The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, November 23, 1893, Page 7, Image 7

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Hair Deathf
Instantly removes and forever destroy, w
obj.e hair, wnether upon bejfc2
baud, faca, arm or neck, without die- $7
coloration or injury to the mnetdelleau ta
skin, it was lor ttfty yrare tha as r.t t3
fu.niala vl Etniu H'WO.icuwi-
thorlty and most eminent derm .tologtst
and hair p-rKxiaual that ever lived. Uur-,
lag bis private practice of a Ufe-tlme
among the nobility and aristocracy of
iriiM.njk k. mwHhMl i h la rarlna. frloe i
I by mall, secureiy packed. Oorres-1
pond-nce contideutlaL Sole Agenu for
America. Auaress
Dept. K., W South Fifth Are., New Yerk.
KM' AN TABl LKS are the beat Sledb
vine ItiiawH far ladlcralloa, UllloaaaeM,
HrArtaclic, ontlpatloa, I'raprpaimt kraals
Lit er Troablra, Maalae., Had Oaaa,lril.a, 2
l.M.iilirr, OaVaaa.e lireatb, aaS all Ala.
order, ut (be Liver aa4 How!,
Mfinm TatuM emtam nothing hijiirimit to
ti uiuMt ill Uoiw mlitutioii. Ara iiViuwnt to J
bid., aafi', iltlllul, (ad iflv ImintHlUt-e relief
I'HfO-U IX ' ll , TImi.U; l'a'HMflMXH)L I
t!. Mar lw onlunvl throiiKh nearest druKKiat, 5
r lJ mail. Kt.r.i!it fna, by ronil. Adri. z
la the only
Women Excluded.
18 years experience.
Circular free.
14lbnnd Famaro BU .
Omaha- Nib.
tl) Bum.
ellAatwlaf MMfclna BrrfM parkin,, nat.U, t.l.lMd. adtuua to lifh, .na b..t.
wii. .MifaM.u
ml. KM. aurfila, klurulMd fn.ln-.ui. Uur
4irr bam Ml tartar, " UT. d-Wff .1)4 H-.U
Lincoln, Nn Aug. 10, ity:).
Sulpho-Sallne Rath Co., Lincoln, Neb,
Gentlemen I have Iwn a victim oi rhtaniati.m
for several year paat, I have uffered inlcaitlr at
timet, and have gone to the Hot Spring o 1 Ssiith
Dakota, and the Hot Spring of Arkanaaa v
in ro, avekinir relief. I have alto taken mack
oedlclne undor the directionn of able phmiciam,
About one month bko I aiiffrred from one of tbt
oat violent attack of the diaeaae, and at once br
gan taking hot alt water batha at our new aai
Hiletidiil bath houae in thin city. Under the rare of
your nentlemanlv and efficient attendant, Mr Henry
iichiiintta, i have, 1 think, entirely recovered.
Pro exivrieuce and my ohaervatlon of the re
ruita oi trtitment of many patient, at the Hot
SprkiKt above nar'.ed and at your hath house, I nin
eonvincod th it btttrrand quicker result caa be ob-
kiA K m .niiM, n4 Yuti. .ilf umtflr haih. at VOIIF
bath hmie than atanv other place In the cotwtry
1 do not hesitate not only to recommend, but to
urfre every pemon autferiiiK from rlieumatiain to try
a course oi bat In at yi.ur luth houae niider the
direction of one of the phvsirian in charge
I believe your new and munificent bath houae
vlil rove a urcat bleaninjf to the many victim
of rheumatism In this vicinity, and I hope it will re
ceive the liberal p:itnmare it merit.
You have not requested of me any tratlmonlal,
but I de m it prnpi-r that I should arknnwled;e the
(Treat relief 1 have reeeived at your hands, and you
may use what I have .aid in nch manner a you
may doom proper. Very reapecttuliy,
J. B. Stbodb.
The above from Judie Strode Ib hut
a sample of the many similar tes'im n
iaU wo have received without sollclta
t'on and which will appear from time
to time i'i hese columns.
Sulpho-Saline Bath Co.
