THE ALLIANCE -INDEPENDENT. DECEMBER 23 1893 MRS. FOY TESTIFIES. STARTLING SENSATION IN THI CRONIN CASE. IE? LIGHT ON THE FAMO03 PLOT. Deriba Sacral Coaferea th twin tbe C"a.rar Agalaat Dr. Croala and Urlug la Alaxaader eaillVJB'e Nam Far tfca Fir Tin The Ueleuse A mot tr-tatle-IUbuk. Cmc.oo, Dea 23. Mr Andrew Foy, pale and nervous and guarded toy a police oflleer, appeared iu court this morning" ready to tetti fy in tbe Couplilin cite. Her husband, she at I, did uot appear at her home last Bight, and guarded b a detail of rolicemeo she had been undisturbed, or fear that the woula be intercept ed on her way to tbe scene of the trial sua appeared in the court room long before tbe hour for the conven ing of court and patiently waited to be called to tbe witntas stand. Tbe warning letter received by her is as follow: Don t be a traitor Look out for yourself sad little family, aod remember th fate of Judas, who went out sod bunt ttlmelf, and Who body burst opes and let bis bowels be scattered os the ground Mrs. Foy is the wife of Andrew Foy, who, it is said, was the first man to openly denounce Dr. Cronln a py after Cronin disappeared. It was at bis bouse, it isclauued.that tbe alleged conspiracy against tbe doctor was haUiho I, and it is tbe story of tbe meetings of the conspirators implicat ing Coughlln as the leader that tbe prosecution has been so anxious for Mrs. Foy to give if possible. The court room was crowded and fficers bad dilllsulty in keeping ba k thj crowds which surged through the Corridors. . j. i i .t ,.u i i After a long consideration of the ob- jeclions for the defense, cbieny t .at a wife cou a not testify wtiere ner testi mony would i i plicate her husband as one of the conspirators, Judge Tut hill said quietly, "I have decided the matter. Call Mrs Foy. Tbe objec tion for the defense is overruled. You understand that this testimony is greatly restricted. Mra Foy can tes tify only to what she saw aud to what she said to any of the conspirators." When Mrs Foy was called tbe spec tator leaned forward in their seat and the attorneys crowded toward the witness stand eager to hear every wor.l, Du in? tbe examination tbe defense interposed objections to al most every question put by the state and ber story proceeded slowly. She stated tli at she knewCougbtni, Martin Burke and Patrick Cooney, all of them having been at ber borne. Coughlin first .pi eared there in M arch or April, 1880, several times, lie bad visited her husband and the two talked in whispera On one visit she sur prised her bus baud and the prisoner, while reading a Coughlin was reading aloud. As sbe entered t orn another room she caught the words: "Remove bim at all hazards but use your discretion." Cough. in had staid two hours that night and then went away without speaking to her. Mrs Foy then told of two visits of Cooney at which be and her husband had held conversations iu low tones, always with the door closed. Asked if Martin Burke had visited ber husband, Mrs. Foy replied in the affirmative, telling of a visit before J&t HL.1 rith her husband in tbe front room and in tbe hall. The next appearance of Martin Burke at her bouse was on tbe night of May 6, 1889 As the wit ness made this statement Judge Wing objected and the court said: "I have decided to admit that evidence, but I instruct the jury to regard all acts of Marl n Burke after May 4 as tending to show conspiracy and not bearing upon the guilt of Daniel Coughlin." On the night of May 1, sometime after Croniu's disappearance, Cough lin culled at the Foy house and asked for her huslxind. She told Coughlin she wis afraid her husband had been arrested and he replied: "Oh, there Is no proof ugalust Andy. He is all right." "1 said," continued Mrs. Foy, '"Coughlin, this is au awful thing you nave uone. l)r, crooin will do you more nariu ueau limn alive lie laughed ami said I need not worry. There is no dangvr,' said he, 'but you wilt be taken care of anyway. Don't worry ' 1 asked hitu who was to take i careoftue and my little children.. 