The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, February 15, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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Wall birt-t-t lre,annff to Sqaeeae
The Banking Botioess.
Editor Aiaiance-Ikdefendent:
Immediately after th present admin
istration entered upon its duties, Bank
er Clews, Wall Street's spokesman
Announced to the country that Wall
Street would become restive and alarm
ed "if some steps were not taken look
In? toward a financial finality."
Webster says 'Finality" means the
final state, the last winding up of things
Wall Str-ft wants a "finality" of the
finance question. It wants the finance
question "wound up,' 'settled for all
' Iq the same connection Banker Clews
Informs the people that the first step In
the final settlement of the finance ques
tion, is the repeal of the silver purchase
act. Wby did Wall Street wish to get
rid of the Sherman silver law? Not, as
ttclaims, because t ha law drove gold out
of the country, not because it caused the
nrcsent "acute financial crisis." But
because under the law 4 500,000 ounces
of silver was purchased each month and
paid for with U. 8 treasury notes thus
over 13,000,000 a month of government
full legal tender money was going Into
Accord lne to Wall Street the first
step in the fiBal settlement of the fi
nance Question is to stop the Issue of
all government currency.
What is the next step? We will let
the backers answer.
In the Bee of July 10th, we find the
following from Banker Clews:
It Is not to be supposed that a stop
page of the silver issues Is the only
amndment the currency situation re
quires. We must have an elas icity in
our currency that will permit it volume
to inorease with the growing business
of the country; and if the 'new silver
issues ar s opped without provision
being made for a natural additional
supply of money the change will bo
simply one from unsouna inflation to
the opposite extreme of violent contrac
tion. It would be neither an uarea-on-able
nor an unwholesome demand if
concurrently with the consideration ot
a repal bill the sense of congress
tihould be consulted as to the procure
ment of this needful elasticity through
amendments of the laws relating to
bank note circulation.
,Yes; stopping the coinago of silver
resulted in a violent contraction of the
ourreney. Wall Street called in loans to
contract, and congress stepped the issue
of a government currency, thus helping
on the Wall Street scheme of contrac
tion, and contraction caused the present
"acute financial crltls "
But Banker Clews is very careful in
outlining bow Wall Street wants the
currency question settled. He does not
wish ta arouse any determined opposi
tlon, he merely intimates that bank
ourreney might take the place of silver
issue. Not so with Mr. W. C. Crom
well, who read a paper before the
Amerlcaa Bankers Association en Oct.
18ib, 1893. He boldly gives away the
whole plan, the Wall street plan ot a
final settlement of the finance question
He says:
All silver purchasing must cease.
Without this it is absolutely useless to
institute other reforms Then our legal
tenders, the greenback and the Treas
ury ncte, must be retired. This brings
to us the question, what shall fill the
gap thus created? There is but cne
answer. I he present tendency in all
the great nations of the world Is to
wards bank cuirency Bark currency
is what we, too, mint depend n.
"Notes issued by properly capitalized
and inspect"! banks to the extent of a
proportion of their paid up capital, and
mane a first Hen upon their asetx, not
specially pledged, but held as a general
security, have be Mud them the only
trluy s ientitic basis for circulation ia
a coun'ry l'ke ours the basis being
the produce of th energy, the muscle,
and the brain of our people. What bet
ter basis for bank notes can be created
than these quick assets? Such bank
notes, uod'r regulation for daily re
demption, modest y and automatically
retire when tbey are not needed Qraft
this principle upon the national sys
tem. AbolUb the overseourityand tae
tax en circulation. Make the note se
cure nough, but not too secure. Drop
the United States bond poial security,
adept the general security principle
which is in such successful operation in
Canada, make the note fimt lien on all
assets, including doublllaMltty in stock
holders, 1 raiting its issu to a percent
age ol capital with a guarantee fund
and othf r miner details to be arranged
KstablUa redemption agencies at finan
cial centers throughout the Unlu-d
btatae, Lhi all nites to prtn'ed by the
gvernt-nt as now. Under the geae
val eecarlty principle daily actual re
demption woutd tnn become a fact.
The iperatinna would be the same at
under Canadian law.
