JANUARY 4, m THE ALLIANCE -INDEPENDENT. I XAz of their responsibilities as citlze ens ' i rr " ..... , , i a free republic, ttian naa ever iw D88f gd by thU class, or any otner ilass. In thte. or any other country. The education which U has accomplish ed ha giyen rise to a new politica' rtv. comnoeed in large part oi lis own member, which Is already recog nized by the friend of liberty aa the strongest champion of the rights of the people, and by the mlnionsof plutocracy as at present the most dangerous foe to oppression. ', All thla has been accomplished not- J withstanding the lack of system In Its I f educational plans, and the mistakes of I I Its friends; and In eplte of the deter- I mined oDDOsitlon of Its enemies. Tt mnnot be destroyed. Pretended lends may assail it, and, actuated by BDirltof envy, may injure, and de stroy for a time, the reputation and prospects of its truest and ablest mem bers; open foes may denounce and ridi cule it; but it will still live. And though, through some fiery trial It should for a moment be consumed, Its spirit would live, and its body, Phoenix like, would spring from Its ashes with renewed vigor and purity, to keep alive and burning the fires of liberty In our beloved land forever. We have met today, my brothers and sisters, to carefully consider what is neocEeary to lnjrease th efficiency of nur nnranlzatloD. to improve Us meth ods, to add to its membership, to re- pair any Drescn ma uj u mm made In its walls, and to secure the btst preparation possible for the ultimate success of true liberty and the enjoy ments of equal rights In our country. Change of circumstances renders change of plans necessary. The arrange ments for County and Stale Lecturers were made when we were financially prosperous as an organization, and when the money failed the plans failed, and the work ceased No general educational system In so vast a country as this, can succeed and nrosner without constant supervision Some members qualified for the work and selected by their fellows, must make it a business in their respective counties to visit every neighborhood to revive and reorganize old Alliances, or ...i..Siitiiiishm ft. la pvnedipnt j 8iusd " vuvo - i I and necessary, and by precept and ex lJiortation keep them alive and active Jin the work. And it is just as necessary too, that there should be State super vision and visitation of the different Counties. But how can these things be accomplished without money, and how can the money be obtained? These questions and many others must be con sidered and provided for. The Manual ought to be revised and added to, and provisions made lor co- . operating with the Alliances in the ot.hfir States or the National Council, to brine about a uniform National System pf discussions and studies a9 soon as .possible. W A inore efficient support oi ine .inowb- papers which throughout the State are disscrimnating Alliance principles ought to bo given if possible In Kansas the plan of issuing a small Monthly paper under the direct supervision of the officers of the State Alliance is be ing tried; it is being sent free to all 'gf. Alliance members who promptly pay their dues. I think such a publication in this State, by giving a cheap and ready means of communication between the State Officers and all the members, would in connection with a hearty sup port, of tut true Alliance papers now i ! r - I , X existing, do much to build up the Alii I ance and increaso its usefulness. - m - . A spirit of voluntary work and sell- h. aaerilice must be revived. Our ordr ! cannot be built up by those who only fi)S enlist for the sake of financial reward or Political preferment, and failing in these, denounces the Alliance and con demn its principles. Every good cause in this world has hitherto achieved sue cess, mostly through the selfsacrillcing spirit and efforts of its founders