The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, January 04, 1894, Image 1

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The Alliance-Independent
The Alliance-Independent
Advertising medium
In the west It Is especi
ally valuable u a means
of reaching 'he farmers.
Its circulation is as large
In Nebraska as the cir
culation of all the "frnn
journals" combined.
Give Thi Alliancb
Inbkpxndejtt a trial If
you want good results.
A Every Lover
of the People's Cause !
Dear Reader: We are working for you and yours. . And that
our work may be made effective to the utmost will you not help us
in our efforts to reach and educate the people? We have no means
at command to send a canvasser to your neighborhood, and if we
had, no stranger could do as successful work as one who knows the
people. We must depend on voluntary help to advertise and intro
duce our paper, and we appeal to you for the cause' Sake, to help
us reach as many as possible in the circle of your acquainiance.
It need not be an expense to you. It iieed not take much of, your
time. And by te'iitag the truth about the Populist state paper and
bandog pg to your friends you can easily induce them to sub
Scribe. Is hot this your part, your propaganda work? That we
may know our helpers and communicate with them we ask that you
sign and return the appended pledge, to do simply what you can for
The Alliance-Independent in the way of getting subscribers.
Lincoln, Nebraska.
. ; -
Knowing that in the great impending conflict with the money
power we must have votes to win; and that to gain votes we must
get the people to read the truth; and that this cannot be done un
less those now aroused bring one or more of our papers to the hands
and attention of their neighbors; I, therefore, freely and gladly
promise to do my share, and will exert myself to secure at least
vfive new subscribers for The Alliance-In s r knt within the
next ten days, sending in subscriptions as I am able to get them at
club rates.
Dated,. ....189..
' Name........ ...
Town ..................
Annas! Statement A Decrease" In Re
ceipt nt Cattle and Hogs.
Chicago, Jan. 1. Secretary George
T. Williams of the Union Stock Yards
Transit cempany has completed his
work on the company's annual state
ment, and it is a document of consid
erable importance. It shows that the
receipts of cattle were 3, 133,405, a de
crease of 438.000; hogs, 6,957,278 a de
crease of 77,000; calves, 210,557, in
crease 31,000; sheep, 3,031,174, increase
900,000; horses. 82,493, decrease 2,000.
Shipments give cattle at 000,183, de
crease 121; calves, 13,832, decrease
8,000; hogs, 2,149,410, decrease, 800,000;
sheep, 445,805, decrease 1,000; horses,
70,011; decrease 4,000,
The valuation of stock of 1893 fell
below that of last year, reaching only
$249,542,375, while iu the twenty-eight
years, or since 1806, it reached the
enormous Rum of S3, 950,795, 105. In
1893 the valuation of the stock handled
was 8253,836,502.
Another Katiaa City llaiiaer Arrwaied.
Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 1. John
Eeid, ex-president of the Western
Trust and Saving association, which
failed lust July, was arrested Satur
day night Ufon a warrant sworn out
by E. S. (!aney charged with having
received a deposit when the bauk was
In a failing condition, lie passed the
night in j;ul and was released yester
day on S3,oo0 bun I.
, Killed by an KtpreM Train., Md . Jan. I. -Three per
sons were instantly killed by a New
York express train at Paluxent on
the ltaliiinore A Potomao railroad,
eighteen miles from this city last
night. The victims wers an aged
couple, Thomas 1. Narley and bis
wife, of I'atuxent, and thtilr 10-year
prandton. All were in a carriage, on
the way to the hute of friend.
AaartaKI lodt.i TrW im hit' Him.ell,
Lomdo. J.m I. A llarceUtn die
psitcn says the anutrcUUt, Cod ma, in
trln there on the charge of having
trU-d to murder tii neral Campus and
of having Imen Implicated In the Lict o
thou ter outrage, tried to commit
td In his coll by oprnl g one of hit
vein witt a piece of gla. He was
dUovered lu time and h s attempt
BrtMiag e Me Stest Mall StUL
JtmKtrvw, Pa, Jai. I The Cam
bria Iron eompaay bt legaa the
tre-t'tlon of a new steel rail mill, the
etimte4 eust of wbWe Mill reave
thievge's laevetee la feeaUIUa.
