A 1 - MMMMM,,,,,,MaaaaalMMMaaaaaMaaaaaaea . TEX MUiUCE-HEPEMlffl. CenaolldaUan of the 1 FircjR illlisttaSebrasU Independent ftriUSHIB Etmt Thvmdat it The Alliance Publishing Co nto M Street, Lincoln, Neb. IS . ptm. , H. 8- Bowma.6ee?. arm, c O. Niuo. Rbwick, 8UB9CR1PTI0N 0H DOIAAB PKB YA Editor Cm- T. tiBirria i. b. Hyatt, Buaineas Manager. iAdvenisliig Mngr. "If any man mart fall for me to ra, Tben seek I not to climb. Another's pain Iehooeeuotformyood. A golden cbalny A tot of fcooor. lstoogeod aprlze 1 Te tempt my haety baad to do a wrong Unto a fellow num. Tble life hata woe ( Bnfflcient, wrought by man's Satanic foe; And wbo that bath a beart would dare prolong Or add a aerrow to a stricken aoul That seek a healing balm to make It wbolel" My beeomowna the brotherhood of man. K. L P. i PablUhers Anaoanoement. The subscription price of the AMJAHOi-Iii-BVHPUi Is ll.UU per year, Invariably In ad- Aoam in aolleltlne subscription abonld be very eareiul tbat all name are correctly spelled and proper poMomce given. Blank far retain aubecrlpuoas, return envelope, tc.. can be bad on application te thla office. Axwava algn year name. No matter how often rim writ oa do not neglect tbla Import ant matter. Br err week we receive lettera wU Incomplete addieeeee or wltheut slgna tare and It la aometlmea dlffloult to locate ahem. 5 ' Onavon or ADDnaa. Subscribers wlablag ehance their poetofflce addreea moat always give tOelr former aa well aa their present ad ireae when change wUl be promptly made. Addreaa all lettera and make all remittance payable to TUX. AU4ANUK PUB. CO., Lincoln, Neb. No. 2 of Prof. Jones aerie of article, begun last week, came too late to set thla week. It will appear In our next Issue. A communication from Gen. Vandervoort, commander of the Indus trial Legion of America, was also re ceived too late for Iniertlon. Look for II. it next week. Among Interesting and valuable communication! in this Issue aee one on page 3, entitled "The Secret Elng In Politic," by Mr. A. B. Flack, author of "Sir In' up Politic." The literary contribution are coming in thick and faat now. Doll your matter down friend, when you can. We shall print all we can, bet short communica tions are prefet red, as a rule. Obserre what a large amount of original matter we are setting up, editorial and contrib uted. Again we want te thank our friends for sending in new subscslbera, and at the same time urge that more improve present leisure to secure new readers for our paper. County committees should all do as some are .doing, call a county meeting and divide off the county Into school districts and appoint or secure men to thoroughly canvass the territory to get our papers Into the hands of the people. This is necessary, if we would ' succeed politically. The enemy is flooding the state with cheap Republican weeklies. Our papers must be circulated. ' Fools aid financiers are correlated terms. The latter class could not exist if it did not have a vast number of the former to gull and feed upon. Stand up for the eastern and foreign usurer, and compel the willing work er in Nebraska to frees and starve, or suicide, or sell their bodies, or beg for a chanoe at tke chat Ity soup bowl. It Is time every man gave tie full strength of his mind to the study ol causes, fundamental principles, moral and philosophical solutions for the great evils which oppress us. Read, reason, act . Rev. J. M. Snyder, of Sherman Co. Is te deliver a week's lecture la Kear ney county oa questions of the day, be ginning aboul Kb. 10. Father Snyder 1st esstribuUr to our columns, our reader will rememNtr. Kiuiit TNOl'sUND fashionable Ho Ionian danced with the Math lVgl meat Infantry atari? all alght Friday (4 lat week, to keep the city poor from starving. What a tet and beautiful thing 1 charity! Let' all deac. wmmMmmmmm Mn STSan la a Chicago leetur re cently il la bad to aid a ana tip ia th stmt ad rob Mas. bat It U re to staai whale street from yeur kllow mat. Us h4 Ytrke. the tlr railway naaete, and others, la aU wladli eye- Tua t4 Cuuat cVaoU recently built a sewer. 