The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, November 09, 1893, Page 7, Image 7

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flHair Death!
I instant j removes and forever destroys j
L nh4oi(.knahU h t l WM .11 hut tl ru in tl A.-3
IC-J band, face, arms or owk, without dis- js1
3 coloration or Injury to the most delicate
ob iu, s. v an auk as j j s aw s.- - v m -
e! formal, of Krmu Viloii.cknewl- h
i c3 edge ay physicians a the higbeat au- jk
thorlty Bd most eminent aerui itologlst .3
and hair specialist that ever lived, lmr
inn bis orivate Dractice of a life-time n.
VL among the nobility and aristocracy of ra
I America. Address
$ Pent, r . R7 somh Fifth Ave., New York, c?
KIPAN8 TA!H l.i'.S are the lt MedW
-le known fur IndlKe-tiun, Illlloil.ueM,
ll.-uda.-be, ('oMtlputlun, llj.retu, 4 kraals
l.lvrr Trouble. liftrliir. llud t'owlf xlo,
ltenlery, OtlVo-l.e lireelli, and all 41.
order 4 1 bo Muitiiuli, IJver and Uvwela.
7(!)nni Tubules contmn n'lhiimr injurious to
tlw intjt di'ltcfiii rontrinifnn. Are )l-atnt 10
tiikr?. Kafi', Uti-iuiil. bud K've iinm-liuU- relief.
li-i.-u n.,x.s vim , ;.Vvnt ; I'm ltto ( Som),
4. Mart- onknd Uiumtr'i ntrM druinrb.
Vi' mail. Kaiaplr frv,, lv unU. AiMrew
la th only
Women Excluded.
18 year experience,
Circular, free.
14th and Farnara bU .
jUMaBA nan.
f 1 0 Hoy. ft .) lapnjfMl 0ifr4 Hlnr
IIAtfniH HMhlwt yrRNl wacklog. ftMwbta,
fliMlj SoUtud, tvUptiMt U light m4 h-Tf vrk(
w it ft oonixaM tl f UW IfttHt taprov ftttftwhRMnU
dtrcfft (VtM our r:WfT, M w ft Wt n4 ftftutt
prM. Fmb TniALaM ram Vntuuiuua.
OXFORD Mru-CO., Utf I. Chicago- ill.
Lincoln, Neb., Aii(- '9i '8f3'
Surpho-Sullne Bath Co., Lincoln, Neb.
Gentlemen I have been a victim ol rheoaiatmm
ffr teveral year, pant, 1 hne tuffered inteaielt at
timet, and have gone to the Hot Hprinjt. o ibwth
HakoU, and the lint Spring, of Arkansa.
tinea, seeking relief. I have alfo Uken mac
medicine under the direction, of able phy.iciaB.,
AJImt one month ago I suffered from one of tat
most violent attack, of the disease, and at once be
gan taking hot .all water bath, at aur new and
tpltndid b:ith house in thi.tity. Under the care of
rour gentlemanly and efficient attendant, Mr. Ilenrj
iSchmriUii, i h.-tve, 1 tliink, entirely recovered.
l"'ro experience and my observation of the re
' tult of treatment of many patient, at the Hot
Springs above nar'ed and at your balli house, I am
convinced thst better and quicker result can be ob
tained by a course of hot salt water hatha at vour
bath house than at any other place in the country.
I do not hesitate nor only to reconunend, but to
urge every person .uffering from rheuuiatinn to trv
a course ol bath, at your bath house under the
directions of bneof the physicians in charge.
I believe your new and magnificent bath house
will 1 rove a great blessing to the many victims
of rheumatism In this vicinity, and I hope it will re
ceive the liberal patronage it merits.
Yon have not requested of nie any tesiimomal,
but I deem it proper that I shsuld acknowledge the
great relief I have reeeived at yous hands, and you
may use what I have said in ouch manner as you
ma deem proper. Very respectfully,
J, II. 0 Hvir..
The above from Judee Strode is but
la sample of the many similar testimon
ials we have received without solicita
tion and which will appear from time
t time in these columns. ,
Sulpho-Salink Bath Co.
, Fourteenth and M streetss, Lincoln.
new no. 7
Steel Mills.
Oet our prices before
bnyinp. All Hizen Wood
and Steel Pumping and
Power Mill and Machin
ery. Steel TowerO
Agent wanted. Prh
j to agents fc4 Writ tta
DBiure ouyiux. ,
St. Charles, III.
