The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, October 26, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    OCTOBER 2G 1S3
L Hiitcilj Exporore o! ths Peoples
Who Canted the Panic, and How Our
Would-Be Ruleta Stripped of Mask
and Prayer Book and Held Aloft.
Ptiby, Pwngent. Clear. Convincing.
Mr. SjK aker, it may be well for us to
comu ritfht down to some of the canst b
of this pnic. They have been hiuted
at. but U is about time we ba4 them as
thf y are. It la stated upon bat seems
t be the highest authority, before th
fflos of the last Administration, the re
were prepared in the Bureau of Piint-
tng and Engraving 1100,0)0.0 0 of 4
ppr cent bonds, to be celd to be ba' leers
of Nw Yoi k at wba. prio. r At par.
And upon what neces-itj? The neevs-
sity of maintiioing the gold r serve at
llnO, OO.OHO. Evervb dy well knows
that t' e next day nft-r the boi.ds bad
been fs-ued ar d absorbed by tbtBe banks
In exebanu fr ih Ir go d, they ouln
have c mmabd a premium of 14, 15,
or 10, th'in providing a rake off that
tb e pt-op'e wanted to reliev you tf
Tie shke was a big one. They had
$15,100.01)0 represented on H e toard
I U-ll you, gt-nt'em-o, that this is a
big pile to havt- in fro tof ni n with the
aveiago pntd and enpdity of the
Anieriean M'iz' n, asirtid by wrae ho
are ii I American ctlz us. I he Ad
mmUtra'ioa f Mr. Harrison re'ud
that itsutj Mr. ilarrj-on is re-present d
as having taid (hat he wiatu d his Ad
muiisna'ion to b kn"wn as onn in
which the debt bad been r duted ra her
than mrei-d; and when tie tie
A'l't in btia'ion came in'o powt-r tliey
fouud a dimuiiolud res- rv', a r-eeiv
below what was cath-d ihe It gal limit of
JJu, ii y Moni'B, I do no know mu h
about juoic al la, but I d kn-w wuim-
thug b ut tbe laws of bunltieu. Io
the conduct of my bu-iui s I u in'ain
ans'ivc, IeoB'd r tnat thr only safe
way for m io c nduct my is
tn maintain a reserve f u d in th' back,
but hi-ij, I the exiiici el s'f buiu. s,
my lenM., Mccount is i educed don to
the liml' of that ret-ervt:, bat u 1 d"?
Go auo losu--a won gas. e upm. my ,jna
n-nnio ? No, sir. I th. r s- rve
fuml that I iiav. p'and n the, b nk for
that vwy urp'"r, raiu r ttai eiio.i'ii
ber u.y piS'eibions wnb a inorif gc.
Why i l ou d ri't the Ui'veri men do t-li
Baniij thiiijjV The Se-reia-y of h
Tr usi.ry ly 'c.)l-U" tb ir "bluff"
He had 4 "full hand" ant the a 4 "bob
tail." L.uhl. r
Furiliir. vo c.'imafneel o export
go-j; we exported i iu payn nt of tif
baitt'iin of t radii auaiu-ii u Wo ex
P"i ti. d that kioid and it went abn d, m
purl tu ny tins xji. n.-es f ih 24.0UO
men oi tlii rat on who luday own tbo
ba t of . nr tota" wealth I h y s i v. ' lu
BUUQrituoua cs- aud i i to encH-abroMti,
jiii'i our gold wmitiitre in pitru to pay
their t xp -I c. Then to.: re wen b tii p
ped froiu Ni-w York nenriv tiv mi. 'ions
Of go d each wt?t k. Au ge tu-ma.ii cuti
tako hi- pfiiril and pa pur au t'g ire ep
that kaa been before your vLsl nfor the
Ust fer years. Laughter This paper
contains a cartoon wbb h is entitled,
"Wall street wai lug for the lamb's
wool to grow again." No ob6 can claim
that the New York World is a bimetal
lic papT. It is for a "sound aud hon
est" money. Laughter. They are
sound, honest tuen that own and control
tbis paper; they were ''burn so."
Laughter. Thi cartoon r piesents a
distinguished lot of individuals, with
their names, and their buttouholo bou
quets, 'waiting for the lamb's wool to
grow again." Here is the stock ex
change, where the poorlambLts anding,
while the line of shearers reaches from
the b toe . exchange away up as far as
t rinity Chu ch. See the lei gth of their
shearal Here is the poor lamb, every
particle tf wool shora from him and
tbey have even fashed into bis b da, so
thai the blood is streaming from him!