1 he euglseer wai tl- Mate) a 4Wa The lws It4 they POUld glM II VM tA$,0Uu KtjStlg the bWa a4 dolsg U wtrh Uw waalie tt eely et ttfe for a Math Ut oa Vaa eoatrael work. MASTER THE M05EY QUESTION It la of the greatet Importance for the Populist party a a party to master the money question. What then, i the money question? Mnnn!iiion are held, many which it can be easily demonstrated are lncor rector imperfect. Out all honest men will agree tbat what w want is to get completely out from under the power of the usurers, so that we shall have all that oar labor produces and may pro duce. How can It be done? , Some say oy opening the mints to sil ver. Their theory is tbat gold and sll ver freely coined will furnish us all the currency we need, that its volume will adjust itaelf automatically to tbo other products of labor, thereby providing an unfluctuating value measure. The automatic theory of bimetalllsts and monemetallist is, however, unsupport ed by the fact of history. The gold and silver baae Is not broad enough for business. The use of paper In addition to silver and rold i a concession that there is not, and that there has never been when gold and silver were most plentiful, enough of these metaU for monetary use. The Interest that we pay, and have alway bad to pay, on gold, silver and paper money, ha meas ured our tribute to the money monopoly, The free coinage of silver, which we had up to 1873, and bank issue of paper currency, both state and national, did not reduce the ' pro rata Interest drain. The Greenback party, which came In to existence In the contraction period of the '70s, educated many thousands to see that full legal tender paper money could complete the round of circulation, making all needed exchanges, and serve every purpose as money; and tbat as much currency could be Issued as the people as a whole, in their government al capacity, called for; but it did not propose anything to prevent the money being monopolized, gathered into few hands, after It should be once paid out. It did not aolve the usury or interest question, therefore. It called for fifty dollars per capita; but when that volume through rentals, speculations, corpora tion dividends, interest and net pronto, should be drawn mostly into the hands of the king of commerce, it could pro pose nothing to prevent increasing usury tribute. It did not evolve a finan cial system which would furnish dollars that could neither appreciate nor de preciate in purchasing power, and pro vide by means of it a supply of legal tender currency equal to all needs, and always obtainable without usury or in terest. It gave many of ns our first lessons in monetary science, but a com plete flnanelal system, a working system to out off forever all tribute to usurers, we have, as Populists, mora recently perfected. It is the perfection of this new finan cial system which gives ns power to sucoeed, to win confidence as a party where the Greenback party failed. But until our party as a party comprehends aad everywhere advocates this new financial system we cannot convince the great body of thinkers that we are not dangerous inflationists. Now let us put aside our prejudices, if we have any, and consider this fact: there is no possible way to effectually and forever prevent the usury or in terest drain, exoept by government loans. But by means of government loans at cost of investigation and caring for securities, all interest, all per cent charges above a trifling labor fee, can be saved to the producers. And this plan, safeguarded and simple, puts a stop to wealth concentration, the great evil, the great danger. National ize the whole banking business, loans, deposits snd exchange, and the thing is dono. The postal savings bank sys tem of Austria, with its exchange and clearing system, but minus its Interest feature, is what we want: and' a central bank in each county, supplied with a complete sot of abstracts, can do the entire loaning business for the county. By thl finanolal system each county could hare without Interest all the capital its oltlxens could advantageously ase in developing ite resources; and their entire taxable property, in aJdl tloa to first mortgages given by the in dividuals borrowing moaey, would be absolutely perfvot, riskiest security to the nation. The county bank officer would be elected by the people, and furnish a sufficient bond. And through the state board of equaMter the n tlooaJ government would be guided In the matter of each county's land valurs Paste aad periods of business depres