T 1 Tills ALLIANCE -IN DEPENDENT. I)ECKMI.KR28 1893 V MOW TO CARE FOR THE HANDS. stelae rr V"PlBf Tbam Walt aa4 At tractive. Tbe first thing to do U to try to keep Km hands smooth. Be careful first of ba soap. Select the kind which best creee with the skin and always use it As water is more or leas hard, keep a pttle covered box of powdered borax on onr washstand and pat a pinch or two m roar basin before washing your hands. If obliged to come in contact with coarse kitchen soap, yon will want a more speedy remedy than the glycerinlotions. The vinegar cruet will supply this. Poor little on your hands and let it dry in. Lemon juice is better if equally con venient Glycerin and rose water will arentnally restore the skin to softness and whiteness. Now to remove stain o' discolorations. A few grains of chJode ' li iQ warm water will white the hands almost im mediately. Oowknd's lotion persistent ly used wfll tuake a care for grimy, jfinjy looking skin. As it is very expen sive and sometimes bard to get, the fol lowing is the formula: Jordan almonds (blanched), t 1 ounce; bitter almonds (blanched), 2 to 3 drams; distilled water, ne-half pint. Stir and add gradually to the strained emulsion bichloride of mer ory, 15 grains of the course powder, which has been already dissolved in one kalf pint of distilled water. Dip a cloth In this and wet the hands with it night i And morning. At r i . i 1 juways remove rings Deioro nsmg his, as there is mercury in it. Don't wash the hands in hot water or put them in it if not compelled, but wash always In warm water if possible. Wipe carefully, and with the towel pushaway the flesh from the lower part of the nail, saving the little half moon visible." Don't point the nails or use colored aires for polishing. Cat nails with aired scissors. Why Are "Crypts" Bo Called? The word is derived from the Greek and means to hide, a crypt being an un derground chamber, hidden as it were nder a church. In the earliest times of Christianity worship was necessarily in the catacombs in Borne. , It became cus tomary afterward to use the tombs of the martyrs as churches, and thus crypts are apposed to originate. Churches were then built over the tombs and fitted as chapels. ! Why Are "Dogdays" fto Called? ' Properly speaking, the "dogdays" last from the 3d of July to Aug. 11. Dogs are then popularly supposed to go mad, but It is a mistaken notion, besides being un trse is fact. Dogs aro, strange to say, less liable to rabies then than at other times. "Dogdays" is a translation of the fatata "dies canicularee," the 20 days which nrecede and 20 which follow tha HsMag of Sirius, the star, which the Bo- Bans called "Canicula," or the "little ! ac." The ancients considered this star fa nave an evil influence and sacrificed teown dog to it in order to appease its Sage. Of course it is known that in the anrse of time Sirius will rise in mid win tar instead of midsummer. saw te Make a Good Up Salve. Boss salve is very useful in winter to keep the lips from chapping or cracking. To make it mix 8 ounces of oil of al monds and half an ounce of alkanet Let them stand in a warm place and train. Melt 1 ounces of white wax and half an ounce of spermaceti with the oil; stir it until it begins to thicken and add 12 drops of attar of roses. ow We Use tbe word "Rodomontade." "Rodomontade" means bragging and ejomes from Rodomont, king of Sarsaor Algiers, in Borardo's "Orlando Inamor ato" and Ariosto'a "Orlando Furioeo." This word is a most unjust imputation on him from whose name it is derived. Rodomont was famous as the lover of Doralis, princess of Granada, who after ward eloped with Mandricardo, king of Tartary. In a quarrel he challenged Rogero at bis wedding and was killed, bnt there was nothing in either the chal lenge or tbe fight to judge him as an asters Bob Acres all talk and no cour age to fight Hew te Make Furniture Polish. One pint