The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, January 25, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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JANUARY 25 1894,,
tea f tba Uwi, Gea. ix, a. IT Mem
ory Teraea, 11-13 Golden Test. Oca.
ta, 1 S Commentary by tba Be. D. K.
t. "And God ipoke unto Noah and to hi
ons with him, laying. " W have panted
erer probably 1,500 year nine the hist les
ion, during which time the riewa of Cain
and Abel bad full time to develop and bear
fruit. In tbe line of Setb, who took the
place of Abel, bia brother, the most notable
ef those recorded la chapter T was r.nocb,
tbe seventh from Adam (Jude 14), who
walked with God at least 800 years and was
then translated without tasting death. The
descendants of Cain, who turned away
from God, gave their attention to building
dtlea, inventing musical Instrument,
working in brass and iron and trying to
take tliis world a happy place without
God. The result of Cain s w ay is seen in
chapter vi, S, and tbe only remedy was the
deluge, which cun after long warning, de
stroying all except Noah and those with.
Mm in the ark.
9. "And I, behold, I establish my cov
enant with you and with your seed after
you." Tliis it tbe first covenant, so called,
la the Scriptures and is first mentioned in
chapter vi, 18. It concerns tbe whole earth.
Then we have some 400 years later the cov
enant Ith Abram, Isaac and Jacob con
cerning the land of Canaan and the peo
ple who should inherit it as a center of
blessing to the whole earth. Theso two are
unconditional. About 400 years later we
have the conditional covenant at Horeb.
Compare Deut. v, 2,8, and Gal. ill, 17. Then
some V) years after that we have the un
conditional covenant with David concern
ing tbe throne and tho kingdom. Happy
are all who can make the last words of
David their own and rest quietly In the
faithfulness of God "Although my bouse
be not so with God, yet He hatb made with
me an everlasting covenant, ordered in all
things and sure" (II Sam. zxiii, 6).
10. "And with every living creature that
Is with you, of the fowl, of the cattle and
f every beast of the earth with yon; from
all that go out of the ark to every beast of
tbe earth." The Lord is good to all, and
His teuder mercies are over all His works
(Pa. cxlv, 0). Even the sparrows of which
ire arc sold for two farthings are cared for
by Him (Luke xil, 6). And the whole crea
tion which still groaueth and travalleth in
pain because of sin shall yet be delivered
from the bondage of corruption into the
glorious liberty of the children of God
(Rom. Till, 21, 23).
11. "And I will establish my covenant
with you. Neither shall all flesh be cut off
any more by tbe waters of a flood; neither
shall there any more be a flood to destroy
the earth." Tbe next purification of the
earth shall be by fire, after which there
shall be a new earth filled with righteous
ness to abide forever (II Pet. ill, 6, 7, 10, 13).
The earth will not be destroyed that is,
annihilated but purified from all defile
ment, loosed (as the word "dissolved" sig
nifies) from its bondage of sin. And as it
was in the days of Noah so shall it be in
the days preceding that purification (Luke
xrii, SO, 27).
13. "And God said, This is the token of
the covenant which I make between Me
and you, and every living creature that is
with you, for perpetual generations." In
great mercy and loving kindness God con
descends to give to man outward and visi
ble signs of His faithfulness. The token
to Abraham was circumcision; in the pass
ever it was the blood upon the door; to
Rahab it was the scarlet cord; to Gideon
the fire from the rock; to Ahaz it was the
virgin's son (Gen. xvil.ll; Ex. xil, 18; Joshua
11, 13, 18; Judg. vl, 17, 81; Isa. vii, 14). The
last, even Jesus Himself, is to us the sign
that He will do all that He has said.