Fourteenth and M etreetss, Linraln.
Steel IL
s 1 t our prloeg before
E biiylnir. All nies Wood
fp md stful Pumiilns; ai d
'TO Power MUIh and Macbln
s3 ,ry. hte-1 Tower
"nTa wantJHl Pri.a
(4i aL'tnta Hi Write ue
3 bufore baying.
rnnrlttna " '"
tlUUUUUl. (.
St. Charles. HI,
Pleaae nieuou 'l'he lliance ludeiwndeuL
Tbe Or,!; Line Under One iliDcmcBi
Llnroln U 1'olnU Ilflew.
' DMUilU I ' It a, lililU U t lia.ll( M Ur k
T Ml ton '' (iVTtS
ii 1 1 tm StH xii.wtunn
IIINNK'P'ljrl f 7m n-lHWH
VWAIU'MA aW-.i-l'1!-!" KAli '
ini is a yw Jr MtiiiKij
8T. jr-m ('lIUHOO
K IfiTA IL KM II. I J a, niiHa
iv AN t II I ' l'"!4 liUdJl
rat TrtlH I klfiit nl hU t.L
Cto. tVaaaiTIt'. ri ALL lukt,
l' iii iiukli..,lutl'ltf HktU
A A. ftn ' W, M Mirtii,
I ttl r t Art. Uen'L rt
tIMre 1 1 j t II ."lMt fur, a.t.4 IK
iicolu m
' Aavoue vaa ohtaia frx H r ltlr
iMrrf hf -l m a' 114 Th l'" A' ruA
HiM. u l't) aIu..i. U r, tlu ,
A Hi, entiiiajinK Nig tt Ari
t'eat NurtbaUrf4 Met In f'hU!!
L ntW-A raat IralM. Ufflw IU1
llWHUW- ,
There are In the wewt thousand of youpg
men and wom-n tiHl down, by lack o educa
tion, to pursuit which they heartily dislike
and In which they will never excel Are you
one of them? If bo. thle college eanputyon
on tbe road to Huocesa If you have ambition
and a willingness to study. We each every
necessary for a successful start In life.
if vou have not the funds we will irlve you a
full cour and M yon pay for it afterwards,
as you earn the money. The number received
on ibis plan will be limited to one hundred
and twvnty students. Fifty graduate laat
year. Eleven states represented. Electric
Shorthand taught which Is the shortest and
Aftryou have read all other rataloeuea,
send for ours and we will leave it to your judg
ment which collrfre m the West ranks first In
standing. Address,
A. M. HAROIS, Preaident,
Grand Island, Neb.
cure . on Baa Bids
.u" OMAH. NEB.
Four year's exparienco a examiner in th U. 8.
Patent office. Advice free, no fee until the patent
Is obtained. ,
im. I. MulilM a.. 4MUuii4. WraanlHa. 5
aiaii. rtMa, mmm '
Decatur, lit
Uunequaled for House, Barn, factory or Out
Huilding and cot half the price of .hinirle. tin
or in j. It is ready for use, and eavily applied by
anyone Send stump fin- samples, and atate itz.e of
I SS Ouane at., New York, N. Y.
100,00 0 Acres Just Fat Upon the Market
Small Cash Payments
5 to 20 Years Time.
For map of Nebraska and further
particulars, call on or address,
Steel Wind Engine
Has been In nue nce 18HS. It
6 1 Lilt, POWER; A 1- thi irt;
tenceih- mill for you to bay.
TbouiBiitls have them f
Our Steel fower
Have 4 angle atael corner pos's
subtitantial sieel vim and
braces; not fence wire. They
r LIGHT, 81RPN0. 8 UPLt IN
CONSTRUCTION' atwth cheaier
tna wood aii'i will lt a life
tiair I 'ir mill and towera 'H
GUAR IN Tl-El). Write for
price, and olrculars. Addreas.
Uenilouing tb s pais-r.
Arkanaaa City-Kansas.
Searles &
Cure all Forms of
pip seryous, craic
JWkfc IrI
Consultation Free.
