The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, January 04, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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JANUABY 4. 1893
til I
QiMttoii of Considerable Interest Will
Saoa Com Before Caa grass Sevens
ad Bloant Will Me BaarpI
QuMtlooed Mlalster Thars
Utm mt Werk Oa the Be- .
pablU of Hawaii.
WA8HI50T05, Dec. 80. Notwith
standing tbe senate committee on for
eign relation has suspended for the
holiday week Its public investigation
into the diplomatic relations of this
country with Hawaii, the members ef
the committee are pursuing their in
entries In their individual eapseity
and have been ransacking the pa bile
libraries for books.
J It is now regards as certain that
Mr. Blount and Ma Bteveas wUl both
be before the committee and while
they may tell nothing store than they
. bare individually related, the fact
that they will be both eonfrented by
shrewd men on the opposite aide ef
the euestlon, empowered te ask
qnet tfons and to pin them down, will
, render their testimony ef considerable
, value to tbe nnprsjudieed in forming
en opinion upon tbe merits of the
controversy. It is quite evident
. that the committee will be in no haste
to complete Its investigation or make
. its report
If Mr. Thurston succeeds in ergan-
nr republie on the Islands, or if
e form of government is ohaag-ed in
any way,some reeor nitlon ef it by the
United mates will become necessary,
is It would if the queen shorn Id re-as-
Sod the throne Thus it will be seen
st whatever the altiasste termina
tion of the question may be it behooves
1 the members of the foreign relations
. ; committee to be prepared at any time
te deal with it on almost any phase en
the floor f the senate or in commit
, tee, Thuy realize this and are acting
Twe Reports On Heyeal bmltted
Ah Dank lug- Sub-Committee.
Washikotow. Deo. 80. The snb-
Cmmittee of the committee on bank
g and ourrency of the house to which
was submitted the question of repeal
ing tbe state bank tax, divided on the
Btter, Mr. Cox of Tennessee sub
ttlng a report embodying uncon
ditional repeal and Mr. Warner of
New York and Mr. 11 all of Minnesota
reporting in favor ef conditional re
peal -
The bill drafted Vy Messrs. Hall and
Warner repeals the ten per cent tax,
nut provides that the iaauc ef state
bank notes shall be confined te the
State in which the basks are Incor
porated, and if the notes are used oa
the outside of the state they are to be
Sublet; ted to a tax of tea per oent of
their face value.
Fnblle Ball ding Constreetlna
: , Washington, Doc, 30. The annual
, report of Jeremiah O'Rourke, super-
vising architect of the treasury, for
the year ended September 30, shows
eat during the year, the expendi
res for the ereotion of new federal
buildings including sites and for the
repair and preservation of finished
and occupied federal buildings,
amounted to 54, 126 119. The centract
ebligatlons at the end of the year
amounted to $3,340,7611. The balanoe
' ef appropriations available amounted
to 99,533,980, of which 18,899,187 was
for sites for and construction of build
Ooagresa and IteoelTershtps.
Washington, Dec 30. Several bills
la reUtion to railroad receiverships
are now in the hands of the house
Judiciary committee. One limits the
time during which a road shall be in
the hands of a receiver to three years,
tit wh!b time if there Is no settlement,
t must be sold. This is not liable to
Secure a favorable report, because it
la feared that great injustice might
be dono,as a corporation having ready
tnoney would be thus able to buy
roads at much less than their cost
The President's Trip Ended.
Washington. Dec. 3d It was ex
actly 1:30 o'clock this afternoon when
the lighthouse tender Violet, with
President Cleveland and party on
board, stesmed up to her wharf at the
Joot of Feventh street The presl
lent entered his carriage and was
driven Immediately to the White
house, lie looked well. The party
enjoyed themselves oa their trip.
Corbett and Mltohell WUl Meet
J.icesoa villa In the staralaf.
Jacssonviu., Fla., Deo, 80. At a
meeting of the Duval Athletic club
this afternoon, it was 1 voided to have
the Corbett-MlU hell fight take place
at 11 o'clock in the morning of Janu
ary tS, 1894. Tbe decision ef the club
was, that in the event of a favorable
report trotn (he criminal court on
Monday nest, the fight would
place at all haaard
take '
Me Me It ion far Ha bale.