and adherents. And alt nonjjh '"the Laborer is woittiy of his hiiV'it will lie a great change in the history of such move ments when tlay who saciitico and do 1 the moot, iv the grtattht reward f We utunt pruiit by pu&t experience in I our plana and hi our work. We must f adapt oui-M.lv ca to surrounding tiicum t stance. We must ivimiuVr the qucw f tlim of tho hour as tiny arbo from time to lime, ami bo ttiwa js tvjuml to maintain the htght. We luukt Ut ituinlittt. that u an Iwtuhd to no Political Put ty, ?vtt that fchk ti fvtiinUtl, excvjH Ul vi fur ik that iu'ty ttiiluif l the pi iiu ipks ti Truth aU JuUt, Uth li Uusirv umi prtM lU; tii pittc'.U-ulty iimkt tt known vLtun'vrupuloutiiuo-t-rvfi luinmt g l our upil. V mul U I Ul kuiii lf our itiU'Ll. gviilacta.M thl. hll w U1 im1 lu ll rf rv UU Um h'tvt tml iivtwi-) iHMinvM tf Kliivr vIaw, p ftili i fr mtUi i-vjlla la ItW Ui.ii!'U endcawr la n-tuw rH rity In v eu tiualiMH kiwwlug t!it n it tLi.tij ilkiU tU MTttUjf t.f tUc ,lv It us ik U "d !, ntr bu U? tiwih i4 11UumU4 a dvU riut ;utU n U iiu II lh uul brnuiu ftt4 l iVdtitltt vf th tutwl u 4 any ww h r avUt. I t tt U alt K u r 4 i; rui'' ) tU U mm Ute4 ruMi m, let y- to IH riBvt of Jytic a4 i'ultj, Wl to lb Mki rtDtn of auy fwtta); vf I ' vl4i vt rUuttt, hMuU lUvjr have found lodgement in J our hearts; and in the spirit of true vharlty, (the corner stone of our Order,) J counsel and plan and work for the buiilding up of the Alliance and the success of its aims an 3 principles. 1 Our cause is not in such la condition as to justify discouragemejr The Alli ances have in a majoritfi the Coun ties become remiss In Iping'vplb.eir meetings. As a resuft they iave re lapsed into a dormant (Imdition. But they may be roused bypersistent and wisely directed efforts,! aided s& they are sure to be by the agtreaiivfc acts of our enemies which musti more and more convince the Farmers lhat their only hope of prosperity defends on , their united and continual efUorts to support their own interests ana defend their own Rights. t f Many seem surprised because the People's Party, the legitimate offspring of the Alliance was no more speedily and completely successKjil. I think the success has been wonderftjJ, considering the tremendous strength alnd influence of ,the concentrated and clLscly organ ized Money Power, wbosl Oligarchy must be overthrown ere the People's Party or any other which would defend the interests of the Peopli can fully succeed. As soon as the reasons ol j partial fail ure are closely connected v ith the Alli ance, it will not be amiss o briefly re view them at this timejthat we may commence immediately) correct the mistakes which we hav made, so far as it Is possible to correct them. One of these mistakes was iccasionedby the natural impatience orf our members to commence political action before they were prepared for it And then, as soon as that action fyas begun, the Alliance, whose discus iionsof Political Principle had furnished the platform of the New Party, an whose arduous labors and systematic organization had banded its members together, ready to unite their votes tot give it efficient support; the Alliances were in a great measure neglected. J It was as though preparation was beif g made for a great war and the army ll being rapidly re cruited and drilled! for the service. And when its numbep were about half as great as those of the enemy the re cruiting offices were closed, the drilling practice stopped and the army sent out to content with the overwhelming num bers, and military experience of the enemy, whose leaders had passed through many battles and were skilled in war, and whose soldiers had been thoroughly drilled in unquestioning and orderly obedience to the commands of their Officers. Partial success of such an army would be surprising, and ultimate triumph would seem to be impossible. . t , So far aa possible we must remedy these mistakes. Not by retiring from the field, but by opening the recruiting offices again all over the land, drilling our soldiers, not to unquestioning obedience, but to intelligent and orderly co-operation; every one so loyal as to be willing to serve in the ranks without a murmer, and every one so well drilled as to be competent to carry the Banner, or lead and direct the battle if chosen for that duty. We must build up our Alliances, re cruiting their numbers and reviving their energies, and by well arranged and connected studies and discussions, arm and equip all our members for Righteous Political warfare, and qualify each one to perform his or her assigned part in directing the battle. No campaign excitement, no political bargaining and wirepulling, can give our cause permanent success; because these very practices backed by the cor rupt use of money and indulged in and depended on so generally for success by the dominant parties of the Country, are what, in a great degree have rendered a new Political Party neces sary. We must use our best effort to In duce the laborers in the towns and cities to sustain and build up their owu organ izations, which may have the same ob jects as tho Farmers' Alliance. Gree t them as brethern, convince them of the fact that the interests of all honest and Industrious People in city or country arw hkidfiiinl.nt or identical end urfct Uu m to unite with us in political action, and to twko jmrt in ptvjiortlon to their number, in directing the Cause of Pn form. It U Pie ml !! of tho Allinncw u Hit to it that t i h of iU member -U tH established In true ix.UtU al princi ples, and that t n. li U prt utr'd to act hmm liiU-Hii'ciit a'ciit for mrultln( our '!. I i f citizenship; thus bring- ng the p ij!t uruU r Aluntnv liiilttt-iwcn hicH u'' t rvoult lu united hU iejil ueUeMU. W UiU.t en'Ut thu Women in our uie tui k-cnt raMy In iiri k, W Hot Ci.-'ur4 bud urj;u thriu to tut it our ileU't i '. !i at d ti jt'ia In ovir u,lieJl UiM'UiUib ty iir t Vntil(t ei they lme oie ad Vftv 111 )ti AOUbiV rttul t tnir U t O hnW theli Let eltly ih . lew Ui $r cue aiu imlm'is 1' ttt k't 1-U r lhe ch'mm ll. fciiH tn ittVH'U tut Htr, and that i i t them to ifni! nit titnl in m(inf, il a.Uiii la l." rk f tte Ordr. And a, feHeiw wmkrr, t m Uku ivuikmI wtfthf la rn'i;id to iHir work. I-t ua Ur tatottur ilttliWrailoti fcilh a dWrutliitl"0 to jMlivntly tlt for and wisely adopfsueh measurtu aa are best adapted to secure permanent use fulness and ultimate success for cur or ganization. The rejoicing of the Pluto cracy over the asserted dying out and disintegration of the Noble Order of Knights of Labor shows how they would shout for joy, and triumph over the People in their fiendish glee, if they could by any means destroy the Alliance or impair its influence And let us a we go back to our re spective homes, see to it that our own home Alliances are each put in the best working order possible. That the meet ings are regular and frequent, That the discussions are systematic and fully carried out, and Jthat every man and woman of respectable ccharacter, and eligible to membership, is speedily en rolled as a memoerof the Alliance and brought under its full educational in fluences, and our success is certain. We may not keep pace with our hopes but we will "Reap if we faint not" Napoleon Bonaparte's military ex perience led him to exclaim vlhat God helps the heaviest battalion This may not always be true in bloody war fare. But God Is always on the side of Right and truth. These words are inscribed on our Dunners and -on our hearts. cAnd we will have the heavy battalions too if we only do our duty in educating and arousing the People. Everywhere in our Country they are now earnestly enquiring, . "What is Truth?" ' , Be it ours to help them answer this momentous question. And