The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, December 07, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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    DECEMBER 7, 1893
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11 I
TIM Matter Only BrlwBy Alladsa ta suwl
palaj Messag lroW4 mm boob
M Mnbtar Willi Baa Carrta. Oal
Ills Offlrlal Instractiaaa.
Patrick Ecu Deaaaneoa aad HI Acta
la Harborlag CbUlaa Offeaders Repa
ditd-The Wilsoa Tariff BUI
Keeomtueaded for Passage.
W8HiH0T0!f, Dec. 4. The following
Is tbe president' message:
Message to tbe congress of tha United
Stales: The constitutional duty which re
quires tbe presl lent from time to time to i If
to tbe eon :res Information of tbe mate of the
nnloa and recommend to tbelr consideration
ach meuu in a be hull jud.e necessary and
eipeateut la fittingly entered upon by com
mending to tbe congress a careful examination
of tbe detailed slitements and well aupported
recommendation contained In tbe report ot
the beada of department who are chiefly
Charged with tba executive work of tbe trov
ers men t. la an effort to abridge
tli la common loattoa a much aa ia
eosilent with It purpose, I aball
supplement a brief reference to tbe content
of those departmental reports by tba men
tion of such executive bui ni'ss and Incidents
near not mentioned therein and by auub
recommendations a appear to be at this (ar
ticular time upproprlute. While our foroUa
relations b id not at all times duritw tbe past
year been entirely free from perplexity no
embarraoaing situation remain that w II not
yield to tbe spirit of fairness and love of Jus
lloe wblcb. Joined with consistent firmness,
Charai'lerf ze a truly American torelirn policy.
My predecessor having accepted tbe oitli of
arbitrator of tbe long stanilln t missions boun
dary disputes tendered by the president of tbe
Argentine Itepubllc and firaxil, It bas been my
Sajrtseatile duty to receive thu spei-lal envoys
cxnimlHiond by those slums to lay before me
evidence and ar.uuicuta in behalf of their re
fperltve governmantit. Tbe outbreak ol dem
ocratic hostilities In tbe republic of liraxll
found tbe United Stale ftteuniNhto alert to
watch tbo Inuirexts of our citizens in that
country, witb wblcb we carry on an important
commerce hcvernl vessels of our new navy
are now and for some time bave been stationed
at Klo de Janeiro. Tbe struggle being be
tween tlie established govern men t, which
controls the machinery of administration,
and witb wblch we maintain friendly rela
tions, and certain officer of the navy employ
ing tbe veasels of thir eomm tnd in an attack
upon tbe a itlonul capital and chl f seaport,
and lackin, as it doe the elements of di
vided administration, I h ive failed to see that
the Insurgents can ronally claim recogni
tion as belli eruiil Thus fur tbe position of
our t-overntnnnt has been that of an attentive
but an impartial observer of the unfortunate
conflict, In pussln our fixed policy of neu
trality In such a condition of affaire as now
list, 1 diiera it nei'emtary to disavow in
a manner not to be mUunderstooil, tba un
authorised action of our late naval commander
In IboHe w.itur in saluting the revolutionist
Brazilian admiral, buln i lu(l)niosed to coun
tenance an act calculated to Live gratuitous
sanction to tbe local Insurrectionist. The con
tention bet ween our government and Chill
buying for iu object the settlnmnnt and ad
justment of the dcmiud of the two countries
B"ainsleai'h other ban been m ulo efToetive by
. tbe organization of the cl ilmi commission
provided for. The two trovernniont fullln r to
agree upon a third tnemlwr of the eoinmlssiou
the good offices of the president of tbe Mwlxs
Kepubllo were Invoked a provided in the
treaty, and the selection of the Swiss represen
tative In thU country to complete the or mil
tiillon was grat trying al ke to the United
States and Chill and the vexatious questions
of the so called legation asylum for offenders
against the state and Its lawn wa prosmited
anew In Chili by the unauthorized ac tion of
the lute United Htutes minister in receiving
lut bis onii;lal residence two persons who
bad Just f ilcd in an attempt ut revolution mid
again! whom criminal charges were pending
growing out of a former abortive disturbance.
Tbe diiclr:ne of asylum us applied to this
cane Is not sanctioned by tne beat preee lenta
and when allowed tends to encourage sedition
and strife. Under no circumstance can the
representatives of this government be per
mitted under the 111 defined fiction of eura
territorial to Interrupt the administration of
criminal justice in thu countries to which they
are accredited A temperate demind htvin
beon made by the Chilian government for the
correction of this conduct In the instance men
tioned the minister was instructed no longer
to harbor the offenders
The levlslalion of last year known as the
Geary law requiring the registration of all
Chinese laborer entitled to residence iu the
United Klites and the deportation of nil
not complying with tbe provisions or the ait
within the time prescribed, met with much
opposition from Chinamen it this country.
Acting upon the advice of eminent counsel
that the l.iw was unconstitutional, the great
mass of Chinese laborer pending Judicial
Inquiry ns to Its validity, in good faith de
clined to apply for tho ocrtillcates required by
Its provisions. A test case UDon proceeding
by habeas corpus was brou.tit berore the
supreme court, and on May li 1WM, a decision
Wits made by that tribunal sustaining the law.
It Is tielieved that under the recent amend
ment of the act extending the time for regis
tration, the Chinese laborers thereto entitled,
who dealre to reside In this country will now
avail themselves of the renewed privilege thus
afforded of establishing by lawful procedure
their right to remain and th it thereby tue
necessity of enforced deportation may be to a
great de ree avoided.
Costa Kloa has lately testified Its frlndll
ness by surren lerln, to the United State in
the abxenue of n i onventinn of extradition hut
upon duly submitted evdenee of criminality a
anted fugitive from justice It is trusted
th it tbe ne otiutlun of a treaty with that
country to meet recurring cases of i bis kind
will soon be accomplished In my opinion
trt)ati-s for reciprocal extradition should be
concluded with all those countries with which
the United KUle has not already conven
tional arrangements ot that i haracter. 1 have
deemed it titling to press to tho govern
mentsof Cost Itlca and rolonilila tbe kindly
desire of the United Mates to ee
the pending lioundary olspuie dually closed
by arbitration in conformity with tbe spirit of
the treaty concluded between them some year
a e.