"would this ourreney met In volume
toe rvquiie aius u tbaoounlryr I ber
Issoaoubt ab.ul It. Tb retmatton
f the greenback and treasury nobs
TOO.OOO.tOO la all, could be aecompllnh
ed gradually by the uatof l"0,OJ,W)
go d if erva, by the ' of itlvr bul
lion, by means of tha debt sinking fund
appropriation, by lerou, by borrow.
lnr on gold bna furibpurpe. This
hould ha dona gradually. Meantime
the atllooal bni aota Uue, relieved
I heavy burdens but p'owiwd and
made ar!utiy sf, wuuld laraa,
aad aa Ihey did soihe legal lender re
tirement a uld bit kept automatically
level wltb twh larrree. Tba volama
v4 antes wnuld elt saatl from raeij
chaagr rf title baas taUi national,
and lri a a ergaatsaikta A fa
years weuld see lha daasge cpltd
Tradeet tUJ thee ge t a Ur tha lrt
tint la tba H.lert tt lb s country, u
alaSerre! by lha fear of altturheaoe aad
aumtUaat i iry t aa, sura rf ihe
hwvmI f.uedsila of all endurta
tMiWMMieial -rurrliy tvtiet tur-
fVH f " j
UlilM tbitall ih: wall hirt
heaiere haa, ta a th peoe'e ta larr
ever to fc u lha lua ft all anoey i i .
ptgld (a4il ihsy toaln.4) and
tbak 11 bate taa ti ea rtraula
Uoeeed taattTky to U bill etldsr
abol shed !" Cr m w 11 says, "n ake the
note secure enough, but not too secure.1
That Is, make the notes good enough to
circulate when the people have confi
dence in them, but in tima of panic not
so secure but what the bankers can re
fuse to take them. Thus giving the
banks power to rob bill ho'dars as tbey
now have the power to rob depositors.
During the Cleveland administration
Wall Street proposes to scttlj the fi
nance question as outlined by Cromwell
This of course will kill tha Democratic
party; but what cares Wall Street for
In that case it will try to put the
Republican (Its other party) in power to
act as "dog In the manger" to prevent
the people from wiping out the wrongs
done them by tho Democrats.
Wall Street proposes to get what it
wants from tho Democrats, and keep
what It gets by turning the country
over to the tender mercies of a Repub
lican do-nothing party.
To quiet the nerves of the people
Wall Street will then p'rooeed in its
own way to boom the times for a year or
twa on a wildcat currency.
The issue of government bonds Is tha
next step in the Wall Street plan. Tba
large banks will probably get all the 5
per cent, and other bonds issued and in
their bands, and these will go tw a 25
per cent, premium.
We call the attention of the small
country banks, especially the state and
private banks to this fact, that whtn
tba large banks get the finance ques
tion settled to suit them they will own
all the bonds aBd securities on which
aa issue of bank bills could be based
They could then fix the premium on all
securities to be used for banking pur
poses where they p'ease. They could
fix the number and location of all banks
and as their schema contemplates only
national banks, we predct that one-half
of the banks now doing business will be
"turned down" and those reorganizing
will be squeezed for a good round
Tbo large banks are not quite ready
to eat op the small ones. Wall Street
wants the assistance of all tba banks to
help force on the people the foreign
banking system, tha foreign rate of
wages, the foreign tenant system, tba
foreign mannar of living for the labor
ers and the foreign rule of monopoly.
These things an accomplished fact,
Wall Street will be ready and in a peti
tion to gobble the small banks.
The Popali-ts of Kelib County Alive.
Og ala ix a, Neb., Feb. 5, 1891.
Editor Alliance-Independent:
At we seldom see anytning in yeur
valuable paper from this part of tha
Lord's Moral Vineyard, and as we have
na Independent paper in Keith county
at this time, to spread the good aews
abroad that the Independent party here
still lives, I am prompted to write this,
trusting it may find space.