then Know ing the Truth, Speaking the Truth, Living the Truth, and Voting the Truth, God will help us, and "The Truth shall make us Free." The Crete Nurseries. "The soil of Nebraska seems to be peculiarly suited to the growing of ap ple seedlings, forest seedlings and ap ple trees. Our new rich soil grows a better tree in two years than the state of Illinois and east can grow In thne years. Our soil is also fresh and free from aphis and other troubles incident to tree growing in the old nursery cen tera. Nursery trees grown in Nebraska are also free from borers. The Crete Nurseries secured a con tract to grow 60,000 apple trees for leading Illinois nurst ry at pay if g prices. These nurseries have pur chased a ton of French apple seed cf Vilnorian Andreux & Co., and a ton of Vermont apple seed, which will be planted this winter when the frost is out two inches. The French sell the cleaner seed because labor is bo very cheap over there that they can by band pick out tbe crushed and defective seed. Thesejseeds will plant from 60 to 65 acres. The value of the product usually averages iext fall $110.00 to $250.00 per acre. These seedlings are very much preferred by eastern nur serymen for grafting or budding to any they can produce themselves, for the reasons above stated." With so many reliable homo nurser ies within reach to whom the customer can always return for satisfaction and collection, It is surprising that people will continue to buy trees of eastern traveling men, paying old time and high prices therefor, when the very best trees and plants of varieties ac climated and true to name can be had at home at greatly reduced prices, suited to these hard times. Mrs. A. ftf. Edwards' Poland China Sale Announcement. In calling attention of breeders in general to this, the coming event in the history of Poland-China hog sales, which is to take place on Wednesday, January 17, 1894, at East Grove Siock Farm, quarter of a mile east of Fre mont, Neb., we feel that we can't do better than quote the- announcement which appears in her catalogue, which is ready for distribution and will be rent free to all who apply. She says to the breeders: "When - in January, 1882, 1 advertised a closing-out tale, I fully intended to sell every animal 1 owned, but after selling 101 head, at ao average of about fifty dollais per head, the demand seemed to be sup plied, the day gone, and 1 still had on hand some one hundred of my best bred younger things. I saw then I was not, as 1 Intended to be, out of to business, and so went at once to Ohio and bought a car lond of the best fct'Kik to be found la that renowned hme of Poland Chlotts. S nco that time my son, upon whom I depend For help, has died, and now t rm compelled to dini-tiBo oun i f tho best herds in America. Send for ray catalogue, examine the brvtding, .'ouio and tee the Individuals and 1 k iww that you will be pleased. For tao kind words jou have given and the guoeruu treatment you have nhow.i m during my carver in the stock bust net, a erl my thanks. I needed your ke!i. rod I tried to txj worthy of U, and 1 da not hfhv to y lhat 1 need your preface at my dlp-rslon sale oo J nury 1", I') I. V u will hv so op priunt'T of H-cufing ibn bt sUh-S. both Lu- Uu 'o f rlD and for brvcdms parpi. , limit k 1 In lbs t-t i.f oondltL b, norer blaf U-rfc llllct.'d hT d -. Alt hi sUtd the laid lil U in l ntwfi'i Ub!e, hatvvcr b. I'jf tarthtr frileu!rt Ura dUplsy adfulUttiiarat, ll Ul.lUTOM KOl'TU. rtiMH:uii acKKi'ntu am cmau cam IIatiI Um tul ihi Htfuta with the B ytlBntoa when It come to the a (MtMuiMiatliiif Um travwlltttf aubl'o l b latest adlllliMM to tbUr alrvJj p:t4-4 rtM r ht Ully fli i rv trie btia Md and kit LuuUtaruuK'tt rwlUistf ehatManJ'uil a vtibuu4 'rr t4 tbivr Kii.u!r dtaUtf (are. Atk Httaoell at It, 4 M- dfo or lumkmt at ?UJ mH, tut, luu aad O Ueeis atHit ibea tralai to