FEKRUAT?YL1$4 THE ALLIANCE -INDEPENDENT. aider human needs and social duties. The author baa not a little liter jry in vention and skill In handling truth. One brief chapter, entitled, 'Read," consists of words, words only, words destitute of Ideas. It is nevertheless full of meaning. Tk V.,.V,o V.. a rl much tO leSTO I 4 uo tuut vuo v - I from this author, the proiession oi journalism also, and lawmakers and law executors. Bat it Is a book for all honest ten to earner oncers Wa.mBtU reauest Mr. Daniel to W WW. a.w.rf " A wnvo lor mo other book, a book that shall give us the story not of Individual, Industrially norganized Christians, but of a truly ' Christian church, community, society; for we have come to see that there can i.. .n..l r'tivtettonittr arMptl .lg not of a new-old sort. Love must m . . level property differences to do love. It must unite men as it did at first. when Christ's teaching was not covered - by tradition, when it was sot loatln the scramble for self and the every day worship of mammon. The above described book may be ordered at us. Price, in paper, flifty ' cents. HE WOULD NOT HAVE THE 0HUR0H 0EITI0I8ED. Gibbon Neb., Jan. 10, 1894. Publishers Alliance-Independent Please send my bill and I will pay you what I owe you, and you can slop my paper. .. 1 am an Independent all over. But when I want a religious paper I will order one, and know what I am receiv ing. I am not is love with all the methods of Christians, but I do not want to hear them found fault with continually, until something better is furnished. When vour paper confines itself to Independent principles and doctrines, I would like to read it. as I have been ai Independent Ion? before the Omaha convention. Yours, F. G. Dickinson. Sorrv our Independent friend can't stand having religion and politics mixed, at all. But we have never contracted to please everybody. This subscriber is the first man, however, to object to our moral and religious teaching. (Many, Including several ministers, have commended It) He mistukenly supposes we are attacking Christ and his kingdom when we point out what Is selfish and nn-Christ-like in the church, or in church-sanctioned cus toms. The best friend of Christianity is he who does this clearly and faith fully. Perhaps if our friend had read our words in the spirit in which they were written, he would have grasped their spirit and meaning. At any rate he cannot afford to cut himself off from communication with other minds, sim ply because they d not see all truth as he does. Another thing he needs to learn, namely, that Populist principles and doctrines are the principles and doctrines of Christ, and that Christians must be brought to accept and support them religiously. We know ef no way to separate our religion and politics. Senator Allen says that the proposed bond issue is unlawful and that the bonds, if issued, will be Illegal. He will, as a consequence, advise all his Populist friends to refrain from staking their money upon a loan for which they may possibly secure only a defective claim to repayment. Secretary Carlisle will not be justified in expecting any bids from the Populist money barons. Omaha Bee. Mr. Kosewater's hired man is inclined to be facetious over the poverty of the Populists. He speaks with contempt of those who constitute the party organ ized to secure the rights of the poor. He looks sneeringly down from a party that makes bonds, to a party that breaks bonds. He imagines all men are supremely selfish like himself, and therefore concludes that there are no rich men or men with money accumu lated in the Populist party, the poor man's party. He has yet to learn that to belong to such a party is the greatest possible honor. By the use of figures alone we can demonstrate with mathematical accu racy and certainty that any rent in ex cels of usufruot demands, any net profit allowed for the use of capital, or any percentage obtained for money, carries with it the power to gather into the hands of the few all land, all capital, all money an4 all liberty. The higher the percentage charge the more rapid will be the wealth concentration. Out even one per cut. taken from one class and given to another, gives the lending claw an advantage which, fully made ue of, would after a time reduce the borrowert'to complete Industrial do pendence and slavery. I..' .1L..J.UL.U...