The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, October 26, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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    OCTOBER ?G 1893
Tha Giant BIowi ea Hip and Theigh Fall
Tht Money-Cbaogeia not the C!au to
TU U Wtil W Need An Ever
Growing Dollar Not Our Want.
Oar Own McKelhaa'e Speech.
Mr. Speaker I ahall not attempt to
onceal my disappointment caused by
the message of the president. Ilowever
patriotic In bia motives, hla rfcommen
datione point to the conclusion that I be
platform upon which he was elected ia
an interesting document, not on ac
count cf what ia eought to reveal of the
intentions cf bia party, tut for that tbat
H tough t tocooceal. j
Tbat the situation is jfrave enough to
warrant th'a ipeclal aesalon of congress
no ono denies. Productive industry lie
prostrate from the atrangulatlon of ad
wjinlstratlvo rnon'imetalllsm, enforced
Ill ness has tilled tho land win men
and women that are asking us for an
opportunity to cam tholr bread; shell
. We "give them stone?"
This is no time to sold or criminate,
0 time to mte out to political parties,
the share of blame belonging to eah of
thafu. Sir, in this discussion Piiato and
Herod have been made friends on this
ioor, and tbe political Judas has shown
no disposition to go out and bang him
self. But there is a tomorrow for poli
tical parties in this country, a tomorrow
that will bring condemnation and death
to any political party that turns a deaf
ear to the Just demunds of our people.
There it) a Ood thst rules over tho of men and nations; a God
tbat la not deaf to the earnost appeal of
bis bumble poor; a Gad who will see to
It that the desire of the people of the
great nation shall ''not fall," but shall
oomo to bloom and fruit sot alono for
those who dwell in a brown stone front,
but, sir, for these whose dwelling plane
may bo in the log. cabins among the
mountains or the nod -built homes of tho
Western settlers,
I have read with diligence, have lis
tened with eager attention to single
standard discussions and to thoo who
hold that action without European co
operation would bo disastrous, and have
been unable to discover any fint, even,
of attempt at an answer of our i.rgu
nients or denial of our farts hardly
any appearance of tbeircomprehetdlng
the first principles of monetary science
from tho standpoint of 6taUmarifh'p.
Ndwhero in tin ir deliverances can bo
found any proposition!) of elementary
doctrines or guiding principles, except
the wishes and Interest of foreign credi
tors and that we should have stability
in the value of our money.
Tbe first of these deeiderata eimp'y
reflects tho Bclflth interests of the
security-holders. Tho second, wb'io
perfectly bound,, pertinent and elemen
tary doctrine, is rendered utterly empty
by tho Idiotic assumption that stability
of gold Is proven amUhownby thffiiit
that 23.8 grains of It, which under c m
pulsion of tho law the mint certifies in
to a dollar by gratuitous coinage, baa
the sumo value in bullion as in coin,
It is the infatuation cf bigotry, cf
lil fish net s and stupidity, or it Is sheer
hypocrisy, that those gentlemen do nut
understand that this much-vaunted
"parity" of coined with unclccd metal
is purely legislative, and will accrue to
any metal to which the statu to would
give freedom of coinage.
Consider a moment the emptiness of
this logic, 2o.8 grains of gold by coinage
eeoaute the instrument by which gold is
priced. Under such legal conditions,
gold can bavo no other than tho mint
prio", ad that is pricing goM by Itself.
A pound of putty or a pack, of boancan
bo shown to bo constant In value if
measured by itself.
Hut tbe crowning logic of lunacy Is
reached by tho claim tha. sinea that
piece of gold was worth 100 con's last
year and tho yoir before, "and U still
worth exactly 100 cents," therefore uo
change baa taken place in tbe mean
time. It would oe d I moult to find a
more palpable piece of nonsense than
If olg iron was fiuihloued gratuitously
Into cook store there would be parity
of value between the stoves and the Iron
In It, and there would bo constancy la
the value of Iron estimated In stoves.
Out such necessary relations would be
aseless as a guide to the larger ques
tion as to whether Iron and stoves to
gether hat! not f really changed la value
a estimated ia something that was not
Iron. Nowhere Is the lab-cUlty of our
Ivsraarlea more conspicuous than In
this noUoa that the alleged stability of
money metal can bo diimoont rated by
en pat Ison to s money unit, constituted
by lav, upon Itaelf .
Tn,vwiUoa, MWUl U tae rate it
which goods iwsp for money?" const!