We cure Catarrh, All Diseases of the
Ni'B-, Throat, Chest, Stmnaen Bowles,
mid Liver; Hydrocele, Vario'-cele, Sflo
tore, Weat Men Wzualiv. Blood, akin
and Kidney Dlaeases, Pr-m 'le Wealt-OT-ttxes
L '8t Manhood CURKD Syphi
lis. Gonirrhu'a. ritfamd Fmtula.
Call on or addreas with tiauip for circulars,
free book sad receipts.
un Scaiies & Siarles. 1,8 '
Omaha Jack Barn
Writ far orllcuUre A ltrrs,
IrtiH AH.I Vint Q gUl, Hn,ha, JU,
$75.00 TO S..m(M)M5:lf
..... lu. U r )4ll.M A til,
I rtU
An Important Statemeat by a
known Citizen.
rHtl'1jltA.i'v I'Ufl;..
-T , . . . J I I '
twrw. aI lriR. UfTk IIjU
Mr. E. J Powell Relates His Remarkable
Experience to an Advertiser R preven
tative Tortured by Malignant Rheu
matism From Boyhood Ho at Last
Escapes From Agoty A Story Full of
Hope for Other aufferers.
(From the London, (Out.) Adoertiter.)
At 51 Alma Rt.rf Mouth T.tindon.
lives Mr. J. Powell, a gentleman who
has rtbiiiea in Lionaon aua vicit-ity ior
t,nnt nix vpara. Ha tias been a suilerer
oiuce hla youth with rheumatit-m in I'i
worst lorm, Dut now we naggara luce
and almost crippled form of a year ago
have given away to an appearance of
health and vigor.
Hearing of this a reporter called on
Mr. Powell and asked him to relate his
' "The first time I really Mt any rheu
matic trouble," said Mr. Powell, "was
in 1872. A twinge of pain caught me,
but paused away in an instant. 1 did
not know what it was. Alter that I was
attacked at various periods, and In 1870
I beuan to grow alarmed. In 1878 1
suffered from sciatica in the left leg. (
"For a number of years afterward I
continued to grow worse ani? worse. In
the summer of 1884 I experienced the
pain constantly. It was all day and at
all times. I took the electric truatment
steadily for several Wtoe, but It aid
me not tbe Biigh'est good.
"A yer ago iast wlutt-r I was seized
with a pain and for fourteen we ks 1
never Uft the h UBe. Tbe only way in
which I could be moved was oy belutf
whieleo around in an tasy chair.
Wfiat I suffered during that period no
one but mw-lf can ver rralixo. Mr.
Marshall, of whose case you have heart,
Is an acquaintance of mine, and raid he
could not ay whether Fink Pals ould
curerheuina'ism or not, but they were
?;ord for the blood any way, and at leant
t would do barm to try half a
dorm boxes.
"So I did; bought six boxes, took four
and received no bineBt that I could
recognize, but while taking the fifto I
noticed that for a period t f three or
four days I felt no pain. I supposed It
wa a temporary relaxation due to
natural causes. However, it gave me
some hope to flnisa the sixth box.
Then I knew I was getting better-r-much
better. Tbe pain which had
been constant became intermittent and
less severe. My friends and family
t-ldme that I was beginning to look
like another man. My face, which bad
begun to wear a drawu expression,
common with people who are suffering,
comm .iiced to show a better color. My
system was being toned up. Inspired
with increased hope I purchased six
more boxes from Dr. Mlicbel), tbe
druggist, and continued to take them,
and with eaoh box I reauzi-d more a.d
more that it was a cure. I used up
thirteen boxes in all, and whrn the
thirteen was finished I had not a symp
tom of pain for three months.
"Now," concluded Mr. Powell, "you
baye my experience. I know what I
was I know what I am I know that
from b tybood I have been a victim of
mihgnaut rheumatism, which has been
a tonure the last few years. 1 know
lhat I have tried every remedy and
been treated by the best medical skill,
but in vain; and I know that Pink Puis
have succeeded where everything le
has failed and that they have brought
me back health and happiness. There
fore I ought to be thankful, aud l aui
thankful." And Mr. Powell's Intense
earnestness of manner could admit of
no doubt, as to his gn'Hude and nln
cerlty. "You may ask JUv. Mr. Mcln
tyre, of the Akin Street Methodist
Church or Rev. G. A. Andrews, B. A ,
paster of the Lambeth circuit, whether
I was a sick man or not," were his
parti on words.
