The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, January 18, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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JANUARY 18 1894
1 : i i 1 a aw
The Ixecutire Committee Send Out The
Correct Copy of Resolutions Aiopted Re
part of . the Year's Woik Flans for
the Future Officers Elected.
Here Only
for Alliance
The Farmers Alliance of Nebraska
met last week in Iia tings In annual
convention, to elect new officers, die
buss matters connected with the good
f the order, and take such action
the times and the nreds of the people
all for. The strong represents tire men
la attendance, men of prominence from
srery part of the state, and the work
they did, showed renewed seal and
prophesied a great revival of interest
la Alliance work throughout the state.
The Alliance is In purpose and possl
bilitlesthe grandest of brotherhoods.
and will not be allowed to die till ita
life work, the social education and In
lm trial emancipation of the farmers,
has been accomplished.
Meeting called to order at 10:30 A.
If. by President Powers. In the ab
senoe of Chaplain Snyder, prayer was
then offered by Senator Dale. A. N
Housel of Lancaster was appointed
door keeper in absence of Jno. Shay,
regular door keeper. J. T. Kellie of
Kearney was also appointed as assistant
door keeper, and W. F. Wright
steward in the absence of such officers.
The following were appointed as com
mittee on credentials: Fel ton of Nuck
olls, Leonard of Lancaster, and Borders
of Buffalo! Then followed a general
discussion from Alliance Manual,
Topic. "Wealth and Money." After
which recess was taken until 1:30.
The President then delivered hit an
aual address This waa followed by
the report of State Secretary-Treasurer.
In making the Treasurer's report for
1802 the figures given will include
supplemantsry report made at the last
annual meeting covering the period be
tween the 12th and 20th of December
The examination of the committee was
made December 12th, '02, and at that
time there waa a balance in the treas
nry of 64c. At the annual meeting it
waa shown that up to the 20th receipt
amounting to 1160.69 had come into the
treasury and disbursements had been
made amounting to 1111.40, leaving a
balance on hand of 149.29.
The following is the report of the re
eelpta and expenditures from December
12th, 92, to July 8th, '03.
Haianpa on hand December 19th an
nor last report I .64
The emir amount of fee and duea
received from Dec. liilh up to and
Including JulyS, 'D3 fc.108
Received on account of special fund
recommended to be rallied at the
laet annual meeting.. 42 66
Uecelvud from vale of badge and
book. Including MaunaU 13 SO
Total receipt up to and Including
Jul! bin I 978 87
a. C. Fairchlld, state lecturer on ac
count 820 05
w. V. Wriitht on previous year ac
count 10.00
Praia ue. including stamps bought
and remitted 09 85
Clerk hire fur Dec , Jan. and Feb., a
allowed by the executive committee
March Srd, 18U3 WOO
Telegram. .75
ExprniHM) annual meeting at Orand
bland, being hotel biltxof national
Prvwldent H. L. Luucks and state
President Powers 10.65
President Powers, paid on account of
work in the field to 00
Ofltce supplies, pt-ns. Ink, stationary,
including lO.uu for Charter from N. U 16 87
PrlnUnK. Including S.000 copies of Al
liance uinual 138.69
J. M. I hoiuvwn, executive secretary,
on account 170 SO
ttrawu and frelirhl on iiinnllea sent
out and received 9.60
Rent, inrludmg fuel ud x
II. D. MciiawonexpeuNes while In at
Intulautw at liieetiuus at KlwuUvt
committee S2.A0
Totil exDendltiires for all pur
poses to July mh 978.87
The following is a report of the re
ceipts and expenditures of secretary,
treasurer since my assuming the office.
rM and dues received July io, iws,
noioaad tnrladln Dec. . I"..., 899
Herelvtd front Mauualaaold Alliances S wi
Total rsoelpu....,,. M!
Postage, indurilug itainp bought re
inUic-4 and rd
Prunum ".
U prwat, on attppl torn received and scut
OUl... a.,. ,.,.......
Kent, Ui Jan. I M Mi, total
mount xkid for oflu-e rent lu full. .
