The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, February 15, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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kb'uun i wv i z. tun
A Farions ItlUxard Rwrrp the Conntrjr
From Kmw Mcilvo to Ohio A TerrlOe
Blizzard In Chirago and at Other ,
l'lare In Kama and IU
aourt Other Klortn New
from Varloiu I'oliita.
Chicago, Feb. 13. A blizzard of the
most' approved pattern, with snow,
aleet and an energetic wind, swept
down on Chicago last night and to-day
raged with constantly increasing vio
lence. Great now drifts blocked the
streets, suburban trains were delayed
and snow sweepers were kept inces
santly in im to prevent stoppage of
the street car lines, traffic on which
was badly delayed.
The blizzard is the most severe that
has visited Chicago for many years.
At noon tho wind was blowing at the
rate of seventy miles an dour with in
dications that the storm would con
tinue through the day and night with
the coldest weather of the year. All
incoming trains were from an hour to
two hours late and the roads were be
coming more blocked all the time.
The wind rushed around the down
town corners with terrific force, car
rying pedestrians off their feet and in-
Joring many. Mrs Jane lirahany was
urled against a fire plug near Dear
born and Van J'.uren streets and
fatally injured. Many carriages on
Michigan avenue, where the winl
swept straight off the lake, were over
turned but none of the occupants
were seriously injured. Lake Michi
gan was lashed into a fury and the
waves rushed over the breakwater
and swept clear across the Illinois
Central railway tracks into the Lake
Front park.
The storm was general all over Ill
inois and Iowa and telegrams received
from various cities west and north
west and as far south as Texas indi
cate that it prevailed over that sec
tion. Keokuk, Burlington and (juincy
report street car traflio all stopped,
and trains from the northwest are
late. j
Reports received here from 'points I
in Southern Illinois, Southern and (
Central Indiana, Missouri in general
and Arkansas give the same story
the heaviest snow of the season, with
wind in a majority of cases drifting
the deposit badly. Fort Kmlth, Ark.,
reports rising streams with rail and
wagon roads suffering thereby. In
some instances trains are very badly
delayed, some being four or five hours,
and even more, late.
The promise now Is of a very sharp
drop in temperature, which will turn
the present slush to ice and make the
situation even worse than it is now.
Both Statea Enawatbed In the Mace of
the Beautiful.
Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 12. The
anow that began to fall half heartediy
about 8 o'clock yesterday morning,
came down in earnest at noon and at
I o'clock this morning there was six
teen inches of snow on a level and in
places there were drifts four to five
feet deep.
Last night railways were uttercly
helpless and useless, street railways
could not be operated at all. The air
was not cold. The thermometer here
ranged at 14 degrees above zero from
8 o'clock yesterday morning to 8 to
day. The wind blew in an undecided
sort of way, sometimes seeming to
eome from the west, again apparently
from the north, and shifting around
big buildings and along narrow
streets, drifting the snow in places to
an Impassable depth.
Saturday tho signal service an
nounced probable snows in Missouri
and Kansas, and Mr. Connor, the ob
server here, said to-day that tho ex
tent of the storm did not surprise him
at all "There was a low," he said,
"out near falt Lake City Saturday
and it came sneaking around through
New Mexico and past El Paso.
It extended over Eastern Kan
sas, Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri,
Oklahoma, Northern Texas and
Northern Arkansas and to-day the
same storm that paid its respects to
Kansas City all night long, U doinjr
the same th ng in St Louis, llain fell
there yesterduy. Snow fell in Western
Kansas and Colorado all day Saturday
and the storm proceeded giadua ly
eastward and Is now heading toward
Chicago and the lakes.
The center of the storm area at 8
'clock this raoruin? was Cairo, III.,
the storm being most severe at that
point, and gradually diminishing all
around that city. The center yester
day was near Fort Scott, Kan.