of linseed oil, half a pint of gin, quarter of a pint of turpentine, one annoe of bntyr of antimony (poison) and a quarter of a pint of vinegar. Put these ingredients into a wine bottle and Juke well P.ub briskly on the furni- with a flannel. w Ike Atlantis Ocean Got Its N ' This ocean is supposed to have received sta name from the fabulous island of At lantis, which the ancients believe was situated in that ocean. This is first men tioned by Plato, in which description Atlantis appeared as a large island lying aT the Pillars of Uereoles in the Atlantic eaaa. The Canary islands were supposed Iry some to be the remains of tbe old Atlan tis, while others believed that the vast is land may have been the new world. It asay also have been given the name At lantic because it washes the feet of the great Atlas mountains of Africa. Umm Uytpeattoe Stay Iia4 rUaaaal EeUet Dyspepsia may be got rid of by the pendafmt uae of the juice of the pine apple. There are medicinal properties ei the highest order ia this form of the fruit, la throat diNtes and la dl pa ttstrta it has seldom tailed to fciTS relief. Hew t Keep Celery, Celery ran be kpt a week or longer by fast rulllng it la dark brown papers then fanning It ia a towel and laying away la a eo4, dark place. Before preparing It Mr the UUe plsee it ia a pan of cold wa ter, sad let It remain for aa hour. Thus kept, the oelary wilt I4cu to a consider able attent and be finer thaa when first lanJthaaaxL te fweet tUeee4e Press see tog Its lb sterna ia eool water, tprbtkle fee bad the steel ves wufc the aauti thaa fat taw la a dark. e4 room, Tha oV jbkf best. They wlU thaa keep freak fa several iaya, yet ntt pvfubl at JT. ajt. Klddle-Me-Bee. Mr flret U in claret, bat not la wine; Mr second U In railing, and also In Una. air third la la needle, bat not In pin. Mr fourth la la minnow, but not In fla. Mr fifth ' ,a bnt not ,D be?r Mr slits ' ,n table, bnt not In chair. Mr seventh U In Iron, bat not In steeL Mr eighth la In salmon, bat not In eel. Mr whole la a handsome, popular flower. Which often grows o'er a shady bower. No. 413. Pletared Word. No. 414. Numerical Enigma. My whole, a word of 11 letters, is "being at ease." My 8, 8, 0, U, 19 U a girl's name. My 1, 8, 7 is a d6mestlo anlmaL My 7, 8, 6 is a name for a sailor. My 9, 8, 7 Is a plaything. My 4, 8, 5, 7 is a part of the body. My 10, 8, 8, 11 is crippled. My, 8, 8, 7, 11 is a companion. No. 418. Central Aerostle. All of the words described contain the same number of letters. When rightly gneMed and placed one below another in the order here given, thecentral letters will spell the name of a popular American nov elist of early date. Crosswords: L Greater in number, quan tity or extent 2. Easily broken. 8. A punctuation mark. 4. Cheerless. 6. Cov ered with floe particles. 0. Having great height 7. A fresh water fish. 8. A law or rule. 9. To crush into small fragments. 10. A masculine name. 1L Honorable fame. 13. Ghastly pale. 13. Having a low price in market. 14. A beverage. 15. Extend ing far and wide. 10. A proportional part or share. 17. A military station where tores and provisions are kept. 13. A whim or fancy. 19. Perforates. No. 416. Proverb Patties. L A hopeful proverb may be made from the letters which are contained in the fol lowing words: Severn. Repaid. 9. A very well known proverb maybs formed from tbe letters which are contain ed in the following words; Glove. Mole. , My. Dove. No. 41 T. Word Building. I L A Utter. 2. An article. 8. Hur ried. 4. An East Indian plant 8. To fil ter. 0. Provoking. 7. Moving swiftly, 8. Trampling. 9. Impeding. II L A letter. 8. A preposition. 8. To clear of seeds by a machine. 4. Accumula tion. 8. Texture. 0. Classing. 7. Boast ing. 8. Traveling on foot. 9. A kind of grouse which chiefly inhabits the northern countries of Europe, Asia and America. No. 418. Rhomboids. Across L Untrue. 3. Spruce. 