Idles the beari 4 slnaw o this whole
abject, I i U prtoes, pries sod forever
rlees. T value of money Is oonttuit
aa prices ajr lUW The proposl
Uoais fuadaaifaiat, and Is as vital tod
atraltaaaouai and tenable theory
f money as It U the detsrwialsg
faro of succ- In feudist s uf the brn
Be nee of commerce and tquiiy In Uroe
contracts. Any constitution of money
ucdt r which a protrarHd fall of pr ces
yrar after year Is porsible Is a vlctoos
one, though all the money mongers f
tho woild grow ).oare !a calling it the
best money "
Not in the counting-house, not among
money-changers, not la loan ag n !,
caa b learned whether money is be
having well. Is serving b'nefMally tr
lojuriou-Iy in iu high offl c. N t ih-te
can you study the dy amies of value.
It Is at those collidons of con ti dlog in
terest known as the "higgling of tb
market," wh re mo ey exchangee with
protucti under the all powerful dml
nanc of supply and demand, 1. e., tbe
quantity of thingi f -r sale playln
against the quantity of money obtain
able for their purchase, where the value
of money as well the value of goods
is determined. The final outcome of
those infinitely varying conditions and
estimations of men Is exactly r. gistered
price;. and the same market report
which records a change the genrd
price range indicates as well the precise
change in the value of money.
It is the wenk platitude of unclean and
empty thl. king this talk of "want of
cohfld- ncH" bing the source tf our
trouble, h n no bint is given as to
confidence in what? It la indeed want
of confidence, bat that want Is b rn of
want of m ney and a plentiful lack of
confidence in prices in other words, a
well grounded assurance that property
cannot ba converted into inoiey xcept
at prices that will bring ruin to bulnes
which under ordinary conditions would
be perfectly sound.
Prices, prices, I repeat, is what is the
matter. Insistence by these gentlemen
"upon best monev," U simply a crusado
against fair prices, and that prices shall
forever become lower. To arrest that
lowering of prices Is to "dcpreclato"
our money, and that is a very wlcko
thing, you know. Groat Britain does
not want that. Tnese creditors want
dollars that are "worth 100 cents."
Well, our decimal notations as taught
In our school books will make sure that
dollars will still be worth 100 cents,
quite regardless of how they are con
stituted. Oar anxiety is as to how much
products go to make a "dollar's wotth." ,
' fc
Wu fay that a dollar that Is worth
tbreo bu&hela of wheat in Nebraska,
five p' unds of wool In Ohio, 100 pounds 1 Platte county, is a candidate for as
of at el rail in Pittsourg, fifteen pounds Ynatj.CoIor . verj
of cotton in JNaw wrioics, tour ga ions
of turpentine in North Car dina, ono
and one-half ounces of silver in Denver,
etc., is an cxtort'onate ana iniquitous
dollar, and if that l as comrj about t y
legislation, then that Is wicked legisla
tion, which our prostrate Industries cry
aloud for tho repeal of. That all these
financial evils have come upon us by
to legislation of 1873 is plain enough.
Had tbe spontaneous and rapidly In
crc&tdng fl w of silver to tho mint for
coinage in'o standard money not met
that Interdict of February 14, 1S73, we
should have resumed in ailver ar.d our
dollar of accumt could never have
risen abovo thu commercial value of
3714 grains of nl:ver. Refusal to repeal
that net in corapUel'y in the guilt of the
nctiou of that great wrong. Tho en
forced b gH'iry of hunrln-diof thousand:)
of brave bear la and strong arm cries
aiond for repeal.
Tbat continuing wrou? mut lo re
dressed. As(J'd live It filial! he re-dre-sed.
It is in the air: the s'onea of
the iidld are in loaguo '.virh u.i: tiniu is
tho X' cat champion of our ca; tho
conscience and rpldiy growln.x in'elli
gei;c f a str.eks.-n potple ie b coming
onlitfted; -the resolute purposj of tho
bravest and mont enterpriLnir portion
of this proudest nation on earth will
not bu balk-jd by chicino and subkr
fuge already planning to circumvent us
by a new ratio, by which tho weight of
our silver dollar shall bj inereaid to
as to make it "honebf as gold is
A IUKGAIN Wehavo a Rock ford
Newspaper Folding Machine for Halo.
ThU f older has boon la use but a short
time, and is as good as new. Also ono
Hve-horse power Electric M"tor, manu
noturcd by the Detroit Motor Co ,
w hich will" bo fully guaranteed. If you
wantlther tho Folder or Motor, write
us for prices.
Alliance Fuhlisuino Co.,
Idncoln, Neb.
The Lowest Rates to Chicago.
