The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, March 08, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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'MARCH 8 1894
fist mt the Lmwi, Cm. szrtii, lt-t.
Meseery Tertee, tt-l CeMae Tut.
Cm. xiTlli. It-Caaaattrj by the
Bee. D. N.StMm.
10. "And Jacob went oat from Beer
bet and went toward llaran." Since
tfee Uat lemon Isaac baa been to the Phil
ktlnee, and being forbidden to go to
Ifcrpt ha sojourned at Gerar, when be fell
tato bia father's ain concerning bis wife.
He afterward made bia home at Becraheba
the extreme south, wbera bia father
gweltwlien called upon to offer np bia
anlyaon. Then follows the story of the
tVception practiced upon Isaac by Kebekah
and Jacob, with Eaau'a coneqnent hatred
f Jacob, resulting In Jacob's leaving
home to go to bis mother's people at lla
ran. in I'adanaram, where Abram had so
journed on bis way to Canaan till Terah
11. "And be lighted opon a certain
place and tarried there all night, because
iha aun was set, and be took of the atones
at that place and put them for his pillows
and lay down in that place to sleep." If we
ofwider Jacob from this on apart from bis
nature and conduct as a sinful man, there
art several things in bis history suggro
Mts of facts in the history of the Lord Je
ans. He goes forth to obtain a wife (Terse
I), for whom be labors patiently a long
time (chapter xxi, 40, 41), but it seems
abort to him because of his great love to
' bar (xxix, 20), Christ loved the church
and gar. Himself for it (Rph. v, 25). Elie
ar seeking a bride for the son at home
With bis father issuggodlve of the present
Work of the Hplrit In gathering out the
f oburcb. As you see Jacob in his loneliness
with the stones for bis pillows yoo can't
lp thinking of him who bad- not where
to lay His bead (Luke ix, 68).
13. "And be dreamed, and behold a
ladder set up on the earth, and the top of
it reached to heaven. And behold the an
gels of God ascending and descending on
lU" IJy comparing John 1, 61, the bidder
Is suggestive of the Bon of Man, who be
soming man reached down to where we
were, and being God reaches op to heaven,
, the angels being ministering spirits onto
the heirs of salvation. It will be fully seen
la the ben-after of the millenial kingdom.
18. "And behold the Lord stood above
It and said, I am the Lord God of Abra
ham, tby father and the God of Isaac; the
land w hereon thou Host, to thee will I
give It ond to thy seed." Notice in this
Verse and the last three beholds behold a
ladder, behold the angels, behold the Lord.
14. "And tby need shall be as the dust
at the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad
to the west and to the east and to the north
and to the south, and in thee and In tby
seed shall all the families of the earth be
Messed." Abram was promised a seed as
numerous as tho dust of the earth and as
iha stars of heaven (xili, 10; xv, 6). The
latter was repeated to Isaao fxxvi, 4), and
now the former 1.4 con Armed to Jacob.
15. "And behold I am with thee and
Will keep thee In all places whither thou
poest and will bring thee again Into this
Und, for I will not leave thee until I have
done that which I have spoken to thee of."
Bern 1 a fourth behold and associated
with what seems to me the most compre
hensive assurance in the lilble, "I am with
thee." Compare Kx. ill, 13; Joshua I, S;
Judg. vi, 10; Jer. 1, 8, 19; Ina. xli, 10;
Ilag. I, 13; 11, 4; Math, xxvlil, 20, etc.
Consider well this promise of God's prea
anoe and loving core and gracious purpose
In the light of Jacob's unworthiness and
arookednuss and see if your soul hi not
som farted and strengthened by the fact
that this God is your God, the same yes
terday, today and forever.
10. "And Jacob awaked out of his sleep,
and be said, Surely the Lord is In this
place, and I knew it not." Ills partner
ship with bis mother In the deceit prac
ticed npon Isaao would not tend to fellow
hip with God, but to be alone and away
from homo sometimes causes deep thought,
and It is possible that ere Jacob slept be
had turned to God with true penitence and
oonfemion, and that this vision was the
answer to his prayers.
