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About The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1894)
JANUARY 38, 1894 THE ALLIANCE -INDEPENDENT. 1 - i i The Rocker wasner ot u7 Wtr BOCK. - see J fn. pnca aa4 fall emrisnea. ROCKER WASHER CO. r lillL 1SB. i im win to. Hi STAR . C0ILSPRIX6 SHAFT SUPPORT? AND ANTI-RATTLEK. M Ohf thrt M S.a.rSM " laU Icrtii4illr"' THE DECATUR SHAFT SUPPORT CO. Decatur, lit Lincoln. Nil, Aug. 19, 1893, Sulpho-Sallne Bath Co., Lincoln, Neb. Gentlemen I have been a victim ot rheaawtiiro tor several years past, i hare suffered intensely at times, ana nave gone to tne not springs o J oomn Dakota, and the Hot Springs of Arkansas ve huts, seeking relief. I have also taken tnocfe medicine under tha directions of able physicians, About one month Stfo t suffered from one of the saost violent attacks of the disease, and at once be gan taking: hot salt water baths at your new and splendid bath house in this city. Under the care of four gentlemanly ana emcient attendant, Mr. ucnrv Schmntte, t have, think, entirely recovered . From experience and my observation ot tne re lulta of treatment of many patients at the Hot 8prins;s above naned aud at your bath house, I an convinced that better and quicker results can be ob tained by a course of hot salt water baths at your bath house than at any other place in the country. I do not hesitate not only to recommend, but to rye every person suffering from rheumatism to try a course of baths at your bath house under the directions of one of the physicians in charge. I believe your new and magnificent bath house will prove a great blessing to the many victims Of rheumatism In this vicinity, and I hope it will re ceive the liberal patronage it merits. You have not requested of me any testimonial, but I derm it proper that I should acknowledge the great relief I have received at your bands, and you say use what I have said in such manner as yon swy deem proper. Very respectfully, , J. B. Strode. The above from Judge Strode Is but a sample of the many similar testimon ials we have received without solicita tion and wbich will appear from time te time in these columns. Sulpho-Saline Bath Co. Fourteenth and M streetes, Lincoln. WIBER CAS A CASOLINE ENQINI Simplest and most scon otnicai engine en Tally Qnarnteed a aires unijftiQw anteed coat of running 1 ct. per nour per u. r.. Write for catalo-- gun, Address, Weber Cm Casollne Engine Co. Box SO, Kaxsas Crrr, Mo. dew' no.. 7 GOODHUE ALVANIZED Steel 111. BF8TIN USE. Get our prices before buying. All sizes Wood and Steel Pumping and Power Mills ana Machin ery. Steel Tawers. mm Agents wanted. Price to agents 124 Write us .WfflUL&K before buj buying. 1 Wind Engine v-VgiJ st. CI Company, St. Charles, III. Please taction Tne Alliance Independent. PATRONIZE Tbe Only Use Under One Management FROM Lincoln to Points Belew. OAKES FREMONT ABERDEEN OMAHA PIERRE HASTINGS SIOUX CITY SHELDON rus MONIES MARSUXrWB BOONE NTON Hiu ACKEB OSKOSH EAU CLAIRE MADISON Chicago PREKPORT AURORA ELGIN DUON HURON HUfKKlUK QunUTH y h'P'L8 WINONA ffflJlV' St. Pau' ,, SstAABA WtOMTNQ Fast Trains te Chicago and St. rani. Closs Conn serious roa Au. Pomts. SZ8T EUlirMKNTStOWMT RATES A. 8. Piamma, W. X. BRrraaa, City fat, Agt. Oeu'l. Agl 0oa MHO It-Depol Cor. and ath St, LINCOLN. NEB. BEST LINE TO ST. LOUIS AND M n G AO 0 sarin. f3 t mru- t Msm (Me Blood Tonic Builder Sesrnpilvs pannihleC 1. WILLIAMS' a. HEDICSIE CO., per kez. Schenectady, N.Y. aa BrockTllle. OnU RATIONAL r BUSINESS OOLLIOB, "RIALTO BLD'O NEXT TO POST OFFICE," Kashas Citt, mo. ' Most Practical Bnslness College In the j f U-. LVniKunl T vna wiH t.l n a Rvilr. J I keeping and Telegraph. Shorthand (by Mall Three lescons free. Send lor J our SPECIAL) SUMMER OFFER. SOLICITORS. SUES A CO BeeBldg duca a uu., OMAHa, neb. Four year's experience as examiner in the U. 8. Patent office. Advice but, o tee until the patent 1 obtained. Make Your Own Bitters i On receipt of SO cents, U 8. stamps, I will send to any address one package Steketee's Dry Bitters. One package makes olie gallon best tonic known. Cures stomach and kidney diseases. Now Is the time to use bitters lor tha hinnd and atotnach. Send O. O. Steketee, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, SO cents, U. 8. sumps, and we guarantee that he will send at once, ror saie oy araKgura. CHEAP FARU LAIIDO 100,000 Aores Just Pat Upon the Market OLD OH Small Cash. Payments AMD . 