V L THfe ALLIANCE -IN DEPENDENT. JANUARY. II. 18' 4 THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. LESSON II, FIRST QUARTER, INTER NATIONAL SERIES, JAN. 14. Text f the Lmhi, Gen. Ill, 1-1S Memory Tom IS-la 43oldea Teat, I Cor. as CoaaaaeaUry by the Bee. D. M. t "Now, the serpent wan mow subtle than any beaut of tbe field which the ixra Bod had made. And be said unto the woman, Yea, bath God said. Ye shall not at of erery tree of the garden 1"' In the rat two chapters all is perfect, and God walks with man. and man commune with Cod. Now cornea the wicked one In the galea of a serpent full of hatred of God and man. See bin aliaiiea In Kev. xli, 0; ix, t, and bla end In lie, xx, 10. He begin Ida work by Insinuat ing that God doe not lore bli children or lie would not keep any thing from them. 1 "And the woman aald u nto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden." We cannot blame the woman for talking with bun, for abe prooaniy nan not beard of him who spoke to her through the serpent. We know him and deserre tosuf fer if we bold any parley with- him. Bee Iph. Tl, U; J as. ir, 7; I Pet t, 8. 0. & "But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God bath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye loach it, lest ye die." She both added to and diminished what God bad said. Cora pare carefully chapters 11, 17, and let us fire good heed to Deut. It, 2; xli, 83; Jer. xxrl, a. Our part is to be simply oliedlent and trustful and shun erery insinuation and doubt. 4 "And the surpent said unto the wom an. Ye shall not surely die." What a de liberate lie! When he speaketb a He, he apeaketli of bis own, for be is a liar and the father of it (John rili, 44). All liars ball have their portion with him (Rev. zxi, 8). One would think that such an at tack upon God would have shown the woman that she was dealing with an enemy af God. But what shall we say of pro fessed friends of God who today teach that there is no hell and not even a devilf L "For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil," This seems to have been aisown ambition (see Isa. xiv, 14), and be will yet find a man willing to be filled with M (II Thess. ii, 8, 4). We know that when Be shall appear we shall be like Him, and taen shall we know even as we are known (I John iii, 3; I Cor. xlll, 12), but this is to be reached by death to self, trust in the sac rifice of Christ and obedience to Him, never to any other way (Acts iv, lii). a, "And when the woman saw, etc., shtr took of the fruit thereof and did eat and gave also unto her husband with ber, and be did eat," This is the history of every temptation and sin, the outward object, the inward commotion, the increase and triumph of passionate desire, the degrada tion and ruin of soul So with Achan. He aaw; be coveted; be took (Joshua vll, 81). Adam and Eva bad everything and yet sinned. Christ seemed to bava nothing, yet stood firm. 7. "And the eyes of them both were open ad, and they knew that tbey were naked, and they aewed fig leaves together and made themsulves aprons." Tblswasan eye open' taig that has left us blind by nature in the right direction ever since, as we need to be anointed and have our eyes opened to he boid spiritual things (Hev. ill, 18; Pa, cxlx. II). What a contrast between the gar Beats of light which tbey lost and these elf made apronsl Fig leaves may well aepresent profession without reality (Math. Ml, in. 8. "And they heard the voice of the Lord Sod, and Adam and bis wife hid them aelves." What aeight is thisl God's dear children biding from their loving Father and thinking that trees can cover them What fools sin makes of us, and bow blind- ad must be the mind that seeks to hide from the only true frieudl Such has been the sinaer's conduct ever since, vainly seek ing to Uiue from trod. 0. "And the Lord God