.FFWABY 15. WA THE ALLIANCE -INDEPENDENT, bitl tb vast turn that now fcres tk u.onpv lo&nrri. TLls can be pe by BaUonalizinjj the whole bank I bu-ia8, loacs, deport and ex ange. Also bj government owner- Alp td vperaiion of the railro ds, wWtcb would leave onlj labor cost of (traaprtun between producers ana e'nsumM. the three or four hufcdred Billions net profit dividends would be i saved. Wiib mot.ey procurable at cost Vmuch rent could be saved, more and Xtter homes cmld be built and paid I ibr, and land monopoly tribute oould al' so De cut away by an eqauaoie ia o orbing the monopoly portion of rents. With these just measures the law, no one could live without labor; no one esuld obtain any considerable wealth Iwithm producing ft. And with lb ir earning thus kipt in the hands of the peftle th millions now hungry would provide a sufficient market for our food product; the millions now needing clotbes would boom the clothing bust nessj.tho shivering poor would call for vastly more coal, and s- on through al the round of u&tful avocations. Con sumpti-n or use would keep pace with production, and production could be in- creased with ut UhjU. Uuder the new eonitAhln rvimaiarrta.l relations to Dro- ductlva ladJutry or useful occupation would be over-crowded, and we shou u produce for foreign markets only sucn goods as we could with mutual ad ran tage ezcha ie with them. We should ne A no tariff to protect us. Money to Copland thtffull value of our product is, thera can ba no other protection Free i rade is aUo a misnomer, an lm passible thing at home as well as abroad 'folongat monopolies exist to dictate m a i . - m t 'ages, inigni lanna ana prices. E POWiiS OF THE DSUEEE8. ffwo weeks af ter th Sherman act was repealed the New York Chamber of mninrcd give the traitor Carlisle i nner. a usurers champagne jolliflca on ov r the cutting off of the people's ey supply; and at the post-prandial cb-maKlug President Smith of the tfard of Trade, as reported in the New 'ork I r bune, said: Now, gentlemen, it was a considerable iirpriee to the country that the uqcou ltd I tlmiuJ ii.u I tf thu m(Iai vnirhuainiT Vsct was to promptly pa i-d, and by so 'ar? a mal iritv in Hih. IT iu-te of Rjo re iver, aod 1 tbluk i ur special com a dt which mv fritnl Mr. John lfu, m chairman, bad something do wit'i crftnion a healthy pmd c rsentimeu'. nn that ou"ation. ine reso lu'lons t-mo dying trie views "I in chanber. aad asking the parties ad dressed to mjH their ibflueoce for un conditional rent-Hi. with sent lo 4 4.'!0 banks und trust companies, to 420 c tn ' mereul a-sicutluus. a i the members 4iof the ctiaoner sent 3)00') letters V private Br in and individuals to the flst'n ifT-"t. The rt-sponwjs to the above mentioned documents proved tint the cou try w4 overwhelmingly io J favor uf uuoouUiilonal repeal. 4 This Btavment of their own, will 1 show to our rradars tbo organizitlon, j work and m'ghty Influence of the money ower. 1 1 win a surprise to the pe plo " of the country that a strong majority should so suddenly hi converted into a helpless minority. It aaiized thorn it score of the prom'unct d free coin- advix-ates, life 1od friends and dc- nders of si! v-r. should be swept uu embr cjs of the goldbugs and made io ugaiusb i.u'11 unu urguuieuis 1 convict ious. But great is the pow- of gold ia p 1 itic-j. notice the lordly assumption of the ,st sHtenoe quoted above. In the valon of this mouthpiece of the usur M,40 banks and tru-t companies and oamTelal