'Oil,' lie saKI, Mon't mind about that. Alexander Sullivan I a good friend of your huhbind's and of mine and he will take care f you. Tho deep silence in court at till point for a moment was brok n by tbe prosecuting attorney resuming the rxatulnat on and then a luua ot comment among the spectator, a number of w horn exclu-dly declared the wouiivu a "trained' witm-a. ... (. I. 1 1 n ........ ........ I., time," continued Mrs. Fy, "an 4 told my husband what luck he ha ad iu f.H,l lug Captain fieh.tack and Captain Ik'tiuetler about lr t'ronln't body and where they b l put U " 1h wiiuess stid th it oeyeral time CougUliit kai aured her thil there wa no dangvr ol her huaband being rrestod and told her that If she oul I keep unlet aha would be wall faro oi This ended hor tliisvt asiuliiaUou. ' S hen did you last Mrs. T. .'. ConklmV was tbe nrl queatUtn Jud-e Wing tl the otiuitMH for the defeuse launehetl al tbe witness. A marked gins came inrer her To all of the t roaeeatmg attorney quetluts she bad snaaand p eastntty and faliy. Now her erst words, lt uiht," taiuo out with au etratirdiiar alirmitn a, tier ft bsrdal tls biy sud sba w al on iih ast etfort. 1 b atury for the !! qaaa Uae4 ber uerlUaly mm all bay rslalioas with Mr toakha, the ifa I tbe man wltb whom lie. t'roaia b4 boarded. Tbe aaaibar of ttatea tbe woetea bsl ssot, aad bow revoutty . It was develop! that tbe twu wossea were ta the hUt at vUitiaf togstber Nflaiarlr aad bad beea tostetber Just before she bad come to eonrt ike vioarsday. WtMrn prcsaed closely to give tbe can of this intimacy Mrs Foy de clared: "She waa tbe only friend I bad." For a half boar more tbe attorney continued tbe severe erase examina tion and was at last reprimanded by tbe court, Judge Tuthill declaring that Mrs. Foy was beina treated different ly from other witnesses, and was not receiving common courtesy. Tbe court added: "I wish this perfroroenoe ended." "I object to tbe remark of the court," botly replied Judge Wing for tbe de fence. "There is nothing dlscoute ous in my manner and I am examin ing the witness fairly." AGAIN THE CRANK. The Vlee President end Other Kaeelve Latter front a Polish Auareblst, WaBuinotox, Dec. 23 A crank who signed himself "Joseph Donj ira" of 73 l'assaic street, Newark, N. J., is wanted by the secret service of the government for writing threatening letters to a oumbi-r of prominent offi cials of the government, especially Vice President Stevenson. During the long silver fight the vice president's mail contained many threatening letters, but the cranks were mostly of the s anmodic order Donjam, however, was persistent and nearly every day wrote letters threat ening vengeance. These were generally thrown away until at dinner one evening Secretary Carlisle informed Mr. Stevenson that he received several threatening letters from Donjam and that Senator Sherman and Mills also had been objects of attention on the part of the crank. The matter was thereupon turned over to Chief Drummond of the secret service, who ascertained that Donjam actually lived at the address given and was a Polish anarchist It was said he bad gone to Washington. An unavailing search was made for the man and then the matter was al lowed to rest until yesterday when upon receipt of another threatening letter to Vice President Stevenson, de manding 135 and saying that he was stopping at 105 Kutaw street, Balti more, a telegram, was sent to the chief of police iu Baltimore, asking ui in uf arret vno man. no answer ha u.ea reoeived yet Dim to 4 1 .. T - WHITE HOUSE CHRISTMAS. Ilaby Hurh, Buy Either and Other Llt tla On to Gather Arouud Hltf 'term. Washington, Dec. 23. Mrs Cleve land is busy with Christmas shopping to H i the stocking of her little daughters, Owing to the curiosity manifested by the public, however, she is obliged to make the rounds of the stores when they are deserted; she visits tliem just before closing