Slate averelat y Irowuitr, amount al
to ad a f ariloa uf rmuntltte at
tt July fta. lM.,
19 to
Total twi.lltttrea &H MS
Waaviua a bSaui m kaM4 1mj. ,
I MAVBUB tt AKUtaS tOU-O l4 SSHftM 1
K ' J" A. U.i.- w hand tut al IU
ktuoha..... ..... m
BvtHiiary la addltloa la the shot
aU l-'lrd sint e D, at, lt, J m
t artt Aft;T.
There ar uapai4 -iua due from the
AHUar !
hia'e tvi.rr l'alnl.114 . ., . kH-tt
kn..Bki AtiiatM to viiiuwn Inr
i at 1 . pwa, iiikwii itar jr
uiww,... te
t . - ......
The aSoie dos w luclud U
uouateofdltloaaU? voVtd to Brothsr
D'aJleuMtnd t tte NsUusal AUtasce tm
atHtBt of prlatlaf Kr thitt body,
aAouallsf tolOOtK
lloilwit Uat lh fvprt f the
lary tftaiurer H mkfUt was
. . .. ...
unanimously carrlea. Letter concern
log National Secretary D'Allemand'a
claim of 1200 wbs then laid before the
Alliance and after a general discussion
ss to ways and means ot providing for
same the following resolution waa
adopted provldiag for the above debt,
which debt is for printing done. Reio
lution in substance as follows: The
Secretary is Instructed to make a per
capita apportionment on all members
in rood standing in State Alliance to
pay this claim."
The report of the Executive Com
mittee was then made by its chairman
B. P. Allen.
We, your committee, appointed to
audit the books, vouchers und accounts
of the Secretary-treasurer for the y ar.
beg leave to make the following report
That we have carefully examined and
compared the vouchers with all ae
counts and find them correct, the fol
lowing being the
Receipts from all sources to Dec. 30,
Itws :
Expenditures ,
J578 6S
Balance .
Supplementary In addition to the above
the receipts of im and dues January 1 and 2,
I him, amount to sw, Caob on band a.7.
All of which is respectfully submitted
Allen Koot,
1' H. Barer,
Auditing Committee.
Moved that i aid report be received
and adopted, which was unanimously
carried Committee on resolutions and
urUprudecoe was then appointed by
the President as follows
Jurisprudence L. McReynolds of
Clay, L. W, Young of Furnas, J. A
Smith of Boone, A. V. Johnson of Polk
and A. Wanmer of Phelps.
Resolutions Porter of Merrick, Pol-
hemus of Nuckolls, Darner of Dawson,
Kellie of Kearney and Kirk of Hamil
ton. W. F. Wright then made his report
n regard to the work of the Aid degree
which was accepted and adopted. FoJ-
owed by report of State Lecturer Fair-
child, which report was also accepted.
The evening session was an open
meeting. Address ef welcome being
given by Mayor Rlttenhouse, which
was responded to by President Powers
n behalf of the State Alliance, fol-
owed by addresses from 8enator Poyn-
ter, Allen Root, Representative Porter
and W. L. Greene. Mrs. Kellie of
Kearney also read a paper entitled,
'Stand Up for Nebraska.
After a general dUoussion In regard
to publishing the proceedings of the
meeting, it was moved by Barry of
Greely and seconded, "That the exec
utive committee be empowered to pub
lish the report of this convention, in
cluding the financial report submitted,
and so much of the proceedings as they
may deem necessary for the instruction
of the Alliance through its Secretary.
Motion prevailed.
Meeting called to order at 1:30 by
President Powers. Committee
on jurisprudence made Its report, re
porting several changes in the constitu
tion and by-laws, but after discussing
the matter at length there was only one
change adopted, as follows: We, the
committee on jurisprudence recommend
that the last two lines of . Article 1,
Section 6, be stricken out, commencing
at the word "The President' on third
line from bottom. .
Short address by J. E. Thompson of
Lincoln, representing the State Labor
Congress. Moved that ten delegates be
appointed by the chair to represett the
N. F. A. & I. U. at the session of the
State Labor Congress convention at
Omaha, Jan. 14th, 1894. Carried. Tho
following being named as such dele
gates. Jas. Dimmtck of Franklin, I. N.
