THE ALLIANCE-1 XDEl' E N I ) E N T. NOVEMBER 0 1893 APPALLING HORROR. AWFUL DETAILS OF THE SANT ANDER EXPLOSION. SCENES ' IMPOSSIBLE TO DESCRIBE. A DUatter Barb. a IIss Nerar Before Keen TbotiKht of la (he World Uls ter The Rra lifted 'Into tne Air I-lke a Waterapout Una- 4rcU of people Mark A . i Mud Awful II n too. Maiuii, Nov. 7. The .terrible dis aster whkh has wrecked the port of Kant Awhir and destroyed a thousand lire has Rent a thrill of horror throughout Spain. The story of the great dNaster in brief is as follow. The Cab Maehicliaeo, aNpniish steamship be'ong-in to Ililboa, caught fire at about J o'clock Friday after noon while the stcamer waft alonir the quay dfceharging part pf .her cargo,, wblrb eomprispd nearly 2,i00 ton of merchandise, though the nlain part of tliis cargo wan iron ore and a number of sack of flour, barrels of .wine, many case of petroleum and over 500 cases of dynamite, of which "only twenty case were declared on the steamer's manifest The remaining 80 cases of dynamite were oatr-abiind and,: to the shame of the shippers of this con traband dynamite, it has caused im mense loss of life and vast damage to property. ' " ' ' ' ' ! Leading municipal authorities head, ed the 11 re men and guards in the effort to iave ' the steamer".' r The provincial governor, who was one of the first to reach the spot, displayed the greatest activity in directing the oper ations, and upon learning that" the ship's manifest showed that there were twenty cases' of dynamite on board, the firemen were directed to assist the' crew in bringing this quan tity of explosive material ashore. This was done In safety. . It was be lieved no more dynamite remained on board and a tug which had been sum moned to the spot was ordered to tow the burning veel out into the boy in order that the flames might not com municate to the wharf and to adjoin ing property, which was of a decided ly combustible nature.1 ' At about 4:.1) p in. a detonation on board showed, as it afterwards turned out, that the boilers had burst, and soon after there was another terrible detonation heard. The stetmer seemed to open In half, sending a blaze of fire skyward", over which a crown of smolto rested for several minutes. The re port was of such awful Intensity that It shook the earth lor miles around, caused heuses to totter, smashed every window pane within the radius of a rifle shot, filled the air with a mass of flying iron, burning wood, blackened timbers and scorched beams, which noon after foil, a death dealing hail, upon the neighboring houses, scatter ing death and destruction wherever it crushed downward.' The sneno following the blowing up of the steamer is almost indescribable, and the effect of the-explosion of those "4H0 cases will hardly be be lieved. ' ' The" power of the explosion shot tons qf ron Into the air, where it min gled with the burning fragments of the1 steamship, tug and wooden quay, as well as the manirled bodies of hun dreds of unfortunate people who were hurled upward at the same time, and the failing of this horrible mass ran be better imagined ' than described. On adjoining buildings, tottering with wreckage, fell a shower of iron, follow ed by, huge pieces of wood and the re mains of human bodies, and above all dropped.' Haming splinters which set lire U hundreds of buildings, causing a scene of panic similar, one would imagine, to the one which would have Kiiccet-dtd the bursting forth of a vol cano at the water's edge. The force of the exploding dyna mite caused such a concussion that in addition to shaking hundreds of build ings off their foundations, it actually hank a small craft in the harbor, in addition to setting fire to a large num ber of other vessels