The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, January 18, 1894, Image 5

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    (JANUARY 18 IM
1 w
Vyn, dragging others who. tnem, ana
Ca with falling prices, caused by the
Lrrency contractloa, Inability to obtain
ledlt and forced sales, carried financial
uin, danger and fear to all circles, and
v impelled all who wished to be absolu
y Vty f afe to draw their funds out of the
f banks and trust companies. But all
f, this vast loss, suffering and commercial
4 paralysis would have been saved had
J the covetous Shjlocks not first struck
y" A blow which threw down the whole
credit portion of business.
4 "Decided to push the next campaign
J t.a nMnairA at silver, railroad con
trol and retrenchment and reform in
State government."
.Alsisthe "too previous," anticipa
ted renort of the State ' Conference
ntnn which uasn't acted, action which
re did not take, could not take, would
.At u nut Rft ronndeni was ine
. . A. 1
writer of It that we were to take
that ho risked his reputation on writing
It Vfapofcnnil And Stmt it tO the
f nonconformist as an actual report of
our proceedings to be given nation-wide
," circulation. It is hardly possible that
, the writer of it believes he carries un
derhlshat the brains, the preponder
ate Intellltronce and influence to con-
trei tho present and' future action of
the Independent party oi mis di.wj.
Therefore it seems probable that he
'J W alone in wishing and working
forthe action to be taken which he with
ton tnnr-h faith anticipated. Therefore
it U worth while to eive attention
the wishes of the would-be party mould
an whom we refused to yield to.
It will hi seen at a glance that tne
iva conceived platform document
.tains no pirt of our national plat-
rm. or the characteristic iuew u
InclDles of Populism. It proposes the
ree coinage of silver:" but this, do
ihed from the financial system wnicn
e blace it in, a legal tender system
ovldinor the people all tne money
.Hout uaurv which they need to nor
. -
makes it of no permanent value as
'medv for wealth conceatration "nd
iirv. Tt la on v bv Draoinir uvoi
. - - r l 1 -
noney in such a system that it it worth
alklntr about. That is our opinion
k.t 3 1 am 1.1. ... n 4 .(mwA fa Minm
Miners ainer wim u, auu
tnough on our platform to differ, If it is
t to pieces to suit narrow-mmaea
Li Mmita. All who belle ve the
coinage of silver to be a solution of
he money or usury question, have un
latni-twA rnnm to stand beside US. DUt
,hey must keep their axes away from
bat we stand on, unless they are spoil-
Further, notice that "railroad co
Jrol" as
(jbe dem
Term, Is
trol" as distlngu'thea, irem gov
a . .
jntal ownership and operation,
demand of our national plat
the politic (?) change pro
Wed. But how many Populist are
there who do not know better than to
favor this indt finite declaration, this
inpoislble, already defeated method ef
Tecuring Justioe from tho transportation
lings? ' Government ownership Is prac
ticable, as is proved In many nations,
ad under it the savings in dividends
td economic administration and ser
oa are vast.
'a shall of course advocate retrench
ADd reform in the state govern-
it. and other state issues. But the
campaign will be fought chiefly
atlonal issues. We are to elect
bers of Congress and, through the
jjalature, a U. 8. Senator in place of
erson. What folly then to pro-
drop our national platform, our
coney and ti asportation prlncl
our all-corn prehemive antl-monop-
ld economic doctrines, for demands
all, bo weak, so lacking in robust
icrral principle, as to be without
vwer to bind men together.