Uul and Um mmih Taka Tttl AUUNl latttTAMMXT Three Cent ColnniD; "For Bale." ,Wsntl,"'ForExchange."nl mall adverusamenu for abort time, will b eharKd tbrea eeau per word (or eacb inser tion. Iulilals or a nnmber coanted aa one word. CSh wltb tbe order If yon Waht anything, or bave anytblne that anybody else "wants," make It known through tbla column. It will ray. J ANTE D Twenty thousand new anbacrt- oera to tbi Au.iacB-iHDBPBaiBMT. For Sate. 1.0U0 arrea in Lancaster county. Plrat Clara Stock Farm at 11 SO per acre. A well im proved lecMon at $30 U); one at tS oo One Smtlea from Lino In. beet la the county at N.VUO. I(J0 farms for sale or trade. Some pen nine bargains. II. C- YOUNU, Brotoer, U'01 O St., LlBouln, Neb. FARMS! FARMS 1 1 FARMS!!! 400 choice Eastern Nebraska farms IA0 clear. ISO model ately incumbered, price from 110 to IV) per acre. Write txacily what yon want and where you want It. A number of excel lent bargains if taken soon. C. R. B0ATRIGHT, 301 N. Y Lil B!dg. Omaha, Neb. For Sale, A FIVE HORSE POWKR Electric Motor In good condition. Will be sold cheap if sold aooa. ... . . Corner 11th & M Sts., Lixooln, Neb. F. M. WOODS, Pine Stock Auctioneer. 203OSt.f k1peo1p,fb Jan. 9 T. J. McFIe, Lennox, Iowa. Jan. 11 J. V. Wolfe, Lincoln, Neb. Jan. 12-G. E. FInley, Geneva. Jan. 17 Mrs. O. M. Edwards, Fre mont, Neb. Jan. 18 T. J. Bursford, Ceresoo, Neb. Jan. 25 Lampe Bros., Vanwert, Ohio. The Missouri Paoifio route are sell ing ronod trip tickets to San Francisco. Cal., for 105.50. Tickets good until April autn, isu. Tourists from Minneaota Points. Commencing October 5th, a Tourist car leaves Minneapolis every Thursday morning and runs to Pueblo and via Albert Lea to Columbus Junction, ar riving at 11:07 p. m. and there connects with our C. R. I. & P. train No. 13 which will hold at that point for ar rival of the B. C. R. & N. train carry ing that car, and yla Kansas City arrive at Pueblo second morning. BegUnlng October 10th, Tourist car will leave Albert Lea every Tuesday morning and run via Minneapolis & St. Louis Ky . through Angus to Des Moines, arriving at night, and there lay over and De taken west on Big Five" r rl day morning, and run via Omaha, Lin coln and Belleville to Pueblo. Call on Geo. Natterman & Co. for carriagQS, wagons, binders, and all farm implemeat). We'll use you right. 213 South Ninth St. Lincoln. . See that your tickets read via the Missouri Pacific route for San Francisco, Cal. City ticket office 1201 O street. TOURIST OAR TO CALIFORNIA. Cheap Rate, Quick Trip. The travel from the north and north west territory, tapped by The Gkbat Eock Island Route, has demanded service of this character, and beginning October 5th, tourist cars will leave Minneapolis every Thursday morning and join the regular tourist train out of Chicago every Thursday afternoon at Columbus Junction, Iowa, at 11 P. M. Central Iowa and the great west slope district of the State, demands end will receive a similar service, and beginning October 10th, a Phillips-Kock Island Excursion Car will leave Albert Lea every Tuesday morning, and via Liver more, Ft. DodVe and Angut, will arrive at Dts Moines that evening, and Wed nesday A. M. go west on the "Big Five," via Omaha, Lincoln and Belle ville, at which polut It will join the regular Tuesdry train from Chicago. Full particulars as to cheap rate tickets for tbts trip and also as toctwi of btrth in the tourist car ch. erfullv given on application u any Great Rock Island Route Ticket Agent, or agent at coupon stations of connecting lines. Jno. Sebastian, G. V. A., Chicago. rjorth Western Vine Pnlae Sleper and Fast Chicago Train Sewlco. A palace car for Lincoln peopb is now attached daily to the Chicago lim ited, h-avlng Ltncoia at 1:35. No better service. lowt rates. Fortlikett, berth roaorvitlon etc, cll at city oftltw llJO street, trdcpoi Cor. U and 8;h streets. Tn.rU'a