The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, October 26, 1893, Page 4, Image 4

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OCTOBKIt .6. 1803
1 i i ' a
ii i I
OaaolUlaUou ot th
rumen AUiaaccsSeliraslLa Independent
pc1u3h etwi thukadat bt
The Alliance Publishing Co.
1120 M Street, Lincoln, Neb.
(ft ID Of DIOTB.
v. -we. Pres. H. S. Ro Secy.
?Htatt . . I Advertising ur.
J.' r. mIiwC. Subscript!- Pep t
lt ut man must lU Cor me to rise.
Then wk I not to climb. Another rlo
I choose not for my good. A golrten ch atn,
A robe of honor, Is t jo good ft prize
T tempt my hftiy hnd to do a wrong
Unto fellow mn. This life hftth woe
Sufficient, wrought by du'i satanlc fee;
Asd wbothat hath heart would dre prolong
Or add iorrow to e etrlckcn ml
That seek ft healing balm to mak It who tor
My boeom own the brotherhood of man.
N, L P, i
Publisher Announcement.
The subsorlptlon price of the AixiAWOt-W-BPBNDCirr
in 11.00 per yar, invariably in ad
eaao. Paper will U promptly discontinued
M expiration of time paid for unless we re
eetve ordHi- to continue. ,
Aokmts in soliciting subscription ahonld be
very careful that all name are correctly
palled and proper iMMtomce glTen. Blanks
fur return subscriptions, return envelopes,
etc.. can be had on application to this office.
Alwati sign yeur name. No matter bow
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ETS tHVir H'l llim mm well mm .arc. i.... w
nhumi. will Ha nrmnTiLlv mailN.
Addre-w all letter and make all remlttancea
payable to TMJS ALUAntu run. w.,
Lincoln, Neb.
For Supreme Judge,
S. A. Holoomb, of Cuater.
For Regents State Unicersity,
Long term E L. Bkatii or Sheri
dan; A. A. M on ROB of Douglas
Short term 0. L, Brainard of
For Treasurer,
Fred Schmidt.
for Sheriff,
Fred A Miller.
For Register Deeds,
L. H. Uabcock.
for County Judge,
For Coroner,
J. G. Cotter.'
For Commissioner,
For County Clerk,
William Foster,
For Surveyor.
For Superintendent Public Instruction,
A It V 10 HTM AN.
"The waifs of Ch'cago were given
their annual bath." News Item, July,
1803. ,
Tea thousand Infant innocents;
Chicago's sons and daughters,
Art kept in crowded tenements;
Beside then boundless waters;
And once a year the pitiful,
The generous few, collect them.
The poorest of a city full.
And bathe and disinfect them.
Water for or ce to cover with ;
But, iibt the rent it coats msl
Ere one bright day Is over with
Sweet charity exhau-ts us.
So back to rags and grlmlness
To dark and oetperaie places.
To reeking, roiling tlltuiness,
We drive the pale young faces.
It needfvl dn't you se it Is?
To crowd "urwt-sker brothers.
It't man's will, and the Deity',
That some stiou id live for o hers.
The stronKer grasp earth's properties
And sell the poor employment;
Se labc r spreads monepollea,
And lce all enjoyment.
Thtse, of the disinherited
CMldreo of wage dependents.
As much of esits have merited
As richest ! rd s descendant.
Bat strong am, cuanlng knavery
lias robbed (be laudl masse,
A ad snnk Hum deep ia slavery
Beneath, the ruling class
la death and hell, here under Ueet,
They bold the auVvrtag alHIuaa,
And, pressed y hunger, plaader them,
Of WMlth thai measure ballon.