The questions affecting our relation with
Ureal ltrlialn have been treat d in a spirit of
frit Billinesa Negotiations are in progreis be
tween the two governments w th a view to
uch ooncurronl action as will make the award
and reul tlon a' reed upon by the ll hring
aa tribunal ot arbitration practically effective
and ll I not doubted I ml Ureal llrlialn will
co-0rate freely with Ibis couniry lor tho at
conn llslmii-iil o. Ibat purpose I n disputes
rrunluj out of tha disc; Itulnal ou of toll
!mu,i-d in the Wella d canal u on nroes
of etmiln Ixmnd to and from Ilia
Ukt purt of the Unlied Mains w.mi a tjoslnd
by the an .iltullo of a more eiu lab e ached
Ul of rhurg and Bit nn !. cur
uiirt, . o.i iiriiclam.itUHi Imisv lug nKcr m
tuating lulls upon Itrllisb Irauatt ihrougit
our canal A miue-i for addition to the
lut ef iradilab a offense covered b h
ltln : tr ty tMttwn the two rouaiik la
Ms ier oald-r iii)a
l ruts p, jimr aa Anwui-si eiil a
ni. iu a m or ninie cuainx
t l allfa la luui after s.iilrt
lug a 'otrarted lui Mmue-t.1 a
a linfounbd rhare ui -w.( 1IB4,
tMlii liu .,iMls .at u.noa
t-iH ue ,.ii riHwitiaioM . tttolltviiai
"'"'I'wl alltiie interna i was p. J 14
the m(I, r
I m r,filii a ilksall lalorntMlun ol the
! , i.ikmi aa A i.e't, ,,a u II si,, ,iH t t i,.j.
ill at ua part of Auiial. t hrr
M'lai 1 n ln o l 1 1 4 1 a .w-n ,B, r, m
ta llu.t ami 1. tw.u atBt ,ni of IS
utility y out r,i ia I ,ik u f ui nuir
t i. .t touhtrf mat'il.m .i..iru j
a slut tk waula at and tleia Hkil li.
'" T. at el ll ut .rM .ia.
aslt was l ) 1 t... an I a (dii f
las tlu,- Jt..ltii!v f-h Bit-t f hs,iui
1,1 .u i( t 1, 1 i, iA r ad ctixts.!
f t lt tl. wri..
II is sh W'lilf ,,il. i.ii.4 ui a s.ti fag.
lor nt at,) a w r.iVd el it
M. tl.. ..1U11,, ,t i Ik a. iM . b
"" r...-i lflaut s t li titiiHlur
l In iIm. t itvuia, bf ta tai -!
goverainrni ol cesBiu-reia wnviie aw M mom
--is ii ttist ari-nuat.
Mewi a has rereutir pmfd throw b two
rvvi lut oaa, tbe p,rty at trrt ueermjal k
In in turn brr-a ai'plaoed by another tur
svwly ap-Mdatcd mmivr by bis llmaly fond
offlws aided ta a prw lnl sdjtt-tiwnt ei tbe
eootrovomv Involved in tbe nrt conflict Tbe
Wee American ipu raits esUb tsbrd la that
cooairy in coniw-rtioa with tbe Nicr ss
aasl were not molrmod
Tbe ('na comrwv kaa nfortnaately bw
Moe Onaneially -aerloualy embarraMied, but a
geaerous treatment iiae been extended to It by
tbe government of Nlmra ua Tba United
Ma tea are specially interested la tbesueceaa
fui achievement of tbe va-t anderltsia this
eompitny ha in rhxrye Tbat it abould be ao
eompiisbed under dist actively Asoerieaa
auspices and iu enjoyment not only aasnred
to the vessels of this country aa a channel of
communication between our Atl mils and Pa
cine seaboards but to the ship of the world
la the Interests of civillxition is a proposition
which in my Judgment does not admit of
Important Matters iXMnaad Atteatloa
With tbo Ottoman K asp Ira.
Important matters have demanded attention
In our relations with tbe Ottoman porta. Tbe
Arin: and partial destruction by an unre
strained mob of one of the school building of
Anatolia college, established by citizen of the
United States at Msrsovan and tbe apparent
Indifference of tbe Turkish government to the
outrage, notwltnsundln , tbe complicity of
some of tbe officials, called for earnest remon
strance, which was followed by promises of
reparation and punishment of tbe offender.
Indemnity for tho injury to tbe buildings bas
already boon puld irmission to rebuild given,
registration of the school property In tbe name
of the American owners secured and efficient
protecti on guaranteed
Information received ot maltreatments suf
fered by an inoffensive Amrica worn in en
gaged ii missionary work In Turkish Koor
distan was followed by sucb representations
to the porte as resulted iu the Issuance
of orders for the punishment of her assail
ants, the removal of a delinquent official and
tbe adoption of measures for the protection of
our citizens engaged In mission and other law
ful work Iu lb it quarter.
Turkey complain tbat ber Armenian sub
ject, obtain citizenship in this country not to
Identify themselves in good faltb witb our
-poople. but witb the Intention of returnior to
the land of their blrlb and tbre en a lng 'a
sedition This complaint Is not wholly
without foundation, A Journal published
In this country In the Armenian I m -nage
openly counsels its reader to arm organize
ana participate In movements for the subver
sion of Turkish authority In th A si alio prov
inces. Tne Ottoman govern men t has an
nounced its intention to repel from its domin
ion Armunl ns who have obtained naturaliza
tion in the United Mates l too IHOH The
light to exclude any or all classes of aliens Is
an attribute of sovereignity. It is a right as
serted and to a limited extent enforced by the
United Stales with tbe sanction of our highest
courts There being no naturalization treaty
between the United Kutes and Turkey , our
minister at Constantinople ban been instructed
tbut while recognizing the rlbt of tbat govern
ment to enforce its decl:ired policy against
naturalized Americans, be is expected to pro
test from unnecessary harhneesof treatment
Tba Oresham Letter Upheld and a Spe
cial Message Promised.
It Is bardly necessary for me to state tbat
the questions arising from our relations witb
Hawaii have caused seriou embarrassment
Just prior to the Installation of the present
administration the existing government of
Hawaii had been suddenly overthrown, and a
treaty of annexation bad been neotl tted be
tween the provisional government of tbe
Islands and the United States and submitted
to the senate for ratification. This troity I
withdrew for examination and dispatched
James A Blount of Ueoria to Honolulu as a
aieclal omuilssloner to make an Impartial In
vestigation of the circumstances attending the
than, e in government and of all the condition
bearing upon the subject of the treaty After
a thorough and exhaustive examination Mr.