5 to 20 Years Time. taOJTBAJINO. For map of Nebraska and further particulars, call on or address, STAPLET0N LAND COMPANY, 444 BEE BUILDING, OMAHA, SEB. Pearl Steel Mill and Tower. SIMPLE. STRONG. DURABLE. Will run 20 years without all. Will send them on 30 Says' tsst Mai. and If not satisfactory to the pur chaser It can be returned to us and ws pay freight both ways. We give the ttrongel warranty of any company In the business, there by protecting you and your cus tomer against loss In case of an accident. Write for full particulars and printed matter. aooNiss BATAVIA WIND MILL CO., Batavla.KaneCo.,111. THE KIRKWOOD Sted 9 wind Engine Ess been In use sines 1882. Tt Is the PIONEER 8TEE1 HIU. It has BEAUTY. SIRtNQTH, DURA. BILITY, POWERt the beat; hence the mill for yon to buy. Thousands have them 1 Our Stssl fower Bays 4 angle steel corner pouts, substantial steel cirta and braces; not fence wire. They are LIGHT, STRONG. BlUPLl IN CONSTRUCTION- much cheaper to a wood ann will last a lite time I Our mills and towers are ALL 8TBK1, and are KUlI.Y Gl'ARANTKED. Write, (or prices and circulars, Addr.s, Mentioning this paper. KIRKWOOD WIND EN6INE CO.. Arkansas City- Kansas. Great Rock Isund Roon Wostojrsia Pi 'IMtTtQ m TO THE EAST. BEST DIH1K8 CUR SERVICE II TKEWORLf I ha Kk l.iand Is trmtta sjopt littf an ahatit4L' cU-uUU"tt to lm lrtv stHl ami give that luiury, saMy a tal tyiinlort thi niutar iiruuatrd u mamls. Itet rqutpment Is Ihtirxiuebl r.mpUu with ttstibulil trains, ma(( ta'Dv t illB.tis cars, s!erirs aaJ vk toskhs, all ti.o ru1 tlrfant, a l ut rrwntlt h(rt)V4 'Uraa, lalliful at t'siili RiaBafotnrat an4 jHiliut, h n-sk a rU" f''tt ftijft Bfw Itbtrlant iN tua, TUJ ar a duuhlo tlu'r tj th tVmtatty aaJ U ifavitbrs aul tt Is atitMms A taa's li!f out! ! (MH'Hiiulshtaiat laii grt on titts Uno will An I UtUtt w.m ht rtm4alnt on that f rtmti4. I'vt f,ll imrttou as as ti tWkvU.maiia, raws, aii t any Mutn ics-t rRtv la tn L'atlwl IttaWs, t'aaata r MiIm f advlrsss: JNaNKitAHTIA.N, oa I Tvv Ka Asi. I afcafk IU I IT. JOHN. U i ataaaesf. wawOi.L . Nerve -M - x. re lx PATEEJT 21 r - - ;I DM GARNERED GRAIN. A missionary society at Hebron, Conn., holds thirty-one acres of land under a lease for 9,999 years. In England during the 167 years from 1623 to 1790 only one useful in vention appeared at an average ot three and one-fourth years interval. Over a ton of tobacco and cigars were burned lately at Portsmouth in the furnace known as "tbe queen's pipe," where all contraband tobacco seized in Great Britain is destroyed, Sallie Bailey of Hamburg, Berks county, Pa., was buried in a grave which she iiad dug nineteen years ago. It waa walled with stone. She left a fortune of f 100.00C in bonds, which a distant relative will inherit A device in use by the Baltimore traction company allows the fire de partment's hose to be carried over the tops of the cable cars, and thus there is no delay to trams during the con tinuance of a fire on the line of the road. A German couple visited the New York city hall to get married. It was learned that they had lived together as man and wife for twenty-two years, but that they had lost their first mar riage certificate and wanted another. They were accommodated. The story is told on Bishop Bar rlngton, whose hand-writing is ex ecrable, that