s THE ALLIANCE -INDEPENDENT. i i ii i ' I . 7. I l IW t t?.. "Vases .m Ka AllAatlAfft if tha 1 anditoontaina much of wise sug-fc-es-tlon and individual leading for those whom it truth arruses. A wi eo. By Ctrle Dudley Warner. Pb Itebeflby Warper and Brother Ne- York. pp. 1M. li.w- a n book bf Mr. Warner aoes oo j a . v& snr irifniinu m uwwv . .K.mirir writer, humor- wlae. original. , thinking nd ex- .... niiiM does. prising-thougn aa A In "Aa We Go" be la again rioWj and delightfully bimaeU. The ahutter. of his cultured mind are lifted, and we un.4AaaM MAI readhU impassions 01 wuu. and women, of thlnga new Ld striking, his study of the werld we lire !o. .He kaodiea hia subjects lightly aud ee humorously and profoundly, leading the reader to many unexpected 4,.-B. nf thoueht and fellcltiea of v expression. His doo w hla ideal of conversation, which hesaya, 1b order to be good, and intellectual inspiring, and apirltually restful, need not always be aerloua. It must be alert and intelligent, and mean more by Its auggesuone and alluaiona than ia said. Tlwre la the light touch-and go play about topics more or leas profound that ia aa agreeable aa heat-llghtnlBg in a aultry evening." But our author never playa foolishly or carelessly with topics. Tki.ii.nvi a well-concealed pur- , J, UOl 7 0 ea - WJ - . . . aa . t A niaaljWASl pose in his naii-mougoie, K bright notions and pleasing fancies. Thev aerve to bring oui or ieau w vu. x.i. .l i. .nma truth whose im IUDUI vuuugui! kuiu presslon will be lasting. I tjpe, pper, illustrations and bind ing the book la also made very tastefully and permanently attractive. Eveniho Darns. , A Farce. By W. D. How els, Public d by Harper and Brothers, New York. 82 mo cloth, SO cW. Mr. Howella in this amusing llttlp comedy usee the tame principal charac ters, the Roberts and Campbells, which he employs in his "White Lies" and "The AlbaD y De pot" farces. His object in Evening Dress, as in -White Lies" is to show up the shams and bondage, the selfishness and lack of real friend ship, to be f iund in "the upper circles' of society. TbU object is incidentally secured, while the story of perplexing atiuntinna and caricatured human nature ,'is made irreri.iibly ridiculous and laugh-provoking. A String or AMbBB Bbads. By Martha E. Hoiaea ("Amber"). PublUhei by Charles H. K'rr& Co., Chicago. A Pill fob thbGohpkl. By Prof. George D. Herron, D. D. Published by Thorn ts Y. Crowell a Co., New York. , Thb first plank of the Social Democ racy party of Denmark declare?, "La1 or is the source of all wealth and all culture: to the workers, therefore, should accrue all the fruits of their labor." The second plank goea on to say, "In modern society, we macninery of production the land, the factories the machines, the means of cimmunl catloa and transportation, etc, lain the possession of the capitalists, who therebv have appropriated to tuem aelves the fruits of thousands of years of the ,toil of others. The circumstance that capitalists are the sole disposers over the machinery of production, is the source of political dependence, of social inequality and of International confllc's all of which cast the pro ductlve members of society into misery The private ownership ofocapltal rend ers Impossible any social system grounded on justice: It brings on a plan less system of production whereby un told wealth is wasted " Governor Lkwellino of Kansas knows how a man feels who la out of money and in search of employment. Ha tramped tbe streets of Chicago au niirat in 1865, because he had no money to pay for lodging. He is proof to the world that so-called tramps, men seek lng work, have the stuff of manhood in them, and we rejoice that our party has In It. aa one of Us trreateat leaders, a man whwe poverty and need of friends has nut him ia touch with all humanity. Kansas pat tisane who crltlcice his late ni b e action, are, In aelfUhnesa, mean ni-sand brutality, benea'h contempt. Gol bless Governor Le welling for keeping the honoat poor from imprison ment and degradation. "I the congested districts of Omaha there la an aUrmlng amount of poverty ' and w retched uoea," saya the Omana