Our party is continually growing ia
the knowledge of the truth, and we feel
that the principles set forth in the
Omaha platform must be enforced by
actual legislation before justice can b
done to the great masses of the toilers
of this nation. We realize the fact that
there U going to be a terrible struggle
before the great conspiracy of the
money lenders and capitalists of this
country and England will concede that
the common people have rights that
they are bound to respect. We bave
watched, and are still watching with
solicitude the progress of events as they
transpire both in and outside of the
halls of Congress. We have watched
the sad spectacle of the leaders of the
two old parties in Congress voting ss a
unit on measures that are in the interest
of the Say locks of both oountrli s. They
seem to via with each other in tbir
mad effort to noaor Wall Street specula
tors, seemingly forgetful of a constitu
ency consisting of a large majority
whose circumstances and avocations of
life demand at their hands lesis atioa
that will give all aa equal opportunity
U reap the hem fi' frm tie honest labor
ef life. We consider the question tsat
la being made tha leading one in Con
gress at this time by bth old parties
tha tariff Sinks Into laslgnlQcanca bo.
tide lha great question of finance, and
th"t It is belnc agitated mora for tba
purpose of drawing tba attention ef tha
people away from tba real Issue than for
any ether iM'Tose. We also oatice
that In nearly every stata and county
where tha People's Prty have galatd
a footing tha old parlies bave their
emtarit at work springing soma
action that "111 Wad to lead to a di vi
sion of tha ladopcedaot farces.
Tba A. P. A. is drawing Its iHmy form
through soma comraualtirt ft r tba pur
pose tit making a diiUloa la r raitka,
but It Is ca-log to baa factor la tha
wast. 1W a alma ara taorvpug aaal for
tha trua Amartcaa la tart vly eons dr
la other ltltlaa lal quastton, taob
a arla la K-h mI 4 twloU, via, ara
dUtarttd by thraa j-cU of iae 14
par Ilea ta lad folMaay froat Us
CvouVa par' j. V
1 i'y tall at'aatUa miheaa facts
that UlaU ata atr fa hare may aaa
tba t4aity ! at'sklsf asd wwrktag
aa wH aa prayitg At let lett r la
a'rattlf rua up killtf lat vt tat, I
at NUt lr'niMXa)taf fartbtr
at this Ilea. J. W, Witao.
TafWI'ls ra (. at.mta la
January, via taa UUart Paula rtxttav
fitly lltfkat a, I tot U t treat,
National Bankrra, Bond-holdere and
Belford, Me, Jan. 16. 1894.
It Is said that a cat can look at- the
King, and although I am not a ca I
claim the right to write to you this open
letter. You will perceive it is a let er
somewhat of inquiry and I hopo and
trust that the prvsH throughout the
length and breadth of our nation, will
publish these fewlines and your answer
thereto, for I fancy there ara millions
who want to know your answer. I want
to ask you about a little clip taken from
ho New York Tribune in 1378, as
The time is near when theythe na
tlr.tal banks will feel themselves com
pelled to act strongly. Meanwhile a
very good thing hat been done. The
machinery is a w farnlsht-d by which
in any emergency, the financial corpo
rations or tho east ran act together at
slnld days notice with such power that
no act or uongress can overcome or re
slst their decision.
I believe this statement to be true,
and I consider it parallel to a case where
a robber or pirate, takes possession of
a man's farm and home, I ca 1 you to
account for it and not only myself but
millions of idle and angry men in this
nation. By what authority, license,
law or permission, have you done this
thing? Let us see what you have done.
Will you turn to Article 1, Section 1, of
the constitution of the United States
and read with me:
All ler islativa powers herein granted
shall be vested in a congress of ha
United States which sball consist of a
Senate and House of itepresentatlves.
Now read shave It the short preamble:
"We the people of th United States
in ord-r to form a mors perfect uulon,
establish justice, inure do nestio tran
quility, provld 'for '.tie common defence
promote thn 'general welfare, and se
cure the blessings of liberty to our-
elves and our posterity, do ordtla and
establish this constitution of the United
States of America.
Now this seems to ba n agreement, a
contract. Let us see. What Is a con
tract? I think it is Judg Story who
says: "A contract is a deliberate en
gagement between competent pirtlei,
pon a lepal consideration to d j or to
abstain from doing seme act." This
contract includes not only what I have
quoted, but the entire constitution of
the United States; and do you remem
ber our forefathers fought for the liber
tie?, the powers, the union, the justice,
the domestic tranquility, tha common
defence, the general wvlfare resulting
in the aforesaid blessings of liberty to
ourtelves and pour otterity? They
fought for it, they purchased it with
their blaod. Yea, they died for It. Dj
you realize how sacred is tha Inherit
ance to us? Do you know what sap-
parts tba laws of our constitution and
our state? Is it not the consent of the
governed? Then it is, aa agreement,'
is it not? And a legal contract, is it
not? It Is a promiie by o-rtaln parties.
