The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, February 01, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Yea of the Leaaoa, Can. zil, 1-0 Mem
, rjk Taraea, J-3 Golden Text, Can,
; sit. 1 Commentary by tba Bay. D. M.
L "Now, tba Lop bod aeid unto
Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and
from thy kindred, and from t hy father'
bouse, unto a land that I will shew thee."
We have come down the Mtream of time
over 400 years since the last lesson. After
the deluge God began the race agnin with
Noah and his sons, but as before, man left
to himself proves a failure, Noah in
drunken, Ham brings a curse upon Ca
naan, and Iniqnity consummate in an or
ganized nnion againxt God. Lest they be
scattered Mid to make them a name, they
will build a tower reaching to the skies.
At the close of the nineteenth century
we find ourselves in an age of tower
building and man womb I p, but as the
Lord confounded and scattered them in the
plain of Bhlnnr, so again when all Shlnar
associations shall have bad their consum
mation as In Zech. v, II; lier. xvii and
xrili, the Lord will bumble nit the pride
of man, and He alone be exulted in that
day (bin. 11, 11, 17). After the judg
ment it seems from Josh, xxiv, 2, that the
people fell greatly Into Idolutry, and from
such surroundings In the land of Mesopo
tamia, the God of glory called out A brum
(Acta vii, 2) to mukoof him a faithful wit
ness onto the truth. A study of Gen. xl
will show that rUiem, ArpliMxad, Snlah,
Eber, Keu and Scrug were all living when
Abram and Terah left Ur of the Cbaldee,
but whether every one had become an
Idolator or not is not clearly stated. The
new departure now Is that instead of de
stroying or scattering them lie will take
cut and separate one from them who will
walk with liiraas Enoch did. It was a
mistake to take Terah along, for Abram
was ouiy uinuereu ay in in um.ii ne nieu ai
Baran jxl, 81. 83; Acta vll, 8, 4).
2. "And I will make of tbee a great na
tion, and I will bleas thee and make thy
name great, and thou shalt be a blowing."
The people of Shinnr wanted to make
themselves a name (xi, 4), but Jehovah
- says to Abram that lie will make him a
name. Those who today try the Shlnar
plan will fail as they did, but those who,
like Abram, prefer to oliey God will have
name without seeking it. Abram was
to be blessed in order to be a blewtlng, and
Israel Is destined yet to be a blowing to
all nations (Zech. vill, 13). When we are
willing to be a blewtlng to others and for
getful of ourselves, then we shall indeed
be blessed. But It must be the Lord's do
ing from first to last, and He must have
the glory.
8. "And I will bless them that bless
thee and curse him that curwth thee, and
In thee shall all families of the earth be
blessed." Here is the true idea of election
as taught in Scripture a choosing of one
or more to make them a ulosslnK to others
and whosoever will may be elected, for
him that conieth will .in no wise be cast
out (John vi, 87). Who can possibly And
fault with this? See also how God takes
man into union with HlniHelf. It makes
us think of those words, "He that hearctb
you beareth Me, and be that diwpiseth you
despiseth Me" (Luke x, 16). We shall find
this covenant repeated four times after
this to Abram and once each to Isaac and
Jacob, making seven in all. The fullness
of its meaning is yet to be seen.
4. "So Abram departed as the Ixird had
spoken unto him, and Lot wejit with him,
and Abram was seventy and five years old
when he departed out of Ilurnn." He went
out, not knowing whither he went (Heb.
xi, 8). He only knew that God knew and
that the end of it all would bo a city which
bath foundations whose builder and maker!
is God (Ileb. xi, 10), nnd with implicit coT
naence in uod be went on. JIo uyA'cved
the gospel, and all who believe toiay wm
be blessed with him (Gal. 0) and
made a bleasljyJjers. , r
"Klirtul Abrnm toofSttrah, his wife,
and Ixt, his brother's son, and all their
substance that they bad gathered and the
souls that they bad gotteu in llaran, and
they went forth to go into the land of Ca
naan, and into the land of Canaan they
came." llaran was but a partial obedi
ence. This is now full obedience, which,
it is to be feared, the Lord gets from very
few of us. Many are content to be hin
dered by the affections of those who will
go part of the way but not all the way to
the promised land of whole hearted sur
render to God. Yet Jesus says, " He that
loveth father or mother, son or daughter
more than Me la not worthy of Me" (Math,
x, 87).