and starting tires upon several o! the larger ships, in tdudiug the Alfonso XII, which vessel caught Art and burned so fiercely that forty of her drew lost their lives on board of her. The quay promenade close to the scene nt the explosion presented the most sickening sight ever witnessed Wjnjlul and blackened corpses were scattered here and there or were iu heaps in many cate upon the wounded and dying. ' whose fearful shrleksof agony filled the air and struck terror into the hearts of those who, after a time, summoned sufficient courage to venture near the carnage grouud. Over loo people are said to have Keen precipitated iuio tlu sea bf the M plosion and there, beneath this hall of I. on and wood, they met death with the crews ' ve unfortunate steamer and tugt. . tlch about to low her into the bay. The whole country U indignant at t ie rrlinlml conduct of the crew of iH steamer at well as the criminality f tiui who shipped the contraband ti raws of dynamite, and the general opinion U tha government mutt lake btnne bate atia to punish the people H shipped the drnemtte. The eipUtttonot the dynamite lifted the Ma up iattt the ale ukt a wale tittt. miauling enormous quantities f aiud andstitne with the wrecks, and herllng them foe great dlsiau.- on evtrji side. The mWr of people who have hwi Ihetr mbm through the eiploaie la very great, as4 It M paly etaarted hwa treda of people have eo-nplrtelv loal their atlad sad wtfl have I te roe, tee t aUm f t the remaladtr of tfcetr Uvea witfc ratalf !. Mt ni l, Nt, t. Ks'ltif ,-. A W llttcsaff du. , ...I ttke f pttmSysis fruu wttivH I- t',iaui(t,l he wilt eov t r t , tlSfWMt whbe at the lrvaft .. ktaa ff lia.( Voa, Sov t - Nin l.., wt tMt hf la aitut tf a a U im latltr War rttrUf tfistbu TRAIN ROBBER3 RUN DOWN. 1n of iU Arkaaaaa Hand at Itaapera-dM- raptured Alter a rialtf. Little Rock, Ark., Nov. ".Five of the Oiiphant train robbers and mur derers have Wen captured. Two are in jail at Hatesviiie and throe have' been carried overland to Newport A considerable part of the plunder was recovered fee the two mu ia jaU In clwlin? poeketbooks, money, rings and watches. The three men Wins' carried over land were captured in the White river bottoms this morning after the ex change of .several idiots which wounded one of the rbbers. . ; -, , ( onducfor McNally was shot as lie had tired bin first shot at the outlaws. He was a high decree Maon and one of the- o'dest ;u'n in the employ of the railroad. ' . The robbers refused to take the money of somen or laborers and re turned small Minn for. oral to several passencrti They aUo took only val uable watches. DLOWN UP BY MISTAKE. Four ltrltl.h Sailor Kllli-d li.r Overateal- on llrar.lll ia Magiztiie (.mtrdi. Loxim.s, Nov. 7. Seamen and ma rines from, the Ilritish warships lloaglc, Kacor and Sirius landed near llio do . Janeiro to obtain a supply of aund for holystotiiu the decks. I)ur ing th"lr fitny asliore they approached nil old g-jvernment powdflr magazine which wis (rniinled bv a de tachment of President JYisofo's soldiers. Th , 'utter believed the Ilritish belonged, to the rebel warships and blew, up the magazine; killing four and wounding flv.i Ilritish sailors. KILLED FOR MONEY. ' Three Oklahiun: C'oloied I'eopla lirnlall , i, Unfettered by a fctMfMl I'rtcad. ' . OKr.AiioMA Cirr.Ok , Nov. 7. North east of here, tliis inorninir. a neorro named ('lark, and his wife nnd daugh ter, were found In their cabin with their throats cut and their skulls fractured by blows from iu ax. They had been assaulted and robbed of fr.'OO by John Milllfan, o negro who had lived with them. Mrs. Clark was dead and the others will die, . The Chicago Mayoralty llflit, Ciiicaoo, Nov. 7. To-day the Dem