called unto Adam and said uuto him, Where art thouf" From the fall to the end of the Bible story it is a Cod of love seeking lost and straying peo ple and man in his blindness hiding or run ning away from God. What does your soui say in response to "vv here art thour lilua replies, Lord, thou knowest I am in Thee, and Thou art to me the Rock of Ages Visa, xxvt, 4 margin). Once and for a long time I tried to hide from Thee, but now Thou bast taught me to hide in Thee. VX "And he said, I heard Thy voice In the garden, and I was afraid, because I was Baked, and I bid myself." Here is the first tear in Scripture, and it follows hard on ubellefand distrust ef God. There will be uo fear where there U confidence In God, lor His perfect love castet h out fear (I John It, 18); so that if our hearts can say,"Uvhold, fiod is my salvation," we should also add, "swill trust and not be afraid" (Iaa. xil, i Some are afraid of the voice of God in Ilia word because they prefer their own auougnta and ways. IL "And He said. Who told thee thou wast naked t Hast thou eaten of the tree whereof 1 commanded thee that thou ahouldeal not eutf " God of coure knew th whole story, but before we can be for givau there must be ou our part conviction ef ain and confeaaiuu of the same. Ills Sod would give to Adam and draw from atro that lie might forgive him ( prvr. SavlU, 13, ami I John I, Vk U. "And the man said. The woman whom boa gave to be with me, she gve me of law tree, and I aid eat" This sounds very badly. Adam, thou hal fallen rerr far aa4 brought us down with thee, fur some fas have talked that way. Hut ere the ata. He finds fault with the gift of Ud aad laya the blame on Ix r. How am Je ans, who baa taken upon Himself alt the gmUtof Ilia body, the cburvh, and home lb, that He might prMvot her to HimMf without spoils: oh. v, grv IX "And the lrd 01 said unto the woman. What la this that thott ast done' Aad Vtm wvmaa aaW, The mvM brgnilnl at, and t did eat" Hie did at ak, a aume do bow, why ll.al allowed the arrj-eui an eite la air, aiul why UM did ft4 I but U m failing, but she make euulwtuii and Jt guilty, AadUit alMaow attofvmit lh way la for the twrale U of MtaTa ealnaiMi by grace iIUhu. tit, UrMt It, "Ami the said uslo ike awrprat, lwue tb. t.Mt eae this, ian art fr4 iWi all uls" W hat bll of a erwMur the Mrwat wm twftww this au4 of a bat lurw we are 4 Ml, Km It is k.ltt e a4 g p at Uelit as aw. Kr will Ml as ttben we e bee if fa la wwrtb while to law, IX "As will a Mtiully Ul thee a4 tUe wwtusa, and t wa tky aod bet ami. tie shall SrM isr tt, aad baoa saait aruUt bu ai " IUUni(i.l rks to taeeMr lit the tt nal au ta arl tUutm 4 Una tba wMua's awtw t4 a4 he he ( iaa st it, M Mvat abwMi bf i4 UtMuwit, HIS PARTY CALU Ee tor him from the merry throng Within the billiard ball; . , Be was votten op resrllessiy . To pay his party call. 1 Bla thoughts were dire and dark within, " Uiacourteous to fate. "Ah. me! These social debts Incurred Are bard to liquidate." Bis boots were slender, long and trim; His collar tail aud swell. Bis bats were made by Dunlap, Aud bis coats were cut by Bellt A symphony to black and white, "Of our set" the pride. Yet he lingered on his way Be would that he bad died. Bis feet csreased the lonely wsy. The pave rave forth no sound. They seemed In pitying silence clothed. West end ward be was bound. Be approached the mansion stealthily: The steps looked cold and cbllb Be glanced into the vestibule. But all was calm and stilL Be fingered nervously the bell. Bis cardcass In his band. Be saw the mirror In the ball Solemn, stately, grand. Suddenly bis spirits rose; Tbs drawing room looked dim; The menial tilled his soul with Joy With "No, there's no one In." f With fiendish glee he sto'e away; Ills heart was gay and light Bappy that be went and paid His party call that night Bla steps