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About The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1894)
THIS ALLIANCE -IN DEPENDENT. JANUARY 18 1894 , TIIE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESoON III, FIRST QUARTER, INTER" " NATIONAL SERIES, JAN. 21. ful ml the Vftvnm, Ga. Iv, J-1 3 mrj Tersee Gold Tail, Hefc. Si, 4 On. as. ataxy by th. BT. D. M. to S. "And in process of time (at tbe end of fay 4) It came to past tnat Cain brougtit or tbe fruit of tbe ground ao off erlug unto tbe Lord." It is probable tbat somewhere ear tbe eaat of the garden of Eden, before the presence of tbe Lord, manifest in tbe lamina sword between tnecberubira, was the, place where they came to worship Je- kovah (Ki. xzr, 23; I'm. im, i; xcn, i. it Bay be tbat up to this time Adam bad Keen in tbe bablt of offering sacrifice on behalf of bla children, aa did Job In later days (Job i, 8). This offering of Cain may aart been tbe beat be bod, but it laclted the asenUal element of blood, sJipiifying a life kid down. Compare chapter 111, 21, with Ler. xvil, 11; Heb. Ix, 23. 4. "And 'Abel, be sIno brought of the firstlings of bis flock and of tbe fat there of. And tbe Lord bad respect unto Abel and to bis offering." Here is obedience, for it is written tbat by faith he did this (Heb. xl, 4), and Inasmuch as faith conieth by Bearing, and bearing by the Word of God (Rom, x, 17) there must have been some command of God which Abel obeyed in bringing this sacrifice. It Is probable that tbe Lord accepted Abel's offering by send ing Are to consume it, for tbns He did witb Gideon, Manoah and Elijah, and at the dedication of the tabernacle and tbe tem ple (Judg. vi, SI; Xlii, 10, 20; I Kings xviii, It, 38, U; Ler. Ix. 24; II Cbron. vii, 1). a. "Hut unto Cain and to bis offering He bad not respect. And Cain was very vroth, and bis countenance fell." His offering lay nconsumed; no Are fell upon it. It was doubtless much more attract! ve than A bel's aSlwwIv aUinHriidi A nt trust ttArliana thm flnskuf the earth produced, but it was of man and aot of God. There was no confession of ani and no need of atonement recogiiHied Just like those today who insist Jhat' if they do the best tbey can God wtll accept them. 0. "And the Lord said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth f And why is thy coun tenance fallen f" Although Cain is will fully .wrong, yet the Lord condescends to feaaea with him, and if possible win him t tbe right way. He is not willing tbat any should perish, and He seeks in every possible way to lead sinners to accept tbe ransom He has provided (II Pet. Hi, 0; Job xxxtil, 24, 30, 80; Isa. 1, 18; Ir, 1, 2). T. "If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted f And if thou doest not well sin lleth at the door, and unto thee shall be bis desire, and thou shalt rule over him," Be ing the oldest son, the birthright was bis and might continue bis if be would only be bedlent. Tbe word here translated "sin" to the word la Leviticus and Numbers m ften translated "sin offering." If Cain would only confess bis sin and offer God's appointed sin offering, all would be well God has but one appointed way, and where that Js rejected there is no forgiveness (Acts lr, 12; I Cor. Hi, 11). All religions In to tbe world will come under that of Cain aAbel, Cain represents man's way and will Include all tbe ways of men. Abel stands for God's way, and it is but one and ery simple. Jesus said, "I am tbe way" (John xlv. 0). 8. "And Cain talked with Abel, bis brother, and it came to pass when they were in the field that Cain rose up against Abel, bis brother, and slew hlra." Here are the two seeds, the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent, for although both could call Eve mother and Adam father the one stands for the righteous and tbe other for tbe wicked. All are not ehildren of God, for many religious people who profess to worship God are all the while children of the devil (John vlll, 44). Cain was of tbe wicked one and slew hi brother because bis own works were evil and his brother's righteous. 