The reporter dropped in on Rev. C.
E. Mclctyre at th parson 'ge, 82 Askln
street. "I know Mr. Powell well," said
the reverend gentleman when ques
tioned. "He is an esteemed pa ishoner
of mine and is attending the Asklu
Street Church again." "Do you re
member Mr. P. well' illness a year ago
last winter?" "Yes; he had a very bad
attack of rbeunatUm which laid him
up for a long tlmt. He had to be
w heeled around the house in a chair
Now he appears to be a well man. I
heard be nd ben cured by Dr. Wil
Hams' Pink Pills. Mr Powell is, in my
opinion a most conscientious person,
and any statement he would make
would be pi rfectly reliable."
Mr. B. A. Mitchell, the well-known
drugu'Ut, upon whom the reporter next
called, ea!d: "IkDtfwof Mr. Powell's
cure and it is every word true. I have
sold thousands of boxesoof Pink Pills,
nd knowing that they always give
eatsfaction have no hesitation in
recommending them as a peifect blood
builder and nerve r s orer, curing suoli
diseases as rheumatlem, neuralgia,
partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, St
Vitus'danco, nervous heaJache, neroun
prostration nd tbe tired feeling there
Irom, the after effects of la pripoe,
dl-easus depending on humors in the
blood, such as scrofula, chronio erysi
pelas, eta. Pink l'iiu r- healthy
Klow to pale and sallow complexion,
and are a sperlflo for the troubles pe
culiar to the female system, and la men
they i-fleet a radical curt In all cast-a
sriing from menial worry, overwork
or Aiooaa of whatever nature." ,
Toes pills arc m'u'aotur.'d by the
Dr. WlltlAttts M-dloln Cotfpany,
S -aeneei t'lv, N. Y, and ll-ockville.
Ont, and arc sold only in Uxe b arlnir
their trad mark and wranf'r, at fro
rtMU a box, or l boie for I J 60, as .
are never wild In bain, or by lit di'in
or hundred, and any dealm who t-ffi rs
suheittuus in this form I trylnf to dw
fraud you, and sotiuld Im avoided.
Tec (.realm Wonder on ttsna,
Crvate-t by th hand of man t still I-
U Hen In Jvko) Park ltle?. P
)ou h rrad thl hat Jt UtUd
tr.a l-lr e pa w yat !"-,
Ion II noiry, and tk altaa("i id
th i'w rt V' U an-! rt tura
tkuda-r L'nh l' Sl, ai thl
it- r. If )fH Ul Utti th ati rt !. '
t'hlrs'H th North Western, ou will
o.i "bappv tmirafwr. ' lk t,r)i? ,
tall at U UOlt.A.. tl. ldinf.tU,
Ikb t AfeaV V. M. hhlpiiiaa (i a ral
anni Ui hiL P"r th and H. lrcV L
T. Vi.xtrv lit kst Ajtss.
The f-howlnj Made by Itanh Coaninla
aioner llrledeuthal's iteport.
Tor-KKA. Kan.. Niv. !:L Bank Com
missioner Hriedenllial has reports from
418 of the 421 slate aud private banks
of Kansas at the close of l iness
August X from which he mal. s the
following statement: Deposits. Janu
ary 3, t21.139.913. 13; October 3, $14,996,
8.3.99; decrease, 8. 143, 100. 14; legal re
serve January 3, 7,49 1,205.23, being
95 4-10 of depot-its. October 3 88, 181,
613.23, being 41 2 10 of deposits; due
from other banks .January 3, 84,418,
438.33, October 3. &037. 181.09, de
crease, 11,381.257.24; borrowed money
January 3, 51,719,530.02, October 3,
9989,047.01, decrease. $730,491.41; loans
and discounts, Janaary 3. i2,9J0,718.