associations (stock gam r), with do.OUU depe d-nt firms, or as wh 83 in'eret-ts are served by re ;lng wiges, constitute tht country 'the ooiatry whose action "proved" that it ' waj "overwhelmisgly in favor of un conditional repea !'' The great farm lag clas, ninety fl va per cent of it, wa opptsedto closing the mints against silver; but thy ar5 not a part of "ihe country." The WHge earners of the CSMotry, numbering millions to the us Mfdti ouaands, ' hrough their organ li ions spoke loud against repeal; but they are not a part of the country. Th" country means the rulers, and the ru'ers are th i usurers, the mony mnnopolisU. rTtis land monopolists ntd capl talis t I are 'o bo clashed with them, of course, ( the coaver Ibillty of their Income com- minaing property lata money, making their iti erest the same. Are we going to allov this once proud iand f freedom, ourownhved oouatry, la b xhaorieJ and its people enslaved by usurps? Are we going to meekly sutiinl'. to hive wai(snd prlu'olof rod until th j h. Mors of 6'H) millions of got I shall ho bnuUl up with uiry ii',h b Jf bja jht up atr.adj), aod tunku t sntlro pop'rt ru f th soil? Are gi-ii'g io U-oUy !low CUvdaq !. Cur lUl i and J ha 8iortan, the .' jW'j'lttnl (.Dsnpd titreeU, tu cfud bn l tip 'i r A' w till afftn n l i ar w golnsf to alo q ur intent ttU d iirrthr.i ih uaitr Jf t s hl WMt t.r ) It, "" ' 1 " "U Taa l'std Suu-s Von.s Is p'4 f v ry tmri tnn. T n.l th ttr'.ff pt-.s iro ad ,io, tH no vUJ tifpt what they coata'a. wu'a b Ke u tlltr ht Vtkr Iks MtKlnlvy U'ttt is at't wrosf U riiftt, UtMUeariuwaatea Us piHr lualiy tetvl!g and conclusive to these who listen to them, the Democratic argarent to the D.'Becr&t9, and the Republican arj u ment to the Republicans, it prove that tke voters are most'y bambo rVd at present It proves also that the politleal lead-rs (who are not fools) are usually knaves. k QLSQ OF PTJBLIO PLUHDEBEBS. The Republican party ia Nebraska bas made tbe laws and the constitution which we are under. And it has placed In the state treasurer's bands 10,000 permanent school fund, upon which he, by depositing in banks, may draw in terest for himself, but the state gets nothing. At the same time the tax pajers of tbe state aie being f reed to pay seven per cent, interest on out standing warrants in about the same amount. The state warrants are bought up at a discount by tbe same men who handle the state school fund, and on both the state debts and the state funds they are collecting usury from tbe peo ple. This milking-at-both-ends, umry robbery of course supplies a liberal divide for Republican campaign expen sea, and the s ate treasurer throws into the party hat liberally out of his share of the usury plunder. Until a recent Populist legislature took away similar Republican made privileges from county treasurers (which allowed them as individuals to deposit in their own narcei and draw interest on the public funds), these county offi cers were regularly milking tbe people al-o. The Eepublican part? in this state is rotten to its foundations and it must be clcantd out. Tbe above scheme of robbery proves it. The Lincoln Asj- lum steals prove It. The Norfolk Asy litn expense acroutts (compare with the Lincoln Asylum accounts) prove it, The defeat of Reese and Maxwell In convention, and tbe election of Norval, Post and Harrison (all railroad candi dates) to the euprt me bench, proves it. The 12,000 annual passes supnlitd by the railroad to Republican officials and