Custom, Mo., Feb. 13. A snow
storm struck this vicinity lust niif ht
and the snow will average twelvtt
Inches drp and la badly drifted, do
laying trains considerably. The liter
al o meter stands twenty-four above.
8a, Josmmi, Ma. Feb. II The storm
which reached here yesterday morn
ing continued all night and tho mow
la almost a fa t and httlf on the
level. Tra us are delayed and some
that were due early this morning are
not lu yet
Nonuomt, Ma, Feb. 13. All this
auction Is suow bound and the ht uvy
wind makes -aOio a I moat im)wlbl,
Cot, ttraHi leg A-la ,.UI4.
Wmiii;io, Feb. S.-(ingrsnB
Pa id 11 l!nderan of Iowa, who lot
tns U'g at th kuue durinf the war,
was ioinH.j I t un li'rn 'n opirit
ti'n oh tUs wouudr I tin-nil tr ) vir
dsy. Hi t d ,t ill an U .soldi,,
rtmrWif r irt Hf?.vL
0 UN
ft la a t'setaff.
lUatroitK, Conn., fVi II Fhs
broke out la the full I'MeM F rMn
torn pa ay s sb. yri'ily fu rti.ton,
aaJ In two hoars iirt js4 about
t)A WS Worth fcf JirotMUtr,
The Hawaiian Mlnlatrr Rpeaka on the
ratara of Hawaii.
WASaiXGTOx, Teh. .13. Minister
Tburi-ton addressed a la rye an lunce
here last night in the M. EL church on
Hawaii and its future and was greeted
with great applause, when he referred
indirectly to annexation. lie said, in
beginning his address, that he was in
vited to come there, if only to show
himself as one of those Hawaiians
who were in danger of having their
heads cut oil. Hawaii, he
continued, Is not so far away from
civilization as many people imagine,
as a matter of fact, it is nearer the
geographical center of the earth than
Washing n. The Aleutian islands
extended out In the Pacific ocean
1,0H) mile east of Hawaii, -making
tan Francisco the geographical center
of this country, so Honolulu is 1.000
miles nearer the Golden Gate than
Hawaii, he declared, is a child of
the United States if ever any country
was the child of another. Americans
found the islands inhabited by a peo
ple one step advanced from barbarism,
formulated and framed the language
and introduced and arranged laws
modeled after those of the United
From a religious point of view the
Hawaiians set a good example of
brotherly love among denominations,
for all the l'rotestants there wor
shipped in one church. Even the 5,000
Mormons there are not polygamists.
There were no social distinction. and
the natives were as kindly and lovable
a race as existed on the face of the
The recent trouble, he declared,
bad been caused by foreigners stirring
np race prejudice. To this day, sn d
the speaker, there is no more danger
of an uprising among the natives than
there is from the natives in Washing
ton. The danger is from the foreign
element, who are a sort of ward
politicians from America and England,
who make the poor natives pull the
chestnuts out of the fire for their use.
In reply to thequestion, "What are we
going to do?" the speaker said:
"We are going to cross each bridge
when we get to it We do not pro
pose to allow the country, after
seventy years of development, to lapse
again into despotic heathenism. YVa
will endeavor to hold the country
to the best of our ability, meeting
each problem with the help of Al
mighty God and the American people.
I believe we shall succeed in keeping
Hawaii as the gem of the ocean, the
brightest and best land of liberty la
the Pacific ocean."
The audience vigorously applaud jd
this statement
A Young Man Kills ill Rival and Meets
' Death Belting an Officer. ham, Ala., Feb. 13. News
reached here of a bloody double trag
ecy at Johns, twenty miles away.
Dennis Clements and Will Barge we.e
in love with the same young lady.
They met at her home and a quarrel
resulted. Barge finally drew a pistol
and shot and killed Clements in the
presence of the horrified young wo
man, who appealed piteously f or him
not to shoot Barge fled, and later on
Deputy Sheriff Charles Holman at
tempted to arrest Barge, who drew a
pistol and said: "I'm fixed for you and
you can't arrest me." Barge pulled
the trigger of his pistol, but it did not
fire. Holman quickly raised a shot
gun and blew Barge's head off.