9. "And the Lord said unto Cain, Where is Abel, thy brother? And be said: I know not. Am I my brother's keeper?" How in hardens and deadens to all that is good and truel Cain la proving himself a good child of tbe devil, for he is now both mur derer and liar (John viil, 44). Is it possible tbat any of us are guilty in respect of our brethren In India or China or Japan or Africa? And aa the question presses upon m concerning their salvation, do we feel in clined to ask, "Am I my brother's keeper?" or try to quiet conscience with the thought that perhaps the Lord will let Cain's offer ing suffice for them. 10. ."And He said, What hast tbou done? The voice of thy brother's blood crleth anto me from the ground." All sin cries to God for vengeance. Even if a bouse is built by fraud, the stone shall cry out of tbe wall aud the beam out of the timber shall answer it (Hab. 11, 11). How much more the blood of those who are slain for Christ's sake (Rev. vi, 0, 10)1 Another lew of it, more in line of tbe last verse, is found in Kzek. xxxiil, 8, where the blood of the unwarned is to be required at the bands of those who know, but do not tell. In Heb. xil, 24, we are pointed to the blood which speaketh better things than that of A;1'" blood crk'" '"r1venKeanee! and Christ's for mercy, or if it refers to the blood of Abel's sacrifice that was a type of Christ IL "And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to re ceive thy brother's blood from thy hand." This is the first direct curse on man. The first curse was pronounced upon the ser pent and the next on the ground (chapter ill. 14,1?). H 1 suggestive that the lut word in the Old Testament t is the word ; at fct ha h i V .i.. ??L "curse.'' Wo fly to Him vain with Cain and rejoice that redeemed us frutu the curve of the law, being made a curse for us, and we lk fur ! the time when even on this earth there ' shall 1 no more run (Ual ilL 13; ltev. nil, ax 13. "When thou tillest the ground, it ball not henceforth yield unto the her strength. A fugitive and a vauahoiMl shalt thou be In the earth." Adam was told that the earth would bring furth thorns aud thisl leaf and that in the sweat of ht face ao should eat bit bread (chaj.trr ill, la, ) but this is much worso, for it Kk.a as if the earth would bsnreftxtk give tliis man little if ary return, Koine one baa said that Adam's sin brought on the givuiul fruit tulftet In vtl, while Cain's tn brought barrenness la guod, perhaps helping to arive theiu to the iithantci arts sttd the building tf elite, As to "fuiUlve and vtabottU," both word slguify tleeing, re sauviug, amltftug up au4 tluwn, aiut the word f tr v lyabuttd U"aoe!,uwhWa is vory Mggvstivo f Nod, where Cain afterward 4U(vre 16). U "Aad Cam said unto the U.L Mf suaUhwisnt to gmur th I aa laf." Or pr.i, aalttlb snargta, "M Ine lulijutiy at tu than that It suay be forxWvrv" bore U ftittvtM fur all who aroept te Sun t IM as Ikelr si a aft win, tut apart ram II Ua bee to as turwittaoaa, Urn pia. ill, at I Jma v, If. HOW TO AVOID A COLO. rate Trvatasras steeaanB44 Pbjatclaaw . The first important point to be consid ered is the (kin, for the skin supplements in functions almost every organ of the body, The influence of cold upon the akin causes a temporary blanching of the sur face. Tbe minute blood Teasels contract. and the blood recede and accumulates in deeper and more protected structures. The circulation, usually sluggish, is pro foundly disturbed, the nervous system is profoundly Impressed, and various un desirable symptoms indicate an immi nent illness. Immediately upon rising more leisure ly about the room for a few minutes, day by day increasing the exposure of tbe body, until soon you can take an air bath of fire or ten minutes' duration without discomfort This exposure should always be followed by brisk rub bing before dressing. Next use a sponge lightly moistened; then one which is not so dry. Soon the cold bath may be taken with impunity, and may become more pro longed and more beneficial as the skin becomes accustomed