FEBRUARY 1, 1894 THE ALLiANCE -INDEPENDENT. Tbe Secret Ring in Politics. The fundamental purpose of tbe fram rs of our system of government was to establish a purely People' government They labored under a 6trnjr distruatof men invested with power over their fellows, therefore, in the system they established, they undertook to guard effectually against the abuse of govern mental power, by placing it in the hands of those who should be subject to it - As a means to that end they provided that the citizens themselves should in turn perform all public services, that the terms of office should be short, and the officers be chosen by a direct vote of the people; and those political agents - should do the people's will. At the time this government was established it was in fact, a well as ii theory and form, a perfect government of, by and for tie people. The constit uencies were not large, the public offi cers were few, and officers personally known to, and rigidly watched by those by whom they were elected, and official responsibility attended closely upon the heels of official action. A large number of our fellow citizens appear to be under the delusion that tne governmental system estaoiisnea oy our forefathers is so perfect in Itself that the ends for which it was ordained are, and always will bo attained, so long as the people follow tbe lines of its prescribed forms. They appear to be oblivious to the fact that the conditions existing in this country'now are vastly, different from those in the times of our forefathers, and that those sage men never dreamed of the tremendous changes that have already occurred. They never anticipated that under the popular forms they ordained a perni cious class rule would be set up. And large numbers of our citizens appear to be insensible to the fact that such class rule ia a malicious form now exists. When the government was founded the population was less than four mill ions, whereas, it is now sixty-five mlll . ions. When the first president was chosen the vote of all the electors would not have reached four hundred thous and, while It would now nearly exceed fifteen millions. The number of officers has Town from a few thousand, to ir hundred thousand. The fre- .To tr. r.recurriDir neueuniy ui ouaugiDg this ,Xst army of officers constitutes a political situation of which the founders of our government could have had bo conception, and a situation for which no prevision is found in the plan they adopted. In lieu of small constituencies, represented by a lew officers that were well known to, and held to a strict ac countability by their electors, we now have vast constituencies misrepresent ed by a V.ost of political pirates, of whom little Is known by the great mass of voters, and they ignore and often in sult those who elected them to office. While the forms of our government re main unchanged, its former truly popu lar character has come to be a thing of the past. In our time a large constitu ency is called upon at a general elec tion to choose fifty or more public offi cers to serve In aa many different ca pacities. Under our several govern ments, national, state, county, muni cipal, &c., it would ba impossible to eli ct these officers without tome pre vious arrangements as to candidates. Candidates mu6t be nominated. Tho merits, qualifications and principles of candidates when nominated may ba un known to three-fourths of the voters. This fact necessitates the educational work of political campaigns, which is made up ef newspaper writings, printed documents, public meetings, &o. Then the printing of millions of tickets, their careful distribution at the polls. Every stage of the process, from primary meeting to counties; the ballots, re quires much time, thought, labor, and more or less money. In 1888 the twin parties used three millions of dollars. In 1892 they used five million to mis lead and deceive the people oa the tariff question. The requirements of our eleotion system have grewi far be yond the capacity to met them with the methods employed during the earlier years of the Republic, and have become so stupendous that the citizens la their private capacity fall to meet them, except on fcca&ions when they are moved by the spur of some power ful special