politicians, great and small, p ove it. fne inaction on the part of the Attor ney-General, wboeo business it is to gf t the iajunc'lon tylsg up the maximum freight rite law either set aside or the case brought to trial, prvs it. "BUT who so hath this world's good and seeth his brother in need and shutteth up his compassion from bim. now dwellelh tbe love of God in him?" Ur, to put it in modern phrase, whoso hath land and capital and seeth his brother bereft of these, and refuseth to allow htm to work for the full product that bis toil creates, how dwelled the love of God in him? It isn't there brethren. No, it isn't there. Such a refusal, or unjust demand, Is what we call bjfinea-; but there is no love in it, no justice in it. And there Is no Divine orglveness for thit sort of deliberate, Intelligent taking tdvan'a?e of the poor to lone a it Ik p rr-i-ted in. , Mr. M. E Ingalls, ptfbidentof tbe Big Fcur and the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, in a speech at a banquet Jack son's day, at Columbus Ohio, tpeaking r.m the standpoint of a democrat, said: "The honest truth i, it (the Wilson bill) is oaly another edition of tha Mc- Klu'oy bill, dressed up in Democratij clothes to give it rtspec'sbliity " Ills speech, which is a general and particu lar arraignment of the Wilson tariff bill, b quoted in full in the Congress ional Uncord. The corporations will swing back n-xt tinre into the Republi can party. They pass from one to tbe other with all their patronage and vot ing power for nbviou b'mness reasons. Rut. L B. Johnson of Lynn, Mass, rtcently said: ''Certain corporation have deliberately robbed the poor labor- ng classes. In one year tbe great Pa- olflo Mills of Lawrence paid a dividend of 22 per cent, and the next year 20 per cent, and at the same time paid its faithful men of toll 00 cents a day " Hs also mentioned the Willlamaatlo Lines Cempany whose dividend was greater, nl called attention to the women ia uur great cities who under ordinary oiinilitlons are glad to get six cents for four hours faithful work "We denounce Republican protection as a fraud; a robbery of the grent ma- irl'y of the American poonle tor the bneflt of the few " So said the Pem- cra'iopa'ty in national convention. Bu bat, then, Is Democratic protection but fraud and robberv? Tne'Dnuorata also denounced the Republican protec tive laitS for t's utuHinttltutioDallty; nd they have stra'vhlwav framed and upported a bill having ibe same pro tective features. Tll Initi ation ar that the Dvmn crata will run WlUon and the R publl cans M Kinl. y In the nxt pre'luoatla1 e n!S. Wry ril. tile ui Alien and Watton a our U ad. rs tnd w ca !' th 111 unite jjaint us, and raa dlvids aed espturs th W, t '!s' H-rh. Th Kat g-. ILoublt os, Iks Sjath aed Vet IVpuiitt, In I Hi. AUMTSftK baa Weft dlcmmt la b B'ttnerWod prtM.-d rrt at the uJl'.lt'roU'tliw,jff th H-a AMI in puhiuhtd U This Ailunck Ih DH'CM'nt of Jsauary Mh. Uy a tfptgrei-Moal trior tbe ff ur ft was Mfi la lbs p'aos (! Bfur $,tnkltg Uta! rvovliM II.STS M Us wad o( 11 ri. ed A HeetlBK fur tbe Cnrmployvd. Lt(XLl, Neb , Feb. 13, 1894. To all employed and unemployed, al so organized and unorganized working men and women, greeting: Whereas, At the regular meeting of Nationalist Club No. 1. and the Central Labor Uaion of this city, held at thHr respective places of meeting, we, tbe undersigned, were selected by tbe said Club and Ltber Union as a committee to procure a ball and call a meeting of all