For a Doit Heinous Murder.
Waterloo, Iowa, Feb. 13. Sa n Dee
ters is on trial at Angola for the most
heinous murder ever committed in
Steuben county. On August 31 last
Dceters shot and killed his neighbor,
Amos Buchtel. and the latter's daugh
ter, Mrs. Laura Ixnve. He then
wounded William Yates and attempted
to kill his own mother by locking her
in a barn and tiring the building. She
escaped, and Dceters was placed in
I'ugllUt In a Street Fight.
San Francisco, Feb. 13. Jack Mo
AulifFe, the light-weight chanpion,
and two friends, while un ler the in
fluence of liquor, attacked Young
Mitchell, the, light-weight champ. on
of the Pacific coast on the street, and
kicked and pounded him into insensi
bility. The police were called and
roughly handled tho McAuliffe party.
All were arrested, bnt Mitchell was
too badly used up to appear In court
Sloaaon Win.
BoBTOtf, Feb. 13. Slosson de'eated
Ives in the last game of the three
cornered billiard tournament;wi ming
the match and purse.
Karma iity t.raln.
Sales by sample on 'eh in e. f o b 'rack,
Kunnn City: Uauu VViiAr-No. t ht d II
Car I.H No I I o.r 17 to i otrt 17a N'a.
4 turd, tcM. 8orr Wikat-No I rL I
ear Ate. I ear Wo, I ew f No .1 red, I ur
Wo No 4 red. I car tic, I er tla rejected t
cur 4.'o
Conn OnVrlns wore email an.I the reoetpts
are r pccied lot am ill tie au.vof ihttioim,
Ihwrurnre th t market aria and ome wr
a lr.MH. on bl:hr, itaivtpl of Cora 10 dir.
tct car s year an, Id cars No t
till ed old at JO.ntUu Kanu City N .
I tnlied '''to; No ' 4, i lit ,e No t
wt to, ..It Not white. Jl 31 is No
v nil i OHaquut id Botn'n.tllr si tl 3 MeinpoU)
No (mUud. MeinpnU
KAttvis ci r t i.ivk irocn.
KaArirr Mo.t-'tb II - fUte--KeilMs
ftiUur.iuy, wi i'le tit, ahtiip-Nl Katirdty,
t,v lie sipl etlfttmaif tl hi u ao
eouai ot tlw torat 44 I .r m aoi iim
r4itl a-r ! l it rt Irtde 4a I tata
y4xl hola in lae ot oiirkol
tn e4 hw! a I snlppix ie-a 44 iv i V heller I I letai il lsla
urs lu lKkr l vU 4M
tbUtL 11 a "41.
Iit ' irexuli'i alaoo Wt4r4Ay, I
dipia-4 souf at, IH Tka uii' el knf
tstl o avtif 44tltif Tr.4e ai
a. lit 4 a riif I hi htt tk a
rut irxa 1 1 hi 1 1 u i
St t, ,4 1 bulk u ah ai m 10,1 n s4
blk ot .i iujH ,iMfai
IIk hI ta.e t4l4tdtr, t
kitMbl itw.dit l Tm wr4 tery
i)ei ft ike lew Mi ' lreu4
1 tMieeia 1 are ptewautlrs
wi tko w. tn4
ats . . ii 1
t..t. m Ho au ! tUt4fJV 1 91a
tui'u4 k tr(4 4 I'm wtr4 at 4t
4 aks '
The Soldier Hplrit Barns la Many
Breasts Today.
Rush ville. Neb., Feb. 1. 1394.
Well, my brother, find order for 11.(0
for ray renewal.
U the cause of liberty and freedom,
that required the froety blood stains at
Valley Forge in this country jers ago
going to prove s failure?
Never. No, never!