Leonard of Lancaster, H. B. McGaw of
Adams, Allen Koot ot Douglas, B. F.
Allen of Cass, W. H. Dech of Saunders,
n. Polhemus of Nuckolls, C D.
Schrador of Logan, S.M. Elder ot Clay,
and J. V. Wolfe of Lancaster. Moved
and carried that the above delegates
sent from this body shall be on the
same footing aa corresponding delegates
from that body occupy in this.
TLe resolution adopted read as fol-
We. the members ot the state alllanc
of, Nebraska, in convention assembled
do Hereby pledge ourselves anew to the
principles ot our order and or best
endeavor to the reorganization and up-
ouiiaiog i) i ine same.
Utfiocnuinir the deplorable conditio
ot th agriculturist, the mechanic, ths
day laborer and the business man of our
country, we demand of our represent
lives la congress some legislation for
untneuiate reuui,
And roo 'l' Dialog that the oueatioa uf
money or iluanos Is the all inpurtant
question watch afIoU the Interest of
very cHUsn, we Uamanj the frvo cola-
age of both gold ai.d silver, without
discrimination, at a ratio ot U to i, and
a a.Mllloa the Issuing of nan In wise.
tKailag ireaury notes d',rcl to Uu
people, W4 upon the credit ot the en
tire nation, wltboauhe Intervention vt
uk, au4 said moavj shall U put latu
eticulalkta through lystent of gTrn
m nanis, then-bjf aJurUms to hold-
is I taoot y SU pine uf OixmII.
whkeh we Uitev would rvswlt in thr
Immediate rkrattoa at coaaitece it
the busluesa world aad Mk patua aa
We lavur the iatm-nt r-f law twu
hibtvlsg allrt 0alaht)t uf Mid and
the irvervtsg tit all luUu lattds tor
a'U.a! settlere.
We aellsve that the s lut tt-t or
the traasfttattoa us(a is the tov
rnincnt ownership and uiwratUMt oi alt
tfa.nrir-tliun IavIIUIm W W h all
mrv I cairUd aa, aadail prvdueu
are distributed among our citizens; and
we congratulate ail the industrial or
ganizations of the nation for their ad
vanced steps in the above direction.
'We deplore the condition of our state
flnanoes, and especially do we condemn
the slate treasurer for his failure to
comply with the lairs whereby the state
has sustained an annual loss of not less
than 140,000.
We condemn the ring control of the
district court of Lancaster county,
wnereDy tne eiate luna Doodlers were
exonerated and turned loose after
sufficient evidence had been submitted
to convict them, and after the supreme
court had admitted the commission of
the crimes. With feoilnes of humilia
ted pride, we condemn the action of the
federal courts la presuming to exercise
jurisdiction over and interfering with
the enforcement of a state" law, as in the
case ol tne maximum freight law.
We are glad for the success of mutual
farm insurance in the state, and bid all
the workers In th's hi herto much
neglected held a hearty Uod epee 1
element of profit, and therefore d,mand
that the sale of liquor shall be exclu-
siveiy carriea on oy tne state at cost of Nuckols County, last Friday. Start
through salaried officials in such muni- iaff twn vtklrt .n mUM . ..
clpalities as shall apply for such aeen
cles, and that the national government
ssaii regulate tne importation, manu
facture and tram port ailon of all intoxi
cants so as to protect the states in their
exclusive management.
Kasolved, That we view with alarm
the action of the courts in enjoining the
master wonrman oi the unlchtB or
ZZfiSS Sri?
isting between the Northern Paclflo
railroad and its employes. Free speech
. ... . 1 1 . . , -
, 1 ln one or. ne m?"t ,ftCIed
acred right we regard as another evi-
dence of the alarming Influence which
corpora power has over our courts,
And we condemn in unmeasured terms
the attempt in times of peace to sun.