Ike reporur. "And it is not only in s the alum ardon lh outskirts of the city that dire suffering aIU. There arj wives and children and hopeless, longlni men w thin a au a throw of the bua'.eet emtart la who homes the pof of hunger and the pains of cold and fear of beartWa landlords are evr the relgolaf fea-ueea. The AeeoelaWd ) eh ti tilt. flJicuM halt, the eliurchua and ai I iilQvr variao4 laeuiuitone hip aicd to the !et dr. aoJ to ounter ou ca In a.it worthy have ( tureed aa Uhouteno uraaelor atU'no.M I II i TJ TtiaChlccg Tiwea mj the pmor In l(ulhta a tuhurh of (hUetfu. ar over ad, that wutueu aed htUirfl mutt mr huoof aad c4J (a slleko tr;a ihi Mr, I'M..u.tt tad the t r cwwaay wa'ae vnlatnta t nact oa lh iu(UuaaMt. Hi hard lae bMe the itrutgla la ty real ta the Ct'Mia; v.., th. am almost entire blocks with uaiB aaave w - six and eight families in a tenement, and some of these famUes even keep boarders. All the way they can get fuel ia to pick up loose pieces of lumber at the World's Fair grounda several miles away. Often the houses are without either food or fuel? Whole families are Btarving ia Pullman. Asd at this lime the Company ha made a cut in the wages of those employed. "IN Danbury, Ct, the striking hatters have massed together in town meeting and la five mlnutea rushed through a resolution appropriating 160,000 to aid themselves tars a BoBton paper. The capitalists of the town, tbe'r employes rho have amassed great wetltn irom their earnings, will of course object to thia orderly, legal way of getting DacK a part that unjust wages have lost to the workers. They will have the judges drclare that taxing monopolists t.lnnftl. op words to that effect. But it ia on the part of the hattera a most hapy precedent to set, a method truly American, and one mat beats charity soup and bomb-throwing beyond comparison. The Enrllfh Parliament waa last week forced to Introduce a bill author izing the Indian go vert men t to borrow $50,000,000 (gold) to meet maturing obligations. The lituation in India since closing the minta against silver has become most critical; the rupee, in consequence of mint closing, has de clined In vale. and the payment of gold obligations to England m de preciated silver would entail a lose, the Times saye, 'vo large aa would cause serious financial embarrassment." So the evil day is to be put off and made worse by borrowing gold, and forcing taxes on the people to pay interest on the bonda which purchase It. u cursea rulers! "Inductions in wages are almost universal." says The Economist. "The characteristic of the present time is the large number of working people who are out of employment and sharp re ductions in the compensation of tnose who are engaged. How far this pro cess will go nobrdy can tell, but it is not to be expected that the percentage of reduction la wages will be as great as has been the decline in commodities." Not so. The decline, so long as labor is bought and sold as a commodity, will be equal, except where labor organiza tions resist tbe lowering of wages. Join the People's party and help to control it. People who object to Pop ulist nominees should attend Populist primaries and conventions and assist in sending crank) and fanatics to the rear. Rocky Mountain News. That'a all right. Brother Patterson. If you can bring enough oBe-idea sliver men into our party to send the million "cranks and fanatics" whe voted for tbe Omaha pWtform to the rear, the cake s yours. But don't be disappointed if you fail. It's an infinite task to head off and turn around a million out and out anti-monopolists. Frauds of the most extensive and flagrant kind, practised by the Demo crats In the recent Virginia election are coming to light, and even the Democrat organs are appalled at th dUclosed corruption. Tie Richmond Times has begun preaching repentance to the party. It is more than probable that the Populist ticket was by an hon est count elected. The Populists are hotly pursuing their foes, and in the next election will doub less send Gen. Rosser to Congress. THE defenders of the competitive system have a few items of watte to consider in a line of waste