8. Part of a flower. 4. Even threads of metaL 6. A boy's name. Down L A letter. 2. An article. 8. To lay over. 4. To boil slowly. 6. A girl's name. 6. A measure of length. 7. Gone before. 8. A note in niuslo. 9. A letter. Across 1. An iron pipe used in forces. 1 A first appearance. 8. Tbe base of bo racioacld. 4. A chemical salt. 6. To pre vent Down 1. A letter. 2. A boy's name. 8. A film. 4. Black. 5. Gloomy. 8. To car ry. 7. A snare. 8. A musical note. 9. A letter. No. 419. Diamonds. L A consonant 2. To transport 8. Swift 4. A sharp pointed instrument ft, A con sonant L A letter. 2. A little boat 8. To sink by bending thb knee. 4. A species of prim rose, 6. Extremely cold. ft. To drive away. T. A letter. No. 4X0. Arithmetical Patsies. L If 60 gallons of water in an hour's time fall into a cistern containing 200 gallons, and by a pipe ia the same cistern there ran out 45 gallons per hour, ia how many hours will it be filled? B. There are two numbers whose sum will be 87 and their difference three. Find the numbers. No. 431,-Anlmals, Pish and Birds, . L A thin cloth. 9. A worthless person. , 8. A liquid, and a term of endearment 4. A coin. 6. To fuse ore. 6. Before dawn, a place of rest and a heavy wind. 7. To per f orata. 8. One who gathers, and a letter. 9. An engine for destroying ships. 10. A heavy cloth. 1L To stretch. 19. Part of a chicken, a letter and a river la Scotland. U. A papal edict end part of a cask. Nature's Ways. The potato slyly winks Its eye. The cornstalk pricks up Its ears. The cabbage nods its head. The beet nets red in the face. Tbe souaaa crooks Its neck. The onion grows stronger. The fruit tree groans under Its load. The w he atfield is shocked. The rye strokes Its beard, Tbe forest trees set their trunks ready at at to leave next spring. Tbe beanpotls are rattled. Tbe cucumbers are In a pickle. The river gently murmur, TU he aaaimad." Key l the Paaalee. He. 40C Trauapukitloa sad Aoroatiei Wau-L UoniUaf . 1 Rhone. & gather. 4 r-lleaU. s. Loire, a. AIetW, T. Ural No, A Cuuutoted Diamonds! 1-L H. 1 Put. 1 HuUr. 4 Tee, ft. It ll-L It a ta a tUved. 4 Va t IX Ill-U a iuui. i iud. tuit kix iv . -I t, 4 )'.ra, & I, 4. Aaa. a, B. .l,ut! to t iMuresi t Teat. If fsrdst(eetlliMhea. IredMf ardat Innaee. I A, It. 11,14. CIV. I No, aT.-UiuUal4 lUbuat geisse M i worth a realm (oealeere-ew earth eirelsak I Via 04,Aaaireai VudeUftntaeiA, J Na .-lWa,d Vvrli t tie. t . Cvar. IUH tUlaaa I Me, 4iat4aate ArxaUbM tUei4tfl Bnlaa4. iJaaet a Kail 1 Cat, t, taMe. 4 lUwIUIea. t. lea. 4 Caaasav , i lak. 1& Tartar. It Yea. He, ill.-Uarle4 Tree and Ptaatai 1 Wheat, 4 Curves. 4 UeAs, 4 Caetv 4 WlUew. 4 Um. J SHE WAS TOO SLOW. While She thought of Kcvesige Bar Lever Practiced It. J She was literary young woman, and she , had quarreled with her literary lover even ' more fiercely than was their wont Her deareat friend, coming in on tbe morning of the third day to hear all about it for the twentieth time, found her melancholy, but eomposed. j "Yea, it Is all over," she sighed, "and I can never be happy again. Wby, I haven't even curled my bang for two days, and when I found three typographical errors in j my poem on 'Sorrow' I didn't even write to the editor about It" "He never was half good enough for you," aid her friend consolingly. "Tom said so only yesterday." "What else did he say?" demanded the literary young woman. "Not that any thing matters to me now." "He said tbat you were as pretty as a pic ture and that you write a great deal better than Dick ever dared to." "Did he really? By the way, is my hair frightfully out of curlf" "Not at all, only you look pale." "Of course. My heart is broken. What slse did Tom sayr" "That he saw Dick driving with Laura Briggs tbe day before." "He did, did bet Well, Laura Brlggs can have him if she wants him. I'm sure I don't," and she burst into tears. "Of course yoa don't. And Tom wanted to know when you would publish