time, when shoppers are few. There will be a handsome Christinas tree at the White house this year, as has always been the custom when there were children to enjoy K Christinas toys are beginning to arrive at tbe White house, seemingly by tbe wagon Load. There are all sorts and conditions of dolls baby dolls, debutante dolls, short haired, Strong minded dolls, walking, danc ing and talking dolls. The duplicates are being set aside by Mrs. Cleveland for the free hospitals for children. Christmas night the cabinest children will be invited by Mrs. Clevelany t rally around the White bouse tree. M STIRRING UP NEW YORK Indictment Agalast Leadlog Politician for Fraod ta tb Election. New Yobk, Dec. 22. It wasofflciaH;, announced in the district attorney' office to-day that the extraordinary o-ranrt lurv had tn-anv handM Into a hlg batch of inulctment, for fraud. In sever.l election districts during tbe last election. It is salt that thirty indictments have been found in election cases and many of them were against prominent local politicians. A number of bench war rants have boon issued and many im portant arrests may bo looked for during the next few days. Northern I'ao fle St. Paul, Minn., heads of the various Stan I'roteet. Dea 23. The organizations of Northern Pacific the employes of the rai.road met the otliciais ot that road to-dav, tne lasting until nearly 2 o'clock this afternoon. Bach of the organization's leaders argued against the " proponed reduction in wages from the standpoint of those here represented imd at the close the officials promised to give mi answer to-morrow morning at II o'clock. Keuouiicet Ilia Annuity. London, Dec. ?3. Iii the house of Commons ,i esterday Mr. Gladstone an nounced that the duke of Saxe Cob ig Ootha (the duke of Kdlrt burgh) hud renounced his KtiglUh an nuity of 75,isi0 conferred upon hliu by the act of I so . but thit he re tained his annuity of M),oou confei red oron uitu ou his marriage l- 173. The announcement was greeted with loud ones of "Out" Artur In llrd l.lnaa. Ciiicaoo, Deo. 83 Iu the Ht t ine In the history of the actor'a fun I in 1 Chlcaifo aid is beliitf lurnl-lti'.l lue tse sea .other th.tualeknes'. ami diU. Viier are more idle member t-f the thea ri Gal profesKiun to tUv in Chicago than ever before Wnou. They are f r iu all ctsMtes and rank Ibraa at a KlalSI4 farty Kl !. lloi us, N. II, J3, iho Mohi Flyoipreas, leaving Nashua lat Might for Avr Juuctlott co tidod bore with a sleigh containing four parsons out for a ride, demolishing the vehicle and bitting three and mjurlug tbe other occupant. 1 svoatad hy aa aTaVlaw 4I.M4 Al., Iioo. 8 -The UsW of a 3 year old child ot Henry Month oloied, was found )Wnl tn a ro. b olio by a psrly of Mar h-r a bo bad Wa Uklg fur it for a week It bad beea devoured bf an eagle and all that Ut ol it w It Uiues. Oaly t S t laa a I aft. lwe, Ky.iVe. It -Hy hm death af 'roIvy M i pMa bore thi'ntointatf there are new oaly twe.,d!aa tbe war vf llil living, it, wet ag4 M ysara MINORITY REPORT. VIEW OF THE REPUBLICANS ON THE TARIFF COMMITTEE. THE WILSON BILL CRITICIZED. The Beport Fraparad ia Haxt Pari by Ka aaakar Baad Say tha WUitt Bill Baa AU tha Faelta of tha MeKlar lay Aet aad Hoaa of It Tlr taa Importaat t'aatura of th Minority Report. WaSihnotok, Dec. 33 The report of the minority members of the ways and means committee on the tariff bill has been made public. The first part of the re, ort discuss ing the bill geuerally was prepared by ex Speaker Heed. The other members of the minority, Messrs Burrows, Payne, Datzell, Hopkins and Gear, prepared the portion of the report dealing with special featurea The re port saya: Tbe moat urprlln thins about this bill, wblcb w will treat of In detail lomewbat Inter, la tbe fact tbat tbli proposition to ralae tbe revenue will lower tbe revenue of tbl cwuntry 71,0uu.0OU below tbe revenue of 18- wblcb wiu only iiM,M) above our expense Tula and tbe other fact that by tbi bill tbe Urx part of