Hlount submitted to me his report showing
beyond all question tbat the Constitu
tional government of Hawaii bad been
subverted with the active aid of
our representative to tbat covernment and
tbrougb tbe intimidation caused by tbe pres
ence of an armed naval force of tbe United
Mates which was landed for that purpose at
tbe instance of our minister. Uuon the facts
develop d It seemed to me the only honorable
cottrso for our government to pursue was to
undo tne wrong that noa beon done by those
representing us and to restore us far as prac
ticable the status existing at the time of our
forcible Intervention With a view of a 'com
pushing this result within the constitutional
limit of executive poer, and reeoit-nlzlii all
our obligations and responsibilities growing
out of any . change of conditions
brought about by our unjustlllable interfer
ence, our present minister to Honolulu bu re
ceived appropriate instructions to that end.
Thus far no information of the accomplish
ment of any dollnite results has been received
iroiu Dim Additional advices are soon ex
pected. When received they will nromntlv be
sent 10 congrest together with all other In
formation ut band, accompanied by a special
executive message fully detailing all the faots
necessary to a complete understands of the
case and presenting a history of nil material
events leading up to tie present situation
liy a concurrent resolution, parsed by the
senate February 14. IfWO and by tho house of
representatives on tne aa of April, following,
the president was requested to invite from
time to time, as tit occasions may arise, nego
tiations with uny government with which the
United States bas, it may have diplomatic
relations, to the end that any differences or
disputes arista between the two govern
ments which cannot be adjusted by diplomatic
agency may be referred to orbltr itlon and
be pence ibly adjusted by such means. April
IX, 1 ww, the International American conference
of Washington, by resolution, expressed
the winh that all controversies between
the republics of America and the nations of
Europe mi -ht be settled by arbitration and
recommended that the government of each
nation lie represented In that conference unit
Should communlo te this wish to all fr.endly
I'unuis. n. javurauiB response nas Deen
received from Great Britain In th
shape of a resolution adopted by parlia
ment July 10 last cordially symyathizlng with
the purpose In view and espre sin t the hopes
thai her msjestie'a .overnmenl will lend ready
co-operation to the government of the United
Stales upon the basisof the current resolution
above quoted. .
It afford me si ;nal Die tsure to lav thi na.
ltumentury resolution before the con -res ami
to express my xinoere gratification that the
sentiment of two jreat and kiudred nations Is
thus authoritatively manifested in favor ot
the rational and peaceable settlement of Inter
national quarrels by honorable resort to arul-
Receipts and Expenditure ut the Gov
ernment Decrease In In
ternal Iteveuoe.
Tbe secretary of the tnunn niwi tii.i
tho receipts of the government from all source
durim tba fiscal vamp n,lut .inn. -to iuni
amouuted to Hfll.7ld.Ml w and it jtxpendt-
lure 10 wne,J7,07i There was collected
from custom fJU 'Cii ins i fnn ii..i
revenue .lfli,i7.ttaiM Our dutiable Imports
iiiuuiiiea 10 v.i,ma,Tii, an increase of I 4M,.
twf over the preceding year, and importations
fret of ituly amounting to n,Mt,.ll, a di
crraae from the nrc. edinii vnar r lui.un
lliltiriial MiHtHiiH Mj,l.ii. u ....... .1 1 ...
The total tax collected on distilled plrll
was Wl T.'i,lWi.. ou uianufacl ir. inlxwvo
HI s and on fermented liquor UtiMH .
IMU7 We etiiorted uicr, hatoli.M during iha
jyear amouullug to 941 ot-s li'l, a deirea of
i ils.'.ftl-.iM from the priiwlin year Th
amount of gold eip..rto,l uunt than la
I any prvvlou. year Iu the history of th i mivrra-
nieut. muounlin. to thnftxi.stl. and iced lug
the auiouni eirUK during th prthtnllug
fear by wrft.titt ;. The sunt bald Irom ti,
Ireuury fur -u rar bouulv was tit Hi I U ss ,14
a ' 01 k I"414''"0! r ol tUdaV
I ll lae.tluiaied aiaia tti tiss's hfwaeal
1 mmw la that ih rcui . the o,.ro
Be nl lor U1.1 )t,n 1 1 it i Jun laut. will Is)
J' v ' wd lis sitti.ur ,iai..
pifc, . rsuiiia.- in j. i, u ii y m s,g, ttuil
Hi first d i of NiViulir. Isnl 1 h amount
1 mof u mn ktn i m cirviuiatiua or h in.
ciKdoil la lr.ury hoi I a w .s It tl, tl sj,
an imrwase to i,r ill! Hl i.
Niwlia 1 our .iui l..n at t tauuu at thai ftns
Bwuii.iurd M'Am v r pit ifu ii mm
' M On iu d tis luen m m
lrriiry i. I. , h.,ii iuua tug l i ),) jf
and .1 . i.ui,i a whlth w pbnlusid at a
.".I III l.H -l.l VU
t 1 be p-.r. !,,. i,f i:r i.n,)e (he law at
! July l uii uufn ; Ih. urn ti y fa.
Jl. M a,W sH ,.,,. atK.'K umI
. I st I He tiiirtl bhiihii.1 of iifr a ,y
SH.wm frt.l IKe IIm tSal K Ir,a4l .
t hhM Ifco M'cmhI nl 11a gwr, n. a( ri
h Bsl .! NitwniMr, I m, lal t,
t .Ni M l,n .iiv) klc ci.t tl 1st
VliHa : ui Uy u at it. a I, 1 .m4 tti
Brat tfat e' Selsr. 191. ta rnveraaieat
isinU 'il uaJt-r ail laws aBt7
ounce of sii er at a t of dS j; w Tbo
silver !'!! ar Ibat bae Iwea e an.l under ma
art of July 1 1. I-4M auaatn-rrd iW 1 hw
a,i ntora.n artsiaj from sorb csxna.e was
Mf W'SS). leaviag oa band la tba mint IW,
V 7 fin ounces of sliver which cost Isa,
Our total coins of all metals duria r the
last n-cal year coasiated of K7 t s7 pitsee
valued at M ..(K.i7mi 01 which ta-re was ,-
ew.lW ia gold coin, Ki.3U.7l5 ia eilver. fTzi;
IMO W la subaldUry silver cola and fl (M tel Ut
la minor coins Uunng the calender year isvz.
tbe product 10a of prerious metals in the Unit4
btates was sUmated to b 17 J' Baeowneea
of gold o the cooimerclat aad eolaatre value of
.1.0UU.UU and SS UUU.UUU Hae ounces of silver of
tha bullion aad m rkt value of fco.TaU.ouj and
f the coinage value of f7i.