working men aod women of this city, therefore, we, the committee act ing, selected by our different organiza tion do hereby call a meeting of all laboring men and women of this city that want labor at just remuneratoin and not alms, to meet at the court house Friday evening, February 16tb at 7 30 p. m., for the purpose of asdstlcg in the deliberation of methods and means wherely the needy unemployed residents of this city can secure honest employment and at ju-t remuneration Trusting that all wi l attend this meeting we are, very truly yours. Cbas SfclTZ. C E. VtliuUARD. E. K Gkyfkhu. llALL IUkVfcS. Mr. Campbki u Joint, csmmlttee from tt eOntrai Labor Union atd Nationalist Club No. 1 of Lincoln. Tbe Land Question Simplified. The Earl of Derby, while walking oa hli own land, once met a collier. His lordship inquired if tbe collier knew be was walking on his land. "Thy land? Well, I've got bo land mysel'," was tbe reply, "atd Vu like to alk on some body's. Wbeerdid tha' get it fro'?' "Oh," explained his lordship, "I got it from my ancestors." "An wheer did they get it fro'?" queried tbe collier They got it from their ancestors," was the reply. "And wbeer did theiraDCes tors get it fro'?" "Tbey fought for it. "Well, begad " snld the collier, squar ing up to tbe noble earl, "I'll fight thet for it!" English Exchange. Arbitrary Atyluxi Officials. Two year ago next March Mrs. John Donner of West Cedar vail' y was taken to tbe atylum at Norfolk, and while her husbaDd and other relatives have made efforts to see her in private this I' as been denied them by thesuuerintendeut Recently Mr. Donner wrote Governor Crounte in regard to the matter, aid be repliid that be bas visited tbe at-)- lum and investigated the ca-e, fii ding no reason why tbe demand of tbe hus band and relatives should not be com plied with and bas so notified tbe superintendent. From a'l indications the asylum officials are acting in a very arbitrary manner in this case at leabt. Ex. About Shipping Grain. Editor Allianck-Indrpkndent: Accordir g to my promise, and in re ply to inquiries, I offer a few suggef. tions on tbe shipping of grain, Lexvir g it for each farmer todetermlna for him self when he prefers to market his grain, and for those acquainted with the busi ness to pursue tbeir own course, I write for those who wish to learn. Having grain to market and knowing where and to whom you wish to ship it, you order a car of the railroad agent, and get good ready to load them a- quicklj as possible when thy come, though you have two days to load them in after their arrival It needed. When loaded, bill It on their blank", &i the agent d rects, and taking a copy if this biil of lading, mail it to your consignee, or else take it to your bank er and draw a sigbt-dr&ft against it, which your banker will cash for you; and then he will send the draft with the bill of lading attacned, on through the clearinghouse, and your commission- man pays It at sight, and sets your grain to the best advantage be caa and sends yu the balance of your money. There is nothing to hinder the intelli gent farmers from shipping his own grain when he wishes to, and thus sav ing to himself the larger part of the dealers profit. Promising other potent and timely suggestions occasionally. I am respectfully youn, Chicago, III. O W.Sharp. J F. Bishop A Son of Line lt, Neb, have tbelr sale advertisement in this ssue, which shows that on Weduestay, r'tbru.ry 21, le'lll, they will soil at auc tion loO bead id