17. "And bo was afraid and said, How
dreadful Is this placet This is none other
bat the house of God, and this la the gate
of heaven. " Ever since Adam sinned and
said, "I was afraid" (Gen. ill, 10), sin has
made man afraid at the presence of the
Lord. And yet God is love and loved us
when we were dead in sins, and Christ died
tor sinners. We cannot have peace In the
presence of God apart from the forgiveness
of sua, but this also he has provided In
Jesus Christ (AcU xiil, 88, 80; Eph. t,
18. "And Jacob rose np early In the
morning and took the stone that he hod
Ct for his pillows and set it np for a pil
' and poured oil upon the top of it" A
sense of the presence of the Lord hi now
Opon him, and be Is awed snd subdued
and grateful. It should be always so with
the believer, with joy added joy in the
Lord and the joy of the Lord, serving the
Lord with gladness. The stone that was
prostrate, but now upright and anointed,
may staud for Jacob himself.
19. "And ba called the name of that
place Iletbol, but the name of that city
was called Lux at the first." Near tills
place was one of A brain's first tenting
larvi In Otmnn(o)pter xli, it), and latr
God appeared to Jacob us "the God of
Blwi" (chapter xxxl, But Jeroboam
defiled it when be here set up one of his
gtadeu calves (I Kings xii, EU). Every spot
in our pilgrimage may be to us a lU-ihel
If we will not detile it by any Idol.
to, 21, "And Jacob vowed a vow, say
ing. If God will be with me ami will krep
me In (bis way that I go and will give nte
bread tumataud raiment to put on, so that
I emuesgalu to my father's buttae In peace,
ttten shall the 1urd be my God." I it view
et the UMt gradoua and uneonditlunal
MMurantmi of verve 13, It Is mi rely too had
tobearJaoob come In with bis great big
"If," aul yrt bow many tf us have owl
ell the "If," and w hu ld say a thing
boldly derlare, " I U !! Uod, that U ImU
he ev as It was told nte," or gratefully
say, "It It auto me swetmltim to thy
word" (Arts kMi, 8i l.uks I,
13. "Ami tiU wkkh have set
mtapllUr halt te God's bouse, and ef
all that Ibi'd shalt givs ' 1 will surely
the Uuia unto Tbesv" YHItwreeie
fWtUne uhnt auiutwv who imv yt
brgta to gtve thai a lmltt and are threw
iwe tumrm Illicit (ban er'sl, hiwulug
JaeoU, If weere rb.tdrej el IM by tatte
la CtrUt Jaeua, th we am Abraham's
eedMlal. Id, KVt, but A brant ge ai4
ebb!. ti'be ff alt. Ii as 'betelwe
shmtully tts wr ,MekMti titane il
Jl e (be very I we slum Id d aad lava
atte k W the Ia a til wtlyringe m t
teat 14 m4m try to m ;e by aait:,
"All I have la ku." Vl, (fee Ud (rait
M te be bat shew op Us teetb vsb
ta tml Mee thai tea are all l,!, I, .111,1, .
Oere 6heel4 Be red la Washing White,
Colored, Kasbroldered ud Duiuk.
Be snre that your linen goes into no
vessel that is not clean and freshly rins
ed. See that it is put to boil inside a
bag of clean cheese cloth. If stained,
wet the spots with alcohol, and wash
tit in clear cold water before allowing
tads to tonch it Stains of milk or soft
eggs must be soaked in clear cold wa
ter for 10 minutes, then washed out.
Use a mild white soap, or the Browp
Windsor that comes in long bars. Make
a strong lather, only letting the soap
tonch the fabric at some obstinate
grease spot Tea cloths or others with
delicate colors wash brighter if a hand
ful of salt is added to the first suds,
which should be barely lukewarm. The
second may be hotter. Wash quickly
through both. Fold smoothly for the
wringer, then pop into your bag and set
to boil in cold water for 10 minutes.
Rinse first in hot, then in lukewarm
water. Have your bluing water cold
and free from specks of color. Dip
your linen in very thin starch contain
ing a suspicion of bluing, and bang, if
possible, in the sun. See that the line
is clean. Take pains to bang each
piece square, as if dried awry it will
be very bard to make it even again.
Let everything dry thoroughly and
do not dampen or fold until a little be
fore ironing time. After a cloth is prop
erly wet pull the diagonal corners as
hard as possible and fold with a length
wise crease through the middle, lioll
smooth and tight and let it lie for 20
minutes. For rich damask or embroid
ered cloths put an extra blanket oq the
ironing table nnder its muslin cover.
Lay the embroidered pait smoothly
over it, right sido down and press with
a heavy iron just below scorching beat.