It is estimated tbat on tbe brat day of July
IHKt, tba metallic slock of money In tha United
fstate. consisting of coin and bullion amounted
to fi.2ts.i6w lev of wh eh was gold
and xe.15.r9l KI was silver -
One bua I red and n neteen national banks
were or .'anlzed during tne year eudia Octo
ber SI. 18 wltli a capital of lll.;gli; 4f
went into voluntary liquid.itloa sad 15 sus
pended tit ot tbe ui-n ied banks were In
solvent b resumed bimines and 7 ri-main in
tbe bands of I tank exam ner witb prospects of
apewuv resumniK n
Of tbe new rrnnk organized forty four were
lomted In the Ksstern slat -s. forty one west
of the Missisaipiil river and tnirty four In tha
Central and r-oullirn siaU The total nua
ber of mttional binks In existent on tbe Hist
d ly of 1 uilr, is 4 w ut 3 71 hav n t sn a inn
gate ea pi . 1 of ft4 XVH Tbe hi t increase
in the circolatloi of these bank durin tbe
year was i ma V7t 'J'lie reoeu. reiieal of tue
provision of law requtfi'ig the purchase of
liver bullion by the government as a feature
of our uiooltary scheme bas made aa entire
change in tbe complexion of our currency
anairs. 1 do not doubt tbat the u tiratte result
of this action will be most salutary and far
in tbe nature of things, however. It la Impos
sible to know at tins time precisely what con
ditions win he biwii.'bt about by tbe change,
or what. If any. suDOlementary le .station
may. In tbe 11 hi of such conditions, appear to
be essential or expedient Of course, after
tbe recent financial perturbation, time is nee-e-snry
for tbe re-establishment of business
eonlldence. When, botever. tbrougb this re
stored confidence, the money which bas been
frightened into board In t places is returned to
trade and enterprise, a survey of tbe situation
will probably disclose a safe path leading to
a permanently sound currency abundantly
aufheient to me t every requirement of our
Increasing population and business, la tbe
pursuit of this object we should reso'utely
turn away from alluring and temporary ex
pedients, det Trained to be eoniente 1 with
nothing less than a las lng and comprehensive
fin ndal plan. In these circumstance I am
convinced th it a reasonable delay in dealing
with the subject instead of bein Injur. ou
will increase tbe probability of wise action -Tne
monetary conference which assembled
at Brussels nwn our Invitation was adjourned
to the. oth day of November in tbe present
Tbe considerations just stated and th fact
that a definite proposition from us seemed to
be expected upon the reassembling of the
conference, led me to express a willingness to
bave tbe meetln 1 still further postponed. It
seems to me that It would be sine to give
general authority to the president to Invite
other nations to such a conference at any
time when there should by a fair prospect of
accomplishing an international agreement on
the subject of coinage.
I desire also to e .mostly suggest the wisdom
of amending the existing statutes In renrd
to the Issuance of government bonds
The authority now vested In tbe secretary of
the treasury to Issue bonds is not a clear as
it should be and the bonds authorized are
disadvantageous to the government both as to
the time of their maturity nnd rate of interest.
The superintendent of immigration, through
the secretary of the treasury, reports that
during the Inst fiscal year there arrived at our
ports 440 70.1 immigrants Of these l.oBl were
not permitted to land under the limitations of
the law and 577 were returned to the countries
from whicb they cume by res -on of their bav
in become public charges. Tbe total arrivals
were HI W4 less than for tha previous year.
The secret irv In his report gives an acnotiit
Of the operation of the marine hospital ser
vice and of the good work done under its su
pervision, in preventing tbe entrance and
spread of contagious disease The admoni
tion of the last two years touching our pub
lic health and the demonstrated dan-'er of tbe
introduction of contagious diseases from for
el ti ports, has Invested tbe subject of na
tlon il quarantine witn Increased Interest
A more general and harmonious system than
now exls s, act In; promptly and directly
everywhere, an 1 constantly operatin f by pre
ventive mean to shield our country from the
Invasion of disease and at the same time hav
ip due regard to the rlirnl and duties of liy;al
aencies, wou d, I believe, adl rreatly to the
safely of our people
Uncle Yarn's Army Number C5,77S En
listed Men and 3,144 Officers.
The secretary or war report that tbe
strength of the army on the :)th day of Sep
tember last was 25 778 enlisted men and 'Jill
officer. The t;tal expenditure of the de
partment for the year ending; June 30, 1111,
amounted to ?1, 906,074 8", of this sum . 1.0 2,.
6HI wus for salaries and contingent expenses,
t;M..i77.W8 ;l 1 f r the support of the lnilltiry
establishments, f6,077,i:H IX for miscellaneous
objects and tVjfl.MriLAII.4l for public work. This
lutlcr sum include tl5,S9ri.n7d lA for river mid
harbor improvements and $1 286.141 20 for
ons and other works of defense
Tho total enrollment of the militia of tbe
several state was. on the Hlt of October of
the current year, o!hsrs and enlisted
men The officer of the army detailed for the
inxjieclion and instruction of this reserve of
our military force report that increased inter
est and marked pro -ress are apparent in the
discipline and efficiency of the or anlz itions
Neither Indian outbreaks nor dome tic vio
lence have cttlld the ormy into service during
tho ye ir mid the only active military duty re
quired of It has been in the departmunt of
Texas, where violation of the neutrality laws
of the United States and Mexico were prompt
ly tind effli lently doalt with by the troops,
clic ting tho w irm approval of the civil and
military authorities of both countries
The question of wise laws and the Influences
of civilization constantly ten tin 1 to relieve
the country from the dan ers of Indian hostil
ities to ether with the increasing ability of
the states, throu h the efficiency ot tho na
tional guard organization to protect their cit
izens from domestic violence, lead to tbe sir.."