Their ared devoid ot malice Is,
Yet, oh I the lose sad teg aha
Uf thus who build the pale,
Asd aha la ants moat languish!
utoti liowaaauiaaoa,
Wa hiva but ft utciJrU whether we
shall pass th wlnUriuootblnJ'Urlila,
r defer our editorial vacation till the
utumer a aa an4 take a tour through
Kuril. V Lat lun siaaUd Uullb
the Alpine utiiul't, to visit the old
tathedral, toslt under the naV bU-s
hie ul lul, and atr It-'me "tha"
at oa ttr i wa hUts, and Irro Iter
tbroue of Waity la'd the wrU,'
S:ir t'.U a r hvt we sva wj to
ta ur arduoa lAbura and f rwp
thM dr'4 if te4r . N.w tU
HMeir!, We hai In h-d the arrtii
f Ctbgnilk Hwrd4 cuu'aiatni
HtfkaU r All it's teb sad vaa All oirr
o)uui!k wlih U durieg the tucp'ht
Na are fwue atrvad,
We reprint below that portion of
Congressman Bryan's speech before the
Democratic s'ate conTentln wblca
conU!ns tbo sentences IndicatiBg bis
future course In the matter of party
affiliations. The italics ar ours, and
the italicized phrases should be con
nected in the mind of the reader, lie
U not nominally out of the Democratic
party, but the conditional "if which is
the only uncut cord holding him at
tached to the Clevtland Wall-street
democracy is a cord that mmt be cut.
He has been forcibly ejected, with 1U
Individual views, and be cannot over
throw the powerful influence of the
administration, force a new democrat c
alignment on the silver question, and
get himself endorsed and the adminis
tration condemned. The financial ques
tion mutt hopdistJy dicidt and destroy
the democratic party. The men who
recognize this truth now will prove
their political wisdom, and early plac-
ne themselves with a united antl-
plu ocracy party will put themselves in
the way of trusted leadership and
utmost usefulness. Bryan said:
Gentlemen of the Convention: We
have to meet tonlsht as Important a
Question as ever came before the Dem-
... . . T t I . I .
ocrats oi me state oi ixeurasit. n u
not a personal question, It Is a question
that uses above Individuals. Sjfttra
I am personally concerned it matters
cot that (snapinir his fingers)
whether you vote this amendment up
or down; it matters not to me whether
you pass resolutions censuring me for
endorsing it. I if I am wrong in the
position I have taken 1 will fail though
you neap your praises upon mej u i ui
right in the position I have taken and
in mv beurt. so neiD me lioa, i relieve
1 am fapolausel If I am right, I will
triumpn yet, although you downed me
In your convention a nunarea times,
lentlemen of this convention, you are
playing in the basement ot jolHlcs.
Whv. you think yuu can pass resolu
tions ceoBurine a man and that you can
humiliate blm; 1 want to tea you mat
I am exiled with uo more joy than the
delegates who come here and down
ttelr sentiment lor lear mey win not
get an ofllce.
Gentlemen, if you gentlemen repre
sent your constituents in what you have
dour, and will do, because I do not en
tertain tbe fond nop tnat any oi you
rmn who have voted as you have to Jay
will change it upon this vote, I have no
such lda: but I want to say to you tbat
if tbe delegates who came here properly
reflect the sentiments of the Democratic
party which sent them here, if the reso
lution which yon have proposed h're, and
which you will adt pt, if they reflect the
sentiments of the Dimocratus party of this
state, and this party declares in facor of a
gold standard, as it will if it passes this
resolution, if you declare in favor of the
impoverishment of the people of He
brisks, if you intend to make more
galling than the slavery ot the blatk
the slavery of tbe debtors of this coun
try; if the Democratic party after you
go home endorses your action and this
becomes your temlment, leant to
promise you that J will go out end serve my
country and my God under some other
name, if I go alone.
Even more significant than Mr.
Bryan's words are those of the great
anti-gold-monopoly leader, Congress
man Bland, who thus commented on
the action of the Democratlo state con
vention and Mr. Bryan's stand against
It and its work. Mr. Bland said:
I am not surprised. It is what is
going to happen everywhere, it the
Deajocralio party takes the tamo stand.