Of couibo they have got to wait for the
lamb's wool to grow agalnl Ltuguter
. Why, Mr. Speaker, I ritiae Angora
goat up iu Pounrylvauia, aud I shear
them only once a yar. I find it m io
profitable to wait for a Suaood crop. I
cut my gra-s early tn the sumaier, and
1 do not keep running the mowing
machine over it ever ftw d-ybj but I
wait until tho fall for the afterumth.
bo theso people will wait. There is no
fear about ttie return of go d. They
Lave go' oi.r teem hies, tiiev have got
mortage upu our pobsbbions, i cd
low what, d i tbey want? Whj, th-y
want to we tbe wneeis of ioduatiy r
vjlro aid to hear th piii(iltit bum
again, so that they may grow a new
croo of wool, ami then rt-pcat th- shear
ing proces.
been chargeable direo ly to the artb-a
of your Wall street gamblers, who Lavs
circulated rumors by the wholesale.
Tbey permitted one of these gamblers
to goto o their chamber a few wek
ago and aoa-nnced tht one of the
greatest auks in New York hsd failed.
And how did that bo iy punish him f r
putting In circulation this falie repurtr
Tbey suspeaded him for a year; and it
la ssia bis pronts through r ar opera
tions since this panic commune d have
n tted him in o ear casb over $1i,0OH,
000. I think be can afford to stand tbe
Auo'ber thing, my friends, that s
res pi ds ble for this pan'0 is your own
New York bankers. You may stand
here, the whole body of yu f om tbe
State, and talk your patrio i-m ami
bow yu will uphold tbe busings lot- r-e-iti
of tbe nation. But be who h
eyes and has read crr ot ev n'- k"0"s
butt rthan tba Wh n thn Govrn
meiit r fus d to iue bonds, and when
the bank of California, th banks i'f
Chicago, a' d the irrt-at West rm 'o
ttie reiief of tbe Admiois ra ion b. g'v
log it gol t, your bankers In pu lUbed
interviews, wtiio i are ex'mt tod y in
he columns f ibi N w Yrn pap r.
ti n a'ened to give tbe South and tbe
West a pinch o' hard tirm-g. leans'!
you thoso br as in your m tropo'i'so
pipers. Your tiaukcis thn a'nnni u
give the (ieople of the South and V st
a taste of hard lira. s.
This oonilracy, vrrlch has htd
twenty y ar f r a- haiciJng, i ai now
roaci ed i s eu mioation aud thio bo
have tikn part in it 0uliHn , e timj
is now rliti f'r ihe o MmumtnaMoii ii'
those vl laiul sanl the wuoliSaIi roo-bi-ry
of tbe people.
Am-th r tbliirf, Mr Spo.k. r, which 1
th Uli i ropiKJKt'il lalU. Chl'ttCti I uu i
bhs n-s pui'nui h of those who a intitiu
eil thi Congrcrs b cail-u lu-xirwndt-nary
region, or luiiuo d ta Ex eutivo
f tnia na: ion to call i' What fH'iniu e
Duaiueab iair t la thfi uhi iou hi.-i) i
lor i ho a mbli n ot Coi gr t at Una
timc'r" liut i N w Yok onKna a. d
I see.tbat my New Y rk frtoad. iost ' !' Tl "
that thero is but oui run.-dy f -r tbisliU., .ia, L t tho call t'r au trn.
trouble, aud this iathe ionue of buod-tu s stou no is-ut d, tul u oium iim pa i j
malntaio g id aud put ui upon a o id aw" u'"' tt,w :o .u.ry will b.. uil
. ,,i k i r ii .i rum; bu-u,e s will uu iu oiuiuu-t
uii.iicial DioU. Well, Kent einon. ... . . .. t .
, ' CliaUl Olf I 111'ltV tt I I 11M I. l i . V. l l.
sufposo wo agree to Isbuo tbo 1o0,0u0,- tjouie." WnS not tbti o u pr..tio y,f
OijO oi bo ds mat you de.ruuud, how long Auu In m t ed i Uiat tho or 1 uu l u
wit. it b- b fore yu will want, another tt" 1"U' a d " lo ,l,,IM hu"w
150,000,i0i?throohJo.r o spr .y eZteZ
you ca i iui, this tl.iO.'JOO.OoO t at you A ,it, muti - tho don.and for this cx ra
oy lo nemH o y uow, wu cau not. y"u, eB!ion.' lour b iiiis f trid
throe u mhi hon ie. pivs ns your ""KJIi fcX'"tt"Sf . yuur up u
Tr,K.r. nmw i.,.;.,...i.. , ih. no,-.B l, 0 m.u. ro-.i-'U Hio. i,
, .. , t y.,ur vaiupli. s uu .a ttuiuau I.Uub.iv
Th people a tn 'fix-D'lin party ot tt stat
tnitorm and rrnffli m ho plallorm of principles
aa iaia aon iu IBs uin .n niAiioriii oi amy
4ih, 103 Ttii wiMloro of ihti urnri tbrre
ma'-aa'd tba Juatit af tb dmiaadit ilierx
or.nuiKuj ar erenmorean'arentii .wuian
Lb en VUr truth theru enuu. itn vhal"We
meet la ibe u.lum of a br-usn to ibr
frve of motal iwl it. ul ul ruateruit ruin.
has bcn ful j Termini by tun a to of thn nva
enl oiultbss. iiaw In m lai towuon n-u
and by ih pruwuv nnaneU coudlllon oi ai-
mit ourruiire p o I .
coudVmn ih" leader of both ihe repnbtl-
can and rteuim rati- parne woo am templing
toiienioraiize biiver, inrnt placing id duki
ne tif it e couuiry on a gold imhim. and we as
noun e tbvu aa tr 1om uiine UburUeH of ibe
petipla. and we rei erat our deiu.n i f-r tbe
f ree ooina . of s iTtti witn bavxf gold l'b ft
ra lo oi is tu l, anu toe ueu.a a oi me prea o
c-uicres- the pw-Bt? of aucb taw. m e approre
auu Mpulautl lu- tu.ia of our courrvimm u.
