Sim t- t "... Th9 Anicsse-Iadspwdsat bftel Advertising Htedinm In the west. It ia especi ally valuable u a means of reaching he farmers. Ita elrculatloo ia as large In Nebraska as the cir culation of all the "farm journals" combined. Giro The Alliancb Imdstsndcbt a trial if you want good results. VOL. V. A UOIiDEttFul OFFER ! CAN IT BR TBUS IT IS. IT IS. WE WILL SEND YOU a u t j l i Ttj'AMianr.p.-innpnpnncni w- - wr JajtdJ- H C00UTAliV . ilGAlE Both Op Tar for - . $2. Two : Dollars : Only! ! ! No more monopoly prices for art and literature ef the highest class. Cul ture for all. The CoemopcUtaa Magazine ban been reduoed to 11.50 a year, ita price cut in two, in order that it may be l X I A. . 1 1. A r.9 . U rnn DrOUgUk into VUC uuuicb ui mimg who hare boen compelled to deny themselves luxuries. But it is not diminished in size or intrinsically eheaoened. It will contain the coming year .5Jff pages of reading by the ablest living authors, with over 1200 illustrations by the best artists. Three articles in the September number, occupying but small space, cost the publishers the sum of 91660. All thle-and The AluancvIdb pendent for half price. Among fee contributors to the Septem ber Cosmopolitan were William Dean HowelU, Mark Twain, Kx President Harrison. Walter Besant, . the famous English novelist, Julian Hawthorn, and Murat Halstead. In the list of artists at work upon this great magazine are found the ioi lowing famous names: Rochegrasse, Hamilton Gibwn, Guillonnet, Kern- ble, Schwabe, Saunter, uooanue, Meaalle, Alice Barber Stepbeos, and others. The circulation of The . . Cosmopolitan has reached a monthly mark of 211000 and it is fast making itself a place in the homes of the world. In addition to the facts above stated the editor of The At iance-ikdkpen-dent can say that (he Cosmopolitan la on the oeoole's side, a foe to in justice and oppression. Howell's 'A Traveler from Altruria," which has been running this year, should be read by every populist, f-nd by wbever cares to seo the selfish dtandard of business morality ex posd. The Remarkable Offer above made, Thi ie - All liai)ce- li)iepei)iei)l Cosmopolitan Magi azii)e One Year fur 12 00 Is for neie tubscribert. To vld ubcrlbr we u"t add twenty-live cent, making tha two publications S2 25. Bat an old tub-K-jlNir xenJlnff usanew raoio ana 2 00 can seuuro tho magazine tnt to his or any addrtts. b Offer to Canvassers. A itample rnv of our pttpr and THE (,0MOOUrAN will bu iat U anyone who will canvat his or hrr neighborhood, ut or wunty aad sevure ua what tuUwrip-Uoasi-aa Hm obiatacd upua the wvnderlully altrac Uv U-ro.. Friends of Our Paper and th pnl' m who caa the tlm, will dt inu ut UtU as m'wiwaary wnk. Mut th wha would uvit nue Uiw tw tt Ma p agtau' trrws by wrltg We ipp Young Friends Miwt'ltllv to take I...IJ ef this MiiaferarhMtl wwth i4 latr4otf mil I m A I.UA w ISl'f rr.eT, the Hnl's 1 Pi t gis i t th it4t printed. Ad.lrM all vrders. artwdlnf to atiuve Wrw, w AUIanoo Pub. Co,. LINCOLN. N t THE RETURNS il Chiefly the Vote in Some of the Oitiea and Tewna, 1 IHDIOATE EOLO0MF8 ELE0TI0I. When the Newa Cemea in from the Country Precincts Doabtlaee the In-' dependent Majority Will Grandly Up. Roll V Some of the Figure ia If and. ' . As we go to press early Wednesday morning returns have been received from but a very small percentage of the polling precinct of the state, and this earliest news ia from the cities aad towns, where the republic party Is strongest. But the nows is neverthe less of the most encouraging sort, show ing that the lndopeneents have mad a some gains in the strongholds, and indi cating that Holcomb has, carried the state beyond a perad venture.