When almost dry and very smooth, turn
and iron on the right side, uning very
light irons on the embroidery and heavy
ones on the plain round. Stretch the
fabric well with the hands before preas
ing embroidery.
When the right sido is properly done,
fold it lengthwise along the' middle,
then begin at ono end and lay about six
inches lightly over; do not fold it down
bnt roll until all tho length is coiled.
Go over the cloth twice or thrice with
a hot iron, changing irons frequently.
Iron till tho pattern shows plain on a
glossy white surface. If not thoroughly
dry when ironed, hang upon the horse
for an hour or two, then fold or roll to
such compass as required for the closet.
Bow to Wring Out Hot Wet Flannel.
Put thorn innide a towel and bold tho
ends in the hand while wringing. A
square bag with a stick run through
each end and an opening in the middle
of ono sido is better. Drop tho dripping
cloth into the bag, then nse the stick to
turn it by.
How to Care For a Refrigerator.
Place your refrigerator in a cool spot,
bnt one having light and air. Once a
week remove everything from it, and
take out all shelves or movable parts.
Wash these well in hot soapHuds, rinse
freely in boiling water. Put them in
the sun or before the range to dry,
Wash in tho same way the rack on which
the ice sets, but uso greater care; as this
is generally corrugated or grooved, and
secretions of dirt may be overlooked.
Wash the inside of the entire refrigera
tor with snds and boiling water, being
careful to wipe all perfectly dry. Use
a flexible wire for running down tho
tnbe where the refuse water runs off.
Dissolve two tablospoonfula of washing
soda in a quart of boiling water on the
stove. After it boils pour it into tho
ice compartment, follow it quickly with
a kettlo full ot boiling water and wipe
dry. Leave the refrigerator open for
an honr and then put back your ice and
food. The best day in the week for this
work is when the iceman is expected.
Attend to it immediately after breakfast.
Nevor put warm food in a refrigerator,
as it will absorb the flavors of other
food, and also heat tho refrigerator.
Bow to Make Paint Shine Without VarnUh.
Paint mixed with a liquid composed
of one gallon of linBeed oil, two ounces
each of burnt umber and black lead,
and a quarter of a pound of litharge,
boiled together, will dry quickly, with
a hard finish and a glosslike varnish.
How the Odor of Food May He Removed
From Cooking; Vends.
Sometimes tho most careful washing
will not wholly remove the flavor or
odor of food from the utensil in which
It was cooked. ' This is frequently tho
case with tush, onions, cabbage, etc.,
bnt thero is a remedy which, though a
little trouble, is well worth trying. Aft
er any of these articles have been cook
ed, wash the utensil carefully with soap
and water. Nearly fill it with cold wa
ter, and for each quart of water add
a' out a tablepoouful of dissolved wash
ing soda. Place on the fire and let the
water get boiling hot. Now turn this
water into the Kink. IUhk the utenil
with clean warm water, aud on wiping
It dry it will be found perfectly tweet.
Hew to lr.M Cold .
Do not west tho same slot kings on
two stUHwstve days, tut k p two air
going alternately, hanging em h to dry
and sir when uot in uw, livery night
bathe the ft t in tepid water and rub
hard wtlh a coarse towrl.
H l Make trglaia t ggeog,
To make a gallon it 'gtf t-tko
one dn rggs; separate the whites
and the folks very can fully, lUat wtvh
until It Wviue as li-ht as prttvMi-a
bi. Add a poun4 'l pulvftlied white
u4f ta the jvUs and. mli. Then M
a utt vt .'k'iiio btwttdy atid talf
titti if JitatiW rum. hmtiug tluui it
a wuail tOcaui w hile smnitjf at lively,
AJIUU J gslUutl rub iiviU. TWa
add 4 it than thr ttuMh (.f thr
bulk ( the white. Toe rnutndt i.l
Ihv r!t tb'Hih 1 put upon the stif
fens UK rvly at an oruametU. A Urge
portion of Ibe white (4 the t him 14
always be suU4 t leader tlfc tad
Ko. 41. Arithmetical OiMtbn.
In stork In cr t h fiahnnnil I h,v l,ic mmAm
and filled with water, I put in six times as
many roaca as carp, and the carp were a
tMrd as many as the tench. Now, the tench
were fewer than the bream by two and were
mmmmmmj m WMU IVWVU( A WUU
the fish as they were put in and found them
tV9 Xt . . .