gestton that the time is fust approachln when
there should be a reorganization of our army
on tho lines of the present necessities of the
country This change contemplates neither
increase in number nor udded expen e, but a
redistribui io 1 of the force and an encnura e
ment of measures tending to greater efficiency
among the men and im: rovement of the ser
vice Alter much preliminary work and examina
tion in accordance with the requirements of
tho law thu board appointed to select a ma.'a
zine rifle of modern tyne with orders to replace
the obsolete Springfield r.tiu ot the Infaulry
service, completed Its labors during thu last
year and the work of niaiiufacturtn is now In
Iiro. ress at the national armory at Springfield
I is conlldunlly expo ted that bytheeudof
tbe current year o ir infantry will tie shopiiej
with a weapon equal to that of the most pro
grensive uruiitt ui tun world
Tbo work of the pro ecled fhlukainau 'a nnd
Chattaiioo a nati nal, military park ha been
prosecute) with teal and jud in -tit audit
openln; will be celebrated d irlnw tue coming
year Over nine square in do ol the
Cbickamauga battle field have bees, acquired.
IwouW miles of roadway have been, con
structed and permanent t Vdei have 1 o n
placed at many hl-lorlcal point, while the
Invtt itlou to the otutoa to murk lie-position
of their troops pirtictputlng In the butlle has
been very generally accepwd Tne work of
lovatin t and preserving Die Imea of battle al
tbe Gettysburg battle tie 1 1 Is makin? satis
factory progro on the plan directed by the
loot con Kress
I'M' Alt I MIS XT Ol J I) Tiff-
Thw Abolition nl the few syUnt la
t nilrd stale I'uurl (iuiMma.U4.
Tha report of the allorne genertt coot .In
tbst so d sunm try of lbs affairs and proceed
lng ol I he d'lMrii'innl Oi utio for tho pal
year, together ailhicrulu rvoiiiiiii'U,lalton
as 10 awHied (glslaiuin on varlo ul e, i
I cstiiuol loo b irtiiy luilorse in pros.,
that I w fmi yst.'to aep )'' to t" urni
p ti-11 on nf t nned m il.- aiioruet. iur
m v'ieik of toorl aad l'u I d
1 I - i".iiiiio'liuer thoii il le Ui I h-d
wttii li. as iMNMUtw. II I vt'.'ai'iy
It Hiv ini, nsl ut thu itnutitunity ihl lui
tiiiue of i;w c-iurit i .na 1 ivu and rbu'n .1,
sbttl lea ustol l as lixxiiiiiiy 10
i , lut as the nl wll, Will low
la " lli' i'. e iw 11 rsw it If I !
t, sV, I tna lv r ennt,inl"d 1 h
ens 1 e 1 . yftf,. so in w ial o m ia
lh .' m Im piev ut it ( that
I . lie 11 u.h.l b.i-iiie ol te bd(l
.kl 'et lfc itii..i al)rhlin II.
tiu.r ii-.ii. lir sid T a w urn' ccm I
aai s',t .l4i.. iwadtat Im IM ;..! an4
d-r i .- uil k' t irt l'u l.-.l at ,t os iha
l.t I 1 ! lV , ol w..l h I i.
r. t. .intniM i.. lit iir a tv
ta ana ? of -k1 . .Wht
l oJm oa th tirmt dav f Jm J. fdL
was . la whkh t tv were I vUialKio of
tba Internal rrveaua laws. The ex ! of
tho Cm ted Male ruuru eictusiva wf judne'
alane. for t - yeireudiBi July I. l-&, was
fc; 7.7a 11 and for the vr adinc JoJv.
IMM, 4ai 7s.-. It la .hcrefore appar ut
that tha reason rtvea la l-i tor a change la
the manner of enforcing th federal criminal
law bava gained eoteacy and strength by
lapae of time.
rotTorrice btrtKmcxT.
Tht lerepDy Hataraaa liaeaipt aad
Espeadltara Hatk Coasasaatad I'pow.
The report of the postmaster-general con
tain a detailed statement of tba operations of
tne postomee department daring the last fis
cal year, aad much interesting Information
touching this Important branch of the traMie
service The business ot tbe mails indicate
with absolute certainty the condition of the
business of the country, and depression in
financial affairs inevitably and quicslv reduces
the poatal revenues Therefore a larger dis
crepancy in an usual between tbe pernio (Doe re
ceipt and expenditures ia the expected and
uoavoiuaoie result 01 tne aistrewlng string
ency wuics has prevailed toronrhout the
country during much of tbe t me covered by
hit, piinii,iT uenerai s r?pori
fAt a dite uri better tun r were antici
pate it was est muled by bis predecessor that
toe oenciency mi tne JO'n day of June 1W
wouia oe but little ov-rl..'u , . It amounted.
towever. to more than t o w.jij. At tue same
time and under the influence of like anticipa
tion estimate were made for the current ti-
cai year ending June Ji. Ihjj, which exiblled a
surplus ol revenue over expenditures of t2,
21 71 but now In view of the actual receipts
and expenditure dur n ' mat oarl of the cur
rent Uscil year already exoireii th present
post mauler . eneral estimate that at il close
iUKieau or a surplus tue re will be a deilciem-v
of nearly 8.vJi
1 he posto.Uce receipts for the last fiscal
year amounted to 6 Ktl is and Its expend
itures IO ssi.U7l.lui yd This DostofficB de
Bciency would disaotJear or be immensely do-
cre.ised If less ni alter was carried free through
tbe mills, un item of which Is upward of 30J
nra ui nrouii una grain irom tne agricultural
departments Tbe total number of post 'fflcei
in the United Slates on tne ifotl day of June
l-IM sm ,40l, an Increase of l.gxt over the
preceding year. Of these i.Mt were presiden
tial, su increase in that class of VH over tbe
precrdln year
Tbe railway mall service not onlv ulda in
tne prompiness oi mall ueiivry at all ofnees.
dui 11 ia 1 ne especial instrumentality wblcb
puts the smaller and way Diaue in the anrvle
on an equality In tbat regard with the larger
and terminal offices
This branch of tbe postal service bas there
fore received much attention from tbe post
master general and though it Is gratifying to
know tbut it Is in condition of hi;b efficiency
and rrent usefulness, I am ld to a ree with
the ) ostmaster general that there Is room for
it 1 further Improvement There are now con
nected with tbe post nice establishment V:OA
employes who are In the classliiel service.