incentive, such aa a panto, oppression, or corruption In official life. Our eleotion system now demands such far-reaching, thorough organization, and handling of electoral fotcee, and the employment of so much skill, time, labor, and money, that the average citi zen, engrossed by bis own private af fairs, does not exercise any influence upon the conduct of publlo tfrteer. And m a natural result of the condi tions, the politic of thU com try has bocotue a business la UmtU, aed a vast bimIdmm, In which rare ability aad thuaad of men are employed and vast sum of money uw.nl. The el of rltliea thu employed are Shy lock proft-Miosal politician. Their com pact aad thorough organUatloa com Me the poUvljal rlag To there the affaire 4 the eoeatry are committed, opt lit Ummb f !) ept)flf tatloa. Th g mat political ring ef aat ia pulltVe, U cowp4 r-l nsea wh I've by petite. The NBI rlag, with it coin fa:! ergaaUatina, i.l.pd!J equlpneat and nervtiea diKtpllae, reecho ail the way dwe fruut tu JU tloaal he4 through the tar lev orgealte eeeeUUieael to the remote country prec net. It I omnipotent through tbe country. It formulates all the platform', nominates the cand'da'es, direct the campaigns, controls the tate legislatures, so that the citizens do little more than confirm the decrees or the great political ring Instead f a government of, by and fer the people, we have a government of, by and for politicians. The tremendous poer of the pollti- cal ring If a perpetual meuaca to the general welfare. Tbe risg must be gotten rid of in some ay. Tbey that would ta free, must themselves strike the blow with the ballot. The great ring in politics ii vicious in nature and practtce. Its internal government is despotic beyond cmpre, and military to the last degree. Th vast political ring of the country is separated into two nearly equal sections known as the old political parties. These two parts of the ring are always apparently hos tile to each other, but, in fact, are in perfect accord upon the questions that affect the welfare of the people, as in the special session of congress in the paaic year of 1803. A great majority of our legislators (including all the high officials) proved themselves the moet abandoned banditti that ever disgraced civilization, stooping to any and every subterfuge to deceive the people, shout ing honest dollar, intrinsic value, lack of confidence in tbe best wildcat bank ing svstem on earth, God's money, Nicaraguan canal steal . Wl th the treas ury bursting with sliver (with which any and every obligation of the govern ment can legally be paid,) advocating a bonded loan of 1200.000,000 in geld for the benefit of foreigners. They intend to bond the American people in perpetual slavery. Their good roads scheme is Intended to eUr nally cinch us to the chariot wheels of. European monarchs.and since the Indi pendent party has unfurled the Omaha platform to the. breeze" which is in spired, and infallibTSas Holy Writ, botji sections of the great -seefet "ring in politics advise us to reform the old parties. It would be as vain as to re form hell, with old Beelzebut in the lead. A. B. Flack. On Feb. 13th, 1894 the old reliable Missouri Pacifio riute will give every one who desires to take a lo"k at the south an opportunity by felling them round trip tickets at haif rates to ail points in Texas, southwestern Missouri and other southern points. Improve this opportunity and go with the crowd. City ticket offioe 1201 O street. Lincoln A Promising Industry. The growing of apple seedling is a promising Industry for Nebraska Crete Nurscrien plant over one hundred bushels of aup it seed, on stxty acres of choice cew land. With average r suits these sh 1 4 grow eight million seed ling. Eastern nurserymen prefer them to any they can grow on their own lands, because free from all parasi tic and Insect enemies. Tourist rae to Florida, via the Missouri IV-lflo reute, on tale, City ticket office 1U O itroef, Lincoln. Neb. WALTER BAKER & GO, COCOA and CHOCOLATE Hi?hst Awards World' Columbia tttumrctfti, runt i u i (iM-tUTf, Hill lit IT flfttUTI, Will riMBUTL (Kit IITTU. . SHW ak sXHO ay aosa)svaWMiaB. W4TI1 4 CO, tCSCKt JTll, LUt li 1811 llllii I ii!iftll8 IlllllSiilll ii1" liillilli ' jHiiiiii iiil I ilk Amtmmw AHMmwr mm ' I MM Tell tbe Truth. Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 24, 1S04. To Editor Aluamcx-Indepctoknt: la the issue of your paper of January IS, you make tome objections to a clause of my report of the state conference contained in a late Issue of the Ameri can Nonconformist In your last lue reu Admit that you were mistaken as to the facts in regard to that report, but still Insist in maintaining, at least by intimation 'the criticism based upon that mistake. I, the-efore, ask for a brief space In your paper, not so much to refute your crlticli-ms of me, as thy fell to the ground the moment you admitted tbey had no foundation in fact, but rather to lay the work of the conference fully and fairly before the Populists of the eta. I can perhspi the better do this, as I was secretary of that body and have the minutes of it now before me. The state central committee, which met just prior to the meeting of the conference, resolved that the work of the latter should ba secret. That ac counts for tbe matter of which you speak not. havlDg been published be fore. Since It has already been made public in part, however, I now think tbe best plaa is to make it public in full. At the first session of the conference, held on the evening of January 3rd, a committee of five on plan of organiza tion and campaign was appointed by tbe chair. The committee consisted of tbe following gentlemen: J. N. Gaffio, W. F. Porter, W. A. Toynter, W. L Greene, C W. Stewart. At the morn ing session thii committee submitted the following report, whioh was unani mously adopted: We, your committee appointed to draft a Plan of organization and line of action for tbe future wrl( of tbe Peoples Independent fan j, beg leave to submit tbe following plan of organlzMloa: recommend that when the state central committee Is reorganized, tbat it be composed IAMS' FIRST PRIZE AND SWEEPSTAKES FRENCH D R of one member trim each county In the state and a chairman to be select d from the state at large; that tbe member of state central committee (romeeacn of said court tieo. Hhull be ex-otMclocbairiDHn of the central committee of hla respective county: that the central cbi ml tee of each of the several counties of this state shall be composed of such chairman and one person. selected from each township or precinct, In such county. And that such per sons ao selected fiom said townships and i. re dact shall be by virtue of their ofll -e. chair man of their respective towa-hlps or precincts and that such 'ownshlp or precinct committee shall be composed of such chulrman and one member trom each school district of said town ship or precinct. And we further recommend that all heads of committees be empowered to ten ove any member of their respective committees wno net; ect or refuse to at.eaa to their respective duties e further recommend that ti. the selection of committeemen fer the various cowmtlteex herein provided for. n-ne but eltlcleat work rs be selected We fur'her recommend that the state central committee prepare suitable pll. books to be used T tie varlonn comtnltw-e herein ronientiilated to theend that a thorouKh knowledge ( (he vote of tbe slate may be ob tained. we recommend that In the next campainn w confine ourelvt to guverutueut control of tallroads and telegraph line to tne end that the ti. p e mar dm Ive th bn ervlce ut the least cMt cunoUient llh the Interna of all Comvrtied: ant to tbe Bnauclal question, which we rtirtd of ail qurttn tne iikki tin-1 1 ut tu inn Hjie, mi'i particularly 10 (lie ree coinage of sliver at the ratio of sixteen 'Te" urther recommend .hat In th.net. ..... rm i-iitn. ottret tereivmi rmtnui turret the sme in be utade Isrseijr on sute lame. aa we further rw..m...end that Mid cm mtt prepare and compile all sta.Uib-a aud fact i.cea.ry to pa., in ta. hand, ot speaker aud others tor sti.a imrpuM. I distinctly remember that the clause preening the last, whloh you published last week and to which you aoem toob-'and jet, waft, oa demand of tertral ia the conference, read tho torond time, and wa tbt a unanimously attopW-d along with te ether recoinmeBdatloea, end wl hout debate. Vow as to my part 1 the above. You e t lnslnua' that I ha I em say terioua connection with ail this, I ute distinctly, r.d every menaW id th eoinltu will bear me out la what I ay. that I had absolutely nothing to da wtUi tk.Bppoiaimeniol' that cemml' toe aWuUly Botblsg o da with th action of that eommlttM, and aWlutely ath !