- Unofficial figures from various towns in the state which wo here select will be of interest. Fremont, Judge Max well's town reads as follows: for Harri son 476, for Holcomb 461. In J189 the figures stood, for Crounse 64 ( tor Van Wyck 139. WahK for Harrison 320, for Holcomb 330. In 1802 Wahoo gave Crouase 22a and Van Wyck 150. Hol comb carries his own county (Custer) by about 500 plurality and the entfre Independent county ticket is elected. ELECTIONS IK OTHER STATUS. ' From telegraphic reports reoeivid the Republicans have carried Iowa, Massachusetts, New York and Ofc'o. The Damocrate claim a clean sweep of Virginia. Later fuller returns may greatly lter the figures In these states. It is too early to study the situation. AX THE COURTHOUSE. Fine Spcechea by Messrs, Kent Cary and Devine. A good audience gathered at the courthouse in Lincoln Monday evening and listened to stirring, convincing, able speeches by some of the best talent 4u Nebraska. - The chairman of the meeting was Judge Leese. air. Kent of this city, national lecturer of the American Federation of Labor, was the first speaker Introduced Mr. Kent has tut jubt returned from an extended lectur ing tour throughout the nation and In addition to bolng well poOed a a student o( political needs and issues, Is Informed respecting the eptrlt and tientiracot of the halt million organized men la the mechanic trade. His ad- dres was elewcly listened to. He wai followed by Judge Carey of Fremont who confined himself to giving the brief but brilliant record of tho People's party In Nebraska referring to the Australian Ballot law, tho law brvakleg up tho loaning by county tnaurcr of the funds for the prlvato U'ocflt of a ring, aud tho NewWrry Maximum freight bill. He alo howd tho rt'tuabltint-M of d practical itatrmanuhlpotntainul In the demand t f the IVopU" party, It the kind oftch to aUri ouildf k'the party. The rrlMl4l sich ef the e.onteg howevr md by Mr, UotIm. It MS iMturehruhe handllaf wf the iay inwttu which we caoaet ar enl)ne Into a paragraph aad da aey itk to va tta omUIjmk Uur'.af the Mtlag a Wlrgraiw was nc lrU Iwn Jodga Uoleoesh, eaytag it .uld U tm!HalhU fof hltw lO ho pfvat,MtUl4. flEiiluEiU Nr IVaHM. . T the ptrwtH swadlag iathUrgwt IUI ( yearly auh Hbr to TM AUt Uuaraai'kxt Wtaa the lth day of OwWUr u4 th 1st daf U Jae, al, will ship thoughhrd Uff KaitUh IWiltUIre pig, eivte t ta worth ,0twtrmet. 1 1 1 It M rYai.utfttaa. I r ; 3" , . -, w-' , - , LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1893. CHICAGO'S MAYOR PRO TEM. Tha Wrangta Onr tha' Election la tha Selection of Swift. Cbicaso, Nov. U. The wrangle over the election of a mayor pro tern was settled last night by the choice of Alderman O. B. Swift, be receiving J votes to 5 for Alderman McOillon, one blank being cast The leaders of the two oppohing parties got together during the day and patched op their differences. Crawl iurj In4totinaiifa taralld.. MlLWAUKKB, Wia, SOV. ljBdg Johnson has decided that Indictment found by the lute grand jury against Eugene a Elliott aad F. W, Noyea, directors of the I'Unkintoo bank, were invalid because the grand jury returned them at the October term of the municipal court, whereas tha grand jury's t jrm bad expired with the Heptcmbcr term for which it was called. The decision invalidates all the indlctuwnt return ainst the officers of the l'lankin arid South Mde Msvings banks. Worktof Bulanca of tha Traaanrf, Wasiii.votos, Nov. 8. The treasury department yesterday had an actual working balance not to exceed 3,000, 000. If this becomes exhausted, the department will have to meet enrrent obligations from tlie gold reserve. The treaaury officials hope for better times, and hope further loss will be stopped. It is predicted the present