18. "I do set My bow in the cloud, and it
hall be for a token of a covenant between
Me and the earth." This is the first time
that we read of the rainbow, and it is only
spoken of in four places, here and in Ezuk.
i, 28; Rev. iv, 8; x, L Four in Scripture is
the perfect number concerning the enrth,
and in each of these four places the bow
speaks of a redeemed earth. In the other
three places as well as in this it is seen in
connection with Uimwho is the only Re
deemer. 14. "And it Bhall come to pass, when I
bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow
shall be seen in the clouds." The clouds
would be more interesting to us if we re
membered that He brings them and that
they are the dust of His feet (Nan. i, 3). He
led Israel by a pillar which was a cloud by
day and a fire by night, and which He also
spread over the whole eucHiupment as a
covering (Ex. xiii, 21, 22; Pa. cv, 3!)). At
the transfigu ration a cloud overshadowed
Him, when He ascended a cloud received
Him, and when He shall come attain in His
glory bringing His saints with II im it will
be in the clouds of heaven (Math, xvii, 5;
xxvi, 64; Acts i, 0). Clouds sometimes
teach that, though His way be not clear to
u, yet we are to truat Him implicitly
13. "And 1 will remember my covenant,
which is between Mo and you, and every
living creature of nil flesh, and the waters
hall no more In-come a flood to destroy all
flesh." See also what He will remember In
Lev. xxvi, 43, 45. and &sek. xvl, 00. Con
sider what we are to rerneinlr lu Ihut.
11, 18; vlll, 2; I Citron, xvl, 13; Keel Xil, 1;
I Cor. xl 24, 25. Take comfort also in
what He will not remember (Ua, xliil,S5;
Heb, viil, 13; x, 17). Notice that In the
margin of Ia. Ixil, 6, 7, we are called "the
Lord's rriuembritticea" and tiWrvi care
fully what we are to remind thetu of. The
K. V. says we are to take no rt and give
Him no nt tilt He does thi. lie dors
not need to' be reminded, but lie conde
scend to let us do this, and loves to have
as plead His protuiaea.
Id. "And the bow shall bo in the cloud,
and I will look upon it, that I may remem
ber the evrrlaatiitg covenant Ivt vwn thai
and every living creature of all fldi that la
pon the earth," How many of u ever
thluk when w see a rainbow In the cloud
that Got! la looking Ully uixm it and la
tntareated Itt It; that the cloud i Hi, and
the bow Is Ilia, ami tit covenant Is h,
aiul whra wear luterrvleii in thttwhub
tutervats I tint tlica wt have followsbljt lta
liituf V beii the cloud tome in our lives,
ay we by faith are alto the bow attd re
juice, that however thing may mtw to gt
we are iu the bund t.( cm vrUtug eo
set W d-red In ail things and aur,
IT. "And Uod mUI unto Noah, ifcU U the
loka tt the mvimiI w ttkh 1 bat e ub
tlafcod between Me end all lten that is ut
the enrth." The wuevl f "ratahhat ' Uultew.
tnwiiUied "iU up, "confirm," "jm.
furm," " accompli, ' and U lue ry urd
,at rkil,g t Mti lf Christ, "I
ill rl Ihsia up a ruhet lit ui lo
the." All lMm$4 that mii ird art
Ublib4 In t'hrta. Vfca we are In
fhrl tr simple Una, and Jut UMng
til mat Ilk word, we, tan. Wutneeauu
lbei. but not bthatWtM (II i'hroft. ta,WS
a vii, 91
Barsad Bread and Ltmoa J alee Becsaa-
BMraded aa Specific.
The bread eaten should be coarse
tvheatmeal bread, baked the deepest
brown, not quite burned, bnt very hard
and crisp. This breadrith acidulated
tea and drinks of every sort mixed with
lemon juice, will, it is said, reduce flesh,
correct disorders of digestion and leave
one with a very light complexion be
sides. It would be well for our best
class bakers to furnish this bread for
families. I find it delightful, as we rare
ly get bread that is baked half enough.
Salt water baths, free exercise and re
stricted diet are combined with this
Dread and lemon core, but all three
without the coarse, hard bread and acid
do much less than with them.