Cmcsoo, J.n I, At Ummit of
feuaitt wee last eight. 1 H, Uree
lv, slalUtUiai, suttu IU Ngse
la Ue pupalst'ee ef CUsaa le
Idaho's Prod uc: ion of Metal.
Boise, Id., Jaa 1. Statistics com
piled by the Boise City National bank
show the value tf the three principal
metals produced in Idaho during 1893,
as follows: Gold, $1,645,000; silver,
$1,502,000; lead, 8775,000. Total, 83,
922,000. This shows a total decrease
of over 83,000,000 as compared with last
New Paper In Pueblo, Col.
Pueblo, Col., Jan. 1. The Pueblo
Daily Journal published its first issue
this afternoon. It will appear as an
afternoon paper until about March
1, and is ue a Sunday morning aadi
tion with full report After March 1
it whl come out both morning and
J. M. I.ncj Very 111.
Pittsbuhg, Kan., Jan. 1. It is au
thoratitively reported that J. M. Lacy,
late secretary and treasurer of the
United Mine workers of Kansas and
Missouri, is lying at the point of death
6 hia home in Miuden, his physician
ascribing his malady to alcoholic pois
oning. I'tah'a Mineral Product.
'Salt Lake, Utah, Jan. 1. Wells
Fargo & Co. 'a statement of the min
eral product of Utjh for the year 1S93
ho the export value is $7,926,601.
Computing gold and silver at mint
value and other metals at their value
at the seaboard would increase the
value of the product to $13,833,074.
Cutting pvleee on III mutilating OIL
Pvkhlo. Co!.. Jan. I. The Contin
ental oil company, the Standard's
Vetern adjunct, on account of com
petition, has cut the wholesale rice
of Illuminating oil from c even to
sevrn cent jcr pal. on, ami the retail
price is ten vent The Florence till
: and re tin lug company met the cut,
A a;r- e4 U f td.
t Pii mh. H a, J t -I. E. Ren-
nett, reaiding Ju lg of tho supreme
leourtwf Huuth t)a its, died very su4
( denly of li art ftlitr in thU city yea-
t-id f evening lie It id Wen judge
I linen the beginulng tit ttehMd, au l
t lat MivutK-r was eim ie I l..r an.i her
A enialwe Kill Miiw.ell,
Kaxtas t itv, Jaa I. Stephen A
H Jatnea, a epeuUtor U rattle and
nogs at the stuck yards, railed wn hie
tatrenged ntfe H4tenl tv til: hi Hue
iWilted to am hle ul he shot hl.i
self Ihfouirh the iu tka ktlwA
1 .I..Ima Im I . n. ... . . .
Ilewtfxee Me Mirrled,
Wsar.astMt an, Ma, Jaa, I. Mr
diaries U M'4 Itetuu. bulaM nav
rr tad one of Ks pfiprtetne ef ,
ls,i aed Weekly Mar, was married
t eo..e letterday in Mies Ulilae lU
rtavs) ef thta tty,
- " ' 1 ' .
kili eo his
ProfeMor Bbortlltdtfe, a Well-kaowd
Ld iica tor a Manlao from Grip.
Media, Pa, Jan. 2. Swi'.bin C
Ghortlid?e, principal of the famous
Media academy for boys, while out
promenading yesterday with his wife,
who was a bride of only a month, shot
and instantly killed her.
For three weeks Professor Short'
ledge has been confined to his home
witii the grip. His wife was a faith
ful, untiring nurse, but he did not
seem to improve rapidly. Yesterday
morning he took a walk, with bis wife
on his arm, in the direct on of
East Media, passing people without
I his usual sigu of recognition. ) '
A lew minutes later, while passing
through some woodland on Jelferson
street, those who were in that neigh
borhood were startled by hearing six
6bots, and, looking, saw what see med
to be a scuffle on the street. Among
t) jse.who heard and saw this was
C lef of Police McNiff, who ran to
the spot, where he found Mrs Short,
lidge d'-ad and the frenzied man cling
ing to her and calling tor her to come
back to him.
A six-shooting, 32-caliber revolver
was lying empty by the side of the
dying woman when the bystanders
approached. Professor Shortlidge at
tempted to drive them off, and threw
himself on the body of his wife, bow
rapidly being chilled in death. !? ,
The chief of police arrested and tool
him to the lockup. II ere it was found
he was not fully dressed, being still
In his niht shirt f
Professor Shortlidge Is a member of
an old Quaker family. He graduated
from Harvard university with honors,
and was the leading member of his
class in physical exercises.