which prom ises to Increase steadily until the com plete emancipation or subjugation of the workers has been secured. Th re cent great s'xteen weeks colliery strike in England made a loss to the mine owners, iron masters and rail way a of 65,000,000; consumer paid in increa-ed prices of coal 18,728,980; and the miner's iron workers and other artisans lost tkSD.Dn.ti-'o Count Uerbbkt Bismarck, son of the "Iron chancellor," la leader of the German farmers, the agrarian party of the Reichstag, and In a Dc. 15th speech quoted from a pamphlet of the Archbishop of Dublin, arguing that "unless tbe currency question was settled (ho peaiantry would become bankrupt." The entire Udutriai world U being reduced to pauperism and wrtitch'd serfdom by the mervltesa gold monojK!lU. The Count la a bl metalUt. Tu American Federation of lator, with a membership of TW.OUt, at lU an nual meeting la Chlt'ago last wck adapted a platform that ta In eotnpkt harmony Uh, while going somewhat farther than, the national plalfoi m of our party. They call for the nt oual n of th railroads, 4"Ugraph, U l eihoa and A lata, and go oa w d etar for the elt'f oarhiit of land and capita!. i i i ii ii i U vtNOK Wait hat a loog aad oa aim. Ula titra evUa will ha worts a great deal wwr than It ousts U It Uaea MUo, ai the Governor propo, t4 compel ait adjudication by th Supreme Court n tbe queatlon of the constitutionality of the acts demonetiz ing the money of the constitution. With the uee of modern machinery and an intelligent division of labor, an adult person working tea hours a day for five years can produce enougn to provide himself with what Is actually necersary for a life time of seventt years, it is estimated. But under the capitalistic system, the system of buyirg labor and selling the product men seven ty years old are kept at work. Thb PopulletJ of Topeka, Kansas,have nominated Dr. McLalliB for mayo.. Dr. M jLallln Is the weU known editor of The Advocate, one of the ablest Populist papers printed. He is a gracd man In tellectual and morally, and should be elected. We hear that J. Sterling Morton is bo proud of his speech in which he in sulted the farmers that he has had 10, 000 copies printed for circulation. The Arena for December is a nu . ber of 187 pages and appears in a new, beautiful dress. Among the eo-nomlc ankles we note "J he Bank oi Ven'ce" by Hon. John Davl. M. C ; "Can tbe United States Restore the Bimetallic Standrd of Money?" by Dr. Oeorg CJ Dougla ; Rent," by Tuomas L Brown; Freedom's Reveille (poem),'by James ;. Clark, and -'A Soutnern View of the Fi nannlal Situation." bv Georce C. Kelly. There are also caber articles it variety andalatge number of valuable book reviewa. The December Review of Reviews as usual outlines and comments -n tbe leading events, showing the progress of tbe world. This opening paper by the editor Is always cf great interest. Another feature which forms an i mus lng and interesting study is the collec tion of the cartoons of ttie month. One o' the three noteworthy papers in the December number is Character Sketch es, and one of the bIx notables sketched Is Tom Mann, the London labor leader. The best artlclea In the worlds reviews are carefully condensed, epitomized, in this unique magazine, and tbe current events of the world worth preserving are carefully collected and prepared by its editors. $2 50 a year. New York The Cosmopolitan for this month is a greater marvel than ever. It Is a World's Fair number, surpassing In beautiful illustration, in tbe number and variety of its engravlDgs, every other magazine which has appeared. It Is a number to ouy ana preserve tor this nart.liMilar feature,. The writers In elude with other, F. Hopklnson Smith, John J. Ingalls, H. H. Boyesen. Mark Twain, Walter Besant, Guy De Mau passant, Uamlile rjammanon ana vv u. Howells. Mr. Howells' ' Letters of an Altrurlan Traveler" continue to be In tensely interesting, and this month the letter is called out by tbe World's Fair achievement. The nvtto of thin maga zine is "From every man according to his ability: 1o every man according to his needs.1' In tercet and Money. The interest on one dollar