turned to tbs billiard hall; lillnnfully he trod. Be entered. "What returned so soonf Replied, "She's out thank Oodl" f Sixteen cues were put to rest Vt llhln their upright beds, And sixteen different tiles were placed On sixteen level beads; Sixteen men upon the street la solid phalanx all, And sixteen men on duty bent , To pay their party call. When the fairest of her sex came home At early dawn, I ween She slowly looked the cards all out; . Tbey numbered seventeen. With calm relief she raised her eyes. Filled with grateful light; "Oh, merciful Fate, look down and see What I've escaped this night!" -Life. A Smart Servant. The other day a man of gentlemanly ap pearance called at a bouse in a well known suburb of a provincial town. In answer to bis knock the housemaid came to the door. "Is Mr. P, lnf" said the gentleman. "He's just gone out, sir." "Is Mrs. P, at bomef" "No, sir; she weut out with master." "Dear me, bow unfortunate! I wanted particularly to see one of them. Can I leave notef" "Ob, yes, sir. Come In, please," replied the girl, ushering the visitor into the dining room. But Instead of leaving him alone he rang for another servant, whom she de sired to bring writing materials. The gentleman wrote bis note, inclosed it in an envelope, addressed it and left it on the table. , This being done, be departed with a pro fusion of thanks to the maid, who escorted blm to the door. , On returning borne Mr. P. found the note awaiting him. It ran thus: "Your servant is no fool I" This compliment was fully justified by a paragraph in the next day's paper giving an account of the plunder of a neighboring mansion by a similar visitor. Tit-Bits. Her Reason. The other day I was told of a little girl who attended a dlutrlbution of prizes given by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. She bad won, you must know, a book as a reward for writing the best es say on the subject given, and, with the oth er successful children, was undergoing a viva voce examination. "Well, my dear," said the gentleman who had given away the prizes, "can you tell me why it Is cruel to dock horses' tails and trim dogs' ears?" "Because," answered the little girl, "what God had joh.ed together let no man put asunder." Leisure Hour. A Play oa Words. 7 , -Life. The Rlaht field. Foyer You say your ambition is to be come a fluUhed actor? You ought to start for the far wt at once then, Hamtolette Ku-VIn Why the far weetr Foyer ( wit h emphasis)- Because after one dose of such acting as you gave us tonight au audience out thrre would be apt to fJulah you tu no time.-Buffalo Courier. Overheard at the tiaa, "Do you know ywung Gout ran ?n "Not particularly. " "Ho you think he U welt off I "That ha is and no mistake. He never borrows leas than W loo is at a time."-Voltaire, latf. Ue-Oh, drlla, 1 know it Is very lata, but I simply faun tear myself away. tiha Wall, ihea, break away, Ueorge, Truth. Ueatadt War, llrfitfw this er a- Waa M IbvmtM ike art lubaurtal HiiS4, rtM 4 bint, t ma t'futa UkUM t. bit i !, ); s4 Idlest, T Me lite aaiiuiui Tba Httuet la WhUHM ttwreihnu, Oh. thaYtmi I a 4e:.t.t tae She tk tMf ateiiletll V? bt net rMe m atteM He e'!MH it.4. A4 b in fcii 'tie ) eaab Mf la,!, - i atl bi ve 4 i Wk sad Krwab Aa4 U-m im Haeue, m 4af, a Mb lait.ee a af hmk b ! I balnw tWe ba4 a. i it wi bt tl b4 sm4f Kt4 aa k a4 a. tl '- ahl "' tw, 1 M be e4. M- aeet if iaa h ret. I'aa. ma No. S99. Numerical Enigma. My 6, 8, 8, 8, 8 is a criminal. My 10, 6, 8, L a place from which we get water. My 7, 9, 8, 6, forlorn. My 4, 3, 8, ft, departed. My 10, 0, 8, gained. My 10, 2, 9, 7, an article of commerce So. 897. Pictorial Posxla. The above represents the name of four well known writers. What are theyf No. 398. Crossword. My first is in man, but not in boy. My second Is in animal, but not In toy. My third is in