Rioph Jaskiiio, Dec, J1. Admiral
4a Usui a, the cum man ler of the In
surgent 3el in the at.eac of de
VlelliK tnsjt a fur mat demand to-day
pon the representatives of tbe for
tgn powers at the etpUsL stains?
that the rrrnlativtvf the powers I
snoaut reiognts me mmnfauls as
VtU.gerroU The ilrluintte eorpe
having previously eoum Li an under
lleutm u th ui j-utrrfuM4 to a-1
ten i me rquet t'l the insurgent
A ftewiata fca(.tl4a.
Waascti., Mi. IW mTfe
Jira-tiu,terL the 4tt elah
Jlhe4 ar !h (hi city has aa e4
als, Ml'r l A tttttMa, pb
Inhere of the I'teataat IllU Osteite
Wlaf the pure baser
Corbett end Mltehell Give Then set vee
I p tm Tm the Law.
JACKSosviixn, Fla., Deo. 3a Those
who doubted the sincerity of Champion
Corbett and Charley Mitchell in their
individual efforts to pull off the big
fight here in January must give way
to the stronger evidence of facta.
The big fighters yesterday voluntari
ly gave themselves up to tbe
authorities, in order to forestall
arrest at a later date and to test the
leirality of their proposed con est It
was all prearranged and as ftr aa the
plan itself goes, it was cleverely de
vised and satisfactorily carried out.
This latest move on the part of tbe
managers of the Duval club was en
tirely unexpected by outsiders. On
Monday, January J, either Mitchell
or Corbett will be surrendered by bis
bondsmen. Alter be baa been taken
into custody a writ of habeas corpus
will be applied for. If it is decided
that the arrest was an illegal one.
then preparations for the fight wi.l
continue with increased vigor, as that
will be loolied upon as evid- nee that
no further opposition to the fiirht can
Jfgall.v be made. If tbe arrest is con
sidered legal, then the D ival man
agers say that the battle will be de
clared off, and all work will be
sto ped. The managers are confident,
however, that the decision will be
favorable to them, and this feeling is
bared by tbe majority of the citisena.
DAV1TTS denial.
Urn Keslle to the fttateneeate That He
Advised the Ketaovel ef Creole.
Lohdobt, Deo. S a In reply to a dis
patch sent to Mr. Michael Davltt, the
distinguished Irish Nationalist, oa
December 24, addressed to Land
League Cottage, the following letter
was received yesterday, dated from
Ballybrack, County Dublin, Decem
ber 37:
"It would be just aa true to charge
me with having advised tbe removal
of Julius Cesar or Abraham Lin
coln. I never even heard of Dr.
Cronin's name or existence until the
spy, Le Caron, spoke of him at tbe
Parnell commission bearings, and tbe
Dews of his mnrder came to Europe.
"The further allegation that I
wrote a letter to Detective Coughlln
at that or any other time la without
the shadow of foundation, as I neither
knew him or of him, or wrote to him
directly or Indirectly, nor have I been
written to by him or anybody in his
behalf in my life."
It Was Addressed to President Cleve
land and Filled With Ksploslves.
Lov eland, Col, Deo. 3 0 An in
fernal machine was picked up yester
day afternoon by a 6-year-old boy,
who took it home. It was a wooden
box about four inches square, wrapped
and addressed to "The President, Ex
ecutive Mansion, Washington, D. C,n
On the lid was written, "Compliments
of a Colorado miner." The box con-
j tained some chemical compound mixed
j with gunpowder, and a detonating
cap so arranged that when the lid was
i removed It would explode. The
chemical composition of the contents
of the box is not known, but that it is
an explosive or considerable power
has been proved by experiment, Who
prepared the machine, or what was
his object, is a mystery.
Has Not lept for Thirty Days.
Fbahkfobt, Ind., Deo 30. Thirty
days have passed since Qeorge Wood
ruff, a wealthy farmer of this oouoty,
has slept Mr. Woodruff was afflicted
with the same strange malady a year
ago, when he went sixty-five days
without sleep. lie is to all appear-
anoe neaimy, ana works each day.