for one huudrrd years at one per cent., con. nounded annually, amounts to two dol lars and seventy-five cents; at three per cent it will be nineteen aud a quar ter dollars; at six per cent it wilt be three hundred and forty dollars; at twelve per cent it will be eighty-four thousand dollars, and at twenty-four per eent it will be over two billion fl e hundred million dollars. This is n ported from a table publUhed bv a Mr Dean in the Arena of June. He gives the case of one H. L- Case of Bristol Centre, New Yori, who bojght a farm in 1872 of 105 acres for fifteen thousand dollar, paying two thousand fivu hun dred dollars the first year and all in terest. From that time on he has been paying all he could. He is a most ex cellent farmer and very successful. He has paid ten thousand on the principal and over fifteen thousand Interest, ytt now owes five thousand dollars, and owing to depreciation of land prices the farm will not sell for the five thousand. He cites this to show the effect of con traction of currency, high interest, low prices for products. We hope our read ers who are interested in the gretit question of the People v. Sbylock will read the June number cf t.he Arena By the way, it is a good sign when tte supreme culture of our land, represent ed in tbli foremost of Boston publica tions, agrees with the long expressed win of our froad minded went We of the west know by practical experience what we want. Tbe more instrumentalities we have of the ktnd we need to do our work with, and Hit cheaper they are the better for us who use them, perhara not for the few who have them to lend. Still, aa a rule, what U best for tbo most ia, in the ind, best for all. Now, money signs art) neither more nor less than instruments for the exchange of aervlcea. (We might say the exchange of com mod I tits, but aa laoor produces all, we juet use tbe ultimata term, "atrvlces ") Money ia not wealth any more than are vehicles, cars, wheelbarrowa. Tbe great b lading fallacy ooatteu In re garding money more valutble than other tulnpa. We do eo because we have permitted law to make It acarc and high pr.wd. We dare not thus pur tnit IftftaUUoa to tamper with the price of Bread. Yet money la really more Bfctieeary than bread and Hunt, lor It la the only means by which. ) procure bread and meat la old tltuta all our grvauet nevds were procurable by barter, but now we have gut It down to that a common man mui have mre money to pay laxee, 'railway fdna, pueiage thaa locnterly he n Uvd tor everything, iwa ly, UUy, money Is lite one thlc nvdfuf; m r eo Urn t evtr, yt e ufTer It lu be nuim!U d by a few. O ir gornuat must pn lJe out dance of euruecy and 'bu put the l ! tuoue down to a nr antiual Inter et. tl be d n. I t. aeilBijf so eeteuitet to roatf t and Ulna la iwnullUd to he dotid out in the cutkMuery terms U wroif, l!gn tawrttl tUa at tbe be t( the rel evil and this could t be ae but for the unnatural st-artiiy; VVt da att want lallaU a, which reeutu frvm the u of aubtUiutea based oa gold or other money rvtrvealaUvee. Wt want 500 PAIRS OF S3.QQ We make a specialty of this line and can give you some of the Greatest Bargains To be found in the city. We also carry a , line from 13.00 to $7.50 Which cannot be beat. PAPER'S Clothing House, I 1 25 O 8t, Lincoln. abundance of abolute mone) ; that is, legal tender. Inflation comes from tbe use of non-legal tender morey sign. There can be no inflation from tbe use of legal tender money unless the credit of the power that issues it becomes Im paired. Suppose gold were euperabun ant and used as the sole legal tender It would become cheap that Is its credit would grow less. So wi'h any other article u ed for mony signs. 