Pol md China begs Ua' n po'at of Individual merit and excel Isnce of breeding cannot be surpassvu b any herd in tbe country. Their cata- uguo which Is now out and will bo sent on application, tells the facta Ucier (baa w can write ttinn In IhU brbf space. Tbia t-ata'cgue contlii M with txWndtd indlgrvcs aiid a tut ' every hog to bi o d. ai-d tbo ai tu ui v mrnt t It should bo road by i Very i, g Krtiwir ia lj Ciiuniiys Jl d"Uvt If there are euuugh of th -ui t gu aroat d Not If one out uf t n vf t ur riuor who would prfit t'f It W'jul'J !. 1 (' ) and one-Uatb el tbM h ud f r it wuuld attend tbe au i buy i, ir m re of the "wortf a ltf trr to t std. N it wk will aj p Mit;t the anm ttoimeut psfpwi)U hh the iHd t! Ufa lul nuld, a d f tfvt,r partWtars witt then b Klra. . To th 'and ollt d Ai-!e h M SHMt is)iflij I I, 1st, fur uti farw Ut lbs nMsd tl e d ! a. Cail fkll Dsatrle, U. A T. A, ti U strMi Uajwla, Nsb. Three Cent Column. "For Sale." - Wanted," "For Ezcbang."nd mall advertisements for abort time, will to charged three ceaw- per word tor each timer t'on. Inliials or a number connted as on w rd CiSh with the order If yon wki anything, or have anything that anybody else "wants. " make It known through this column, it w 11 nay. QKNIS AN I EI-"o sell choice nurxery liKJH ry a-i f irm nar l.lBvtn. 5ft rrs V nder ealtl at on ,6X) if taken at once. jonn j. uiuiua. Lincoln, Ken. abii IARUERS and feeders no Sr. postaire Cor m. pACHage ho' i i anraas, Minaaam, la. FKH SALE A Rood lire Po -ullht paper la a town of 1 000 IthaMianta. kxk1 reasons i r selling. Addiea-, allUnra-lndependeut WAITED 100 0U0 tndependeBtsof Nebraska to stop at the Windsor when they come w ANTED -Twenty thousand new unhscrl- ber to TBS ALLIASC'C-ltlDBPSNDBNT. T INOI.KV a MUKKE T, atiorneya at-law, uk u ov., L.mcom. neo. fTtlNl.EY & BCRKETT. atrorueys-at-law, s wuii., uucum, wen. ASs.racis ex amlued. fJAVK YOU anything to sell or trader Then A I anveruxe ine laet nrough this cttluma ana oe surprised at tne renuu. 1 F you wtb to buy. sell or exchange real es J ut. merchsmire or llee stock, )ou shou d aaaree jiiu j. uiuu.tu, Lincoln, sea witi A GENTS V A.MT fur the kest aelllLKNov A elty ont. .TO 000 sold the first wee In loNtn. fample b m .11 15 rta. Needed in every non-m. odren. w. a. MAHUNUY, Ho. I ueverent, ixiweu, Masa. IF you want to exebsuce y-ur land inr s- .oth Lincoln its. er the street car line and tb 1 ruenl coll ire la the we t. write tunueto ohn j. ')ililln, Llucoln. .el 8At4 IF YtJU ANT to buv, sell, irsde or borrow Anythlng.remenjber you n li It badly If r un out iiiiki o. suowu inr-upn tins co. umn Only 8 e tits uer word each Insertion Cash with the order. REMEMHEK that Thb au.iaic Ikdkpbm lENf is the bfSt silveitlblus medium In inn west vi oen writing to a y "l our adver tisers don't forget to tell ibein where you saw ineir- su VJAVE YOURSTAMPH- Good prl -es paid fr kj uiiea Loiuinman nnstave stamns sad an other Icltidf eui fr m envelopes wr pers.etc. vaitiuoie pnee isisnn insirii'-iinnn, set AO dress, Ebnest E. Whight Cambridge, Nb fJIHE "MODEL" MOH WKIi EKIs the only sutlsfacion lo Ibe Udles. Aients wautert everywhere. W ntn lo tbe Model Mop Pall and A "ne ia me inr ei inai kiti-b cotd e a Wrlager Company, Lincoln, iwb. srt4 qRAVK.LKtt- WANTK.U - FaltbliU nettl ram ur lady to travel et.rwetnlntr n i'nt liHbed iiiiasn. tB B'V $780 and exp-nee. wib Increase. Em loe irferenre and s-if-Hrt iieHd stumped envelope, IUE 1XJM1N1UN uu . uuicago FARMS I FARMS!! FARMS!!! 