Tho header this reat department gives con
clusive evidence of tbe value of civil service
reform, when after an experience tbat render
hlsjud ment on the subject absolutely rella-
010, oe expresses me opinion that wttnout tbe
benefit of this system It would be lnnuli,ia
to conduct the vast business Intrusted to him
I desire to commend as especially worthy of
prompt attention tbe suggestions of the post
master general relatln 1 to a more sensible and
business like organization and a better dis
tribution of responsibility in hi department
Facts and fig-a re Itegarding; tha Naval
strength of the Country.
The report of tbe secretary of the nirv con
tain a history ot the operation of bis de
partment durin tba past year and exhibit a
most gratify In condition of the personnel of
our navy. He presents a satisfactory account
of pro re which has been made ia tbe con
struction of vessels and makes a number of
recommendation which I especially invited
Uurin ; the past six months tbe demands for
cruising vessels have been many and urgent
.m i, u,c uncu icruiuuuui calling lor ves
sel to protect American interest in Nicara
gua, Guatemala, Costa Klco, Honduras, Argen
tine and Brazil, while tbe condition of affair
ill Honolulu has red ui red the constant nrea.
ence of one or more ships With all these
calls upon our navy it beeume necessary in or
der to make up a sufficient fleet, to patrol the
i)' nun i ne 1 unuer t;ie moaus vivenui agreed
upon with Great Hritain to detail to tbat ser
vice one vessel from the fish commiss on
and three from the ' revenue murine.
Frovreg in the construction of new vessels
bus not liecn as rapid us was anticipated.
There have been delays in the completion of
unarmed vessels, but for tbe most part they
bave tieen such as was constantly occurring in
countries having the lar.-est experience in
navai snip nuiiuing. 1 ne most serious delay,
however, have been in tne work urion Brmiirnil
ships. The trouble bis been the failure of
contractors to deliver armor as agreed The
diltlcultins soem now, however to have been all
overcome und armor Is being delivered witb
satisfactory promptness.
Tbe folio win vessels of the new navy bave
bein completed and are now ready for service:
1 ne uouiip; turroiod coast defouse monitor
Mluntonomah. the double turreted coast de
fense monitor Monterey, the armed cruiser
New York, the protected cruisers Baltimore.
Ctiica.'O. Philadelphia, Newark, Kan Fran
cisco Charleston. Atlanta and Boston, the
cruiser Detroit, tbe gun boats Yorktown, Con-
corn Bennington, Aiacma. Castlce and
t'etrel. the dispatch vessel Dolphin, the Prac
tice ve-sel IJincroit und the dvnamlte mm
boat Vesuvius Of these the Bancroft Miichls-,
itoron auu iv.iHLiurj nave oeen placed in com
mission during the current year
'i he followin ' vessels 11 re in process of con
struction: Tbe second c uss battleships Maine
and Texas, tbe cruisers Montgomery and Mar
blohoad and the coast defense Monitor. Terror.
Puritan, Amphrtte and Monadnock. ail of
which will be completed within one vear.
The harbor defense rum Katubdln and tbe
protected cruisers Columbia, Minneapolis,
Olympta. Cincinnati and Italei h, all of wblch
will be completed prior to July. 1, 1HW6, the first
class battle ships Iowa, Indiana. Massachu
setts and Oregon, whicb will be completed Feb
ruary 1. IHUtt and the armored cruiser Brook
lyn, which will be completed by August of that
year. It is also expected that the three gun
boats auth .rized by tba lost congress will be
compieieu in less man two years
Since 16 con ress has at each session au
thorized the buildini of of one or more vessel
and the secretary of the navy presents an
earnest plea for the continuance of this plan
Ue recommends the authorization of at least
Sue battleship and six torpedo boats. While
I am distinctly in favor of consistently pur
suing the policy we have of building up a thor
ou h and efficient navy, I cannot re rain from
tne su ggestion mat congress should carefully
take into account the number of unfinished
vessels on our bands and the depleted condi
tion of our treasury, in considering tbe pro
priety of an appropriation at this time to be
gin now work.
The method of employing mechanical lntoor
at the navy yards through boards of labor,
und maklni efficiency tbe sole test by which
laborers are employed and, continued, is pro
ducing tbe I est results, ami the secretary 1
earnestly devoting himself to Its develop
ment. Attention Is invited to the statement
of his report In regard to working of th sys
renslon Frauds Vigorously Denounced
and th Administration's
Policy Upheld
Tbe secretary of tbe Interior h it the super
vision of so many Important subjects that bl
report Is of special value an 1 Interest. Oa
Ihe thirtieth day of June. ltM, there were on
tlm pension rolls MM, til name, an increase of
Mi.Vli over the nuinlwr on the roll June J.
Isir! lf these there wore seventeen widows
sud d mghier of revolutionary aoldler, thirty
urvtvers ol the war of IHU widow of
soldiers ol tnat war. J I.MS survivors
and widows of the Mexican war, J
survivor and -widows of Indian war,
ormy nnrw ant 7,ia sur
vivors and widows and children of dnceaned
soldier and ! nrs of the war of the relw llon.
The latter auilllier represent I hose peuaiimed
on account ol dttiblilil 'S or death resuitim
from srmy or Bavy ervic Tito number of
perou reaialitlnt on the roils J mm a),
!. . ... I ..... t u at. 1 ... 1 , . tar
n. wlili h ail prnsloa oa accounl af
de ith an J d..ihiiiiy at ibar.cabia io army
acrv ce wa lo
tbe aunuxr ad led tu the rolls duria f lb
tear wa lit AM and Uitf huiuber Uropiv was
1, t he Prl pitmenls ua inio al
looml tlurpt ilm year nmmmlrJ to 1 4. 1. fat,
!. I hi In. i- arrw ir or Iha sx-i uiu
uuiioii twtsren ts 1 1 in trot which lh
alicw ol ihiiimi dtiet and I ttnie i
a lu illy riliBg lbs vetiiiw iiisi sltbou : h Iha
la of ii m (mn pension lr iltbitny aot
rlai d lo until ire tr!. yri a a r-nu ait
.i 11 ba I'. I. a diasiSiliy m;l IS.sin.l
lillii a.Moiiasts "iroiu tiw pvrturmiaia al
NiHisa.l U'Kir lu such a .! tM as lit rva lor
Itieit uas'tt lo sartt sppurt "
ISiMii lu of tfc. law I II- early a dsn-
.t Mxim t ks iwvs in ' J with It ll m
mu ti 1.1 I ut t award tU t twt tas last 4
hi'ol. I i.liuii as aaih.!-! iHe vtaif ut !