ocratie minority met to elect a mayor pro tern. There were no Republicans present and the senhloti was adjournod until ,1 o'clock, the sergeant-ut-arms being Instructed to compel the presence of nil alderman. The Demo crats fttill claim that no election has taken place,- while the Republicans hold that the. temporary successor to the murdered mayor was chosen Sat urday, when Alderman Swift received one more vote than the Democratic candidate amid scenes of great dis order, (Swift, having taken the oath ofollleo, will present his bond for ap proval. Mr, Morton to lie 0irated On. Paws, Nov. 7. Hx-Vice President Levi P. Morton of the United States returned here Saturday from Tours, where he placed his two daughters la a convent to obtain a French educa tion. Mr. Morton 1s about to undergo an operation for an abscess In the loot, which the celebrated lrcncli doctor, Lubbe, will perform. t herokue Council In SeMlon. Tahikiah,, I. T., Nov. 7. The Cherokee council mot and organized this morning with Richmond Wolf as president of th senate and Ilvrd Jones speaker of the house. Both houses are anti-Harris, the most im portant work will be settling the in truder question and disposing of the. Ktrip bonds. ... llerrjr Walt a lirunkard. Nkw Yoiik, Nov. 7. K. lterry Wall, the well known leader in masculine toggery fashions, was arrested last night charged wit h being intoxicated. Wall, in answeriuir the usual ques tions, said lie was 31 years old aud a "gentleman of leisure." Hd was bailed ont." ' ' Kulridn to Kiul IlUgruce. liKKi.ix, Nov. 7 A dispatch from Hanover says that Lieutenant Von Myeriek, who was most prominently connected w th the gambling fraud trials und who was reeentiyconvicted and sentenced to four years imprison ment was found dead iu his cell to-day, huviiig committed suicide by bunging. No ,luir for t nughtln Vat. Ciiii AOo, Nov. $. The third day of. the Coughliii trial was taken up with a ittlnind effort to secure jurors. Overrun venire men have been ex amined Four have been accepted by the state and an equal number by the defense, but not one Ins Wen agreed upon by bo h parties. sir .Htlraw Clark IHtnd. l.oMiox, Nov 7. Sir Andrew Chirk, Mr. tiladstoiie's physician, ami one of the mat noted men In the medical profession, died at his home, 14 Caven dish tuuie tliis afteritHin. lie had I -ecu stricken with paralysis about lltree week ag an t was unennM'ious for many hour. It IU(Utrltaa Nrw York, Nov - .Superintendent liyrn s said lo day that altogether leas than t'.o warrants had been Issued for th arrest of perwm suHi'lesl of fa'vlr regUterinij tmt it the total retftotrrinif of more nmr than 6.,imjs), lot r tha tlar Aaitalatw!,, N . 7 -The lirat I lh tHinirsts stttlott this iftern m.ii when irel Irnt pxintet) l'hr!ts h..-i, lavenue rollre tor of the Hrt MiMurt dlstrtrV s Kia mt ! f art Ia4 oiiiii. Ky., Nov ? Insf Minv, sire of the l'.art tree Und, i '4 wilitfs I; ile t l th- fM iut lasers, U i!ra4 I -f'vr wr4 Pri N.. a -M 1.M t.xaitael I'iMf.l t . p ihiw ia titt r ! I .'a. (III ill . -( tbn Wt UI ;uiio4 f ito n . r. l !'! A ti imaa Ud - utttatili aa I po Ua o l I a . h l of g4t J' nf fof W wuat. IT WILL NOT DOWN. FREE COINAGE TO Br KEPT WELUTO THE FRONT. ' PLANS, OF RADICAL SILVERS They l'ropnaa at Krary Staea nf tha Tsrln IMseauton ta Show That tha Demonetisation of fcllrar and Not f " tha MeKlalay Dill U Raapoa-' ibla for tha Commercial jr- " ' Depression Motes. J' U'ASiris'OTOx, Nov. 7. When IM house and senate rcconv -ne ij regu lar session, it is the plan of the radi cal silver men to kcp the coinage question well to th j front at every jtta;fe and it will be found playing a part in the discussion of every great Issue between the pnrtie from the tariff