Please inetlonTIie Alliance ludepemletiL
Tbe Only Line Under One Management
Lincoln te Points. Delaw.
OX ill A ttllKLIaiN
HI I'ritlOH UiHslt I.r Vl'N
1 hKTt)N
1 I IHktlsll
St. 1avi
dr U ft ttl.taJ
MAHHIUM. HiVllllfi. fft',,KT
MAUu XXt WvniiTva ln,s
I A8 4BA ' TOMIStl ,uuM
faat Trala te (slrace a Hi. rL
Ctaat Coi'-Ti4i ra AM. fMT
Aa 1 ,1 u in -i Bi . w L'
a. n.i.mii vv, pinriii,
t ltyt kt Alt. W l At
ar 1 13.1 tl t-lte H4
Sut list. '
Anntvcft tiiitln Irv oll.rr iir'
j-.H i.ii i'itt Tft lU' 1. -
... ...
k.m it itA .it'1 A sta i tUiUl. mnti I 1. :.
.'ot lliWiaUir llm hi t 'I ' ' -
V tt (rAlA Ort.v tl . ,
U a I
V nurope ne prrscrioea tnia rwijw. -ric
J 1 by mail, ecure;y packed. Corres-t
4 pnndwnce contideotlal. Sola A genu for (a
5 ytt$ffti&
SoT -
S6 M
wr hex
Schenectady, K.Y.
aai Krockrilk. Ont
SUES & CO BeoBldg
dUCd a bU.f OMAHA, NEB.
four Tear, exnerienre a examiner in the U. 8.
Patent office. Advice Iree, bo fee until the patent
Is obtained.
I kt iM-rw. Wtwtb tvMft Uw wwt lr
I brrui bik.ia p. Axnu VMitxdL fr-
'-"." i 1 -.-J- u. Ill kiula rlfltta to taUA.
Decatur, III-
I. onequaled for House, Barn, Factory Or Out
Ruililiug. and conU hiUf the price of shingle tin
orir js. It i ready for use, and easily applied by
anvone Rend .tump fur .ample., and abtte lze of
' I SS Duane St., New York, N. Y.
St. Joseph Buggy Co. Carriages and
Buggies at Lowest prices. Caul ague
and price iist free. 6th aid Messanie
Sts, St. .Joe. Mo.
Largest Manufacturers in the II. 8.
Sheet Iron Building material k
Slillnga, (.'clllngs, HooritigH, Uliuttcrs. Imlta!on
Iirlck"rWeatlii-rliarUliiK.Ilitti-ra, ixiwospwu s,
etc. For m per cent, dlscouat, m3or
tlon thl. paper.
St. Louis. Cincinnati.
100,0 0 0 Acres Jnst Fat Upon the Market
Small Cash ( Payments
5 to 20 Years Time.
For map of Nebraska and further
particulars, call on or address,
Steel Wind Engine
lias been In nee since 1882. It
BILITt. POWER; H l th beat;
Lcuce tn mill fur you to buy.
Thoaaauli have them I
Our Steel Toweys
Have 4 angle ateel corner posii,
ubauntiei ileel irt 1
braces; uot fence ws
taa wo-Hl an I will last a life
time I Our mills and tower, are
AI.L 8TKBL end are KUliLY
(it AR ANTlvED. Write for
Driest and Oircill.r. kAArmum
Mentioning th' paper.
Arkansas City- Kansas.
Cancers Cured.
I will pay liberallv for the names aad
of person, suffering from cancer, (iuarantee
permanent cure or no charge, No matter if case
ka bren given up by others, write me at one
I'hrskians supplied with remedy at liberal die
count. Knit remedy and instructions far seii.
lratwt, I jo,
Fort Payne. Ala.
Omaha Jack Barn
1 on vi
1 . , H r . j I A if , f .
Follow the crowd to the furniture aad
household goods ttmporlnm f Meinipr 3e
Sweanniren at 127-129 North Fourter-Dth
Btret, where you will find everjtJilng In
their line of the best quality and cheap,
est price; eflpecially bed-room suits.
ThA r.heaneBt nlavce for monuments la
at Geo. Natterman'i, 213 South Ninth
St., Lincoln.
Th9 Lowest Rates to Chicago
October 13th to 31st the North-West-era
line will sell ticket to Chicago and
return, good to Nov. 15th, for $11.55.