October 15lh to 31st the North-Wot-em
Una wilt sell tickets to Chlrsgo and
return, good tn Nov. 15th, for $11.55,
Through Buffet Slprt,
Gen. Agl
A. 8. PlBt.DlMO,
City Ticket Agu, U33 O street.
iVjHit A lent, Klghtn and S stwsU.
I7a Norlhwentern line to Chicago
Low rate, last trains. OlUoe 11
0 8W
Tbe Oresitst Wendst on Kana,
CreaUst by the hand of man Is still to
be seea la Jaetson I'srk Chicago. II
you who rev! this have not yet tUitad
the fslr, g pawn some of your poe.
Ions If nemnary, aed lake advantage of
the low raw to Chicago and return
October 1Mb to 3Ut, ami e this won
der. It you will tat the short line to
Chicago, me norm weowrn, om win
bo "happr ever after." For UekU,eto.,
call at lll3t street. K, M. kldlnir. city
ticket agent. W. M. Hhltonaa ftftral
agnt d(Hit, or th and . tirrU K.
T, Mxire ticket agoat
LoterMlVef IU-aM BcrdlC Vek u4
Nebraska Psopi.
Typhoid fever prevails to a great ex
tent in the state.
Corn huskers are finding plenty of
work in Dakota county.
The little daughter of Agent Davis
of Cedar IJlufTs, died from enlargement
of tve heart.
A hopeful exchange thinks times
will soon be so good that tramps will
ride horseback.
The music of the festive ear is now
heard in the land as it hits the side
board of the wagon.
On a still night the roar of machinery
at the Norfolk sugar factory can be
heard for several miles.
The railroad shopmen at Grand
Inland are now getting eight Instead of
even hours work a day.
J. M. Gear, a well known resident of
Diller, died after an illness of forty
eight hours of cholera morbus.
G. C. Miller of Furnas county has
found broom corn profita' le crop, lie
lately shipped a car load to Chicago.
E. II. jVnew of Arapahoe bluffed a
brace of would-be hold-ups by pulling
off his coat and telling them to come
The farmers of Prague are putting
op the third elevator in that village.
It will be tho finest structure of the
While tying a horse Fred Acton of
Benedict had his ri?ht band bo badly
crushed that two fingers had to be am
Mr. Hastings of Red Lion lost a val
uable horse. The animal became un
tied and ate too rauoh turkey red wheat
and died.
The Central Church of Christ of Lin
coln lifted a debt of $38,000, one day
last week, principally through private
It ia believed that tho receiver of the
broken First National bank of Ponca
will declare a dividend of 25 per cent
November 1.
Two valuable horses were fctolen
from the barn of David Garrison at
West Union and the thieves left no
trace behind them.
Of the four children of Mr. Chappell
of Avoca three have died of diphtheria,
the nnin one is very sick and
tint xrA"Vf(l to livv
Will Compton, formerly a resident of
Joshua Cheney of Jamestown, N. Y.,
is visiting his brother William at Da
It oka City. They had been separated
for over thirty years.
The Arnold News was as good as its
word and" on the 12th Inst, moved out
in search of a field where a good news
paper will be sppreclated.
The Frank J. Lawrence implement
house in Lincoln burned Inst week, to
gether with contents. The loss is esti
mated ut about 813,000.
Ole Williams of Superior has lately
suffered a severe hemorrhage of tho
lutucs. The pulmonary trouble was
contracted before coming to this state.
The one, day fair at Fullerton
c:nu'ht a crowd from all parts of the
it'ito, on j.-eeoimt of seeing so many
f .'.nous horses trot and pace against
II 'v. J. W. Jennings, financial agent
f the Nebrxsha Wesleyan university,
is .n;-:r-d in the pleasant task of rais-bj..-
v-o.o.')') to pity oft: the debt of that
i-isi ! ot loll.
) street, in Liueoln
between Tenth
Kleventh, is hnowu
ns idway
5'Jtilsane.e." because of the eorn-lomcra-li
n of a'll.nmt'nns whie.h held forth
each evening at that point.
Evangelist Redding, who w m many
,". happy conrpiest again t bin and in
iquity, lost his grip at .Uradshaw and
eould not count as the result of his
labor the rescue of a single brand from,
the conilarc.tion.
An Insane Italian jumped from a
Culoa Pacific paisenjer train at Oinnha
ii nd mauasred- to eseape. lie ha. 1 his
family with him. and on his person ho
had nearly 1,000, which was nil they
Frank J. Praeher of Hebron, who is
in Mexico will, when he comes homo(
find he has sustained a loss by tire, his
bum having burned last wo 2k together
with fiftv tons of hay, 1,000 budu lsof
oats, 7,0ot) bushels of wheat, three wag
gons, two buggies, harness nnd one
cow. Cause of tire unknown. Total
loss $;,000 with no insunu i-e.