sion are aa Inevitable result of the usury drain. (Usury in the broad sme includes laterest, rent, dlvldnd and net profit) I'sury draw a off destroy the valu power equilibrium wa'oh should alw)s b preerrved hotweea money ia the pruduoeM hand aad the geodt ta tte market. At usury aveuau!t muaet 4 good accumulate, under eoatump iU Wing lotted pw the pw! ia equal degree. At kag as the usury being draa ay ) returned la Uwa, Psl a4 huelaeee prlyla sh hr't at bty but ierw4 Ivans meaa aa la crea ! thus Vturt dria;t4 la brief pwrM, alth a full tasfiet aad Nt ItuU if themoeev left ia the hand vt the people, (t bivvsass uai4 ta W iw sui'sey, of te irdee aad pile nrw w4e the market, as!s, or If not sU period 4 tulas par a1!!, with a fafMiee spread of puverly, of aeveeelty su4 each oUer la Nvi4 THE ALLIANCE -IN DEPENDENT. ine usury cycle. The revolving usury cycle each advance us nearer the time of tho ownership of all the laod and mean of production by a few, who are thus gradually obtaining lega', despotic power over the working million, and over the principal portion of the mid' die claes. Usury is in the Industrial Bvstem what a destruction of the cen trlfugal force would be in the solar sys tem. It lead to the complete contro of the eak by the strong, and ef the atronir bv the still stronger, which absorbing enslaving process must Ineyl tably end in an eternal smash. Usury is in its wealth concentrating process and final struggle, the power or all evil cot fusion and anarchy. THE TARIFF FOOLS AID FRA.UD8. "If there be any gain to ba anticipat ed to be set off attalnst tnis lots ioi rev enue by lower tariff, it muii come from Increased importations, ukichwill Jutt to much diminUh American production ana bt mo much taken from American labor. Ex-Hoealter IWd. M. C. "But the very depression which today hardens the atrutriflo for the necessaries of life is In itself the strongest call for a read just ment of taxes, and tbo a?pbyx- lauon or proaucuoa adu irtvuo wuiuu tho confines of the home market de mande that tkey should be given a lar lM mA m.a eaKiinlunt Ufa " Uon. W. L. Wilson, author of the Wil son bill. Observe, the Republican scheme is to wall labor In, that it may have more work to do; and the Democratic scheme is to let labor out, tbat it may have more work to do. Beautifully agreed in their object, and furiously, successfully fighting each other to attain it! And all this effort of each party to show ibe other party to bs fools aud frauds, will go on forever, If the people do net wake up to see that fools and frauds Is ust what they are. The American workers, distracted by the tariff noise, have overlooked the fact that what they need is not addi tional burdens, work, but an increase of pay. It is not alimltationor a widening of the market, but sufficient money in prices and wages to empty the market they have filledi Thtproiutti of labor would then hi alwayt In demand. We could have a tariff so high as to wall out all goods produced in other coun tries, and if all here worked and equita bly exchanged their products, with our unlimited natural resources there is no reason why we might not increase our wealth without limit, and all become rich. It is not the tariff, but inequita ble wages, monopoly prices and usury accumulations of the various sorts, which least ut needy and moneyleit with the market full. Protection does not pro tect us. Neither can free trade benefit us so long as monopolists and parasites are left to plunder us. If we, the pro ducers, cannot eommand money suffi cient for our goods and services under so-called protection to empty the mar ket we have filled, how can we be bene fited by the bringing of other or more goods into It? The first thing neoessary s power to empty our own market, power to all buy back of each other by equitable exchange what we as a whole have produced. Until we can do this we are neither protected nor free. Free dom to trade without money te buy with, can be of no value to us. Neither Is "protection from foreign labor" when underpaid home labor is destroying us. The Democratic policy is a scheme to dispose of goods the plundering class can not use, goods which they have taken from us the money needed to command, in the shape of monopoly-enforced surplus earnings, net profits, In terest, rent, etc. And