Through Buffet Slwpors.
W. M. Shipmaw,
Gen. Agt
A. 8. FllLDING,
City Ticket Age, 1133 O street.
, E.T Moobk,
Depot Agent, Eighth and S streets.
A BRGArN We have a Rockford
NeNvspaper Folding Machine for sale.
Thl? folder has been la use but a short
time, and is as good as new. Also one
gve-horse power Electric Motor, manu
nctured by the Detroit Motor Co,
which will be fully guaranteed. If you
want either the Folder or Motor, write
us for prices.
Alliance Publishing Co.,
Lincoln, Neb.
Use Northwestern lino to Chicago
Low rates. Fast trains. ;03ice 11
Cheap Rate, Quick Trip.
The travel from the north and north
west territory, tapped by The Crkat
Bock Island Routk, has demanded
service of this character, and beginning
October 5th, tourist cars will leave
Minneapolis every Thursday morning
and join the regular tourist train out of
Chicago every Thursday alter noon at
Columbus Junction, Iowa, at 11 P. M.
Central Iowa and the great westslooe
district of the State, demands and will
receive a similar gemc, and beginning
October 10th, a Phillips-Bock Wand
Excursion Car will leave Albert Lea
every Tuesday morning, and via Liver
more, Ft. DodVe and Angut, will arrive
at Dr-8 Moines that evening, and Wed
nesday A. M. go west on the "Big
Five," via Omaha, Lincoln and Belle
ville, at which point it will join the
regular Tuesdey train from Chicago.
Full particulars as to cheap rate
tickets for this trip, and also as to cost
of berth in the tourist car cheerfully
srivea on appli'ion to any Great Itock
1 land Itoute Ticket AireBt, or agent at
coupon stations of connecting Hues.
Jno. Skbastian, G. P. A., CV.icago.
Use Northwestern line to Chicago
Low rates. Fast trains. Office 1133
O St.
The constant demand of the traveling
public to the far west for a comfortable
and at the same time an economical
mode of traveling, baa led te the estab
lishment of what Is known as Pullman
Colonist Sleepers.
These cars are built on the same pen
npfl.1 til an as the rcrular first-class Pull-
man Sleepers, the only difference being
that they are not upholstered.
They are furnished complete with
good comfortable hair mattresses, warm
blankets, snow white linen curtains,
plenty el towels, combs, brushes, etc.,
which secure to the occupant of a berth
as much privacy as is to be had la nrst
class sleepers. There are also separate
toilet rooms for ladles and gentlemen,
and smoking is absolutely prohibited.
For full inform atloa send lor Pullman
Colonist Sleeper Leaflet.
J. T. Mastin, C. T. A. 1044 O. St.,
E. B. Slosson, Gen. Agt.
Lincoln, Neb,
Call on Geo. Natterman & Co. for
carriages, wagons, binders, and all
farm implements. We'll use you right.
213 South J tnth at., Lincoln.
Tourtlst Rates to Colorado.
Tho Union Paclfio Railway (overland
route) will now sell round-trip tickets
to Denver, Colorado Springs, Manitou
and Pueblo, at the low rate of
good returning until Ocober
Stopovers allowed between CLenne
a d Pueblo. Full particulars given at
1044 O street
J. T Mastis, E.B. Slossbn,
City Titket Ag't. General Agent
Always In the Lead Four Passen.
ger Trains Dalty Between and
8t. Louis.
Hard times cut no figuie with the
Burlington when it comes to the ac
C'lmmodatlng the traveling public
The latent additions to thlur already
splendid service ra four dally fast ex
press trains between Lincoln and St.
Louis, through reclining chair cars, Pull
mtn vestlbuled sleepers and the ever
popular dining cars.
Ask Bonoell a' B. tc M- depot or
Zletner at city office, cor. 10th and O
streets about thoa new trains to SU
Louis and the south.
Use Northwestern line to Chlca?e
Low rates. Fast trains. Office 1133
The other day. la speaking of the lav
proved facilities for luxurious travel ID
this country aays:
V e are abandoning the old syiters
of lighting the ear with kerosene
lamina, and more that half the onaches
have already boon nulpiwd with the
nut Improved and the atafest syaUra of
llgltlng know a Is this country or
Kurope. With the sew I'loUch lamps
thi'rtiraa hm 00 piawlblUt ol dutgnr
front eipliMiloa or vthorwUe, as th
ainurauis It alt out aide and uader the
cai, and la the eveat of ntUlian, th
Inure h.o Me dutat'hcsl aad the ga
4:aie lafi the 'r.w
, I hm brilliant l"llH light, the On. l
eif Mlumtnant Is enU'eito-, au la u
(it 'h UatoM P Inn Hyr lulatl tall
H rHml-iv eHidlttM h spoil)
j e ' f M
v J.pti It g try (K i'rrUs ad
iiiie at w t ffU I tif Urt.