Eress free speech as an act of high-
anded tyranny, which should not for
one moment oe TO.eraiea nor submitted
Beaolved, That we feel deeolvhumil-
lated by having the leading industry of
the nation so grossly misrepresented ln
the national department of azrlculture I
bv a man whoa mind i ton n.rr,.
D-riuia th riinit of hi. r,rtirtn Ant
when becretary Morton attempts to In-
ult the great body of producers before
uu-muusniiu cu uk reus, no deserves
our profound pity for his ignorance, if
it be ignorance, and our unmeasured
condemnation if he knew better. In
either case the administration, which
will Insist ln retaining him ln the high
position to wnicn no nai oeen appointed,
r ,r. :,T- , Vr"""! I
wiuuuy iDsuiw tne inaustry wnicn pays
B0 ner cent of the tarns, and nri-nt. tfi
balance of trade In our favor with the
nations of the world.
forward a copy of these resolutions to
President Cleveland and Secretary
Morton. I
We heartily Indorse the stand taken
K ..n..ntD. 4n V-I
have labored ao arduously for the en
..r.v.ra..,v. m. v...v, ns
actment or our principles into law.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to
the citizens of Hastings for the courte
ous treatment received at their hands
during our stay among them.
All ot which isre.pectfullv submitted
oy your committee. W. F. I'ORTeb,
On motion the report was received
and adopted and the committee die
charged with the thanks of the order.
Election of officers was then declared
in order. Moved that the first vote for
President be made informal. Carried
Informal vote resulted as follows: Bor
ders 5, Porter 17, Dale 33, Povnter 1,
Powers 6, McReynolds. 6, and Jones 7.
Formal ballot resulted as follows: Bor
ders 5, Dale 64, and Jones 7, Senator
tv.iv.. j ' i.
uo,,1UK JCx,Cu uuv umjuruy
the votes cast was declared elected
President. Formal ballot lor Vice
President resulted in the election of
Prof. Jones of Hastings. Second ballot
for Secretary resulted in tho election of
Mrs. J, T. Kelile of Kearney county.
Seoond ballot for Treasurer resulted in
the election ot Jas. Cameron of Furnas
county. First ballot for Lecturer re
sulted in tho election of President Pow-
ers. Moved that the rules be suspended
and the executive committee elected by
niAuauiauuu. vameu. iae following
were eiectca as mem Dora oi said com
mittee: I. N. Lsonard of Lancaster,
C. M. Lemar of Saunders, E. E. Soder-
man of Phelps, L. W. Young of Furnas
and J. M Dimmlck ot Franklin. J. M.
Snyder ot Sherman county was eleoted
Chaplain by acclamttton. J. N. Thomp-
son of Furnas county was elected door
keeper, A. E. Farrls of Greeley county
juistant An,r fci..r sni w o rv.n.
,..,,. . ., , .u
- v. mm .v-wu, lu iu
same way. me in. r. A. & 1. U. being
entitled to a delegate to the National
P. A. A I. U.. proceeded to elect dele-
?, the eirctlon of W. F. Wright of Lan-
" I
viuior vuuuit, viuiurrs eictt woro uiuu i
installed by A. Wardall ol the National
Alliance, after which the railing wa
adjourned In the usual form.
Chairman Hoard ot Executive Com.
JSVilWMt llll(ttt.
ItwtHBrt, I'a., Jan. 18 IVter
Ji U,i, the polo" i.Ms'nt, La
wa t 1 1al nlifht, wits try atijiry
itt urUitt's letter, la nhk'U U was
sUU-4 that U th eUt wltrt Ja 'Wkh
In CaUftirnU tl club oilk-Uts and
ttUtt were g stntt him (CrUtt)
and Ust h was dstrsuiUd t'Ut of the
ht Jat'kwm t 1 U wu a f .!
hiHHi nr an I sltM tl an I lht Use
t wtmti rr f hm-,1 td a.'vout r,tx)k) a,l44
to lbs iffrfr4 t I In I itij,.rnt
iurt t. Hrft th tttU out. but
1I IHlllwd ll his lt,&OU flMt
drawn tioUl and l ii'.vl nut tf
Ta llrl la January a, wtrtK
clUsate paanot ha ivIM In th w IU.
til world. i4ll on Pall. UtaUU, Uii
u siren.