the burden of taxation 1 transferred lroui loreUnera and brought to our own clti K'D should ulway be kept la mind during th Ulsounalou. had the commit toe In msklnir what tbe chairman on tbe flour of tbe boiue called a political bill followod tb plain, un ompromls lu declaration of the party ablub they repre sent, and abolUbed protection. kIvIiik u tar Iff for revenue only, our tualc In commenting upon the retull of tbe cotuuilttee efforts would buve boon mors aimpla Tho bill would then have boon s atrai :btfrwrd, manly st t nipt to carry out p edna. aud would bsre laced In iaaue two reat principle, and bar ed to a olear and l oniprenensllile dlaouialoa. ho far, however baa tue commute departed from tbe demaml of tbe nation, convention., w aboubl bate been much templed to borrow pbruae from their own platform and dosU Date the bill a a 'cowardly makeabilt,1' were It not that tbe reult have been ulready too serious for mer epithet Tha WlKoo Tariff Hill CritloUad. Such a pbruae even tbu sanctioned, would be out of place In s dlsousalon wblcb Involves so much Importance to all cl-.e of citizens it tlll. however, remains a fact tbat tbe bill prevented can In no way be ju lQed by peoDl claiming t have obtained poaaeaaloa of all bronchea of tbe ttoveruinent upoo a dUtfnot proutlae. whlcn tby now a dlatluctly repudi ate If It mould b said these p.edi, hoI emnly made on a yea and nay vote, after full dlacuMslon were not Intended for action, then the brnaklni of tb pledxe boa tbe additional dtaudvantuK of premeditation If aubaequeut vent and tbey nave been numerous enough and weiKbty euouiib to atartie the country, have convinced tbe committee tbat tbe Demo cratic platform is aa utterly wron aad Inde fensible a blatory will know it to be, t en It ia a ureal misfortune to thl country that tbe committee old not have the courage to openly abandon the fal e doctr no and leave tb conn, try undisturbed o it uiiiht convaleace from tbe abock of lta great uiixlak But the committee, inn lead of pr iceedliu In it trreat work of aboliabloK I rotuUloo and preserving tb people from the load of taxa tion which they bav al way averred waa tbe result of protection, ba presented a bill whlcn It only another tarts tinkering bill, tbe Ilk of which bai disturbed tbe conditions of business so many time the last thirty years It la a great misfortune that such 1 tbe ae, for bad tb bill been for revenue only, In tb only enfl possible for that team, the peo ple of thla country mlht have seen at on fiance whether they desired the one polU v or be other, and the que-alon ml. ht have beea settled once for all and tbe oountry might have attained to that repose atabUitv and certainty which our buslne prosperity so much needs 1 ba other snd fresher plan baa all tbe f suits wblcb tb tranters of tbl bill charged upon the old. snd very few of It virtue It Is 0eu to all the derisive and harsh epithets with which the prenont Hysteui used to be over whelmed. It taxes the people with a tariff tax It creates, or rather proposes to main tain what tbey used to call privileged oiassos, snd is defined by It authors by argument and expressions strangely like those which they used so frly to denounce. A manufac turer is told the duty will protect him und bis claims are listened to on that basis and ar argued for hlta oa that baa la Just aa In th brav day of old Ad Valorem Duties. An ad valorem duty, as the sum implies, is one which varlea sooordln: to prloes. If priecs could be exactly determined It would be fair. But, unfortunately, price are very muoh mat ter of opinion, oa which honest men may differ much and rogues muoh more Inasmuch as the duty depend on the price, S cheat oa tbe price Is a oheat ou the duty, it a piece of goods la worth td a yard and the duty is twenty-live per cent, the correct duty Is i 6o a yard, tbe duty collected becomes proportionately lower, and not only I the government cbeatod out of it proper duty but the manufacturer ia cheated