I tell you the gret battle for liberty
and the cau-e of humanity la this
country will be fount In November
Now If our caus lei not successful at
that tta if thra is going to be a repe
tition of some bO"dlr securing the
residency through fale vrtt-nav, as
0 vi land dl I, right th?rs tie ar wl
rwgln. And frvery trai'or in thecouniry
will lire'eh hemp. 1 vas a soldier in
he sixties, aod I tell you that if any
soldier had become as traitorous as
Cleveland and blscablnet, and members
of both houses of congress while in the
rmy, they would have been arretted,
court-marshaled, and shot within four
diys. The people of this kingdom will
not bear to be tampered with any long
er. If the traitors at the head of this
government think they can deceive the
people aa tbey did in the lait presiden
tial election Jus' let them try it. Tbey
will find old "Squatter Sovereignty" in
hi war paint, as the same devils found
him la 1856 In the great Kansas war,
for freedom and liberty of the colored
man in the South, I saw those long
haired ignorant druDken devils in Clay
county, Missouri, drilling in order to
cross the river and make Kansas a slave
state. If we bad had a goverament of j
'he people, by the people and for the
people at that time, tbbie red sbirted
vog and corn bread gents would have
ben hung.
See our paternal daddy receiving 112
000,000 gallons of wbiekey In 1891 on
deposit for that yer only. ThewhUky
trust compelled our lawmtkers to build
or its b-neflt only, a subtreasury or
warehouse, to the loss of the tax-p ty-
rs and a great ( aln to the whisky trust
So legislative body evar passed a more
nfernal act lhaa that which allows the
distillers to put their "fire water" in a
bonded warehouse snd obtala a certifi
cate of deposit and a loan of the tax
or three years at 4 per cent. At 90
cents per ga'lon the tax would have
been 1108,000,000 This amount was
due then and there. Rut our paternal
daddy steps in by special legislation an 1
agrees to lend them that sum of the
people's taxes at 4 per cent interest.
Corn juice can gt its warehouses, it
Aubtrea-iury, itscert'ficateaod loan; but
'hecora itself cannot. This juice in
the hands of the distillers is the wea
poo of daa'h, a pestilence to the uni
verse. It goes among the children of
men, hissing malice to the murderers
carrying rags to the wife and little ones,
filling the homes with vice and crime,
s aining th streets with blood. But
when the farmer pleads as an escape
frm the grievous wrongs which the
government has done him through clat-s
aws, that they allow him s ware house
sod a loaa h U tc ffd at, abused, rldi
oiled, maligned, insultid and igno
rn'.oubly driven away Frat,rna'ly,
The People Will ISn Free.
Editor Alliance Independent:
There is a general d sire for reorgan
ization in the air. As a sample of the
encouraging news we receive I will
quote from a few letiers.
I. N. Thompson 1 f Furnas county
writes, "I have called meeting of
Strnggreen Alliance and have re
cruited H with fortv (40) members."
W. F. Deets of Birtraod write?,
''Piease send us some new constitutions,
by-laws and music, or -0Qg. We want
public install Ion of oflloers and du our
' tl st works over, and brttter.1
lhe ijecretarv of Buffalo county
writes, ' The interest in the work Is be
glniil g to revive. A'.liauoa No. 893 is
. holding good meeting evf ry week."
j Brother Powt-rs writes, "Fracklin
county did nobly. Brother D mmick
a ootnuanl -d me In all the appointments
and we had good meeting throughout,
especially the last, at Campbell yester
day afu rnooo. There is great demand
for the maaua's."
Asdsoou from N'tnaha county on
the east to the vry wes t ;tnes the
good nwwsof a strong flirt to revive
and enliven the Alliances,
K arnsy, too, does not propose to be
b-nlnd. We have appolotcd a new li-c-urer
and orna ! r who lil work, ard
; ao lo have Kv J M. S tyder in the
oounty for ou week. There aro some
p-ilMclaiiseveo In the third party who
would ju' a soon t'.a Alitsncs rt
iougr Hat it I tl us f .r it to arise.