A. MclvrlKbHH aud . M. Kem. lor tbeir oppo
sition to ioh rep. al of Iba purcb olliK ciauca oi
lue ao-cail'-a abermn law, aua also ul ' . J
tti 7 nil of ibs ut dta let eiec ed a- a dem
ntianlyed, i hat w- are In favor ! a nervlce
Detilon o our soldier i.pnu a ito i a t a
ourt of r com of a B.'iior .Je nioi buitf" and
upon a reasonable pro. if, mic . p vlo- iwa-toa
uineo anq allty r- gruiea of rank. And
ae him In favor of au aildnlnuai amouut batted
iiiNiii ih a..r e of iIbaiUUu. hicu ball be
ibe uie.t8tire of the Ha.i.e
We dem.tu i tai all railroad, t letcr ipb aud
leleiinon ilnea anal oh ow .eu aud couu llrd
i f ibe KoverMueiiV, un erpowema urU'ii- f
emlu tildoii'atu, ami 0iaUd u tbe inu-r si
and for ine beu. 01 of tb" peoiile, Uft u i iu Ibe
UjUT'-btof AlUlTll-n i fcu ollenu Hbyloo-H.
e are oppHW-U to union of cbur.-b aud ulnte
la any form or uuder uny eXl wnalevei.
Wed m.iud tlial t e freed'-tn f xpiyrh ud of
Hie nreM -l a I ever tie m'Wa nea; laat b re
Shall be no r I IK U i f r office reo
pusia toaitaeciKhor ieu hiii si orK miut
U ni b.iau ou re 1 u p rju l.' aa oulmry
KMUnitpIrl and KeblUoo oui and
liioruuuuiy uu- iu-.j n. We uur.wrv.Kliy
approve oi ur Auieru i' free nb oli-yBU-ina
a inrtauH of l"puiar edurailon. nud we aie p-
pin 10 ay uivrimoii oi Oie pulillu M'b iol
lunar, of ia e for rmrlan ur H a
... u nouure ilio rri.ii .iican mlmiiilmrawou
of i lil-. ht e hIbo ibe Ui'lKei iepu ll
pieaa ana llieir polllii'liom ami hp abil
iro.u t e pr- ai roMiruiii h.iv been d- ieiv
liii Hie iieon e ci. tmiiiii in Hum w .it on. f
il. bi, wljilt iu Nplie oi ihe be.vy i,ix- Irv ed
fr ill ye r t ear, tb re in nearly 7U'.0Uou
i n iliitf w.klT i iic iiiKin w ill h iuxiii eiii iiia
rt-iU.tcil o ny Mil ..null I I or 7 p r
c 1. 1 e itMiK.UTe in euipbatic Inm- i tie
Maeoffi. t 'o Ian ui i"imH'jtiani'-
i'i-rof 1I1.1 0- hiii of , t h.ii r, pivhl cut if
ibe 'i.iai .Na'i'Miul tink ly mIooii Hie r.ia e
w ' HWiii iietl ou. ii 0. further .y
n t e. rv offli:. i- who e .in y umier "U" law
ivhb io wfU'e me lout' of Hi e. bniil e
tie it in r i ly a it au on "ally irnMiLrini fur '
ib to. -u y l'i-t
. e (ieiliilml Ih-" lile'S fo:0''lll'll' Of t'leliW
tuiowi io, ibe NcwiM'i uu t i' h- r uiiUi urn
of ri ltfii' r: ei. e d-m inl tbt epenl flh
i ii-ieull w Jlower ng ilie p opl.- lo ele.;l a I
IHill'.in.l (.'I lllllil- Will. e. lie III t iVorof U"
ii r r i iii.'n I Ibe eiub -Ii . in .uw for lalmr ,n
II fit. Illln Up llillll ti.i lite I
W e are i pn.e.l lo be r. !!' KV letll of enif
tn" inuvl i '! r which ! d illy ilefii ivn j
the h lie t abort roi i n-tr mea im of nuiimri.
't e t mail i the pletly .it n ilio oii p ti,..
ii Inn i.iel r.ti oi .'It riiiirt w nnier id
it c lueiii l"i' c tu Ililiii in tile h J I ii tn and
, y iiif p nt eiin ry -ly itln ,
. e .iii;titi tiia' 'bp picite rp'tfum u i
r. .uiijl Uu h" a ii leuii-'l to (In- inv-m.
in.- i .if Ii- -'a e m bo .1 tu ul-, n i . li wl b ;
I II law I ' pl! in x l lie lletiiirll of mo- lllllil t
Broad's Denm'ni Store.