95, October 3,17,73i,8G6.07. decrease,
$5,187,852.88; overdrafts, Jtnuary 3,
$790,0 7.89, October 3, 5109,195. 15, de
crease. $380,382.74; total decreased in
debtedness $0,299 177.03.
Including reports from national
banks to the comptroller of the c ir
rency, Commissioner Biiedenthal esti
mates the aggregate decrease of bank
ing inpebtedness in the state at $13,
000, 00. lie also says that the state and
private banks can ay every dollar they
owe out of money due them a id still
have over 82, i '00,000 duo them in ad
dition to the legal reserve. lie re
gards the showing made by these re
ports hs remarkable, considering the
troubles the country has passed
through since January 3 and that Kan
sas this year experienced the shortest
crop in her history.
Iitupernte Nword and Knife Flirlit
tween Two Itivnis for a Lady's Hand.
Napoleon Ohio, Nov. 21 Near this
place Charle4 Davis and Leonard For
sylhe, aged 33 and 24 years re
spectively, fought with swords and
later as they were broken used
their j ick knives. They were rivals
for the handftif MIhs Margaret I'arrell,
deughter of Squire Farrell. Both were
terribly slushed up and were uncon
scious whenioun l. Forsytlie, in ad
dition to a numbur of hacks and cuts,
was run ih.-ou jli lliu lower pari of the
left luuy There 1b some hope of his
rival's recovery.
Davis says that they met by agree
ment in the woods at 5 o'clock and
fought by lantern liirht; th it they
thrust and parried and the fight had
progressed for a quarter of an hour
whan ho disarmed Forsytlie by break
ing his sword. He begged Borsytbe
to desist, latter was so desper
ate that he pulled out his
jack knife and rushed at Davis with
fury. "I could have killed him eas
ily," said Davis, "but did not care to
take an unfair advantnge of him. lie
could not reach me at all with his
knife but his assaults were so serious
that I was compelled in self defense
to run him through with my blade."
Representative of We tern Ilaie Hall
Interests Meet at Indianapolis.
Indiana poms, Ind., Nov. 21. A new
base ball league was formally organ
ized in this city this afternoon. The
following cl.ics which will comprise
the leatrue, are represented by the
following: George Fllls, Grand
Rapids; II. H. Drake and
T. H. Boyer, Sioux - City; J.
E. Barnes, Minneapolis; C. II. Cush
man and M. H. Killilea, Milwaukee;
J. E. Manninjr, Kansas Clt ; D. A
Long. Toledo; and .John T. Brush and
William Sharsig. Indianapolis Barnes
also holds Detroit's proxy. Each club
will tie required to deposit $1,000 as a
guarantee that it will continue
throughout the season. The constitu
tion of the National league will be
adopted with such alterations and
amend ments as may bo necessary to
accommodate it to the western circuit.
Ilandred of Ketmeii ferlah Along; the
Eiigllahi Channel.
Loitdon, Nov. 2 1. That hundreds
of lives have been lost in this country
and Northern France by the great
gale and snow storm which stirted
Saturday seems now beyond question.
A ong the British coast it is known
that 134 persons perished, and as sev
eral vessels have foundered, the num
bers of the crews of which are un
known, the full death list is placod by
conservative estimate at 200. Tele
graphic comniunit.'ation has been cut
oil in many directions and full details
are unobtainable As yet.
Daman Prepared to t'arry Out
the I'rojxet of iiovernor l.rwehlnir.
Tot'KKA, Kan , Nov. 21 TIier is a
good prospc't that Governor Lewell
iug's much cherished gulf transpor'a
t on project will become an assured
faet before ho Kun out uf oSlco, evea
though he be not given a second term.
Wealthy shipowners of Copenhagen,
to vvlil. Ik port on the European coast
It Is i roposcd 1 1 run tbe lineof steam
ships, have taken bold of the s 'heme,
and the prospect now is that the hrt
vessel of the new enterprise w ilt leave
t'openhnge'i for gulf ports of the
United Mates and Mexico In January.