His case is attracting great attention
among the medical fraternity, his
Shysiclan having utterly failed to pro
uoe even a stupor with drugs.
Strange Christmas Present
Emporia, Kan., Dec. 80. On Christ
mas night, while Dr. and Mrs. F. H:
Webster were attending church, their
residenoe was entered by some un
known party, and a pretty, tiny
t-weeks-old baby was left oosily
wrapped up in an exnensive cloak on
their bed. A pile of nice costly c!o th
in? was also left beside it. As the
Websters are childless, the little one
has received a warm welcome, and it
will be adopted.
Live Stock Received In Chlosgo.
Chicago, Deo, 10. The value of the
live stock received at the union stock
yrd fr 1893 amounts to over 5194,
000,000, and the value of the stock
shipped aggregates over $70,000,000.
Over (1,000,000 hogs were received, the
total value being 1130,000,000.
A Ranchman Found Murdered.
Sundack, Wyo., Deo. 8a John
Myers, a ranchman of Elk creek, was
found dead with a deep cut In his fore
head and his feet and legs burned tot
onsp. Robbery waa the motive.
K antes City.
Prli'ea ware quoted at the eloas as follows:
No I bard wheal fcHo. No 1 bard whaai.tve;
No. 4 hard ahast, ti; rejected, i-Ux, No t
red wbrsl Mc: No I red wneet, lit. No 4
red wheat VM i.
CMmw-Was ho hlihar tba J-Ur4f asd
ta coed dend There mn litr
efteHaa' Keceipta of aura lody.
et ears stoats o, ou can, si s nitai
at i4 K aa CHr No etitad.
le No 4 e No I whlta. a t
ave No. I wttlla k N t white and ml a4
lii cuotd atMalnaily at Pi Umo tit HtUai
pert W4 AM MUaltaippI river fo- N I aura
It ANSA ClfY tit R BrK-K.
Ksns CiTT M- Dae U -O slile-Ke
Selfl. M l (Mine. M hlp4 imerdav,
ei, mi
Tha wttfaet was .!
thravttf ho-it at; aaj f-.nisrt )!al as I
vrw4 twnf a4 hippie i teea, It ) ilU
Ca M hlfart, I l ad
tkra. aj w It ml $t t tt W
-K (, t, a wi itipid vlrdy,
the etvM't ,!( aad S IWkl h
t !- reir. a i Ttw t Mat is
s.i ass i ix a i,i hu sad haihm
er Ur
hkeao. Kelpie. ahlppod ealary,
Ta tfua M aod aa4
mk ! t til tt mkm
Taa Mieaiaj rapV'taaUtif aUe
N . W V'Um N W frloa
. i i eia w at ,.
They Drew Revolvers oa the Jailer and
Compallad Hina to Opea the Doors
Altar Tber Vet Out They Hoid
Cp the Mayor, fchwot tha Mar
shal and JKaeapa Many
Pouoa la Pursaltv
Fbesno, CaL, Dec. 30. Chris Evans,
the noted outlaw and train robber,
escaped from the county jail last
night '
Tbe escape was made at 8:30 p. m.
At that Lour Ed Mar tell, a waiter,
went to the Jail with Evans' supper.
Once inside the central inclosure,
where Evans wst allowed to eat his
meals, Martell and Evans drew re
volvers on Jailer Scott and commanded
him to open the outer doors.
lhey then marched Scott before
them out of the jail, and into the
street. Meeting a citizen they com
pelled him to wa k ahead of them. At
a convenient corner in an alley-way
Scott and the stranger were ordered
to walk awav and Evans and Martell
A few minutes later Evans and Mar
tell met ex-Mayor Cole. They held
blm up and comnelle I him to walk
along with them at the point of re
volvers Then ther met Citv Marshal
Morgan and attempted to do the same
tning with Mm.
Morgan resisted and one of the men
shot blm in the breast, inflicting a se
vere wound. At "Q" and Monon
streets the outlaws lumped into a
wagon and drove rapidly out of town.