1I1HL flfaJl aU man sasl thai I eAtintaH
um. iiuw many oi eaco sors were merer
No. 43. Enigma.
The first and the chiefeat in riches I'm seen,
Although I la poverty always have been.
And although I'm In nun I am ret on a throne.
And witboat me a monarch could ne'er own a
Ko. 44. Hurled Trees sod riants.
L Do yoo prefer nuts or oranges?
8. Did you ever see a bee chasing a but
terfly r ,
3. It you put out the lamp, you will find
the whole place dark as midnight.
4. I hope you found Miriam a pleasant
6. Which do you prefer, Levy or Tacitusf
0. ma Koran eat her dinner yesterday f
No. 45. A Heartless Chaos-.
Remove the heart from a very useful and
(usually) kind animal, transpose the re
mains, and VOU will find the nwiilt nn Ma
foot. Transpose again, and you will find
someiumg on your own foot. Transpose
again, and you will find articles used on the
No, 40. Metagrams.
1. I am a dignitary of the church; change
my head, and I become a vegetable; again,
aud I am unjust; again, and I am not fat;
again, ana 1 :n a girl s name.
2. I am a domestic animal; change my
head, and I am something seen in most door
ways; again, and I am an article used for
cricket; again, and I am a species of ver
min; again, and I devour.
Mo. 47. Lost Ilirds and Packed Fruits.
W K It G K I E L G It E T
In the first square by the king's move in
checkers that Is, by spelling from one let
ter to the next In any direction fliid the
names of at least 10 well known birds.
In the second square by the king's movs
find the names of 10 kinds of fruit.
No, 48. Quotation From Whlttler.
American Bee Journal.
No. 49. Hourglass.
Crosswords: 1. Bestows liberally. 2. To
pain acutely. 3. A beverage. 4. In hour
glass. 5. An animal. 6. One who scatters
seeds. 7. Pursuing.
My centrals, reading downward, spell
what often may be found by the waterside.
No. SO. Decapitation.
My whole represents cost, behead me, and
I come from the "West Indies;" again, I
am what boys and girls love.
No. 51. Progrefwlve Knlgma.
1, 2, is a proposition.
1, 2, 3, 4, "to allure by some bait."
2, 8, 4, the first name of a celebrated per
former on the violin.
4, 6, 6, "an epoch."
5, 8, 7, a rodent.
8, 6, 7, 8, 9, "proportion."
5, 6, 7, 8, 0, 10, "a fixed daily allowance
assigned to a soldier iu the army or to a
Bailor in the navy."
9, 10, a preposition.
The whole is a word frequently used and
signifies "liberty of worship."
No. 53. Concealed Shakespearean Names,
1. Alice, being shy, locked herself in her
3. At South port I arrived, feeling very ill.
3. We will have ham, lettuces and rad
ishes. 4. Shall we get out here, or land over on
the other side of the river?
5. Tliis parcel I advise you not to carry.
It is extremely heavy.
0. It was her own garden, Bhe said.
7. I won't be a trice in fetching it.
8. Those pausies ought to prosper on such
good soil.
9. I am going to Rome on Wednesday
A Y't Farmer.
Trn-re U a farmer who Is Y's
KiioukIi to Uke his K's
Aud study nature with hi I's
And think of what ha C's.
lie hears the chatter of the J's
As they each other T',
And '.' that wheu s tree D K's
ll makes a hums fur ll's.
A iwlr of oxi n Ls will L"
With many hswi aud U's,
And tin Ir tnUiske h will X Q's
When iUwliig for his fa.
In raUing rrtt he all X L's,
And therefor lit I lie U's,
And when he hm-s liU aud br lmUa
IU alw soils hlshiM,
Key lo the I'assler,
No, M TraniMieltious! Near, narea,
earns, snare, Anwr,
No. itt. Word Ubtw; So.'Ung grout t
sl No. 9T.-P.nlgniAt levee.
No. S A IHaiuwhI;
r o p k
4 X
N,v A-.JtiUf Ki.t.rei t. Opal, t
Penh. I ItM. 4. tUle, 1 IWit .
IM. T. tb4. . Atuftof, IV lUiUt, m
N eA-lUremli I.4, Im4.
N. tl.-N.lUt.MU! t Missed, Rls.
I atoet, meet & tttam, stair, 4, Vleat,
steel. I, Wade, wshjIttO. t, IUa at, write,
Decree of Death Iwned Agslost the Fe
gltive Honduras Prealdeet.