question to tha repeal of the federal election laws. Tney prop-6o at every gtaare of the tariff discussion to endeavor to show that the demone tization of ail ver and not the Melvin ley tariff was responsible for tin com mercial depression. . Propositions for an issue of . bonds to meet the embarrassments of a depleted treasury and, indeed every great public question that comes before the next congresi for solution will find opposed to its consideration a band of silver men who will combat the ad justment of any and ail grievances until the cause of silver receives at tention. Indeed, the ultimate policy may be that the silver men my as sume the roll of organi.ed obstruction to force from congress the same con sideration for silver that Parnell and his Irish followers finally wrested from tho. Ilritish parliament for home rale, lioth partius are fully a ware of this possibility and are viewing with Increased anxiety the successive moves of those senators and repre sentatives who, as Po ulists, Repub licans or Democrats, have banded to gether in the struggle for free coinago or an Increased volume of currency. To offset the accessions to the third party's ranks fn the South the sena tors and representatives from those states are anxi us to r ,'eal the ten fier cent tax on state bank currency, ut hero they are mt with the oppo sition of Chairman Springer of the house committee on banking and cur rency and other leading Democrats of the North who do not share the South ern viewsupon this phase of the finan cial question. Altogether the absorbing question of finance appears likely to play almost as important a part in the next session as It has in the past DISGRUNTLED SENATORS. Itefusat of tha Home to Agree to Vf Kx-Memile Clark Caunea frlttioif. Washixuto.y, Nov. 7. The extra aesslon of congress adjourned leaving a rather disagreeable feeling existing; between the senate and house. This was in part due to the refusal of the house ty extend the time for adjournment but was and is mainly over the proposition to pay the clerks of senators during Oc tober and November, IHj'X The sen ate claims the right to" regulate its o mi internal affairs .and expenditures and accords the same right to the hoime. It is cited that when the ser-Keant-nt-arms of tha house left with fcT'j.OOO really belonging to memWrs, und not actually government funds, the house proposed and the senate without objection agreed to an appro priation for the entire sum. When the house proposed to pay its clerks the senate assented. The senate claims that it contracted the debt of IS'.MJ and feels in honor bound to pay it, and the temper of the Hcnatirsat the time of adjournment was that this would be paid before any appropriations should be put through this congress. On the other hand, the membnra -of the house sty that the senate Is taking the attitude of coercing the house into making an aonropriation which it thinks unjust and forcing the house to acknowledge th it the senate had the right to make the expenditures or criving the house the alternative of defeating all other appropriations and starving the gov ernment. OKLAHOMA STATEHOOD. Two l'rupoDiUoiit lor .VImlatton lie- lyliV Anion on tha iMtua. W asiiimito.n, Nov. 7 Bills have now been reported from the house committee on territories providing for the admission of Arizona, New Mexico and I'tah, and there Is now pending the bill Introduce I by Delegate Fiynn for tlio admission of Oklahoma. It is etccte.t that there will be something of a contest over this last. There are two fact ous lit the Indian territory interested in the admission, tine wants the Indian trrit"y admit ted as a ortlon of the st ite of Okla homa and another want th. section no. known as the Indhtn territory to remain iu its prent eouditton. Del egate Fir no .v thai it it of jmrtUu lar moment lo him. If the peopl of the Indian territory do not waul la route Into the In Ion with Oklahoma then he want OkUbnuA a I ail led a a separate a UU. lie for leAtiuf for homo he hl he would pre h hUl a aooit a roitgrew should reett hie. fpctUnr of the aright of OIU-hoUMl-i a RtehiMMt. Mr. I'lynn mii.I that there we Itt th" Ind an tet lor and Oklahoma " psi , but II Oklahoma should ihouo Oi a.