1124 0 Street, Lincoln. Neb.
Now for your
Fall and Winter
We've got the grandest 6tock ever put on' ado in Linc-ln, at
euch pi-ices that 'U can all affoid to have two or three
hats. MILLINERY was NEVER a Cheap
Felt Sailor 'kits ...98' ts. others ask $1.2) for
Felt Tourist Hat 98cts. others ask $1 50 for
Fr-lt Divus ha s h-ice of a big lot. ......... . . . ...... . . ,98c
QuU'h anv c lot earh ,5c
FU'-y fertthr-rs Hc aiid upwaVds.
See our New Pattern Hats.
Di'iru r. Tea aud Table war.
J JVM P. iWorat d, hjid nd Fount 93c, worth $150.
See us before buying: Tinware.
Picture Ftane S.r (ytats and upwards,
Miirtly ( sli with u-.
pivs n &
lotUti sibuvasury and dra out tlin a st . iNuUmy ot uiiil.j.iiu i-o hA" -
, . . . ' J . H..llv.
I'-llfll It'
tile i-pl-lH lire IH leciir.l t . t' I' ottd o' n(
Ral ruad Tiiim-TaM.
he " .'t 1. Wes tin II
(F"S "T mSllil'- WO V I.I KY K H.)
u pur oo' . iuhtii a ' a c tt
IK K T ' Yf t: I 'Ci ' HTK T
( o' tin' oiih I nee lo nil ii"l Ut in i tinned )
I I. "It
K el I t ' Hll I'lIX )
i i y -t t' i, i iu )
v re.fl 1 I "Wti. e i-r !
K i . i' i t . , He I
in. i i n A ii-
t'c . "like J
"mail I
Com eons a n! wily leLMTf, ,ib'itif th'i
tlit I'm to US : tlio inilier us tu;-, ' f r
on i tie .ii tu ul i lit) (i v. ruiut ii iB
t U'-.-i ati o is uut c, io u -a tj.i I r,
couBji'tc , Jo ; tiu't y l a. j;r on a k,
! i. no I N'liioi t, or-)
ll'U. " IV I J., f J,
I'lntJ ll i inn itnr
oi i rm f) ' p i
' 1 . i . Li - it wool . , J
Fre . i m'.i) i. it , ,
rcmonl 18 i ht. .. .
1.6 Vi
tri e.
goi.l re-erve ani. a-n) then com n.-ro : u to.s lu ...n a tt d tor aaocoial ti. ts,o . . "l r 1 " r . ":.? ,
- - , i I'-nfw tin- tit i n tiiw r-i 'i ! ii ihiuimt" 'l
and d. mind liOH. Al m...... r hi. VilrffSS iS DoU o tu en inu iu .. tin- fL'im un ih a rn
' . , de) .laud d t I ii. O.iu v. St fio'l u asi'-iU :-'! mem "er rs It. r bv 'ftlrd unr linany
ttSUU uuditoual iu.tiU on ih lu- bic. S,, jl,. tdcll,d MM itfr,., ! w - k,l"t ' ' " "rt""
dU-ti'lt-S tif lb.0 nation? An m). ilidfl,- tn- iiro luuem i,f n mi. t,n h nih.i, 1...J '
iU'ly, you ctrry ou thl-. pr- c es ''m t '- a"ro' f'oioo u i.4 i u ' . Hi.
untl ine wcat h of an tniirt iiat on will A pi,4U'A.. 1 "'" ",UJ'U a.uo u-o.
, . m , i .i , . . ir 111 tit. 67,0OO,0r of .AtHcl lot UilUiu,
DOtel'ffio io fd tho grcd Of lucre Oa.,roil ,, jini, A1Jl, . ,,,. .
CODHiiirHtors. I fiiiaj. iai vnu io . littve t,a.. u .n,.: hat i
You of th panlo I ' 'd''u "w "
bo. know IL hts cttutb: but kiiowr.i.r r. ..i..., i
Me: for two dicti'utiL-d Mr, r, i tavi btaid intiu i
fft'ii'l man f rom O'ii'i Mr Hm-tei h i ibout tno o.ila of a 11111 u'-u j. il lui-souury in t e HtlJ. The ,u ioioo ot i,a
dt t . , , . , . - o-.iu tu tu ty.ij, biMii IJ t' Wll It' Ittl lll
-tuitfuii.ii'd tx-ta mVr.if Ui-. Hons-, a.u. . an. hi, ttuus.nd, ri....