( to do uU the adopt! oe vf the re port ol thaleotanlttoe. M latter ta the rloaeoBf.iraiUt wa wrltte oa the eveeiag ol January th, j early a dsy after th eoabreaee waa er. I repufted Ih saatter hrUSy and hurridly as I understood it. I am free to say tbat if I should report It again, under similar circumstances I should repurt It jast as I did then. My understanding of it now ia the same as baore. After a'l the gaseous mists of leading editorials, etc , have cleared away, it looks just like it did. As the Shanghai rooster said of his lone tail feather, "There it is, beheld it for yourself." In your two or three editorials on this question, you have had considers jle to say about the Omaha platform. This gives me an excuse to say a few words about that document myself. The Omaha platform, as I regard it, Is the grandest decumentof the century It is a crystallization of the demands for better things. It was a voice speak ing in the wilderness of selfishness, gte d, wrong and misery and tells of the grander civilization that is to come. On tbe brows of the patriots gathered at Omaha on July 4, 1802, fell the dawn- light from the yet unrisen sun of a new day, whose light sball some time be bed over every nation and every peo ple of the earth. Tbe Omaha platform contains the application of Christ's teachings to the science of human government. It con tains a prophecy of the brotherhood of man. It was like an evangel that step ped upon the mountain top of Hope and pointed for the tolling poor of the world the way to the promised land of equal rights. The Omaha platform marks a mile stone In the way of human progress. It constitute the beginning of a distinct epoch in the world's history. It is one of those happenings tbat the raoe in future times can look back upon and guy, "Blessed are the men and women who framed that Immortal document, for it has made us free." The Omaha platform needs no praises or excuses from the pen of any man. It AFT3T ALLION AT NEBRASKA STATE FAIR OF 1893. is its own advocate and Its own defense. It has already drawn unto it the best brain and best heart ef the nation. It his stirred up the natures of men and women as tbey have not before been stirred for a quarter of a century. The Omaha platform Is great enough and grand enough Mr. Editor, that it hardly needs such frantlo efforts from you to shield and protect it, do you think? It is apt te remlned one of aa antemlre trying to defend an elephant. The sntemlre's Intentions are good, and he works just a hard as though his services were really required. But the elephant does not know anything about it, and goes on his way just the same as though that particular antomlre had never had btlog. So far as the recomraondatloa in ques tlon Is concerned, I think it has nothing out of line with tho Omaha platform; and, knowing the members of the com- i i, viv .1. . i i. j i nU!ce which drafted It, as I de, J feel ' Utlfled ",D- hl ""S1 0M I of them Intended that It should have, . tl.. i , , . That conference had no power to amend t tp. tilatform. murh lent national one I ",f u"lr,nt mvm ie a nauoaaj one. j Ml that wu Intended, la my opiaion, (was to adopt a plan of rtKreanliatloa. j which I think wa aa admirable one, to put forward a ftw well-defined principle oa which we should make ur fight; aad I think that 1 also ad mlrahle, with the single exception of the word, government control of rait rede. Aad even la that eae 1 believe that rigid government control U the only pathway Withe goversoteat owner Mp, of transportation aad comma ulcaUoe, Cioveremeat rcatrvl will cut da the profit of the railroad aad W!e(rph compaate who will tHea be wtlllif . ml fo rvaoeUe price. Teka all la all, ll realty etv tu at that yott have tried to aiaio a mmiBUte out of a nol ht'tl. It look a tHough ' vet. watilaJ t-i attack Bums nun a-..t t...fe I . - . - - H -.- w.