400 choice KaMtern Nebraska farms 150 clear. 150 mime auly I- ct.mber.d. Price fiom SlO u.TOwrnr.. Wtlie i xacly what you want and wbreyou want it. A number of excel lent bargains If laseu soou. C. R B0ATRIGHT, 301 N. Y Ills Bldg, Ornthtt, Web. Iowa Farms For SaIp, We b veala-g- l)-i or lurms f. rsale n Iwa. e lit koo l lunils In eveev diret-iluu. from tow i lots to H.POO acre tract a so vnu cmn t tiiaa a miHiaxe lu csi ing on or wrulng io us If on want to buy at lowext plc a. ami now Is a ipl-uilld lime to buy homes in low.t, e- pec ai y iu msii! a't cini"iy,.r ciiy pioper'y in Marsbul town. :all and h "eibluUwe can-'oyiiood t.'ALHOUN & VA'.W TE, Ileal Eiia e Agent , M. rsfml Uiwn. toaa. 0. J WILCOX, ACCOUNTANT. 1617 Washington St , Lincoln, Nibh. Hooka and accounts audited and adjusted DiHputed act out. th prepared lor trial. Ac oums of county (fficlalH and cOiDoratiou, check d up. elmple ssiems of biKik l-eepInt arraegeu tor parlies Having little practical knowleoue of accouuta. CorresomideDce ollclted. - HOOKS FUH MAhbKS. Get these books and our paper as fast ts ou ran into the band-of the peopl. frlenan. Uuy. retd and circulate. Address all cdorg to the Alliance Publishing Company Lincoln, Neb. STOCKWBLL'S BAD BOY. Twenty-three side pltuliiK ulaloguen. LaiiKb and (trow fat. Honey, land and trutisi ortnilun In broken dotes. Wsrranieii lo make n ore Pdi nllsts to Ibe tuuara Inch thnn anything In prln Points for Thli kets knock! the (l.t .K alii. UjTrnn,cnt Ownerahin of Railroads paralyiea 'em. Hi ctnta eachi lbs I lauea, pusipata, lur ta teuts iruni mis umte. A Co-operative Commonweal. tx, BY LAWRENCE QHONI.UND. t book for all who believe the mimneMtlre commercial Rtru.'Kie abonld besuperMeSed by a jii'v n uuuunn eyxiem 01 proout'lloQ and dl"- rtiiuiion. a cook aiso ror inose bo believe competition necessary. Postpaid, paper cover 30 cents. Kiroia in Our Monetary System and tbe Remedy. BY MAHY E HOBART. cents. We have not yet seen this book, nut. tha editor of I'he r-omluir Nation strongly rec-inmoud it. Tr Duties of Man. BY JOSEPH MAZZ1NI. The great Itatlau, wh'nw heart embraced the world and whe tho-ights will neverdle. He iv.-a ana sunera for Hie Industrla and imiIHI cmI emancipation of tbe uiaaaea. I'osipald, IS eenta. Six Centurlrs of Woilc and Wages. BY J K Ttl'iROLnRnnrRs. it p. Abr'dued wllh Chart and stitnntai . The facta and theth-itttrlilaunitifiryof kU Urge yuium.a A ItliM.rle cilie-t(,,i .,f nimt valuable I for. itiatlon bea lug on ths praent crlsN, by Rev. w. t. P. Ultra Iiordii-ioa t,y pruf H T Kl of the State 1'nlverali.y of Wisconsin. Caper. C6 cents Civilisation's Inferno. BY U. O. FLtlWEH. Htudlrs In tb . tan eii .r. a oiuple thrilling rc,rn.l Mai Taa Ar. U4 Mltor (a.anl umhi oho aiauwu ey in tn leuiu ni dutrt. i. ol IKuO-U tlm Will, n in . urily Mltrll. aud aroowi uiv. t lo.a ti uo, pdr fx) oauts. Look n ilackwatd. HY kDWtUH M-I.MSY baiok noouet ait slf.ird totoiui remtlnit li h r v-.niit .ma. ,1 .1, u in, i.i s,Hiiitnry l-er a h avvfd !.' TiAUateleJ i, U''.tii al i.n, I, aH, in t liil-r t'.IIU UM , .b .1 hl iu a I Mi I lji ( ' ''' " a Veal a Ut lo.iuivltt UuitSK u, a iv. .ay iv,4 t, (,..