-..- arately alt wowut ti a to t on of W no's till of who it wo i lirt cl.m i liueit. II iMisit vtnttd W a great l I h I In i Mm.tho 4 t .d ; th" I tt a ife ift i l'-r I 4 t'i .' JhUHh f I, 4' .lt .ll.l I . IHr IN lirrlt k U..t f I. !)- l" t t l4-et It I at iium h t tUio ? ' t"jfUttt Itaa ia l ln- - 1 t.l,.t l tu- 1 vhn.i nominations failed of confirma tion by the ernate, enab'iu j them to perform the duties of their offices nntil they can be again sent to the senate when that body reconvenes in Decern Wr: LoWrt 11 Preston, director of the mint; Peter G Doyle, collector of customs, Buffalo Creek, N. Y. ; Oeorge S. Weed, colleeter of customs, Charaplain, N. Y.;JohnK. Kennedy,' appraiser of merchandise, New York city; John V. A. Strick land, assistant appraiser of merchan dise New York city; Valentine Fleick enstein, collector of internal revenue, Twenty-eighth district," 'Ne. York; David G. Browne, collector of cus tom, district of Montan a and Idaho. MUST GET OUT, thief Jattlca Fuller ItefiMet to Intervene Tor th Ifmoved C"rnlU. Waahinotox. Nov. 7. Chief Justice Fuller ia the supreme court to-day de wed the applications of Parsons and Ninig-er-, v distrct attorney and mirshal for Northern Alabama, for leave to file petitions of mandamus commanding the Alabama district court to reinstate them ill the offices from which they wera remove 1 by President Cleveland. These men claimed that they could not be re moved until their term expired. The court did not go into the merits of thtf matter, saying simply that their cases were not properly presented for it consideration. SANTANDER'S AWFUL LOSS. At I.emtt Three Hundred I'eople Dead and Vit If troe Done. Madrid, Nov. 7.' The first official reports in regard to the terrible dyn amite explosion and fire at San Under last Friday, were received this morn ing. According to these, 30 J people, including the governor" of the prov ince of Santander, the mayor, several judges, the captain of the port, his daughter," the colonels commanding the troops and gendarmes, several of ficers, magistrates, policemen, soldiers and tne Marquis Casatom bo, perished, a id 450 others were injured by the ex plosion or fire which followed. These figures are, however, believed to be far Wlow the real facts, unoftiuial re ports declaring that over 1,OOD persons were killed and 600 injured The property loss a are estimated at 82,300,000, on which there is a fair insurance. Minister of Finance Concha-Charl-tinda has gone to the scene of the disaster with unlimited credit to dis pense all necessary relief. The queen regent was with difficulty dissuaded from going to the scene. It is probable that the full list of victims will never be known, for many were poor people without friends and in other cases whole families were annihilated. Scores of bodies were so terribly manirlcd that no one will ever be able to identify them. THE GIRL, POISONED. An Indiana I.ovar Huyt Artenic to Kill lilmtelf III Hweetheart Takes It. SiiELBWir.r.K, lnl, Nov. 7. Eva Ilornback, aged 17 years, died last night from poison. She was in love with John Welcher of Indianapolis, and it is said that they had quarreled. Before she died she said that Welcher had bought the arsenia