-- the first eppottuatty that or4. U there Had beet ha4ur .4 truth la yotjr tmlttr ol sne It might have toa fiifareat IM there wu let. What privat griefs you have against me I do not know. Neither do I care. I have steadily re'used in the past to ester in to any personal fights of whatsoever kind. I refuse to do so now. My effort In the past campaign was to heal up all factional differences. I thought the" efforts had been crowned with success. Your first article surprised me and hurt as much as it surprised me, for It was unjust. But let that pass, You tried t) make honorable amends and I will forgive and overlook the other. But I warn vou never again to make an attack upon any brother worker un til you know that you have just ground for doing it; and be very low about it even them; for It will hurt you more than it does him Two or three editors In this state have killed themselves by such means as that. We have had too much of it already in our party. It must cease. I have nothing but the best wishes for yourself and The Alliancb-Inde-pendent. I have done what I could for the paper In the past and propose to do so In the future. I have referred to this matter the last time I ever shall, I reforred to It this time more to show forth the truth in regard to the com mittee and conference than for any per sonal reason. I am not sorry that the matter has come up, for It may help to teach a needed lesson; and that 1, that factional fighting In the People's party is a sin and will not be tolerated In conclusion, my brother, I would say: "Go and sin no more" J. A. Edgehton, The principal satisfaction left us In repairing tbe wrong we unintentionally did Mr. Edgerton, through the very ex cusable mistake of misunderstanding his own words, 1 the satisfaction of batng a gentleman ourself, and doing justice. Reparation does not satisfy our youag friend. He wants in addi tion a chance to compare us with ao animal he is too modest to even give the dictionary name of. He wants to play the superior and elder, and condescend ingly forgive and patronizingly rebuke and warn us. We have smiled good naturedly, and printed it all. In reply to his one question, we say most em phatically, the Omaha platform does need to be worked for, and fought for if need be, by every honest man. It Is not great enough or grand enough to propagate it own truths, or defend itself when attacked. An occasional panegyric is noi all tbat it needs to make Its principle the law ot the land. Editor AlliakcbvIndepexdekt. The Only Remedy for the Uaury or Interest Evil. Editor Aluance iNDEriitDBST: Ia your issue ot the 18th. I see a com municatlon from L O. Todd, that seem In my humble opinion to contain a fallacy. It la In hi remarks about the loaning of moneys by the general govern meat; and la eaphatUIng hi objection te thU Idea he conclude hi remark with thta sentence: "It will be time to advocate a paternal government after first maintaining a Just one." Thl phrase "paternal," I highly misleading la a much M all governments are baaed morortM on tfc paternal principle of regulation la social clrelet, and th further they recede from thl prlajJple la goveramvatal regulation, the more crlaia they are to ooa tail eatarhUvetM tendenelee. Allow toe to lay kofare yeup reader my rvaaoB for govratnBt loan ta the general puhlle. la the tnoath of Mart M an ai-Us.'e appeared ia the Nebraska Mit Jerwl and la It thr waa thl hrevd tab at ta talattoa to Bry: "Hat tt I a Ul.'" eaeogh that. el t U tM whare m lowrvst I wl 0.4, llaVtl. Usui tea. r d4 let' We. Whalhvr jnt of aot, tkey r a4 eafr4 in the Waiast BwrU, aad ea i B4 h, vxaai l the lasuMiUl.ty a laf Wrt laWlitg.at men who are agreed on a certain money transaction between themselves, and who have every facility to evade the law and hide the transaction." After reading this over carefully one) fact is mmlfest, that it Is impossible to enact laws of a prohibitory nature where intelligent men in bnsines are natur ally agreed to evade the law. The strong common sense logic used in thin Is too apparent to contradict. Tho question therefore, arises, how then arn we to counteract the baleful effects of usury? My answer 1 simple. Let the government establish banks of deposit, and loan out on good, well-established land securities, money at say 3 per cent or even less. Would it not set on the usurious classes the same as was done on the celebrated black Friday when Jay Gould and Fish, had a corner on the gold market? The