to it. These baths must be followed in all cases by brisk and prolonged rubbing of the skin. Aa the weather becomes colder the morning temperature of the room and tbe bath should become gradually lower until when you are habituated to them yon may venture to open the window a little on warmer mornings and expose the nnde body to a slight draft. During the night the mucous membrane should be hardened by 'leaving the chamber windows oton, guarding only against drafts, ' .Kememoer mat the draft through a two inch aperture is often more danger- ous man tne wina tnrougn an entirety open window, and that the hearty dinner is as active in causing a cold as the No vember blasts. Haw to Test Mushrooms. Good edible mushrooms peel easily. have a pleasant smell, are never shiny, and have 'white tops and red or black gills or stems. Pobonons fungi turn yel low if rubbed by a gold ring or if their gills are sprinkled witb salt Poisonous ones also tarn a silver spoon or coin black if either is put into them while cooking. An antidote if poisoned is pow erful emetics, followed by castor oiL How to Do Manj Little Things of Vr. Never build fire in a newly papered room until it has had time to dry. Clean cans seated chairs by turning them upside down and sponge in very hot water. Clean soiled wall paper with pieces of tale light (wheat) bread. Clean gilt frames with rainwater in which flowers of sulphur has been stirred. Remove stains from mahogany, rose wood or walnut by touching the spots with a feather wet in dilated niter. Bleach willow furniture after wash ing in warm snds by setting in a box without drying, putting a small dish of burning mlphnr inside and covering the box for half an hour. Soak bent whalebones a few hours in water; then dry them. Hang a mirror where the direct rays of the sun will not shine-on it to cloud the gloss. How to Tell Real Lace. All real lace can be dotected after much trying very readily. As it is made by hand, the mesh is never very regular, as it is almost impossible it could be. Ma chine lace, on the contrary, is perfectly regular, Real lace has the knots on the wrong side and very few of them. How to Um Remnant of Soap. Collect all the odds and ends of toilet soap, crumble them fine or break into shreds and put them in a double boiler. Fill the outside vessel with boiling wa ter, set over the fire and keep it boiling until the soap in the inside vessel is melted. Stir until perfectly smooth; then pour into a small, shallow dish to mold. If more than enough for one cake of soap, pour into other molds. If the remnants, the new coke will prob ably have a delicate odor of its own, or a few drops of favorite perfume may be added. If without a doable boiler, set a small pail or pan inside a large one. How to Make Frosting Without Egg. Take a half pound of powdered sugar, a tablespoonful of boiling water, the grated yellow rind of an orange and enough orange Juice to moisten it Put the sugar in a bowl, then add the rind, next the water and lastly the juice and use at once. How to roach Tggt and Serve on Toast. Salt the water well. When it is sim mering, drop lightly each broken egg from a saucer Into it Cook one egg at a time, throwlnir the water from tha sjae, carefully over the egg to whiten t0P' Wben C00kcd cnouh out the egg with a perforated ladle, trim off the Pioc n K on "nail P' of buttered toast Sprinkle a little alt and pepper on each egg. A muffin ring in the water will keep the egg in shape, Uow to lar With a Crochet Kind Is. To darn a stocking neatly, take a fine tevl crochet nwdle and with it catch up the woven stitches crooswise, using cot ton that U suitable In thkkneasaud color. Fill in the hole with a chain stitch, work tug back and furth as U darning. How to ! a t htrk.a. There arc two excttlWnt ways of singe ing a chicken. The Ut is over the blase tf an alcohol lamp, Another way U to light a hxxMiiy twisted newspaper on th OuUlde cf the i'ovo and hl 1 thochU-ka ta the riyul tund, quickly passing it back and Mil through the fUmoa. Uow to ! t'rMl4 h f loait, Rub a