A defective and eonl' inned bridge
aere.H the Antelope in Lincoln gave
way last week when a ten-ton roller,
four horses and two meu i ttempted to
croM it. Two of tho hoi-sen were so
badly hurt that It wiis neeetary to
have them shot, while om of th men
was severely inluretl. A milt for dam
agM hat been filed against the city be
cause of It
Roloa "Wlls, you riitutx-r that
SO I loaned you to yrmiri " VUk
"You srs not gotox to pr a frtvtid fir
aaTDtut, arsyoul" llcUon tVruinly
not. Taks your Urn. 1 only wUh t bur
law It for swUIIs." Lifa,
lfr rwkr Sayo'ir lulnd ttdrtuk
Isf sgtta. You rmut K ( f truui ls
cvailnd down to Ut bun l at i.l-.;it " Mrs,
Twekn "Naj ! wns tit Jibn t, n
?hI pututi ba h U ilrlnt iurf l fit to
ail as rao't wins twm,, l't -Ktpivwi.
"l-Hk brl" ui tha wratitftf! yug
UTr, 1 tkoaiiht jmi f to iv n
vbit tt AiVurtUac wilS It Uui
'WaS, snitrt4 tb jt nun, tlwurit
fully puU'oi his Uuvl, nt Ue' ibdu'l
turn put ni 1 xv. tfsj 'iu tj.M-l.i liaa
polts Juraat.
Tbe Ilevised Eacjclopedia Drtian
nlca For a Dime a Day.
It requires no extravigaat language
to empbaelzs the ffer which we make
to-day to our readers la connection with
the greatest educational enterprise of
the ago. This offer stands without par
allel and is an opportunity never before
presented anywhere.
As announced on another page, 10
cents a day, for a very short period,
will enab e our readers to acquire a
complete set of tbat greatest of all Ref
erence Libraries, the Revised Ency
clopedia Britaknica. This noik Is
beyond question one of the grandest
monuments of scholarly research and
pa'ient endeavor in the whele realm of
The Reliable Incubator and Brooder
Co., of Qulacy, 111 , have a very fin ex
hibit In one of the live stock buildings
at the World's fair, and for tha last few
days their epace has been crowded with
euriouJ and interested people. The first
hatch from their machine on exhibition
there has proven a wonderful success,
200 eggs were placed in thrir machine
of that capacity and from it came 186
chicks. This is more than has been
hatched by all tbe other iucubators put
together, and the Reliable people are
rejoicing in their great victory. If they
do not receive first honors, it will not
bu because of a lack of merit in hatch
ing qualities. Their incubator and
brooder combined Ib tbe admiration of
all poultry men. Not only 1 their
machine first class, but they are justly
entitled to tbe name they bear reliable
and responsible, and worthy of confi
dence and patronage.
"Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoks Your Life
Is the title of a little book just received,
which tells all about NO-iO-B AC, the
worjderful, harmless, guaranteed to-barco-habit
cure, sold by II. T. Clark
Drue Co., Llacoln, Neb , agents. NO-TO-B
AC costs but a trfle, and a man
who wants to quit and can't had better
call round, get a box of it, and 6tart his
euro today; It la sold under an absolute
guarantee to cure. Get cepy of little
book and read It; it will be sent free by
mail, lf'you address manufacturers,
"The Sterling Remedy Co
No. 45, Randolph St., Chicago, 111.
Cheap Rate, Quick Trip.
The travel from the north and north
west territory, tapped by THE Gheat
Kock Island Koutk, has demanded
service of this character, and beginning
October 5th, tourist cars will leave
Minneapolis every Thursday morning
and join tbe regular tourist train out of
Chicago every Thursday Slternoon at
Columbus Junction, Iowa, at 11 P. M.
Central Iowa and the greai, weat slope
district of the State, demands and will
receive a cimiiarge vie", and beginning
October 10th, a PhiUips-Koek I-land
Excursion Car will leave Albert Lea
every Tuesday morning, and via Liver
more, Ft. DodVo and Angut, will arrive
at Ds Moines that evening, and Wed
nesday A. M. go west on the "Big
Five," via Omaha, Lincoln and Bulie-
viile, at which pomt it wui join the
regular Tuesdpy train from Chicago.