RilfTAriA V. T)ki. ark lnn fha nrnnrl
Scretary and Treasurer of the Fire
in's Brotherhood, and pat and pres-
1 1
... . ( P
W6 4t (Jf tor of the Locomotive Firemen's
" T,g Jllne, has started a new railway
Iplojes organization planned to take
, not one class only, like each of the
iveral old organizations, but all, en
Leers, firemen, conductors, brakemeo
ftohmen, and the rest. The new or
Is called "The American Railway
fion." Wednesday oi last week Mr
lis addressed a large meeting of rail
.employes at Terre Uaute, lad , and
nh In a most lotemtlng speech
fat ckanglng conditions blog
ught about by the rapid ral'.r 'aJ
Mldatlon. lie 'bowed thai the or
Illations of tta present, local, dlvld
weak, are unable to bfr any rels-
cv w ' greater power, to ine
uTcrrai of srvW and pay dictated
ihe railroads. The rallrvad tuva
Is bvcotue nrly parts of afvw grvat
,hlor, ewitrulWd by won ha ar
bet prvdts from the hoiU ad
thlr employes at wU, Thgrat
'.'.ra line have entirely Uoae aar
lUy iaaUof terms with them,
i fo the people ta pay, and vs
i their eiuplojfM nail submit tu
Uusdr4 ua4 tv sty railroads ine
fytar tare Wa gbh4 Mp by Ihs
wrnUua U a hm yr
L M IWbs lrvhfu!ly says, "a I
htkd at the X!!llivl rlvvr
ea4 asd vprrawd hy ia
erpratla, the IVaanilva
VaarbUt sisteme
. Ibe It awl ealy Wadlsg the ralV-
wsv employes to organize for mutual 1
assistance and resistance to tyranny, I
butheiswith great aoiuiy eaucaung
them to vote intelligently and Inde
pendently. He has built up a great
magazine, a magazine wnicn is nuea
with the light of advancing truth. Its
contributors Include not the old
school professional, but the real econo
mists and moral teachers of the time.
h behalf of cur people in Nebraska
we reach out earnest hands of brother
hoed to these whose co-operative and
educational lines of labor converge and
agree with ours. The Interests of the
producing classes are one and Indi viable.
We rise to remark that the vote-
catching wisdom of politicians Is lm
DOEslblo folly in a new party. If lome
of our leaders of Influence, for example,
should be foolish enough to undertake
to cut away our platform of principles
to make it catch outsiders we could
never slip It under them, and it would
precipitate a fight within our ranks
that would 'politically destroy us. What
we have come together on munt be held in
tact. It is sin: pie. fundamental, moral
and economic principles applied to new
questions, which give birth to a new
Dartv: and the one possibility for it to
live and grow till it reaches its majority
lies in tho work of education, the tar-
ther enlightenment of the people. If
our present platform is right and eco
nomic, there is absolutely nothing to
de hut to educate the people to see It.
Politics and politicians are not wanted.
Cutting and trimming, compomlsing
and fusing, are suicidal. .
nomine out resruiariy eaca wees, aw
nuimr t ia innnueaa aua j ia9 iu
. . . ... m i 1L. A
miracle forbearance shown by Editor
Gibson Jn not cropping into poetry auj
more Liincoin JivemnK Aiew. .,
Sorrv Brother Dobbins is unable to
appreciate our poetlo muse, but some
people are built that way ana a con
aidemble number of editors, as
our experience proves. They have not
vet caught on to the Infinite rhythm of
all objects in the material world. . They
are too dull and slow to vibrate wnn
"the music of the spheres."
But we are torn by conflicting de
sires. Our esteemed contemporary is
convinced that the prosperity of this
paper is due to the disappearance of
our poetry; yet we have just opened a
letter from the modern Miriam, the
sweet singer of Bell wood, In which she
sav8: "I read your poems, and hope
you will continue to print them." How
to please the prosy, practical, pioaaing
Dobbins, and at the same time satisfy
the demand for our soul-stirring muse,
is the question.
Annual Meeting of the Farmers
The Farmers Mutual Insurance Co,
of Nebr., held their third annual meet
ing in the Windsor Hotel, Lincoln Neb.,
Jan. 9, 1884.
The meeting was very enthusiastic,
and was well attended by members from
the different counties.
The secretaries report showed $1,771,
900 Insurance, showing an Increase of
$1,3 19,936 during the year.
The losses and all expenses have been
met by the membership fees leaving a
surplus on hand of 12,655.72.