,it-ii M i'is t n.,i .l am. ibat liu.1 Ihi
aalr'M-lios h . lawn full ised I sta hid Ik
trtmUawsd ott I hit 4 Pi I
1 Desx zsz'jz brick, lime, cement, land
wLiUvsr goes into the ccii-truct:j
ui a bmSdinge; they employ ;be
-c:t workmen and pay ae Left v rej;
they get better prices foi their wcr
tiua their less careful competiio's,
-aJ always get the best contracts;
they paint their work with
Strictly Pure
White Lead
manufactured by the "Old Dutch Pro
cess " of slow corrosion, and with one
of the following standard brands :
"Collier," "Red Seal'
For colors they nse the National Lead
Company's Pure White Lead Tinting
Colors. These colors are sold in
small cans, each being sufficient to
tint twenty-five pounds of Strictly
Pure White Lead the desired shade.
These brands of Strictly Pure White Leal
and National Lead Co.'s Tinting Colors, ais
'or sale by the most reliable dealers in oair.ts
If you are reins; to paint. It will pay yow
to send to as for a book containing inform,
uon that may save you many a dollar; U will
tmly cost you a postal card to do so.
I Broadway, Kew York,
St. Louis Branch,
Clark Avenue and Tenth Street.
. . a h
air Ueath
Instantly remove and forever destroy
objectionable hair, whether upon the
band, face, anna or neck, without dis
coloration or Injury to tha most delicate
skin. It was for tlfly year tho set-ret
formula or Krasanos t iuob, acKDewi
edged by physicians s tha highest au
thority aad moat eminent derm atologlst
and hair specialist tbat ever lived. Dur
ing his private practice of a life-time
among the nobility and aristocracy of
Kurope he prescribed this recipe. Prtea
t by mail, securely packed. Corres
pondence confidential, bola Agent for
America. Address
Dept. B., W South Fifth Ave., New York.
CsVNllt'taafM. W T MMiaM
OIJ ItubU- IMatWr. Omty
ftrav tii tU y u reMt nMtf avuj
Wra aUBlvMh, sWtta, aMM, ir
UtVkt 4mr by fiipfiing iu mclu-4
laMftsI, N fixp-ri'l.oe, polUbtuf
or aMebtnery, Tbtak pltu an on
optnuUm: laati $ u 10 wr, 1m
Oulai. wttm Latl.7tt frtm ibm pimimt.
Krr toif ba pltVitiR to 4o.
Pistrr twill rs-avdil. Prottn lr&.
W. P. HarFitM tats. ltwtiM.jV
Cfl tJC A m I toM fltv
P1IE.C - wftlrli to very
rvavdarof tbapafVr.
Ct thi oat Mtf n4 it lt M rniik
wotir fall nmw n1 H4rm, abtl
willmni yasj m tin vUrjcMi,
rkhir )wctri, ut4 $)tut4 wmukr
by frr fm mitittsif), i4 .
you tbliik it la equal, fit p-fiH)a
ny$ JtiAfKUi4AU:U a MirutOpt
rith trie wuh our f nrtut tbat
ion cm rtarn It at aay ttuw wlttila
one ar II not ibtvcurv. anil tl
yon atll or tmm tb mL i Ms tt
vlll t-.vs yon On Vr. U rilr ml
met, aa w shalt sud out tim t
far 40 rfmva otllv. Aildrffw
334 tttrborn St., Cbiceo, Hi.
NwaC of every dcicriptios, jfewfound
LJJZ2 lands. Maatiffa. St. Bernards.
UrevUuunda, Hull, Kox, Skyc and Scotch Terriers,
Collies, Pug, Spaniels, Beagles, Foxhounds, Set
ters and Pointers; also Ferrets, Maltese Cats, pet
animals, fancy pigeona, poultry. Send stamp for
price lit. Ii ve r oxes wasted.
Herman Boesch, IS Market St.. Ut. Louis,
O uo)opjl Jr3 joj pnsg
'rjrlKIS'S ' sil"ai;ioo.I
uiu)niajj o 'StfJiqa siiJ joj
.i cltm v 't: Iuo sjspeojq
I. ar&ai
alvata trm aatltlWliM Ma
satgbt a kana. Wtna IwW tha asat lor atavas-
taeaa la bltaaiac ap. aratt tHMl Clranlaffl St. S
Oiata mmf. Ma, liau. aiM, rlaan t,u.!
Decatur, ill.
Simplest and most econ
omical engines on earth,
Fnlly Guam teed
A boy starts
qu Ires only a few
minutes' atten
tlon a day. Guar
anteed cost of
running 1 ct. per
hour per H. P
Write for catalo
gue. Address,
Weber Cas & Gasoline Engine Co.
Make Your Own Bitters 1
On receipt of 30 cents, U S. sumps, I will
send to any address one package Steketee'
Dry Bitters. One package makes one gallon
best tonic known. Cures stomach and kidney
diseases. Now Is tbe time to use bitters for
the blood and stomach. Send O. U. Steketee,
of Grand Rapids, Michigan, 30 cents, U. S.
stamps, and we guarantee that he will send at
once. For sale by druggists.
eiji'C'9 4iK3caa"at7S
. v II a
C!l3 . Si
'f'ltVlsw - -..a-
W " W
I am end Furnam ris.
"" ' aaWsh
Cancors Cured,
I will say bbftaDv M li a ba
I BVtSSMla lllltl( Ir.'Wt IliHll, ! It I
Kiauiam vr au tana n aila-f if nat
hn-a ! aw y mI.ii, Will .il un,
k.i utp!id With itvwtly al iltl tlw
ItMSl. tull t,wviir i-S ) rwr,iuH twi tt.l
fait Payne Ala
U Rational . .
OFFICE, " Kajibas CRT, MO.