Numerous Dosses were ranidlv
formed and dispatched from the sher
iff s office in every direction, some on
horseback, some in carriages - and
some on foot They started within
an hour after the escape.
fcvans was recently convicted of
murder in the first degree for killing
Dei utv United States Marshal Wilson.
in the famous flsrht at Simpson's flat,
and was sentenced to life imprison
ment in t le penitentiary.
ANbraka Girl Attempts to Velsoa
All Mambara mt Her Family.
Grand Island, Neb., Deo. 30. Miss
Adele Egge, a young lady aged 25
years, a daughter of one of the old- st
fa'ni.ies in the city, arose yesterday
morning, mixed strychnine into a
batter of cakes, baked the in and ate
of the food. She lived with her
widowed mother, Mrs. Augusta Egge,
a brother and a sister, in a home of
their own in this city. The mother
and son had not yet arisen, but her
sister, Miss Margaret Egge, came into
ine room where she was eating ber
breakfast an 1 also began to eat
Margaret noticed that the cakes were
bitter and questioned her sister as to
the reason thereof. The rounir
lady answered that it was bsttcr thus
for all of tbem.
Her sister became alarmed, a doe-
tor was cal ed, who in turn called
assistance. E'ive minutes after the
arrival of the physician Adele was a
corpse, having died in intense agony.
The younger sister was given an
emetic, which acted promptly and she
was savea fcne haa uot partaken of
fatal quantity. After havinir taken
the strychnine Adele pre Dared mora
cakes for the rest of the familv and
urged her sister to eat . Just before
death came she said she was glad she
and her sister was out of the misery,
but was sorry her brother and mother
had not partaken of the deadlr food.
A Crank Calls Upop Oklahoma's Rxaea-
tlvofor tha Turpoaa of Killing Him.
Guthrik, Ok., Dec. 30. A lone-
haired crank giving his name as Buck
ley from Perry, called at the execu
tive office yesterday morning and
asked to see Oovernor Ren fro w. Ha
was armed with a six-shooter and a
murderous dirk and had arsenic
enough In a small phiai to kill ten
men He admitted that if the irov-
ernor had not appointed him to an
office he would have killed him and
taken his own life. He was placed in
custody and strict inquiry has thui
far failed to disclose his identity.
ACooln ot Hadvllne Tollard Is Shot aad
Kavero y Wounded.
Frank tort, Ky., Dec 3a Near
this city last night R bert C gswell
fired two shots at Robert D.irli tigton,
but -nissing bis man he walked into
church where services were beinir
held and mooting the wife of IWllitg
ton in the aisle tired point blank at
her, inflicting a severe wound in the
houider. Cogswell escaped to hie
home and tried to commit suicide, but
aa prevented by his father. Mrs.
Darlington is a first cousin to Miss
Madeline I'ollard ot Breckinridge-Pollard
fa ma
Startling Innovation la Hill t'olleetlna-
hy a ( hlec Landlord.
CuiCAOrt, Dee. JO Fred Unlit, once
proprietor of a Milwaukee avenuo
boarding house, was eompelled to an
swer yesterday for introducing tnc
st irtling Innovation in bill eollrettm
v .'-inujf m i ipuiiur cittlil as
seourity for a boaM bill John Pfetter
with ha S-var . 1.1 hitd lived with
Unlit, and b -euso of laok of employ
iwenl. faltiH) to pay. t'olit ejeotml
h mand kept th vhlU The eoart
ordered the UudUml to return the
ehild to lie faiht-r and held Unlit
nder heavy U.iuU
Ta t l H" i Tr led.
Jrrri.n.iri. in, ,4,
Never In Uie ht-.w-r. wf the lm .us
Orelni tlreen f..v runsy lovrdi4
so many eloping partita ettuie hee a
eauteyeaterdir Irn voiiue i.ihm frn
Ntu ky with thirsw-terta were '
rrtel hero within a few hour '
LTbejf M-eml t I alt wet; to-do, and
I tame in greet style, tine nuUUste
' aiavtl.l Ml .r K t r... . m t k !
