be a wider influence for and better eaances to establish a working Legion, because p jo pie in town and farmers are equally eligible. We muit economize our forces and perfect organization, such an organization in each locality as will draw into it the greatest number ef voters. Editor Alliance-Independent. Co-Operation Without Capital. Hartwell, Neb., Feb 22, 1894. Editor Alliance-Independent: As co-operation is the order of the day (and I think it ought to be) allow me to explain a plan not original with me at all, but which has worked well in the past, and will work again. It is for six Alliances with less than 10 families each, representing the trade of 60 families, tcmeet and ask for bids. The trade of sixty families is worth bidding for they can easily obtain bids from dealers in the different lines of merchandise. Our contracts were made for three months; the dealer bound him self to furnish the goods at a certain pr cent, above cost, and submitted his books for inspection by a oommltte ap pointed to examine them. The farmers bound themselves to buy ot the men they contracted with and If they did not they were expelled from the purchasing agency. Each member was granted a printed card (momborshlp card) signed bv the president and secretary to pre sent at the store. Farm produce was always taken In exchange for goods, the same as cash. Of course in the start the merchant squirmed and stld, "the farmers will not stick together," etc. Out th Uriiior at wj stuuk, and some merchant always came to time and con tracted with us; and I must say f jr the credit ot the merchants that the most ly dealt fairly with us. Tho con r wt was let to the lowest rvsponlb!e dealer without fear er favor 11 this plan the farmer does not Invest a cent, has no stock to carry aad gets his roods nearly at cost, and hat th bon"Qt ot the merchant's experience, wbloa Is ot no small value. AU that ha glvrs Is his trade, and be caa stop at the end ot th contract if he desires. Our contract were mad fir rah, hut this did not hinder te dealer frdu rlvlef ii" on a g4 ir btur terms If he wUhed lo. Well, I hear wn say, we jnuat not U jure Us merchant. When he learns not to Injure our uttna with his vet w My be more roatUsreU with alia Jtkti t Kit. I, IK. Cntt)a4tKt Caks should be fvd lo aWk of alt klada, lapsolally fcotft an j rtin ul VVoodmaa Uar4 Oil Vv, I 1 4 w r-h.l trt Wm t tu nan Iran ot o s ll , tukm t vhe (3 dllareat rv4 a i ,taairi i aw, v.h ao ir.M i O Mt UVla, Kstt, SEEDS n7 Red. White. Aifulra Timotby, BlaeGra,0 Toil, Outon fcr. Tnw ! rrr L , Hi 2 ThcnrnuB nlmting IUIt',Viwi knrm of hard tlnm. bermuat Uu-T double ail I VerKmbla aunla fur tbt mlliloa. I II.WihmkI. JjLrrrwJ.tmrwm Inunpi pkg. Oet There Eli" RadiKb ttl for ut In l daraaod eat kw for I potUc. Catalogue aloaa, c for piMaga, i SEED OATS AND POTATOES. Wa bare on hand an extra fine lot of ExcelMor aide oata at 45 to 50c per baithel: ?o aorue vary choice American Bannor oat a at 5() io55c handle oorthern and native grown aeed pot ite. karijr Ohio and Early Koae In lare quaslitles. Also ether popular ya rleilta. Write (or pricea and aed catalogue. CRISWOLD SEED CO., LiocolD, Feb.. FRUIT TREES. and plants of varieties that will beat fruit in Nebraska, as evidenced by l,30rj bushels of apples and 800 bushels ol cherries grown in one season in or- chsrds of- Crete Nurseries! Large stock of FRUIT TEEE3 and PLANTS. SHADE and FOUEST TREES suited to Nebraska. The ex perience and advice of the proprietor who Is President of the State Horticul tural Society will be found safe and use ful to all. Satisaction Guaranteed. Cor respond at once before extreme rush opens. Address, E. r, STEPHENS, Propr,, Creto, Neb. ALL1A.NCE SEED CO (05 ft Winwa" Ica