The corset should not extend an inch
below the waist line. If the short cinc
ture leaves the flesh prominent below its
girdle, burned bread and bladder wrack
should be at once ordered. This last is
the obesity cure which some people are
making thousands out of, being the ex
tract of a marine weed which yon will
very likely find by the half hundred
along the shore. Focus vesiculosus is a
high sounding name, but it will do its
work under either label. Country peo
ple burn the weed, save the ashes, pour
boiling water over it and drink it for va
rious complaints dropsy and rheuma
tism. I hear the obesity cures don't suit
all constitutions, as people find them
selves gaining steadily under the treat
ment, but the burned bread and lemon
juice is pretty sure. . It is easily tried.
How Came About tbe Story of "John Gil
Cbwper, the poet, suffered from reli
gions melancholy, and to divert his mind
Lady Austen related to him an amusing
story about a certain Mr. Beyer, an emi
nent linen draper. This so tickled Cow
per's fancy that in the course of a single
night he twisted it into "John Gilpin."
The story bears a strong resemblance to
the honeymoon adventure of Commodore
Trunnion in "Peregrine Pickle." Mr.
Beyer died in 1791 at the age of 08.
Bow Cigarettes Are Made.
The details of the manufacture of
aretteg are in a greater or less decree a
secret. Each maker has his own pecul
iar combination of tobaccos. No brand
as sold is of one kind onlv. In addition
to the tobaccos used various essential
oils are employed. These include rose,
rose geranium, vanilla bean, tonka bean
and licorice root. These are added after
the tobacco has been prepared and
shredded. The particular dnur chosen.
in a liquid form, is then sprayed on the
material witn an atomizer, while the
whole is Btirred and mixed. The quan
tity of the drug is so many drops to a cig
arette. Some of these agents are opium,
valerian and cauatis indica. Each matin.
facturer creates in a way a special drug
naDit, as the smoker grows to care only
for that brand.
How to Teat Baking Powder.
As alum is usually the adulterant used
In place of cream of tartar, the best wav
to detect its presence it by scattering a
little of the powder in a glass of cold wa
ter. The alum will sink to the bottom
of the glass as a heavy white sediment.
The powder containing cream of tartar
will produce more foam and not have
much sediment.
How to Prepare and Cook Kegs.
A few drops of vinegar in the water
for poached eggs make them set proper
ly and keep the whites from spreading.
A squeeze of lemon added while they
are cooking improves scrambled eggs.
Asparagus tops are nice in an omelet.
Toasted bread, spread with pate de foie
gras and covered with scrambled eggs,
is a fine lunch dish. Cold fried eex'8 can
be revamped by dipping them in fritter
batter and frying. Fresh eggs taken
from the shell and boiled in half a pint
of sweet cream, seasoned with salt and
pepper, are a delicious breakfast dish.
They should only cook two minutes in
the boiling cream.
How to Make Label Paste.
A pound of flour (best) with 6 to 8
ounces of brown sugar. Boiling water
should be used, as with ordinary paste.
If the labels are light in color, use white
sugar instead. Make it fresh when re
quired, as it sours easily. This is best
to paste labels on tin or glass.
How to Make Cream Wafer.
Warm, without melting, a quarter of
a pound of butter; work into it 3 eggs,
1 at a time, thou add a quarter of a
pound of sifted flour aud atablespoonful
of ground cinflamoo, mixing all to a
smooth paste. Into a Lot wafer iron put
a spoonful or paste, which bake after
closing tho iron. Trim off the edges be
fore opening tho iron. Open, roll quickly
in the form of a cone, aud when cold fill
with whipped cream sweetened and fla
vored. This same batter rolled after
cooking, but without any filling, makes
a delightful cake for an invalid.
flaw la KSfeel Joining In freeeM Niyte
Hie reason most skirts sag and bans
crooked is on account of the hollow in a
woman's back. A giant hook and eye
tnuxt l used on a costume, tho former
on the skirt band and the rye on the
want llt. 1 hu w a perfect rrnmly.