Ol. Gorge Pivd Wliliinrt, u Al.iHSi- ct.l D iVtd in- u ins i. m o, (u
C lUi-eitc, aitd tho O'hor ;;iutfro ii no, ; ' ' s, and ruubiiav (J, Hi tu 0. hi a
haV'i lili. d tuec lu.ur.s of tt.n Arona, " " ,iW lvi" vl
. U V I TT . - r. P lUSB J
tta - rorum, tl.o N .rin Auir.fau tly , Ano t r nav tt for fiiia.icial '.,.,,
vi w, tliu American Jot.rnai f lolitio, and oo itii. 1j itie fear ol ..hi ijcoi J" laa
a id otlTt-r in) !ra w th ttir'ir predi :t'oiis ''8 ! "9 1 ' mijio tio i av,i uuu-
o- di a-U-r to ctime if wo did not ir.:t"lu"' u u' a 8 r"y UUK't,i 1 ul "
..... I tic Otno o ii "iiiutjroiai irumuU'j s may
U! .11 U Until god biSIS. .,. v.iructlu, UaLk.r...t h, ....
Tim news and editorial roluinvsof tbe ! Wuj iny f - icitd?, 1. tv la i'oi.ii-itu u
fro,).. 1 an .apeihuYe -o.ut.liw i the : w..lou I iu lh0 M y,ix bank, ia .. ittu
p.d dv- rtis...-uts of tne &.d cttqu-i j t,f ,t,js b,d, . 1 i h o.t
T tw 1,-ounit'j) e kliwn have oneo rrui Wuuol g. i l. 1 . r ai,u ii ut.ii a u i' us
toi.i. of "boik r p ati s,"' U'.-coiiiiiuii-d by : 11 l- tl"41' u t),,l,u U.ou iv -ts wtj
World's Fair
l 85 p m. 2:':tlp m
Tale a Tumble"
7: " m
3:5 p m
tl 1 a in
m. i'?;vf1 p m
; i p in
5:3"p l
;? : o .. m
M W'lU i '' iih. w.iIwhv
I Irhet (nil. e ul, ti-hii ttn.i eornei I am
I I Sl r.--
v il'lm II , .Veli , : .
I mi ?. .';lv In r, m
III. i ,H i'l', i iv
I ' (m iijlii I-.m.i'.'
r ri", I'lit, ..
'ii: ;(.
ii i, ii.
i. i. i-
ill 511 n ih
14 J" p m
ri Ivee
" :t ii 11
5 in i 11
' 4 il 11
: San
tb(! jto do! tho cou'.iry;'' ;nd If th y j 1 .--us .rj nou:, wuich tn u
inii ut Lliiit. tiiiii-, t bch blii) lni-ui, of a
Uiiil on vtd a lo-s of $2,000
Wo i-e'i lou.. tli it pold but who Bt-Bt
it? Were tli y Auiericaii ciliz n ? I
do not know ; t hej tu y tiave bce"Uin : o;
but. I ki oiw it was untout by Heidi I
tach, Ick-1 tiun r& Co. and i-v Lazarus.
FrcH ? &. Co. Th' y wi ro thtr agi a o;
the Ho JiBchild, wiio wtro ix.or'lng
Uiis jiO'd- It was ue di d to it fund tbt'
Auatrian d'ht nnd pico ti at c u 'try
up n a tola b sis. Tbi'i?o m-'i paid
th. ir pri'tnl'im ul $2,000 on cu $1 000,
OtiOiTjr 'd, imd tlit'ti 1 roft!ileo m jf,.
OTon liowol t hey do it? 11 cy wet t
iulit th - lliarket ill d l-o U U.a1
U-urk- t 1 ii i.iuiilr d th'U ant n u t
short Hid t!rt'inil a n iitiou Tho dr
pr u r i'tit oi 'lio va'u u f a- I 1
tr id. -tl ii'Mii in 1 lie ci 'j of N w Y"t
sin - ihi tit'n r" ri.ii.jin t:u b tin
aui"U .t'ti 'o ov. r Itl 0 -i,CSi t.0. 0.
l),i jtu fi'itr tli a' tt' d is li"t iiig tn
Cliun.' ttfi. iiiuiiiiii ctit.trr.' i tn t
llil flo.'bi. nboi.t I'. Til V txnii'tt.i
s u. ma' o. t f their uu'.o'y d' -!, u
!5o vaa vluh ! .. t ... ... 1 .. . 1 , . 1
" " W .'VI. lb II 1 I.
nPKMDtST ahrifi 1. . ... V .
J lllfl HTH WA IRtl linn, m i.K..iKA.
t fill remain a subscriber, recewlns
"lyou bars read aaJ beroms ao.
3trd with tho pajwr. that w will
1 It tilt January fur fifteen mqIs.
4owo atonotf and send us y ur ad.
sua put in tUwps to pay ut. Or,
r ft six ut your a'tghbm to taks
la jou and wnd us on dollar.
lt Iwlruo that th por ba?a no
to tho prt.fwrty ol tho rich, bt It
a.-ciarva ibsi tno rlub bars no
Ytho'rty (tf tho por. '
t Uwliair of Kantas.