0. "And Abram passed through the land
Into the place of Sichem, unto the plain
(or oak) of Moreh. And the Uanaanlte was
then in the land." To the neighborhood
of Ebnl and Gerizim he came (see Deut xi,
W, 80) full half way down through the
land, and he saw the land filled with peo
ple, yet believed that God would give it to
him as He hjul said. He walked not by
sight, but by faith, and was fully persuad
ed that what God bad promised He was
able to perform (Rom. iv, 20, 81). If we
think more of the Cannatiites than of God,
we will be discouraged, like the 10 spies.
The ouly way is to see uo man save Jesus
only (Math, xvii, 8).
7. "And the Lord appeared unto Abram
and said. Unto thy seed will 1 give this
land. And there builded he an altar unto
the Lord, who appeared uuto him." We
read of no appearance at llaran and uo
new eomuiULleatlon, for Abrnm there had
not done as be bad been told. "To him
that knoweth to do good am! docth It not,
to him It le sin" (Jus. Iv, 17). Therefore
If we are not living up to the light we
nave and are conviouly dlnobedieut we
cannot expect any froth revelation of God
to our souks but to every obedient soul
there will be growth in grace and In the
knowledge of our Ixrd and Kavtour Jio
Christ ill IVt, Ill, IS).
1. "And be removed from thence to s
mounlaluoo theraat of IWtlnlau.l pitched
bis ttit, having imiicl on the went and
Hal on the at, and there be builded au
altar unto the ltrd ami railed Uhu tba
name of Itte lord." lie la a pilgrim and
a stranger, Jit a ajmrnr (lira, !,,
kaaoe tba taut la uRielanW lie live with
tiod, and banc the slur. Ilia hl life,
wttvo to leUtmidttp with Uh1, might be
daelgttaied "the tout od altar."
t. "And Attain Jmiroeywl, going oa
still toward the south." Ikaauaoof a fam
ine be g IM Kgyj. r tM evi
dently a tativ ror we rad of no slur
la ervt d not until be gvta beck to
IMtwl, wbate be again sails u the kame
f Ike l,l(lil, , 4). We M.lghtuh
feMfU take lb fnftae la IbU tgoii)g
tUI-al wake ll a f4 tUtlr wwtta,
naovldoj e avoid alt gtag uoa ta
VsTf. Pt it wtn hm 1. "I
id want on sad grew graal (ataryla, u
tag a'td ftaa tagV sad the JaI it ul
hmt was wits, bis, end It will Ve very
Wo. 1. Double Acrostic.
My primals name an author, and
finals a painter. '
Crosswords: L Brittle. 2. Having sym
metry and dignity. 8. Concerning. 4. Ex
treme Joy or pleasure, ft. A small, monkey
like animal. 0. To surround entirely. 7. A
long, cushioned seat. 8. A maritime pror
lnceof China. 9. To pour in drop by drop.
10. Not the one or the other. 1L A large
animal found In South Africa. 12. A title
given in India to Europeans of rank. 13. A
machine for shapiDg articles of wood or
metal. 14. The act of pouring out. 15. A
tribe of Indians native of Arizona.
Xa. S. Pictorial Bebus.
The above represents a
rendering of a
very well known proverb.
No. 3. Arithmetical,
If AO gallons of water in an hour's time
fall into a cUtern containing 200 gallons,
and by a pipe in the same cistern there run
out 45 gallons per hour, in how many hours
will it be filled f
It Is required to find two numbers such
that if the square of the first be added to
the second the sum shall be 63, and If the
square of the second be added to the first
It shall be 176.
No. 4. Curtailment.
Although I'm in the pleasant woods
Amid the fragrant whole.
To lead a country Ufa is not
The longing of my soul.
Although the flowers bloom profusely
Around ma everywhere,
I'm loDging for a change of scene
And prims for change of air.
No. 5. Connected Word Squares.
a a
a a a
I Upper square: 1. A military title. 9.
Alizard. 3. The sides of a door. 4. Agame
at cards. 5. Destroyed.
II Left band square: 1. A governor. 0
Custom. 8. Extensive. 4. Incited. S. Pas
toral pipes.
III Right hand square: 1. FlaJ round
plates. 2. A kind of tape. 8. A: quantity
of yarn or thread. 4. Cuts 5, Under
standing. jJ
IV Lower square: 1. Rrives along. 2.