--, ' J.L.J Cablylb lays truly, "It is not tu die orea to die ( hunger tat makes a nan wretched; many men have died; all ru wust die. Pat It is Ij live wuKirable, we know not way; to ward ore and jet gala aothlog; U be heart worn, weary, yet Ma to!, unrelated, girt la with a eull universal lL fain." hawe.ulvk w cea with flfur r rate to Via the railroads of N.. mka have (-ill ut.t of iht !Uuhit caa party. The II M. UluJ la Ibe Ian feet tmr I w aua ;al pat. The U P. an4 ether Nshraeaeretlroeyl Mt have Imu4 atWs.t a many were AadtasM IttM) aiauat ! carrier ari!va4 ! pulltitailafltMeoeake attend the primaries, and at the rerj least estimate they control In elections one rote each besides their own. That gires 24,000 rotes, and the 24.000 rail road employes rotes gives them from these classes alone 43,000 votes. The I Influence of trip passes must be added tO thlS. Wk have in our several hundred ex changes our eye s on the thought move ment of the world. And we tell you, brethren it Is a time of great awakening and unprecedeatedly rapid spread of the great saving truths. Clear headed thinkers are breaking loose every where, and we have passed beyond where It is possible to drop to sleep again, or to forget what Is being burned into so many minds. Multitudes are b'ing pushed forward and educated by vents as well as by exchange of thought and the Populist propaganda. Rally the forces in your neighborhood, brothers. Get ready for action. Tor ward, all. Mu. Laurence Gronluxd, author of Ca Ira, The Co-operative Common wealth and Our Destiny, is in Lincoln to stay three weeks, and will deliver his three celebrated lectures: Social ism Economically a Bleosing;" "How to Introduce Socialism Peacefully and G adually;" sad "The Moral Regenera tion of Our Country." A fuller notice next week. Mr. Gronluad Is stopping at 1,200 S street, where he will be glad to see and converse with any one wto may wish to talk with him concerning socialism. In Boston a few days ago there was a great gathering of organized working men, and they were outspoken In favor of breaking loose from the old parties and voting with a party that advocates tbe nationalization of the railroads, telegraphs, coal mines, banking busi ness, etc. And how It did stir up the old party dallies to assure thtm again that it is all on account t f the ta-r-r-r-f. The tariff is getting played out at last, thank the Lord. It can't fool the people forever. The right to work Is recognized in Switzerland, and under the Initiative the S wiss have obtained the 50,000 slgna tares necessary to bring the matter to a direct vote of the people. The law pro posed requires shorter hours of labor In order that more hands may be employ ed, and will provide for the establish ment of public workshops, and the management of employment bureaus by the state. The right to work is then right to live. In New Zealand the government has abolished the contractor in building railroads and other publio works. The public officials give out the work in sections to the working men who orga nize themselves in co-operative groups, choose a foreman, and share alike in the earnings. Then tbe government owns all the railroads and operates them at cost, and with a great economic sav- Mazzini says, "Mankind without any common bond, any unity of aim, bent upon happiness, has sought each aid all to tread their own paths, little heed ing If they trample upon the bodies of brothers in name, enemies in fact. This is the state of things we have "reached today. THINGS WORTH REPRINTING. Lending money