naughty, but not in good,' My fourth Is In eating, but not in food. Mr fifth Is in toe, but not in head. My sixth is in move, but not in fled. My seventh Is In up, but not in down. My whole names a Canadian town. No. 899. Transposition and Aerostlc, When the following words are trans posed, their initials, read downward, will form the name of a well known bird: NUGSKPJC-Flowcrs. EIXB A horned animal. GQNXAILTIEH A sweet singing bird. BSMARGEO A filmy substance. NRUFODEL A sea flab, NEIALDC A Earopean island. AANESUCP-A kitchen article. KROHIEN A sea fish. TEELII A girl's name. IOORRE1ISCN-A large wild animal No. 400. A Star Poaale. e L A letter. 3. An article. 8. Exhibited In a showy or ostentatious manner. 4. The universe. 6. Low hills of drifting sand. 0. Places in an upright position. 7. To pull or tear down. 8. In this manner. 9. A let ter . ! No. 401. Missing Letter Pauls. When the missing letters have been sup plied, the whole will form a verse from a poem by Tennyson: Woolb Aemifi, Snlgln. Cm!gehl Udrhsa, ngleer Wtaobf er Oahoe? No. 403. Word Puzzle. doth boast its ancient lore, , its gems and pearls, , its great conqueror, , its dukes and earls, , of richest fabrics wove, s of its Vatican, chants with its crested wave, sings of Thaddeus brave, , of Ah Che Lan. Satisfy each blank with the name of country, city, etc. Each line contains two hidden words: The first, an article of dress; a combination of earth and metal. The second, "very fine quarts;" part of the head. The third, "the race;" "to study." The fourth, part of the earth's crust; "be loved." The fifth, "ourselves;" "a large box." The sixth, one of the prominent characters of Shakespeare; "a tank." .The seventh, insects; "repose." The eighth, "very ollable:" "ourselveV airain. Th ninth, "relatives;" "a monarch." No. 403. Anagrams. Characters from Shakespeare: 1. Dude's master. 9. Llous cut loose; run Fosl 8. Given us harsh. 4. Scour lu a dust tin. 5. Bid us hope, ft. Dol, I try me arm. 7. Tired muse.. 8. Kipecorufor a nag. 9. 'First barou. 10. Alik, a slim raw sheep, 11. Close ruin. VI A charm 'dona 11 I kuew a harsh hatter. Lacalag la relate. Punctuation, or the want of It. I Mmm. aible for many of the Strang advertise menia late mm, for inaUnoei Wanted -A woman able and wllllno tn wash, iron and milk threw caws. Wanted A comfortable room for a young man 4 (wet by 10. Wanted -lU.y t nllk and mow lawna hey m Ike I'aieler. No. 87.gcottUa tHagoaal: Hogmanay. CruMWurdai 1. Ilebridea, 1 tot r rood, a Bagpipe 4, lUlaiorah 8. Margaret, f, Jobtt Kiiut. T. Galloway. , Waverkey. No. Wi-utiiii Nail, Jail, tail,aaiL rail, tail. wail, hail No, --AtlbmU'l l'uilr: 1, I Mu f net. & t dais, 14 . 1 A, IT? dollara It, tl duiWa Na kM-Nnaierkal Luirna lliiBtu. am N Wl.-A New Yr's Motto Always be on lime So. SW4qH4atki kmm "Wh ttvta wtbM4t fully to a4 m we aa he Ib'aka" N eW. lkM4bl AcrvwAku .w, g AfrUa. a lnu 4 tkbrw. a Ubit 4 kal 1. t4t.H a Nn. Na a4 -luuut ! ba. 1. "TVa artf blAl taube Ibeworat.' a Proa tea litvie, Ut da witik" a hTurt suaaf towk ;t Ike bnaa," 4. "la b(o yoa W" a "Sit ka.U be Ubt " a "kew tbMfw eawtU ibetwaa way. Na SiA-.thlJ Bud, t Tkrtuk. a Owl a Hawk, i lut-aea. a Ilea. 4 ea t. Oiitaaa. live., a lx Furnas County Herd CJ BIG BERK HOGS AND Holstein Cattle. A few young males left Orders booked for sows bred. Choice fall pigs cheap. See tny premium pig offer. H. S. Williamson, Beaveii City, Neb. -y L. H. SDTER, Neligb, Nebraska. tjjtf?rv'rrvrfv Proprietor of ELKHORN : VALLEY : HERD or Polapd-Ghlpa Swlpv Have a splondid lot of pigs for sale. Mostly sired by Free Trade's Bet, whose sire was sold for MO This herd bu no superior East or t. Prices on Bprtrg Pigs range from l to fJU, according to quality, u H. hCTca. Mellgh, Keb. sTirriito .miasma. .A SUre CUre for Hog ptD Chickei) Cholera.!