The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, January 18, 1894, Image 1

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    ' X ....
The Alliance-Independent
Advertising nedlum
'la the west. It Is especi
ally valuable as a means
of reaching The farmers.
Its circulation b as large
In Nebraska as the cir
culation of all the "f ta
Journals" combined.
Give Th Aixiancb
Indetsndeht a trial if
you want good results.
To Every Lover
of the People's Cause!
Dear Reader: We are working for you and yours. And that
our work may be made effective to the utmost will you not help us
III UUI Clival. ia iAJ Acavu uuu uvuiu uaavj vvjxv fi v ... w
at command to send a canvasser to your neighborhood, , and if we
had, no stranger could do as successful work as one who knows the
people. We must depend on voluntary help to advertise and intro
duce our paper, and we appeal to you. for the cause' sake, to help
us reach as many as possible in the circle of your acquaintance.
" V t A T A, A J Mvi inlrA 1 Slit tf-tf T11
it neea not do an expense w you. iu neeu uuu taivo uiutu uj. juui
time. And by telling the truth about the Populist state paper and
handing copies to your friends you can easily induce them to sub
scribe. Is not this your part, your propaganda work.' That we
may know our helpers and communicate with them we ask that you
sign and return the appended pledge, to do simply what you can for
.The Alliance-Independent in the way of getting subscribers.
Lincoln, Nebraska-
Knowing that in the great impending conflict with the money
power we must have votes to win; and that to gain votes we must
e-et the DeoDle to read the truth: and that this cannot be done un-
less those now aroused bring one or more of our papers to the hands
.and attention of their neighbors; I, therefore, freely and gladly
promise to do my share, and will exert myself to secure at least
five new subscribers for The Alliance-In ev ' ent within the
next ten days, sending m subscriptions as I am able to get them at
-club rates.
Dated 189..
battle ' With outlaws.
Oae Is Shot Dead. Auother Mortally
Wounded and Two Officer Hurt.
Westoit, W. Va., Jau. 16. Infor-
matlon was received here yester
day of the apprehension of Calvert
and lien non Fleming, two notorious
-outlaws, for whom the state of Vir
ginia offers a reward of 82,000 and
the county of Wise 8800. They are
charged with having committed five
different murders and several high-
J The Fleming brothers have been
' fugitives from justice for a long time.
When the oflicers demanded their
surrender the desperadoes resisted
arrest and opened fire upon their
pursuers. The shots were returned
by the officers, and a fierce conflict
lor life ensued. uaivert uieraing
was killed outright and his brother
Hennon was mortally wounded with
three shots in his left breast Two
of the ofllcers, John 11. Bran ham and
Doc Swannell, were seriously wound
ed. The injuries of the former are
considered fatal. A clerk In the store
was ftWo shot in the shoulder, but la
not thought to be dangerously hurt
Stricken With Paralysis.
Pittsburo, Kan., Jan. 16. Ed Van
Gundy, a prominent attorney and pol
itician of this plae, was stricken with
paralysis at a late hour last night and
ispowlna critical oiiiiloo. Mr.
Van Gundy is a partner of Morris
Cligget, assistant United States dis
trict attorney, and U well known la
Southeastern Kansas.
The Moore-fuaatoa
Wahiuxotox, Jan. 18.
I Moora of Lawrence,
Colonel IL
has arrived
g his contest
for the purpose of shapln
against run ton. The
strongly point to the
0 rival I ii g of
melon. The vote will
the ujunmlt lee January 8
In takeu by
Te MM Ht-jr and lied.
ltRAtaa -c. Neb, Jan. 16. John
Kennedy, f Lincoln, vUlted his
4iv0rv-e4 wlf hrr lt evrnlng la
order t tla lr child Tl
womsn I an inrl d and while her
tteutton ii el!4 tu uthtr mllr
' Kennedy rt)MK a cliuli abut the
baby aiul H.hL
vellt Atrinee ae thliM
Crcrut, J U Co'itwrador
i.jf4tn atlihe4 the UmsUU aa I tae
Utt retreatet loin Kul Tbv
afterwards rtr iti ! kd hi
f eatt' aalives sal defeat4
ts U ( t me a kiU4 aa4
A re MilMit le i,
Vaia Jsa. UUilUa lUarv
Vi'iMldtitgWii, tl.edttii uUhe l ) It
tatirut4n and tlijd xmIUI. wh t h
W eriwly )tl wltk Utetwtss dU
J.Q i M
mil l I
A New Chicago University Uulldlnj De
faced Female Studeace Ineulted.