There has never been an assessment
in the three years existence of the com
pany. The following officers were elected.
President, J. W. Caster of Emerald,
Neb.; Vice President, J. P. Rouse, Alva,
Neb; Treasurer, A. Greenamyer of
Cbeney, Neb ; Secretary, W. B. Llnch,
Lincoln, Neb.
The following Directors were re-elected
for three years: B. H. Davis of Otoe
county, W. J. Hildreth of Fillmore
county, and J. A. Barr of York county.
Ths Saeretarr Appeals to Fuator Voor
ham to Praia m Bond 1111 L
Washington, Jan. 10. Secretary
Carlisle has written a letter to
Senator Voorhess In which he
makes a statement of the con
dition of the treasury and of the ne
cessity for measures being taken for
its relief, lie says that the time of
the house has been assigned to
the tariff bill until the SOth,
and for this reaaon he ap
peals to the onutt to take the Initia
tive In a measure ta replunUU the
treasury. He add that if prompt
action ut nut taken by contrreutlt will
be Decennary fur litm to iaaue bouds
under existing law.
The gold r-TT in the treasury la
now t.'Mti,0'M twiuw the 100,000,000
mark, ami a atill further reduciUxi of
abuut SVXJU.IKH) U .looked for
by February . Tha situation
U tiu-h It U ataid on good
authority that Secretary 1'arUala will
Uaue tHmU unUr thai authority of
thtaftof lrt In 0rdr l rt!nih
ttt tftilU rrv if ra rreaa does nut
act on hi bond sufKtUa within
thereat thirty iUv. It la'o!r4
that h will not alo the rtrr ta
fail WtfluW l30.tKKt.IHAl
Yiiitrv.., 14 lUs tuinp
trulUr f lh urren.y baa daclare t
JIUU t in f .r of thd rmit4in of
the UvWut Sailaoal Uitnks a M
mat A lirt dltl la4 f tvntv-nv
Nr al f.r ha Nalkwal lank uf
liMwatNi.l. "I! tlfl divnlvad
nf tntralv 4f mf rl t. th AlUd'
urui NUU wf Ail-w iupr-
qua. S, M ) a U ri lik.l..t iutr
kr aai f(ie ha M4uua .Natloaal
Uakof XladtauMt l a fuorm dUI
lul t taa pr al fur (he tkaraaae
hauoaal teuk f VJfHee, vr.
Ilorticultnral Notes r'or January.
E. F. Stephens president of the State
Horticultural Society contributes tho
The habit of many orchard lata la to
trim trees from March to June and to
defer pruning until that time. Exper
ience shows that trees may be trimmed
at any time after leaves fall, when wood
is not frozen. The mild days of Novem
ber, December, January or February
are preferable for such work. March
la often a rough blustering month dis
agreeable for orchard work. In winter
labor Is cheaper and less active demand
Leisure for more careful work Is at
hand. Pruning deferred until spring
opens Is of ten lost sight of in the rush
of spring business, literals also a loss
of vigor in pruning after trees are in
leaf. Remove most of the water shoots
dead limbs and such limbs as will in
future crowd or cross each other.
In removing large limbs It Is well to
follow in a day or two and coat the cut
surfaces with a thick paint of lead and
oil. -
In large orchards the use of mallet
and chhsel on limbs i to 11 inches in
diameter gives more rapid work. Care
should be used to cutclote to collar that
wounds mav hea' quickly. We pruned
most of our 80 acre orchard December
15th to January 4th.
Our workmen made excellent progress
and found the weather more comfort
able than average March weather. This
method avoids all rlek and loss of bleed
lng where trees stand 12 to 16 feet
apart in the rata as some orchards are
planted the altercate tree can be trim
med fan shape and prolong the useful
ness of trees which must soon be re'
moved to give the remaining tree more
light, air and moisture.