Aid fur I'ttVHiplojred.
impianai' H.ii, lad., Nov. 31. Owing
to tbe great number of uttem doye l la
thU etly, the C iiunu'reial o ub has is
kuihI a Mat- ueni in which it siys that
a registration ortice wilt be o:nd in
the .tub Intuiting this af trnon w here
Information as lu peraona in need of
em ploy nit' ul may t ,IU tied. Ar
ranifemenia lmv U'eu nu lw with ihi
fhauy organisation to relieve all
diltitie c4Mi lu vrry on thi wok
Court but lom from I Id eiliseua will
lie lire aary.
Juliet il Ml Kw.
JotiKr, III, Nv 81. -After an
eleven mitittht hii d iwo, th J 'ii.'l
rolilMif mills I'i ' v lt whilU ibis
m itinitj t mVK.'I., r,!i n,f mil m
ttjnin. Willi i' hijf h tarn lKt
'i'i o.ri.i will c la woik
KM I thatue wf r'it'i
hl'NUullHH M, No, I, !lrf
And Jetxr In., lu U, v wwre
il viu,f with m ifusi K.-svily h f f4
wit a tr, -tiler, bui rut a hot, ay,
1U ifvu w. ui orT au I I h "o ,4
of pow.lor ttisw tb ti of e.Uf,l
hrad wff.
Mr. Oresliam Not Disconcerted by Its
Publication Step Iteliis; Taken for
a table Hot wee a Honolulu and
8au Francisco Coulereooa
Ilelween rhur.tost and
Washington, Nov. si. Tbe publi
cation of the Blount report this morn'
ing does not seem to have disconcerted
the state department particularly.
Secretary Gresham still declares that
he has nothing to Bay upon the sub
ject and that nothing is to be given
, It is intimate! that the Blount re-
por. was stolen from tbe government
printing otllce, where it was put into
typo Saturday n ght. No conflrma'
tion or denial of its accuracy can be
had from thu secretary of state's ofllco
be ond the assertion that Mr.
Greshuin's letter on the subject con
tain d tne substance of it.
The Hawaiian minister, Mr. Thurs
ton, was in conference with the sec
retary of state thu mornintr. It was
not the Intention at the Hawaiian le
gation after the arrival of he Austra
lia on Saturday to seek the state de
part nent for liirht on the course of
events proposed in Hawaii, and it is
conjectured that the Hawaiian min
ister's call was by invitation. ,
Everyone here agrees that there is
the greatest need for cable communi
cation between this country and
Hawaii, and already stops are being
taken to secure the laying of one as
kooo lis possible.
lib at the Spoelal Coiniult.loiier Is Al
leged to Have Found Out.
New York, Nov. 21. The Herald
this morning published several col
umns of what is declared was the re
port of Special Com nisiioner Blount
in regard tho Hawaiian troubles. -It
opened with the statement that Blount
secured evidence from members of the
ex-quecn'scabinet,merabersof the com
mittee which brought about tuo revo
lution, o Ulcers of tuo Boston and the
ex-queen herself.
One of the strongest statements was
that of F. W. Undenberg, who was
one of tho committee of safety until
the United States flag was hoisted,
and who had since been offered the
fiost of collector of customs at Hono
u u by the provisional government.
This stati-ment declared that the com
mitiee oi safety met at W. O. Smith's
orlice Januiry 14 list to form a new
government. A committee headed by minister to America,
was sent to United (States Minister
Stevens to prevail on him not to land
the Boston's men. Mr. Stevens re
plied that thu marines would land at
5 o'clock and they did so. The town
was perfectly quiut and there were
no signs of impending disturbances.
The troops were supplied with double
cartridge belts and had Uatling guos
and a hospital corps. Later the peo
ple went to the band concert at the
hotel. In the evening the committee
fiet again and offered John U Soper
lie place of commander-in-chief. Ho
and two of the committee ca led on
Mr. Stevens and were assured that
any proclamati n of the irovisional
government would receive his imme
diate attention. Jauuary 17 the com
mittee o safety procla med a new
government There was no di-turb-ance
whatsoever, but tue Bjston's
men were put under arms. The wit
ness deel red that without the aid of
United Stales troops no movement
would have been attempted.