Chicago, Jan. 16. The faculty of
Chicago university were highly in
dignant this morning when they found
that the dark grey granite walls of
Kent laboratory, which was recently
dedicated, bore in bright green letters
the name of a sophomore secret so
ciety. The paint can only be removed
with great difficulty.
On the doors of Kelly hall, the
dormitory of the female students,
were hung signs brought from Mid
way Plaisance "The carnival dance
done here." "This way for the genu
ine muscle dance,"and others of a like
Another Ulockeoo Case.
St. Louis, Mo., Jan, 19. R. G Mil
ler, financial reporter of Xenla lodge,
Knights of Honor, of Xenla, Ohio,
who disappeared recently with a por
tion of the order's funds, sent from
her a postal card January 13 to his
wife, stating that the writer while at
iJuckles, Ohio, wan attacked by three
men, who struck him on the head and
threw him into a freight car uncon
scious and took from him his pocket
book containing all his money. The
police there are looking for him.
Albany' Itlcheet Man at Iteet.
At. bast, N. V., Jan. 10. Albany'a
wealthiest citizen. Nelson Urndsley,
whose aocumuluN'd 'veallh U variously
estimated at from a,ooo,000 to 110..
000,000, died to-day la his STth year.
A itiui t Mee '
Tot-EKJt. Kao., Jan. 16. The count
funds of Kiowa county to the amount
of J3 ooo were tied up In I ho bank of
Ureenftburg, reiently taken pelon
of by Hank fommlutionvr linirdoiv
thai Tiie liabilities of the bank are
far In txce of the aet, and It Is
thought the county will lose nearly
all cf U ugpiwit.
t.llluelieUet le See far Itaatecee.
8ai 1'avxciw.M, ixn. 1 1 The Aoa
tralia brought a statement front a ear
veepon Unt in H ntdul. t the effoct
that ea (Juea MHuoaalanl Its en
tirely abeaduNed alt hoi- of ever r.
gaining the throne of lUwail, and l
now rtrtin arreiiireint'Rla for
bdinfli'if a eialin agalt th tnit.'d
itat fvr an luuciue aiuuunt vt
lee Iweatr Itte Iea K4He
Mii.wtikSit, WU, Jn, ltl(rr
4tt hlf t UU.I U ul.-Hl, aged tl
year, lie bat Uen iu t litet (f
the Abead l't f title city fur three
ye- r. but h it been r.mui vtvd nUh
ti.e Mttwuk.e n t .avr f ir m rly
twenty Itv )ear evi.aiu kr frota
Cottinu'lU lit.
Vee NtVh"WR Itaa V ClU!4t
!. rt. tut Iralrw. Vf.ic UM
A New Complication Probably lo tbe
Hawaiian Imbroglio.
Sax Fiuscisco.Cal., Jan. 16. There
is a prospect that the United States
officials, either at Honolulu or in
America,, may have to answer to the
charge of breaking faith with Presi
dent Dole. It is said that Minister
Willis grew impatient at Dole's delay
in formulating his reply to Willis' de
mand of abdication and urged greater
haste, whereupon Tresldont Dole
called upon Willis and frankly ad
mitted he did not propose to submit
his reply until the arrival of a vessel
on which It would bo dispatched
simultaneously with the departure
of the Corvin hereuponVillis agreed
the Corwin should carry the dis
patches of tho provisional govern
ment Dole then hurried forward his
reply and sent it to Willis, who dis-
f latched the JCorwin early nex morn
ng. It transpires that no dispatches
were delivered by the Corwin to the
Hawaiian representatives in America.