pound of ahhtu,at potash An as poaaiUR and lull it thoroughly with 4 poobds of soft sp, A largo list spoonful 4 this shvuM be mixta with sat h gtlla of soft wstr aad tit tdaat WU spray) with the otdotum. K. 404. Traa.po.Uioa aad Acrostic Mj initials, read downward, will form tbe name of a city la Prussia: YBMOBA-A city In India. HERXO A river in France. ERSEHT A girl's name. LI IBS E A-A province in Prussia. ROLEI-A river in France. LXAAEIRXDA A town in Egypt BLAU A river In Russia. Mo. 405. Connected Diamonds, O o o o o o o ooooooooo O 0 O O O O ' o O ' O O O O o o OOOOOOOOO O O O O O O o o I Upper left hand diamond: 1. In shreds. To place. 8. A governor. 4. A number, In shreds. II Upper right band diamond: L. In shreds, a A cover. 8. Acted Irrationally. . a vegetaDie. o. in shreds. Ill Lower left band diamond: 1. In shreds. 2. To force In. 8. Ik-came furious. 4. Encountered. 5. In shreds. IV Lower right band diamond: L In shreds. 2. Period. 8. AppareL 4. A beast of burden. 5. In shreds. No. 406. PDules la Figaros. 1. Tom and Fred divide 23 vards of striae- between tbera, Tom getting 4 yards Sfeet more than Fred. What length bad eachf 3. Divide 00 nuts amona A. B and C. irlv- ing li twice as many as A and C 5 more than B. Xo. 407. IlluttrsUd Bobtta. No. 408. Anas-ram. Be si ts on the fence, while on each slds around him The fiery patriots mutter: "Confound him, To keep ns so long In suspense! Why can't he join In like a sensible fellow To help us in drowning the other side's bellow! But there, while the green leaves begin to ton yeuow, lie sits oo tbe fence," Now answers serenely this man "Nbotbs MlKDCDi" 'My friends, you are every one partially blinded Br Partisan feellnes Intense. There's mud on both sides, and both parties are spattered. Tbe harder you struggle the more yon get bat tered. And he who would not have bis wits wholly catterea Mutt sit on the fence." No. 400. Beheaded Words. 1. 1 am not new: behead me and I am a story, behead me again and I am a bever age. , . 2. I am a peculiar grass; behead me and am an admirer, behead me attain and I am a preposition. 8. 1 am a fruit: behead ma and I am a kind of seed, behead me again and I am a baboon. r 4. 1 am a hard, transnarent anhatanm! behead me and I am a girl, behead mo again and I am an animal of burden. No. 410. Single Acrostic My initials, read downward, will form the name of something from which we net lights , 1. A European country. 3. A song bird. A nobleman. 4. A domestlo animal. An article of furniture. 8. A famous battle. 7. A small hotel 8. A weapon used in war. 9. A black fluid. 10. A coun try In Europe. 11. A measure of time. No, 411. Burled Trees and Plants. 1. When I see how he attends to his busi ness, I am not surprised at his success. is. Does .rio love Rachel or Gertrnr1 best? 8. A large moat surrounds the castln. which stands on a hilL 4. After a Rood niuht's rest he woke nn as fresh as a lark. 6. If I grant your request, you will owe me more than you suspect. 0. v c must travel manv wearv miles he. fore reaching his home. Brief, but Pointed. Revolution In the air A windmill. Hot springs-JumDlna from the frvinor pan Into the fire. llow to put a horse on bis metal Shoot him. Always gets in the Are Coal. Key to the Fussier. No, KWk-Numerlcal Enigmas low. Longfel- No, 307,-Pictorial Puwlei Camp-belL Swift, Goldsmith, R-eot-t. No, 808. Crosswordi Manitou. No. 8a9. Transposition and Acrostlei Inltlals-Klngusher. Crosswords King cups. Ibex. Nightingale. Gossamer. Flounder. Ioeland. Saucepan. HerrlnR. Ethel. Ithinooeros. No, 400.-A Btar I'usslei P A N PARADED NATURE DUNES ERECTS DESTROY 8 O Y No, 40i.-Mb.lug Utter Pusxlei Who would he A arm!4 fair, lClt aluue, tvmU(ng hr hair I'ntUr H. , la a gUl earl M ith a vnh el fart, On a lUinf N .-Wonl ln KttnK lujla. norniaiuiy, iinuiaud, llrumUk lUita tMur, W araw, .N.uklng. 1W, or! sand, an tnaa,euQi laiut, Amn na,ehti ltoiu, vl enia, ri ton, ua) a la, hlng, No. AbHriusi t. MutMl4, 1 Cuuuta, (.( lUualiUit I, ttir Ilh Kvaa. 4 Ittua An.lrvHilru. 1 UlhoUta fw Mortlaier, T. iVmstrtu. ft lrUv fl Arrann. f. fortlulr. 