Brother Wright Hard at Work a ad
Doing Nobly.
' Nelson, Neb., Jan. 15, 18M.
Editor Aixiaxcx-Ixpkp expert:
After leaving the meeting of the
State Alliance, put In an "Alliance
Aid" degree in Clay County.of 11 mem-
berf. Then went to Anirus. Xuckola1
county. I have appointments for 5
meetings here. Will return to Clav
ccunty next week and Brother Logan
McReynolds will act as county organizer
of Clay county. Bro. Gro. F. Felion
wDl be the county organizer for Nuck-
ois county. Organization is moving
BUrely torw&ri 8nd lf ftU do the,f dut
tne Alliances oi the state will bj on
their feet again soon In good shape for
the future work before them. All that
is necessary is to push tho reorganiza
tion and the various co-operative
agences started in the state. I hal the
tne -tock holders of the Angus Co-
operative Store and Shipping Companv
O - " w hw u wj v m mm v'i HSU
of about $2,000 stock. Their invoice
last week of goods on hand was $1,800.
store building costing 11,300, cash on
hand $600. They declared a dividend
to all cash paid up of eight per cent.
and a rebate of 18 cents on every dollar
mirnViajipri hvth tvi)mMoni a. ...
i - j - -
!!lustl0D' 0M T p,Id ln onl M
he "ot 9 P6 cent Interest, and bought
at the store during the year enough so
that his rebate of 16 cents on each dol
addition to the
interest on bis $5. Brother Felton has
$245.00 paid up stock and the Interest
and rebate he received amounted to
eift Tht. t,o. . ,
W8- This shows what co-operation will
d0 very county In Nebraska should
have several such oo-oDerativa stnraa
and shiDDlnir eomnanioa tnrmA nf a hi.
rr m r WO V-
"co,nen w 00 inelp own Dmess,
"here not satisfactorily done by others,
The work of two years done by thl.
Aiuon v, . .
" - ,uW.,
"d all desirous of Information as to
ineir ayatem oi worx can get lull
information bv addraaiiinir Rrn Clan
p.. tni. a n. v.,.u..i. mu
The county Mutual Fire Co. of the
Farmers is growing rapidly here also.
The "Alliance Aid" will soon be a per
manent Inutltuttnn of this nnnnt.v a Ian
P.n.r.nA-af Inn .inn U ll I.
J '
"Slogan crv" of Alliance men. Com.
petition with all its silverv tones of da-
A ,...a .
dying gasp of a barbaric age. It will
be two weeks before I can return to
Lincoln an T hold pnnulnir crnnA meAtlnva
, J ?7. B .
uuij ina rwn ue twa vj uute tno
lecture field for the great cause of hu
manity. W. F. Wright,
State Organizer of "Alliance Aid."
Oar Former Candidate for Governor
Union, Neb., Jan. 8, 1894.
Editor Alliance-Independent:
Having had the pleasure of your ac
quaintance at Hastings, I am constrain
ed to write you toucuing matters and
principles snowed lortn lntne Hasting.
Conference. After having passed a reso
lution of five minutes limit to each
speaker, several persons, especially
Green, were permitted to occupy at least
from 30 to 60 ml notes on matters im
possible to arrange. When the silver
question came to the Conference by re
port oi a reliable and appointed com
mittee it seemed to me to oe tne right
and duty of our conference to discuss
and consider it fully. There are thou9-
and8 who will come to our aid when
shall be fully known that the Indepen
dent party is the only reliable silver
party ln existence, and tnat we are will
ing to make the opening of the mints
the first business of congress.
it the Populist party Is not straight on
that question, then I am not lor It. Io
lose silver as money will bring national
banks to the front, and also down green
backs and government Issues.
It is well known on all hands that gold
coin never will do the business in this
country, neither do the goldbugs desire
V. . 4 4 AUntil lent (Ka mnnan nntruv
nTrol gold Tand bonds, by
these means control money circulation.