(, d io, pvt , In f vi Fmsrcial C msp racut, II V W'l ut M MV t i, i u.n ,,m i t i i rmii iiuuak (.i .u ir UmOi, t.fM.it mi mr l.l,i, t at 11.1. lut l . I tit bn. . f I.J ln Msrj t M mf Island. av ttii. m, r n -Mttw. ltlr . i mt ... xkn It u tha t ' IH"Ml'Ot.4Um ..:;. sf a " i ljr-.ahH'e IS WSillUftt (Jl'tl4Ul, bV WM l.lU itMf K 1a Mm ..a..t iM ,a ff ikta U.. ilt iai l a tdxrlUaa a 4 ,wfe i!ut a iss oa . a i.,k4 i,r.. U tu l ta K4 III b.4.a ai.J " kli i a.ii r IiMkimI tw hk,ik t rfcuMu.a tMsiH,t4 Me . tMw wW. TIiNGLLY & BUKKETT, Attorneys-at-Law, 1026 O St, Lincoln. Neb- COLLECTIONS MADE AND MONEY REMITTED SAME DAT AS lULLI - J. W. CASToa. Pre. W.B. Use-. . , x Farmers .. Mutual OF NEBRASKA. Organized In lS9l. H2.000.000 psurpc Mow fp Effect.. DIRBOIOHS: J. W. rtnr. Knw aid. Neb. J. P. Riiu A,v M.h J. L. Het matice, Kamnnd, Neb. a irinrav.r. t neeuey. Neb U. H. Da. it HvriuMiu K.h J A Klo en. Uneboer, Neb. J A. Hiirr, Yors. eb. . j. iiuur tt.. Er ter, Keb. N B Hjait, Preatdent, k eb. JOHN B. WRIGHT, F. E. n.. ,1 1..1 . iiucu. vioe-rresidant Columbia Nat'l Bank, OF IaINOOIaN, NEB, Capital, $250,000. First ! National : Bank, LINCOLN, NEB Capital, $400,000, S-anolixs. $loo,ooo. N. S. HARWOOD, President. C. A. HANNA, Vlce-Fresldent N. S. TTurwood, John Fltzeoraid, V. vv. Uook, Ubaries A. IHnna, John II. Ames, John L. INpEPEINlpENT -AT Windsor Hotel- JOSEPH OPELl, Manager. Gov. 1 1 tl : Q Sfs, Iiiqcolij, Jeb, Accommoda'lons first class. Special '(inventions, etc . Organ My Warranted to Fi?e Years Price, 4,9. 75. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. (5Agents Wanted for the Am HOSFE. w. j. wroughton; LHetstings. 3STeTo.. IMPORTER AND DEALER jfS ,n Clydesda'e. English Shire. Percheron, Belgian, fT" German Ccach. Yorkshire, Coach and j Cleveland Bay Stallions. WhifMw Lonf Mm given wlicitrd. S tables In ton. Address, W. J. The Alliance-Independent DONT SUICIDE. !;ajstfl m: u t rrui'-:ati,1 LKWiif Vlt.IHj.tm .il. H-,t-. I ivjIu.W TtH. Mil.l.a. r,...i.i,..-v 4 PM"MRCY.lP.St, ill WiiVr.-i l j;.V. Ifc-Uiu, H It. 4 1 IVst!s f !'i -ri.t W . r umH4.-mi i I .v. i ,. I V,M. I, (.!.. (.v,i.i. K, ! f t:Hitr,,. vhtbWa. Al .t..i,m!i t 4 Casr iatn nr ..M . ti a. F. M. WOODS. Fino Stock Auctioneer. fSOaoOhs Ulrco)p,reb OI til. . Ron?. V,ce-PrM A On,T Insurance Co. PRINCIPAL OFrlCE: 245 South th Strt, UffSGOLpl, NEB. Correspondenee solicited from all persona interested in mum tl insurance. JOHNSON. j. H. Mrrr.Av .. . " 1 Cashier, C. S. LIPPINCOTT, P.M. COOK, Ass'tCMhler. Ctwhler. H. S. FREEMAN, Ass't Csshier. DIRECTORS: J D. Macfarland. R. E. Moore, A. a Cla'k, I . M. Marquett, Carson, F. M. Cok. He apqU ARTELS THE rates made to Independents attending Kimball Pianos and Organs Jr., Orjiaha, Neb. to responsible partUs. Correspondence WROUCHTON, Hastings, Neb. SI PER YEAR. Cattle Robe Tanning Company, 1CI2S Strut, LINCCl,NE8. How th raipaita Hints roH Rorss.-as iMin a hlil - U ruii.trtl iruii sti RI4I, 'rim ff h..t au4 !'. tif al "tit u ttiKu, rvir U l sail. I'lirtttUill lt lulu will trUlr ti stitl fiK I ni ' u " ssil, ..iiiy nrt'i, trav In itii''liilllB ! WB til fit iin l f , iph nil U. -i.h slils , lie well hh I.Iim. I'tijttci t. r t.u.u tm v.1.1 b frtitu ti u t. "tlf.u mrtliinu i4 b l " K ktrivtfkts sua utiivr ' it ksvina 0 1 tl bl.tt', in a I'ir-StW lllot. hi.t. , w - roiin t- in ( t rmtn iiwiMukia tfiuli M ( .1 bfthir.-vr I i a t l .tuvo i fcr 1 .1 -t mi iiiu Willi. !Utl,.r wUt iU at'tl. itltt. N. C. MIRTIN, Magf. ur, t4': IH f'i Bvf !S'i In Mr. : t-t ! iiiiuut a l-' t i.: ii u I. r ! hujt tt iuim hla 1. i,,rtsit ,n h ir I'ti1 .ai. mv.1UHINVIG0IIATI0N ti I , im4 hf an, lM SIKTK tlitUgilH a . If una ri- llt MI'I l fcUfc. kMii w.a y4 an S r-a .ms. rml,IVf.M sss Bul, IbMHwa. Tito htatt 1 a ff im nweii's to at U- . NattwruMUi a, SIS sWiitb Ms'.fc .1