Yours for ln.!u rUl frtfil 'm,
Mli9 J I . KkLUK.
Travellnn on Hnuw Hhuee.
8heriuo U n'd, on ttf oar Mr.
UonrU of tho All-aacrt Hta'tt Fiou
Ivn Coiniuitwe was uaagbt 10 uM
f-oiw h un, to th rttONt n avy snow
trin and as 0 n'lld tohavo hi
u.f and rwlum waHilog U n ta'Us oa
Of lha many iHmdltioa powders r-
mmi-nd d tor h-, n Ui r b-tvf
ha I tl I C m a Vmk flk'.ti th
.-evF"-d l l'i
T' Hot irihs Ar 1 aJ rttwfa
tUlVU t'i Mit't Caddo rr4te
F.b 13 h t .11 w t fail. I al.l.. (1, I"
A) T. A, WH U trw tlati, Nib,
Prealdent, W. , Dale, Atlanta.
Vlce-Pre., Prof. W. a. Jones, Hastings.
Becaeiary, Mrs. J. T. EeUle. Hartwell.
Treasurer. Jmes Cameron, Beaver Cur.
J. a. Poweia, sute Lecturer. Xponee.
W. P. Wrlfht, 8tOrgnlzer AUlance Aid,
Bethany, Ntb.
Chairman. I. N. Leonard, Lincoln.
E. dTmiii. Bnrtraad.
L. W Vouag. 1 aoavUlo.
CM. Lrmar, M-ad.
I it. Diiuuili.'k, Macon.
lha ilurrlvann D'l'b In Webster
4'iumy. 1
R-i Clouo, NVb., Feb. 6, 1894. (
Ed 'tor Alliascs-Inoepexdent:
B other D jch has jjst closed a suc
cessful series' of scvn meetings in this
county. He spok seven times at as
mtiy different plas and at nearly
every plnce he had a large aud ea hu
iastlo audience. We are taking op the
campaign where we left off last fall, and
shall cure a thorough organization of
the county. You will hear from Web
ster next fall
Alliance Resolutions.
LliCHFIELD, Neb., Feb 3, 1894.
Editob Alliakce-Indefendemi:
The Gracchus Alliance, No. 569, at a
recent meeting passed the following
Resolved, That wa endorse the action
of the Kalhts of Lab t asking to en
join boj etary Carlisle from lsauiog
tnna ana tnt-reby lorglng the chains
of iudusirial elavry on the masses of
toe people and our bosu-rlty. and we
demand instead of bonds the issuing of
non-iteres' bearing legal leader paper
nj'-n y to meet deficiencies; aad b it
IX solved, That we view with a'arm
the arb'trary methods of our presont
J, W. Hahpy, President.
M.J. HiLL, Se:reury,
Perkins County Alliance Called to
Bio Springs, Neb , Jan. 25, 1894.
To the members of the Alliance in
Perkins county:
There will be a meeting of the Alli
ance at Grant st 10 A. M on Saturday,
Fob. 17, 1894 All membra who caa do
so are earaeit'y requested to attend, as
there will be some Important questions
up for diccuseion and consideration,
amoDg others the perfecting of arrange
ments that will give us a visit from our
President or Lecturer.
T A. Clugston, Sec'y.
A -New Vigorons Start in Alliance)
Hartwell, Neb., Jan. 3, 1893.
Editor Alliance-Independent:
At the meeting of the executive com
mit ue io Hetings today the following
appointments were made lor John H.
Rd Willow county, Bartley, Feb. 13.
Llundy c luntv, He nklemsn, Feb. 19.
Cba-e county, Imperial, Feb 23.
Hayes o -unty, Galena, tVb. 28
Four days will be spent by him in
each couoty and the other aDpolnt
mm s will be main latr. These are
toe dates of his entrance into each
cunty. President W F. Dale will
hli-o spen! four days in CHch of tho fol
lowing counties, beginning on dates as
Fiilraorn couny, Feb 9.,
Clay county, Feb 14.