secretary of the government case with a few spars Billions, and the gold conspirators were scattered. Now the usury laws are a nullity, because the quantlt; and price of money are controlled by the few. Not wishing to occupy too much of your valuable spaoe I will remind our friend Todd tbat Shylock bated Antonio more for lending money out gratis than for lei ig a Christian. Tours for just money, Palmyra, Neb. Job if S. Maibcn. DOLLMEN" (221)20) 10020. First Prize and Sweepatakes Frenoh Draft Stallion at Nebraska State Fair of '03. Our third page illustration is of that magnificent French Draft stallion Doll men, 5 years old, weight 2180 pounds, imported and owned by Frank lams ef St. Paul, Neb. He is a grand big flask draft horse of real quality and individu al merit with the very best of feet and heavy, clean, bard flinty bone and of the right shape with a great, massive, smooth body of the right kind and a very large, beautiful crest attached to a nice clean out head with finely set ears In faot he is a model draft horse and a show horse and a 1st winner ever since he was imported in Dl. ' He won 1st as a two-year-old at Kansas and Nebraska State fairs of '01, lit a a three-year-old at Nebraska and great St. Louis fair of '92, 1st and sweep stakes at Nebraska State fair of '03. He ha never been defeated In the ihow rlng, and be has a right to be a "big gun," as the Blue blood ef winners courses his veins. His finely matured form with that roundness and symmetry ot muscle so well developed and his flash style and grand dashing way ot going make him the center of attraction in any show yard, and he richly deserves the ribbons and mtdals he has won, and without flattery he is a graad one from end to end, and be is a model brood horse also. lams oan show 18 months old colts tbat weigh 1000 pounds by this grand stallion, and they have been 1st prize winners at our State talr also. This is the type of draft horses to ,e found at ''The Home of the Winners.'' Mr. lams' horses won 45 out of CO 1st and 2d prizes at our late Nebraska State fair, and many of ' them over the "World's" fair winners. His horses won 6 sweepstakes prizes and the herd prize of $200 for "best herd of draft horses" or about f GOO winnings at Ne braska State fair of '93. Mr. lams has mora black Percherons than all other Importers in Nebraska and is second to none on French drafts, Clydes and Shires, He handles nothing but first class stock of gilt edge breeding and has more State prize winners in his barns than all ether importers in Ne braska. Ills hersos are all for sale, winners and all (he has ne pets) and at prices that are within the reach of all good stockmen and from one to three years time at 5 per cent Interest, and lams pays the freight Go and see lams; be will treat yeu white and show you more first class draft horses than a you can see at any other barns In Ne braska, and if you are a real buyer you will buy a topper of lams. You Don't Have to Swear Off " The use of tobacco In any form if you use NO-TO-UAC, the wonderful, harm less, guaranteed tobacco habit cure; it costs out a trlflv), and the man who wanU to quit and can't, will find tn NO-TO-OACa permanent cure Oet one of our little book entitled "Don't To bacco Spit or amoke Your Life Away," or buy NO TO-BAC from II. T. Clark Drug company, Lincoln, Neb , our gent. A copy of the bonk will be mailed free by addrrantng "Tim Stbr UNO IlEMKor Co.," sol manufacturer of NO-TO-UAC, No. ii Kaado'ph St, Chicago, III. tuA.(0 will purchat a Brat elas ticket round trip via the MUaourt I'eclQo route to th Mld-Wlater Fair at Ban Francisco Cal. Can take the Southern a . 1.1 .a ruing anareturoiag in nortnrurouv, Further irttcular ceil on eUv tiekat agent l.fl O street, Llnoula, Nh Ul'ltUNUTOM HOUTK. TUKoeuu antra abd ctuia car. Hard time, eyt ne flgute with the ilurUsgtoa when It cornea to the a commodeUBg the travettaf puhJio. Ih I'! additive la thUtf a'ret l!ad 14 aetvloetre four dally faatet tree irate owtwewa unoo tt mi. (Hil.ihrHigh rwiia'pgekM tare, Full tntn vaUBvTu4 klpv ut the ever uuUr dialaa fere. Ask aW U at II. A M depot or 7Jetue at flit vffiort, rvx, l th and O irwet e?M!t t t evw trala ta t. LttS e(4 te MUt I'M Northwawwrn Uas to Chioga Iw rWe- Fat trail, t'fti III! Oht