to Florida ad all lotaU In tho muh bcelnntiig Do, iota 18J3 the Missouri Pacltla rvuu havt on 'v Tuuimu W kola to alt p lni In t" rll t, tiifr(l, Nrth Carolina ti'l l.roil oa, New Met'cit, AUtai.ia, Tvi, and LnuUlaoa tleketi gnl Ui return Junt itt, hiU The atiovo la tb bauihrm rau rou have you l.at b n h kin fvr. t'ail at City Twkel ttl o VM O trett, . w----i, Hansd trip tUketa to HortJa potat nniU until June l.il, v'a the MI.M.iitl I'a ino route. City Uvket utttM I .VI Oitreet. The M!ourl t'en'tflo rut hv ft thM VVIater TourUu llvke'a to the emit oa al, good l retvira J una lt, t- I. mmmmmmm mmmmm. at tal fretetiwH trt"er. To tho pert a'tt tlajf (a tV Urf tUt of early suWrtWa a Tua AUt akck Uitiriti'idT htwwa ta IUa day ft tk wdkr and U lt Ur of Jaa. I I will blfk a hiifUjf hbr4 lri lgitak Ifeit.hlrepl.eUrawi, worla aot la taat M.M. tj l, It. i. Wttxuwaoej, REAL ALLIANCE LOCATING AGENCY. Raw prairie and improved farms on good terms, all the way from $10 to 130 per acre. Address, , THOMAS STEVENSON, Albion, Boone County. Neb. MONEY TO LOAN -ON- Improved Farms JOHN J. Real LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Has for sale at special prices desirable homes, smooth lots, business blocks and acre tracts near all t e college buildings in Lincoln. Farm land for sale or trade in all parts of the state. If you want to sell or trade list your property. All correspondence answered promptly. JOHN J. GILLILAN. JOHN B. WRIGHT, F. K. JOHNSON, J. H. McCLAY, President Vice-President. Cashier. , . THR ; " Columbia Natl Bank, OF niNOOIaN, NBB. Capital, $250,000. First ! National ! Bank, LINCOLN, NEB , Capital, S-urrolixs, N. S. HARWOOD, President. C. A. HANNA, Vice-President F. M. 500 PAIRS OF Wo mako a specialty of this lino and can give you some of tho Greatest Bargains To bo found In tho city. Wo a!o carry a lino from S3.00 to $7,50 Which cannot bo tai PAPER'S Clothing: House, II 25 O Qti Lincoln. PmNTS ESTATE. WILL BUY County, City, Precinct and SCHOOL DISTRICT BONDS. Taxes paid for non-residents. Striet attea tlon glvon to collections. J.F.MEFFERDiCO,""1"".,... GILLILAN, - - $400,000, $loo,ooo. C. S. LIPPINCOTT, Ass' Cashier. H. 8. FREEMAN, Ass't Cashier. COOK, Cashier. n i wnnmrr accountant. 1617 VVanlilugton 8t , Lincoljc, Neb. Books and acconnts audited and adjnsteC DlHiutd accounts prepared (or trial. Ao counts of county officials and corporatlous chi'ck' d up. Simple syNtrms of book keoplni arratiKed (or parties having little practical knowledge of accounts. Correspondence solicited. IMMENSE STOCK OF locust and Ash Trees, Fruit Trees, Grape Vines and Small Fruit Plants. PANIO PE10ES TOE PAHIO TIMES. Send for free price list to , JANSEN NURSERY, Janeen, Jefferson Co,, Neb. Or Geo. B Galbuaith. THIS RING FREE. K look, wnrth SH.OO. bat JVUIH u loo .tl.uU.r S4.UU. BiuU(ul I". -1tUu. tl fiuUl.mittik! ""If tu Nw Ywk for Udjr arrvuk Hm lira wnnl welllorto pMit, lowbont w dc.tr ii M.id winil cf ounrmtf numllilv iwttivr I II A. I 1 1. fr.. them bhiihm n wortn M rrnta M'k tutwrawiv. awt fmy fi.r Uicin hi i.J Inir a ihit nn khf-K fcfMl I USl. IIns f tt .! lr 4 MHHka, Th Agnl' CuiU. 122 Naiua kt.. M Tsfk. N T Ui tvm It, (uujt.'ci, "" 1 'I FAT PEOPLE. I'.x ornf H,i .4 ltl rif yur witl t .(iHll I H..IH u to It a mull KlKKmiVlrtlHrn M leturt kti iMUHUt. iaT tHU.i npiaAkvatk .l . ia r.iuii:i.i i4t( Stt ukiui i sbiiiM. arm r . si kn,Niat,t sii wbiuu' a pi lit lwf a-i-'l'UKt ottif ftt ri l t .-. All Mfl 'i.4 iluwl lta uf lutit t. t.- m ft i m tarv i.a il l till6ttl4Mlt (MWU. Ivi, AH tivrt.ual btflttly f MitkM. mi mux (0, kloa. Mai T. uruu avt la U iImu t Nsw MiWU IU MuHKHirl I'm IiIo tmxU. (mU iitlUJM lW l4. IkUi vmc l.t I O almt. Estate Vm -Ana 'J km m3 3 WJ? A - mmt im Un, u4 Jt l.4,rlW.M JrLf I r.tl ' M . m f-K ' .- a ( 4 '(IT,." mV I t .w. mu HtM 1 ','?(. 7. i . , I r H mum tk ! i-fc I t.. tkw Im. V! . K J ..