Droll. 8. A fish. 4 M5re horrible. 5. To
terrify. JL
No. 6. Pjrorerb Making.
From the lettji which compose the fol
lowing worjkrTorrn a proverb which shows
th'iUiferere is not always safety in a multi
Wide of counselors:
f Snoon. Bother. Stock.
Toll. May. Oh.
No. 7. Hetagram.
I am an eatable. Change my bead, and I
am something by the roadside. Again, and
I am something that travels on the sea.
Again, and I am to speak indistinctly.
No. 8. Floral Anagrams.
1. He sees a rat.
2. Xo path is set.
8. Smile, cat.
4. The hare.
6. Rise, romp.
6. One name.
7. The poor lie.
8. Slower fun.
No. 9. Burled Names of Fruits.
1. I appeared very foolish on that occa
sion. 2. My brother is very plump and rosy.
8. I saw a man go to his work.
4. I went to Appleby by train.
5. I tried to solve the problem on the
board, but failed to do so.
The sculptor is generally fishing for fame
when be makes a oast.
When a man talks into a telephone, what
he says goes.
You never can tell what germs of great
ness may be in a prison convict, for he isn't
allowed to "let himself out."
High r-rlcad Art.
Friend See here, George! 'What does this
till Of m lUt'MU?
Amateur Photographer You told me
that it I'd take half a doien pictures of
your bouse you'd gladly stand the expense.
That's the expeuse,
Kay ta the Punier.
No, 421 Melagram: 1. Cork, fork, pork,
York. & Sra, tea, Lea, 8. Yeast, beast,
No. 43L-CroMword Enigma: WhUt.
No. 44. Anagrams: Christopher Colum
bus. James r'aulmora Cooper. Henry Mor
ton Stanley.
Nok 4. Diamond and Halt Suarei
I) I A M O XI) 0 1 D
No. 4J4.-TTsupoHl.a, tu Deal, laI,
data, aia.
.Vi 4.?. Numerical '.nlmai Mtwut tit.
N M--.llMrtl lrfTlt Male hay
wttiie Ilia sua shin,
Ne. 4JU -r4iieri
N 4Jd-UtbWCruaaMr4. Taunts l'.4t-
N til -Nuwe Well XatrevajaAt.
N AlWkaaktirl i. Drill, A Heel
I DC 1 aMtN i Event. V N4.
The Mat tar ef Poeitloa la of Vary Great
In sleeping, ranch depends on secur
ing a comfortable position. Lying on
the back would seem to give the moat
ease, but general experience and prae
tice prove that it does not and it is lia
ble to some definite objections. In a
weakly state of the heart and blood Tea
sels, and in certain morbid conditions
of tbe brain, tbe blood seems to gravi
tato to the back of tbe head and to pro
dace troublesome dreams. Persons who
hare contracted chests, and who have
had pleurisy and retain adhesions of
the lungs do not sleep well on the back.
Nearly all who are inclined to snore de
so in that position.
For these and other reasons it is there
fore better to lie on the side, and in
lung disease to lie on the weak side, so
as to leave the healthy lung free to ex
pand. It is well to choose tbe right
side, because, when the body is thus
placed, the food gravitates more easily
oat of the stomach into the Intestines.
Sleeping with tbe arm thrown over
the head is to be deprecated, but this
position is often assumed during sleep,
because circulation is then free in the
extremities and the head and neck, and
tbe muscles in the chest are drawn up
and fixed by theuhoulders, and thus ex
pansion of the thorax is easy. The chief
objections to this position are that it
creates a tendency to cramp and cold in
tbe arms, and sometimes seems to cause
headaches and dreams.
The best sleep is obtained when the
shutters are closed so as to make the
room dark and the windows are ad
justed so as to admit plenty of fresh air.
How to Malta Oyitar 8onp.
Two quarts of oysters, a quart of milk,
3 tablespoonfuls of butter, a teacupful
of hot water, pepper, salt. Strain all
the liquor from the oysters, add the wa
ter and heat. When near the boil, add
the seasoning; then the oysters. Cook
about five minutes from the time they
begin to simmer until they "ruffle."
Stir in the batter, cook one minute and
pour into the tnreen. Stir in the boil
ing milk and send to table.