The people are golrg to make the fight
for sliver. If the Democratic party
will make it for them, all right, but
those in tavor of it are going to get
together somewhere
The wisdom of the founders of our
government in establishing one leglulit
tive body whose members have longer
terms of t fflce, placing them a little re
moved fro oi political danger, away from
the pressure of the "upj-'or ten thous
and," the Wall street mob, has again been
made clear. The power of possible
preferment, of official patronage, of the
money-controlled dally prefs, is four
times stronger in tho lower house of
It is interesting exceedingly in this
desperate struggle with Wall street to
note how violent and anarchistic the
bankers and Sbylock c'asebecouio when
fo'.led in thiir purposes, when legally
obstructed in th-ir ay to powr,
Washingtou has been posied with their
placards on which was the anrchl$'io
ATE." Senators resisting the demands
of the gold ollca-chy have been sont
threatening lo.nrs. Petitions have
been circulated by the money power
demanding It, and tome of their paper?,
the New York Sun, and others, have
eriously discusstd the abolition cf the
senate. Tureat of p.ucbliig the whole
debtor class, of applying the screws to
the great west and south, if the Sher
man bill was not quickly repealed, have
been sent out by the money lord. One
banking firm ha sent out a letter for
universal publication Informing the
people that the coinage of silver must
be stopped. Asa part of the game gold
was first shipped U Kurvp, at a con
siderable lu. to filghVin money uers,
and th whole pa k of human hound
have filled the earth with thbir noise
wh'le do lag in tn a her.
Tho nous cou'd not resist them, with
Cle!n I Uadlt bi the iite Us
i ' h4 i thoia tkA'H, anl if tmr
t hoi r rage lucre. I'hy hare bt a
rlurtii? aol adding to t! alarm
to MWn;iil regard nf flu dUaWr
wbloH w U f'o a lal tireuf senate
u the hUrntat lav r?pl till,
4 l e oVasf their Uwt again
iu dtny oontUsaeu' al anua'ly
pread disaster to gain their cod. The
New Yjrk Tribune addresslrg these
wreckers and alarmists, mildly says:
Ch tttmpnta o.r not likelv tO do
any good wi atver, but are eminntl
calculated to do mucn narm. it is nui
to be sjppoid that these inflaeniial
bankers are deliberately trying V get
up another panic, wivo au its
Thee miffht well
um - j W
remember, however, tbat the remarks
the are reportec as navmg maae
miaht In prtjiln continzencv. prove
extremely costly to the bank and to
tbe business men oi ibis city.
The present panic is undeniably a
baokprs' nanlo. So al-O was tbe panic
of 1373, and tho immeasurable sufferiog
which the first produced and this lut
is leading to, will write a fearful record
against them. Are we not right then
in faying:
The bankers and brokers by breed
Are gold bugs, end governed by g'eed;
Thv hausht 11 v fasten aad feel
On tbe sweat and the bloed of the workers
As shirkers, they fasten and feed
On tbe sweat and tbe blood of tbe workers.
They crawled through Congressional halls
w hen war thundered bard at lb walls,
And while we Were facing the balls
Tbey enacted new laws for the shirkers
The workers, while stopping the balls,
Were enslaved by a scheme of the shirkers.
We pay for a credit our own,
Our debts and our labor tbey loan;
So gold has extetded Its throne,
Till we owe it about thirty billions
With only scant millions Its own
It has dragged us ia debt THIRTY BILLIONS I
Curse on yon, ye usurers bold.
Corrupted with blood Is your gold ;
YntTmwcrse than Barabbasof old.
With your scheme of oppression and plunder
You sweat, starve and kin wun your goia,
And your legalised system of plunder.
You ride In your rUe with the high,
Upheld by the toilers who sigh ;
And weak ones competing mut-i die,
Trampled down by tbe classes who plunder
You heed not tbe millions who cry
And you trample on all who re under.