out of the protection bis government ba promised. This, therefor, is no theory. It is within th experience of every merchant that vood wblehuaunot be p iruhased at all in Europe can be purchased, duty paid, in New York, ut lower prices tlmu like goods can be purchased by the honest mor. hunt who values them at their true market value and pavs the duty duui.tnded by the government, und yet the ad valorem duties Ihu- oujectlouahl bav Uicreoaed In number everywhere, being sub stituted in nearly all the schedule for speoltlo duties. Iu discussing the woolen schedule the com mittee says: This schedule ss proposed in tbe committal bill, Is, In M)U respeot. the most reprehensi ble It proposes to destroy at a blow th rreal Industry of wool growinr, wbleh now r.tuks aa seventh in the value of It products anion.- tbe several branches of a riculture, snd which has heretofore been reio nixed aa SB agricultural product deserving aud r.uir In promotion umlrr vnrv administration and by every tariff act sine that ol M tv ti Is.'l .Not hi short of the una! destruction ot this Important Industry can la counted i.pon aa lb cunsvitueuia of pi iein twin ool and mulloa on lb free list The bill deal with tbe wool nionutaclur la term s. aroely leu rudlcal than Ihoae ao. ord.i l the wool growing Industry, upon bUh It so largely depeud Further on the minority ssy that while a a party w might rejoice at ita paxsage, as eitlxens of tbe United State we think the exigencies of the resul lime are superior lo even the utoai delid (olitical advantages, and advise that the bhldunot pan After explaining at great length tbe general oppuotttoii to the bill, the report thin Iskea np tha echhtte seriatim, aitute the changes ma le, and t itiuieuW hhim the ef fects 1. 1 tbeae rliangr Uon tbe Indus trial future of the vountrr. Uegard Ing (he coal aud ateel I usineaa the minority aay; Oaa f lb aval awaslsg prpi.aitlai Ik Ml) la lkl titwali.a wl sii Sa bat awa laa tra n I. autl ttw a.uie.ns vf tla,Ur pat anaia last aa r. alt tt-t It tMuriattutt tt way uf . tfcra Oual S I'ltia . mis a i at II frvat laU III ..n a, .!.-. t aoifcn ta !a ..l aM..IJ t aatak aisuiMta f ftt.iklag a . avl h tha fu, I w m at.aavt ll la Sal a row atr. i t aul mvt a4 tola f fiMthal .) I ul aim i t.-t 4 M al tat (all II fa VI .1 ta lit toll If tat fi It itia s a a t t tw i o tiU i "H Ki a ak , tl aa at1 da t'adaf tit rataaua tail ul las Sac a dalf I aw r aval ,aaav N tfca,S ba) wn sxvl la tSa 4sl ia latS t ba M li Sill aras. M-l ID a IS Seaaaat law -f saak psf laa II la as ad Matki fiea It ta laa ! aia a4ly atea at aO ! a AasMkaa Us doali tkar ra fa lta a .ttt sl a taaa aok II a .11 al if t aa araaaal dai i ! it at ft A . 4 aa4a iiti aMdtllwaa at,l laiy S f janad Sal ta ft pt 4sl at So -a 4araa I la4l.aM DARINQ OF DINOCRATES. Tba Story f th Gaalas Was Waa tae Arch I tact of Alaxaadrla. Dinocrates was a Macedonian, tha Lesseps of bis time, a genius of dar ing design, and, it la to be hoped, quite out of accord with the popular feeling of hU day 1b hie craving for self advertisement He had perhaps contracted the corrupt practice from Herostratua (or Eratostratus), tha scoundrel who had destroyed tha Temple of Diana at Ephesus upoa the first birthday of . Alexander, ia order, as be himself eonfessed, that future ages might not be ignorant of his name, such being his passionate) lutt for notoriety that he cared not whether his fame were good or evil. ay.i the Nineteenth Century. Dinocrates had been called upon to restore this temple, which, in order that the earthquakes might not ruin, had been placed in a marah opon foundations of charcoal and goat skins. Our architect, after completing his work at Ephesus, and moved by the vivid art of tbe por trait painter, determined to person ally interview the great monarch. and therefore, setting out for hi camp ay he returned from hi Eastern triumphs, he cast about for a device by which be could gain his audience and likewise flatter bis soverign