How Smoked Glaaaea Show Spots on the
It may be pretty generally known
that tbe spots on the sun can be Ouite
easily seen with an opera glass. The
spots on the sun observe, with consider
able regularity, a period At the mini
mam the spots are email and very few
in number, so that a telescope of some
power is need,od, but at the maximum
they are numerous and of large size.
This perVd is about 11 vears. and it is
now ivvariy at its maximum.
.fucuij au iid luaAjujuiu
Ta' appreciate this properly it Is well
A . ' ;, ' .. ,
wyrememDer tne magniiuae oi me ot
ect we are observing, and from that
one can easily judge the size of the
spots. The diameter of tbe sun is about
680,000 miles, and in comparison to the
earth is as a large carriage wheel to aH
marble. If, therefore, the spots observ
ed appear to be about one-twentieth the
diameter of the disk, they occupy space
about 41,000 miles in diameter.
To view the snn, take a hazy morn
ing or evening, when the intervening
mist gives it the appearance of a dull red
ball, or get a couple of pieces of glass
large enough to cover the eye pieces of
the opera glass and smoke one of them
until you can look at the sun through
it easily. Put two strips of card be
tween the ends with the smoked surface
inside and attach to the instrument
with a similar rubber band.
It will be best to get your opera
glasses accurately focused on some dis
tant object before adjusting the dark
ened glasses to them.
How to Make Toilet Cushions.
Buy or make an oblong cushion,
about 4 by 5 inches. Take a half yard
of pink china silk, draw the threads
and hemstitch tbe four sides, making
a hem about an inch deep. Trim the
edge of the hem with apple green silk
cord and sew tassels of the same color
on each corner. Place the cushion in
the center of the silk and tie this over
the cushion in Grecian knot.
How to Make Angel Apples.
Peel them and carefully remove the
cores, so that the apples remain whole.
Put them into an enameled pan just
large enough to hold them, and cover
them with sirup made of sugar and wa
ter boiled together with a few cloves,
and colored pink with cochineal. Put
the pan into a moderate oven, and let
the apples stew very gently till they be
come soft and clear without breaking.
Remove thera from the pan very care
fully, and boil up the sirup in which
they were stewed till it thickens suffi
ciently, adding a little more sugar if
necessary. When the apples are quite
cold, arrange them on a dish, fill them
with apricot jam and put on the top of
each a teaspoonful of cream or the same
quantity of whipped cream j then pour
the sirup around the apples.
llww ta Keaew Wall I'ar.
Wall paper that has become braised
or torn utT In small patches and cannot
be matched may bo repaired with ordi
nary children's paints. Mix the col
ors till you get as nearly as pille
the desired shade, and lightly touch np
the brokvu placea and at the distance
of a fiKl or two tbe diafigurrnnMnt will
be quite unnoticed.
Haw Tail Marks May Ha Takaft Ott.
Wash a lunch of si or right cambric
needles bound together with silk thread,
dip the tit In glycerols of rAu and
dttve them with a sharp blow Into the
tattvttd part. This te repeated over th
et, tire stain and tnuat U thomtgh ta
b eff.H tlva, The method U a!4 ta t'u
no itft.nmat rv r4t tin. Too digt
Ivt principle t the papuid te dUvuii
dated aK utthede.iii.f pigment, thns
liberating tt, portion it abm rl4 in a
Bi ly dhfdud UU by the lytuvhetiiv,
anther part Mll HnU U way lata
UMHtf U) tvf the iptdertnU sad
tlt ta the eurfeo. U this khm(
the plgtafeat dtsirs.
Big Bert Hogs and Holsteia Cattle,
Tbirtr-flve tows bred for f print- furrow, four
males of Jana farrow ana a few fail piga at
price 10 suit ma limes.
Beaver City, Neb
Propria lor of tbe
SoBtUlMon Poultry Yard
bas taken more premiums on
poultry than any other breeder
Boone Co., Neb. Enclose
stamp for reply if rou want
gooc rowi or eggi
Hog Cholera Cured
Gretna, Neb., Nov. 18, '93. I here
by certify tbat Henry Combs operated
on my bogs in August last and since tbe
operation I have never had my hogs do
so wen. x oeiieve it to be a good pre
ventative against all diseases. I also
believe it to be to the interest of every
no; raiser to try it a the cost is very
atwe. M. J. UIIXESPIB.