A man's ballot is the scepter of his
Individual sovereignty. By using it
wisely, intelligently, he maintains his
manhood and guards at all points
against the insidious encroachments of
tyranDy. 1 he ballot is the proud, in
vincible weapon of American citizen
ship, the invaluable possession of the
common people, and is Itself a recog
nition of man as man, that one man, no
matter who his parent! were, has as
much right to a place and natural means
to live as all other men, and that he
should be equally benefited by the laws
of society, each having one vote and
one only. The ballot placed in every
hand has cost millions at-u millions ol
lives, and comes down to us, out of the
struggle of the ages, as our chief in
heritance. It is the gift of earth's
countless heroes, and bears to us their
free undvine spirit.
The ballot has with us displaced the
sword we hope forever, and in the light
of advancing truth shall peacefully
settle the great questions which still
divide men, questions of equity and in
dividual rights. War, all the aggres
sive wars of history, have been engaged
in for conquest, for wealth and power
over labor. Today business is war,
h&vlng the same object and compassing
the same end.
Getting as much as one caa,
While giving tbe least that one must.
Is the barbarous rule of business, and
it does not bring into battle with each
other those having equal wisdom and
power. The far-slghttd, the cunning,
the law favored and intrenched demand
net-profit tribute and unequal exchanges
from the others, from tho masses whom
thev have made dependent by first rob
bing them of their birthrights to land,
which is the necessary basis of libirty
The monster monopolies are veritable
kingdoms grown up in the republic,
aggressive depotisns, far advanced in
their encroachments on liberty's basis,
and reaching out after tho who'e earth
We are all for the time being in sub
section to monopoly power, and mu
unite at the bal ot box to cut its ab
sorbing tentacles and get loose from its
Mr. Robert Giffen, an Englixh econo
mist of tbe first rank, t'.ie author of
'TheCa-e Against B metallic," a book
just pub Istdiii London and New York,
gives us some figures that should be
cvory where mado known and consider
ed. He is England's greatest statif
tican, and mi a silver man.
On page 85 of his book he snyi:
Ah ut two-thirds of the gold annually
produced is taken for the ert and if the
consumption of India is included,
bnag either for tbe simple boarding or
for tbe art and in no case f r tbo pur
P of clroula ing money, then the
Ut man ! fur gold for non monetary purposes
odd art almost igW to the tut ire annual
product un.
Tbe Italics are our. Urm'tubor, it
Is a universally accepted principle of
Justice tbat money should uai Bui tuate.
that I' purchasing power over
cow mod I tie should neither Inorva
nor decrease. It then we make gold
our money it wilt not Increase with the
Uereve of oomntodlt'' aad will at sorb
the loerea-e ut wealth, as It U Dow Jo
int. He member also that aa expanded
currency tstl on g;K tdiber first or
or dually boas only the gold ownlug
o; . ihe laeretM la tnv nuiuter or
tl. Ki U hy theu! and I t Ut loan,
r a. they my draw more pr cent, a
largvt of wealth fann the
mor'y vin . aHh'Hrtsluclng t',a
Yt,t ae must h It n govrRuiat
bhkln 'm, iuey utaJ by tbe
government, loaned ty thenoveratacat,
and tlojKeli t with tke gvVNfninent.
'TheDjwnfali of Certain Financial!
Fallacies" is the title of an article in
the October Forum by David A. Wells
Hut where the "downfall" comes in is a
mysUry. The first fallacy to Ml, ac
cording to lis order of enumeration, is
tbe "appreciation of gold fallacy." lie
argues that machinery has cheapened
production greatly, anl that this U the
whole cause of falling prices. Bat if
machinery cheapens production why
has it not cheapened go'd production?
Mr. Wells admits, without Uinking of
its bearing on his argument, that Mm
the mtnln and sraeUing and working
of metals new discoveries and inven
tions have been most numerous anl
successful." It ought to follow, then,
that gold would grow corretponding'y
plenty and cheap, and sustain an un
changed relation to other commodities.