another of your delightful stories." "Did be, indwd? I think a great deal of ! Tom's literary judgment much more than I do of Dick's, lie always criticises my stories. But I'll get even with him." "Howf Do tell me." "I've a letter here from tbe editor of The Weekly Lollipop asking for a story, and I Intend to take Dick for tbe hero, and make it so like him that everybody will recognise him and just hold him up to public scorn." "Oh, what a genius you are!" "Yes, and I will even make nse of his let ters." "How perfectly splendid! Begin right awsy. Don't mind me." "I will. By tbe way, here is tbe last num ber of The Lollipop. I haven't read it yet It may amuse you." "Tbauks. Oh, I see it has one of Dick's stories in it" "Indeed! I'm surprised tbat they pub lished it Nobody cares to read his work, I'm sure. Just let me look at it, will youf" A few moments later there was a loud cry, and the literary young woman sprang to her feet, upsetting the ink bottle as shs did so. "Tbe wretch, the brute, the monster!" she cried wildly. "What is lit Ob, what has he donef" "He has made me the heroine of his story and used every letter that he ever wrote me In itl" Chicago Tribune, Well Pleased. Foung Man What did your pa say when ke beard tbat I bad kissed your sisterf Little Girl lie said tbat was encourag-tug.-Truth. Tbey Matched. Waglelgh Bagleigh bad a curious ad venture tbe otber day. He got into the middle of a field when be found that an SJiKry brindlebull stood in front of one gate while a healthy Jersey cow guarded the other. He didn't know which to face, Taglelgh 1 suppose the cow proved to be the most harmless. Waglelgh No; it was a toss up between the two. Brooklyn Life. Childish Simplicity. Little Emilietta committed some trifling offense for which, as a punishment, she was put by her mother in a corner of the dining room. In a few minutes, when she had eeased crying, she slowly lifted her eyes, aad heaving a deep sigh said: Now,comeidocomeandklssme,motb- erdear. I forgive you." Piccolo Illustrate. , Overcautious. "Why did you shoot this manf" "In awlf dwenss," asswered the polW "Why, he was running sway from you." HI know it looked so. But I waa afraid ke was going around the block to attack me bom behind." Washington Star. A Long eeealea. "Jawley waa at tbe club last nigha," Wea asf Dldbetalkf" "Yea," -Whstaboutr "boat half the aUbt" Harper's Baser. areaatle. "I'd bate te be lo your skoee,N said a we ssaa aa she waa quarreling with a neighbor. MYou eoulda't get Into Utem," aarcaatle lly replied tbe neighbor. London TiVUilav Tbe OrewU f a MlUlater's BIU. Before set aaeweaae drawer she kaell Aad tberefreat a "shapa" ut rail Wbk b ret bar baif a duller. Veil she snwuttBd a uarwr yard Of vstvsl Iruui tl,e dullar lard, Aad atartod aewlas vary bard Is salts aSlef ebulor. A tweaty.sva seal (f seat be tauk, a4, suit a(iartm( vesed. Sue stlta b4 tbe ibive ti4baa. Te ealtara enve did sbe refer, Aad ibea, a If af ratd to stir, tae told a girt to brtag i be A fi-e tt fMitber, I Aserftaateatef b)saesS-- 1 fee treat 1 value to a M I Aad lace tbat wt a taartoa, f Aad la a hit e aettt e we ltt uik fctluue,aadheealbrk Crath tbat awe see fur ee m1 ire er 4eekier Aad Ua ae saat'ed a barer aesUe T Utab bev aalittaere beUe Taelr ae atMMtt a baaaeaj Qae 4t tbe totei . iH Mfbase tares bears luet, taM la tbe wtadww H was I I WNsTeeety IWarfes Hi rUyee4,s ItoaiaJbA - f aT- V WOLFE, Bo S il f oi w offer Box 329. Lin tin Neb. Hai vrv coulee lot of ' ... Horn ten different i4rrs which he now offeni at private aale. reserving all bia spring aow s for a public sale later on. Tbee pigs are choice individuals and cbolceiy bred. Are t y sue h! aires tut Orient. U 147: Wolfe s Ilk- s imw h4 tTjT wilkeaZnd 17.777 tbat recently void ti r tso (li, and other noted boars. Tbe dams are equally good and moon run oi w imrs. lecur-itea, van uee and U. S b.O'Xl. Come and Bee. or