It Is also ald the queen's , death
from heart disease is liable to occur at
any moment. Smothering spells have
come upon her with alarming fre
quency of late. Visitors are prohibi
ted and every precaution taken to
prevent excitement Threats against
her life have greatly helped to accel
erate her trouble.
Nearly Three Hundred Women and Child
ren Horned to Heath.
Sa Fbancisco, Jan. 16. The Ta
cine Mall steamship City of Pekin,
brought details from Ningpo of one of
the most terrible fires on record, which
occurred in the big -temple in that
city December 8, and caused the death
of nearly 800 women and children.
The annual theatrical performance in
honor of the gods was being given In
the temple. A boy threw a lighted
cigarette Into a heap of straw, which
blazed up, aud the burning staircase
prevented the people from getting
out There was a general rush to es
cape. Some were trampled to death,
others jumped out of the wlddows and
were either killed or so badly injured
that they were unable to escape the
flames, and so perluhed, while others
passively awaited, their fate, which
was not long in overtaking them, and
they were roasted alive or suffocated
by the smoke.
Those on the Wei tern III vis Ion Have
Three Months' Salaries Duo.
Denver, CoL, Jan. 16. A committee
of Santa Fo railroad employes from
La Junta, CoL, inform Governor Waite
that the engineers, conductors, brake
men, switchmen and trackmen of all
grades on the Western division of 'the
road have received no pay since last
October, and many of the men and
their families are on the verge of star
vation. Governor Waito laid the matter be
fore Judge liallett, of the United
States court yesterday and Judge lial
lett decided to present the matter by
letter to the receivers at Topeka, re
questing them to take immediate
Will Divide the Itlltlard Torse.
Chicago, I1L, Jaa 16. The tie game
between Shaefer and Ives, to de
termine first and second place in the
billiard tournament which cloned Sat
urday night, will not bo played.owlng
to the ditlkutty in securing suitable
halls. Sweepstakes, 11,500 and HO per
cent of the net door receipts, will be
equally divided between Sohaefer and
Ives, each of whom under this ar-
raiigcmuut will receive nearly 13,000.
Killed by an Enraged Steer.
iNHrrKNDEXOR, Ka., Jan. 16 John
Gelger, a middle-aged German who
worked on the farm of J W. Wh lit ta
ker, near Buffalo, was fatally Injured
by au enraged steer and died In a
Couple of hour, lie was In the barn
when tliu beast uiad.i for hint and
knocked him down before he could
get out of Its reach.
Mi. Ileeeaee Uk
r.NooKi.TX, Jf. Y Jan. 16, Mrs.
lteecher, wife o2 the late Henry Ward
Heerher of Itrooklyn, while atlendlug
tnrvU'eaat tht I'trnvnoh ehurcU oa
Orange strife t, near Henry, ynierdav
morning, seised with a fit i f
weakness aud had ! be errid Into
th lecture rooin, where she was un'
cobvttu about fiva mlnulea
SshsatfeMtel IM'iUtd lftat
rtiU'tfH JR 14 -H'haefei de
feated e rutin lr uigHI in the
tare eoraerea iinari iitatva ty a
KHire of to The game wsi
the mMt etdttlng and aaatlaat on
rnoord. Kbasfer aad Ives slad fed
(ir thtM iti( l,V. a l i
per wtil el the a I gat reveipis,
tk free aiait matter delivered
wlthlu the lat twelve utoatht
amounted tu I.oi'O.ouo rounds,
wBsssTsia '
- SLi
Two Trains of the Delaware, Lackawan
na aod Western Crash Into Una An
other Near Jersey City Two Cars
Telescoped and Completely
Wrecked by a Death Deal
ing Engine.
New York, Jan. 16. . ...en pas
sengers werts killed and twenty-five
injured in a collision duriug a dense
fog between two trains of the Dela
ware, Lackawanna and Western rail
road at the west end of the Ilacken
sack bridge, about 8 o'clock this morn
ing. Two cars were completely de
stroyed. The Dover express passed through
Bosevllle without stopping and was
followed four minutes later by the
regular commutation train. So dense
was the fog over the river that on ap
proaching the bridge, the express
slowed up, the engineer being unable
to see the signals. The commutation
train did not halt at tbe bridge, but
went along at its usual rate of speed.