Maw Meereebanni W aa llerU.
The use of luevrar halt tit fur t.iiwa la e.
rent, but the n bounce ttwlf has br-n
ng known, it was urk to l mri
t'd tkfttui and m f.'Uit l mt the tvaat
In round ball. It wm tuert haunt In
rotiM'iuettc i,f this uh roUtum. Wo do
hot know by whtu lit firt lump was
found, but toe first pipe from it waa iud
by KaM KoWaU tn Ui at lYth fur
Count Audray, and thjl4 Uiti'.l at
the I Veto Uittwum,
Haw I ( lean tbe HI Jiwgi ef llmtbt,
Ika ks vm lit aud vy J- u ,tt
binding arc rU ttud In tit Uk M r
ly rnhlinjr the ve with a clunu.U
km dipped U rwdr4 lumU tt4.
This ttoufiai utile thett) I k bk Utw,
No. 387. SeottUh Diagonal Paulo.
L A group of islands near the western
coast of Scotland. 2. An old Scottish pal
ace associated with tbe life of Mary, queen
1 boots. 0. Wind instruments, very pop
ular in the highlands of Scotland. 4. The
mountain home of Queen Victoria. S. A
daughter of James I of Scotland. 6. The
Christian name and surname of a great
Scottish reformer. 7. A large district In
tbe south of Scotland, famous for its cat
tle. 8. Tbe title of a novel by Scott
Tbe diagonals, from the upper left hand
letter to the lower right hand letter, will
spell the name given in Scotland to the last
night of the year.
No. S88. Metagratn.
I am used in hanging pictures. Change
my bead and I am a place for prisoners.
Again, and I carry water. Again, and I
bear a ship along. Again, and trains run
upon me. Again, and I belong to animals.
Again, and I am to lament Attain, and,
round and white, I drop from the clouds.
No. 880. Arithmetical Puzzles,
L How many coins has a person in his
purse if, a dozen more being added, he
would then have 5 times as manyf
2. If a boy having 36 nuts gives away
three times a many as ho keeps for him
self, now many will he have then?
8. If 4 men can reap a fluid iu 4J days.
in what time could one man reap itf And
now many men could reap it In a day?
4. Two brothers, A and I), buy a house
for I960, of which sum A pays half as much
again as B. They let it ut f 15 a year. How
much of the rent should each receive
No. 300. Numerical Enigma,
My whole is a huge wild animal fond of
the water.
My 10, 5, 3 is a household implement
My 13, 7, 11, 4 is good to cat.
My 10, 9, 12, 8 is part of a ship.
My 6, 2, 3 is a seed.
My 12. 1, 11. 8 is closed.
My 12, 8, 0, 10, 3 Is put on a letter.
No. 801. A New Year's Motto.
No. 808. Quotation Puzzle.
All of the following quotations may be
found iu Shakespeare's works. When the
missing words have been rightly supplied
and placed side by side they will form a
quotation by La Rochefoucauld:
And wonder we to see thy honest son
will of thy arrival be full Joyous.
The evil that men do after them.
Nor no book oroloirue. faintlv anoka
after the prompter.
If thou remember'st not the (lightest
That ever love did make thee run into,
Thou hast not loved.
My master of churlish disposition
And little recks to find the way to heaven
By doing deeds of hospitality.
I am shepherd to another man
And do shear the fleeces that I graze.
And , from hour to hour, we ripe and
Fools may not speak wisely what men
do foolishly.
I do live by food, I met a fool.
dies that touches any of this fruit
Till I and my affairs are answered.
Shylock, the world , and I think so, too,
That thou but lead'st this fashion of thy mal
ice To the last hour of act
No. 303. Double Acrostic
My initials and finals, read downward,
will form the name of a great emperor, and
also that of the last battle he fought in.