In writing to a corre spondent he said: "Out of respect I write to you with my own hand, but to facilitate the reading I send you a copy made by my amanuensis." There is a point near the famous Stony cave in the CatskiU" mountains where ice may be found on any day In the year. This locality is locally known as the Notch, and is walled in on all sides by steep mountains, some of which are more than 3,000 feot high. Samuel Jeffries and wife, each aged 76, reside at Huston ville, Ky, They had uo children in the first seven years of their married life, but in tbe eleven months after that four were born, and in the next fourteen years fifteen were born. There were seven pairs of twins among the nineteen children. , Snake stories are always in season, and this one, from Wilkes county, North Carolina is worthy of print: A black snake, looking for dinner, had seized a frog by the hind leg and at tempted to swallow it ' The ' frog seized hold of a bamboo brier with its mouth and held on like grim death while the snake tugged at its extrvm itics. The snake wrapped his tall around a convenient shrub to give himself more purchase, and leaned back to his work with a will, but it was no go. The frog held on to the bamboo brier and, as the snake could not pull him loose, he finally gave it up as a bad job and retired from tho field . CHARACTERISTICS. Artificial marble is a French con ceit. ' The income of Oxford university is 1350,000. An ocean steamer of large size burns about 200 tons of coal a day. The world's diamond supply has in creased twenty-fold in thirty years. . Jack Frost was seriously injured in a runaway near Uniontown, Pa., last week. Henry Seebreeze has been commit ted to jail in Baltimore on a charge of bigamy. In England a 100 one-year accident insurance policy is now thrown in with a pair of suspenders. More copies of the Bible have been sold in the past twenty-five years than of any other book published. A large specimen of the egg of the fabled "roc" of the "Arabian Nights" has been found in Madagascar. ' Bagpipes have just been pronounc ed, by the decision of a London court of justice, to be musical instruments. One hundred and twenty pounds of tobacco was the stipend paid for a wife by some of the early settlers of Virginia. The highest court in Missouri has decided that debts contracted in op tional deals are gambling debts and set ccilectibio at law. George Chaplin, an actor, has de clined a leading part in a play now running in New York because the role obliged him to climb a tree. A style much affected by the young er members of congrest, particularly those from the South, is to wear low. cut vesta with expamlve shirt fronts, Prince Albert coats, broad brimmed soft hats and smooth shaven facea Dr. J. II. Cu mining of Pittsburg, in making out a death certificate for a child, gave the occupation of the let ter's father as a "bum." !! ha learned that the term Is not a legal one, after paying the coat of the pro eeeding. Antonir the many singular letters ri'Ciinl by .Sir Shurl Knell when he waa lord mayor f tendon was one from a II 11, who tu m-lalned thai hi if.-In. t run away ami akt4 the loid tiiitviii 1i.'UhI anuther f-r him - wIhi has tit her uiuthef, it H.IU' N al)iiut N a pTtclli tint 'rwHr to the Ainert.stn atMiitfiitea. f ta r-.iutmlf lUtent Origin .( Man" he iju.itr frmu J(.