Young trees should be trimmed annu
ally with a knife and not allow them to
reach a stage where chisel and saw are
required.. Remember the sun rays must
not be allowed to strike with full force
on principal limbs or trunk, orsunscald
and borers will follow. Head low and
leave what eastern orchardlsts would
call a dense head.
Those who neglected the pruning of
grapes should no longer delay to out
back the fine branches called laterals to
three buds; leave two or three strong
canes with their cut back laterals and
drop these canes to the ground where
they ought to be covered witn hay
straw, cornstocks or even with soil. It
is not the severity of our winter cold
that Injures vines, but the severity of
the winter winds. The canes thrown
on the ground without any protection
dry less than antrellises guard against
winter killing of roots by winter mulch
ing. We find it profitable to haul city
stable litter 3 to 4 miles to mulch our
The solid roads of this period enable
us to haul large loads at small expense
This is the season when rabbits gnaw
young trees, unless extra care is taken
to protect them. Our habit Is to pur
chase tobbacco stems from cigar manu
facturers refuse sleep: To the liquid
add pepper or carbollo aold or blood,
and a little flour to make a very thin
adhesive paste. Apply with a swab.
Mice are guarded against in orchards
by putting out bits of beef tallow and
strychnine where the orchard mice may
and valuable animals may find it.
The importance of winter mulching
cannot be too strongly impressed on the
orchardist or gardener; keeps it ground
moist. And rotects roots from dry
severe cold. No better use can be made
of stable litter at this season than to
haul out to some small fruit garden and
orchard. Mulch rows and windbreaks
freely with straw. Do not forget the
shrubs and trees in lawn. Coal ashes
also make a valuable mulch that should
not be lost sight of.
A Flood of ratltluna Protesting Af aloat
tba WUaon BUI.
Waphwgton, Jan. 16 There was
OJ unusual flood of petitiona protest
ing against the passage of the Wilson
tariH bill in the senate to-day, after
the reading of the journal Mr. Mar
tin of Kansas, called up the house bill
authorising the Shawnee Heat and
Light company of Kansas to construct
a dam across the Kansas river in
6hawnee county, Kansas, and it was
At 13:45 p. ta, the sen a to, on motion
of Mr. Illll, went Into executive ses
sion to consider the Uornblower nom
ination, THE MARKETS
Kaasaa City "rain.
price vera Quoted at the close ta follower
Mt hard wheat. IH' No I hard wheat,
tosi. No. 4 hard wheat. Wo: rejatted. Ko No.
trodwhatU, Ma; Nt 1 r4 wheal, aJ Nov
red wheat, 10
ComYVm about Ha lower There was a
good drmuid at th dvellna unt soma tora
sold to to firm 'h, aa hi a aa oa IMurdir A
t umll tot 14 f'r atiMxt at W
Hn trU!4a. Iwelpt t4 aura ludt. M
Htr a taae a o, a far K f nliel suld at
t a e. Ke tit N't S atUod.
Na 4, r a Nut t ahita. a ilM 1 hu
kiv, .Na I whlka and Mttml aull at s
Metbi kh'i'l"1 'd MlHtUi4
liter Iwf N I cur
n,tt4" liii i 'ti'ik.
KMte (lit Hi, M 14 -t'aiita Ka
aatt. 4t if4t, I i' fttvat, .4 shlf
Bad Ht4dl. a till ) k I 'I lae ai
a dull, W w Iumi, 4 X
C4tii i Wtmtt W l. ia atMte, K4
Or sad fe!U r i-trw
fM4 txwf aa 4 klt-fa trv U ) I X
fin sad k i r It I i si tiMIU
Sua H ,a l l Ara
tlh ,vi ajue, Si-Attat
M.c - K I I l, tlH i fcl f I .f . 1 $H
Stit't"t tuid.r Ta, wit t J .il
s4 sk h , .fla i I tkMia t aa l I ha
Ta W a la a4 Ika hxik l l4
t.K;J iH wlHt t W a4t4.
kM-ke.,as I'M -4f. IMI aa
tiata. taaattMSat d4 sa4 WS
the Wtlealas a fa ? I auta sat.