coinage of gold at Philadelphia and San Fran cisco mints between now and January 1 will amount to g'jO.POO.OOO. Krboul lwi of MlMourL jKFmtsox Citv, Mo., Nov. 8. The state superintendent of public schools, L. K. Wolf, baa . Just tteut ont 30,000 copies of the school laws for use in various parts of the state by school officials and others. The volume ia neatly bound and contains all tha laws relatiug to the pnblie school sys tem, with a syllabi of supreme court rulings at the bottom of each page. There are fifty pages devoted to a comment by the superintendent touch ing the laws. Denies 111 Authority. Torts ka, Kan., Oct 8. Hank Com mbtsioner Breidenthal has wired At torney General Little from Chanute asking to come to that city at once. It seems that the Ualley tank ut Chan ute refused to allow Krcldcnthal to make an examination of its affairs. The principal officer of the bank is the receiver for tpe JIailey estate ana claims that ar he is an officer for tho probate court tbo bank commissioner has no right to interfere with the property In his hand Tnrribla Mordtir and fcuiolile. Euvku, Ohio, Nov. 8. A frightful murder and suicide occurred last night Charles Manning shot his wife, killing her instantly, and then shot her cousin. Mrs W. It. White. He followed up the double tragedy by committing suicide. Mrs. Munuing hod begun proceeding for a divorce, and her husband had often threatened to kill her. Last night, crazed by drink, he carried out his threat. Wm a Gul.lo to Fremont. Kokt Scott, Kan., Nov. 8. Louis Nash, one of the interoKtiugchuructcrs of Fort Scott, died here last night Natih was a guide to General Fremont ou his "Mtlli-iiudiif" trio across the mountain In the early 40o, and came here at a very arly day. He was married to a Sioux squaw In early life, but hhe died many yours ugo. With Train Mahlwrjr. Ixoh;.( k, Kan , Nov. h.ltob Jackftun has b ou arrentml at Ul homo In lialciia, charged wilh participating in the Mound VulU-v train robbery. M Ilium I'radbnrn, who U now con fined in i.til at tsrsrn un the him cliarjro, bail U-eu UleiitiUel an uit of ttu ruliU'ra wha he l up the traia by lud w ho w on Hie train. 'Uaa lr MA. Jouix, Mo., Nov, .Mr ltynn IX Slowry, wlli ut tha mayor of Carter iUe, irvnd mtu butt, r luUl with tr,linin ou a 'iH' t Wea4 t ttmi tt raK but lh Weal fell lata th ban. I f hr lu)ear-tit , wha iM a irtkK of it, 'H U.y UUt wlUtw a I liinvi yrit IN irrail rouavil ef tha ItMa aatka eunteiKit at rwhik h Up MallV buailirwk , hig wkwiw SS Hi nistUd ttifl aa warm a Um la a ihwhm w al im ina ! atMA tt i'wrrva Waala ttaha t'.Ma f aaS m. , ,Nw ft. . ffrKbl tla ftdutf stMitS ww tk. huia I t alhl an tal i sa wlUh, diWMtt; itgat ear. 1 1 U saiiM't tu hatw t-'a IHj w,fk tf 'tu Hi) U iv,av WhwritUf V adMtlea pl.l e4tua UU pajww. WASHING! M NEWS Statistics From the Tmrarj Department at tha lational QapiUl IKT0ST8 AID EXPORTS 00 MP ABED- Value of Bkporteatd Iropor a of Mercban- d. stand Oeldard Bilvev Coin and jBuIMon for iteo, iSgi aad ilea. By Chief of ihellnreaai ofettatiatioii. . . Wisui.ioTOK, Nov. 8. The chief ol the .bureau of etatlstica baa issued av statement of the Importa and cxporta of the Vnlted 8Utes for September. Itsbowa the total importa of men-nan ditto during the month mentloued were valued at f46,303,5UO, aa compared with importa of the value of to7,46ft,(MI durisg bVptember of laat year. Of the Imports this year 125,418,671 were free of duty and ,'0. 