-r-i-l.iu tu khan? t'ut the N ) liUn .'t!j. l tUir fillet m mli , ant, ttt rttdru Uiv. the S"tlln Wntf U tv4 l.y the w d trtlw f Vrlh"4tr ll'tijal t arifitl wigWng hi that aa or d ry W,ni l'nJ.,t ' fl? ti'it (nit t tf a .m., . that tt toke A M t"t, nut i I, tit HUk a t.i I. lut th l t A.i-l t, Ituti be a In f.Oi fruifi the fluids and ttie timer loa.U'1 with hotter l Vt bread, waisfhs ttvarlr three limes kture, thU ta aay, b earr e arly tie hi weif bt, tf Hidt sees Uere are a Wat l.toa ta th VUHil. THE RATES UNEQUAL THE NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY CHARGED WITH DISCRIMAM, A Teat Cass la tha Conrts Is Decided la Favor of tha Plaintiff Debney, tha Wife Murderer, round to Ho Guilty to tha First Dog-roe Wavsrly Cora Thieves Shot AS. Gambling Dens. Liscols, Jan. 15. Sunday morning at about 3 o'clock the police made a raid on a gambling dun in the Lansing Hall block and arrested five young men, In the afternoon the police visited the yellow front building just south of the savings bank on north Eleventh street, and there am sted J. W. Warren lor keeping gambling rooms. At the same time nine vouncr rentlemen. on colored, were transported to the sta- it 1. .1 . hod, wnere uiey gave oonds lor tneir ap pearance this morning to answer the charge of frequenting gambling rooms. The first victory in the crusade of the Lincoln business men against the Nebraska Telephone company rests with the business men. During the agitation for lower rates some months ago, O. P. Davis commenced a suit against the telephone company for the amount charged him in excess of the amount charged to other patrons. The case was tried before Justice Spencer and Saturday afternoon the justice rendered a judgment against the com pany on the ground of discrimina tion. The case will go to a higher court as it is looked upon as a test case. . , , There has been considerable com plaint made to the police regarding the hilarity of the occupants who hold forth in the block Just east of the E. I. tracks on O street Last night the officers made a raid. Five times they made an eifort to enter but Mrs. Kemp ton, the madam, each time produced "mnu x vesson revolver and fired. The shots were all wild, however, and landed in the wall across the hall. At last the officers bolted the door and succeeded in arresting her and three inmates, but the men had all made their escape. They Wars Married. Omaha, Jan. 15. Annie Uinrick was discharged from custody Thursday evening and will not be prosecuted on the information filed by John Mer walt, who accused her of stealing 83 of his hard earned cash. ,The cash was found by Chief Mitch' ell, but he baa not yet delivered the samo over to Mr. Merwali and will not do so nntil he gets matters straight ened out for the unfortunate girl. She is in a delicate condition and blames Charles Esker for the crime. He waa seen by a reporter and declares he will marry her if she proves to be Innocent of the theft. He says he does not de sire a thief for a wife. Thursday evening Esker was taken before Justice Montgomery and placed under $300 bonds to marry the girl before 0 o'clock Saturday evening. The young man worked at the packing house until noon, when he started for Omaha to get his marriage license. The wedding did not create much of a flurry, but it has prevented the young man being sent over the road for being the father of the woman's unborn child. VThe Fremont Canal. Fremont, Jan. 15. A large and en thusiastic meeting of business men and capitalists was held at the club rooms Saturday night to receive the report of the committee appointed to make a preliminary survey of the route of the proposed canal. The report was very favorable, and an estimate of 1225.000 submitted to cover the whole expense of the enterprise. The com mittee reported that 7tf per cent could be realized on the outlay from the start by furnishing power to tho man ufacturing institutions already under way. The sentiment, as enthusiasti cr"Y csprewwd, was to push the canal Jroject and have all the preliminaries rranged before spring opens. Guilty or Mardor. FrtutnTox. Jan. 15. At I o'clock Friday afternoon the Jury in tha case of Andrew Debnsy, charged with wife murdr, returned a verdict murder In the first degree, The prisoner shot his wife at their home near Uenoa, from the effect ef which she died a few day later. He claimed that he wa orated with liquor at the time. fNiteral effort were mad to lynch Debuey but public sentiment sustained the authorities. The Jury was out forty -six hours. rtramvli ( rromtoo Sulk Owama, Jan. IJ.