Xa. Wt tT H W Ptm
W .. .. t IM r ........ N
Three Cent Column.
For Bale." "Wanted'TorExchange.-and
mall adwrtlaemenu tor abort time, will be
chared Xhum eeau per word tor each Inser
tion. Initials or a number counted aa one
word. CiBh with the order
If you waht anything, or hav anything that
anybody etea "wants," make It known through
this column. It will nay,
WANTED Butter, atrm anfl poultry at OI
South 11th 6t . Lincoln, Neb. Highest
price paid.
'ANTED -Twenty thousand new aubscrl-
TINOLKY A BURKE IT, attorneys at-law.
1 Ml l U f InMiln KTaK
miNLEY A BURKETT. atrorneya atlaw,
HAVK YOU anything to sell or trade? Then
advertlHe the fact through thla column
and be surprised at the result.
AGKNTS WANTR1 forthe sent selling Nov
elty out. 30.0UO sold the flrat week In
lioxtnn. amDle br mall 15 eta. Newled in
every dou. Address, w. a. miuu.m.i, do,
1 Revere Bt , Lowell, Masa.
REMEMBER that Tm Aixiaxcc Indkpkn
DRNT Is the best advertising medium In
the wext When writing to auy of our adver
tisers don't forget to tell them where you saw
For Sale.
I .OiiO sores in Lancaster county. Klrttt class
Stock Farm at flt.W per acre. A well lm
nroved ti nectfnn at t:tO(J: ona at f-S 00 One
Smiles from Llnci ln, best In the county at
Wfi uu KM) farms for sale or trade. Koine pen-
nine bargains. H. 0., uroker, U'Ul u
St., Lincoln, neb.
400 choice Eastern Nebraska farms IM clear.
160 moderately Incumbered. Price from SIO
to IM dct acre. Write exactly what you want
ana wnrre yon want it. a nuiuuer oi excel'
lent bargains If taken soon.
C. R. BOATBICHT, 301 N. Y Life Bid.,
Omaha, Neb,
A Hotel Fire and a Bloat Brutal Murder
Mystery Cleared Up.
Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 16. Rudolph
J. Peuhmann, proprietor of the Cream
City hotel, in which Mrs. Schruins was
found dead after the building was
partly destroyed by fire last Friday
morning, confessed at noon to-day
that he strangled his av?ed guest for
the purpose of robbing" 1 xr, and after
ward fired ber room. lie failed to se
cure the woman's money, lie is now
fechmann said business had been
dull with him for two years. Us knew
Mrs. Schrums had money and It oc
curred to him that he might manage
to secure it For a week before the
fatal Might he watched ber every
movement Just before no was going
to bed last Thursday night he heard
her get up and go to another room,
lie concluded that his chance had
coma and ha went into her room.
When she' returned he threw a blanket
over ber head and choked her to
death. lie then made a search,
but found nothing of value.
Then he went down stairs and told
his wife the old lady was dead and
they might help themselves to wnat-
ever they might find. She refuaed to
accompany him npstaira and he re
turned alone to make another search.
Unon his return to the room Le
found that Mra Schrums showed
e!rns of recovery and he choked her
again. Then he set fire to the place
and threw a lamp upon the floor.
While the fire was spreading he made
a final search for money, but was
again unsuccessful When there was
a prospect that the fire would leave
him worse off financially than when
he committed the crimes, he called
the fire department
Mrs. Pechman will not be arrested,
as she says she had no knowledge that
her husband intended to secure the
money by committing the murder.
The whereabouts of the murdered
woman's money is still a mystery.
One of Chicago's Moat Prominent Dual
naaa Man in a Sorry flight.
Chicago, Jan. 10 George M. Bogue,
one of tho most prominent business
men of Chicago, has been accused of
the misappropriation of about 973,000
of the funds of the Presbyterian
hospital of which he was president
He admits that there is some entangle
ment with the hospital, but says any
discrepancy will be made up im
mediately. .