uox Gove City, i Kahss. eheaneat rellapie House t0"?., seed Cheap each; tnj.",, t1 in rroin - d tor h mire and tma. ,,,- n wrtu-." .d'reedump tor Toon, Try our 9WanfVu wll? other. MONEY IN POTATOES AND BEANS. Given away Free. A pamphlet on potato and bean culture telling bow to prepare the noil, when to plant, how to plant. bw to culti vate, harvest, &c, all given In detail. Aloo a deiicrlpUon catalogue and price lint of four choice varieties ut potatoes. Five of the b'l kinds of aeed corn, Three of choiceitt kind of aeed corn Three of choicest kinds of field beans. Kvery farmer should have this namob let. Please send stamp to pay postage. Bingham Page Co., Iowa When apples bring $2.00 pur buuiiei and wheat only about 50 cents, when the expense of taking care of an at re of apple orchard is no greater than that of an acre of wheat, while an apple orch ard will yield ten bushels of apples to one bushel of wheat, it is about time fruit growers are opening their eyes and taking care of crops which piy the largest profit. What is true of the apple may also be said of other varieties of fruits. By properly spraying your fruit tress, vines and vegetable crops, you are sure of a crep, no matter what the weather condition 3 may be. S-nd 6 cents to William Stahl, Qulncy, 111, and get his catalogue of spraying out fits and com pie to treatise on spraying. It will pay you to do se. Mr. Stabl ban been interested, himself, ia growing fruit largely for many years and fully understands the wants of fruit grower? is this direction. Mid-Winter Fair Rates are Down The Burlington route is now sellli g rouad trip tickets to San Francisco at 135.00. One way $20.00 Think of it! Four thousand milts for less than forty dollars. For full infor mation call at B. & M. depot or city oftloe, corner 10th and O streets, O Y. Bhnwell, CP. AT. A O hook a fou the m.vshkm. Get these books and our paper as fast a you can Into the hands ot the ptople, friends. Buy, ruad and circulate, Aditrva all orders to the ALL1AHCM riBUSHlKtl COMPANY. Lincoln, Neb, CTOt'KWBU naii SOY. Teait-kra aide. O imii dutUmwM. aua MuMf . an 4 WwirtMa t ruka ., Wafaiti to atke " 'u(ii w Ik laitaie tnk Uta alhiH4 l h$ Tktka. k.wkihaO, . I'. IM, unnnaiM (n,.M f kuii(iaa !, '. McMaki M) aatt, tvi4, lui kk teawt tmm tkie , A Coop's Comrooawtalih. Y LAWHKkifS liSiOSH'NU A ' tt ail fcwilave ka at.uiw.ta (rantarrlal trus e knUI k Mtiwr-ie4 k a lux kutuiliK (lam ut lut ii.. au4 ill uhimfc.u a kww-fc, at'iu f' ifc.a k. lti rwiMtwliitua aavaaaarf twawi fyt M,m The FstlioeJ Quaaion, ay ww t.ARiuttiK. Yk Wtf frmmm4 In Ik mm a tki am, frmi ait ika Aluili' t mr tmtin Uiflro kwafian i. tke tirM rni Uw kt iu.i U Ma kWa4 IkM a4 ywa a III he lk. Harkiy Kita4 vaa ut tta ival tfakiWaiba ttitaaVtuw itt Ihe ta thHkt Ml Th stva K eanist Cvavsciaa, Hf MNH V MkMY aUIIU feau. Oku a kae k.l U4 Im.uI ' t IwSuwtii. In Ik aiiim,. i,Ui, ku a I M Mk f k.l a ,Nt4r t llfct k kr,t. aal Iktaa4. t'vei raK W k ,INM, I M miun. CVrwrn. i vdttlweed. KANSAS CITYi liO and Alctka I vutlda! Trr H lor I m and be haoor. S pkgs. trlmt Vtrectl mim. nt Ymj-m ficijln the worid. rKJLt. $40,000 'N5VFAKS FROM CI CO INVESTED ... ri''u ..NOW., !!lrLOWERINa ...BULBS. .a C. L. Allen in bis Ilook on ..nmim ' iiww iTVi vaiva ir UIOLI multiply at the rate of 200 BULBS nerhnlk lu 1 year, and other authorities cod firm thin atnte tnent At the verv moderate increaae of 2S bulbs per bulb, IOO OLADIOLI planted this year would produce 2 flllllon of bulbs in 5 V cars or S Millions In 6 Years 1 1 swotted in colors the wboU-mle this year at an average of 920 per 1 000 1 1 Any boy or irirl can stow tiwm without trouble. I . FOR S 1 .50 we send by mail or express orcnaid 100 of these PROLIFIC GLADIOLI or 60 for $1.00; 25for50CU.j 12 for 25 CU. Warranted bloomiiia; sixe.with pampblet verifyin . altove atatemenui and other Valuable parti iijn UVuiu-ml fi.r C I i an umm,-,m Kn,mrPI.M : Ing Bulbs, Including many rare aorta not UilisThad elaewhere, rlimhen. I. i lira, ele . enouirh fur a Earileu or 70 Bulbs for SO Cta.i 30 for 23 CU.t ' IOforl0Cts..allpoat-taid. f-VWciven in premiums. 