Now there was one w tkness, or it may have been a noble .earning, in the great conqueror's he..rt. just as his own reputed father had claimed the god-like hero Ueicules as sire, so Alexander desired it might be proved that no earthly parent had begotten him (Alexander). .Some men did, indeed, say he was not Philip's son, but of Nectanobo, an Eygptlan image and lover of Olympias, and, perhaps, it was to solve all doubt that Alexan der thought he would remove hie parentage beyond human reasoning. However, he had not at yet finally fixed u) on Jupiter Ammoo, and tha crafty sycophant Dinocrates deemed that he would best natter the great king by a reference to the grand father. Anointing, therefore, hie body with oil, and wreathing his temples with Herculean poplar, with the skin of a Nemean lion over his shoulder, and flourishing a club, he approached the court of the king and stood prominently forth in thit singular garb. "Who are you?" must have said his majesty, to which the unabashed elf-advertiser replied. "Iam Dino crates. the Macedonian architect, and bring to your majesty thoughts and designs worthy of your greatness." When Alexander heard that it was he who had restored the Temple of Diana of the . Epbesians, he a ked him what next he proposed to da "I have laid out Mount Athos," re sponded he, "to be sculptured as on block, and to be hewn into the fa h ion of the limbs and features of your majesty." "In your left band I have designed a city of 10,000 Inhabitants, and into your right I hare conducted all tha rivers of the mount, and formed them into a sea, from whenoe they flow to tho icean. Thus, si, a, shall a memorial be left worthy of your greatness" Alexander was amused at the audacity of the man, and dis missed him; nevertheless he remem bered him whin he wanted to build Alexandria, and the tradition of ita planning is quite In keeping with the theatrical character of the clever fellow. He cast his Macedonian cloak down at the design, .lvlnj it a "cir cular border full of plaits, and pro jecting into comers on rightand left," as Pliny says, and made the new port the sweep of the neck and the Tharot and Lochias promontories the jewel ed elasx liscilna of Profanity. The habit of swearing is dying out It was, within the memory ot those who do not like to think themselves old. very common. I have heard, oa what I am sure is trustworthy au thority, of a clergyman of the last generation, who, summoned to break last while at his morning devot'oni, turned upon the unfortunate messen ger with the exolamatlon: " you! How dare you interrupt my prayers!" Much less extreme instances are known to many of us which would now be simply impossible. Are we b. coming more pious? That is not the general impression. Is the fiber of the race softening? That is often maintained, but Id not think suc cessfully. The civil war is there to disprove it 'or Americans, at leait Or are we, as rronch moa a id women did long sg, learning more ade quately to master the resources of our own tongue, and becoming inde pendent of this crude and rather st ipld to call it nothing w u so ds rice? Tha t ittle Uralhar. 111. Mr. Sappy," whispered Mania's little brother. "Didn't I bear you ask mv sister for a look of ber hair?" Yes (ieoi'i, but she wouldn't five it to me " Well, say, Mr. !-appy. If joull give me a diino I'll tell yon whore tbe buy It, and you t a i get all you ant" Harper's IUai Mtaasli of Jo tttdeatruct b e by wear aad de lay Is tbe .VtrUart leak wood tbat teaels built tf U have lated fully liR) years, to be then broken up 'Bly ta eovount ot their poor Ulnf qual ities, The wood, ta fact. Is u of tbe most temamabl employed la amen Industries oa tbe wore ut IU very great weight, hardness aa ar sbUuy. ta a , I at rod see ate ta year trie ad aav taera" 1 eaa't rba truth U I tergal Hi aaata," 1 kaaw hi aaaaa. U'a Smith feWall-ar-i forge I wi"-! Why is Strictly Pnr White Lead the best paint ? Because it trill outlast all other