1. Frpsh. 2 A nnnr.inonf-. 9 A maumia
4. A color. 5. A crustacean. 6. A title of
nobility. 7. To surpass. 8. A native of
So. 304. DiBKuised Proverbs.
1. Aabccdeeeehhhilmorrrstt
t wy.
2. Hcdeehlillmmooprstttuu.
3. Oooooottthhssabcelklmn
4. Yurpoooollkfeeeba.
5. Aaadeghhikklmmnnorty
a w.
0. Ywwwtt's'srrrllihhheeeee
No. 305. Hidden Ulrcls.
1. Edith rushed down stairs to meet ber
8. I cllmbe4 that willow lost night.
8. Xorah awkwardly broke a teacup this
4. Put the spade aud pall in Nettie's
ft. We went for a drive lu the new car
riage today.
ft. Thomas wandered down the lane and
Into the field.
T. Aa 1 am going to the chapel I can
Wave th parcel on my way.
a. I met her on the cliff with her brother.
O. li race had overtaken m before 1
rrachvd home.
A wtathemick's policy U always la vane.
It U danuvruua even lu a ballroom to step
on a moving traiu.
A lb rial ma alory, I didn't eipect any
thing ihla year."
It taatirantce paralot that faot colore
are color that will uot run.
H'ranue t say, evvry budy llkva t see a
square tuan rouitd.
Ky la the faular.
No. tMLTt Coming of ftanta t'laita.'
Take the third Uir Irwn the Iwuiwiuug
if rath Uu8i"Mrry I'hrUtttaa"
No. 3.nA Coin l'ubi MUlieent saUl;
1 um a d !! arr.y4 la hit agluM with
ItrM." -mi I ,ttll,, at M I tHt' t a
"U..II ar' r4vv in whit "e l.'.."4 u wuh
N 5, Ikmbte .Arti IVimaU,
CUrMnMMi tkU; flaa'a, I'tatUtermaa day,
Vn wdi I. ttrvuusikt. 9. ItrtuUtikk.
I. tU.tinulL 4 liuparttak Hti,nV4
I. JvHi, t, M tl mi V AphlV
aav. itiiWrmta. IA Dnrturva li. Im
akel. , U. (Mfd.. 11 iUlrvntttf.
Wkiutli(ng NUei i'vWy (
Furnas County Herd
Holstein Cattle
A few young males left. Orders booked
for tows bred. Choice fail pigs cheap,
s'e my premium pig oner.
H. S. Williamson,
Beaveb City, Neb.
Hog Cholera Cured
UREtna, Meb., Nov. 18, '93. I here-
br certHv that Rpnrtr fVimtw nnontjiJ
j j J "
on my bops in August last and snce tbe
operation I have never had my hogs do
bo well. I believe it to be a good pre
ventative aeainst all diseases. I also
believe it to be to the interest of every
bog raiser to try it as the cost is very
little. M. J. Gillespik.
Address, Henry CemBS, 11th, and
Cuming St., Oa-aha, Neb.
SUre GU re for
rfog chicket)
I have a positive, tried, proved and guar
anteed cure for hog and chicken cholera, wblcb
has stood the test of six years without ever
making a falluee to my knowledge or that 1
ever heard of. It has been used successfully
in hundreds of cases. My father is and has
been for forty years a leading hog-raiser in
this county, and has lost many bogs from
cholera, but has never lost a bog or chicken
from cholera since the discovery of this rem
edy. One dollar will buy enough of tbe ingred
ient at any drug store to cure 60 to 76 head of
hops. I will send any person the recipe for
only fifty cents 8end today, use tbe remedy
and you w II never lose another hog or chicken
V , uwu nw, uuin luoj UVK1H W
die. References: My Postmaster, Express
AMcuu. vi a toAn wi DajuuH vourcn, 01 which 1
am a member, or any business house or good
Citizen Of this town. Airanta mnt AA.
dress, Mas. Rachel v. Thomas.
C'owarts, Alabama.