Hamilton cou -ty, Feb 19.
Adams county, two days, Feb. 23 and
The plnces for his meetings have not
been decided on, but will be sent you
The state secretary desires to cor
respond with one or more earnest Al
liance workers in eich couuty named
who will do all in th ir power to make
these meeting profitable. Alliance
pipers In each of the named counties
please copy, Mrs. J I'. Kellie,
St-e'v State Alliance.
A Letter Kr.-in t'reaident Dale.
Editor Alliance-Independent:
The Slate Executive C mmittee of
the Farmers' Allinnoe outlined the fol
lowing work for the president, covering
a period of five weeks, points to be
arraugi d by the State secretary in cor-rt-spoudenco
with each county tccreUry
and ib r parties interested in said
rountlcs liiopt every friend of our
order will not only hr-lp in advertising
thesM mfttinga but wilt try aud have
th m well at ended.
Saline, " Feb. 5ti8.
Fiilmoie, " 9 to 13
Cay. 14 toll.
Hamilton " " lio2i.
Adams, " 21 to 24.
Very Truly Y -urs.
W. F Uai k. Pres.
Co-oprrailon HrtuHts,
Hartwell. X b , Feb. ft, 1894.
Edlor Allianck-Inurpendent:
At the iqust tif one of ihesub-Alll
at o Krrvur t I ent to verai locu
bator manufacturtrs f r their wbols
sale riot s, and have rclud from a
leading maoufiicturur aa ffef of quiu
lib rl duomiot from tho regular pnc.
All ot our ntembvrs dtriag to bur oa
this p- lag Duller rati be benfi td by
ro ot rating together la ha purcba.
I al have o -Ula t diouoi on ftult
sprayers, aad whdle prUseis wa-h
Ing n a'hUr, aiif ai-oi uma i hsv
offer on tb gada ed drdl, awhg
ma'Mat, wbnl hos rio., and will
gtvif ovir ,u. m'x'r th full batl
C our pricv oo iblsfrt If
oar ninitiWr w ll wrii W4 what thry
waul. Y.ura for tBlutrl fietom,
Mk .!. T. Kiit.l,
Hvr'ary fi'au l'if r AilUns
l Ha OftHltld (hi C tt? Woo4
a Uaassd Oil Woikt, Oavtaa.
Red. Whirr. Alfalfa and Alii Ike CToeera.
Timothy. Bine Graa. Orrbard Graaa, Red
Top. Onion SM Tre Swim. Cane Seed.
- KtnuMkmMtrrnwanullvnaadveKtiAbw MitUiiiUMwonil. otl.uiu,
- , ) ' Barley. Corn, t loer Timothy, CnuM,, IB oonnHiiqanuti.
1 ' Koc and Planta. 36 pfcri.erlM Vc(able aecd. enocKb fora (rardni, bom
.... paid for ai.te. 1 kgt. Ule fmli, Uc 8r. oar Oret North Osu
''Vif'' yk-ldwl i!6 hah from om bash, aavn! Did TOBeerirtht likl Pke of ihteOaia
'.fcVv ,' andcaiaLvuefrronpoMrraiptof Iciartampt. 1 Farm Red Mmpl. 10c. W ith
4?T"I'4' ' gtaliifM, lij. our prpt rflalmrur. I3h run, for porfaire. Writ to-dy.
" w -i 1 VX4 rVi i TM dl J Y! 71 Hi iTIfet rTlT.Tl I'd
NErtttMiAH fcU Lf WALL.
O N-heniiih bul't de wall ;de Bible saj)
He buiU it quick aad he built Hull; for so de
Bible tar.
De bleaaod Loid did tell htm to Lle Bib:e sati
And be gavbuu alreDgth tooo It too, tor so
de Bible y.