883,919 were duti able, ' The imports for nine months ended September 80, 1893, were I03 331,07a, aud for the nine months ended bcblttniber 30, mi, were 43l),IO.009, Thi exports of domestic murchan diae for rkptemWr were 170,014,403, and for September ox last yeaa, toa, 031, iti'X The exports for nine months end. A Heptttnbcr 30, were $687, 040, 111. and or nine months ended September 30,, V.m, Wii'S, 83(5,630. During (Septem ber the ngricultural ex porta were val ued , at 818,330, U0, and the exports of ms.n ('.icturea at tl6.38V.431. The tolaTYalue of toe exports of foreign merchandise was 91,008,380. Ibe statement also contains a table showing by calender years the values of the exports and imports of mer chandise during tho years 1800, 1801 and J8D3, from which the following figures are taken: Exports, 1800, fH.17,504,!02; imports, 9823,307, 720 1801, exports, 070,M)9,64o, imports. 988,30,043; 180'J, exports, 9038,420,060; importH, 8l0,040,0u.,i. Nine months of 180X Exports 9003, 177,874; Imports, 9025,331,078. ' The exports and Imports of gold coin and bullion were as follows:. 1800, cxporta, 934,003,073; imports, 930.330,- 000; 1801, exports, 970,080,728; imports, 944,070,110; 180?, exports, 87&.ft.ia,05fl; imports, 117,470,030. Nine months of 1SU3: Exports, 970,878,514; imports, 915.603,632. ' The exports and Importa of silver coin and bullion -were: 1800, exports, 926,530,789; imports, 833.420,111); 1SUI, exports, 937,603,879; imports, 918,103,- 750; 1893, exports, 93, 975,834; imports, 93l,T30,2.r3; nine months of 1893, ex ports, 933, 119,714; importa, 915,000,354. Tho exports in all the above cases in clude both domestic and foreign pro duction. CII1MKMS ItKOISTRATION. Congrats railed to I'rovldn Money to Carry Oot tha Law. tVAsiu.NOTOX, Nov. 8. Although congress amended tho Geary act so as to allow the Chinese six months more within which to register, it adjourned without milking any appropriations to carry out tho provisious of tho act. The chainuun of the committue on appropriations hud cognizance of the necessity of the treasury department's need of some tuonry to carry out tho law. ami il is probable if the urireut deficiency Mil h'l been pussed, a clause appropriating enough money to ut leut begin ieraUoii would huvo Uin luserttut lu the bill. As it U regWrntbms under tho a.t will not begiu until an appropriittluu Is mude. ('plain Haifa Apiiulalmaal. Vai.him.t.n. Nov. Tho president hu aiHilutetl W. '. Hall nsUtat adjutant general of Ihw army. Cajv lain IU1 wan Uim in MiMurl In liiM He graduttted al Wt IV.Int In Mt and ha klni'O t een in aolivo herv Ue tin the plain aiul HirtU')4led hi ararly rvcry In Man war ntt lrtj. i lh t in f t Atiiain Hail's Mtlnt airul he wnaiaplain uf the FtllH r.v alrv, w atiliona t at t rt NaU II t tho ih of ,l .tw VN tliitin A, IUU tf Mi-Mmrl att a tfller of t ngrrMiwin ItaU f M.rL !( la tha wu ii l.w of iaitur UUehtttira. ltaiiitM alMlla, W nnm, t leaty Iriwat hrf-uaa iti i4 UK ii.SU la atiiraata artiva i la tK failed htle dartwg h.-j.U j.lwr. ant ttut H'.U arrival drihiT tl ami ataih ritiWd NfVwU IM' srtlt,l t'f U aiaa imwU f t- ,atr. Ilanirrr trtUhit 7 ( thi tMMla Sifra:al, lrwH, i'.tt ;., vvfi-t l.ii.l VI.', fWa sH.t N.rat, i,U", ! lh l ul t t I,fw4 A4jmai i,ak W 4i'Mt', N. itirl li,fi it, Ugs ' y ) j" !..! 4 a4HUnt tatter! t i Uoggloe ha participated In ten or twelra of the moat Important battles of the war and waa breveted brigadier general for gallant services during too closing campaign aroand Kicb mond leading to tbo aarrender of Lee and his army at Appomattox. at, toala Maw' CMIaotorv Washikotom, Nov. 8.Charlia Hpeek waa yesterday appolatad eolUtetor of internal rovenwe at 8t Lonla The appointment waa a big victory for Representative Cobb, who alone of the Miasoari delegation, urged Hpack's appointment Bchlierbols, tho oppos ing eandldate was Indorsed by both senators Vest aad CoekrelL and had in addition the indorsement of nearly tho entire Missouri delegation. Hoaalvar far tha Matshlasow Watloaah Wabriiotoit, Nor. 8 Comptroller Eeklee baa aopoiatad Josaph T. Leon ard of Olrard receiver for tho Batch laaon National bank which failed mom time ago. Got mom for a taa BooxKVIt.I.B, Mo., Nov. 8. Tbo Jury in the case of William Soahn va Tho Missouri Paelfio railway brotight In a verdict for 90,000 damages for plaintiff. March A, 1880, Spahn jumped from a Missouri Pacific paasenger train and oae hl lnr. A KINO BTOMBD TO OBATH. iMarajwala Tali Ik lit af Konws, Kaa , arob af AahaaUa, LivKVOOL, Nov. 9.