is the most profitable business in tbe world. Proof. One cent loaned when Columbus discovered America at eight per cent compound interest, would now amount to $263, 882,790,744. Smith's old arithmetic says "That one penny loaned for 1810 years at 5 per cent, interest compound ed, would amount to 357,000,000 globes as large as our earth, of solid gold." Nebraska City News. Andrew Carnegie has come out in favor of the Wilson bill. This should settle its fate at once. His reasons are that it is so much like the McKlnley bill that it would be better to let the Democrats pass it, then both parties, having passed a protective tariff, neither could hereafter oppose the principle ef protection. Very true, Andrew, and, by the way, that removts any excuse for the further existence of the Republican party, navlng con verted the wicked Democrats to protec tion they might as well die haasy. Mij we be invlud to the funeral? twentieth Century. Mr. A. L. Sullivan of Lincoln, Neb., ha some of the finest bred stallions Perot erons and Knglia Shire that aa ba fouk.4 ia the entire west Also a lot ft Shetland ponies and llckoey, Mr, SuUivaa Is porftx-Uy reliable and anyone who makes a dial with him will got the ht. Notice hi admtlscmsal in IhU hsue, and write hlia for a ll.t and deKTiPtlua of bis stock. fcJrprttmliHMi to give oar radi r touts valu' a oie tuggeiunt ammt markets and h!maw -f trela (una tine tw time fet will b of nu h bt-nfit to thm. We etMt to hr from fcitu t it Kuiioe his advrUuat U another tidama. IWe that your ttekU rva-t via the M Uout I Pclne K U fm Ha ftaacUco, lal, i'ity tiukvlMIMOsKiet. Where the IMaced. Comma Was Clakks, Neb , Jan. 26, 1S94. Editor Alliance-Indkpindknt: In reading your comment, In last weeks Alliance-Independent, on the report of our state Conference to the Nonconformist by J. A. Edgerton, I was very much surprised to see that Mr. Edgerton had reported tbe pro ceedings of the Conference before tbe conference had proceeded to act I have been personally acquainted with Mr. Edgerton for several years, and have always regarded him as a staunch, able, and fearless Independent; and I un glad to noie that you have in this weku' Alliance-Independent cor rected the mistake that you us wittingly made last week. But you seem to have been misinformed again this week, with regard to the actions of the committee which was appointed to outline a plan of action for the ensuing year. You speak of a minority if the committee consisting of Porter, Poynter, Gafflo, Greene and Ste art working and plead ing for two hours in the committee room to drop everything from our plat form except state issues and free coinage of silver. Your informant must have rotten thices badly mixed, as toe five above named gentlemen constituted the entire committee, and so could not have been sat down on by a majority of the aforesaid committee. I think I speak the sentiments of at least a majority of that committee, when 1 say, that there was no desire on tbe part oi the com mittee to drop the Omaha platform, or anv part thereof: nor was any such proposition made in the committee room. Our reason for recommending that tbe next campaign should ps pros ecuted larcrelv on state issues, was, not to drop any one of our na'ional Issues, but to keep constantly before the tax payers of the state, the corruptness which exists in many of our state in stltutlons: as many of our state speak ers have in the past ignored everything not of!natlonal importance. It is a lac'. I believe, that there are in Nebraska today thousands of men who vote the Republican ticket that seem unable to grasp national issues, who, if it were shewn them that the money they have paid ia state taxes. Is much of it being stolen, or squandered, by the party tney have been voting for, would leave their "rood old party" and vote with the Populists. Our idea was to leave noth in? undone, (which could be dona hon orably) to get the people to stop voting ror party