intending to take it himself. She found him asleep with the poison, in his hand and, be lieving he b id taken part of It, took the entire quantity herself. When ho awoke she discovered her mistake, but too late. The story is not be lieved bv Coroner Bruce, who ia in vestigating. The girl came from Columbus, Ind., a few months ago and had many friends. Killed Her Hutband. Sr. I.OIT18, Mo. Not. 7 John Miner, who has for some time Wea dividing his attentions between two women, was charged this morning by his wife Louisa with unfaithfulness. A quarrel ensued leading to blows. Mrs. Miner drew a revolver and in the struggle which followed killed her husband. Mct'leverty for rotter's Place. Topkka, Kan., Nov. 7. J. D. Me- Clevertr of Fort Scott, is the latest candidate for United Slates District Judge Foster's place. NEWS BREVITIES. Henry Raub, a Missouri crank, on his way to "see Cleveland, V waa ar rested at Kansas City. . . Professor Louis C. Lutz, one of the Cincinnati Art school faculty, died fro a an overdose of morphine. A trio of highway men held up the Missouri Pacific agent at Bonnet's Miii and pluudc-red the cSice. At Kddyrllle, Ky., a dispute about a bill resulted in the city marshal kill ing a prominent merchant (overnoi Foster of Louisiana saya that he will do all in his power to pre vent the CorWtt-Mitchell tight taking place at New Orleans, An Illinois Central train was wrecked by the turning of a switch by some unknown man near l.'llin, 111. Three men were killed, "I'nele Tom" Butterworth, ancle of Hen Butterworttt and a unique char .icter in the .Miami valley, Udoad. It Is Wl eved that Franela II Weeks, the New York lorger and abaco ider, w ill plead guilty w hen arraigned for hU manifold Crimea. Li resp nsd to a letter of Inquiry Hon. t h imp Clark writes la a .Sew York newpiper that political life la attractive but do ttutpaj financially. Tin-re are eleven distinct ticket la the held in A aiuthoa voualv, Colo roio, agireK'tiui' 1M candidates, nearly the entire population ff tha county Cenit r ll.ll say lh Me of nn ,rvs(lfnttl appo'Ml- nt iiiUmi wrra held Mil b Ihesaate da ce ia on their loettr t' the parly la ih ro oittf a aeitoiui In l. w of It hav'nf W hanf up i e .-t tl U not iikrlv that the i.u-nt wilt W. acti'Milu Ua ...iir of Mr U..rt owf' uoiulua l MM OWlltf Ul tl.tist vMIOlt tl ftKJtMta. Mfi l'.r not It is i il a arra a b( I'ih ap'H'4i . n,'l r ih Aatar t. a pti4m a a of rt. tioa, a tot .f iota . ripl wrt . ly er hea A ti It. ui'iri Wii( '-l Iro ii vrtlo tbotu a Met tary pataot af' Vt U . You have noticed that some houses always seem to need I renaintmj they look dingy, rusted, laaea. -Winers always look Dngat, clean, fresh. Tte owner of the first "economizes" with "cheap" mixed paints, etc; the second paints with Strictly Pure White Lead The first spends three times as much for paint in five years, and his build ing's never look as welL Almost everybody knows that good paint can only be had by using strictly pure White Lead. The difficulty is ! lack of care in selecting: it. The fol lowing brands are strictly pure White Lead, M01d Dutch" process; they are standard and well known established by the test of years : "Southern" "Red Sear -, "Collier" Fof any color (other than white) tint the Strictly Pure White Lead with National Lead Company's Pure White Lead Tinting Colors, and you will have the best paint that it is possible to put an a building. For sale fcy the moil reliable dealers ia paints everywhere. If you are eoinj to paint. It will pay you !oerd to u far a book containing informa tion that may aave you many a dollar ; it will only coat you a poatal card to do ao. NATIONAL LEAD CO., I r.roadaajr, Xew St. Louis Branch, Clark Avenue and