4d frttl t frwst Sh a't XteeMnU
.! Hi. J.te Hs
A French epigram declare that ft
woman in not old so long as she can
inspire love.
A popular prima donna says she
helps to keep her voice fresh by mak-
ing it a rule never to sing to her
Trust In God and defend thyself
bravely" is the motto on a sword pre
sented by the German emperor to his
10-year-old son.
A collarette that Is coming forward
i a three-quarter circle, shaped to fit
smoothly around the shoulders, and
folded to points in front. It is effec
tive In the stiff linen and heavy cot
ton goods.
The st te attire of the kin? of Siam
is worth over fl,0O0,0oa He lias 300
wives and eighty-seven childrou and a
good deal more than a p ck of trouble.
He is fort? years of age and wns a
father at twelve.
The following ofllcial announcement
has appeared in London pmers: "Tho
partnership between Caroline Duchess
of Montrose, and Mr. IL Milner in all
the horses having been entered or run
in the namo of tho latter ha termi
nated. "
The process of carbonizinar wool Is
one to which special attention has
been given in Germany, and latterly
the agency of maarneium chloride and
aluminum chloride in connection with
this lias been a mutter of Interesting
investigation. ' .
Admiral Dot, the little man who de
lighted thousands of folks f jrtwenty-
three years, has gone out of the show
business and is acting as advertising
manager for a large mercantile firm.
About a year ago Admiral Dot was
married to a woman a small as him
A handsome cover for a pin no' can
be made by using a square of plain
satin, with border twelve or fifteen
inches wide of gold or silver wrought
satin. A center of pale gray, with a
border of still paler gray, or a plain
yellow , center, with gold-wrought
border, Is very effective.
It is said that the only man living
whose father fought in tho battle of
Concord is Luke Smith of Acton,
Mass. He is a little over eighty years
old, but remembers with the utmost
clearness the account given him by
his father, Solomon .Smith, and
walked over the original route of
march in Concord with him many
times. Mr. Smith served during the
civil war, having enlisted three times.
What is said to be the first crema
tory in New England is being built
near West lloxbury, Mass.
Australia's summer Is said to be so
hot that matches accidental y dropped
on the ground often become ignited.
A tract of 250,00(1 acres has been
purchased by Chinese capitalists in
the state of Sinaloa, Mex.. and it is
proposed to settle 5,000 celestials on
the land.
The custom of sneakincr of the
president as "his excellency" is un-
warranted. No such formal title was
ever given him by legislative action.
His lec-al title is "The President of
the United States."
Atlanta Ga , was until forty-six
years ago known as Marthasville, and
the city was incorporated under that
name. It was given in honor of Miss
Martha Atlanta Lumpkin, the youngest
daughter of Oovernor Lumpkin.
Christiana church, in Newcastle
county, Del, excels in the average
length of pastorates. Its latest pas
tor has just resigned, after a service
of forty years, and the church in its
whole 190 years has had but si jr. pas.
Mrs. It. R Phillips of Salem. Mass. , J Va that while there is no demon
whohas just recovered from an at' 1 ration being made at this place, the
tack of peritonitis, during which she
was twice regaruea as tioad, avers
that she died and got a g.lmpse of
heaven, but had to come back for a
A camel has twice the carrying
power of an ox. With an ordinary
load of 400 pounds he can travel
twelve or fourteen days without
water, going forty miles a day. They
are fit to work at five years old, but
their strength begins to decline at
twenty-five, although they usually
live to forty. The Tartars have herds
of these animals, often 1,00(1 belong
ing to one family.
A school teacher asked an Irish boy
to describe an isiand: "Sure, mVam,"
said Pat, "it Is a place you can't leave
without a boat.
Miss Kdith. at the dog show Papa
1 here somewhere. Jack, slightly deaf
and mUunderatanding Ah? What are
his chnncee for a prlxe?