Moat Practical Buslneaa Col leg in tha 1
jf n ext. Mofuua, I ypewniuiBT, nwi- J
tl keeping and Telegraphy. Shorthand
v7 bv Mill. Three lesson free. Send for
MIXED Paints.
At WHOLESALE FBieES.DeUvarad taa.
For Bouse. Barn. Roofs, all color, SAVB
Middlemen's profits. In nse 51 years. Ea
darned by Grange a Fanners' Alliance. Ism
price will surprise you. Write for samples.
O- W. IVGEIiSOLL. S Plymouth St., Brook
lyn, N. Y.
Great Rock Island Rodti
. . .v.ri.A., '
The Sock Island is foremost in adopt
ing any advantage calculated to im
prove speed and give that luxury, safety
aod comfort that popular patronage de
mands. Ite equipment is thoroughly
complete with vtstibuled trains, mag
nlficeot dining cars, sleepers and chair
coaches, all tne most elegant, and of
recently improved patterns.
Faithful and capable management
and polite, honest service from em
ployes are important items. They are
a double duty to the Company aod to
travelers and it is sometimes a task
difficult of accomplishment Passen
gers on this line will find little cause for
complaint on that ground.
For full particulars as to tlckete.mape,
rates, apply to any coupon ticket office
in the United States, Canada or Mexico
or addresn: JNO. SEBASTIAN,
Genl Tkt. a Pas. Agt, Chicago, HI.
E. ST. JOHN, Gen'! Manager. ChicagoTllt.
Railroad Time Tables.
The Northwestern Line.
DiroT cornbb neaTH and STaiBTi. otrr
ncRtr orrica 1133 O stbist.
(ronUnnous Id to all point mentioned.)
Chicago and cast
Fremynt Omaha Sioux
l:jl p. m
Illy, M. Paul Duluth
Marshaitown, Cedar
ftapids, Clinton, Dei
Muuies, Purre. Aber
deen, Oake
I p. m.
12:20 p.m.
17:10 Am.
1:36 p m
'120 p. as.
t:SVp b.
Wahoo, Fremont, Nor-1
ioik, u neui, LOr.K
Pi ne ( bail ron Casper
Hot Sprints, Kapid
l-'llv Ila.Htiuu1
T:S9a. m
6 JWp m.
Fremont accomodation.
t3:50 D m.
18:30 p.Bi.
i7:l5a. m.
rremont treiicbt. ..
111:35 a.m.
Missouri Pacific Rsilwav
Tioket Office at Depot and corner Twelfth and
. i . .
Leaves. Arrives.
Auburn and Neb City Exd....
ia:i5piiS y.Mp m
St. Louis day Kxpress
Auburn and Neb. City Exp..
St. Louis night Express.....
Accomodation ,. . ,
11:15 pm
D wpni d oi
6m a m
6:45 s m
Union Pacific Railway.
X.T It?!.-" 1
k Aa- am m iB BVJ WJ
--BBsr- 'i 'M-I -1
- .1UUWI A' a. "SV.W
Leave. Arrive,
9:0s a m ij.jg ? m
t7: s m S: pm
1 6:30 p an t loMoasn
a:S p m j:so p ro
:;9 p'm 1 9:0s a as
Omaha, Council Bluffs
Chicago, Valley, east
and west
Beatrice, Bloc Spring.
Mannattan east ana
west, Tupeks, Ksssas
Cttv, east and south.
David Citv. Stromsbunr .
Dionx uty, iMvia t.ity,
toiunbus, llenvar,
Salt iJtke, Helena.
San Francisco sua
Restrict and Cortland. .
Fremont, Eikhorn and Missouri Valley
Depot corner Eighth and 8 street. Oily taeket
omcellMW street.
Wahoo, Fremont, Nor-
tolk, l-ong PiBe, Chad I
ron, O'Neill, Dead- i
wood. Black Hill and V
Wyoming points )
l7:S a. oi
ft 5 0 p m
Omaha 1
Tsac s ml
isxij p m
Wshno, Fremont, Mis- I
iV 1:4c p m
soun valley, Cedar
Rapids, Chicago and )
hast Madison, Mil- i
waukee, Sioux City, Y
Minneapolia.'St. Paul . )
Duiuth and North weal J
i:5 p m
i:os p
t 7: 15 am
Fremont Accom'dation J
It ia:oc p aW
Burlington A Missouri River Railroad.
(C. B. A Q R. K )
Ticket Office at B a M. depot and corner of
Trntk and O street.
Uave. I Atrivw.
l:Ml m b &t)a.m.
10:))Tp m t 6:lp.m
t t Ms-m.
S:rv)a. m il:fa m.
m iua. t :i p. m.
S 0p.m It p. at.
tioop. a.ttuta.
M;li B. tl0:l7p .
13 p.m I Ua at
Chicago, Plattmouth,
ana esi, vis main
line AahlanU Wahoo
and SchuvUr
Omaha and Chicago I
via Ashiand oul-od
Piaiumotitb and east
local via tiinaha ....
Rail l loud, Obcrliu,
Ch.jrnu and Sal .
Cm s, lis. lints, hsar
t ry, llmiirsiiit. Mc-
TtMik lBVraud wel
Th ' HurUsKloo No 1
to luiiyer and ttie
Tb 'HurllnUM Hps
rial" loll tsiliiga, ill
fiml liri.ttr and
fa Se e ast
Crsle. H.atri.s VI.
p m
10 Hp 1
Iliiirr, ttd tt . 1
M. Ha. ila and ton
.ima ...
Crt, h.auii' sad
Hc'isatl KhiiM, N,
'ra ta tJliy il
I. rand Man I Itmkra
How. Alilaitra. Sa
i-ii, stiei,. an sad
sr. Tort sal
lirsnd I4as4 , . . .
Tru....k, fat 4,
Ah'NlMi", hsua.s
i I y smt smith ,,, ,
Villi. r. OatMt lv I
IMlS'-ua a,ti a,.fta ,
Ti;uih n Ubi
W' k . ,
Wp 1
MOflOa 1
b w 1
H to sap 1
ru oa 1
w ap
1 41
M .
m iiosm
i.'Mp. a
I Wp
( t It.
at hi(ip m
a .nl .baa.
a at f I m a at
iW'aWaaaanMann IL ta tliafi
rai try,! u, off IU)
t"j Nir
- ,f