Another statement is by S. A
Damon, pres denl of the advisory
council of the provisional govern
ment. This was signed by him. He
acknowledged that th i royal ministers
declared that they would not have
submitted to the provisional govern
ment alone. He went with the minis
ters before the queen and after Some
argument she agreed to abdicate pend
ing a settlement at Washington. It
was her Idea that Minister Stevens
was in sympathy with the movement
and she resigned under protest, the
protest to be considered later at
Washington. President Dole Indorsed
the terms. Minister Stevens had then
recognized the provisional govern
ment Mr. Waterhouse, also a member of
the committee on safety, corroborated
Mr. Undenbertr and Mr, Damon. II
also acknowledged that he knew in
ad va m e of the final action that Mr
Steveus was iu full sympathy with
tho movement
In his report to the state depart
ment May , Mr. Blount describe! at
length t ie various excuses madj by
Minister Stevens for not producing
copies of his corres ond nee ia regird
to various atr of the in ivement
Mr. Stevens later admitted that ha
had recognised thr provisional gov
ernment before the bsrra ks had sur
rendered and Mr. 11 ount held that
this forced the queen la resign with
out attempting resistance,
riunit Oailty.
Omaha, Nov. 21. The jury in Judge
Ogdcn's court, to which was submitted
the case of the State against C. II.
Brown, charged with assaulting little
seven-year-old Fanny Fagan with In
tent to commit a rape, came Sunday at
11 o clock. Hie judge came down and
opened court on Sunday for the pur
pose oi receiving the verdict, which
was guilty as charged. The crime
war committed last September, a few
miles west of Waterloo.
Louis Cardomore tried to climb over
the bumpers of a train at a crossing in
the yards Monday, but was thrown
down and the wheels passed over bis
leg, crushing the foot and ankle.
Mrs. Rtidiger, the woman who shot
Henry J. Ileiser at South Omaha, had
hr preliminary examination yester
day. Her lawyers secured a continu
ance. The latest report from Reiser la
that he is slightly improved.
For Criminal A-rial t.
A warrant was issued Monday morn- .
Ing for the arrest of a fellow named
George, whose first name Is an un
known quantity, charging him with
criminal ly assaulting Amanda Barth,
a girl of twenty years, who is said to be
w.ak mentally. The crime is alleged
to have taken place near Garfield park
Sunday nignt. Tbe victim has worked
in various families in Lincoln as a do
mestic and has lately been at the
home for the friendless. D-puty
Sheriff - Otto arrested George Monday
evening, aud he is now in tbe county
jail, unable to furnish bonds.
The attachment brought against the ,
Nebraska newspaper union of York by i
William O'Slica of Lincoln came up in ,
Justice Brown's court Tuesday. Five .
hundred copies of the new senate jour
nal, which were shipped to Lincoln
from York were seized by virtue of a
judgment obtained by Mr. O'Shea some
time ago, and are now stored await
ing the progress of the inevitable lit-,
igation. , , .
Negroes Fight.
OMAfTAaftov. 21. Two negroes named
Jefferson and Wilson had a bloody fight
in the kitchen of the Merchants hotel,
where they are employed, early yester-,
day morning. The men are enemies of
long standing, and when Jefferson ap
plied a hard name to Wilson the latter
retaliated by hurling a plute at Jeffer
son's head. Jefferson dodged and the
men clinched, Jefferson picking up one
of the short curved knives used for
p -cling potatoes and cutting Wilson in
nine places on the head and face. One
cut went through the left cheek,
another almost cut off the upper lip
and a third in the back of the head
severed an artery Other bad cuts were
under the right eye and on the right
ear. They were arrested and Jefferson
is booked at the station charged with
cutting with intent to kill. Wilson is
at the hospital. Doctors think be will
Goes to Kloux Falls,
Attorney L. C. Burr of Lincoln ap
plied to Judge Dundy in federal court,
for a modification of his order concern-
ing Mosher. He asked for an order of
court commanding the United States
marshal to produce Mosher bcfoie any
master of the eou-t or before tho judge
in order that his testimony might be
taken in the two discs wherein the
Cold water National bank of Cold water,
Mich., seeks to secure judgment
against the Western Manufacturing
company for notes whlc'a Mosher in-,
dorsed. The application was refused,
the judge haying that it would take a
mighty strong showing to induce him
to change the order. Marshall White
said he thought he would start for
Sioux Falls with Mosher before the
end of the week.