J know that you are good-natured,
Wig, but what would you any If your
wife gave yon mutton mr dinner three
days lusueee salon?" Wig-wag Hah-h!
Two girls of seven and eight, are
playing together. "And your papa,
what doee lie do?" asked one of them.
"Whatever ma mm a say a."
Mamiue-Now, TedJy, we mu! all
try and give up something whbe time
sre m hard. Teddy -I'm willing
lUmnts What will It xd.r? Teddy
fna s
;. awav, y.u little tea,," sM
I'.thet, puithltif Fide fruit) her Up.
'What's the uiAtterf Did a bit yoMf '
aakw! siadv "Mis, lie' gene tt wf
TtMtrUt, la OkUHe HS-Tuer fellow
towtiftiass, Jsdfe Beget U a )(
Ki4d wias, I h n t Atktlfke
Yal not whoiiri I put a !
hint t' stavr dr mf !f
'Mfksfe the MtUn, It-atSe" To
l.kik l." "I S U 4d, I d.wrUd tv
at of tua t;i Mr. tWrogvn,
sad what de , nfj ahe dees
eMtthentt" "tiite ll se Wktlf
Ml's V for stisa
Tlie Mratle f ar. sMgatln.
Oiaha, Nov. 7 Pen linker, th dis
trict attorney, will suun Lave hia te
p'rt ready for Attorney (.eueralOlney,
1 eoncerning the MvhLer bcandals. The
' ; 1 1 j : t n 1
irjfvii. win urur iu grurrisi b,, ciinrgva
srnsatioual. but thi i. of puirs
pet-ted, as the investigation sterna to
tie but another step in the farce. Mr.
ItakrT wiid yesterday, among other
remarks, that lie tclirved the news
paper representatives have been im
Hxed upon by people who Lave some
ulterior design iu Hpreading such re
ports. There is no doubt that the matter of
the investigation will be referred to
the United Mates grand jury next
week by Judge Dundy. The judge has
said as uurh. Marshal White said:
''If a grand jury investigation is not
had, 1 will request the attorney gener
al to investigate my ofliee thoroughly.
I think it is du" me and the oflicers of
the court to have such a thorough in
vestigation that peiple will be MitHfied
of the truth. I have no fears of the
outcome of such an investigation."
The order of tin court fixing the
limit of the time C V. M usher can be
kept here for the benefit of the at
torneys for tin receiver has ln-en made
by Judge Dundy. This directs the
marshal at the expiration of the limit,
to take hitJ primmer to Sioux Falls to
commence his term of imprisonment
for which !e was sentenced.
t'nmeretfiil Carwlieels.
Lixcotx, Nov. ".A horrible fatality
occurred alxmt 2 o'clock yesterday aft
ernoon on the J. & M. just this !de of
Denton. A brukeinan. O. H. Taylor,
was blown off a freight car while tho
train was In motion and twenty-seven
cars passed over his body. He left this
city on the 1:30 freight mud Ivaski'led
at the whisle post just out of D n.
The remains of the uufortunat an
were horribly mangled. The
part of his Ixidy and his legs were cut
ur and his head had also received se
vere bruises. imber of small pieces
re picked npfn the
i' , i,1kt
of flesh and
vicinity, and . .e remains were brought
to this city. He was unmarried, twen-ty-uiue
years of age, and had no rela
tives In this part of ths country. He
is a memlier of the Masonic- and K. 1'.
orders however, and the funeral will,
no doubt, be in their charge.
Oar Colored Folk.
Nr.nnASKA Citv, Nov, 7. Dan and
Floyd Hmith are in jail In this city
charged with attempting to hold up
the Missouri I'acitlo passenger train at
Union Katurday night. They claimed
they were only attempting to steal a
ride. Both men are colort-d and live In
this city.
Mattis Loch, .driver of Theodore
Weberlng's bakery wugon, was held up
In broad daylight Monday morning by
two colored men. Loch 'towed fight
and put his assailant ht. Tuny
were afterwards - and lodged
in jail.
The ticket office at the Missouri Pa
cific depot was bur; " night before
last and the cash di., . broken open
end rifled.
The thieves secured but
little booty.
l arth Had no Charm.