' O3 WW makt a Farmer Hipp,.
f?L lorliidf more grain to an
WN. deTee of oneness than any
aegS? oata, ete, fine enough fur
i5ar J,wl7a4J PKKKLKB to be tbe
2jj'm i r. wr.s 1 ffi i 1.1. u 1SAKTH1
sin. Mad onlv br th
I avnrmJ Wmtmrn kmmnim torn that rniunfAu
fe. . rriend.l ' "Auu"' lam
Given away if it dcee
not save its cost In one
Martin 4c Morris?ey Wfg
Oompany. Omaha, Neb.
The best paying Investment for a housewife
None genuine without brass flttlnRk) our latest
Improved style, is a solid make, has deep flange
strong but high grate, and closes perfectly tight
saves 33 per cent nutritlnuselementa. Full de
scriptiveclrcularson application I also man
uf act tire the "New Success" stove mat and ihf
Famous Frying Pan, etc. AGENTS WANTED
in every comity In the U. 8. Addrfwa,
Council Hinds Iowa
pi--.- .... i M
rfeit' " -it'-
i''t' ,TT,.
ISth na) Farnam kta.
Uv North wtra ll aa w fhl'Mt
Low raw. Fast Ualaa. V 119)
ov, ,
Rpet'isl lvaateM i(rr
Ta the fr m .a1lag 'a fo :tfft
Ht sf ear If euhtaflN-re ta Tm AlXh
tXCU 'fiilpatJIT twl U 1Mb)
day i't tvw.hwr aud tha lit day af Jaa.
1"1. I will bt a thorouf hhre4
feint Hh lWtkHlw ilf , tHher , wortlt
ot m thaa 1 oa
1 1 1, U. 8. WUXUatau.
Alien Root, W.C Alltn, " George S. Brown.
State Stock Agent Nebraska State CatUe
r anntira Alliance.
Allen Root
Boom 220, Exchange Building-
First National Ban of Omaha.
Pommerclal National Baa It, Oman.
C. . Yin National Bank, South Omaha.
Neb. 8avings at Lxchanice Bank, Omaha.
Central City Bank. Central City. Neb.
l BANKS WILSON, Creston, Iowa.
Perchcron, English Shire, Beigiae and Coach Horses.
V1 Y horses won more honors than any Importer's In America at the following fairs: Iowa
S'rtteFalr. Des Moines: Nebraska -Stat a Pair. T.lnmln- anil ih
189S. My Black Percheron stallion, Jeannot. and my Belgian stallion, Sampson, never failed
to take first premium and sweepstakes over all. For strictly flrstr-class Imported boraes. low
prices low interest and long 1 line visit the Crest City Farm, Creston, Iowa. Telephone to farm,
one mile distant. New Importation Just received.
fcnT a alt. a: I
H44u ...u Mi wim uw uruct it
winners in past live years.
Tbcy -Were VJippers of 527 Prizes.
fAMS Is the onlv importer in Nebraska that imoorted
and the largeat importer of C lydrs and Shires. ALL
prizes ai ncorasKa awie fair or 1993, ana inms is tne
fAMS GUARANTEES to show vou the Lanrsst collection of BIG FLASHY" DRAFT HORflKH
of the various breeds of the BBS 1' INDIVIDUAL
16 o to s 100 weight and at ALLIANCE PRICES
per cent interest, or cheaper than an live importer,
more state prize winners inan aii neoraska importers.
CRflfl SaV n JJ by buying winner of lams. My prize winners all for sale. Uood guarantee, every
pJWV horse recorded.
Write IAMS. St. Paul is on the B. A M and U. P.
AS night draws down the curtain early, and the wind goes about whistling to keep itself warm,
the question of how Deat to spend tbe evening hours becomes as familiar as the fireplace in
every home.
"Papa, what'U we do for fun after tea?"
" Oh, John, I wish I had something nice to read."
These expressions come from the lips of children and wives almost every winter evening.