Report .
f Her Condition by the
, BUf
neaa Men' Convention.
Duster, CoL, Jan, 2. The business
men of the state, assembled in con
vention recently, appointed a commit
tee to prepare a statement of the con
dition, resources and future prospects
of the state. The committee sab.
In consequence of the increased pur
chasing power of gold, the annual
Colorado gold product shows a re
markable increase, as follows: 1889,
83,636,217; 1890, 84,016,229; 1891. $4, 767,
880; 1892, 85,539,081, The gold output
of Colorado for 1893 is estimated at
The Colorado 'output of coal and
coke for 1893 has not fallen far short
of that r-t 1893, which was 3,771,000
tons of coal and 355,000 tons of coke.
Over 1,000,000 tons of Colorado coal
was shipped to Kansas, Nebraska and
Texas. . '
The petroleum output of one oil
held in Colorado for 1893 was 2,000
barrels per day, entirely supplying
Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Utah
and Now Mexico.
Mill Men at Carnegie' YYorka Working
to Secure a Heduotion.
Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. 2. The mill
men at the Carnegie works, Beaver
Falls, have inaugurated a movement
which will probably be joined by all
the wage earners In that vicinity to se
cure a general reduction of
rents. The men who have re
cently been reduced in wages
in't that it is impossible to
continue paving high rates on low
wages and that the cut on rents must
correspond with the cut in their earn
ings. On the same lines an effort will
be made to secure something in the
shape of concessions in prices from the
leading mercantile establishments, in
cluding bntchers, bakers, grocers, etc.
A similar movement has been started
among the business men and working
men at Mi'Keesport, and during the
wcekademmd will bo made on all
landlords for reduced rents.
Killed bf Ilia Divorced Wire.
CiiitAflo, Jan, 8. For two ytars
Hiiniel Ht'sly his buen a div ro.'d
man ictcr lay bs called on hit for
mer wif. ta wlh har a ha,i New
Year. Me ordered h m from the
h ime and h) reued togtk Then Mr,
lli'.ily to .k th. oft the tv and
tri I to s noke llealy out II .' st Mid
It biur than h, howerer, and Mr
llealy vi a ooiuimIU I l leave, stie
sent I Ikhusk ,svi!Iic to ejtct Healy and
hcully w. e,lw H with a
p.kir. Hetty thet left tin hiue.
When h rttt'n.x an I demsti I h! a !
initlaiitHi Mrs Heal? nVl at htm with
a rev.iiver. The bullet struck Ileal
in th I'r-nn, luflk'ttog e probably
fatal woun-l
An l'iMtiieal Iran N. leal.
rr ltH i. H i, Jan. , eatl.n
W develuooj hra laat sigitt m hen It
m li armnl t'.i.v Iff i well ka ht,
Irfteiiti hd el.,w , M. u i V tl
le.Hl te having a 1m u toned hia wife
and taken taitit hint In hi tllii the
w leant ii cliiidrt-it of Urtm I.
)eiWr general frtgm U1im afeal
tit the atili railway Mevh tt has
Iwt'N rmiitat in taina a'id k ti
tle tn tha i tlv f ir yi'tie V-i Iter hsi
i raited hi mil t aeer the retttra
of hU thi dree The ltirt bt
Wen l sled lit New Yrk titv.
Hre. Cleveland IId Bmile and n Warm
lluudi.iake tar All A Mild- Mannered
Female Crauk Interrupted I be
Ueceptiou for a Situate or
Two, Hut Wue Quietly
Himlled Awujr,
WisniNGToN, Jan. 1. New Year's
opened bright aud clear with more
crisp. nesa in the air than during all
of tho holiday week. Tho day was
more generally observed here than in
mobt cities, and while the custom of
keeping open housa Is falling into
desuetude with the more fashionable
set, official society observes the cus
tom and in many homes p irties were
made up to receive all callurs. These
receptions, however, did not begin
till after noon.
The eventof the morning and the
early afternoon was the presidential
reception at the white house. The
executive mansion had been made
especially attractive for the oecasion.