Address. Henry Cemus. 11th. and
tuming St., Umana, Men.
SUre CUre for
Hog chickei)
I have a positive, tried, proved and guar
anteed cure fur bog and chicken cholera, which
has stood the test of six years without ever
making a falluee to my knowledge or that I
ever beard of. It has bren used successfully
in hundreds of cases. My father is and has
been for forty years a leading hog-raiser in
this coumv, and bas lost many hoira from
cs ilera, but has never lost a bog or chicken
fiora cholera since tbe discovery of tbla rem
edy. One dollar will buy enough of the inirred
lent at any drugstore to cure 60 to 76 head of
bogs. I will send any person tbe recipe for
only flftv cento. Send today, use the remedr
and you w II never lose another hog or chicken
from cholera: don't wait ihv hrtn m
die. References: My Postmaster, Express
Agent, or Pastor of Baptist Church, of which I
am a member, or anv buMlneiia hnnu nr annA
citizen of this town. Agents wanted. Ad
dress, Mas. Rachel V. Thomas.
, . - Co warts, Alabama.
1 -S, FEED !
mJ CP jymak.aFirm.r H.pP1.
Grinds more sraln to m
jWgroe of flneneas than any
otharmlli Grinds ear-corn,
f oats, ate, fine enough fur
to choke.
We wamujt the PEKHLEHS to be the
Tani chkapestmill on Earth
Writ Q at onoa for nri u.n
Hill UU i v.. r a
Xlra 1 U0M7 in Una
. mum onl. by th
r . J- " "w " VVII ef VI 11 II 1 1 1
CLTa fentt wumpiom wauok, The
Given away If it does
not save its cost in one
Martin & Morriseey M'fg
Company, Omaha, Neb.
a . a F a Cold 41
Al -4- Prices
Brain uklaas. Imrdmi, ureas
SilrarWitrkn, Rlneka,
,Mnu ud Pl.Uls ItrU,
Hwivm. Uli TiiM.NthU.
HBuklMf. AtMrdnu. OrnM. Him Mr HHta.
Cuk liramn, tut Bllli, SbM, KrUliw, How Hllli,
miht n uiw, tfwincrewi, inu jibtiiv, ni;iwun,
Frm Stub, Copt Dooln, Vbn, Drill, Ham Plowi,
Hamn, CoflV Milli, LolkM, Br4n, ItaBpCarta,
Cam Shrllrn, II. nd (rU, Ina, Snpen,Wlrr rram,
Fualiit MIIU, Wriitrra, BnftaM, Saoa. Steel Nlaki,
Srala Duaaa, Craw Han, Hollvra, Toala, Bit Snura,
liax, Stark, Elmator, Rallraad, Platlbm and Coaatw W ALKS.
Sead for fraa Cataloaaa and at haw to aave
lit Sa. acffiruB St., C8IC AOO SCAXI CO., CMoags, XU-
Please mention Tbe Alliance-independent.
The best paying investment for a bouse wife.
None genuine without brass fittings) our latest
improved style, is a solid make, has deep flange
strong but high grate, and closes perfectly tight
saves S3 per cent nutritloua elements. Full de
scriptive circulars on application. I alsoman
nfacture the "New Success" stove mat and the
Famous Frying Pan, etc. AGENTS WANTED
In every ot-unty in tbe U. 8. Address,
Council Bluffs Iowa
Ira Offls O Si CiOCif.i car.r..caicj
ISth and Farnam kta.
For Sale.
a rtvi tioaat row kit
O Electric Motor
la rar wftM,
CMIAfU sold soon. .
W"l r Kh).
Cert lUh M 814 , Uww, Hta
0 KK M, i
Allen Root, W. C. Allyn,
State Stock Agent Nebraska State Cattia Salesman.
Fanners' Alliance.
ornca ad riMAaciAi. max acir.
AIIpti TUnnt
aSW Jtk a XaS .Jaa. "
Boom 220,
First Nation si Bank of Omaha.
Commercial National Bank, Omaha.
u. a. y as National uana. soma umana.
Neb. Savings A Lzchange Bank, Omaha.
Central City Bank, Central City, Neb.
lwPercheron, English Shire, Belgiaa and Coacb Horses.
AM Y horses won more honors than an;
S'ate Fair, Des Moines: Nebrask
83. My mack r ercheron stallion. JeannoL
w lane 11 raw premium ana bwhjbibhw! over
prices, low Interest and longtime visit the
on e miie aistaat. new importation just received.