paints, give a handsomer finish, better protection to tbe wood, and the first cost will be leas. If Barytea aad other adulterants of white lead arc "mat aa stood" as Strictlv Pure White Lead, why are all tha adulterated white leads always branded Pare, or " Strictly Pure White Lead ?" Tbia Barytea ia a heavy white powder (ground stone), having tbe appearance of white lead) worthless aa a paint, costing; only about a cent a pound, and is only used to cheapen the mixture. What shoddy is to doth, Barytes is to paint. Be careful to nse only old and standard brands of white lead. "Southern" "Collier" "Red Seal" are strictly pure, "Old Dutch" process brands, established by a lifetime of nse. For colore nse National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors with Strictly Pure White Lead. For mIs by tba most reliable dealers In saints everywhere. If you are going to paint, It will pay yon scad to oa Tor a book containing foforma-1 tioo that mar sav you many a dollar; it will saiy coat you a postal card to do o. NATIONAL LEAD CO., 1 Broadway, Vew Tork St. Louis Branch, Clark Avenu and Tenth Street. THE NEW NATION Edited by EDWARD BELLAMY, author of "Looking Backward." The New Nation is devoted to the interests of Nationalism. The industrial system of a nation, as well as its political system, ought to be a government of the people, by the people, for the people. s-WEEKLY $1.00 PER YEAR,-. The New Nation gives the best digest of People's Party News from all sections of the country. Address, THE NEW NATION, 13 Winter St., Boston, Masa. Do you want to i earn a profession wbereby you can obtain baitb and wealth? Learn the new Illopai by oynU-ui of Health It cure any acuta disease la one treatment. Chronic in a few. It In easily, quickly and cheaply lesrned, saf ssre. simple anfl scientific." On or more Biopatb is needed In every town. Every pbraiclan and faealcr need It to cure his patients Wiiie for full h) formation to rp. EMMa HaZEN, Sec'y, Sbrelj block, Omsbs. Neb iHair Death c-J Instantly remove and foraver desttoys j yt objfcilonabi balr, wsetber upn the I M band, fsc, arms or neck, without die- Xj coloration or Injury to tbe moetdeliuat It sain. It was lor nny ysara me ae.rei N lurniaia ar Kiasmu wiisoa.acitiiewi edssd by tibrslclans aa the bis-bent au- thwrity sad most eminent derm .tologist i iand balr specialist tbat ever lived. Dur ing bis private practice of a life-time amotif th nobility and arlHtocracy of i kurone ae nrracribra tola recipe, trice I at by mail, securely packrd. Corres- pendence couAdeutlal Bole Agtnt for i America. A (id ret 73 THE SKOOkUM RO0T HAIR GROWER CO ! Dept. R , M touth Fifth Ave., Mew Yark. WEBER CAS X CAS UIVE CNCINE stmpleat and moHtecnn omlcal engines en aai-th Tally Goat meed. A hoT start quires oh ly a few mn ute alien tlonaday. 'luar . an teed coat of runnlnn 1 ft. per . - .1 ai. Writ for i-atalo- &5?x. rue. Address. .V- wm!2xsr nnur vkt a- r M z js Weber Cas A Casollne t nglne Co. Box 0, Kansas Citt, Mo. Make Your Own Bitters! On rcelpt of SO reuta, U S. stamps, I will eud to any addreaa on packana Mekevea's Dry Bitters. One puck a ire make one ksJIod beet tonic known Cure stomach and kiimey disaaMaa. Niw la tb time to u bltlerw fur th bl.Ksi snd stomach. Send . U. Steketee, ot Urand Kaplda, Mlebljran, rant, U. S atsmpN. and w Kuaranteo tbat he wilt aend ai our. KoraalbydrUKKiat. o cijacs q.y r jut a trj t-r ?! r s 1V el w W W lltn aew f afnam bia. Cancors Cured. I wot S.i Ss tk sJ li ati at ras ifwas Inevai M,aslsaM iti' Ha aaa Sa ia aa S etka. a 4 aa rtiwaM mmJwS esawa, Saasat ss tawav H Kaa, a4 tsttttwtwsM Wv bs4. la. ITJ", TNI Iblill CAkCIR lafttURtMft.c.l fart Pafi. Aka. Why? ..I P5a3avjr':' I.J5 'at 5STAR , C0ILSPRIN6 SHAFT SUPPORT; AND ANTI-RATTLER. ' Wk si. a. . silli liwa. la t OMsksS ali taavwja, Ssaa ttsSa as aa. 5 THI DCCATUI SHAFT SUPPORT CO."" Oacatur, lit. Spurgeon's Own Wordsf Dsa Ms. Congbeve: Asa rul I hav aa faith to advertised remedies; but it must now be some twenty-live year since first I saw ia th person of one ot my students tb effect oi your remedy. He seemed at death'a door, but he lives cow, a strong, hearty Since then I have seea in many, very many instances, tha moat happy rea-ultsfollow-ir year metlicine. I do nt:7e KEV. v. H. bl'UKUKUN. ny near- say, but testify to what I have seen with my owneves. 