The floral decorations were tasteful,
but not elaborate. Festoons of smilax
were everywhere In elaborate profus
ion, froji the friezes of the walls,
from gas and electric light fixtures
and in the window embrasures. In
the state dining room potted palms
were placed. In the red room a row
of Chinese primroses stood on the
mantel piece, backed by green planta
Palms were clustered before the fire
place and in the corners of the room.
The blue room in which the presi
dent and receiving party stood showed
the brightest flower effects. The day
light was wholly shut out' of this
room and the great chandelier, with
its glittering crystal pendants, was
all ablaze. Before the window to the
southward were grouped palms and
plants, the gorgeous 6carlet leaves of
the Christinas plant being the con
spicuous feature. On the west mantle
piece were Chinese primroses again.
The shelf on this side of the room was
a bank of bright flowers roses, lilacs,
carnations, tulips.and white hyacinths.
The east room decorations r'ere con
fined to greens, with a few Chinese
primroses peeping from recesses here
and there.
The arrangements for the reception
were interrupted about 10 o'clock,
when a mild mannered woman, evi
dently of unbalanced mind, arrived
with the announcement that she was
there to take possession. She was
politely shown through the lower
floors of the building by Captain Dex
ter, the chief usher, and then quietly
escorted away by a policeman.
Promptly at 11 o'clock the Marine
band stationed in the other corridor
of the mansion struck up "Hail to the
Chief," which was the signal for the
beginning of the receptions. In an
other moment the nretiidcntial party
appeared at tho middle landing lead
ing from the private 4utn w.r0 above
to the reception rooms below. First
came Colonel Wilson and Captain
Pitcher, U. 8. A , in full uniform.
Then followed President Cleveland
with Mrs. Cleveluud on hit arm.
The president wore his conventional
garb of black, with Prince Albert
coat There was a buutonniere iu his
.lira. Cleveland smiled and bowed to
those In double mwn which lined the
hallways leading to the reception. It
was the lirst putdic appourauce since
trie til rin ui little Either and necks
ware craned 1 1 catch a glimpse of her.
II r hair wa brunhed up and lack In
the lmple ma nr of her early plc
ttircA Iter hlgii-necked g'iwn was
alu.ot entirely fn fro n J.tweli and
the jeweled comb iu ber hair was the
only noticeable ornament ta her at.
Following the t rMdn!lal conp'e
came VI e lYraident and Mrs Mpven
( ii, .s.-i r- tnv and .Mra. lirehaiu,
NN rt t iry end Mr, t ariUle, Secretary
and Mra. I. a mint, tho Attorney U n
rrvi and Mrs O.uey, the I'ltttuiaatcr
(11 nernl and Mrs. liKaetl, heerelary
n t Mia tl. rterl, .Secretary and Mie
bmiih aud KeereUry an 4 Mrs, Morton.
Hie iitolde the receiving rom, Mrs.
Cieviriand tjuh-kiy dr o f her long
J 'ov In wiler I-j eontlnue a etoitt
, tn wku-h she U aim t al ne, of giv
' bg her .Ne Year's gretiag with
Iwrw li td Mte leauud her left arte)
on the t4.k tf e divan sad with the
ritfht etvel gueatA
VI.- t .eve.rn t t ftHt at the d.r
llir iiiifh tahit'h ihe eHer IU
g . e l the band of e.ieh one, a ttUing
aw a ' list y .New r'a"
a. id then dslru4) Hinvlug th eaU
i(h tttMra K levrlatid an I Ihe line ef
eltiuet lalii-a who si ten ld aere
Ihe t ee rua in the tut dM ee ttm
oiner sioe. iiaci ot ttie line of caM
inet ladies were two or three score of
ladies and young girls, official and
personal friends of Mrs. Cleveland and
uie caoinei incne. i hey took no im
mediate part in the receiving, but
their brilliant costumes and jewel
lormeu an cneciive background for
the official party in front These
were the wives of Chief Justice Ful
ler, Sneaker Crisp, Major General
r?cltoneid, benators Uorman, Gray,
Fne, Dricc. Gordon, Manderaon,
and Sherman; Representatives Reed,
Wilson, llurrows. Hivera and (litth.
waite; Adjutant General Ruggles and
loinmouores jiamsav, lnchborn and
Chadwhk and Asdant Secretary
McAdee and the Misses Hamlin, sis
ters of Assistant KaiTplnre llmnlln'
the wife of Colonel lley wood, com
mandant of the marine corps and of
Private secretary Ihurber; Miss Whit
ney; the Misses Stevenson; Misslirice;
Miss Murphy; MLss Thomas; Mra A.