What we want is to take a firm stand
for 16 to 1, and elimenate from our na
tional platform tae suo-treosury, two
per cent loan scheme, and subtitute the
better plan, viz: issue legal tender
paper money and pay the eame out as
other money into circulation, by the
Jl L. - . -. ,.t .U. ... -II
nuP1Mlu,. tha ,.me M 0,hep coln monev
u paid for governmeut indebtedness,
The above principles are folly sus-
talned by the United btates oonsUtu-
Ition, ana can bo maintained upon all
.j,, Jt wiU bo time to advocate
m paternal government after first main-
taking a jut one.
Respectfully Buhmlt eil,
I "' "f
T. 1.1.1 In Vila a 111 hl nnnatltllUaa .
, , ,
tlon to the government conducting the
whole banking business, providing fur
loans as well as deposits. The mere
government disbursement of silver and
ernbcks within fixed UmlU will not .
put a stop to usury t,d wealth concen
tration. It would tor a tti&a thvxk the
rapidity of such cucsat!-atUa, but the
reiwf would m but fsrlla. and ry
UiroiHirsrr. Hut a a party we fsvor
the frie and unlimited rolnage of tjtr
(the Hor. wast lt)asd we ar thsonly
arty that dues favor 1 1. Bo any man
who beLtve. silver should be ru ntl
led bwloag la our parly. Kmtwit
Tkaontf nK N tt 1
AMM4 Il.w , tt lk
to I (.Ml I W.Jt C' Kt fii fa h
l rwMrit.KMj44 t T It Sw4 0( I
V H w4f(t, 4 t i)t t4 ml mili r tt
U4 wtV U II a m4ia. ikl yf bl'tf Vm,
, m. etiasrsa. mn.
Red. While.
Timothv. Bine
Top. Onion Srtt.
ana ntuuofrtM trp upon
oKiaiojrue, i vr.
Oar rrt
President. W. L Dale, Atlanta.
VIre-Pres., Prof. W. A. Jones, Hasting.
Bexaeury. Mrs. J. T. Kellie. Hartwell.
TreaHurer. James Cameron, Beaver City.
W. F. Wright. Btate Organizer Alliance Aid,
Bethany. Neb.
Chairman, I. S. Leonard, Lincoln.
E. Boderman, Bertrand.
L. W Young, WHsonvllle.
C. M. Lemar, Mead.
J. M. Dlmmlck, Macon.
A Iietter From Chairman Leonard.
Likcolx, Neb., Jan. 13, 1894.
To Count and Subordinate Alliances,
Brethren ahd SiSTERS:The newly
elected board of officers of Nebraska
State Alliance and Industrial Union are
now organized to transact the business
of the State Alliance. We ask the
active and earnest co-operative of every
Alliance chartered ln this state down to
the present date. At the first meeting
of the executive committee they pro
vided that each subordinate Alliance
heretofore organized in this state might
reorganize by the payment of one quar
ter's dues in advance.
This is a call to action all along the
Address all official communications to
Mrs. J. T. Kellie, Secretary, Hartwell,
Kearney county.
The second quarterly meeting of the
executive committee will be held at
Mlcden on April 3d.
The press of the state friendly to the
Alllanse cause please publish.
Fratert ally your brother.
I. N. Leonard.
Chairman Ex. Committee.
I A W . . n . . .
" rrcimeni UaiC
i p,,. . .
Tte state Executive Committee of
the Farmers' Allianca outH
peodor five weeks, points to be
ftrranfe'ed hy the State secretary in cor-
I resPOndence with each cauntv Hf nratayv
I -" F"" iucrcoi-eu IU bUia
counties. I bopa every friend of our
order will not only help in advertising
tnese meetings but will try and have
them well attended.
Nuckolls county, Jan. 22 to 25
27 30.
31 to Feb. .1.
Feb. 5 to 8.
' " 9 to 13.
" 14 to 17.
' " 19 to 22.
" 23 to 24.
Very Truly Yours,
- W.F Dale, Pres.
A New Vieorona Start in Allianen
Hartwell, Neb., Jan. 3, 1893.