-U August, I9S, Edwin J, 1W11 proposed marriage to Mole M. Darl and was accepted. The wed ling eat fr ( hrUtma. l or a lime every thing went well, but Ed win' ardor fooled, and when the titna eaw Ut the wedding h was not there. Mn January H, I ha luarrWI tiara Morgan. Thl a ttt n ttiaa l.Ut e.iul.1 patently ud and ah . the tkkla K.Uln fr iih iwhi tUmafr a ff 4tlig lo keep his prtwaUe. A !m at ft, two, :.itu t !, jS, J4I H.-rtr, v diHtvar.l at S J vrLrd snlf ta lit IL.thrftlmrf water tmrt aud Investment nitntui' fa (fV. a Urge t story bU k liuilditif, .tliuftvl.ettd lalMtt hour I ho hailh Uitf ws tltroj.l, 'the raw vt th Hi U uatiiM. 1 he ). Uelltuudt al-t tr.0t, UUW4 aa f..;tmi lii. th hUurf inimer aud intuut eottip-say. lmlduts; iVH. Insutane, ,tHOi VriM ra t ItHttiaiicet tlxtnaaku'f tNerail and Ihirl oMfiay, U.StM, turett, 1 he altv ha a fire arvhMtUut. JEBBT SIMPSON FOR FREK TRADE. The tVoadar of . tha Hoau Populist Forces Talks on tho Tarltt Washinqtoit, Jan. 15. In the tariff debate yesterday Mr. Simpson of Kansas said that while he Intended to vote for the Wilson bill, there were many provisions in it which he did not approve of. He was not oue of those who ever believed th Demo cratic party, brought to the test would carry out its pledges, for he knew, while there were honest Demo crats, the action of the Democratto party, like that of the Republicans, was controlled by tbe money-power. "Tbe People's party," said he, "stands on a platform pledged," as he inter preted it "to the principle of free trade. What I say here to-day in the discussion of the bill shall be from the standpoint of a free trader." lie believed the cause of evil times could be easily discovered if gentle men would divest themselves of party prejudice. It had not come suddenly, but bad been tho result of causes which began far in tho past and would have come long ago had it not been for the wonderful resources of the country aud the wisdom and in dustry of the people. The intolerable burden put upon the farmer classes through the indirect system of tax ation had been one of the potent causes which hod produced the pres ent conditions. The farmers of the country in 18S0 owned 00 per cent of the wealth; 53 per cent In WO; per cent in 1880, and 30 per cent in 18JU. It was at this juueture Mr. Simpson created great applause and amuse ment by treating the house to the ob ject lesson of his dilapidated over coat He proposed to show the house exactly what the poor people of the country did wear. Reaching down under his desk he seized a tattered old overcoat, fringed at the edge and bespangled with patches. He held it on high, while the house and the gal leries cheered. ' "I bought that of a farmer," said he, "who told me he had left borne at 12 o'clock at night and driven twenty five miles to sell his produce in your boasted home market There, as Mr. Cleveland said, is an object lesson. Laughter, , There is a sample of whut men wear under tbe benefi cent system of protection," he con tinued. "It is made of shoddy and rags see?" Here he ripped it up the back. "Yet" he added, "1 can nnd its duplicate on the backs of a million men in this country."' "Where did ho buy it?" asked Mr. J Cannon, representative ot Illinois. "He bought it a year ago in this city for ?8 and I bought him anothrr shoddy coat to take its place for tJ0.40." Laughter. "Is it American or imported?" asked Mr. Cannon. "I don't know," replied Mr. Simp son. "I don't care, but it is the pro duct of American protection. No one can deny that" Laughter and ap plause. Mr. Simpson concluded with an aDoeal to the people to ring out the old and ring in the new order of thinga. . Many members tendered mm their