- w'n ' t " - iwa itfv
Great Iaeroaae la Cattlo aad Sheep Re
Kansas Citt, Ma, Dec. 89 . The of
ficial animal report which the secre
tary of the Kansas City Stockyards
company will give to - tbe public next
Monday will give no evidence that the
business of this country has paaaed
through the severest period of depres
sion ever experienced. The total re
ceipts of all stock are larger than last
T3&?, and tbe money value of the
stock bought and sold at the yards in
greater than ever before. The entire
live stock industry has in fact been lesa
affected by the prevailing depression
than any other branch of business.
While prices of wheat and corn and
of securities and of nearly all staple
Jirodnots have fallen below a normal
evel, cattle and hogs have continued
to sell at values which give a good
profit to those engaged in raising and
feeding stock. Hogs have sold at
high prices all the year and though
they hare recently fallen considerably :
mcjr are sun mucn aoove me average
of recent yeara The value of sheep
has been affected by the extreme de
pression in tbe manufacture of wool
and sheep are selling at low prices
The total value of all stock handled
during the year 1803 was $9 ',000,0 0.
The cattle were valued at 962,473,000;
hoga, M49S,0O0: calves. 860L000:
sheep, 91,710,000; horses and mules,
11, 8 1J, 000.
The receipts for the year at the
etock yards, two days' estimates, and
comparisons with last rear, are here
Cattle, 1,660,000; gala, 188,000 or
thirteen per cent
Calves 86,000; Iocs, 6,800 or seven
per cent
Hogs, 1,046,000; loss, 436.00C or
eighteen per cent,
Sheep, 509.000, gain, 133,000, or
thirty per cent
Horses and mules, 34,000; gain, 2,500,
or eight per cent
Total cars 100,000; gain 8,000, or
three per cent
General Master Workman Bererelfa
Issues a Flalnly Worded Address.
Philadelphia, Deo. 30. General
Master Workmun Sovereign of the
Knights of Labor before he left for
his home in Des Moines, issued the
following to Knights throughout the
country, appealing to them to protest
against the proposed bond issue:
Tbe slzteentb plank In the preamble of the
Knitrhts of Labor reJ as follows: "Tb U In
terest bearin bonds, bill of credit or notes
ball never be Issued by tke Korernman : but
tbat whm neeJ artaea, tbe emerrenuy shall be
met by Isiueof le.s tesder non-lntoreit boir
ln money "
I wish every locsl sssemhly of our order in
the United States to read tbe plank above
quoted aP'l discuss it at their Brut regular
meeting In January. Tbe reason for asking
new audition on thti subject at this time Is
obvious. Tbe Secretary of the Treasury Mr.
Car Isle, has a.ikd Congress to ijranl him au
tnority to Issue U00,. 00 Ojj In Interest bearing
bor K
t am also In receipt of letters from the cot
ton rexiona ef the South snd from hit cultural
districts in the West, declaring- that tbe lxsu
In - of interest bearln - bonds bv the national
government will be considored sufficient pro
vocation to J istiry a oall to arms Uod forbid
that we should ever twain feel justified in
using- bullets is s country where ballots are so
free I surest th .t upon the first attempt of
con -ress to vrant the authority asked by the
seoretary, the members of our order from
Maine to Californ a hold indignation meetings
and send aa unequivocal p otest to their re
spective members of congress The issuin of
bonds la an outrage upon a liberty lovln pea
pie, and should br.tad with eternal Infamy
every name connected with the disreputable 1
Tbe tedalla Negro Murderer Suffers the
Law's Highest Penalty.
WaBBRJiSHUKe, Mo. , Dee. 30. Charles
Banks, a Sedalia negro murderer, was
handed here this morning. At 10
o'clock services were conducted in his
cell bj tbe Rev. Mr. Smith and the
Bey. Mr. Pegu a. lie was conducted
to the scaffold at 10:20, walking with
a firm step He then made a short
talk, in which he thanked all the peo
ple of Warrensburg who had been se
kind to him lie forgave those
who testified falsely against him
and said he did not get justice in his
trial The ninety-first Psalm was
read and prayer was offered. Just
before the noose and the black cap
ware adjusted, he lit a cigar and said:
'Hood bv to all you people." Lie
shook hands with all on the scaffold
and tho trap was sprung at 10:53. His
neck was broken by the fall and he
was pronounced dead in seven min
utes. Bank's crime was tbe deliberate
murder of Isaac Palmer, another ne
gro, in a gambling den at Sedalia,
August 89, 1892, and was the result of
a quarrel over a game of craps.