-Lettore front Aeera, oa the West African coast, aay King Koffee of Ashante waa atoned to death recently by insurgents on the atreeta of Coomaasie, hla capttaL King Koffee waa warrior monarch and ruled with , a severe band. He . U the same king who declared war on thy IXtish i tSStf A native who stvled himself king of the Denkara tribe, took refuge within the limits of the itrttish protectorate of the Fantee and other trilxts; but King Koffee declared the Denkaraa anbjecta of his and demand for the surrendor of the natives buln r refused he declared war. The affair was set tled four months later, after a bloody campaign, King Koffee paying 2,000 ounces of gold as a penalty and mak ing an apology to Queen Victoria He also agreed to atop the practice of human sacrifice. King Koffee's sub ject numbr about 2,003.000. The population t Coomassie Is estimated at 15.00A Oh'swbjr" C ran tad ad AposaL Hpriwofikld, I1L, Nov. 8.Tbe "Uenton-Newby" pension fraud case wilt go to the United States supreme court. Judge Allen In the United States district court to-day approved the bond and ordered It filed as of Oc tober 27. Wlthars Mhaly to Win. Wasiunotox, Nov. 8. it is general ly believed here to-day that Web Withers will be appointed collector of internal revenue at Kansas City and the partisans of all the other candi dates have about abandoned hope. Cleveland Keeeive tha Itetaru. Wasiiikotos. Nov. 8 . IVesidcnt Cleveland received the election re turns at oodley over a apoctai wire. NEWS NOTES. During September 34,519 imm igrunta arrived in the United Mates. The president has reappointed all ' pout in oxters who faiied of conttrina- . tion by the senate. Evictions are agitating Ireland 1 again and rarnelllto leader are busy i maatug sKechut. In an order jt Issued Eui)ertr William condemns gambllut; In the army and threaten heavy punish meat t omcer. The baut of standard silver dollars from the mints and lrea-ury ottUt tr the wek elided Novcmtirr 4 was fU',v.'5, f,.r tint NirreM.m!mg H'riotl of I ;.U,3li. JoliB KelirtirU, 31 Vran old, W rwa over and ktl M tr an riectrb car la ImuW Ketlvher lay dwn aettm tun traek and the imtorm did Hot sea hliu In tiuu. Th ).r f tha Nrw Kth V!mi miuvt sl exhibit at thw World a tir. at t liivMjrt. U regid'd at hulaey as having Inh'w wbUlaiKt hy Ktil' envas mcrt l a ai lef tUtn Hif At IsjUaa, Tvax tl.arW Mrlia ht h' fatly tle, I urea tiuiew. VUliiiir her. ita thru shut huu suif fUilj, d in? hour lalvr. tK.truw .4i. vt tVUaa saa that h wiU a alt in hi ite lu i ia- vant lh I vm UivMtUhaii Hht laWmjf d at Nw tit l.aH. It M itert.s ty taa l-avry f f(i: ! tta t .. wtttta f tti bv Jsfcaarv I, at t'hiU.UHtMa. aid I IMS I l W ) 'V wentr, t lh wtv't U v hi 4 Ihmhi u li ! at the ! .t (mm id 4' taalaoi. Im ladiag a.l tly, iXt'ik liaaa WMta ial, t.t, "tV imWv vl jAUht witU ?jlf,t during h The free aad oaiiavV edeoinageof eUrer ct the rt io ef 16 to 1; la other words, the rcawoe atloa of Oliver to the place it held tn ourow reacy f ran 17V2 to 1SX That the Shenaaa law should not be re pealed unlets a law- more favorable to ail Ter ia substitute for 11 NO. tt S01!S ELECTION tt 1ae Cda Tie lew Yet , : Carts. ' ' ThearWateaeta BJfwd aad Tbeai aV fatted