personal congratulations when he sat down. . FAT JOB FOR CARLISLE- Offered a Situation Worth 39,000 For . Year. Louisville, Ky., Jan. 1 5. Secretary Carlisle ha had a definite offer from a syndicate of Ohio capitalist to be come the president, general counsel and solicitor general of a corporation which is to establish ' a chain or na tional loan associations all over the country, with headquarters in Wash ington and the Ohio National bank, ot this city, as the center. The offer was made some days ago, and the salary of $25,000 per annum was made, with time until February, 1894, given him to consider the matter. It is not yet known whether he will accept Officers of tha North and Sooth Road. Topeka, Kan., Jan. 15. The direct ors of the Gulf and Interstate Rail road company, known as the "North and South railroad," last evening elected the following officers: Presi dent, E. Stoddard, of Wayne, Neb.; vice president, II. M. Drake, of JJrook- field. Mo.; secretary, Fred J. Close ot Topeka; treasurer, Albert Ortfiln ot Manhattan; general solicitor, JNoaa Allen of Topeka; auditor, li K. Can penter, of Huron. S. D. . Ivea Defeata Sloston. Chicago, Jan. 15. Ives defeated filosson last night by a score of 000 to 563. Bucuamanquina is the name of a new anecles of fibrous material re cently discovered in the United States of Colombia, It has many of the re m&rkable nrortertles of asbestos, and is perfectly transparent aa well aa in combustible. It can be reduced to nuln and molded Into llarht fire and . w waternroof bonrdi and ahintrlea for houses. The discoverer believes that It is adapted to paper-making, and mat it wui aio ue nsea in in manu facture of carpet and clothing. THE MARKETS. Kansas City Urala. Receipt of wheat for to-dav war at aras a ) ai u 1'rke vera quotnl at I he cloaa at follow. Nov I hard vheat, IVi Na I bard alien. lis Hit. 4 Sard aaeat tuo: rejid, T, Na. I red nheal. Ste, Nn IM wheat, Md. 4 rd wtMut, MVt tti-Ve In fair oVmaad at nah4 prue. lUausn lae tw!in wees al as lr bta wr U luur Kvelt ol eura V ! ' ear a t a a, M car Sa Imi soldatS'a, haa44tttr N Wliel ; Ntt t, KM ; Nu S whit, JI.MIS N Wkltn ai'.t N I n-aita a4 U4 t4 at Mt'tJfa M-'tt!ii h!Mwt bi4 MiuUl'j,v flivt tvf Hot t Itlftt, HI lltl IliK StlHK, Ktatt rut'uZ V It -fwltla-8 twtfi. i'r i auiptwd ?' ir, tn THe tt'tii tMft s.'-tr. wtaor ww,iS I luavr. fw, K) lva luar lK4M mU 4 Wlf t4 h f aa I a!fiwn staora. ti tt d H a4 BO.M t. 1'.i .s la ,!,..) iUwii Si . l.nt) su.l 4vt, ft) 4 a a NNil t. U. .',. I Vtit I eM, I t 1 ' i:.rv? U,St u4 1 1 fe', J tuac I'M tup tali aat SuiS 1 sales a M M i K asi..l in MS e4 b; Sk V In . ttWr4f .. ll.iw fU. tM ) SSIaaMhta TSS aat aw'iia a4 J M aeepaa4 strusHl M Uaawa Ta ltoaia4 ivfia laia K Wt fn H Wi ! itiiassm (is 1 r tn BUSINESS IMPROVED. DUN SAYS IT IS GETTING BET TER SINCE THE NEW YEAR. INCREASED INDUSTRIAL OUTPUT. A Widely Prevalent Impression That th Tariff Legislation Will Bo. Mor Satisfactory Than Was a First Fipeeted New Turk Over whelmed With Idl Money Hauk -Clearing. New Yobk, Jan. 15. R. G. Dun' Weekly Review of Trade says: "Busi ness has improved since the new year. and the gain Is no longer visible only In speculative markets. It Is the only kind of gain that has in it the possi bility of lasting, because it is based upon actual increase in the production of industries. , As all rc juice to see it there Is perhaps a little disposition to reckon the gain a little greater than it is as yet, but several large estab lishments that have started part fore hoping to increase, and more smaller works have started than have stopped. Orders from dealers whose stocks ap- broach exhaustion form a prominent cause; another is the widely prevalent impression that action at Washington will be more satisfactory than many have expected, and a belief that in any :ase the situation will not be changed until goods now in the work