U10 klat of Ulk, ll4t how
. tint Istit half f 1! aouods t
havo bta tof Uly latUlltij; pq
';rrt ail thots year. Krry
'3 4 lo cut tl tho Hr and
) Uh tho ork t.f the 8hy
y a shtWk of horror a -d
: don't fet ellJ. V m-
ii.4 ordor, and af Ust having
'' )owaklaf fvr tha tHiopU',
th rtal auarvhUt oUy
th t, at vi. e ran b of exch ngn pa-vatl-' r' l!l , u '' ey wt-re iti'ow. d t.o p tbtUri it : '- ' u l "i o 111 11.. now." n-
an adv. r;l,l g rat. s. I d. ot hi inn l "u 1 " u Utt" "-"u 1
, . vvuui to to d r 1 11 d a Ui. iu auu U. . ou
the lapers. ltieymed tu- num. y m a,,,. A , ,ur 0 uou.-u
tri -ro Mtrd I nly blame t tern Air. L XJL luc i Ueroat i tlio di-
fori., m'.rkliig' their t dittriai aud ti.-cuon.
n-wB '! t, h.-ad of e lutsiu, u xt, to . M' f4 ayV1Y, '-' ,,!'
, . l' tU i I'll t- (.HI- LllitJ rU.g bie, I, I!
r, a-.iitife' uiaUvr. ; c ne iuo .e.auu .. u ii. 1 do a i,u ;
The jrold standard m n have howlnl o-o go s t. Ire u um aud tuo otlni-
oid-m.ty It.r two jtars 1, ce-sactiy. mailjlf 1 B-'8 ,ul 1 ,
, , , , L. 1 H) Im f ti-, H iutt ti n aruu-tiiif 1.1
Ard when aitiemrwi -f tbi, U.iu,. or a 8lt lu ill s ulU n..d 1.. ar tli. ui u, h,,
ci i.eix of thi-. na ion pivtliet' d that t ns tnat tin- diitc t u stsnooi'. o. imi -i ;,!,
atiuik upon silver tbi d' eryingol th 1 u ' mtru s lini v tveu oi tu. itiuu.t.i
credit , .fine tuition, this le-e 1., of 1 "bo "l t A"d V "" " 0
1 ut 1 iv 1! It ro t tuti"Oltt ol titMit B htr
the V!Vlu - of at! p -..duo , C ud nut ,-,a lu.-.ii,. ii, 1 e , ti :i .
h itijf diMait'T, jou ehurrfi d us w.t 1 h.- , ndj.-. tii-i oail. u. i- nek, .tint tli lr,mo .
cu!bUliy 1 owl rs Y- t if 1 In re 1 as '' 11 hnu t- tuat tin- i9 ia;a ot e ..j-
btMiin ro ea! mi y h-wl. d iba.i I. v- d, " ' ,U1 "c U,;;U ' " 1"tV j ,; ,u'1
, . d 11 o olid ii'- will f.M'i t) im j, a. 1 !,,
beu lovc.d ..y our tin yms.i, d Wm, uH I,. '. ti,t-.t iv.u.l 1 l.m- ,. 1,, , d ..,
frn mis ol tlio ot'H r i io, 1 do t .1, k 1 w a n.4 k cm e 1 1 .1 o ! n wn. it. 1 1. 4 j
Where la the ' of llttii-a'uro to liud 4,;V',t "nm-nad- t t.n r m . ,,,
'VI , 1 ! lV t.l Oi l t. t 111. 4 il' Ih
1 tii'- i ltd 11 ut 1 "v ti..i.k; t-"' 1 e , .,
riiem 1 aw b eu 0 )1,1 c.n,. ,.(,!! Tti s) 11 i ,t . .u y LjVu . u.i 1 1. u
pti'i t- Th-y 11 tv.- li t o intiit ro'4" u ; u in, .um ti ' n-f" ' 1 1 o 1 0, ; .U:
11' ! ,. r til ll il-u.t 1,1, H.UIH J. 1 n
.... 1. . I. . .. I 1
I wiil t.-ll yn.l !tu. IU ul, huiu'it; ., . .... I !.,,,( .. ,.. . .... " ."'
i" " J " ' " ' " "
J l-'yiU'-nt -h (!- thi t v n r et'it 1 , i'i'. .-. 01 i , 1 1 ' i n d - ! r l,y
sihe for a 11 r f If. i h b.iv Hitii ui-titi'i. ml S' - I o i.'id to- .u ..1
i .unto,- In ti,!- vi j uf N V . ki'.t1 . tl
t!f tl f tut s iiib I t ti - S 1 nk ,
k tows aouith Hi' vint' ',. K 'hi m
C ul'. (L u'i't i.J A itit'.;' e' .b u i
1 1 'v s'k in a 1 v tt 0 .! in- ai- n'tiui,; f
United HUM nuo ud i- u to 1 r .1
quui4 hero yefctrtU
"ZLZlle ui. ,,,,,,', t -J - . "( ;;. -
1 t'l M " ., It 'I b it t tl ll ".lii
llloll .. 1. -.It .LI. 1 1 .- 1 . 1 1 tt 1 It. 1 1 I . .. . .