Last summer Boguo made an assign
ment and withdrew from the big real
estate firm of liogue & Co. and It is
said that the misplacing of hospital
funda was the result of hla financial
Developments regarding the sale of
the Hev. Mr. Anderaon'a homo, which
waa the subjeot of a suppressed law
suit, show that liogue paid Dr. Ander
son 110,0'K) or 813,000 to avoid going
into court over the matter.
About two years ago Henry A.
i'hipna of l'hlppa, Carneigle A Co.,
Pittsburg, sent to liogue a check for
173,000 to take up a note given for the
purcbaae of acre property. Phlpna
came here himself to find, It Is said,
that only H0.0O0 had been paid of the
$73,0O aent on and that Vogue was
using the balance, liogue In an Inter
view, eiplaina that tkta matter waa
Ka Adjaaraweat of Cvlaradu'a i:tf
Siva ef Ilia tagtaUlara.
Dksykr, Cut, Jan. 14. It Ii now
definitely settled that the eatra ae
aioa of the legislature will couitaue
far at leat thirty dare. In tba ami
thU morninf, Mr, Hunter, w ha had
Iters the uimt bitter opponeftt of the
session, iiililu-d a reKlulWut In
atrufliiia I lie various commit tea ta
glvv rf.rii. to all bttt ta
g'. relivl la lh wurUngmrit
It U given uut aeml wrMtstlr that
tha mwt & wtlt aut wWirwvt
legUUliun, bat will art utK atty
tuaatur ovt ly th ttu.
TetrUt to I ! i lia and VI rotaU la
the HMtlt bttea'ng IW, lit lH
the Mtaanirt I'st'tfle raat hav oa sate
IVurtats heta Ul ail tla'a la IMarld
titv'tfls N rh I'aHUIaa. atn.ta I "ami I
a. New Via i Vc4 Alaaaia, Tetaa, and
litisae ItokaU guud ta ntltir JxM
let, hvt. Ihe abut. a the Koulhara
raue yna hav tmt hat U-ea lislf
lur. tail at City Ticket olTe .V u
Heal W
Fine lots and acre tracts for tale near the colleges. Fine homes and business
blocks In Lincoln, and lands throughout
wish to ouj, sell or trade write or call
Improved Farms
Attorneys-at-Law, 1026 O St.,!Lincoln, Neb.
Windsor Hotel-
Gov. .lift VQ Sts, Lincoln," Neb.
' a
Capital, $3 5 0,0 O O.
First : National : Bank,
Capital, - - - 400,000.
Stir-plus. $loaooo.
inn i
President. F. M. COOK, Ass't Cashier,
C. A. HANNA, Cashier. H. S. FREEMAN,
Vice-President Ass't Cashier.
N. S. Harwood, John Fitzgerald, J. D. Macfarland. R. E. Moore,
D.W.Cook, Charles A. Hanna, A. B. Clark, T. M. Marquett,
John H. Ames, John L. Carson, F. M. Cook.
Van Morehead
Proprietor of the
Soutn AIMoa Poultry Yard
ban taken more premium! on
poultry than any other breeder
in Uuma Cr KU V.nrlcmm
T f Li M'UV ''Wit mtwvrrm ...v -
i4 stamp lor reply If you want a
J good Fowl or Eggs.
For Sale.
Electric Motor
In good condition. Will be sold
cheap if sold soon. . . . . .
Pie Oa TUCfkkYl
Corner 11th & M Sts., Lixcom, Neb.
Fine Stock Auctioneer.
1 209 O St Utpcolps ?wb
Jan. 2S Lampe tiros,, Vanwert, Ohio,
Nuttra ta aerefcy (Wen. that by tlrtoe sn
order ul Mmh4 y Ike i lr l U I'l.irl.