the Republican scheme is to keep the goods here and dispose of the plunder surplus in the form of charity soup, to relieve the mar ket and keep the workers submissive aad exger for work at lower wages. It makes us desperately incensed to see the plunderer sand the market over gorged, while millions are starving; and congress quarrelling over the Republi can home-plunderers tree-soup, and the Democratlo more-plunderers', method of getting rid of the trade asphyxiation, the glutted market and business paral ysis, which usury, which enforced In equitable exohanges, aleoe produce, Tbere isn't enough economic sense and honesty in the whole congressional gang of Republicans aad Democrats to furateh a reason why they should not every last one of them be branded a rogues and incapable, and sent home. U.. I J- .11 Tua net profit or Interest demanded by the capitalists, and the rent deman ded by the landlords, take from the producer power (money) to empty the market they hare filled; to the mar kets are periodically glutted, aad en fortnid uoder-eossumptloa cuts off the demand for ltxr. The periods of bul aee activity with ever raturelng business paralysis, should be called usury cjcUs. t'sury la lu various terms I the cue great artificial obstruc tion tocoa'taued proapaortty, '' " "" m MONvfatT Maa Biuuarvhy, despot Uat, Irtbut. Is Ikera any loaeet maa lalhU country its fsvsr it No, WHat t4 the ttm etae ta who prvfe to bt ef at ee so aaiUnt to have us keep ttiti eWet vvry avai'po.y tept ese, or t, aoj prone valh nI ef (Hily very weakly aa4 1 perfectly 4Ail eU U.u.! Away with h P dtt-ee! I'erUh la kisg ff every soil Wa are their pomloe! eneiale. aad want avert saaa ta know tat we are the all ai4ad fa l erprvasers, and frleadi af the a eiuprr t vrnr. TnwnBicrrp The Congregationallst of Bo&ten com menting on the recent Chicago address of Mr. Stead. In which ht classed mo nopolists snd all the rich who prey up on society with the criminal "Disrepu tables," eays: Admitting, a every one does, the monstrous wickedness of those who ob tain charters from city .council at a tenth of their real value, it does not follow tbat privileges now worth 1200 000,000 were at first worth anything like that sum, or that those who now have stock In our city railways get more than fair returns on their investments It is hard to see how needed improve ments in oar cities could be secured were private capital refused the privi lege of making them and assuming the risk on Its venture. Mot every invest ment'of this sort has proved remunera t!ve. We consider that the moral ignor ance shown in the paragraph here quoted from this great religious weekly t) bo wholly without excuse. It does not matter whether men draw from society ten times more than they exchange, or aslngle tenth, or twentieth; the principle is the same. To take more for less is unjust, I Immoral, is robbery. Neither does it in sny degree cancel the robbery account now and then to donate out of their surplus plunder a statue, a telescope, or a million or two to a great university and theological seminary. Charles T. Yerkes Is a rob ber. John D. Rockefeller is a robber. Lyman Gage is a robber. The Board of Trado gamblers are robbers. The great stock yards gang i a gang of robber. , Phil Armour is a philanthro pic robber, The Honorable Mayor ef Chicago is a robber. The panic and business prostration, with all Its anxieties and agonies, its fearful sufferings by cold and hunger, ts evictions, its family separations, Its desperate suicides, its slow-murdered, myriads, its production of prostitutes and criminals, and Its millions made beggars all this is the result of monop oly and usury robbery. And this great religious weekly, edited by Reverends and D. Ds, graduates of theological sens- narles and life long Bible students, de fends what God's word condemns! Get ting nine hundred per cent more than ane gives society it calls "monstrous wickedness," but drawing ten, or eight, or six, or four per cent of usury each year, it calls "fair returns." (Returns for what? The principal remains intact n the bands of the capitalist.) And it teaches that if an investor gambles on the future, puts In his money and runs the risk of being mistakes, of figuring ncorreotly, society ought to pay him any sum which ita subsequent growth makes