Editor Alliance-Independent:
At the meeting of the executive com
mittee in Hastings today the following
appointments were made for John H.
state lecture.
Keai ney county, Minden, Jan. 20.
WebUer county, Bladen, Jan. 25.
Franklin county, Rlverton, Jan. 30.
Harlan county, Alma, Feb. 3
Furnas county. Beaver Citv. Feh.
Red Willow county, Bartley. Feb. 13
Dundy county, Uenkleman, Feb. 19.
Chase ccunty, Imperial, Feb. 23.
Hayes county, Galena, Feb. 28.
our days will be SDent bv him In
eacn county ana tne other snnn nt
memo wiu uo mane istar. Tnese are
in i i . 1
tne aates o: me entrance Into each
county. President W. b Dale will
also spend four davs in each of tha fni.
lowing counties, beginning on datos as
Nuckolls counity, Jan. 22.
Thayer county, Jan. 20.
Jefferson county, Jan. 31.
Saline coun'y, Feb. 5.
Fillmore county, Feb. 9.
Clay county, Feb. 14.
Hamilton county. Feb. 19.
Adams county, two davs. Feb. 23 and
The pi noes for hU meetings have ant
been decided on, but will bo sent you
The state secretary desires to cor.
respond wun one or more earnest Al
... r
liance workers in each county named
who will do all in thtir power to make
these meetings profitable. Alliance
papers in each ot the named counties
plea copy. Mrs. J. T. Khllic,
Koo'y Slate Alliance.
Done Creek Alllanue, No, IMtit.
TtU Alliance iastalled oDkrs on the
evening i( tho UU laaU The following
ar the officers for the ensuing jrcsr:
rrvldaW Jaini'S Mulr; trloe rtsl
dnl, C L. Me; m-rurj,ll.t)awriri
lrx'arir, W. DHn; rhaplaa, W.
KlrkwwH); W.urvr, A bhlti14; wr-
rt, H. I. lljfaai dHrkpr. Uanoan
Krr, Atkr sU)tloa th Rtoeri werv
Inalal'ed. lhc cams irffcaLtaoaU
and a god social thus and all went
hotustiUblj l'Ud. ThU Alllanoe It
tu a very A4rUhiif vonrfHioit.
A XiiarrttLK
li Hawvsn.
i. Kt Ka,
Far Bouthra I'aHlurala take th
Vtttrt I'm AM iuu, lit Saathnra
rout. City tU kst tmo I Ml tl s rL
J- iSS13. mm ma a,
Alfalfa and Alelke Ctovers, I
Graxs. Orchard Grata. Red V 111 91 AtTV
M.Redriues pitv ! .1
1 ree Seeda. Cans Seed. rUlfldAd Ul I 1 1
ti lanreaterowericrf lamudTmulM weds in th world.
Mrk-7. Oorn, Clover Timothj, Giuh, FoUtoe.etcu, la enormoo qoaatilus. l.u
oi Rom ud PUtnts. 36 pkgs. earlicmt Ver(sbki seed, enooeb far a ptrdB, poat
IMldfortl.M. Mpkem.Ut VetrUbleMU,&;. S. onrftr- Northern 6t
yielded iltboUi. from ooebuch. town I iMdvoaeverhrertbeliket Pkfr.of ihlsOate
receipt of Spin nt&mr. 1" Farm Seed wnpiea.
10a. With
eimovm. I3 rxur, for 6 p"gtg.
Writs tM)yv
E. F.STEPHENS, Crete, Neb.
thrown ln 1891 show that suitable
varletlei properly handled will bear
fruit. The experience and advice of
the proprietor and president of the
State Horticultural Society will be
found safe and useful to all. Forest'
Correspond at once before the extreme mh
f eprlntr order. CdOTCK SKKD CORN.
Locust and Asb Trees,
Frnit Trees, Crape Vines and
Small Fruit Plants.
Send for free price list to
Jansen, Jefferson Co., Neb.
Or Geo. B Galbraitb.