La Libert ad, Salvador, via Gal-
vestox, Tex., Feb. 27. Orders have
been sent by General Policarpo Bon
Ilia, who is now supreme in Honduras,
to all his forces and to all officials of
the overturned government, to pursue
the conquered President Vasquez. His
escape seems almost impossible, and
Bon ilia has promised to have him shot
The tiraveoend Boss Most Serve the
Ktate for a Time at Least.
Bbooklyx, N. V., Feb. 27. Judge
(Allien denied the application of John
I. AIcKane for a certificate of reason
able doubt. This Vacates the stay of
execution and McKane, pending an
appeal to the general term, must go
to oing rung.
Ills 11 ride Taken Away.
Chicaoo, Feb. 27. Oliver E. Dwight,
who was married in Kenosha, Wis.,
yesterday to Miss Mabel Blood of this
city, swore out warrants for abduc
tion to-day against Dr. William Cul-
bertson, William B. Bass and Arthur
Clausson, who, he claims, took his
bride away from him. The bride's
Jia rents objected to the marriage, and
ast night. Dwight says, the three
men called at his house, claiming to
have a warrant for the arrest ot his
wife and took her back to her parents.
To Art on the Pacific Roads Debts.
Washington. Feb. 27. Representa
tive lteilly of Pennsylvania, chairman
or Hie house committee on Pacino
railroads, will call a meeting of the
committee Thursday to take nn the
problem of the Union Pacific indebt
edness to the government For a month
Past he and Senator Itrlen. plinlrinnn
of the senate committee, have held
frequent consultatious upon Pacitie
affairs. '
lilun and l unnton Agree.
Four Kcott, Kan., Feb. 21 At a
meeting- of the leading Republicans in
this city, (Saturday night, Colonel Dick
Blue formally withdrew from the race
for the congressional nomination in
this district with the distinct under
standing that Funslon and all of his
strength should support him for tha
nomination for congressinan-at-large.
Arrival and departure of trains carrying pas-
seniors at Lincoln, Neb. Trains marked .
Dalfy; t, Dolly except Sunday; JDally except
M outlay ; 4, Dully except Saturday; . Sundays
only; 1, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
ob , Monday, Wednesday and Friday only.
Burlington Missouri River,
a, b. ft 4. b. a
Ticket offices at depot, Seventh and P sts; snd
corner lentn ana u sts.
Leave, i Arrive.
Plattsraouth, via So. t
110:10 a.
t 4:55 p,
8:00 a.
t 4:65 p.
$11:58 n.
6:b0 p.
: 19 p. m.
:50 a m.
uona ana loiiisvuie
Wahooand Schuvler...
Omaha and Chicago
vis Asbland cut-oft,.
Ashland. Omaha and
Crete, Hastings and
Denver ;
Lowell and Kearnev..
50 a. m.
19 n m
:30 p.m.
:50 a m.
40 a. m.
40 p. in.
40 a. m.
St. Francis and Ober-1
nn )
Holyoke A Chevenne... .
:40a. m.
"Hurllnmon Special"
to Denver and coast
Crote, Heatrice end
0:30 p. m.
11:58 p. m.
t 6:35 p.m.
11:58 p.m.
t 4
40 p. m.
00 a. m
40 p. m.
40 p.m.
Washington and Con
cordia Endtcott an Red
Benntit, Syracuse, Ne
braska City and east
Grand Island Broken
How, Alliance, New
castle, Sheridan and
Seward, York, and
Grand Island
Atchison, St. Joe,
Kansas City, St.
Louis and south....
Tecumseh and Table
Milford, David City,
and Columbus
:40 p. m.
:55 a.m.
.45 p.m.
t 1:53 p.
t 4:00 a.
t :45p.m.
1:45 p.m.
T 8:40p.m.
t 7:15a.m.
1.85 p.m.
8:10 p. m
10:35 p.m.
!t 7:)a.m.
ChlcaKO, Rock Island A Pacific.
Passenger station corner O and Twentieth Sts.
City office, 1045 O Street.
f ant express toTope
ka, Kan. City, and
all points in Kansas
Oklahoma, and Tex
as. West
Local frolifht accom
modation, east
Local frelKht accom
modation, went
Fast exp for Otnuha,
t 8:20a.m.
tl0:ll p.m.
til SO a.m.
4:03 p.m.
I 55 p.m
8:55 p.m.