Thecoa-tltutlon af the United States
was rati fit d by all the states, and be
came a contraot by all the ft aple, a
promise to be governed )y those laws;
and the people, then, wen parties to
those laws, of whom you, if you are hu
man, intelligent beings and citizens of
the United Stater, are a party and have
promised to perform all the terms of
the coatt ant. Now what have you done!
What is the coufession of your organ,
the New York Tribune? Lt me answer,
and then you perjure yourselves to
answer it In tha negative If you dare to.
You, the fimncial corporations of the
east bave taken tha government into
your own bands and wnn such power,
that no act of Congress can overcome or re
list your tifcition, tnat is a hat you claim,
and that is Indicated by your acts. Now
sirs, what will ba your answer to this
chirge? You bave never answered it
only in one wav, taclt'y, by what wa
call a demurrer. You know what
demurrer Is but I will d fine it becaasa
some who read tliee lines tnoy not know
A dt munvr is an answer in court, to
the declaration ia a writ; it admits tha
declaration all to be trae, but says,
"What of It?" And aa you say of this
charge I bring against you only you don't
use exactly tba same words, but at I
have seen It ia prin', "Ths government,
tha people la d d.' Now, looking at
you from this stand point. You ara trai
tors, ara you what? Yoa ara diabolical
pirates. Watlano Knowlton,
Co A. 1st lUg. Main P P. V.
Tobacco Darangad my Siomach and my
Enitra Nervous System -Afiar Using
No-to-bc t Uamad lisuea
Hounds n Weight,
Ukbaka, Ohio, No. 21, mt
$ltrli0 Ktmrtt CvmimMy, X. 4 j.
rf.ifl si., I '4iArya:
(iKNTL.EUN:l used tobMM con
stantly Iroia laen'y to fortytbrre; 1
fttttatl muti qui', or ) Horn 4) b
wou'd tm onpleU'y gone, Iruadoiia
ol your advwrHanfnal and thought
It a "fasa," b it rml.d to mala
una rffurt t qili NiM(Mli: onu
July 4 ib lfi a. lam nuatmd iu uat
it at un. lha fl'l lata tak I
gained vtgbt puuu 'a la lgbS la 'ir
I ta n d ll'B pound. NO
TtM tli, wtnililf ttryt4 my d
strw for liti la la k,
ntf arMi W bMtta aasur an! I ai
brvakUai a lbag 1 bd not dttoa Kal ira
la Wa r, aiorbt tlialr ta drl ika
aupi4 Guff ,
(sigd) tr, Mcthiyaia
Tbra a mast trt' uwraail r
l4 fftita IU w t attr biin-j Iu i '.hm
oihwr ih ta th o tl i.iM l 'l
g Mia oHa.HHi ptntai id s ti
y ur lf aaajr, ui pa at at II, P
Uh l" Cm. I.i" la Noh IMi
atau, 4 -i a of Sii rtMl U)
o a Mt'la h.e.k tat all ll yxi ait
bHtt. ftn raa' an, ariM f
- .t'rM u lUaaut "ka.
rY."N i lUfitipa at,,
Hortlca tnral Notes far February.