Wesler j) Trees t A
it in a r act mat lor i'ralrle Plant-j
ing, irees grown on Prairies aro the
test. You csa get tbem at
The Geneva Nurseries
All sorts of them and in any quantity,
from one to a car load, at Very Low
PRICES. Our Stock Is verv nnmnlet
I- .ii j . . " r
Osage Plants and Forest Trees,
Also a full line of Frnlt. SVhia anri
Ornamental Stock, Grape Vines, Rotes
auu evergreens, catalogue free.
Write for Prices.
Address, Younfjers & Co ,
Geneva. Neb.
606 & 507 Broad Str.
Lock Box 28.
Thecnep ":M 2
House to' &l&r&V
S cts ew(; wirranied to
in proportion. Wrr fof
b pure w 'ATrden. Flower
Catalogueot Garden. Jf
v;ia.iy----- planet, j'
field t Tree seens-1;
Tools, etc. ',. our
a Q TT1 II in Ss'
ioa win no
ImwIs am
Five New Varieties of Seed Corn.
Send for
descriptive price list to
Little Sioux, Iowa .
Kansas Seed House.
Oar Specialties! Onlnn Soorl ami Ka... a .,.
Kaffir and Jerusalem Corn i Tiw So.i. rn
Mid timber claim. Have alo a limited upply of
Lavthvrun SllvrufH. friot p.. k c '
lewCata mmniiikd w.... ........ m
h W. BARTELDES & CO., Lawrence, Kan!
Alfalfa Seed
Cane, Millet Soedi, Kaffir, Rice and
Jerusalem Corn Yellow and White Milo
Maize, all erowa in 1893. For Prices,
Address, McBETH & K1NNISOM,
Garden City, Kas.
W SiTelarm Se pkM. tor I
nr. oi. ana lb. Cheav. nxn,imU
Attorneys at Law, 1026 O St. LfncolnNeb
To Cbarlvt IT. Johnaon. Jnr , Newklrt.
N"lrii,tiivinmi uukuowni hta
wll, nun rliliiil)eft.tuui: You will tali
noika thai ...a iha S7U day ol l)owt.r. 1"
t . H. Morrill. rmmirn ol th Nebraaka hV
iiki 1 Hank, aa plaluttfl hrivin. A lml hi. petition
lit th UiMrlot Court ol atr cuuiy. N
rka. analiiat aald dlodaoia. liBi.ladrd
with ari. f. Hnntn. Au... tUwi.n.- sad
tiH.rV hi. inflow, tb. ol.jc. iaaa ry.r ol
ld petition ! ihr'iwhcriaiu tuort
saita vxacutiKt l.jr tha dUadauu t'hartwt .
lUtiBlutf aud Ann ttannloii ut t harlaa H
Jnnia aol m owned b thu puiutir?'
git rn to m ur tka pajrmoitt ul uua fouilM.M'v
u(Vimidu Mi(un t, in. lmi, aud twltia-a
II atia IB lollowtin l-rllwd pmiulMa
fix" huiiilrwl lmt ty in huniirwi an,j
J..HV lwt lp, twti'B tha rt ri hall uf "tmil ul lfl In lwtlin ll.iuhL.
a.'otiut th rwU.l pi timfmif, twtua:
In l.itu r tuuuty N.irtia, au l tb pita"
119 pra that .l olai. dfu.Uui itu, b
l.ifM i..J , all tlHt.l llli o cutty uj rw
. In and to Htid t.ui ... Btt
ikm Mill liii, ! Md ail I villi u tba ir.nW
tkrr,it la Uliitllt hii Im IiaiJ m. ?
dubli MtlU l.wli. (Hit
: mm ara f. .irv4 t an r ald batltU.a on
' i"i Bi aaart. IMII.
Ilnl. Jui11,1,j '
J I 41
C! ilwo. K ttwrman k to. ft
I cartlhrfva, waswna, blitiWr. aid all
iri imiuvmaau We'll u joa right
Zlllitrath NlatMiU lJmu!i, "
V North wtMWra Ita to ChWagn.
U rate, l'at trais. Cme Ul
namTeiania So ii ... .