Tenth Street York. tat-lif l-iarll. u inf m arllliMr "Old H. IUbU-I'luU-F. tomif ifra tt.'tU ntalf aVi.4 rtera halve, IWk, aw . stt lutfklj nVnMt by 4ipirtiH( i si ow-lb 4 rbtfttl. H exprVsMW, ptilUtiiuf r Machinery. Tlite piw m opcranotj; Jis! fr ( W vMtf at 1m Qulsit bn UN frra tnc plaur. ,irf fsunlljr baa plattoK ia taw, Ktaw sm-iI" rfstvllir. Prt lre. . r. HftrrliM Um 4tolHs,U ST. JOSEPH BUGGY CO. St. Joseph Buggy Co. Carriages and Buggies at lowest prices. Catalogue and price Hut free. 6th and Measanle Stu., St. Joe Mo. f of every di'rrlption, Newfound LJwlZJIO lunilH. Ma.tiffK, St. Kernards, tTrrvhountli, Mull, Kon, Skfrand Scotch 'ferriert, Collies, P"K. Hpanielf, llrairle, Foxhound, Set ter and I'oinUrn; uliio Frrrctn, MaluscC'aM, pet aiiiniali, tini f piironi. poultry, bend Htump for price liL Live froxo WHHted. Herman Koe-h l Market Hit.. St, Coals WfBER CXS 1 CASOLINE ENGINE SlrnplPBt and m ont econ omical r nuluen on earth. JK t Fully Ouarnteed A quires only a fe minutes' atten tlonaday. 'juar anteed cunt of riinnl nir I f t. tu. hour TM.r H Write for c..o-fJ- gue. Address, "535-' Weber Cas Sl Casuline a nKn wo. IU)X rM, KAHHAS ClTT, MO. i'Vi ? tZs f ite Cto (Tb CttSctt&n v1 U sjn.M 12th and Farnam Sta. Great Rock Island Rodtb 5Sfi"? r sVaTTTa 11 " 7 TO THE EAST. BEST DIN1R8 CAR SERVICE IN THE WORLD I he Kook aland U foremost la adopt ing any advantaga calculated to Im prove sperid and give that luxury, safety and comfort thst popular patronage de mands. It equipment is thoroughly ootnpleUt with Vfsllbuled trains, inag nltlcent dining ears. sIeoira and calr coaches, all the most elegant, and of recently Improved patteroi. Faithful aid caiable management and pollks, h'orsl s-rv'oa frtitn em ployes ara Important Hems. They ara a double du'y-Wi the Company and to travelers and It Is some' lines a task dlffloult of tawimpllshment I'assen ger oa ihU tin will Ho t little cause lor complaint ea that ground RKMKMItKIt The great IU ll ad tUxtte runs all rvgular trstss kt ta4 suburtma taih, ebM td the World's I'alr ground, and you eaa save time and trouble by geuU ff at that potut sad avoid the crowd ia the rty VrfjlliaMU'uartMWiitcto,mr. raWni, arpy l "n coi'8 ikiet tfflee la the Ual'H S a'ra (oa.U nf Meiloo ... ..I I -.u ISil .kllAKTI A N I iMtm a F a (litaau, U i T Ilea I Mtf, lwta. Ill, Mikn Your t wn Ciltcri! Ia (w44t I a- tHi will :) aa t af ! ! pa'tatre in, HA f im f i aMta iw k'la ( haaM f " twii. a IM Slltef Uaa h lb. taw to a titara k tli ata4 fc mI tl U I MraJ i VI.a a laeta. K a. j e.Mia. aau a . a4 evK mI al sawa V tale Vt mss -,ftvi 111 V I r tm at. sk v f- . nAF 111 II ri m . , vw am . x , V vJjii aBBssasSlBllal . i-ris i ii WW Cj RATIONAL ... j rH BUSINESS COLLEGE. I -RIALTO BLD G.. SF.XT TO POST ' OFf'tCE," KAKSASClTT, Mo. Most Practical Business College la tha 1 Wet. bhoiihand. Typewriting, liooli-) rlkeeplne aud folerapby. Shortband i v2 by ill ail. Tkree kmnon free. Send for I oar bFtCLU. SUMMtB OKFKK. 'IoT'ISS' BUY "DIRECT FROM FACTORY" BEST MIXED Paints. At WHOLESALE PKICES. Delivered Fro. For HoUHes. Ha run. Roof, all colors. A SAVE Middlemen's pro rite. In ue 61 years. Ed d.tred by Urane a Karmera' Alliance. Low prices will utiriinw you. Write for samples. O. W. INtiEitaOLL, 253 Plymouth St., Brook lyn, N. Y. FREE SILVER tA" PEERLESS FEED cniriDERs ill make a Farmer Happy. J:" J"l ,-i ;rlml in'v irrain t Hny . '"if H-t'i: iln f iii-nM th;ui any ' a X'CiMtr) ' " -r ""J'lr mill. lrinits enr-oirii, r, "1j'y4.i .V uJr. Mi- fine eimuKii t,t - " aii)'pnriK. WwrraiiitHl i. to choke. We warrant itif i'i:i"Jil.J-xs to ! ti HrSTanil H K t l'r 1" Mill. V V. till II : M ulr a. .1 uiMf tr riuc. t.d tii.y. Tit,i at b.wit ti u. . JOUeTsTROWBRIDEE