2 CsUloRuea ot Bulbs, Plants and Cacti, Pres. Book on Cacti, 1 16 pages, 1 60 engravings, I OCta. 12 Cactus Plants, $1 8 for SO CU. I 2 for 25 CU. A. Blanc &Co.-"PM lad 'i IMMENSE STOCK OF Locust and Ash Trees, Fruit Trees, Crape Vines and Small Frnit Plants PANIO PBIOES FOB PANIO TIMES , Send for free price list to JANSEN NURSERY, Jansen, Jefferson Co. Or Geo. B Galbeaith. "i Wesleri) Tre, It 18 A FACT that for Pralria J- ing, j. rees grown on rrairies best. You can get tbem at The Geneva Nurse-S AU sorts of them and in aa v qua,, from one to a car load, at Ver; t-RicES. uur stocK is very in all departments. conu Osage Plants and Forest Tr5, Also a full line of Fruit. Shade Ornamental Stock, Grape Vines, II . and Evergreens, Catalogue free. vv nic iui i. riics Address, Youngers & Co , Geneva, Neb. AlfalfaSeed Cane, Millet Seed, Kaffir, Rico and Jerusalem Corn Yellow and White Milo Maize, all frown in 1803. For Prices, Address, McBETH A K1NNISON, a Pafflo Rftho lanninn fnmniu'. 9 1 as 1012 B Stract, LINCOLN, NEB. How to Prepare Hidfr fob Robes. f soon as hide is remove from animal, trim bead and lei?", spread out on flooi. cover w with salt, (medium nlzed bides will rerjul two ana one-nan paiions or salt, even t h prea1), leave in this condition for ten to fif teen t iys, then roll up. flesh Hide out, tie well and ship. Charge for tauninx will be from T3.i) to wn.iu on medium slzd hid- s. lo IiUTCREHH and olher parties having choice black bides, sending tnree or ijiere niuiis, wo win reiurn one rone tor tne remJ ins two hidt-s. KrelKbt to be paid by shlmii Lace aud lattaso lea' her tunned on mil likPHta HnmulmiBuni An ami I 1 M uttuoi jiupico odiik vu ai'U'iuniu'i m a. H. C. MARTIN, Masager. We have examined thest robe and fln"f '' thm to be Bret class In every particular; an excellent snbtliute (or ihe bufTalo roba which la becomltiK to rare. Publlsliers,! dont suicide: Pa. West's 9jee!9e far Hiatal PcpToslsa, Ik 3.3a,Ifr. I roatrnilOk, ouueam iiwuniiimir m ptr. Ij.itude,JSli3ri?BUl aWl. InaMl Iof VitalUj,Impoltni,to. lavaluaMa. Mall, l,ca BRADBURY'S PMMARCY 3D7 Waahtnf ton Htrmt, Boa Urn, Mask. ulihS4UiM Ikttalu., Uihw, ,NiC Uantma I hn Inmn a i,tna ui fhaawtlikm S'rl wr p.t, I kr. ,S tnlvatilt ak '" " " wa to Itw tit. I hj a ltM.Ui akoU, and II,. II , hj.riim, AtkaltM S.a MiS, min ;... I ka Uk.a taata W lit tna au.U, h Uiw IinB. ,. itl.l !, V. . BKolk 4jn I auSinN t,tMn v i, k Mt.i aiia, k. ,4 ih wm, aJ si t-tUJ,, .' ia Uku. a.4 Mil at twlk. M unit mWi fcath Wm ta huny I'iiJui ih . i g.-iA H.i,i, i fc,,, (mB,!,,!, r i , famuli, I kava, I think, tuluvla ,,wi,itU jpi aaivtmwaaait !., ila t. lk ,tl al tiaatnwnt v( K4( im' Ik lw 'Vt" ' " J 4 um, fcatk Iuh,, u. an,iM4 tk.i iarkUtnJ auuk (lt4a fctwK" '"' S k iaifa ut k4 att a u haiks at ' fcMa - ihja ataai akr M ta ik t J lf t M k4tril 4 UMtf W (W tHutwIul, - -v,n.m wS.h lw ,- " i Ma ima a4i " aa a,M tan la vuf -- ,w, .iv a i I lktNMtW t U I,.,!,, J I k,, rt fc.jt ta li.,r: ii ww,tt( ' Va ka' . ..u ,4 (M, i., , f ila m t !.. xm I ,tJ , irmt t, 1 1 k m,4 fm ,., , j w i4 ka a i ,t 4 aai M ra), T U..y, h. iit.itl I t aS tva frmn, i i I . l w U I th knani alott mt w Un t f a! a, k a ...J . .... . ... r,m ' . , w an at, a,. I, a ki w n iil M a iu r W 1U. Ik IIMHt Uttluma. at I l llik kial ii It ... i fwurtawath and M str w- l,..4a. s i. 1