ana vote lor their nomes, their wives and their little ones. No, Mr. Editor, the committee had no intention of leaving tbe grand priLCl plea enunciated ia the Omaha platform I had the pleasure and the honor to bu present, as a delegate, when those prin ciples were adopted, and the man that today favors dropping them and starting a one lata party, is an enemy to au true reform, i ours lor iuture victory, W. . Porter, of Merrick. Brother Porter has not correctly read us in last week's issue. Observe where the comma was placed. It was not the minority whioh we named, but the whole committee. The majority part of the five which constituted the com mittee, were for holding firmly by o r national platform, 'and at the same tin e wished to emphasize the Importance o state issues. Please look again and see particularly how the sentence Is con structed. We are very glsd that all our strong, Influential leaders oppose the one Idea party and also the cutting down of our party platform to one idea, whioh would amount to the same thing, What Representative Stevene Bays About it Editor Alliance-Independent: Dear Sir: Allow me to say that you were right in the position you have taken in regard to the People's party conference at Hastings. The committee on program was ap pointed at a meeting of the state cen tral committee. When the committee on program re ported to the conference on the evening of January 3d, oae of its recommenda tions provided for a committee on reso lutions. I made a motion to strike out all of that part of the repert relating to committee on resolutions, stating at the time that we had no authority to speak for our party, that we were at most but self-constituted leaders. The vote to strike out was so unani mous that there were but few that would or did expect another attempt at resolutions. The committee on plan and organiza tion went beyond its authority, and abused the confidence of the power that made them a committee when they re ported the resolution published in your Issue of January 25. I was ia the hall a few minutes after the committee had made Its report and action had been taken thereon. There was not, I think more than one tenth in the hall that were In attendance the previous evening. You w ill remember that there was sn element la our ranks that tried very hard to crowd Gresfcam on to the head of our Uckst at the Omaha convention, and you have never beard of that ele ment loavlrg u. New It ths People's party la eon en tUn will be amused by a clown while corpoiatlons write platforms and name candidate for our ai ty, wbere, shall we finally land? land by your colors Mr Kditer. You are making a good fight Your friend will love ;iu and yur snetaks rct leu all the more for the tetdao and fatra of vour flint Yun lav tot forguttea lb a we or f aatit'd a new jarty to ox4 tbe so ealUd intHwy tr, Twa tUt rwc atie the fe.it tht powsr to roH through uturylttae tregvt weapon that is u'4 bj lad nudity power la t.p.f the (Hwf or laboring eit Askithe wetrel tt raL!rd, have a sample ot that la the law of lat wlslot ahich has beta M up la the Observe courts since the first of last August This is good evidence that there is no control this side of ownership. Truly Yours, Edison, Neb., John Stivers. Three Cent Column. Tor Sale," "Wan td,""For Exchange, "and mall adrertlsemenu for abort time, will be charged three ceau per word for each Inser tion. Initials or a number coented as one word. OSh with the order If 70a wakt anything, or have anything that anybody else "want," make it known through this column. It w, 11 pay, WANTED But tor, etnra ano poultry at tsi South Uth Bt , Lincoln, Neb. Highest price paid. GENTS WANTED To aell choice nuraery 1 stock Carri NUHScaiaa, Crete, Nrb. rrt SALE A Rood lire PonulUt paper la a town of f 000 Inhabitant, good rvasona for selling. Add rem, AlUanca-Iudependrat. tnOK SaLK-A Bariraln in an 8a 1 JO and iflO I acre Kami all well improved close to uiuuoin, jD. vce