- a,eWa'ewswaeayaysj I have a positive, trv5, proved and guar anteed cure for kog and chicken cholera, which baa stood t he test of six years without ever making a fall uee to my knowledge or tbat I ever beard of. Itbas been used successfully In hundreds of cases. My father is and bas been for forty years a leading hog-rslser lo this couniy, and bas lost many hogs from cholera, but has never lost a bog or chicken from cholera since tbe discovery of tbU rem edy. One dollar will buy enough of tbe mirred lent at any drugstore to cure 60 to 75 head of hogs. I will send any person tbe recipe for only fifty cents Send today, use tbe remedy and you w 1) never lose another hog or chicken from cholera; don't wait nntll tbey begin to die. References: My fostmaster, Express Agent, or Pantorof Baptist Church, of whlcb I am a member, or any business house or good citizen of this town. Agents wanted Ad dress, Mrs. Rachel V. Thomas, Cowarts, Alabama. IOWA FEED STEAMER Given away it it does not save its cost in one year. Martin & Morriasey M'fg Company. Omaha, Neb. FREE SILVEtl "? PEERLESS FEED GRINDERS ,1ml males a Farmer Happy. Grinds more grain to any - pettier null Grinds e&r-curn, oats, etcu floe enousb tir " ' ' 1 1 any purpose. Warranted nto to ehoha We warrant the PKKRLKH8 to be tin BKSTand CHBAPRST MILL ON EARTH I alOLiET STnOWBRID6E ttin kkC" 'wMTjiiTjj'" A"t th CHAMM0M WAtidll, Tbe KSCKL.SIOR nOMEHAKKR AND KOASTRR The best ay1nir luvmtmeui for a hottae wife Nobs fenutue without bras fltttstrs) our latest Improved xtyle, In axil id make, has deeo ttaniie sarong hut hiKh rr iie, and rloaes perfectly tluht saves n iert'HitniitrUI(iielenienW. Millde rrlpile'-ln-ilr on appllratloa I alsomao nfactare tbe' Nuw iiuuea" t..te and is t'amnua Frylns I'tB.eio AUKNTS WANTKD In everv cuniniy In the V- Addn-w. ("H A Ki t Hl tlt'LTUKlSS, 40 N Mala at. OeaBstl Blaaa Iowa Par' i) lltMll" Ijllii it cat Y i : n.. ..:iUn i. ill K .1 i Li ( 'tl' I Itn ane) arnam Sia, l'w NothwreUra Hp V lltkafft lsw rwtaa. ) at tralaa, U9Uw 1 1 at jiovTl! ml picsr y 3i Wiindsor Hotel- JOSEPH OPELT, Manager. Cof.ijl - Q Mttpplnf; made clean odel Hop Allen Root. rrnl W. C. ALLYN, a State Cattle Salesman. State Stock Agent Nebi Farmers' Alliari omci amd rinAwciAiI mabaoib. len Root LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS Boom 220, Exchange Building.' KKFKROfNCEg i First National Baku of Omaha Commercial Natldtial Raiii fVmaha U. g. Ys NatloniH Bank, Mouth Omaha. Neb. 8arlngs & LjfrhanKe Bank. Omaha. Central City BankVCtniral City, Neb. T Having sold niy farm near Ruskln. 1,1111' - ' 9 - -f" " C wwa WUICU UVIO and engaged In the iraln trade, I am situated where I can be of material advantage to my Nebraska friends and Alliance Brethren, who desire to sell their grain in vui maraei. Bouciimg me patronage vie a to business, In kny branch of the whenever desired bh outdde and inside the Farmer' AUlaace; having formerly lived in NuckolU cotLity, Nebraska, and served as president of Ruskln Alliance No. 982, and also as depufy organizer in Nuckolls, Thayer and Jefferson counties. GiW. SHARP, I CHICAGO. ILL. J. V. WOLI-E'S . . .u. ki eaitw oi uieiwasou, consisung of about Of) Hsiri It Is a special rale of sows, bred to nine very choice boars, such as Wolfe's TecunJJeh W." the rrrat premium boar at Nebranka State Fair for 1HH3, Black Victor K13W. out of a Black TT H dam, Wolfe's vv likns 56fl. sob of Guy Wilkes 2nd 17777, the 1960.00 boa, Wllk-'s Darkneaa I0H' also a son of Guy wiikes end. Orient Ideal, son of Oi4ent that sold at tlu Harris sa e for tk Young Superior 108.14, son of O. L. Sbaul's great boar. Superior mil Bby Wilkes anoSS 'n of Guy Wilkes 2ud, and the largest pig I ever saw of Ms age and flesh i Governor 23T0B ibl Black Tecum.eh 2I86. a richly brea Corwluig, and m nuTtoM&El&& HS LW.n .rr1 "7a me.Vor b,oaeil V. a lon 'rlca ,or on the