The engineer saw the express when
less than 200 feet from it, and though
he reversed his engine, he could not
prevent a collision. The locomotive
crashed into the rear car throwing
It front the track quite a distance.
This car and the one ahead of it were
completely wrecked.
Both cars were full of passengers
who were crushed to death or terribly
mangled. The engineer of the com
mutton train is missing and is said to
be among the killed.
The brakeman of the rear car of the
Dover express discovered that a wreck
was inevitable and shouted at the top
of his voice: "Jump for your lives,
another train is coining behind and
will be on us in a minute." j
This warning was sufficient. to put
the entire rear car of the express in
a commotion. Passengers rushed pell
mell for the nearest means of exit.
Some jumped through the windows in
their haste, while the majority rushed
to the doors. In the excitement some
fell on the floor while the others tuna
bled over them.
Ik-fore all the frightened passengers
could make their escape, the Orange
locomotive crashed into the rear car
wrecking it and driving It into the car
ahead, also telescoping that, dealing
death on all sides.
Trains always slow up when ap
proaching the llackensack bridge. It
is said that the South Orange train
was running so close behind tho Dover
express that there was notlmo to send
back a flagman.
The following Is the list of the
bodies of the victims which have been
KnwAnn Kinsit. Barnnravllle, N. J.
William J Tuhnkh of DiwldnrlcVe, book
keep t or r'lolil. Chiuidlor & Co , leave a
wlilow and four children.
J. 11 Ki mm itii, Summit, N. J., cashier of 7.
W. Hoco k & i o.
r.DWAHi) Mohiiki.L, Decameron, N. 3.
U A Hltll.NDHII.L.
TiMMuNit, Summit, N. J.
H. A, Summit, N J.
I'ATHii-K Kvn, Mll.mrn, N. 3.
A. llt'lrMAN
T. J. Kb a if, Mllbiirn, N J
John r ihh, Tummll. H J
lia John ltorv. Hmkliindio.
Ktiuti'HiiK Hiimmlt N J. en auditor
of the Woeiera L'nton Tol nrih e unpnjr,
dtctl on the way to M Mary bonpiUl.
W, I lit ii.nnsAU trerna msatw-r ef the
Old lhimluioo hloemthlp roinpinr, resided ht
W.mli lu'r. and leave widow and tuiully.
Thkihhs Whiis Newark, N. J.
It t am show, Newark. M J .
j. luiuMox. ssiuM mu, H. J.
Two Allsmpl let Derail the 'frlsea Kf
r at Aarr. Ha, la a Week.
Si Kisuni:i.t, Ma, Jaa 16. WUhla
the past week two attempts have been
made tu derail the TrUco night pas
senger train at Aurora. The first waa
made about a week ag u, when a freight
train waa derailed by a atUplaced
l aCt night the paangor train, jit
Wfyrw ginting iwt.t the town, struck a
uwctiet rail and the engine, tender
and load car were thnn off the
t'aik. In. tuiis'etv nautta was lo
jured bt'yuiid rvivinf gK shaklag
I he t wieeUs owarrlag within
m h a short time and at the same
pUtfo iidUt tt the t.Cld at that aa
trguul gsog i( trala reke U at
vrk Tha oftu-eta are dtiigeatl
earvhlng Ut a slue to work ou.
tleata 4 an At e. tUekee,
Ci kti4K (lil, Jaa I A Ntal
II Msther, nu nf the iidvt battels
t t UUn,t, tlt early Jril fJif
mura'.ng, afur a brtf Uln aged
I year
A Great Blanket of Dampness From
Western Kansas to Chicago.