nncauun i,nill IBM W(8 ........ ,,!itl , v t. v t 11 . t' 1 u . Ii I ,itt ,
tj.,i -I. I'at 'hi Ki wy
HI". I, I IH ..N Ml r 'it -Til -.1. BT
li h,,
' hit ... 1, ' tin ' It
h , v-i ,
rf'e v. I . ... ,
M,. in it lui- r'.iu
On n iI'hii 11-' ...itl I
VV'.'-I. 'I' -IH'li t, );m j
II ' -l!l .1' ll - 11 h j
II v ut fNl v. 00 . - i . .
i iix l.'m, 1 tt I
It' ; hits I trf!
-n 1 .tin , IU fin, J
"vit. r " ttit-i-. .111' I
I'.T'lun.l j
1. . ri. . I'l' I "' rt '"' . . . .
t ,i:nj
a t.
'1: in p ni
HI i in
v 1 m
t ":t;g ;i 1,
4; p 11
111:411 a i
: n (i n
n:.'j n
't'tri'iti, e ifni'n fti Mi sui vl et
va ..itj
li iH.t, to nor F.i- 1 rt Tl Mtrerts. t Itv tie kei
. rl'l'.-e IIXtHnlreel
It. 1 I .rt've
'A ah 0 I re"i- tit, V t
n ll'M I
.u l is. 4. I,
I ;;jt, it. if t s 111 (i n.
7 .1 r
1 2 05 p -
r, i'
eo.i j,
lot not
I I' A " I"
1 1-1 ll'l .ll'i
i li.f tn im V I- j tt l a .11
win -it .!. ty , a 4. lit,; it . ,,
t-' 1. tt. t I ,'" ,ti v, or ti
1 w ik u it '1 (.n,' .. tl .rt.
111 tu .11 1 1. i t i: i.i 1. uu I .it,, I a . th , to-.1.1 it. tt 1 !.
!,.t, y .f" tturi . , .1 lu .It ,t f.
Ml tl ft!
II it au h r V t:. t ti .1! ,) i mm
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11 I t n; 11 it. n 1 1,
'..' - 'V 1 H SHI..)
)'. tt tj H )
,V 4 'le;! d Me 1, r tn
Anytime between October and
oUi yon can buy a roinul (rip ticket over
the IIUKLINtiTON "ISOUTE to (hica-o
for $11.55, good returning till November
Tliis Is tbe last call. Oo now or never.
In two short weeks the gates close en Ihe
grandest exhibition Ihe world has ever
Known. You cannot afford to miss it
The IJurlington oHers you Ihe choice
of eight daily passenger trains between
Lincoln and Chicago. Apply to Komiellat
IJ. & 31. Depot or Zlrmcr at City Ofllco,
cor. 0 and lOlli Sis, for full Information.
I It I V' il -,"il
tti' I e. ! M ' 1
In. I t ti ' '
d M ' It r
I ,
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. . ii nt ' ! m.
m . ii. it
t ii
' t
.1 . u
e I
1: t,
I t
!' '' a m.
1 :i.' , , .
ts . m.
atlvertiwrment In another coliii" lJ l''u
John (LUIIaa of IJbcuIb, th lots ? v ' " '
a-t . . . ..-I ill'
.i'ii. ( (.' tu a ..1 tt. ir i . k
4i t
t tie u 'i.t.vii at. l I . 1. 1' 11 tn 4t
a(l , . , 1 1 in. oirr ttr-f t i tn u a, a tti
Bnely lucauid aod .111 bear uMgl Ut 1 r. ai ma, . !. W .t ,,, .r. , .v
a priu- , , f ,r lrt .v,i..iie i.f a',., ti. r
Mr, J. U. Hotftu. Omaha, ha r.
turBd frwu Hpaln with hU oow Im.
rortailon of 123 rrvUvrrd Muanl.h an.!
Italian Jacks. 8o ad. In saothtsr !
l'w NorthsUri tirw ta C'h!ca
l-w rahs. l'at trains. Ofrtl III?
dy .'
1 1 1. ii
1 1 .1 t In -. , tt 1 1 SH'j ui I 't in,
If 1 U. ll ' !'
I t .1 1 1 .. ut " :lT r m
'.r . I) 1 h K r - I i
, .. i(! .'. i ; . nt a in
,... ifr .,, . r I j I
Vft ('it t m " I ( ! i
hi i..o a ! U- . ti t. 11 I 4"' ft at.
1 i !
t it ' a n 1 t ( . j I I
. in C 1 t " ll p . l ITs at
f 1 1 mt ?! ' f
! I-m. 111 1 I'm tlit-.