ws t bat go in tbeValeand will most all be sold at the sale, affording a rare chance to get the very besililood as well as great Individual excellence at your own price. Tbe sows are all of choice breedlnir as their Pedigrees in the catalogue will show. There will alw be a choice lot of late Wilkes boars of 3 une and July f an ow in the sale not catalogued. They are not only good, but some of them are superior to anything I have raised or seen this year, and fit to bead any herd la the land. Sale under tent. Nooostnonement. Sale on farm on "Union College" street car line. In formatioa given at Lindell Hotel, corner M and 13th streets. Terms of Kale - Cash under Ii0. twenty dollars and over one year's time on bankable paper. Btrangers from a distance plea bring bank reference. Lunch at 11 o'clock. Sale commences atl2harp. catalogue on application. COL. F. M. WOODS, Auctioneer. Thl, vlll h. ..n. nl thk n.t.a. 1 . . 1 I BANKS PercheroB, English M h r-2? r?.mie ,nonor" an &By Importer's la America at the following fairs: Iowa m i?Hi? S2 Moines; Nebraska State Fair. Lincoln; and the Kansas City Pair, season i .1, MJ . ftck p,ercheron stallion, Jeannot, and my Belgian stallion. Sampson, never failed to take first premium and sweepstakes over all. For strictly first-class Imported horses, low prices low Interest and long t lme visit the Crest City Farm, Creston, Iowa. Telephone to farm, one mile distant. New importation Just received. ' FRANK 1 J v'. I , MV i4liinn, mar ai d ci li won the pric at NcDrka State Fair over Ncbrwka World's Fsir winiiers in pant live yn. They Were 'Wlppcrs of 527 Prizes. IAMS U the onl Impurter in Nebrualia that Imported his leirheron Ir the put three yrare from Fr and the lurifeil irapotier ol CKdttaud Mures. Al.t. HI. At K. Ltint' hut-ee won eis wepslahre wtacsat Nchraaka hute r alr of iSuJ. and lime b the only irea of Nebrwka thai U entitled to the same ol -:$4-SWEEPSTAKES STUD-H- lAMSOUAHANTKKtltoehnwTosthelariwt rolleiiaaol Hl( FI.ASHV Hit AFT IIORSKg ,.f the riHM hne.ll el the UK H I t S i V I lt A I. it.i a into wethl "a el A l.l.lANl K rKll t.s More State Prlie Inne'a Than All Nebraka Importers. enrt gAV4Uh huilrig s winner of Ian.. M bates retwded. Wiile IAMS. rt lul b.e the K A M..aJ 1'. P. Ground 8 NOW uitl y nil tW friiciinl fitlr t ttHk, U iUr t pirtinttH! a u tv?ru Uism known. It i nil (f nil kituls Rtul y u vnn't lTnl to fml fr niarki't iihiut it, T..r U noOt'mif that n5tii m much io THIS MK.Ma l J'u Invt inly M W rtmvltuvl. nHi.Ml ISTA KQUAi. to an ok coux. tif f 1X'IThi riu-n. iTtos 10 lb, If your il au r m i nlft nnl will hip jmunjuly. Woodman Llnsood Sfs, Lincoln, Neb. - AGENTS WANTED - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmm and comfortable. Do not touch tbe hand to water. Stand erect. Address for circulars, Pail and Wringer Company, Gsoboe S. Brown, Bog Salesman. & Company, SoliK Oirtaha Ieb. tVBefore shipping ask us for condition of Market and Prices. Nebraska, lajitanrlnir ni mn,A t, or all such, I Invite correspondence with a trade. Will Ctve Satlafaf.tArv rofaranraa Grain Dealer in Chieago ;ftj POLAND CHINA SALE. Linooln, ITeb. January 11, 1894. ... . WILSON, Creston, Iowa, -IMPORTER OP- Shire, Belgian and Coach Horses. IAMS, frnpoytur apd Breeder 100 Black Percheron, French Draft, Cljdes and Shires. IAMS' "Hre Show" at the grm St. lmt, Kansae and Nnbraaka Slate Kalri of oth ered hit coniKtiton, The won the Brand linn herd prlxc "For Beet Herd of Dralt Hurtes" and ovtr every Nehnuka draft bene or mare shnw at the World's Fair. MKHIIAM KO V AUIIKh f ll N. Slo leata4 ANU Tl-K. one. Ie end three year tuae t priae wipiwte all aw eale, Cl fuanatee, every FRANK IAMG, twlrewl. It. taul.Wab, Oil Cake. for UV . im fAtttniDJ n t uv h ' f-.V I. KIV.' v' 'J:jriiv: m m it, a fl.Ml u-r kftn it .ivl u draft or motnf Oil Works, Omaha.