Federal Judt;e Renders a Daelslon of
aluek Interest la Some (Sections. j
Skattle, Wash., Deo. bO Judge
Ilanford, in the United States court
in the case of Henry Cuimaraes against
the Northern PaulOo railroad tsoui
pany for fJ&,000 damages for frights
and shocks sustained by his wife and .
for the loss of f 375 cash and valuables
in train robbery at Hot Spring's No
vember 1VJJ, instructed the Jury yen
terdav that the company waa not
liable for the loss of more money than
was necessary for traveling eiiienses,
or that a prutent man would carry
with him when he had other means
of safely Di-stowm It. He also ruled
that wbt the company
must care for the safety of passenjrera.
It cannot be railed on to lusure them
agalnt toss by robbery. The Jury
found for the defendant,
Widow ef Vtee fre.ldeat tolfat
reaallaa ta liar til 4 Asv
La roan, Ind, lVo. Kt Friends
familiar with the elraumsian. vs of
Mr. M'hayler C Culfax, widow cf
Vice lrai int Cut fat, deeUre thai
the failure of the lndUnapiUs Nation
al tunk ha tut relr sw,t away the
mall fortune U t by hr huban I,
wbu-h was Invested le the ruined In
I Ifl aaa la wt Itt a tlala.
Mti sot axs, IW 30. fifteen llvts
were I Mt thrUfc-a tha wrrW of tbe
teaaie Alert Um I'urt Albert t
MaiUiurne whk'h went athttre oft
JuUiiee I'uint durtnir the k1s whtob
wept over Tort I bUtp last labt
Only one eroH was wtved.
' - the ess rw l X
v veiiviiir
1 ttzrzssz'zzzzrz:'
vocatur, ih.
Uaseaaaled for Hoase, Bam, Factory or Out
Bmldiofi and rati kali the price e thlnflee, tin
or ir m. . It ia ready for use, and caaily applied by
aaOne iend stamp for aeonles, and (tate ilze a
root, uviuuva rsisT m auurixo Co
161 Ouane at.. New York, N. Y.
THU eCT and eend it to as
your nam- and adurtaa aad we
end jou thin wauch by a.i.rpie
loreiaramatlun. A huruu.
IW S Imii end chain end
cbarrn wnt with It. You ex
amina It and U yon think it
a bargain py oar sample
price, M 75. and It is your,
it is beautifully enirravMl
and warranted tlx beat time-kn-per
in tha World lor tbe
money and tonal in appear.
nee to a g-ennine Solid
tola watch. Write tol.y,
tbia offer will But appeal
334 Dcarborn ST.,
author of "Looklof Backward."
The Niw NATioif is devoted to the
interests of Nationalism. The industrial
system of a nation, as well as its political
system, ought to be a government of the
peopie, dj tne people, tor the people.
Thi Niw Natiow gives the best digest of ,
reopie s rartjr news trom all sections
ei tne country. Address, j
13 Winter St., Boston, Mass.
uo you want to learn a profession wherebv
" m ..I iu aim wvaivar
Learn the new Blopathy syHtem of Health
it cures any acute OlseaBe la one treatment.
Chronic In a few.
It Is eally, qeickly snd cheaply learned,
safe sare. slmtle and scientific.
One or more Blonsth is needed in n...
town. Every Dhvslciun and hpuior ni t. U
cure uis patients write tor full Id formation
uk. LmsiA HAiHN, aec'y,
BDfieiy oiecs. Omaha. Neb.
lirocdcrs ouly &S. Uttt d tht'snvri
ror raining chicks. 40 lut Pi ont!ui(.
12(H) TeMimouialg. . S.HI.VULIt,
pQT)H for Pmtrtl'f. I MSi.l.. ft.
simplest and moot econ
omical engines en earth,
Fally Gnarnteed.
A boy starts re
quires only s few
mil utes' atten
tion a day. Guar
anteed cost of
rnnnlno-1 r.t run.
hour per H. P .JB
r rite tor catalo
gue. Address,
Wefcer Gas A Cesollne Engine Co.,
Box 80, KAHSAS CRT, Mo.