Cno.-O build de wall d it Prohibition wall.
O bul d bim tun auJ strong
Kep nut the ruoi, de pol-n rum,
And ead de mammoth wrong.
De Prophet made all people work Ide Bible sty I
The big and Utile, never a shirk; for so do
Bible sav.
Bs made each bulid by his own home I de Bible
s I
To mix d and to lav dem stone, for so
dBi lseajr.
Dey built dat wall wlleoemlei roun' I de Bible
Dey did not mln de threat an' frown, fr so
de Biule say.
They buii' de aword upon delr thigh I de
Bible f a) I
Dey built wld 1 is of weapons by; for so de
Bible say
Our country's wall am all laid low Ocan'tyou
'Galnat il:ne Temperance his no show, O
can't loucle.rly ee
King Alcobei :iay w-i the land O caa't
you ect
H blurts aod r-Iay on every hand I O can't you
clearly !
De good Lori calls to build a wall I O can't
you e':'
A glorious Prohibition wall, Ocan'tyou clearly
To build It quick and build it tall I O can't you
And mane It so it never fall, Ocan'tyou clearly
Oare you working on that wall J de Lord's
own wall?
Or sre you biding from de call, de Prohibition
Come out and work upon dat wall I de Loid's
own walll
Aod fetch de neighbors one and all, to de Proj
Build without fear the Lord's own wall 1 de
Prohibition wall I
Heed not de enemies one nor all; for dey must
surely fall
Bind on de sword ob legal right I and keep 1 1
And how you'r ready for de flght, de Prohlbi"
tlon fight.
Tobacco factories Horned Down.
Henderson, Ky., Feb. 13. The John
H. llarrett & Co. and R. II. Soaper
tobacco factories, containing about
I. OOO.OOD pounds of tobacco together
with four dwellings were burned to
the ground yesterday. Loss, 8150,000.
1'he fire was of incendiary origin.
All Populists a-e notified that a spe
cial rate or 81.50 per day has b en
arranged for at the Windsor Hot 1, for
their entertainment w'.en in Linco n.
The secretary of the state central cora
n)l?.fee has a roo o at this hotel and
wou'd H glad to met any and all who
may c nn to the city.
Ground Oil Ctks should be fed to
stock of all kinds, specially hogs a d
joung CHttln. Woodman Linseed Oil
Works, Ornha. 1
Call on (ieo. Natterman & Co. for
carriages, wagons, binders, and all
farm lmpleme We'll use you right.
213 South Ninth St. Lincoln.
North Western tine Palace Sleeper
and Fast Chicago Train Service.
A palace car for Lincoln people Is
now attached da ly to the Chicago lim
ited, b-avlnir Lincoln at 1:35. .No baier
service, lowest rates.
For ticket, brth reservations etc.,
call at city office. 1143 O street, or depot
Cor. S and Ktb atrewts
When your stock tre's off thdr feed
give them Ground Oil Cake to tone up
the syistem. Woodman Lloseed Oil
Works Oiu ha. 1
Hard times cut no tiguto with tbt
Burlington when It comes to the ac
commodating the traveling public
The laut addition to thiur alrudy
splendid servloi sre four daily lnt ex-pre.-s
trains between Lincoln and Ut.
Louis. through reclolug chair ears, Full
mm veatlbuled sleepers and tho ever
popular dining cars.
Auk Zieniur at K. & M. depot or
Bunnell at city offioti, cor. 10in and;J
streets about (.neae aew tralut to bt.
Louis and the south.
For fattening stock, one pound of
(round Oil cake Is equal to three pounds
of corn.
H Mlr.l KX UUitltlNH.
Via th Mlaarl I'aoino Home.
tin hi atuia Tuueoay In 1) tunier
IH!KI JaauAry, Fotirusr, Muii, Ar
ai d May, lt. Mim uil I'aclft.