Tho Mi- Ult I'l'iif. i- Mi! tuny I'll.a
'tt tv- Ul. i)i, i'i'!tnit to up r ij
t. . n o ''Mn iv in ir low rat t
't. w U1 V f ir it'eo t. f Ij n all
nt rn ou te t !t lo th M.oth
1 I! V f li'i en t' ttn itirir.l1 fur. ht' I t) a'
I ,ti M t I.Im-o it N. h i K K. Mil, 1 1 k
' ' T A .t M Iniiti Mo. of IL r
TivNl SJ Ci & T. A
Wutof Jwii write tu tntt uf uur adrr
tir, ha sura Ui maUtMi Tun AlU
i rmmtil itii.riiii.a u tt t Hi y li t
nil -hl.t I. ai.tif. 04. 1 1 .t f
1m 1 a . 'v nomtt ii.o't of ,i',
a'l-t a u.titn f (. ..i rut n la
t)ruf. I'tta It t.t for a ,t ul I .No
tf, f t t N t)t4 ' MVMi"t rt d !t r
ll i h v t ( yitd r .'iiiHt'in, Inp
Niiiiiili'S tf 1 UtK a ts.-ry
auu uf t.t' ',!'' 1 "" M vtrti- h mh st 1 i v w
hk kod tn tti.t ! b -'. h' I, r-tav. (vaU. a Kan Ww,
I . p t II
(". S ' I "
at t , ti.
1 rit lk l'tt WM I ! ttj HI.
1. .. . (I
im.. a t. .a ti
a t . ...
I .DrU f 1 1. Ml. V I I f 1 M JIB thp. m
1 1 I I I I
t.t I I t I. ft
t m an 4 f 11 m a at
a Yt it li' I tSa i Hi at
.! I.1.-1 .. . (I I
Illy llt M ' .
l'l';i3 HWf a
4 ' l M
m s . a n
1 a..
T- la "a
k-i.-. at
I t .ih ata
. att . tua M t Aia at
!,,, it 0 fc trttrlUViIli. txi ilia ' '" twt4f W V w 1
in'a-1 uo a tvru.tft waaa. OUtswllUi t. wwA.itM.rta 1 I u at ,
cotuaia, vi juim j, i.umau it" "- ai tvsj
It i.e..x i.i...ii . ... .... ft ...... tml
. . "- V.W tWf4TtP1 J WH
l a tlMia
II. I t I.V M I'l ft W
Tin i-'htr tiay I i a' tlttr iif the m
j itnd 'atMi'fa ftr luiiitttm Irattl
ihl 1' uri' rv S)i;
r a" alw.t.linj t) p'd ay. t' l!
t Htfh'iff h rae tlih trtMa.
d roitM" tt at a!f th tMorhr
fiatr alr.ttjf mu'it with thi
! d and ihr '. ;t. ru n'
iitrMlatr krtt.aa ta II. nntatr.v n
s't'n'iti Wtvh ihf u w 'towh !am
'h r ran br at aMthiitif iart
'ttw riii'iait'fc it t.i,tnalt, M iJ,,
rt-art ta ' tHit ftJt erd tittflrr tht
w, a l ta 'at a of athaa, u
llliwtw rtN df'at h.4 luiUK fa
eti lau ihi atr
I ha btil.Ust ilawrh tiirrti, Uimm
rar I'lufnlnavst ta ftU'ra, Mrw la a
tss iha Uah r 18 U)wsa ratSlta all
ha rtntil.ii erftdlUufia an asf4l)
iV4 1 Mr. lww.
Tt.urlMo i ri
lUlI'lld lrtf III Hi tin' I'it'lfil! Iv'.'li-I.
Stiort ' r'jtott,.' N''a-n I U-.-flS
tl I inrttJt
I lit t.rt l Salt lkt
T.' l..?i.iit' ,Vni.a! I st'K "i'c lu.tct
art.r.dt if tit .Htt 4io hl ritU'ni
liijfft St uitd, li t' V.Hi! .:'iari a if
irir I'lM 'tif it WtU
t T ,MiUM'.T. A., le4 O St.,
J H. Mj Ithil . h Ait
'ni In, fC
Nl iiwtiurt k IW tfvrH'f he ft-rj
t i-i ia l. r rtHi'Hl ir'p ttrk hi ikp
Wttr'it'a Fair, itatl fur nt I'll M VJ
No ta-r IA im. A ha pla-d
ihi al.- au Btt-r UmtUt 'H-ket th
lintw U ra a- ran l irrHvd 'if
ta llt, at ttim l? HI .tet, -ta,
NVK. J E It Mii LfR. t. T A r II.
V ToWNfcM tl I h T. A. St, butt,
IW hr aV ruwwr .a 'H'I irf r
r4 WMtihaatjlr 'a -a, imiw ruw
sift? sM dolt ( ttit wh tttt!a,s; ii4
ti1 c titi at rt I'mitf Wha W) ttii
Ut fJafsWa a4l will 'ak a iitrtuK ar
linnrt aad atait"f nab. H i or
wrtiw, KaRvrnA I'viwi.tit.
Ri. fm ll lti tigs
t'w Ntwihra Haw iliimsrw
L rak. Tt Vat. Offitw !3
0 H.