M' aUlliona, mare and colt won the pmset at
winners in put live years.
T'hcy Vcj-c -V-Tippers of 527 Frizes.
JAMS Is the only importer in Nebraska that imported his Percherons in the past three year from Fi anea
and the Unrest imoorter of Clvdea and Shires. ALL BLACKS. lams' hones won six sween takes
prizes al Nebraska SUU Fair oi 893, and Lima is the onlv man of Nebraska that is entitled to the nam
IAMS tiUAKAN I KES to show you the I.argsst tnllection 01 HU ruAiut unari llK3K.9 if
of the various breeds of the BBS C INniVIDUAL MKRI I' A M D ROYAL BREEDING, rto Syasrsold V
16 o to tioo weight and at ALLIANCE PRICES
per cent interest, or cheaper than any live importer,
More state Prize winners
1 3UU
HA V iO by buying a winner of lams.
horse recorded,
Write IAMS. St, Paul is on the B. M., and U.
S NOW used by all the principal feeders
of f-tock, aDd is better appieciated as its
merits become known. It is
of all kinds, and you cannot afford to feed
stock for market without it. There is
nothing that assists so much in fattening as
THIS MEAL, and you have only to use it !
to be convinced. ONE POUND IS ill
Dags 01 lUUiDs eacn. rnce,
10( lbs. If your d aler does not
order and we will ship promptly.
Woodman Linseed Oil Works, Omaha.
Railroad Time Tables.
The Northwestern Line.
ticket orrics 1133 O strekt.
(Continuous lines to all points mentioned.)
Leave. arrive.
l:j5p. m. 12:20p m.
S p. m. 12:20 p.m.
:30 a,m. 19:20p.m
1:35 pm JS:30pm
7:39 a. m. 6:80 p m
t.l Mp.m. tt:!p,m.
HI :36 a. m. i7 :15 a.m.
Chicago and east
Frtmmt Omaha Sioux
City, St. Paul Dulnih
Manhaltown, Cedar
Kaplda, C1I1 ton, Des
Msiaea. Pitrre, Aber
deen, Oakas
Wahoe, Frnnont, Nor-1)
tola, u Weill, Lou
Pine ('hairon Caaper
Hot Si r I nii. Rapid
City. Dead wood....
Fremont aocomndutlon,.
Krcmont treiicht.
Misaouri Pacific Railway.
Ticket Office at Depot and eorner Twelfth ami
O Street.
LwaTitai. Am irm
Auhurn and Neb City Kip,...
M. Ixmisday Kanreaa
Auburn aad Neb, I lly Exp..
t. Uau autht Kxpraas,.,,,
VcOuaancation..., . .....
ia'j(pui t: jud m
sspmj J op
9 op o 1
:jopm! ! m
e aop ml Siija n
Union Pacific Railway,
nerwr, coaxaa or ( two rnuarn era am,
Tirarr orrn a, 1041 araaaT.
iVmaha, Council BSuffa
lKea Valler. eaat
a4 wast
AraWtOa, Hlua bMum.
Maahaiuw ftM atid
!, Twaa, Kaaaaa
Cltt, aaal and aotua,
ll Pitt, Vlrtxnalwitf
luai Uiv, David CM,
t alun Ihu, tk,ae,
all 1-aAa, lllttM,
fnmwa aaj
t :o as
a p m
tr ie a
t le:ai
P . e 1
t tm t as ta S 1
tMiin aJ CwllaM...
ftemonl, Sikhorn en4 Miasaaii Velley
Depot eeraaf riehik aad irav Cltf tWaat
edt. e lliiuwe.
M'tluaa, rMal. St- I
tola, I mm fia t W (
taw, irktliL Hm) i
whmI, MiM iaiea4
WiaaskMag avaala. , ,,,,
haavAa ....,,, ,t .... I
f e p m
M at,
ita a.
I at e aal
' a
wt Valla, laf
Hapt4. Ituan) a4
Sans MtJiaa-a, Wa-
1 1 9 e4ia p m
Miaaaa4ia, ftt ll , I
Ik, a 4 Nwtkvaat )
E it e esj ) i ets
Gkorge S. Brown, f-
Hoc BaUwmani
&r, Dmr.mii v.