possible in the shape of di vldeads each year forever, for no other reason than that he was not a fool, and obtained a monopoly, And it is hard for it to see how street railways, waterworks, lghts, etc, oould be secured by a city f private capitalists were refused the privilege of putting them in and taking the risk I As if a city could not as a city provide for all Its needs, without giving away its franchises to aay onel As If its citizens would not be glad to work for it? As if its citizens must remain, too, at the mercy of gambling Investors who keep watering their stock as the city grows, and collecting endless growing usury thereon! If the nose, even, of the usury camel is allowed to push justice aside, there is In time no justice left for any one. The whole body of evil follows it. Why, why, why don't the religious teachers of today believe the Bible teaching concerning usury? Why don't they set themselves intelligently against monopolies of every sort? Why don't they preach righteousness? Is it be cause thoy respect Calvin's opinion more than they do Jehovah's? Is it because they were themselves educated in institutions supported by usury? Is it because they believe God's laws are impracticable? Who will answer? THE BRUTALITY OF BU8IHES8- It requires but two things to change paradise Into hades; an each for himself struggle for existence, and property laws which Intrench and defend mono pollsu, O for a refuge to flee to whera tnea love each othert But tbere I no uoh place that we can go to. It Is not possible for the ua organlied, struggling Individual to be unselfish. W may subscribe to beauti ful theories and creeds', but when we ran up against each other la business It is just hell. We say this deliberately and after much experience and knowl edge of the world. There is not a trace of lova or sentiment U trade, la making contracts and exchanges. The brute atone eaa enjoy it. To the gentle of spirit, the ktaa td heart and the aioeally sensitive, II U a ouasuat tor lure and disgust. Milton picture Satan crouuhtng ta coataispilbla form ta Uks tlvaatg of Eve, of her tgaoe aao aud weakness. Tt I just what bustaeea Is. Itkurlel's sprer W9titd Sow the devil la It alt. Aad wh t My late, w bar have ksowUnlf that there la a a! 4 ootntamlal morality vkWh moat Ka are tiuttkd by. Yes, therw le a tudo, but U t a fat rutov 4 (root r'J morality a opposite cat be eirw4. Tb awral law is, Ta shalt lose thy al br a thjauif; the wu.Mrclal ood it, Taea shall love thyself better than as? body U aad gain all thou canst from everybody else. Personal violence is not permitted, and frauds that interfere with the holding cf property are forbidden- But it is allowable to take advantage of the pressing physical necessities of our' fellowmeo to make terms most unequal terms of practical slavery to them. No one is hired today upon an equitable contract Every man, woman and child of the millions who sell their labor, U compelled to earn bis wages and an un paid for net profit baides. hierj man who borrow money must pay more back than be borrows, acd the same is true of the man who borrows land or capital. Gain at the expense of others' labor has come to be regarded the chief good, and every b dy in business seems to be seeking it. Certain forms of land and capital, such as railroads, tele graphs, coal mines, etc., oil wells, the ral estate at commercial centers, ma chinery, steam and electric energy, all of which are in possession of the few, must be bought and borrowed by the many at monopoly tribute prices. And the man who has a monopoly of skill or God-given talent, no matter what, con siders, because he has power to do it, that he may rightly demand more labor service than he gives. We are not so much stirred by the, struggle of the strong, with the strong, which is brutal as we are by the unequal struggle of the str.ng witu the weak, which is devilish. It was formerly the indivi dual employer against his landless, moneyless employes. It is now organ ized capitalists against the poor and imperfectly organized proletariat. Whoever has a title to land, or capital or money equal to it, which others must needs use to live, can trample Cod's law (Gen. 3; 19) under foot: he is not compelled to sweat for his bread. The usury-sustaining statutes support him, tho laws