8t. Joseph Herald, BOOKS FOR THE MASSES. It is facts, information, education that tbe people need, and tbe circulation of the hooks written to expose monopoly oppression and show what is just, is a fundamental, essential part of our work. We shall have our editor go through reform books and select the best for our readers. Below is the beglnnlngof our list. More will be added as soon as they can be reviewed. Get these books and our paper as fast as you ran into the hands of the people, friends. Buy, read and circulate. Address all orders to the Allianck Publishing Company. Lincoln, Neb A Co-operative Commonwealth. BY LAWRENCE G HON LUND. A book for all who believe tbe comptltl- commercial struggle should be superseded i,y a Just economic system or production and dis tribution. A book also lor thone who believe competition necessary. Postpaid, paper covers 30 cents. Etrora in Our Monetary System and tbe Remedy. BY MARY E. HOBART. 25 cents. We have not vet seen this book, bat the editor of The Coming Nation very strongly recommends It. The Dutiea or Man. BY JOSEPH MAZZINI. The great Italian, whone heart embraced the world and whoite thoughts will never die. He lived and suffered for tbe tnduttlrialand politi cal emancipation of the maoses. Postpaid, 19 cents. Socialism From Oeneaia to PeveMion. BT KEY. M SPRAQL'B This book contains the fullewt argument for and against Socialism of any American book, full of NislifUics from the greatest political economists, A book that should be read by mtnlKU-r and Christians especially. Cloth only. t.n Six Ceniurlee of Work and Wages. BY 1. R THOROLD ROUCRS, M P. Abridged with chart aud auiuiuary. The fart and the thought euiumary of all large volumes. A hlnuirtc collect Ion ut most valuable trior utailon bea'lng on the prmwolrrUI, by Kev. W. O, P. tlll Introduction y Prof R. T My of the State L'ulvenitty of Wlxronaln. ar, ro rente. Civilisation's Infaino. BV B. O. rLOWEM. Studies la theaorial i-r. A .itnple. Ihrllllng rvportot bat Tbe Arena editor iooswt uiuu Uh ate own tj in tbe tmietueal UUtrU-u of niaiun. a nous wak-a mwt greatly etarlie aed arwuae Umu. viotb Ii wi, pmmt W eeiue. Leokmg Backward. MY IDWARH BSLI.AMY A boon uounecae ad.ird iohium reading1 "II aa rovoiuUuuluKl the tauutfh ot thveeatry k no tber bta he eer done " lruii4 tnui tivany ail .mmiu lunntf most ntiaibtif eUMry that laM lu tae full llht of hvre on tbe ureal lai pruhlvnt. alitiloa he already r4 Ik tuna Ii lit tiwr a rente. The fsven Ftnancial Compiiaciea BY MKM B K. V BMfcHY Vau little ', whti a a hi Usmt nrela tt at4 li.a la Ike rarnwH Auu. . aooa lm lb 'ur a getbarej I e t eiuttdvr A b a to wv lrla vtmt ike Ui4 p yUl, UvU . I M , ? .,f Tea Men el Money Itland avti'U a. r NH10M. AH'tlkof eooi t ailrr ert ekrre. It U Ike Kf) .( m 'U ttMli Hlatl(Oil M lkwiili:i tautu U a'ki iak pejfM. puet bl til (iim, t M J keuw. The HaiUvwd Questtoo. BV WM LAHtttltK. Tbe etkttee rai4 la tae e yao ihle e.-a. atea fiuui ail tba awrtta 4 afu tww ttUHiaiure lmias w the rettroaj Ui U titoat ik.ii H v4 IfcM booa a4 ) iu ka tkiuekl Ul4 m-i urn tmm ul iae erat ut -a.-n ejiitki(f Ike dir. Urte It . : j . ; ; I - AT 'l vti n . REAL ESTATE. FOR 100 Parma for aalt av VvhaniM tv i rJZl.-"..".?'-' cr 10 Ter H me I from Lincoln at Btfl.UQ per acre worth l-iu.Ou. FOR Two farms TOO acres each t ntles from Ltacola. H. C YOUNG, Real Eatate and Lose IT BEATS RENTING ! If you want a good farm and home on easy payments, address P. H. MARL AY. Mason City. Neb. MOM To Loan on Improved Farms. If you want to borrow money on' your Farm write me for rates before making your loan. II Boy County, City, Precinct and School District tak JOHN B. WRIGHT, P. E. JOHNSON, J. H. MoCLAT, President. Vioe-Presldeni Cashier. THR- Columbia OF LiINOOliN, NEB. Capital, $2 5 O, O O O . First ! National '. Bank, LINCOLN, NMB, Capital, - - ' $400,000. , SllTTDlVlS. $100,000. N. S. HARWOOD, " C. A.'HANNA, Vioe-Prealdeni. HobiDftY Goods BROAD'S HIT 1124 0 Street, Lincoln, Neb. Dinner and Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, Lamps, Glassware, &c., &c., &c DOLLS, TOYS, TOY FUilTUIlE, Wo havo tho goods-We have tho prices. Sco Us First, Thon Look Around. Goods Delivered to Any Part o( the City. "Strictly Cash." CHAS A. BROAD. I i-Incb Kid PxmIj Dolls -a 25 CenK SALE. A mitt ru . .. . . per cent. A well Improved ISO acres a nilae H. C. YOUHti. Itoal riaAeandUoejir isut n Btreev, uncoia, Nebraska. RENT. im u street, L.meotB, Hebi J. F. MEFFERD, H 20 jn otrt bfYteoipi jab. Nat'l Bank, V C. 8. LIPPINOOTT, F.M.COOK, Ass't CafchJet. Cashier. H. S. FREEMAN, Ass't Cashier. FOR' 6