iKjrserraKii rarma loriaie Y JUHO. Broker, 1201 O St., Lincoln, Neb. - mm. n rum ior iuii iiarvicaiara, u. o. WANTED 100 ooo tndependentaof Nebraska to mop at the W manor when tbey come w AN lEu -twenty thouaand new aubacrl bent to Tan Alliahcs-1ndkikmdkmt. TINOLEV ft HURKKIT, attorneys at-law, 105 O 8t., Lincoln. Neb. miNLEY & BUKKETT. airoroeya at-law, x iko u el, Lincoln, ito. As,racii ex amtned. HAVK YOU anything to sell or trader Then advertlm tbe fact through this column ana De surprised at toe result. A GENTS TVANTR9 for the beet selling Nov. n. elty out. 30 000 sold the first week in Boston. Sample by null 16 rts. Nernled in every bouse. Address, w. H. HAUONEY, No. 1 Revere St., Lowell, Mass, IF YOU WANT to bur, sell, trade or borrow Anything, remember, you miss it badly if on qo not inaae it Known tnrouga this col umn Only S c mis per wore each insertion Cash with the order. TJEMKMUBR that Ths Ai.i.iahcs ikdspkm Mi irht is the ot-st advertising medium in tbe west when writing to asy of our adver tisers don't forget to tell them where you saw meir au - FARMS ! FARMS 11 FARMS 1 1 1 400 choice Eastern Nebraska farms IN) clear. 150 mouet ately incumbered. Price from SI0 to IM per acre. Write exactly what yon want ana wnrre you want it. a number or excel lent bargains it taken soon. C. R. B0ATRIGHT, 301 N. Y. Llfs Bids, Omaha, Neb. 0. J. WILCOX, ACCOUNTANT. 1017 Washington St, Linoout, Nina. Books and acceunts audited and adjusted Disputed accounts prepared for trial. Ac counts of county officials and corporations cneca a np. simple systems or booa-seeping arranged for parties bavins little practical knowledge of accounts. Correspondence; ouciieu. F. M. WOODS. Fine Stock Auctioneer. 203 OSt., klpcolp , flab BOOKS FOR THE MASSES. It is facts, Information, education that the people need, and the circulation of the books written to expose monopoly oppression and show what Is just, is a fundamental, essential part of our work. We shall have our editor go through reform books and select the best for our readers. Below is the beglnnlngof our IUt, More will be added as soon as they can be reviewed. Get these books and our paper as fast as you can into the hands of the people, friends. Buy, read and circulate. Address all orders to the Alliance Publishing Company. Lincoln, Neb. A Co-operative Commonwealth. BY LAWRENCE GRONLTJND. A book for all wbo believe the competitive commercial struKKls should be superseded by a jUMt economic system of production and dis tribution. A book also for tbose who believe competition necessary. Postpaid, paper covers 30 cents. Etrera in Our Monetary System and the Remedy. BY MARY E. HOBART. 25 cents. We have not yet seen this book. but the editor of The Coinlna Natloa verr strongly recommends it. Tne Duties of Man. BY JOSEPH MAZZINI. The great Italian, whose heart embraced the world and whose thoughts will never die. He uvea ana sunerea tor the industrial and doI il eal emancipation of tbe maasea. Postpaid, 15 cents. Socialism From Genesis to Rsvslation. BVRRV M BPRAODK This book contains the fullest argumeit for and against Hoc allsm of any American book. Pull of statistics from the uretest nollilcal econo'Dl'ta. A book that should be read by ministers and Christians esueclallv. Cloth only. 11.75. Six Centuries of Work and Wsges. BY J K TIIOROLn ROGERS, P. Abridged with rbart and summary. Tbe facta and tbethnughtsummaryof six Urge volutins. A bltitorle collect lou of most valuable 1 for mation bea- tng on the present rrluK by Kev. W. U. P. mite Introduction by Prof K T. Kir ol the Miale University of Wisconsin. Paper, tt cents. Civilisation's Inferno, iraa rniwru Studies In thsiMN laiceiUr. A .ituuls. thrilling rr rtoi w nail be Arms editor l,mi upon ua hta own eye In ids leneutwni districts ol itoalon. A boo WHICH lu l.l urilv lrila and arouse turn, t loth (t bu, tMunr id outs. Leok'nf Backward. II Y aOWARU BUXAMY A book noon ran aflrd to iuus reading, "H 1)4 