Kansas Cmr, Jan. 16. The fog
which hung over this city this morn
ing, enveloping the highest buildings,
extended from points in Kansas 250
miles west of Kansas City to
points as far cast as Chicago. It
rained at Cincinnati, Chattanooga and
Pittsburg. The telegraph service was
greatly impaired. Acting Chief lied-
line of the Western Union said this
morning: "The fog completely
smoothered us at S o'clock. With our
strongest batteries and best wires it
was almost impossible to tret a message
through to Chicago and St Louis and
it happened that business was extra
l. ... - tkl. ' .nn rrl.A ......... t
was retarded and lost on account of
tbe conductive quality of the damp
. At the weather bureau it was stated
that the fog was caused by a fall In
the temperature following the south
breeze of the past three days which
had carried moisture with it from the
C rover Boomer of Bast Washington
Shoot Himself Dead la School. .
Washington, Jan. 16. The Cranch
public school in East Washington was
thrown into a panlo this morning
when Orover Sumner, a child 7 years
old, began flourishing a pistol that he
had brought from home unknown to
his parents.
Tbe boy remarked that he was go
ing to shoot some one and then ap
parently changing his mind said he
would shoot himself. Pointing his
pistol to his head he accidentally
pulled the trigger and blew his brains
out No one was injured in the
scramble of children to get outside,
Mlitourl Uoabl to Secure Any
Rate Than Before,
Jeffeksojt Citt, Jan. 16. The peni
tentiary inspectors and the warden
have renewed a lease for convict labor
with the J. Strauss Saddlery, Ilarness
and Collar company for five years at
the old rate of fifty cents per day for
each able bodied convict, the firm
binding itself to work twenty-five per
cent more men after January 1, 1895.
In its present condition the lease calls
for 125 mea This is taken as, an in
dication that all the old leases will be
renewed at tbe old price. There are
now about 500 idle convicts and no
demand for their labor.
A Wyoming Club Make a Holt Unlq.a
Offer of m I'rlse.
EVAH8TOIT, Wya, Jan. 16. The
Evanston Athletio club offers a purse
of $75,003 In sheep for the Corbett-
Mitchell fight The "club" guaran
tees non-interference and refers "to
Senator Beckwlth's bank. .
A Thieving Farmer ; hot Dead.
Sphi.vo field, Mo., fan. 16 Aa the
result of numerous thefts from tho at
present closed canning factory here, a
constable was put on duty yesterday.
In the afternoon Farmer Johnson,
who lived ten miles north and bad
heretofore borne a good reputation,
drove up, entered and carried off a
large belt The constable and two
cltuens soon followed. When John
son was overtaken ho tried to run
over the constable and theii fired
twice at him. Tho o Ulcer returned
the fire, killing the farmer. ,
t A Kew fciplosir. '.
Citt or Mexico, Jaa 16. An Icyen
tion in explosives,' which la attracting
large attention In Mexican military
circles, is by Lieutenant Alfredo
Qoraex, a young officer. The new ex
ploitive Is Intended to surmount tbe
defects of the shells now In use and
adds a number of features. Increasing
the range, accuracy and destructive
lower of projectiles.
tti T'tlTZZZ taef)ay Krgaatse4
Xw York, Jan, 16. Enough of tbe
stockholder of the Nicaragua Con
struction company, aeording ta the
committee of reorganisation, have
Sgret'd to the teurgaatjeUoa plan to
carry It through and the agreement
feat U- n devUred la full eiTei't, It
prut ld for the creation of a new
oiitpaay with a eapiul stuck ot
l3,o , ut which k tit U ta tut re
lamed for the bmeBt of th treasury
and the other ha't I to bu distributed
l. stH-k holders ot H- treeut e-ui-I
any la schanire tor their old stovk,
or sold f r etu
4retu ml m . Haab,
Trtav. Ka, Jaa. 14-ui lUak
Cuiir)d-Mer lirsldiatnal left t-dsy
y 1,1U, t.'iie txidttty, ttt ree,n t
teletrram aniiounvlojf the 'Ion
t tke Mrrt.ant.1 Una of tSat pU,
The tv'craia d. I nut state the ari
and raUuUie of Ilia ltlittuo 11
U Iveinad fruin uthek sottriva, how
tver, that tb Vaalt ht foae lata i
vtt'.ary 1 uuUtli,
The AHiance-lndependem
Advocates :!SS-'
The nationalization of
natural monopolies, rail
roads, telegraphs, &c.;
the na'ionalization of the
banking bu8ines8,through
a system of postal savings
banks with charing svs
tem;and currency tnrouh
theso Issued to the people
upon good security with
out Interest charge; also a
system of taxation to cut
oil the growth of land
NO. 31
J. G. Barton, William 0y and His aa
Joha Strong t'p by a Band of
Determined Hen Their Bodies
Left HangingThe Mob Was
Ferfeetly Organised la
Every DetalL
EussKi.r, Kan., Jan. 16. A terrible
exhibition of prairie justice was seen
here Saturday night when three men,
J. O. Burton, William Gay and his son,
John Gay, were lynched by a deter
mined mob. The men were held guilty
of the murder of Fred Dlnnlny last
July. Dlnnlny lived with T. W. Bur
ton os a farm eleven miles north, and
July 9 he disappeared. Burton had
his team and even wore some of his
clothes, but claimed that Dlnnlny had
gone to Oklahoma with young Gay.