IUi4to will soil Mund Ihm lii ket. tu l
sialiiMi la IVias wutt anal itiuit to r
t ir in itilrtv Ua fr.iu Uat til le
HVipi-t, ter arv ailo.4 is Aru,
ieia aod Ok a")oui, S M aim
i-dlaa I wrr t-ry. t! muo and ttse
inn tilth attutH, I'mu Dakiiiji, C
V A I .""I Ostrwt.
T t' I,! Vr I' t' H K S . 1
Mr'.4ia ll. fMa t.-a, t
t t'r t (N Wt t 4 l ).'
It I fWMI.tHil ,f IV M4 l m I'
I' a akatt, at4 I 4 t t m .! cv.
Uklaauv H H t. ,t f k'S
m, m. aisasfss, . ..
J- c;,FJtZ.-Fj:I MD0-I40J (1110 Cl
ai d plan f varietU-a ihat iil bear
fruit la Nebraska, a-i evtileooed ny 1,30q
ouknis oi apies aud 8 0
OaeQ' ina. Of t
(rrown in one seiou inV r
Crete Nurseries !
iHriro eu'CaC or rnuu ntfc-KS aoavr
. t m sa.kivi aa . M
TUEbIS suited to Nebrssk.. f . ex
DerD-nco and advice of th roorie'or,
wao is Fiesident of the Sttte H irticul
tural S ociety will b- found snft ad use
ful to all. tSuthfacliiii Gu mn'e-t. Cor-r-fpond
t once before extreme rush
opens. Address, .
B. K. STEPHENS r p-., I
rree eb.
Locnst and Ash lros,
Fruit Trees, Cripe V nes anl v
Send for free price list to
Jannen, Jeffermni C ,
Wesleri) Trees
IT IS A f ACT that for l'rirle i'lant
In, Tives grown n Pra'ries arj the
Dst xou eta get tbem at
The Geneva Nursfirir
A1 sorts of them and in ait o .a I'll
f ora one to a cariotd, at Vor il
rKiUES uur svi ic is very cmip:'
in all departments.
usage nants and Forest Trees,
Also a .full line of Fruit,. and
Ornamental Stok. G'HDe Vines. Ro&er
and Evergreens Clttaigua fre. i
Write lor Prices w--s.., (
Address, Yountjers & Co
Geneva, Neb.
' 61 & 501 Broad St ';
IxkjU Uo '6.
rmrvi ITY. : KAN8S
JJ K. '
House nl
jew each -a M,i ..
ln,,roi)onlon W Vl,r
9 mm mw mw wm mm mw mw f
Five New Varieties of teed Corn, v.ei d
descriptive price lint to
little Sioux, Iowa
Kansas Seed llou
cicniininu in mt bttB LINEUP
Our Meclaltlei Onion Seed auU Halt; AlXr
Kaffir aad Jerusalem Corn; Tree Seed for nurse
nu umocr claims, nave also a limited tiippl
iiyinyruBuve8trl(Flatl'ea'ttie new Forauc p
.lew tntnlnmit mnll.J tfVA An
f.W. BARTELDES & CO., Lawrence, Kan.
('Rim. Mlllpt Swrl.- Kuffl- Dl,.
Jerusalem Corn Yello a d ti?t.iMllo
iiatze, an trrown in iksh. For I'rlces
A .1.1 , V . . r ..... . . l
srO'n City
lATAlOd Hit
Jr M
n. . j
W IT BtH A Mo., 8t4w
nrui.iiuini,,n A dSl C
I ."tfjaiVVJ
,B oi, Pa-ndxV
nuvai uta
MONEY IN fOrslOEiANDallr,:
Md IW4U I'l.itill
Ivl'iiis ,.u
tu f;a..t, a... n. ,.,., h m ... tulili
V' " '' A. " V
1 a arw 1
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Nonirut Walt pp.f 3
'aiM st Ti. I.'. , f t h. :K lttm m
a tut Si.aiwi. 1?
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...J ... 1 .V. ' ' '"HM l.
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