The fact that it has appreciated in
value, in purchasing power, proves thar
Its value is not automatically regulated,
and that It has power to absorb all
other values.
The theory which hoacst monoxet-
alists must subscribe to ia. this, that the
quantity of gold get-avable is not cor
nered, and that when men can make
more money digging it than in produc
ing other commodities and buying it,
an increased number of men will go to
digging, or blasting and smelting it,
the gold miners increasing in number
until the other commodities and gold
have been brought back to their natural
labor-quantita'he relation.
The theory is very fine, but the facts
art all "agin' it. And the knowledge
which all men have that gold grows
dearer while other things grow cheaper,
makes palpably absurd the doctrine
tbat gold is an automatic money. It is
the best money for usurers, the worst
money for producers.
1st. Because Chief Justice Maxwell
was defeated in the convention by the
corporations, and we desperately need
at least one man on the supreme bench
who is not a tool of the railroads.
2nd. Because they believe Republi
canism is something more than a name,
and they can't consistently vote the cor
poratlon-owned, railroad-dictated Re'
publican ticket.
3J. Because at three state conven
tions the antl-railroad-rule element,
working its hardest for the able and
incorruptible judges Reese and Max
well, has been defeated by ring rule,
by pass-carrying corpora'lon heelers,
by "the Burlington autocra ;" and with
eyes now opon they must refuse to b
again bosstd by him at the polls. Three
times, and out.
4th. Because the only way left to
deal with a corrupt political machine
is to smash it with the ballot box.
6th. Because the Democratic party
is old enough to be "twice dead," and
should be "plucked up by the roots."
We recognize as the law of political
party life, that success breeds corrup
tion. Wheresoever the carcass is there
will the office seekers be gathered to
gcther. The post-nfUce vultures had
full control of the Democratic state con
vention, and driving out the only live
leader in the party left it in the
clutches of tbe insatiable goldbugs.
6th. Because the Republican party
of the nation has fallen into the hands
of the "smart" men, the smooth-tongu
ed lawyers, lying editors and Sbylock
banking fraternity. The common peo
pie, the toiling masses, have lost all
hold upon it, the leaders having no use
for them except to obediently vute the
corporation made ticketj-and bear bur
7 th. Because tbe anti-monoj: oly, an'l
plutocracy party which Judge Uolcmb
so worthily represents, is in spirit and
purpose not distinguishable from Abra
ham Lincoln Republicanism, tud has
b.-ea organized to prevent the extension
of slavery.
8th. Because RothBchildUm, rail-
roadlsa, and landlordism have in thirty
yt an of so-called Republican and Do -u
ocrat c rule got legal posststdou of hall
of our natural resources, half the basis
of our liberties, half the people ot this
great land.
9th. Because this must again be
made "a government of the people, by
tho people and for the people."
10th. Because toth thj court tnl
legislatures must both bd made the ser
vanU ef the people.
I am a democrat.
Therefore I am not a democrat,
let the people rule,
l.jt nut luo Yall-'.reet-ovnd lKrn-
ocrallo party rule.
I love democracy; I h.e hjpocrly,
"V hat la a name?"
Can plutocrat and autocrat ba dom
Can gold or laud mAnoM)!UU bo do in
Caa men wha corner eotl and til an
caplul be aojittu. b'it kUg and d
p.) is?
Yl H.'so oonUul domwrsry,
vd, and grti It whotO and f
Th buks supp'.t-vj the
variously uUqrt th
Kut -rt o crt'vd,
for ewry sort of
ty CUvelaad
!ul Ut doable ucbtufi Ciuti&i &Cu
lengthen Sbylock scepters.
The dude Van AKn, out of h's prince
ly revenues drawn from toil, dropped
fifty thousand into Cleveland's hat, and
goes t represent democracy la Italy.