V:emoxt, Neb., Nov. 7. Wesley C.
rown. a blacksmith, left town rather
. J .1 1 - M ... A .. .... .w1 n, lil.
imaomnv irw uaj. .k'
frlend are alarmed. Ho had domestic
! time aco. since which time he has acted
irouoies buu ms who icm mm "a
strangely. Just before leaving he told
fellow-workman ho could have his
, ?Pron " n7luinB "W" "
letter was found in a coat he left in his
room at the boarding house, addressed
to Justice James Huff, in which Brown
said his wife had left him and his
mother had disowned him on account
of a letter fcbe had received from his
wife, and so thire was nothing more to
live for, In hi, letter lie tmd.9 h
friends goodbye, .
Iemd au Unsafe Place.
Pr.ATTBMOUTH, Neb., Nov, 7. It A.
doubtful if the murderers of Matt Alia
son, confined in the county jail at
Omaha, will be brought here for several
davs. United Ktutes Marshal White
1 excitement over the murder of Matt
jAkeson is not abated. The very fact
that there is no boisterous demonstra
tion does not argue that the determin
ation to lynch Henwell and Hill has
been given tip. lie ports from the vicin
it,of the murdered man's home are
sudi as show that the determination to
take the law into their own hands is
stronger today than ever before.
round on a Hand Bar.
OuAriA. Nov. 7. Whil out litintin?
Sunday, William Berdue, who lives at
Third and Wool worth streets, dis
covered the body of a man lodged on a
sand bar near Kast Omaha. rl he man
had evidently lieen dead several days
and had been washed upon the sand
bar. As no one has been reported
missing lately there is 110 theory as to
wlmm he might be. The police are In
vestigating the mntter in hopes of dis
covering the identity of the dead man.
I'erullar (leinrreaee.
(!iur It. ash, Nov. 7. -A mixed
train under John Hat left, conductor,
had an unusual occurrence. One truck
of a freight ear jumped the track st
Dublin and for s mile went slung on
the tie and jumped back again, the
train crew knowing nothing of the oe
rurrenee until returntiie; that night.
Dublin switch is kituatcd Iwlween 8t,
MlKiry and hi. Paul, on the branch
Had twt I'lfM.
NrpsttK t'irv, Nov. t Ah-wit en
hundred bs'tl jt asetitble.l In a
.I.-! te Ibarn In theouthern rt of
the city Smut iv afternistti to v lines a
dog f if hi lh-lea Mike t'otiley'a bull
J'tf I iil sud mm unknown dog of the
.uie hrHl, the prisrtf of "fou lloulU
Imu. After lialf hoar of
fig itilnrf the ;lit .li .Urc I a draw, tt.'t," er. ldly used ojv
If iallwt fnactM.
Piti-HKit, NcU . Not. 7. A piit of
f.uir gif rtuueut muffin weie la Die
( -m t HhhU , They ve I -c u
$n csl d . u t t SHiamtM' lo it'.'u
t. 1 t.ij4t .'il rv.' of the I'fail
tit ! up iler v ttt S view of -. -M.'diijir
I n' r4-'ti.eblilty of Irrt.'i.U
ft rti l i 11 I II US ft tUiV tlt -. t fif
eiiln-.fnt t' al liiirtl.J t 1
pn.tlbi ab f IU valley t
sbfi to, lJ-
Th RepnbMeaat and Popnll.ts Faah.,
Claim tbe Victory Jerrv SI in pans
Says It Waa Campaign of Kdsv
eation Looting to th t'M
test Kelt YearViews of
Chairman HreldenthaL
TorF.Ka, Kan.. Nor. 7. It Is note
pected that a large vot will be cast
In Kansas to-morrow for the full vote
is never polled except at presidential
elections, and further, there has been
a decrease in population since 1888,
duo to the first rush to Oklahoma ant,
the recent exodus to the Cherokee,
strip. In the West it is expected thai
the vote to-morrow will Indicate a de
pivrture of 2S pr cent of the peoplf,
who were inhabitants of that sectio
a year ago, and the total of the stat.
is not expected to be more than 275,
000, if that
The Democrats have straight tickets
in the field in something like seventy
nine counties. The . Democratic
strength in the state in 1800 wan prob
ably best represented by the vote for
lieutenant governor when Isett re
ceived .;, 87X From this must be sub
tracted the Democrats who have goaty
to Oklahoma, probably 5,0U0 In alL
. Both the' Ke publics
ans and the
Populists are confident of victory.
Secretary Brown of the state central
I committee says tho Kepublicana will
elect more county oflicers than ever
before in the history of . the state.