No game has yet been devised in which a whole family can take part night after night with
pleasnre to all. Tastes differ nowhere more than among the Individual members of a family. One
will want to read a novel, another history, another to study, another will like pictures, and the
father of all will probably cure for nothing -o much as tliat which reUtca to his own biulneKB.
When we say to you that there Is one source from which all these tastes can be satisfied, that there la
one way iu which you can make every night which otherwise might be spent in proQtless droning
a time of pleasure and of profit fur every member of your family, we don't expect you to do more
than tosmlltt Incredulously.
"Ob, that's only one of those advertisement," we know you will say.
lint wait. Iu the nEYIsr.D r.M'YC I.OPF.Ula MIIITASMICA there Is some
thing ab. ul everybody aud everything of importance that la or ever was In the world. Within the
TWCYTY volume of this great work there are trtes of lives that excel In Interest any romance ever
written; there Uall athMt tt mrtu n-e. art. hNtory. literature, itiathenmlirs. mechatilnh, business, to
the you Mum and Infonia'Um ft.r u In your daily work; there hi liberal elucatlon for your
i hiMn n a ho are 11 enotitth to go to lum).
Tlwre are none w old. nniw m yotitig. so ir, none tu rich, that they do not want, and
cannot grt, the luvur.n Esi vourt'ltM HanaKH . M lll only nut you a lusts a IUt g
only Wdarm, ami you will be prm-nted tlha Miuv airli-i i'.auk, which afd enable you to Mva
for this grval n f tvnea U Urary .
On reeefpl 4 oitW Oh Dollar wt!l
9) volume, the rvmaininn !9m l I ili at
autithltl. A Waullful lim MVlc Uuk will l
drixaUrd each day. This edition la .rti.!i. frit new, ferg t en a fin qiustity t4 r. aiwl I
ainimt'i U In htavy awiulU trov.r hih with nff tare ltl ta4 jeart. Hiaila
miH.I thai th tutlra j wiuuHW are 4.Uvrt to yew addrtse, hh all (harp ttud t taj rt
the I tJUd WaUia,
This la a aitoudai ,irf mlI., i.I . it,. ... i ... i . . . . . .
. ,,,' , .t,,arTMHirivi IUI ALUANCa-I,trrrCM
OtXT and will rnala oiwa for ilmttoU Uma onl,.
Cut thlaOutsnd
Ki Jltr mt ttl r ,f i'J
tU" ., ijtiur mm W
V$ Mft l fan tif to rtt I J ci
Vtfew. ,,,,
fettjr . lit..
Salesman. Hog Satesmaa
& Company, (
SoUh Oipaha, l4eh.
Before shipping ask us for condition of
Market and Prices.
Importer apd Breeder
100 Black Percbsron,
French Draft,
Clyfles and Shires.
IAMS' "Horse Show" at the great fit. Louu.
ana and Nebraska State Fair of 1893, uoth--ed
hm competitor.
rher won the grand Ijoo herd prize "For Bert
lerd of Draft Horte" and over every Nebruka
rail herae or mare shown at the World's Fair
NeDraska State Fair over Nebraska World's Fair
his Percherons in the ptit three years from F a. m
BLACKS. lams' horses won six sweep taus
oniv man 01 .neurasna uw tacnuuea o the nxm e
MERIT AMD ROYAL BRKfc DI.VG. tto 6 y Mrs old
AND TERMS, one, two and three years ume at $
or pay your fare to see them, and lams pars the freight.
St. Paul. Neb,
fcmsnl ki vu, ihrv, rrtitl. the snilra ( tJ
the rale of IU rent m tM ha rvtuuted
arnt with lh in ehkh I ha llu srn
Sandta A1X1ANCK fUB. ca
mft MttLt l jrv W;M S,U.
umt 8nt, f,y, t,tlt
4 g ijr ftnltthi li t,m sw,f V, I
,,,,,,, , MMI.O.I ,,,,,,,