Make Your Own Bitters !
On reoeipt of 30 cents, U S. stamps, I will
sead to any address one package feteketee's
Dry Bitters. One package makes i
beRt tonic known. Cures stomach and kidney
diseases. Now is the tine to uee bitters for
the blood and stomach. Send O. O. Steketee,
of Grand Rapids, Michigan, 30 cents, TJ. S.
stamps, and we guarantee that he will send at
once, f or saie Dy araggists.
elh K ti r) rwrTOt BriW-iWM!HEI
oc i,oaQQQOc5oc?Qmi
s-a . a. " in
1 3th and Farnam .
Cancers Cured.
I will nay htwrallv tor the names asd aa'draese
el per. na sudvrtut' from rarnw, (nuuanlre s
cshwiiI care or aa ca.rg. Na matter if eaa.
aaa Urea alvea aa lv uOwta, writ aw al ooc
far.Htana aupplud wi
(aunt. Kail teawdy s
ith nanlT al liberal mi.
InsUiMUoaa ta asif-
Uvat-"t, laa.
fort tayra. Ala.
"Totscco User Smile 8 mMimt"
When told ho toHaico hurtat I he in !
ainietlius tbeyd n't. brTnuae shaM rd
D rvr, wra (ji t, curuaiu catarrh and
Ual tuanMsH), Ifli the stry, lf(e
are a toharHM u r and want to quit
Het rtoirlf shout No TD llVr, the
ontl.-rf ul, barmkats, (tiarani-n-d I huo-rnr-rablt
cure by e tiling1 on II. I Ciars
Drug Vk, our S)(.nt and cHm a
f"py t'f our i ttl h t W. M' 1'titaH'
ill tr Tour Lt' Aaj" they
have sld rots bo. a ! NO ft U.KV,
and they ar rj 4 tw 'I It H toi
under at ab-vluv gusrantoe tat ru'e.
Ilatss mall. tl frei by a 'U'tln Tur
IhTtttt.iNa itsun.r i.'ouptsi, . V
. lUidol.h ov, Cuwtjts lil.
mm nh
f sTCj-e-- - A m A m
A 'I
jyMiti. . 1
I . Ol V fr;
toruwaaoney jB Amenca-SJIl
'or aatavtcl4ef laQZ.I
Spurgeon's -
Own Words.
"DlAB Vl rnHfltnt! Am m ml. T k.-.
faith ia advertised remedie; hnt it muit haw
be aometweoty-hre years aioco first 1 saw ia.
uie pxrwa ei one ci lay students tbe aaa
ot your remedy.
B e seemed at deatkV
he live
now, a strong, hearty
then I
have eeea
in many,
very many
the most
happy rea-ulufollow-ing
j e a r
I do note
REV. C. H. SPURGEON. by hear.
say, Dut testily to wnat l nave seen who my
own eves. 1 believe that you have saved num
bers from Consumption. I have friends with
coughs and weak lungs, whe speak of your
medicine with sincere gratitude. Personally, I
find it most useful in the case of wearing cough.
Very reluctantly do 1 rive testimonials lor
publication : but I send vos this as your due.
What i have seea of God's healing; power
tnrougn you, demaade of sne Mat I speaa
the aood of others. I have those around
whose health 1 value, and they are living wit
nesses that years is a very beneficial prepaaa
"Yours heartily, (Rev.) C. H. 8PUR0bK.
"Wkstwood," Beslaa Hill. Eoglaad."
G-. T. Congreve's
Message to America;
Tha above letter
front tha late emi
nent preacher, C. H.
fjpurgeon, is one of
thousands of test
imonials to the won
derful curative prop
erties ofmy Balsam is
Elixir, which net
only cures consump
tion but . gives in
stant and permanent
renei id canes or
Asthma, Chronic
bronchitis. Influenia
and all Chest affec
tions. . mwn. Tttos i-WHanm
For years I have K. r..tM
to make my remedy known in the United States,
but my time has been too much absorbed 5
my fcuropesa pattenU to allow thia Mow.