The first suggestion I have is to take
courage for the coming year. The re
cords of the Doane College Obs rvtory
how that for the past 15 years 1873 to
1893 tho average rain fall has been 29
and 21-100 inches. That looking over
the past we have not had two very dry
years in succession. The average rain
fall for the past ten years is 27 & 86 100
Inches. Those figures app'y to S.iutb
eastern Nebr-ki. 1887 shows 21 & 95
100 Inches followed la 13SS by 27 & 55
100 inches in U39 by 30 St 14 100 lnou-
In 1890 again the rain fall was only 21 &
81-100 Inches followed in 1891 by 33 Jc 57
100 innhes in 1392 by 23 & 40-10J laubes
In 1893 by 22 & 55 100 inches or more
than 6 Inches below the average. Look
ing hack over the fifteen years it wll
be contrary to the experience ot the
past if we have less than full average
rain fall In 1891, with the indications
favoring an exoest above the averag
Evidently it Is a part of wisdom to plan
lor a wet spring and heavy summer
rain. Furtunttely Nebraska soil eaiily
absorbs exoessivo rain fall and our wet
test are our mojt successful years. W'th
most this is a leisure time to mske plans
for the spring and summer. Send for
seed catalogues, plan to hare a larg
garden, which if planted in long rows
so as to cultivate everything by horse
and machinery can be oared for without
taking much tima from tha mala crop.
to seleoting from various seed lists It Is
better to use almost the entire plant of
reliable well tried varieties whose value
is not at all lessened from the fact that
they can be had at the lowest prices.
Touoh high prlotid novelties lightly, lot
those who have more time and means
experiment with those. These sugges
tions apply with yet more fores to the
selection for the orchard and the fruit
garden, beotnse these represent invest
ments for a term of years. It Is safer to
purchase from tha nearest reliable nur
serymon rathar than to send to dUtaot
nurseries; on the business prlnolptl that
the firm nearest to the planter value
his trade most and will make greatest
exertions to please, tbey are also within
reach In case of accident or misfortune
Ordinary business prudence compels the
local nurserymaa to be nnre careful to
carry varieties adaoted to his own looa-
tloa and trade. Most wes-ern nurt jry
men are also orcbirdlsts as well as
nurserymen, they have usutlly acquired
expensive experience available and of
value to their customers.
In planting the orchard and fruit gar
den it will doubtless ba found wise to de
vote tha ground mainly to tha trees and
plants and not to attempt to raise full
crops of farm products from the same
ground. Year by year it becomes mora
apparent that the orohirdi aa1 fruit
plantation should bo so planted and
handled as to make thoro cultivation
with two or four horse mtohlnery easy
and practicable. Oxhard trees planted
at right angles aai at dlstanoea can
with profit ba cultivate 1 with disk
pulverisers run by two or four horses
from somet mo in May to August 15tb,
with suffi slant ciltlatloa thereafter to
keep down weed growth which will dis
sipate the moisture needed for winter.
This cannot ba done whore the attempt
Is made to raise a farm crop In the
orchard. It Is wlso to plan for planting
the leading small fruits, since they give
large returns in a brief Man. Ttioae
who have not yet protected grap? vines
of previous planting s ho aid atoace trim
and lay down on tho ground, covering
with hay or stra to protaot from the
dry winds of February and Mrcb,
February usually has very mild dtys
suited to orchard trimming. When
the frost is out af the ffood we oftn
times have more comf rtabte weather
for pruning thU m ioth than in the
blustering diy of Maroh.
E. F. Stkphkns, President,
State FI irtia Ut iral Society.
Use Northwestern lino to Chloago
bow rates. Fast trains. Office 1133
Tourists from Minnesota Paints
Comrnea -ing Oo'obsr 5th, a Tourist
car loarjs Mioaiapo Is e-ry Thursday
morning and runs to Pueblo and via
A bert La to Columbus Juaotlon, ar
ming at 11:07 o. m. anl there ooonoot
with our O. IX. I. dt r. train Na 13
which will hold at that point for ar
rival of tha B. C, It. A N. irala carry
ing tiat oar, ni via Kansas City arrive
at Puebl'i eoad morning.
Baglaotng Ojtohr tOth, Tourist oar
wl Uatra Albort Lea every Tum lav
morning and rua via Ulaaamtl A 4k
Louis Ky through Aas to IKiaM Uoes,
arriving at algal, and thera lav ovr
and h Ulna aoa "U v Five" Krl-
day a enlag, and rua vltO nana, Lin
out a and II utevtlM ta V ihla,
TO Tv t.Ki
Krae f a - .t-Praa,
If yoa ara aoiai b mm i trip to
ntKh. wtbtara Nanraa, lha
It auk (tUU ooaatry or eaeU A'ron
lag, wipdau la to two l)k us l..