Gay returned a short time ago, and,
on close questioning, confessed that
Burton bad poisoned Dlnnlny. The
elder Gay attempted to point out the
place of burial, but failed. Burton
then made a confession that the Gays
killed him, and Thursday took the
sheriff to a corn- field in a ravine where)
the body, decomposed, mutilated,
skull crushed, was found. Indigna
tion ran high, and it was with diffi
culty tbe three men could be got back
to the jail, where they had been con
fined since their arrest late in De
cember, Saturday night two men from the
Burton farm came into town and were
reinforced by farmers from all parta
of the country. The party appeared
to have been picked, for there wera
only about 130 in all when, at mid
night, they surrounded the little jail
and demanded the prisoners. .Ibis
was refused by the sheriff, but
the parley was short The mob easily
forced their way into the jail and
dragged out the terrified trio from
their cells.
The mob was cool and apparently
well organized and made no attempt
at concealment, though there were
many onlookers. They took the men
out through the streets and guarded
them with jealous care leading them
along the Union Pacific track. A
short distance from town a little
prairie stream is crossed by the rail
road and wagon road, about 100 roda
east of the Eussell depot
To the bridge over this the mob
went and placed tho trembling
wretches near the edge. Bopes were)
ready and one was put around the'
neck of each of the men and tied to
the stringers. There was no time for
prayers or pleadings, but at a signal
all three were pushed oft tne edge and
dropped eight or ten feet with all tho
precision of a professional hanging.
To make sure of carrying out their
purpose the mob fired two shots into
each body, although death came
quickly by the rope. Then the lynch
ers rode away quietly and tbe bodies
swung Cold and stiff.
When morning came, passengers on
the east-bound express train had a
plain view of the bodies as they hung
from the high bridge. Hundreds of
people gathered around, but It waa
not until 10:30 that the bodies wera
cut down. The coroner at once held
an inquest aod without delay the jury
returned a verdict that deceased came
to their death at the hands of persons
There is little sympathy felt for the
vlctima The murder was a eruel and
heartless one, and the murdered man
had many frleoda Ever since his die
appearance) suspicions have growa
more pointed, and the threw men
lynched were considered gutltv. Their
mutual recriminations and rroa con
feton convinced the people that all
of them were guilty, and during th
past week, and while the laqut over
blnnlny's remains were being held.
a'trntlon has been gives alnot ei
etsslvely to the natter. The trivial
booty sxioured and tbe evidence of
mutiiatloa given by the bod robbed
the murderers of ell sympathy.
It la at likely that aa attempt will
e made to proaeeute the lyaehera
Aaather lg eUaae riM at Ute.
Uio ta, Jan. 16. There ha
bee another general enffeaeat be
tVa the ttbet ships aa t tSe guvera
uioiiV f.nt. bt the ujt'r vas of
a d-altry kind, the Uring bf at
long r.trge and hi sella 4 ! uuje
was dvue t either UU
4f lIU'4 -ee A ewalwte
Jirrk Cltv, Ma, Jtv A Gov
ernor M h inuV.l tharl l
tk.Uio.i Judtf et tK eirewU 4ot of
Kan City la r-iaee v! Id't Jasaea
U.bevu, t!ed.