I hsve been able te extend m v nrnlariia
so as to bring America within the scope of my
personal observation, and my desire is to
make it clear to all citicens of tha tlnit,t K.r
that they may henceforth procure from soy
A cure for Conaumntlnn
"""-"i iu mo MUTunceu stages ef Chat
terrible disease, may be ased with certainty ei
relief. '
kVI.I. AUA I. . I. .1 I . ....
Every person suffering from Cheat ni..
and all ot weak lungs aaJ delicate habit, shou
"'7 un v-onaumpuon or tne Lungsor
Decline, and its successful treatmenr. ahnuiinv
that formidable disease to be curable in all
stages, with observations on Coughs, Colds,
Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis: together with
accounts of nearly successfully cured cases,
any one of which may be like yours, to be had
Fiost free for cts., or the book will be sent
ree with every first order of Si.oa bottle al
my Bslsamio Elixir.
obtained from manv dru? stores, It will
take some time before it will 'e it. reduced
Into all of them throughout this ,- st country.
If your druggist has not yet put It in stock, H
will be sent vou. carriage oaid. from rav in
depot, on receipt of socu., fixe, fi.75, or
f 7.00, according to the size of the bottle ordered.
London, Eng., and
4 weosier au-eet, ntw YOlcK
V Mention this psper.
World's FasrKigS.estfiwards
f Medal and Oi ploma MaSsit
tonaurmuuHAiUri ana
I BROOOtR Combined.
' fl!.i DolioWoM .Lende
I viu iiiiuuit7 meMH. 1
b J"u rw wiusMiu in rauHTj, n !
I imi hs s atnsu 4 esrots Lsi etasnne ier ear .
1 72 psnre esualeanke, iin valuable poind
fi e PooltTT Culture, Address
I Retiabta Incubator and Brooder Co Ouincy
Do Your Own Leather Work!
Root's "Slmrjltoltv ProeeKs" enables anv Dian to rnaka
a (rood t of double linen in 30 minutes tor tvtbi H&tno
atraps, Soi Hitcht-lrapi. I6oj Breaxftrapa. 0cs Halters,
SOc., and other straps In proportion. Straps by maU.
aalf usual prioes, Halfrnles, sadnlery.etfi., cheap.
Root-a Iron Laats anl Reoairina- Outnt. S3. SolderiBa
aaaaew. DiaoKanrnn s 1 oou, rxo., tor nom use.
Catalog free. Ecot Bros., Medina. Ohio.
warranted the
ssNNsrr'3 impsovso
Most Practical
Sent anywhere in tbe TJ. S.
Screw ,ca ble & hand power
3 ttyles9sizes. S25 to $160
t. witn iuuo jtec. Free
H. L. Bennett & Co.
Great Rock Island Rooti
1 he Rook Island ia rmts)i in adopi
lnft any advantairo calculated to Ira
I rove sNMd and five that luxury, afiy
and comfort that pojmlar pa'ronajre de
mands. Iu eqmpiiint ia thoroughly
ciniletfl with vts'lbuled trains, rnt.
Blfiiwntdlnlnireara. sievifrs and chair
riMu-hee, all the rooet tb irant, and ot
rro ntlv Improved pet was.
Fattnful asd caahle aianaffemeat
and (Mttlun, h'n'sV rv oe from era
ptoyes arr lniartan I'enia. They are
a doiiMn d'i'y -t the IVinpaey aad to
trav-I'-ra'id 11 U somims a taslt
dlffiieuU ff !'a-n.
f rson lb1 ltn will So I tittle cause for
oiep'aint on that round
tt i iU lutrthni ara Wi ticat,nir,
raU's, aMi!y ti ant cow.r th'sr t ftliw
la the I'al l aaV. tsi or ai'ilco
or ald.r: JNH HMHVflAN,
llei'lhi ! Al I ka-af K I'.t,
K T Hms, aa I Meaam. St-.u. It
Northwrsira tlae Vu t'hkafn.
raw, f at trsirvs. umeo till
I 1 door, but
1 yrAj -
k tymaA .....
-fa m XI revfj
Ouincy, III,
Made a
mm a
I - ,aMi5i" L k . 1 " i amsai
oar I
a 1
for T