which compel the work ers to pay him rents, dividends and in terest Our property laws were made to support virtual kings in Idleness, luxury and display; and by them they have power, If they prefer to accumu late, to extend the realm of the present oligarchy until ne land or liberty shall be left in possession of the workers. ' A reigning plutocracy with the mass es easlaved, is the natural development and end of Individualism. The only possible permanent democracy is the democracy of unselfish socialism. "WHO ARE THE DISREPUTABLES?" Mr. W. T. Stead, London editor of the Review of Reviews, is still in Chicago stirring np society, and last week spoke to a very large and sympathetic audi ence at the People's Institute. Hir subject was "Who Are the Disreputa bles?" And who do you think he dared to say they are? Not recognized criminals alone, but the "predatory rich," men who make money out of monopolies, who steal valuable franchises, or get them by bribing the city councilmen, all men who live at the expense of society, and especially the idle rich, those who do nothing with their money or leisure te lighten the burdens of others. The proudest, the highest In society circles, the most looked up to and bowed down te, the solid bankers, whode gain is all usury, the real estate speculators, the landlords, the stock market manipula tors, the whole great gang of plunder ers and parasites who are used to being fawned upon, had the truth spoken to them for the first time. No, they never had such plain, dis respectful language driven at thorn be fore. The preachers are always very polite to them; the churches welcome them to their membership; the news papers give honorable mention and arge space to their doings; and they have really believed themselves better and vastly more deserving than the honest working class. And to think of the most noted editor In the whole world, whose voice reaches every where, wnose words all the newspapers must print, braadicg them "Disreputables," and classing them with the criminals and outcasts! Ia a former speech he actually classed the society ladies with the city prostitutes! It Is so unpleasant, don't you know. And there don't seem to be anyway to keep this great maa's mouth shut. lie can't be crucified, or beheaded, or bought off. And if he goes oa preach ing such dangerous doctrine It will be contagious. It Is turning the world upside down; and It will help those anarchistic Topallat to drive us from power. V L H OUR Populist senator dofca'cd the continuation of Ilornblower, tbo Cleve laed railroad attorney nominee to tha Supreme I loach. It they had voted for biut the vote would have been a It and the vice pretldont' vote la hi favor would have given him h svat. Ha vrn thrte Senator have saved us front having (hi railroad UhI to help faua corporation fetter uptta ua. lKwd?th beaker get ahead of thceraultj? Hy huylag th'r debts at a dtMouat, and aelllsg them his rr4U at a pr.lmt What I hi credit? ill debt U the government, a4 W depositor, Wby should pay j taWrestiM Our 4U, aad the banker draw latemt oa thetr dt bu? Uk4 they are a superior ela of belsg whoa we r ereatee) to eat tor, vat tor, figitfot aad generally wor hip. FEBRUARY 1, 1894 KLLAIiUa OF O0SSOMPTI03 TO PR0DUOTI0JT. This city has in Its midst just at the present time a large number of silent sufferers of poverty, whose pride in many instances gags their cry for help. and as a result the generous public is- unaware of the magnitude of destruc tion which exists In this community. When Dr. Duryea, after a personal In vestigation of many cases recently, issued an appeal to the citizens of Oma ha to rescue men, women and children L who were without food and fuel and in danger of starvation and freezing, his utterances were somewhat in the nature of a surprise and were regarded by many with a cynical smile, in order to set all doubt at rest, a Bee reporter for several days past has been making a house to house canvass accompanied by Rev. C. W. Savidge, Rev. A. J. Turkle ana a lire d Trenerry of the Associated Charities. The result disclosed a piti ful condition of affaire in the hovels of the poor. Disease had in some instances linked arms with destitution, and tho nidei'us skeleton of Despair was perched upon empty coal scuttles and pointing his bony index