ts Patl, IHaaapls of Utluth, o
p ili oa lb PmMiIj iaa,laty
tMtal la Mlaaaauva. VVMuia, N irtu
era ll;u.!; aa4 U, dira I V 1 1 4st
taa av anl -uvH. a aaaub ala r
oft gatle.ilf iiHIm, 1(51 tl tit
4. wiratr m at I a suu,
N a Wt ra Ha, 'iiatai a t r
'lai'a Uf-rMMna f al aaaamUtat
r eta, WitHfk)') iia ,4 iteue
t'a ta U stawa sn-4 vut 'eirabtaav
teat aaa bl awvetlv ta iu k
ptirvait'ag tta - raarKara liaa
A . rtauttaM
OHy rUal ,, IVI1 lra
M 4tirtaa
, ttaa. Agt
L raw, fan trajas OaVia lill
Which It the Mather of the CMskeasf
Twa liens and a fat.
Mra Mary Cowan, of Birmingham,
Ala. had an experience she is fond
of relating. Cne of her hens had
been trying to set for some tima but
she had been "broken up" on two or
three successive nests.
At lait she found a nest away bank
under the house with five eggs in it,
and seized upon that nest as if she
bad struck upon a bonanza. There
she sat patiently and triumphantly
dny after day till her tima had
lengthened out to two weeks. Once
she, came on tha norland Mrs. Gowan
looking baik under the house saw the
family cat back there in tho nest She
was very glad of It, for that Indicated
that the eggs would go. Next day.
i.owever, tho hen was back on tha
nest as usuuL and thjre was no way
to. get back to her. Una ly when
about two weeks had gone by the hen
came out. and Mrs. Cowan determined
to capture her bofora she could get
back. In order to make sura of it
she called in tha assistance of tha
fifteen-year old son of a neighbor,
who in order to '-head off" the ben
threw a little too hard with his stone,
and us a result tha hen fluttered and
This was tha last of tha hen. and,
as Mra Gowan thought it was tha
last of the nest and eggs. Her sur
prise may bo imagined wbon on just
a week from that day. she heard a
commotion under the house and found
that it was caused by tha cat trying
to keep track of four little downy
young chlckena After quite a whllo
they all got out from under tha house,
and were at once transferred to tha
kitchen, where since that tima mo
ther and children have boen doing
well" Mra Gowan now has an in
terestlng question to propound to all
listeners: Which is tbo mother of
the chickens tha hen that laid tha
egg or tho hen that did tha setting
for two weeks, or tha cat that finished
the operation.
Hunting- the Dlntlnnerjr fur Humethiug
That Wa nut Thcra.
"How do you spell vatechism,'
Maria?'' called Mr. Jones up stairs to
bis wife.
"1 havn't any light "answered Mra
Jones lrrevelantly.
"What has that to do with spelling
catechism?" shouted Mr. Jonas. "I
must have it for I am getting my
Sunday-hchool report ready."
"I'm busy," called Mrs. Jonas;
look in the dictionary.''
A half hour later Mra Jones came
down stairs and found Mr. Jones still
burled deeply in Webster's ponderous
"For mercy sake. , Mr. Jonas,
haven't you found that word yet?"
'vo, Maria, and no wonder. It
isn't in the dictionary. I only want
ed to see if it was spelled with an 'a
or an 'a in the second syllable; but I
have to risk it for there is no such
word here."
"Nonsense," said Mra Jones sharp
ly. iive me the book, I'll soon
find It" '
But I tell you it is not there. I
have gone right through tba K's and
it is not in it"
Then Mrs. Jones laughed long and
"Didn't you find It under the head
of K-a-t?" she gasped.
1 don't see any thing funny about
It " retorted Jones, sulkily.
Don. t you? f-uppobo you look in
the C-a-ts, Mr. Jones. I think you
need to go te a spolling-school as
much as anything."
Mr. Jones was mad clear through,
and shut up the book with a bang.
Why lie Didn't Marry.