10, WtlUaw IhaksesMro. U. iVrtisllMa U Amirm aarh U. KalaarinA, the shrew, Pumas County Herd r BIG BERK HOGS AND Hclstein Cattle. j A few young males left Orders booked for sows bred. Choice fail pigs cheap. See my premium pig offer. H. S. Williamson, Beavzk Citt, Neb. '! IniifirziiHi .i:i'--.i:- r l SUre CUre for Hog affr Chickei) Cholera-I I have a positive, tried, proved and guar anteed cure for hog and chicken cholera, which ba stood tbe test of six years without ever msklnff S, fallllAA tyt mw bnnvli.. M .1... T ever heard of. It baa been used successfully in nundredsof cases. My father Is and has been for forty years a leading bog-raiser in this fitlnlv nnrf ko. Imt .n r. n v. . ' J 1 buu fmm iv.. wan UMK" ruiu cholera, but has never loot a bog or chicken """ uuinrs since tne aiscoTery or tols rem edy. One dollar will buy enough of the ingred ient at any drux store to cure &) to 76 head of hogs. I will send any person the recipe for only fifty cents. Send today, use the remedy and you w 11 never lose another hog or chicken from fihnlArs- Ann. ti.illtk..i.iH die. References: My Postmaster, Ei press Agent, or Pastor of Baptist Church, of which I am a member, or any business house or good citizen of this town. Agents wanted. Ad dress, Mas. Rachil v. Thomas. Cowarto, Alabama. FREE SILVER rv"D PEERLE80 I s. FEED J rwlPRlr,DER0 saV CF JW"Jsislic a Farmer Hsppr. Ijf Orlnds more train to aif Tdearse of fineness tbsn auy f-ouiermiu. Orlnds ear-corn, - ju oats, eta, fine eaousb tor "" anjrpurpnse. Warnuitwl nix to ehoke. JOUETSTnOWBRIDGE CO., Joliet, III. CrtrrLS!) CB"o wW", The IOWA. PEED BTEAMEE Given away If it does not save its cost in one year. Martin & M orriisey M 'fg Oompany, Omaha, Neb. SwlBf lutllSL lsm Orsis rlMK Q4m Mills. Utur t-riini, jHksamt, Tnuki, mwmmmwm, wmm mum, ""7. Bdllas. a.M eiMa, Astllt, Hafl'ilUra, Drilla. SaaS Mm. Om Bo4a, Vkaa, lees Mtmm, tmrm SStlUrs, IhiIm auu7 IMihsM Ilia. UlSa. tuMUU Htm (arlt, Karat. SnMts.Wln trmm, Wriagan, laflaaa, Saws SlaalHIaaa, Cm San, Sahara, Taala, Ml Sraan, UfN IIH, Nu, Stack, II , Ralln llr4, riatlara ssSOjestar SCAUS. tmrnt far trmm falalana ISt So. ssSsnea St., OBIOACO SOAIB 00. 0M.fv,ai. Please mention The Alltanoe-Independent. ' EXCELSIOR HOME BAKER AND ROASTER The best navintr investment for a housewife None frenulne without brass fittings) our latest improved style, is a soua mane, nas aeep mini strontr but hlRh erate, and closes perfectly tin saves S3 per cent nutrlllouielements. Full de scriptive circulars on application. I also man nfacture the "New Success" stove mat and the Famous Frying Pan, etc . AO ENTS WANTED In every county in the U. 8. Address, CHARLkS SCHULTHE1SS, ,40 N Mam St., Council Bluffs Iowa rv li I am rsrnimkti. r Um Northetera Una Iaw rawia. last trataa. Offloc ll N viui rreMisat ffrr, To the vrra eoo'tltf la iHc largt iUl of yearly suWrtoeit ta TWM Al.M 4 NCR vtri'M'NT htlwca the JMh iUv wf IK aaj the 11 day of Jaa, IHUI, I Ut shift a tAurouffhWsHl lrt KaclUk IWiksh!r ptsf, ciUrs, wvrUl aotteecthaavtt, l. U. D. WlUllMMI, JI0VJ PICS : II I You can buy this beeutlfu! r S 1) I hsvo thousands ao beautiful bability that such vour order to niDPuii cniTu nnvn j imwii a oi.iiin rim w Organ Ft Warranietl for Fin. Years Frice,$4r9.'75. l"' l? Ml. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Agents Wanted for the A tfOSPEff 1 r f vr T7vm TTT n . State Stock Aftem Nebraska SUte Cattle farmers' Alliance. orrics amd ruAcuL majiaobb. Allen Root i iif smnif nnriMissinti picnnnnriTc alWIsi W I WWII WWIIIIIIIWWIWI1 lllkl IUI lllll I U Eoom 220, Exobauge Building.- RKfEBEHOES I First Nationsl Bank of Omaha. Commercial National Baak, Omaha. U. H. Y4s National Bank, South Omaha. Neb. Savings & Lxchange Bank, Omaha. Central City Bank, Central City, Neb. Having sold my farm near Buskin, Aiiweiiraiiiuwiowaio ffj:::j:i:j:ri::i:irj.