A. Wilson, Mrs. Sunderland, the wife
of the president's nastor: Mini Uitr.r.-
Miss Tuckerman: Miss Sanders; Miss
Letter; Mra W. K. Carlisle; Min Bar
rey; Min Henderson; the Misses Scottj
MiM liertha Crisp and Miss Sheffield.
The rest of the program was carried
out just as usual each year. .The gen
eral public was present in far greater
numbers than of recent years and the
ioors were not closed at the usual
time. .
Ileav Iiieorepanclea In Accounts
. Debt A way llejrond the Limit,
Omaha, Neb., Jan. L It is openly
charged here that there is a discrep
ancy of over $320,000 between the
state auditor's books and thosevf the
state treasurer. After spending more
than two weeks in checking up the
discrepancy, although the auditor
has had nis figures fully verified,
the books fail to balance by about
It is also charged that althoegh the
state is now paying over f 43,000 a year
interest on outstanding warrants, it
la not getting a penny of interest on
nearly which the state treas
urer has placed on deposit la the
banks. This means that the state la
paying out 84c, 000 a year interest
when its warrants could have been re
deemed and the state is losing from
$.'5,000 to $30,000 a year in interest on
funds which responsible banks were
ready to give the very best of bonds
under the act of 191.
The tangle in the state treasury it
held to indicate that there is some
thing wrong in the methods of ac
counting, and the enormous value of
outstanding warrants Indicates the
most reck ess financiering. Accord
ing to Auditor Moore the state debt
now exceeds f 1,00 1,000 when it is lim
ited by the constitutionto 8300,000 and
the debt is still increasing at the rate
of $19,000 a month.
Waut Walte Impeached.
Denver, Col. , Jan. 1. A special
from Lake City states that at a meet
ing of the citizens of Hinsdale county
resolutions were adopted instructing
their representative in the general
assembly , to bring impeachment
charges cgainst Governor Waite and
then work for an immediate adjourn
ment of the extra session. This is
brought about by the governor's de
termination to cali the legislature to
gether and his recent row with tbs
warden of the penitentiary.
Pride of the V. L V. A.
Chicago, Jan 1. The new Young
Men's Christian association building.
thirteen stories high and costing $850,
000, was formally o ened to-day. Th
building is located trn La Selie. 1unt
sou h of Mwdison street, and is th
finest tKH-'upied by anv Y. M. C A. as
sociation iu Amjiiea, the property
being valued at 303.000.
A 'iJr.r t.uei; liinueK
Piss Hi. err. Ark , Jan. 1. J. D.
Mejier rott, murderer of O. N
Hrooka, was found hanging in h s cell
In the local jail, he h-tvlng suicided,
ttalnga ro. e mttde of his lied clothe
taey Stone's Reataliie Cremated.
RosTOx, Jan. $ -The body of Locy
Stne, the philanthropist and defen
der of the rights of wo nan, was In
cinerated yesterday at the ere natorv
at Forest Hill, which has recently
been ctini lete-L The a he will be
(laced In an urn and delivered ta Dr.
Hack well, the husband of Mrs. Men
ttaa Starving Mre f le Heath.
Ihcjvra, CoL, Jao. I Mra. Kraale
rVhaefer was removed to the county
luwpl a) Ut night betauae he was
starving heraelf ta ileilh an ler the
fcelltteintttoa that she h d been eouv
anatd t fast eutil ber husband,
whii tltpearel a week agf should
return home.
fee aotetdee NPtttet, re.
PirtaKi'ae, li, J an I. -T well
kiosi Men of this etcHon eom nltte l
suicide yeeitrday. They were II. IL
tirsftue ef Wwielitev, eantnerM
traveler for the T II Nevin VVhli
4 mt npeay, end V W. (Viswhne,
ae oil auan, f Mrewr.
Take Tm eUtAAvfc ivrKDftT
The free and unlimit
ed coinage of silver at
the ratio f-f 16 to 1; la
Other words, the restor
ation of silver to the
place It held in our cur
rency from 1792 to 1873.