Co. KulfTs. D.Moliics
St.I'aul.Chle. a east
Fast exp to Denver, )
Col. Springs, Puub- V
lo and wHt. t
Locul pass for Omaha i
and t'ouncil Hums, f
4:03 p.m.
10 H p m.
t 0a.m,
I'nlun Paclfle Railway.
Depot corner O snd Fourth street. City ticket
otnee lull O street.
Leave, I Arrive.
Qmshs.t'o Hliiffa.Cht
cuuo, V alley, rust
ami .w.t
llHiitrlce, I Hue Sprjn,
Maiiliattun, eutt a
went, Totieka, Kan
Hn t'l v. rUHt. sotilh
t t OSa.m
t T:45a.m
t 8 Wp.m
tjp ro p m
t T:30p.m.
t 8:45 p.m
I'm uH'.ty.MroiiiHltrK. .
t I0 40S m
Mum t lt.v.uavliicuv
I'tilinnlius, IHinmr,
Sail l.uks llcleim,
Sum I- muclsco suit
Ilrairlr. t'orllaml
4 10 am
oia m
MlMuurl I'ai ltle Itallway.
TU kei omces at diM't sntl nror et Tw!ft
suit o si n'i.
Asl'rn sail Nt'lTiks I
:ii '.rv ,
Vt t."Uil iire
Vii .rn ntt Sm.ui I
lit l.ll'IM. I
M l.uoi liL-M lip .
It Wp m
ll Wp m
s m
w pja
I eO p at
00 p tu
I IA a m
rioul. t Ikknra M Mlamerl VslUy
i. i. .m tis ins
liwt fr V.U an I siria, Ctij Tltk
t o !u it ail sirvet.
i s . tt !
t U t ll.inil,,,
t I.. l !..! hilik
Ma, tumU.R t ivlur
i.,itf.l UMlun le
t wtt,
rt' t wt Nav
l-i4. I I mf
I-.,. (.
jY II, , f ( W,tp
M t Mr, I.I'
I a at 11 M s at
t S
I M i
,Hiiiit . iUt b.
I roM..t If, 14 kt.
1 1 Met at,
Ml 4 a.'l litis
V NMrUtweeer Use Ut CaUf,
Low rmfctt. rMtiriM. Vflt Ittl 0 Ik
Aura Root, W. C. Allyn,
State Stock Aarat Nebraska State Cattle Salesman.
Farmers' Alliance,
ornci and naaacui. mabagc.
Allen Root & Company,
Room 220,
First NaUenal Ban of Omaha.
Commercial National Baalc, Omaha.
C. Is. Yds National Bank. Sonta Omaha.
Neb. Savings it Lxchange Bank, Omaba.
Central City Bnk, Central City, Neb.
Hastings ISTelD.,
0 v
kSS54Sot IdbT t'6 RiTen
solicited. Stables In to-vn. Address,
W. J.
Our entire stock of Hordes. Mires and Colts, numbering over I OO HEAD. ConHistlnK of
Percberen. Shire, Clyde, French Coscb snd Standard tired Ktalllonsaml Marrs of different
age. Sale will communce at 10 o'clock sburp. contluulns until all stock ls dlepod of. Ne
postponement ou account of weather Bile will be held undur ev-r. TEKM Cash or one
year's time on good bankable paper, drawing 10 per cent Parties wUhlnK credit should bring
letters of credit from local banks We will offer at private ssle our entlie herd of Galloway
Cattle aud flock of PHR'JPSUIKK rtHEKP. also the Olive Branch Hleck Farm, constating of
iW) a:res of the finest laud in southern Minnesota, all under a high slate of cultivation; well
fenced: has pure running water in all its pastures, ana oral-clans buildings. For terms, prices,
etc., address T.T.TtnH TMPfYRTTNf! flfV. ATIRT4S MTNV.
My horses won more honors than aBV Importer's la America at the following fairs: Iowa
State Fair, Ues Moines: Nebrasits Stale Fair. Lincoln; and the Kansas City Fair, season
1893. My Black Percheron stallion, Jeannot,
to taUe flrst rirnmliiin and nweer KiiiUes over
prices, low interest aud long time visit the Crest
one mile distant. New importation Just received.
F "'w'ami ii iff in iiii-jjiysjiwiii wiisi sjiiiii i.
: - v. 4-nsL.