-rrrjf . ' -. -. out cujou iu lue; grain iraue, i am situatea wnere i can oe oi material advantage to my PieDrasKairiend4 ana Alliance Brethren, wbo desire to sell their grain in this market. Soliciting the patronage of all such, I invite correspondence with a view to business, in any branch of the trade. Will give satisfactory references whenever desired both outside and inside the Farmers' Alliance; having formerly lived in Nuckolls county, Nebraska, and served as president of Ruskin Alliance No. 982, and also as deputy organizer in Nuckolls, Thayer and Jefferson counties. G.W.SHARP; CHICAGO. ILL. L. BANKS fcrwPcrciicron, English Hi Y horses won more nonors than any Importer's la America at tbe following fairs: IowifT j.". state r air, ia Moines; NeDrasxa state lovo. mj uiikr rmtuotuu pbajuuii, iioauit, to take first premium and sweepstakes over all prices, low Interest and long I lme visit the Crest one lune uiMiaui. luipunuviun j usv received. FRANK V ;e ; s i .mil,,,,., aa-mni.iaiiii.'i , . 1 MV uliu.iia, iiutiessi.d culU won Uts times st Winners in past nvs years. ITbey Were W1pper& of 527 Prizess IAMS It the only Importer In Nebratka that imported his P.rcheront in the past iHre. year tram Frsnee snd th. Iir)jt importer of (JlvJca and Shires. AI.I. ltl..C'KS. lams' hore. won sis swtepalskes prirMst N'ehrsaks but fair ol i,ij, and lim It the only n'a ol Mebnuka that tssntitled totheaameol t --SWEEPSTAKES STUD-J- ' IAMS tiUAHAM KK to .how y..u th. IjiruMt eollertioa o( BIO FLASH V DRAFT HOK8KS of the anm. breed, ol th HKHI" IN'Kl VI11' AI. MKKI l?A N D KOYAL HKkK 11U. xto ty Mr told inwloaioo w.ihln4 st AL.L1ANCK I'KU'KS AND TKHMS, on., Iw.and Ihrae years time 41 ( per cent interest, ur theaper than any tiis importer, or pay your tar. In m Ihetn, and Unit rays th. Ir.tht, More State Prlxe winners Than All Nebratka Importers. CHIIIl da Aunf iHmn iwinucrvi miim, n- ?JUU borst rvaHstOfii, Will. IAM8. t f.itl U on I In H A M,.ssd V. P. Ground IS NOW mvi hy nil tlio pnocinl fft-tlers of rtoek, rdiI ii Wtttr amvmnalnl m it roeritf lfHmie known. It w uetl (or stock of ull kinK nl you cannot lUTorvl tt fctt! Un for nmrkft witlumt it, Tlur in notking that hmUU m much in fattening THI.S MKAU Hfnl you b(t only to uo I? to U convinml ONK lDlIND H KQUAL TO 5tt OK COKX, Vut up h img ox iwtif men, inc If your il iilcr tWt not wo will hip jiromptly, ortlri ami TT7An,lmnn T t uwuwut uuioygu QRGANj43 If you buy it now. It has Ave octaves, solid walnut ease, with Ave sets of reeds; tbirtseo stops; double couplers; grand organ swell and every improve ent. Ho. 478 University Rojal Organ. It contains ill roods divided Into 5 sets, and is by far the most eletrant onran ever offered at this price. Send us $43 and wo will ship this Organ to you wltn Stool and boo a. ana jruarsnuw safe delivery: or nut S45 with your Banker or Merchant and we will send It to rou to be paid for after fifteen days' trial la your home. Cti:r Grrtss fresi $33 to $5C3. tmen In hualnns. M vnsrs and have Sold tens of of our onnns but never before have we offered an orsan at so low a price and there is no pro an offer will be madeaa-alnbr anyone. Send nn b east 21st street, uu., new yobk. Kimball Pianos and Organs Jr., Ojpahaf Neb. . . n George S. Brown. Salesman, Hog Salesman. & Company, SoUth Oijtaha. Neb. V V V J v y Before shlppini ask us for condition Sfsrset ana fr; J : i Nebraska, last spring, and moved hlr. WILSON, Creston, Iowa. -IMPORTER OF- Shire, Belgian and Coach Horses. Fair. Lincoln; and the Kansas City Fair, seaso&& , uu wy jjviujud Hiaiiioa. Sampson, never lailea r or stricuy nrst-ciass imported horses, low J City Farm, Creston, Iowa. Ten telephone to farm J IAMS Trnportcr apd Beder OOBlack Percheron, French Braft, Clydes and Shires. IAMS "Horn Show" at the great St. Louu, Kan tut snd Nebraska Stste lalra nf iSn, a nik. Ther won the grand bee herd prise "For Best I Herd of Draft Horses" snd over every Nebraska ltr"" mars how st the World's H'wti 4eomk Bute F.ilr over Nebraska World's PtW,,t ( uruw winitfra m iu ie, woa KUAfnnleVaivMy ' FRANK IAMS, railroad. St. Paul. Neb, Oil Cake. A 1-1 aal Alluw, 1 11 t all A.' jht krn'p it iktt u dmft or motwy. AM "rV'L -1 . r t fe uu w urns, y imvun. i ll V 7v t