rvtutittlvd ibe ,,uuk) ol ttMfx,antry aoutber ba has evr dune." TrauMi4 linu i.mj ail l.urolMMtt Ui sua-. tut 'iuriliiu4 story ikl tote in tn lull Hht ul on tbe r4t social irub!m, alitilunt ke ai.i tv4 it, Uta ! lu. tuiwr au The Is van Financial Cortapiiaslas. WY MR H. R. V IMKHY Vklsltltt .. aUk lu a4 tt rlreala- iMtt itl lutiuvbre tu tbe rarmats Altuu,. tttow how tke Mxir uvr k atk(Ml s kiuutiet a tMK'h ta auw tr,4 ui t the ..u l (t kui, tu u I Uw vt. t k t fclCSHM. Ten Ma ef llooey Ulnd. BVttit. H. r NoKTtM. Atitkf h ! aiuir ewjrh ft Is tke 4u,f aaj iM,ty4NtMi Wkloiii,''! , tktet.iliAls la .viu. toe kis- i f nkiJi. U ajka, lutr St utM. Ths faijo4 y Jut ton. IfHIl LBKltKH. Tke iU4Uf iMrinel Im tke tfmt tkks k. 4a ItvtM a k A wf t4a 4 avttft iU ittft i tMMtikd rlt4 l bat, IS kt-ai iil.kk HVe4 tkM tew td t ul l-e ugkiy lu,.rtwa u of tee .kaeiits aMief Ve 4a, llt II M, TINGLEY & Attorneys-at-Law. 1026 O St., Lincoln, Neb- BaaBMaMaaaawaWBaaaaiaHSBVSaawawa COLLECTIONS MADE AND MONEY REMITTED SAME DAY AS COLLECTED. JOHN J. GILLILAN, Real Estate MesleDt Her. LINCOLN. MnIiD,l lH n,d acre, t,rac,u 'or tale near wish to bu . sell or triur J. W. Castor, Pres. w.B. Likch f.Seo J. O. It Ubch, )1 iDsrace Organizod In 1891. Ht52,O0O,OO0 f jpaurapew flow Jj Effect.. DIRILTOKS: J. W. Castor, Emerald. Neb. J. P. Kou-e, Alv.. Neb. J. L. Hermaoce, Raymond, Neb. A. Greenamyer, t beeney, Neb. II. H. Datls, Byracuse, Neb. J A. Kloten. Goebner, Neb. J. A. Barr, York. feb. W.J. Illldn tb, Exeter, Neb. N. 8. Hyatt, President, eb. JOHN B. WRIGHT, P. E. JOHNSON, J, H. MoCLAT, President Vice-President. CaehJer. "THR- Columbia OP IaINOOIaN, nbb. Capital, i$250,00 O. First ! National ! Bank, LINCOLN, NEB Capital, - - - ?H00,000. SurTDlios. $loo,ooo. N.S.HARWOOD, " C. S. LIPPINCOTT, President. F.M.COOK, Ass's Cashier. C. A. HANNA, Cashier. H. S. FREEMAN, Vice-President Ass't Cashier. DIRECTORS: N. S. Harwood, John Fltxgerald, J. D. Macfarland. It. E. Moore, D. W. Cook, Charles A. Hanna, A. fi. Clark, T. M. Marquett, John H. Ames, John L. Carson, . F. M. Cook. -A7 WindsoKJHotel- .juxm . " ""T -a- JOSEPH 0PEL1 Mamger. Gov. 1 $ Q Sfs, Lincoln, eb. Accommodations first class. Special rates made to Independents attending: conventions, etc WEBER GASOLINE ENGINES few m'nutes' attention a day will keep it running. Most economical; guaranteed cost of running Is one cent per bone power per hour. Address, Box No 60. Webtr Gas & Gasoline Engine Co., Kansas FOR SALE I r c awfajniflir?!! Onaii My Mali M Fire Tears Price, $49. 75. M SEND i)R CATALOGUE, , . Agents Wanted for the A. liOSPE, 'A ekMtu4 5 r!r U I 4 illt V iTT 4w IMNT WAIT TO iOHHi:SrH!HII. t aviwy m (ur Mtkii'M hnk' kaikfcisaa 4 K tl ot, y " a a tmj . Sft l ii'H BDRKETT, NEDRAOKA. the colleges. Fine homes and business P. Ronaa. Vloe-Pres A. GRSiKAMTCR.Treaa, State Agent. Omar of PRINCIPAL OFFICE: 248 South fftfl strt, lilfvCOUfS, TIED. Correspondence solicited from alt persons Interested In mutual Insurance, Nat'l Bank, THE V The best because tbe most simple. A Mir rvv WW WS 11 Ik " "V City. Missouri. OH WILL TKADE FOB SOME GOOD FAUM LANDS. I have a lot of excellent good pure bred (records') stallions and inarea, bntti Percbemns and Knellsb Sblre. Also imponed and American bred Shetland Ponies. This stork Is ef onr own Importa tion ud raUflug, c1bd, bealtby and ail right. We will sell oae ani mal or all, as the entire stock must be llsposed of. For a list and descrlp.lon addroM, A , L. ttU LLIVAN, . The Importing Draft Horse Oompauy. LINCOLN, NER Kimball Pianos and Organs Jr., Oipaha, Neb. You can buy this Piano for $I!S IF YOU BUY IT NOW, h 1U m lrI. St) tn-k ki(i-as , HwHa iok a,"l lint k It M I l twuiirit I'Mixk ltt Ue tkrua'k , W e do a4 ahaiMHtnr till tMriv UM I MMoi su.l w U )Mitiful an.l Wet tt , the M.Mw. Ui y.u.r lbtnkre vtdut la kt mi4 vtll e-4l hm h fuum . la t 4k1 14 a(Wf U k' Wtl enJ i a We.l'fvl tNUakansa wliwr rww tivm tl iV Hut uf est vypu. tttai.y mm, aissj its 5