A young man of small resource's
was bemoaning tho other day bin In
ability to get married. Bays the New
York World. "It is all because you
don't go about it the right way," de
clared the vivacious young matron to
whom he made his plaint "Why
don't you stop flying around wltb that
homely Miss bmith you don't core a
bit for and devote yourself to that
charmlog Nelly Johnson? To be sura,
she Is poor and Miss ttmlth is rion,
but that should not make any differ
ence to you." The young man heaved
a deep sigh. My dear Mra Urown."
he said, impressively. "I enn i ru
ns:! no no futo mora blissful thaa to
travel through Ufa in a parlor car
with Nelly Johnson, gazing inta bar
eyes and eating bananaa liut yoa
see," with another slch. "I would
have to tuba Miss Smith or soiua aaa
also along to pay for tha bananaa"
lit .ttrmery vf Ilia .Mother.
A home for young men of read
family but limited means wa receaUy
opened at e east Third street I'll
ciaualjL by K. 1. Kradstt-eel at a
memorial to his mother, Anna lirad
ttrt who died when ba was a eblld
lha oUI-fanhiotiad, roumy bouse hat
boen tastefully furnished and will
arcommodttta thlrta young taa.
wbaa clothat wilt b wended aad
wboaa rvmfort Will b loosed aflat
geatrally k tba mothsrly r srllsa
woman wha baa ba aaeurad aa
matron. M and Mra, liradstraet
III accupy suits at rooms ta lha
boua ta pursuant ot lha iadittdual-
lla Me la Waatalwal works and at
tba cwwataaj ta r ag tha aneUt
lata lour own noma It tha a ark
pro per ampler avtoiNtaodailoai wUI
b prwv.ded
t t m tMaerie
Kapalaoa la Uraada a UllJefaHL
Ma. I reaett-t 4j. has a taiaU
tBsasgvr.a vf aW aaa U (b U bull
rru&uUe and ataiuUf. big at
iwrnard uV fwra a poaer far a
lura'a Ut.a if dtiteet aura la a
lra4ftiil and tt ! rt U
a'fcer d.i' la atvriaa
b H aa.,14 W)t apiua la fee.
auats latt I rnU baa "
la p a fvv h4aj aad a bak
aar brvkaa K bra4
Affl cted With Paralais lor Twenty-fiva
Years Pionounccd Incurab'e by tha
For moat Physicians of the
Woild A Case of Woild- .
Wida Interest
From the Fhl aatlpMa Timet.)
Many surviven of our late war left
the ranks unwounded but with broken
constitution; an instance In point, is
L wis D. lilundin, a resident of Hulme
vllle, Bu ks Co.. Pa Jn relating hla
exiterlences and what be had suffered
in consequence of the hardships he had
encountered Mr. Blundla said: -
"I was born at lirldgewaier, Penna.,
in 1841, and went through tba war as
private sergeant and hospital steward
in Ct mpaty C, 28th Pennsylvania Vol
unteers. My service was a tive. and
while in Georgta I bad aa attack of
typhoid fever, which left ma weak and
a ready victim for future disease. My
kidneys were then affected and thfa
finally developed into spinal trouble
wnion in h tea through my army service.
In 1806 I was mustered out with aa
honorable dUchusre and entered tha
Jefferson Medical College in Philadel-
pnia as a siuaent. I graduated two
ears later with a diploma but not prac
tice. At that time I was living In Man
ay unk. One day, after I had graduated,
I wi.s lying on a sofa at inv home la
Mansyunk, wben I felt a cold sensation
n my lower limbs as thouch the blood
bad suddenly left them. When I tried
lo move th m I was horrified at the dis
covery that I was paralysed from my
nips to my toes ine paraiytis was
(implete and a bin or a ulnch of tha
11 sb caused no naln. I could not move
a muscle. I called In Dr. William C.
Ttdd of Philadelphia He made a care
ful and extaustlve examination of ma-
rase, s'unding and testing and finally
announced that my trouble was cnused
by intiammation of toe spinal cord, and
that I would likely bave unotber atroka
of paralyse. I consulted r. I. W.
Gross and Dr. Psncoast of Jefferron Col-
ego, Philadelphia, with tha same re
sult. I railed ia Dr. Morehouxe. of
Philadelphia who said that no amount
medicine would ever Drove of the
slightest benefit to me.