at Oravee Ceid-Uaaty Depeny ' Chariffa Shot at Caaadae) at . Troooto at rtttaimra:. New toM, Nov. e At Oraveeea a anburb of Brooklyn, there wma fleree flghl at tho polla thla eaoraSxj in which the pott watchers ef tho Be publican general coammtttee werena aanlted and very badly used, ailer which some of then were arras tod by Boos MeKaaa, who rnaa what m known aa the Coney Island distrtssV Tho party, aocompanled by ColeI Bacon, one of the eonnael to tha ' publican general committee, and bp Oaynor'a law partnera, Edward li Grout and G IL liyde, arrived aa tla town hall a few mlnutea before tit opening of the poUa. They had aoaroo ly time to get out of their carrlatj, before thry were act upon. Berhorl 8. Worthly waa atrock violent Uow in tha face and Dr. Marshall had portion of his whiskers torn off. TYf Rav. Mr. Kent was knocked down a4 trampled upon. Another one of tao . watchera had his head out and all 1 Obr m awo aaoro oy ea , bruiafd. a j .ju According to toe atory of one of the) watchors the party were about to alight from their earrlagsa when Oof onel Bacon waa accosted by McKanOj who remarked that he had been look ing fori him. Bacon prodoooi the Injunction which had bees secured from the . anpreme court yesterday afternoon and attempted to serve it upon McKane. The latte refused to take the papers and called . bis officers to take Bacon into cuatody which waa immediately done. Th reatof the party were ordered to gel ont f town aa eoon aa possible. Oroat excitement prevails and more trouble is feared. The injunction restrained McKane and hla officers from preventing the watchers from entering the various polling places and remaining there throughout the day and until the count should be completed. A number of prominent citiaensof Brooklyn, members of the Republican, committee and Citlsena' union, hare sent a telegram to Governor Flower requesting him to call out the milltia to quell "Boas" McKane and hla banal ' at Oraveaend and to enforce the order of Justice Barnard of the' supreme court. Sheriff Courtney having re fnsed to Interfere. IN THE HANDS OF RIOTERS. Tha riaotloa al Caaadaa, h. 4., HartaA by Dasparata ta4as Camokx, N. J., Nov. 8. The eleotiom in this city to-day resulted in rlota ba sercral precincts. The Democntlo policemen and ward workers tools possession of many of the polta and the Hcpublicans appealed to Shartal West to place the military at tho potlav Many deputy sheriff have been shoe mid beaten, none seriously. It appeara that the city l in tho hands of a despcrata gang of thnga repi atera Many deputy sheriffs hav (teen aiotipad on tha strants and their weapons taken from thcoi night Slu-rlff West, oa the ap pii -i' of a number of eltUna ap .leil MM! d (ill ties. Whun this a ne ktioMM the ptiie eontutiaionera i i,l I n'eioeli and decided to anpotal 'ba to uteet th depatp tu r:"- k-ttr far ot serious trouhlo i i ,uiMr ortljmt a f uard p!i534 . ti r ( tl, rrjiuieni armory, aftro .., . i 'jilnirf t)i wln loas aad door .mil eilutf tha a.awtiitiou ia tho . i, 'l lw iuititry wa als r Avn-ti i l tit rdlweat a uuimaal'e t be roai t of ' - pttaa b4 during lha rntire day ywatar Uv i.kIi'UiI at o'etiHjU wtlhowl nl nil ant h4iHr fnHS th ! e f l (a.hted registry ltt rM f.ou all Kt f f th UtO iHu. t Ft a t a fell ta wa (Hitlad. 'fh H .1 .iitii,l II, r. li-.'lt fUuett t,,i ikii)(lit ui wirM tia aa ortlw ! lis 4 .1. Alt.i t.w.t U Wt wwt in f nve w ktg t l,tu ta thtaaia. w .s Ni.i s : l'a.Uif day t itH an wh !4 la.1 sky mmi a, rtMti Vt Kg ais t!4 r war at th ill taa l d. wwtrtu a i, H in t.a 11 tr l la dafiuj tk day lit tMfi'eat tw w t..kil t i aad a gwr4 f.-H.4 mriMM rvtay ra Vt l t "' ll p ilk i W K UMi ! tha h ha one I a imimM a Vaii4t. fl. Fil