can be marketed has weight In some trades. Whatever the cause, even a moderate change is most cheering. "Hank clearings also indicate map no large gain has occurred a yet in tbe volume of business, being twenty-one . per cent smaller than a year ago. Money continues to pour into this city as It would not if trade , approached normal activity, and th demand is so narrow that loan are 8100,000,000 below deposits. Failures for the past wek have been 474 in th United (States, against 280 last year, and 67 in Canada,, against 20 last year." , THE D ALTON OANO. , Tuey Want to Compromise With Uncle Fans and Call Quits. Washington, Jan. 15. The proposi tion to compromise with tbe Dalton gang is now pending before the de partment of Justice. It is on terms calling for a two years'sentence for each member of the gang, this to set tle alL Tbe matter Is placed before the attorney . general by United (States Marshal Nix of Oklahoma. Marshal VI r nnrauiiii tn t Via at t.nrnnv iranara.1 that some time ago he was reached by. the members of the gang through a third party and this general propo sition was submitted. Those interested in making the offer' are a follows; Bill Dalton, BUI. Doolen, George Newcomb, Dynamite Bill, Arkansas Tom and Slaughter Kid. - HOGS, CATTLE AND CORN.' Crop Ileport Shows a Decrease In Hog . to Uo Marketed. Chicago, Jan. 15. Mallory, Son & Zimmerman company hare issued their crop report on hogs, cattle and corn. The summary of Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, South Dakota, Missouri, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Indiana, Ohio and Michigan indicate ten per cent less of hogs to be marketed the first quarter of 1894, compared with the last quarter of 1803. In the same states the report show an increase of three per cent of the pigs for spring and summer market compared with 1893. Eight per cent less cattle for the first half of 1894 and eight per cent more corn is on hand now than at tbe samo tima last year. ' ' , ' TRAIN ROBBERS FOILED. K Missouri Faoino Englueer Who Was Too Sharp for Them. Fredokia, Kan.,' Jan. 15. The Missouri Pacific south-bound passe a ger train 489, passing here at 5 p. m. was fired on by five supposed train robbers near Monett Kan., at 7 o'clock last night The train was in charge of Conductor Holmes and Enginoe. Wilson. The firt noticed was some rocks strewn along on the track and the displaying of a red lantern. A de mand to Engineer Wilson to stop was made with an oath, but Wilson, sus pecting danger, did not stop, but opened up the engine and pulled through to Sedan. DRAW BRIDGE FALL8. feisty Man Throw Into m Stream by tha Cullapee of a Hrlrisje. Loso Island Citt, N. Y., Jan. 15. About sixty men were thrown lute Newton creek lat night by the col- lapse of a section of a temporary draw bridge over the creek connect ing Itardley uvenue, t Laurel HIU, with Meeker avenue. Jut bow many nieu were J row ned can not a yet be drtei inlued. The following were on the bridi(e at the time and have not Wen aet'ii since; I'etrU-k Urmlv, It. Msrvkry. tusirg Mills, Michael MMhusy and Jittium Hmith. JeaiaiHf taase llurrtble Mavdea. l'ioi ?iai)tt, Al., Jn. 14. Laat venlug tahllj VYaah liolwrta, a young farmer, wa earorting rriacill linw kin to church, Urael Johnaon, an other farmer aud a jvaioua rival, eutoiyittg front a hi-' In if ia'. ilfatt ;,ttn a blow on the had with aa as, killliitf hliu. Ji.itnva than sued the girl with lh Inttuilmt of atintn her als hut '. pre van tod by frltiU'i miming up iplunol Meat the tKMt .tluhlsO, Wahii.i (ut, Ju IJ, The prinvi Mt hutiuewt aoc tutpliuUe I at i tr dj' iiou of the e..-U eo mitli of tha Hti uit H Miiia riiMiuUt waa the adoption f ttt frs.iiutioiu the iwiHwbo t aLIr Hit 4 irke of vurtf jo'.U'T I ho Brat deiwaU'U th adui on wf I lah t staUho.i.1 and tUo other Itvora U solatia hi ( aU the tcrir M tv to statehood.