A Kllllaf ay a I'll Wlf
Illy May t'aaa Urate Trouble.
S-tMos, Ktn , N iv 11. Uat even
ing C, K hlllult. p t U.MS at ahaf I N v
A near Weir I lly, shot ami killed Will
MeKfever, a nnro miner, whi h4
btH-n quarre son, f r o u day an I
who, a'ler hot word. ruUmd at l.l
II..I wi'h a pick
1 heiivu ta fall of neirrofa srm I
to I M-th 't I rvery i .U.. l trrte
a W o. H.T-t.r I! .-it.Mu mi ru bih.
a I kh ii-l uu Im nrvd on Un'
a t.f iiir, H t.'Uiiiir whit nuy Us)
ilv.n i . i i I I li ht t.Hi?
II it, l' "I I a . hi lr t ire.
IU i lltriM. Mi. U,, N It- Al
Kens H,v.Uy iil.'H.s . destroyed
?', wioth if lumtw, th prMriy
,.f Wil lam ivti t Tot-ds 1'iera
was out, ( iBswraaec
The Case 11 rn'ed.
Monday in the supreme court the
case of the state on the bond of ex-State
Treasurer Hill was argued by Judge
Wakely for the state, and Judge Broudy
for Mr. Hill and T. M. Marquctt for th
bondsmen. The case, it will be remcmj
bcred. was brought in Douglas county
for the purpose of recovering from tho
ex-state treasurer and his bondsmen the
sum of $330,301.00, deposited under the
new state depository law in the Capital
National bank, which failed after Mr.
Hill retired from ollice. The cuse was
dismisM-d bv the district court of Doug
las couuty for want of jur sdict'on, the
defendant having claimed that any of
fense that might have lieen contem
plated in turning over money must
have taken place at the state en pit; 1,
nnd therefore mi it could on ly m brought
lu Lancaster county.
I'erbapa an tdieit Urmrnt.
General Passenger Agent Lomux of
the Union Pacific at Omaha, said that
be did not belli ve that the Baltimore &,
Ohio, Nicklo Plute, Pittsburg A. West
ern and other roads had been victim
ized to the extent of SlOUHiO by the
counterfeit tickets. Mr. l.omaic said
that if it was $10 It would eeiu more
prolxtlde; that It would b almost iin
jxws bl to puss many tickets,
because they would bo picked up
almoht as soon as they were prelum ted.
'hurrhr III l ull..
Wxr Puixr, Nov. 81. Following
the enstom which has prevailed In
this city for many year, the Grace
l.tit'iersn, Congrvgatloual, Melhllt
Lpiscopal, Lvaugelicitl and German
M. K. rhurehea will utiite In one
arrvl.e on Thanksgiving day mot tling,
Th year the ei vie,. will la held l
tho r,vanieli' l i hnreU
Takrai lu l'UIl A.
Ow.tM t. Nov. 91,-Kill and iVnweil
the mar lerrr if MitlVw Akeaon,
werw taken l PI iluunmth M i,iUy
m ru ui for their' I'lvl iulii rr ruaml
Mttton, Tiny sad retimed u th
lilts Kit JaSI thl in .filing a hherift
T I. a t iinn-hetivioita f truuble.
j ahtwoi) 1 aoim d- -I,rt fear wtrra
(intu lt.-K. t the trial Kit- me a
Ua i I iiiI guUiv. and n Ium4
iivir w illiotii li f.iy ir'.al in dn.trWt
pit ut tHuilr li Jn'ii.a Arvlo-rr
lnan.lid liiem to l'e Int .a- unif
j .t l of th 4 l;mrs -' lalolC
at the Ul wa the . mar
d 'vd uiau
1 "