( uurt ul ihe I blrtt JuOK lal Hwlrirt 14 Ntbraa
ha. amain u4 d.r Lm aiat ruttnijr, In aa a
il.n whcivln AlunuU. tiairt. U I'Utttiifl. ao4
tiwa A IHtthaalie at al ate 4ra.letii.
it. at I a . at , tke tia i ra
t urf . a . Ivt. at lha k ! "I lae t'nitrt
titu, la ihe rny ol l.iw. lmtmktt
t uuuit. NtHka. " at I' iihi i' auo.
M'w lkMlai.S HM aaie lt: it l kl wa at (ill tl l.v
S't a aetit tat l.uia t.aafwe ruatity.
,N, au.l M k tif n 'a ti a krw . , la
fm a. tUtt..b'a a-HUti. to Mttia
t.t ' Ski
! uh4r a. ka ta a ! Jaa
aT t lH last A. iiaa
J 14 Ii all
Tk Miaaourl IV ine ruu are svll
lo rtnd t'tu tt ku ttia lraatiltv
fal. for .u.J. TWaeU gtKd UHUl
A (r tl Mb, h t.
Tttl'WrM hfw ftwet hlmitn lt
Jaauaty. tit te Miurl l'a ia nuW
Vf t)ckt tiit'u-. . tl.lnet.
MiHiad trits Ik-kala ia IturlJ.k nalata
on saU ftl aatil J use t, 14, ia
tia MaMuii hum reut. vtt i uswt
1 Bier.
Nebraska, for sale or exchange. If you
upon me.
County, City, Precinct and
Taxes paid for non-residents. Strict altsn
tion given to collections.
Lincoln, Nebr.
Natl Bank,
Cheap Rate, Quick Trip.
The travel from the north and north
west territory, tapped by The Great
Bock Island Route, has demanded
servloe of this character, and beginning
October 5th, tourist oars will leave
Minneapolis every Thursday morning
and join the regular tourist train out or
Chicago every Thursday afternoon at
Columbus Junction, Iowa, at 11 P. il.
Central Iowa and the great west slo.e
district of the State, demands and will
receive a similar service, and beginning
October 10th, a Phlllips-Kock Island
Excursion Car will leave Albert Lea
every Tuesday morning, and via Liver
more, Ft. Dodpe and Anjrut, will arrive
at Dps Moines that evening, and Wed
nesday A. M. go west on the "Big
Five,'r via Omaha, Linooln and Belle
ville, at which point it will loin the
regular Tucsdr y train from Chicago,
Full particulars aa to cheap rata
tickets for this trip and also aa to cost
of berth In the tourist car cheerfully
f lven on application to any Great Kork
aland Route Ticket Agent, or agent at
onupun stations of connecting Hare.
J no. Seiastiak. G. l A., Chicago.
Touttats from Minnesots Points
Commeaclng October (th, a Tourist
car Waves Minneapolis every Thursday
morning and runs to Pueblo and via
Albert Lsa to I'olumbua Junction, ar
rivf2 at 1 1 7 p- m. and there connect
with our C. It I & V. train No. It
which Ul bold at tht point lor ar
rlai of the II C 11. A N- train carry
tng that cr, and via Kenan City arrive
atVubloaoead morning.
lWlaalag Oowhr luta. Tour (at ear
will (.-ate Alburt la svary Tuty
moralna and rua via MlaaeaiadU tit,
1mm ta lQ. through Angus talVe Molaoa.
arrUlag at eight, and there la? ova
and be usee ei wt "big I'iva" Yri
liay tuoratng, and rua vbutuaha, Ua
ia asd lWUtf tile Vi Puvbluv I lllli. I.ll MM
The MUeourl I'atRo route bae gut
th Wialar TvarUu ticlte'a ta tU
e.ith en el, gtwd ta rettua Juee 1S
Ue that yu tlvi't. h ad via the
MUwurl lVifirtMita f.r Ha rraat'lscti,
t at. iJ ticket tm- O stmal.
TttirUta raws M all Hals la Nw
MJ (he MiaatHtrt fautlt rwuVa,
gt4 uatlt Jte Ut. 14. City I k feet
office 11 O street.