Mne day last September I decided to
try Dr, Williams' Pink Pill for Pale
People. I sent for one box. I had al
ways tx en troubled wltb a sort of ver
tigo after my first stroke ef paralysis to
such an extent that when I got out of
my bed my bead would swim and I bad
difficulty in saving myself from falling.
My appetite was eac, digestive organe
ruin d and no assimilatb n of food. In
addition to many other ailments, rheu
matism held a prominent place. Fly the
time l had finished the first boxef Pink
Pills I was comparatively free from
t beep minor ills. My appetite retaraed,
tbe digestive organs got down to their
dally grind aad tbe rheumatism disap
ptared. I was much ercourased and
immediately sent for a half dotes boxes
of Pink Pills Relief followed upon re
lief with astonishing rapidity. First
one all would disappear, then another,
until tbe pll s got to work upon tbe
foundation of my trouble paralysis. 1
felt a sense ef exhilaration and the
general effect was bnefidal, becoming
more so each day. Noting this fact, I
Inrreased the dose from one to two pilla
after each mea' for a few days. Before
I bad taken six boxes of pills, I was sit
ting in my chair one afternoon, when I
felt a curious sensation in my left foot.
Upon investigation, I found It had
flexed, or, in other words, become mov
able, and I could move it. Fn m that
time on my improvement was steady
and it was not long before I was walk
iotr around on crutches with little or no
djscfmfort. It ws three years before
taklDg the Fink Pills that I had been
able to use tbe crutches at any time.
My health is daily improving and I feol
sure that Pink Pills bave done me more
gnrd tdan all tbe doctors and sll the
medicine in thecountry, and as they are
rt ft)y I can easily afford the treat
meat." Mr. Blucdin tells of another remark
al le cure t ffected by the use of Pilla,
It was ( ne of his old c mrades in the
army, who, since tbe war baa resld'd In
Mlch'gin. Be has been a sufferer from
rheumatism nearly all hla lite. "I
know," sa d Mr. Biui dln, 'tbat there
have been times when be could t ot lift
his arms to bis bead, or even his bands
to his month, because of chrvnls rheu
mail' m. Ha read in a Detroit paper of
a wanderful cure made by Pink Pilla
aad bought a box. B is cure whs sudden
ar d con plrte. Knnwlrg that 1 was a
s ffererfrom rheumatism, along with
my other Ills, he wrote me abwut his
recovery at d advised me to try them.
I was then using them- Ba said he
had perfect control f k's arms and
brds srd mild use them fire'y with
out exp:rlenc'ng any pain. He added
that as a cure tor rheumatism tha rule
were tba mcst compltt In tha world.
My esse alone pre vet that, for I am con
tiuVntthst ay greatly haltd rendi
tion is due solely to tie use f Dr.
Williams' Pink Tills for Pale Pravle."
Hworn o befor thle lh day of
May, 1111 CtOHtik IUaitUiOR, ,
Dr. Williams Prk PI Is Mu.a pale
rtt'i l aid )lw etuphaioaa to tbe
slew tl health aid are a sp IBs for ail
he tnubltt ullar to lb fttasla taa,
Mle la tta vai of wta they affect
radb l rura la ca ar elrg frvm worry,
avrrat is r isitsses, sd are aaaafaU
laf sisrtfr ltr the l t beUoala farM
al paraltslt tr rbtwiaaMtm
1y ara aui'itoitd by tb Dr
WlllUm Mm Ic'aat nt)ji Kfcve4s
sdy.N. Y.,ad lit k liatil. Oat. sad
erase d salt in btats Marli f ba Irate
uti'e n tk td ararter, at fi a' a
N irriU Ntnlvr t.'ta stdsraaavar
4 ia bu k, r vy taa dta ar kua-
Hog Cholera Cured
f.ktiVA K. K K,e U 11.1
tf tiKHy tk at tit ty ta t4iawl
a af t re tf eia s era ism
MtaUa I fttf td ) bfade
e well 1 b IU H H ta a ixt fr.
tsDa tt aU tl tM I aW
lltte It It" t Ite itrt ittstry
I ay isUvf lo ir It a Html U try
( t r Hi i H l tana
AJJra 1IM re, Ihh, aad
t wa..s bt, OBtkla, hK