W J- wwaaw y
Exchange Building-
South Omaha, rfeb.i
3f Before shipping ask us for condition of
Market and Prices. .
WILSON. Creston, Iowa.
my importer's ia America at the following fairs:
a Stat Fair. Lincoln; and tbe Kansas City Kal',
and my Belgian stallion. Smnmnn. nunr faiiaif
r or strictiv nrst-class lmrxn
rted horses, low
Crest City Farm, Creston, Iowa, Te
'elephone to farm.
Trnporter apd Breeder
100 Black Perctieron,
French Draft,
Clydes and Shires.
IAMS' "Hore Show" at the great gt. Lomi,
Kansa and Nebraska State Fair of 1893, , oth
ired hia competitor.
Thev won tha grand xo herd prize "For Beat J
lerd of Droit Horaea" and over every Nebraska T
Jralt herae or mare ahowx at the World's Fair, i
Nebraska Bute Fair over Nebraska World's Fair
AND TEKM3. one, two and three years time it J
or pay your fare to see them, and lams -ay the freight.
Than am neprasna importers.
My prize winners all tor sale, ouoa guarantee, every
P. railroad. St. Pault Neb.
Oil Cakels
acv: -
used for stock
Put up in m per
keep it send us draft or money
Davenport, Iowa.
Burlington & Missouri River Railroad.
(C. B. t Q R. B )
Ticket office at B & M. depot and corner oi
Tenth and 0 street.
Chicago, Plsttmouth,
and eaat, via main 1
line Ashland Wahoo i
and Schuyler j
Omaha and Chicago i
Tia Ashland out-oQ j
t 8:0da m
10:87 p m.
t 6:19p.m.
t 5:00 p. m.
8:00 a. m,
10:U)a. m
U:55a m.
8:30 p. m.
i :ap. m
t :S0a.m.
tlO: 17 p.m.
9:56 a.m.
1:46 p.m.
10:17 p. m.
t4:60 p. m.
Piattsmouth and east
local via Omaha ....
Red Cloud, Oberlin,
Cheyenne and eat.,
Crete, Hasitlnas. Kear
ney, Iloldredge, Mo
rook Denver and wet
The "Burlleifton No 1"
to Denver and the
The 'Burlington Spe
cial" to H tlug, Ox
ford, Denver ana
Pe fie cat
Crate. BcatrKe, Wy
more, Krd Cloud....
St. Francis and Con
Creta, Hratriee and
Ilennxlt, Hrncuse, Ne
hraavaCH and eaat
Grand Islsnd, Broken
llow, Alliance, New
castle, "henoan and
Seward, York aud
(irand laland
Teoum-ah, Fails City
Alohlsoi, Kans.
' I y and south
Mllford David City Co
lumnu and nurlh..
Terumark sad Table
Kuci. ...... ,.
t 5:00 p. m.
t 6:00a. m
13:86 p.m.
6:00 a. m.
6:30 p. m.j
11:03 p. m.i
t 6:3Sp. n.
4 50 p. m.
10:00 Am.
:0n ra
110:45 p. n.
t 1:63 p,m
til ba. m.
13 30 p . m
tl :36 p.m.
t 6:45 p m
1 10:00 Am.
10 00 a, m
t T
t 6:40 p. at
tio iwp m.
a -.
if rou Are about to make) A trip to
north, north wouro Nebraska, the
Uiawk IIUUco'iDtrjr ot central Wyonv
int. to p jln U (a the I wo lUkoUe, to
Si. I'auI, MhnrapolU or Datu;U, or
points west 00 the I'sfttJo line, to any
IMilnl In Mlnneeota, VYisotinein, North,
em UlUoU ad4 Iowa, tllrvct to
the paAt kn4 euuih, jruu caq obtain fr
tl charge Ut city ofRo. u Hi.
or d. p..l. wirner th ftuU M itru, ot
North N esW ro line, Q-t re
HaW lotmaUuH of !( tH)aoteUoM.
r eto. With Muo m lice ut luowa
lUtHt U U iUN aam4 titttore au
ol Ibeui can but rre thrlr U ervate by
pAlrVftliloi the. .Northweaieril llo.
A. H. t iki iitnii,
tll TUket Af ., t m O llrtMt.
... itea. Af
L'a N(WVkewVrl Uha"wi tTlA
rttaM, f eet trtviiw. 00m JlSl