I Ms stallions, marcs and colts won the uiizes at
winners in past five years.
isssaiii1ili i ilsi ItWWtsMlsWfcsWI
T'hev Were Winners of 527 PrizeSe
9 - - m V P i
IAMS ls the onlv imn-irter In Neliraika thai imnnrli'd
and the largest importer of Clydes and Shires.
prizes at Nebraska Sute Fair of iSg.i, and rims is
IAMS GUARANI'KES to sh.w vou the l.arirsst
of the various breeds of tlvs BE 3 C I S H VI DU A I.
1600 to sjoo weight and at ALLIANCE PtttCE4
per cent interest, or cheaper than an v live importer,
More State Prize winners
CCnf) SAV D by buying a winner of lams.
norse recorded.
Write IAMS. St. Paul ls on the K. & M., and U
The best
few m'nutes' attention s day
will knew It running. Most
economical; guaranteed co-it ol
running Is nue cent pur horse
power per hour. Ad Ire is, Gas & Gasoline Engine Co., Kansas
IS NOW used iijj- all tho priacial feetlera
, of fctock, nutl i better nonieciite l as its
tnvrits liecome known. It U for stock
of all kiml, and you cannot afford to feed
stock for market without it, Thero Js
nothinjr that assisU so much in
10 Hi;, If your ih alcr tlH not
11 lib ,Mh.U and you have only to use ir
to 1 convinced. OXK Poll. VI) 1 &
L'lilTAT 'I'OiHr.WUTOIIV !.. if
iv Villi v uii'j vn- A Ut UJI 1 1, a-' 3 I
Kim tf lOOltn t-aeh. IVicts $1.f,o !WT Ni
unlet and we will hip promptly.
Woodman Linseed Oil Works, Omahn.
S. v't.' h4
St. S.M wi .! s
rtitee. . V.l
. Ss f W
George S. Bbown,
Bog Salesmaa.
Exchange Building
SoU.h Oijiaha. IvJeb,
7Before shipping ask us for condition of
Market and Prices.
In Clydesdale, English Shire. Percheron, Belgian,
German Ccach, Yorkshire, Coach and
Cleveland Bay Stallions.
to responsible parties. Correspondence
WROUCHTON, Hastings, Neb.
AThur., March 28 and 29 J
WILSON, Creston, Iowa.
Percheron, English Shire, Belgian and Coach Horses.
and my llclilau stallion, Sampson, never failed
all. For strlcll v Hrst-class lmiMirted horses, low
City Farm, Cresuin, Iowa. Telephone to farm.
Ipiporter pd Breeder
100 Black PercbsroQ,
. French Draft, .
Clydes and Shires.
IAMS' "Hnrte Show" st the great Ht. Ixum,
K:m and Nebraska State Fairs of 1693, tu olh
;red his competitors,
l'hey won the grand fjoo herd ptlze "For Dest
A lerd of Draft Hurtts" Hiid over every Bebraska
rl lraft horse or mare show" at the World's Fair.
Ncoraska Bute Fair over Nebraska World's Fair
9 9 w 9 e
his Perchernns Ir the nast thrci V) ars from France
ALL BLACKS. lams' homes won six swiepstake
the onlv man of Nebraska that is entitled to the nam;
collection of I1KJ Fl.ASIIY OltAFT ll')llsES
M Kltl V A V IJ UOVAL BKIirDI Mf. is to 6 years old
AND TERMS, one, two and three years time at J
or pay your fare to see them, and lams avs the irclght.
Than AH Nebraska importers.
My prize winners all for sale. Oiod guarantee, every
P. railroad.
St. Paul, "eb.
I have a lot of excellent good pure bred (recorde") stallions and
wares, both Percherons and Kngllsh Shlr-H. Also Irnporwd and
American bred Shetland Ponies. This stoek ls of our own Importa
tions and raising, clean, healthy and all rkht We will so l owe ani
mal or all, as thi entire stock must be disposnd of. For a list and
description address, A. i. 8UULIV N,
The Importing Craft Hone Company.
because the most simple.
City. Mirsour
Oil Cake.
n w 1 no iDi.
1 M.' ' , tl
m CAXS i
, - " run. I
fattpning h
kern it M. nd tu
or luotiey
W 4sVlWtM ff tvww,, e v t!4
"" N-e we 4V tmH l4i
H Isw n .. k vsMe eHS tm wl .1
j ' - Hh4M U
(bMsm (--i
iSWi'ufi -SE