1 believe that you have saved nu ot hers 1 r,.m f'nnsnmntinn. 1 tiava friend with coughs and weak lungs, wh speak of your medicine with sincere gratitude. Personally, I find it most useful in tha case of wearing cough. Very reluctantly do 1 give testimonials tor publication ; but I send yoa this as your due. What I have seen of God' healing power through you, demand of me that I speak for th good of other. 1 have those around ma whose health 1 value, and they are living wiu neaaes that yours is a very beneficial prepara tion." "Your heartily, (Rev.) C. H. SPURGEOIC "WE8TWOOD," Beulah Hill, England." . d rn r-nnryroTro'e Message to America The above letter from the late emi nent preacher, C. H. Spurgeon, i on of thouaands of test imonials to the won derful curative prop erties of my Ualsamic Elixir, which not only cures consump tion but gives in stant and permanent renet in case oi Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis. Influenza and all Chest affec- .tions. GEO. IHOS.CONORIVa For year I hav been entreated to make my remedy known in the United State, but my time ha been too much absorbed bf my European patients to allow tbia Now, however, uava wen auia sw sxicnu my organization so aa to bring America within tha scop of my personal observation, end my desire l to make it clear to all eitlxens of the United Statea that they may henceforth procure from my American -Depot A cur for Consumption which, even in the advanced stages of that terrible disease, mav be used with certainty of relief. Every person suffering; from Chest Disease, and all of weak lungs and delicate habit, should read my book on Consumption of the Lungs or Decline, and its successful treatment, showing that formidable disease to be curable in all its stages, with obaervations on Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis: together with account of nearly successfully cured cases, any one of which may be like yours, to be haa Font free for 95 ct., or th book will be sent ree with every first order of $1.00 bottle f my Balsamic Elixir. . , CONdREVE'S BALSAMIC ELIXIR can ba obtained from many drug stores, bat it will take some time before it will tie ir.ioducei into all of them throughout this : ct country. If your druggist has not yet put it in stack, it will be sent you, carriage paid, from ny own depot, on receipt of sects., r.oo, $1.75, or SVm. according toth size of tha bottle ordered. OEO.-TiiOnAS CONOREVB, London, Eng., and 4 Weestor Street, NEW YORK, sTMeatiea this paper. I free guide to the City of Health will be furnished every Lady who at j a a f ejl I V has lost ner way it sne win apply 601 N. K Life Bldg.. Omaha. Neb, VIAVI Home Offlce, 2301 Van Ness Are. San Francisco. Free consultation, Lady ia attendance Great Rock Island Rooti 1 ?;m&$L 1 1 r ' 1 .'jaw 5 Mr 1 ." a. ISHL U F A I 7TU lsM?U TO THE EAST, BEST OxmiRSlMiCEUTHEWunlD Tbe Kta ll Istantl I l"Wiii la ajopi In any avlvaiitare cn'ou'sknl Ui In I ov awd aatl ! that lusurj, saint r. unfort that (aHilar l a'ronae; da nism' Ita up'Hnt I IbortMijf hr v. em4et mh vsitho!ra trains, W Blflevnt gluio rsr. slfiwrs and tkslr J Coeaaea, all tba moat tUtaflt, an4 4 rvtvativ jrttprtmd patwrss. faithful atl eatle mana4ma aati jadtta, hael s'r'e 'a llov nrw (waf tea I'ema. They ar aiHDit Ui'y w I."Mtpaay aa w traveleraa'ht It t tte'ls a tlimeuU ol aortHHUKwaat a trsoa this lla UI f l i'lVie eaoaa f r.reti'alt ta tnt .roual Vt (all tnrvlcu arM W lU aeU,aii raw., tnt)y Itt set xwta tie lei (" ta U Ualla4 MtaUa. t'.l Mtsjs e au4ras; JMl MtnAaTlAN. uastlW a Paa ( ataa. UW at lalN. iksa H , "aasarr.l