This is derided by Chairman lireiden
thai of the Populist committee, who
offers to let fl.ooi) to 500 on it
Bernard Kelley, who In his capacity
as departmeht commander of the (J.
A. IL has b en over the state a great
deal, says the Republican will easily
carry sixty-live of the 105 counties f.iid
may carry seventy-five and that they
will get a plurality of the aggregate,
The Populists meet these claims
with like confidence. They are look
ing for a stampede into their ranks,
caused by the repeal of the (Sherman
act. but thev only crlve out as their
figures sixty to seventy counties and v
plurality of from 10,000 to 20,000.
Congressman Jerry Simpson says
the vote to-morrow will show ths
actual strength of the Populists In the
state, it nas ueen a campaign 01 cas
eation looking to the contest next
year and the Populists will vote their
ticket without a scratch. He beileves
the Populists will poll a plurality of
the votes, but as the Demo
cratic strength is an unknown
quantity this fall he is not
prepared to give any figures.
The nnmbur of votes, ths Populists
will poll depends on the effect the ,
I . 1 .i i, .f . . I
( recent Sliver legisiaiion at vrasning-
j ton na9 on tho people. He says that
, jie nas taiKea ki oceans 01 people dur
ing the short time he has been in ths
campaign and they manifested great
enthusiasm for the Populist movement,
Himpson spoke this afternoon in T07
peka, beginning at 1 o'clock and
sneaking until 8 when he took a train
for Emporia wheveho spoke to-night
The Topeka meeting was. continued
to-nfght with Uovernor Lewelllng and
II. l. Taubne:k HI the principel ora
tors. . Vue governor lef 5 after the
mm 'it tr I ..1. 1 1 . -
,fca - MJJ W f IblllVI W- VVSfcU
l'eferring to the Washington die-"
patch that the Populists had started a
prehidentlal boom for him, Jerry
Simpson said lie admitted that his
Canadian birth barred him, but he
said jokingly, that that difficulty
could be removed by annexing Canada
or changing the constitution, but be
had nt decided yet which plan to
adopt. ' ' ;
Street Railway Striker Horn
a Car an
Tear Up Track. ;
Marsf.iixks, Nov. 7. The strike of
the employes of the horse car lines in
this city for increased wages assumed
a threatening aspect to-day. The
police S'Otn utterly unable to cope
with mobs and it is probable that the
soldiers will have to be called upon.
This morning a mob of over 5,000
rioters assembled on the Cannebiere,
I the widest and most frequented tbor-
'oughfare, and overturned fifteen horse
! cars, saturated one of them with pt-
troloum and set tire to it amid
cheers and yells.
Squeeaed th ftoyat Family.
Loxno.s, Nov. 7. A pubiio examina
tion of the affairs of Hatlett & Co.,
navy agents and bankers show Ha
bilitles amounting to fiS.'i.OOti. The
duke of Kdinburgh, the duke of York,
Prince lleury of liattc nberg, and most
of the prominent naval otlli-er are
'....... .I.- ...... tl lli
lain ilallt-U attributes hi failure to
financiering the Ditlxctl new agency
to the extent ot over b.wmhhi.
I'renil.rga.l'a Trial
Chicago, Nov. 7. Mayor Harrison's
aasasain. Prendergast, appeared for
trial to-day, but upon the re.inest of
attorney secured for him ltf hi
brother, a letUr c irrler, the was
continued by Ju le Dunne unlit No
vernier UT. 'The lawyers I'M the do
fnse stated that they il-lrrd time to
study the raor.
A Fata Ctr 1 - .
St. PsrsRiHifmi. Nov, ? Peter
tVhlkoky, tmeuf the m .-If tuious
jf living viiixir, i tiea t II, 1 w
l ve ir o' i n I w b ttu la
V. t(u-. k lit w t H tf IttiSti
f .r.n. I t,;viiii'ritH of '. S l Writ,
I, aow it the tvurid r, ,M tlf of hi
wottt tine ts'e jjiifva i't Aiiri
A s V-i !.- be.
Y. t , No.' 1 - t I 1 t'H.-i, !
1 .i t ioi ilt i.f ! lt ii ,t, '!! i f
! !. it of r O :k In. f. i shil
I .V l-.llt jll WjV. tlA - S l!, l
wpib( r' .eie wfvv'l n't I t.-t', f
loo r,tlt:. lii'le l ai d ti.. , l-i4 4
t tut tl r u't ;