Bryan the brave, a democrat in deed.
who dared to speak for silver, drew
down upon his head tbe wrath of Wall
street and the hand of Wall street's
president, with all its power of patron
age. To S'.rve monopolists, to help to rob
the poor, to vote for Wall street's agents
high and low, is this the work of dem
Then am I not a "democrat, " and
care aot to be classed with such.
I am in heart a democrat, and becauee
I love the people's cause, I needs must
vote with the Populists and bear their
G jd save the people.
The accounts of social facts given be
low, takt- n from the news column of the
same paper at about the same time,
furnish food for thought. The facts
stand related, and are the result of class
legislation under a capitalistic system
of production with land and transporta
tion monopolies:
London. March 25, 1893. A strange
and grotesque figure disappears from
the upper ranks of tne nooiuty witn
the detth of the Duke of Bedford.
Succeeding to the dukedom on the sui
tiJeof bis father only two years ago,
he has exhibited in intensified form the
Russell family traits, lie was practic
ally a recluse, and never bad any iati
ruaie associates. Though enormously
rich, he was a miser. Scores of acrt-s
of the most valuable property in the
heart of London belong to his etate.
His passion for saving manifested itself
when a boy at school and it remained
with him till the day of his death.
Never a day passed without his saving
something and reckoning how much he
had saved. After bis succession to the
Dukedom and the vast csta e accom
panying i, this passion Increased His
one absorbing thought was to pile up
further board, to fiud new possibilities
of retrenchment, form ways of increas
ing the anneeded surplus, and every
Cenny he continued to Invest by the
est advice procurable, in tha soundest
securities. During the last few years
he had become physically almost a
monstroglty. He was well proportion
ed and active as a young man, but the
i dulgence of a most gluttonous appe
tite soon made him corpulent, and the
very corpulence that made more exer
cise necessary prevented exerc se at all.
O; late years his habits have been most
sedentary. For days together he would
not go outside his house. His appetite
was huge; he ate, as an eminent man
who ktew feim better perhaps than any
other, descrioed it, like a wolf. He
was reputed to be tbe largest and
heavier-t feeder in England, and those
who have seen him eating say it was a
sight never to be forgotten. Heart
disease of long standing was the Ina
rm d late cause of death, but he really
died of gluttogy.
New York, March 24, 1893. The
suicide of Joseph Klersy, the Brooklyn
upholsterer, who in a moment of deliri
um set fire to his clothing and burned
to death, brought to ligbt a story of
misery. This man was 35 years old.
strong and healthy, until tbe repeated
assaults of adve'rsity crippled his mind
and his body. During all the winter
tbat has past, be, wun bis wife, wasted
away, slowly s'arving, in order to give
food to their four children. His terri
ble dea'h has attracted so much sym
pathy for his family that mmcv is bow
coming in to aid them. Mr. Klersv,
the neighbors r-ay, was a serious honest
man, eager to work, and diligent when
work could be obtained. When the
winter bgan the upholstering business
became slack. The people who live in
that neighborhood needed all their
money to buy coal and clothing. Tney
o uld not afford to have their furniture
reraired. The liti mmey that the
Klersy's bad paved was soon exhausted,
and with ti e new ear b gun tbe struggle
for bread. Day after dav Joeph Klerey
walkt-d the streets of Brooklyn looking
for employment. Day after day he re
turned to his home wi h the few pnnl s
he hd earned at odds and endsof work.
This pittance went for bread and coflve
fjrthe children. .Many a night the
parents went hnry to lied. Finally
K ersy became l'l, and then took his
A MILLIONAIRS i a monarch having
absolute power over his realm of earth
and commanding slave-labor tribute
from all who must use it. A coterie of
kings of this sort, over eleven hundred
in number, live In Now York City.