That the Sherman
law shou'd not be re
pealed unless a law
more favorable to sil
ver is substituted orlt
NO. 29
The Recent Deelelon of the Interior De
partmeiit that the Statna of a Child
Born of an Indian Woman and
a White Father Follow the
, Condition of the Father
Likely to Play llavoo.
WAsniNGTON, Jan. 3. There it quite
serious trouble ahead In regard to the
title to our recently acquired Indian
lands an empire themselves in ex
tent. The development of the diffi
culty has been gradual, but the grav
ity of the matter is not fully appre
ciated, and it is quite probable that
the question may come up for action
immediately on the reassembling of
congresa In fact, just before con
gress dispersed for the Christmas hol
idays Senator Kyle of South Dakota,
December SI, introduced a resolution
In the senate which brought out th
essential facts of the difficulty.
Mr. Kyle's preamble recited that by
article 13 of the treaty between tkc
United States and the Sioux Indiana
it waa provided that "no treaty for
the cession of any portion or part ot
the reservation herein described,
which may be held in common, hall
be of any validity or force against th
eaid Indians unless exercised, executed
and s gncd by three-fourths of all tn
adult male Indiana occupied or Inter
ested in the same," and further that
" the two acts of Congress, both dated
March 3, 1880, entitled 'acts to divide
portion of the Sioux nations of Indian
in Dakota into separate reservation
end to assist the Indian title to the
remainder, and for other Durnoses.
and the appropriation bill, approved
March 9, 1880, show upon their fan
that they were signed br a number oi
adult Indiana of the whole blood, lea
in number than the three-fourths a
provided in the said treaty, and thai
In order to obtain the necessarv three-
fourths aforesaid divera mixed blood
were solicited, and were Dermitted to.
and did sign, such treaty made by th
commission on the part of the United
States, acting under such acts of con,
gress dated as aforesaid. March 3, 1889.
"And. whereas, the secretary of the
interior of the United Statea haa de
cided, as It is claimed, that divera of
the mixed bloods who signed as afora-
said, such treaty made with said com
mission, are not Indians In contempla
tion of law, and that they and their
families are not entitled to anv rights
or privileges whatever in the land.
the secretary of the interior is di
rected to transmit to the senate forth
with copies of all orders, opinions and
directions that he has given in respect
me saia mixea-Dioods. tocethnr
with copies of all
taining thereto "
reports, etc., per-
All these legal difficulties have been "t
re been T
ent de- 1
nent in
To in a- I .
Drougnt to trie front by the recen
Clslon of the interior departmen
west-! Known am the "lilack
hawk" case, that the status f
of a child born of an In-'
dian woman and a white father
follows the condition of the father. ,
This decision, though involving no
new principle of law, has been sue- '
nended because of its far-reaching ef
fect. Carried out to its logical con
clusion, it would invalidate pretty
well all our Indian treaties. Over 10,
0OO.CO0 acrea were acquired under our
treaty agreements with the Kioux
lone, and a targe proportion of the
signatures to that agreement were
half breeds who, according to the
"Mack Tomahawk" decision, are now
Bf t to be "adult male Indians occupy
ing or Interested' in the auie,
The same condition ot facta will ap
ply to the agreements entered into
with Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indian
in Oklahoma, ceding about 3,0-10,000
acres of land. It is quite likely that
other agreements of former years, and
so. ne o' hers of recent date will be ef
fected bv the ruling, and, thereby th
til lea of settlers who have taken up
home on this land will be Impaired.
The subject Is su h serious one,
an t so surrounded by embarraaa meats
that It will certainly cad f r prompt
attention. (Mine enabling set will
have to be paaaed to qa et titles if th
"ttlaek Tomahawk" decision I
ieW KWaf4e l-eed. X Y.. Jaa. I -Willies
RluM vdtun. or heller hae iu UrH.lf
lya as ' iH-a.a," the rallrmd wag
ate, died al I h re veolstef.
etaealel Wheeee Uee4
BattMtsiMsf. Conn, Jan LUos
KsUaaiel Whe.ler, .riMat ! the
Wheeler and W!t fewlug Vaehln
eompeey died yesterday truer alu eH
true hie