write for what you want. f Furnas County Herd 5 BIG BERK HOGS J AND Halstein Cattle. A few young males left. Orders booked for sows bred. Choice fall pigs cheap. S je my premium pig offer. H. S Williamson, Beaver City, Neb. S 0 n L H. SCTER, I Neligb, Nebrasks ?ZS -71 :ffl' r H Viw Proprietor of ELKHORN : VALLEY : HERD or To1apd-GTilpa Swipe. Have a splendid lot of pigs for sale. Mostly sired by Free Trade's Besi, whose sire waa sold fortMM This berd has no superior Kaator ext. Prices on Sprit g Pigs range f mm 112 to fttt, according to quality. L. H. -CTia, Mellgh. Neb. las I SUre CUre fr Hog t$ Cnickei) Choi era. I have a noxltlvp. tried, proved and guar antaed cure for hut andohlcken cholera, wblct has sieod tbe test of lx years without eve making a rauuee to my knowierge or mat aver huard iif It him liren UHed HllcceKHfull In hundreds of cuses. Us father Is and bar been lor forty years a leading nog-ralHer l this county, and bail lost many bogs froi cholera, but has never lout a hog or cblcke froru cholera since tbe Ulncovery of thl rem edy. One dollar will buy enough or the intrre lent at any drux store lo cure 60 to 75 bead . boirs. I will hend any person tbe recipe foV only fifty cents SendiUKlay, une the remed ami you w 11 never loaf another bog or chicke frnm chnleria.' ilnn't ta-filL until thev hpirin r Agent, or 1'astorof BaJitlHt Church, of wkicb am a member, or any DUHinexs ootise or gin flil.in or tbls Uiwa. Agents wanted A drexs, Mks. IUchki, V. Thomas, to wart , Aiabsma. I07A FEED S IE A ME Gitn away if it doij not save its cost in or! jejr Martin & Morriaf ey M'fL 7. FREE SILVEIj! AND PEERLESfs GRIN DErIc pm makes Farmer Hat ' Grinds more Brain toipp?' rdegree of ttneneta Uian I otuer mill. Urluda eaiMi v oals, eux, flue enouKliI"' sjiv niirnfMR. warnuiietf 1 r to choke. , We warraat the PKliKLTHS Jo ti"! ndCH K A P:sT M I I.I. ON KA K',,u. IIKSTa TlMf U IUUMJ I "i . mmum oniy or inn JULItT STROWBRlDBt CO., JOliet, jmmt wtra asmufor thscauiPioM wauun III. i rrMoa.l OMAHA JACK BAR N. IspnrtM Kraaisn A 1TALI (irk Writ for nar 19 ,!ara. Atldrea J. B Hot Ictt- ItfihJt Vinton, Omaha ATS Neb xrn rioSi i bak an ' Tfcs (.Ml ptftn nwnM.it far a au S., rvatttit vtthitat utaJ e luii...l -, I 1 . - -..111 x. ok., h.., AW are flSMlH ft bit f rate, std ekwm rft f eiee tfk fitiiK-M ,nt, imtikethe la bf.a'e Ike - Sw " "' hi. ii. .u All XT W H4 .tva r.t I k la .Mima t ike U S 4 t H4HI k a h( IT MM. d N bl IW.... 1 M, . A- , I I rTl draa ata Ikv laU la Tbe ekaapaeik lr M saowaasf ak lt, )iaikriuaAva 111 mA HI, Uaooia. j f Malb BmaifUM i 3 JmrsMw I 'Til i ii. t I , jj I V S Alien Root, W.C Allys. late Stock Agent Nebraska State Cattle on r armera Alliance. tries an d Tin a cil u am ac sr. Allen Root & Company, IVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS Ixm 220, Exchange Building KtlEREMtM Wlrst NaUonal Ban of Omaba. ommerciai itiaiionai oaau. umua. . li. Yds National Hank. South Omaha. (leb. Savings & 1 xcbanxs Bank. Omaba. l.nt it u..k r.nI..i l it., v . . L. BAMS w5itrH PtrtheroB, English r? t Y hurses won more honors than any Importer's In America M tbe following fairs: Iowa 1L State Fair. Des Molues: Nebraska Stale Fair LIdcoIu: an t the Khnsas :iiy fn'f. season 4893. My Black Percheron stallion, Jeannot, and my Belgian ftalllnn, Sainppon, never failed o t ake first premium and sweepstakes over all. For strictly Grt-clas Imported homes, low prices low interest and lor.g i line lull tbe ( rest City Farm, Creston, Iowa. Telephone to farm. uue mua aistabt. rew luiportauou jum receivea. Ground i ItS NOW used by all the principal feeders of rtock, and h better arnif ciate-l as its merits become known. It is us' - of allkinds, and you cannot afford to feed stock for market without it. There ia nothing that assists so much iu llllo MJiiAL, and you Lave only to ue n ti f--- to be convinced. ONE PlJI) IH jlfe-f;f EQUAL TO 3lbs OF