Other thousands are enthroned in other
various cities of the nttlon. They have
cea-te-d to flghteach other, having found
they could extend their several king
doms faster by combining In marauding
expeditions against the unarmed de
feneleis masse. Tuny have taken
pom'ssiou t f the gatewaj s of commerce
an I colleot tribute at sue.
out let or hlndranr
.usumed that the
who mutt live or
to serve thei
th rone
nigh, an
aji ii ii-Ax,oiina vAnat. Ti
llage you heard anybody say since
Fred Schmidt became a candidate for
county treasurer that they were araid
Fred o d habits would come back on
him if elected.
As evidence of Col. Bewick's effective
work in the campaign read the State
Journal. The Col. baa evidently been
stepping oi the Journal's worm, and
the Jourtal does the squirming in place
of the worm.
Senator Allison has left his seat in
Washington and has taken the stump la
Iowa to try to breathe a little life it to
the republican corpse of that s'ate. We
are not informed whether he expects to
remain for tbe funeral on the seventh
day of November or not.
Senator Voorhees, who is now the
champion in the senato of the repeal
bill and the mouth-piece of the presi
dent, has probably forgotten that he
first obtained his seat as a greenbacker
against Joseph E. McDonald who stood
then where Voorhees does now. But
men, like republics, are ungrateful.
The farce of Mosher's sentence and
Imprisonment is still on the boards in
Omaha, and the Journal has finally
come ont with some of the disgusting
facts in the case. Let the farce go on,
and let the procession proceed, but take
the blindfold off the eyes of the God
dess of Justice, and the balances from
her hands, and write over the entranoe
to the sanctuary, Justice is dead, and
what was once her temple has now be
come her monument.
A supreme effort is being made by the
republican press to make people believe
that the candidate for supreme judge,
with a superfluity of initiate, is a clever
man. Brethren this is not necessary.
Mr. Harrison has not been attacked
personally. It is his crowd that needs
defending, and the methods it used to
nominate him. Let us hear a few ex
cerpts Mr. Journal, if you please on this
point. It is methods not men that Re
publicans are kit king about. The cre
ated never rises above the creator,
Cleveland always excepted.
The Journal says it may be well to
state that the Mr. Cbappell who is run
ning for county commissioner on tbe
fusion ticket is not the republican vete
ran of the same name. That is true,
but we rise to state that the Mr. Miller
running on the Independent ticket for
sheriff is not the Mr. Miller who is run
ning for county commissioner on the
Republican ticket. The names are
very similar but the men and their
habits are very different. Our candi
date for sheriff is a picture of health
the other fellow is a victim of a severe
case of rheumatism.
The following with the exception of a few
typographical errors ia taken from the dally
Journal ot Oct 24, said to have been composed
by Ikey Lansing present incumbent, and can
didate on tbe republican ti ket for reelection
to the office of county Judge:
Yeu're not going to win tbe race,
Ikey Lansing,
But another and hotter place,
Ikey Laaslng.
You have served those spirits right
TolUng en with all your mliht,
And you'll get there In tbe right,
Ikey Lansing.
I am 'gulnst you first and last
Ikey Lansing,
And the boys your hopes will blast,
Ikey Lansing.
When the silent booths they strike.
They will Pop you. uncle Ike,
And your gun tney '11 surelysplke,
Ikey Lansing.
in tbo weary after years,
Ikey Lansing,
You'll shed penitential tears.
Ikey Lansing.
And hence these bitter fears,
Ikey Lansing.
But be ready for the fray,
And the urdeu of the day;
For you'll surely get your pay,
Ikey Lansing.
News of splendid meetings through,
out the state, that had to be printed,
rolled in on us Wednosday morning and
crowded out more than this brief men
tion of tbe meeting in this city nddres
d by Mr. Devlne and Judge Bryant
Tuesday evening. The judKe spoke
brMly but effectively; Mr. Devine at
length; and it was a speech that for lucid
B'a'ement, learning, clear reasoning and
Importance of conclusions too muoh
may not bo said. Wherever he goes be
sure and Invite and urge
and Democrats to
him. Fie will com
and AL2rZ