CO., Joliet, ill. KXCE LSIOB HOME BAKER AND KOAS The bnit payltur tnvmiment for a boune wif None tcenulne without brum tlttln) our latent improved style, is a solid make, ban deep (lanira utrmiK but hlKh Krate, and cloiww perfetly tight saves XI Mir cent nutrltlouH elements. Full de scrlptivecirctilars on application. I alsoman nfactnre the ' New BucceHs" utove mat and the FamouH Frying Pan.aUf. AtiKNTi WANTKD in evry county in the V. H Addrean, CHAKLhH SOUULTHEISS, 40 N Mala 8t , Council HI uffs Jowa. FURNAS : COUNTY : HERD -or "fDCDIfO ,teJ m-nno , asn Holstein : Cattle ! A few Extra Cood Bnptember Pigs, snd a No. 1 butter bred bull, yearling, -registered for sale. Prices right. H. S. Williamson, Beaver City. - Neb. CD C C A tn uv nU p"- nLLlU U wauh in every ataaaal rraiivroHli'avatwr. uttMa out and -frf it to it. iv'th . ,e.,.l -...I ....Ira. td lilii4 ym m- f ttitar rlrgaiH, rl iih .-wtWi,wA (ifiwh-dwaf lf a by i)'iej fi-r r stun Illation, bb4 If ytrtllliiiib U Uwjiial in uyp htttMm f ' .'.,'() uijwati h tjuraatrifri,bH.Md lilt yat'P, W afi4 nitli thtf wnt h txtr surartt-r ftvu you ran trlorn ILat any ttf isi'.Mn WlFi'tirfl fl. MteSfsyt'fV. (! It ymi svM w cauw tit awtla or at art will fix ym fae-Frrf. tt f Ite al enct. as we ahtil aeitd ont aaiujiWi f'-t tVt ifftia tintv, Atdria THE NATIONAL M'P'Q & IMPORTING CO., :i UiTiw at., Cfliiieo, ru. HIGH CARNIVAL AT ST. LOUIS. THE METROPOLIS OF THE MIS SISSIPPI VALLEY AGAIN . PRESENTTS A Programme of Fall Festivities That For Brilliancy and Variety Outshines the Carnival Cities of the Old World. ' Paris, the most magnificent oity oa either continent, has for ages held the proud title of "the premier, carnival city of the world " However during the last ten or twelve years an Ameri can rival of no mean pretention has contested for that high honor, and to day St. Louis holds what Paris so re luctantly relinquished, the title of "the carnival city ot the two continonto." Not content with the suceoeef ul exhi bitions of previous years, the Autum nal Festivities Association has arranged a programme for lHtKi that in brill iancy and variety will be dlfllcult to Im prove upon. The first of the great attractions, the St. Louis Kipobltion, will throw lte doer open to the public September 6th and continue until Oct. "1st. The world renowned Snua's Band has been engaged by the manage moot, which In Itself is a sufficient la duoemoBt to crowd the magnldoeot building during the concert. Special attention has ben paid to the street lllust -atlons. and on the evening of August l'iib, nth, 21th, and Slit, tpk)uibtir7th, 14th. 211 and I'.h, and O jtober 3d. 6'h, IJtU and I'.Uh, the tuoat magnificent display yet attempted will greet the eye of the fortunate visitor, electricity playing a prominent part. The evening of IKlolier 3d the Veiled I'rophel snd bis Mluwera will parade through the principal thoroughfares, and lot wed lately after the great hell wbUib has received considerable pro minence throughout the world, will be hld. The 334 great Ht. I.juU lair ant fcailojf leal darUena, OctotairSd lulth. Ill be thectveiilog week of the ear nival seaetia. This laatlluliua ha ao f, aa le kaowa la ever tud ehore iafia.itrtateof etvlltsathm eslat. The MlwKwui I'actfle Hallway and Iron, ouataia lltule being dUlitully St. Unite lirwe, a ad hating at all timra t laW rests of the elty le saiad, lists mad a r mark h!y low ro itt-l trip rate frotn all )laUoe the entire stsU in to hi. Umt aaJ relpra during lie ftUvtUa, Kor further taforroatu la ii .' r id rat route, liiett ot thkeW sa l for a raTf tvf ihe fall btllvliw-e prt,raiiiu. e4dftrteeart Mtirl l a tte tte lro hteeakala Tt'kt Ainiit la oir trr. W-ry, w II. C. Teea-ead. U I. atd ?, Agt, Ml. Levk