at a crumbles cuntas.nl in many cheerless cottages. An investigation proved that out of a population of 150,000 people fully 7.C0O were in actual want, according to sta tistics obtained at the various charitable institutions and county buddIv rooms Omaha Bee, Jan. 27. This is the condition of at least 7,000 people in one city of isur most fertile state, a state where the bins of the farmers and bursting with wheat that will not pay the cost of raising 30 to 40 cents a bushel and for whose corn, - -oats, potatoes, hogs, cattle and horseat J tbere is no sufficient market. The con-' ditions here in Nebraska are universal. Nature has been lavish in her gifts; bat we have thousands of nannU rltrht ' o among us wbo are starving and freezing. people who are not beggars. They hare no money to buy with. f The whole pro ducing class has, until within a few weeks or months, at least, been working C ior wages and prices which did not enable them to keep consumption and . ... production balanced. Consumption gradually lessening and getting behind production, through lack of moaey in the producers hands, money taken from them in the form of net profits, Interest and rents, the unavoidable result has been to check and stop production and throw men out of work. Equitable ex changes alone make it possibWor . r ' " - tfyv -oj out of the market what they AtiftS- so to Keep up a steady perpetual demand. T for labor. Equitable exchanges can 1 only be secured by overthrowing mof nopolies of every kind. THE PROGRESS OF POVERTY. A Brooklyn contributor to the New York Tribune of January 26 tb, has a plan to procure 300,000 more meals a day for the suffering poor. He says there are in the two great cities and suburbs 3,000,000 of people, averaging 600,000 homes; that 100,000 homes (500,000 people) are suffering, and that 200,000 homes (1,000,000 people) are so reduced by poverty they cannot help. On the rest he calls, and proposes that they save the crusts, half-picked bones. cold potatoes, vegetable leavings, etc,, which are now dumped into the garb age barrels, and that this general hash from everybody's table be collected for the half million starving. He wants the newspapers and ministers in their churches te take hold of this plan, and says inclosing: Systematic work and great economy are necessary to meet this need in its incipiency, and make the means of re lief , already fearfully strained, hold out tnrougn mis night ol darkness, which la growing apace, almost ray less of hope Will not the erand old Tribune, whinh has been the voice of advancing human ity and the pioneer of every ameliorat ing and ennobling work for the well be ing of the people, and especially the working people for half a century, make the welkin ring In this behalf. "Dispensation of sorrow!" The devil, we say; or, if you please, the whole gang of political devils, the Tribune includ ed. Don't talk about God dlspenlng it Out upon such cant and blasphemy. MORE LIGHT OH 800IAL PROBLEMS. Ai; A Social Vision, by Charles S. Daniel, published by the Arena Pub lishing Company of Boston, la a book with a purpose, a purpose that adds in terest to every page. It is a mystery to us how people can go on reading the same sort of fiction forever, books that give the reader nothing new to think of, nothing worth remembering, noth ing to enlarge the mind. This book is not a dream of the ImaglnaUoo, but a study of life and the neds of life. It Is the product of much reading, observa tion and right thinking; and 1 a nota ble contribution to the faat g rowing literature dealing with aouUI problvma. The author ha given u In tlU vlsloa hi Idea of life a It should be lived, love aa It should be exercUd. There may be a bettor way to begin, a more thorough and ffvotlva way of lolog; we think ; but we are deeply grateful to the author of thl bowk fur tl aeak- ale power. tU moral ins'gfci, h lead- lss forward. Thl U ow of the works which will p'eparw the w ff iatt t Wealal rstga f rlf hWou.... ..I pav aa earth," hlcl Umimuu-- al tarsus frv in. SJwa bouk a thl ar ii t,, break ea ay from rvteenuWa sol. Aithaeaa, (o ssabi them ,j , l.i thai pre seal Idea! of r.(M fvaducl am But iru. are at just, are tot Cui.tiaa. lb latere! of tha ! la Mater. J ta VSrea or tuur vhantter a Xht bdul aad thrvufh the at U 14 ta a V J JL. ( '.