CORN. Put up iu JfcM&iM$ bags of 100ttn each. Price, $l..r)0 per UXiS- 10( lt3. If your d- aler does no' order and we will ship promptly. woodman Linseed Oil Works, Omaha CHRISTMAS MORNING AT HOME. THE mail wliu said Thore s nothing s-ure in the world but death an& taxes " mij,'ht have give.i a pleasant aspect to this philosophy by noting that Christinas was eominr, ton, and pretty regular at that. The rise and progress of Christmas iu this country is a very interesting subject of investigation, as showing the diverse character of America's early settlers and the peculiar elements concerned in the development of the features of our present holiday season. The Virginia settlement was cradled in poverty anil was too deeply concerned with the tl.il. rr In Maui Vn 1 , ,.,1 tl.n 1! P ..t jjmsiuu me hid Di hid i iiji mi raiuers was so naru mat statutes were easily cnactcti forliitldin the celebration of Christmas, largely oo the groun I that the day could not be spar d as a time of abstinence from work A co in prom1 se was linally made, however that only those who worked on that day should have anything to eat during the twenty-four hours It was by the Dutch atnl Germans who settled in New York later that Christmas was first recognized to any notable extent iu early times. The Dutch and English brought the Yule log to the Christmas fireside, but it was the Germans, with th. ir oM Druitlical traditions, who introduced evergreens and planted the first CluNtmas trees on this continent. Then St. Nicholas, the eariy Christian putrou wulnt of the young, nml Santa Claus. the kindred patrou saint among tho Dutch, began to bo invoked for blessings. Other elements iu the population gradully became interested in Yuletido and tho Christmas tree, and so tho day lias grown to its present importance. Tho modern Christmas tries a mutt's reasoning powers lo the fullest extent. With him it is n problem just what lo give each, ami if ho makes no mistake he U a vv'iko man indeed 1 hi wisest are those who appreciate tho value of good books, and what book Is there that is uioro useful than a work of reference! Iu the REVISED ENCYCLOPEDIA URITANNICA the kuowledgeof the world has been gathered up and Us marvel of cheapness makes It possible for every one to purchase. Try giving a set to your friend ami see how he will ap preciate It. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. . On receipt of only One Dollar we will forward to you, charges prepaid, the entire set of 80 volume, the remaining ttUW lo m paid at tho rale of 10 (Vats a Iy (to be remitted unmlhly). A laullful dime savings bank will b seut wlla ttiolxxiU, In which tho dim ut.ty U deMilte each day. This edition W printed frm new, large type ou a l!neua!i!y .f pajr. ami I strongly bound lit lusty mauilla jwper etiwra, which with projwr care will hut for year. IW In mind that Ihe entire 'H volume aw delivered lo jour addre.4, w ilh all charge UI la any part of the l'ulu St4tea This Is a scUl off r mad only to the reader of Tun ALUAXCS-!MikrK). I'tMT aad will rwnala t(K a for a (bulked time only Cut Ibis Out snd JLUlYCt H'BUSSIM COMHYr. Mir W ut tf M rW tf fW tvttUrti e tk4 4i twtUr tr ... Tj.; vi f i,W kkl WM rh!!a ir syree h nn t 19 nU t 41 nnUtii IU M smuIi) ki:f I if irmw !ai U W it A.'y ( .,... ..........,..,.,,,,,, ,,, rMf efei .,,...,.,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,(4 fVakf ',. .,.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, iittiitmiMiitiiiintiiHtinini George S. Brown, Bog Salesman. Salesman. South Oijiaha5 Neb, fW Before bhlpping ask us for condition of , Market at.d Prices. WILSON, CrestOD. Iowa. -1MPCKTER OK- Shire, Belgian and Coach Horss. Oil Cake, d for stock V7 rt) ..'t. ww a - 1r n. a f. "Vsl fattening ah keep it end us draft or money srf' 1 1 r ' problem of existence to celebrate any! .1... TM. ! l' .l I 1 .1 . SanJto ALL1ANCK fUB CO. Is A ids 't. -2a A