Full particulars a3 to cheap rate
tickets for this trip, and also as M cost
of berth iu 'the tourist car cheerfully
give n r n arplia'ion to Rny Great Rock
I-land Route Ticket A.eent, or agent at
coupon stations of connecting Hues.
Jj.0. Sebastian, G. P. A., Chicago.
The constant, demand of the traveling
public to the far west for a comfortable
and at tho same tlnio an economical
mode of traveling, has led te the estub
li?hut;nt of what is known as Pulhauo
Colonist yio'.pers.
Those ears are built on tho same gen
eral plan m the regular first-class Puli
man Sleepers, the only difference being
that tiicy arc not upholstered.
Thej arc furnished completo with
pood comfortable hair mattresses, warm
tdaiikets, snow white linen curtains,
plenty f towels, combs, brushes, etc.,
which secure to the- occupant of a berth
as much privacy a h to be had in first
cii'-s- eloepurs. 'J here aro also boparuto
toilet rooms for ladies and gentlemeB,
and smoking is absolutely prohibited.
For full information send lor Puilman
Caonist Sleeper Leaflet.
J. T. Mastin, C. T. A. 1044 O. St.,
E. 11. Slossok, Gen. Agt.
Lincoln, Neb.
Call on Geo. Natterman it Co. for
caiTiasri?. wagons, binders, and fill
furm linplemea'ts. Wo'll uso yuu right.
213 South iS'lnth St., Lincoln.
Toiirt iht I '.a ten to Colorado.
Tha ITr.inn I'.-ifific wav nvrland
route) will now sell round-trip tickets
to Dc nvi-r, Colorado Spring, Manitou
and 1'ueblo, at tho low rate of 124.15
pood returning until October 31sL
SUiovers allowed between Clieyennu
a--d Pueblo. Full particulars given at
1041 O street
J. T Mastis, E.B. SLOSSKN,
City ThWetAg't. (iPnoral Agent
Rlpans Tabulos assist
euro ,ll?or
sweeten a sour siomaoa;
North Wtatern iln Palace Sleeper
and Fast Chicago Train Uentice.
Aalaoocar for Lincoln people U
now attached dally to tho Chicago lira
lted, leaving Lincoln at 1:35. .No better
aurvtce.lewtwt ratea.
Fortlt kett, tmrth roMrfatlons etc.,
rtll at city oflloe 1133 U trt, or depot
Cor. si aod 8tb itreeu.
nrber& kowler have tome of Hit
cheapest proporty la Llacoln for !.
It you have a i kI, oluar farm and
want to get LIdooIb property, write,
and they will find you a nrt-olaa dual.
ltoi.ia 10, UHlObtrucV
Follow the crowd t the lurallur aad
houaebuld grods euMx-rtf.n of Meinief A
M wearimtea at 17 I2J Wolth fowrtreoth
M reel. here you will fltd evrylhlng In
Iheirliueof theNt uuaJUy and cheap,
etl prlfvj leciali l-ed rj.u IUIV4.
U NorthwraUrn line to Chicago
Utwratwi Fait train. Offlje UU
OSt. ,
bunders n
1- IXC
only tte ks
iz.'jr.:, ciick, lime, cement, sand
baievir go into the construction
zi c. balding; they employ oniy the
fceii workmen and pay tne best wages;
tit y ret tetter pnees for their worn
J.i:: their less careful competitor,
and always get the best contracts;
ttej paist their work with
Strictly Pure
White Lead
manufactured by the "Old Dutch Pro
cess " of slow corrosion, and with one
of the following standard brands :
"Collier," "Red Seal,"
For colors they use the National Lead
Company's Pure White Lead Tinting
Colors. These colors are sold in
small cans, each being sufficient to
tint twenty-five pounds of Strictly
Pure White Lead the desired shads
These brand of Strictiy Pure White Le.i
and National Lead Co.'i Tinting Cclors, ore
for sale by the moat reliable dealers in r.u.i,ts
If you are ecing to paint, it will pay ycu
to tend to ui for a book contain. n- infom:.
tion that may save you many a dollar; it v.'iil
ealy cost you a postal card to Co to.
, I Urn: way, jiew Yciii
St. Louis Branch,
Clark Avenue and T-'b
There are In tha west thousand of young
men and worn- n tl"d down, bj lack o educa
tion, to pursuits which they heartily dislike
uLd In which they will never excel Are you
cue of l hem? If so. this college can put you
on the road to success If ou have ambillou
and a wlllinunpss to study. We ieacb every
necessary for a successful start In life.
If you have not the funds we will give you a
fullcour e and tatyou pay for It. afterwards,
as yon earn the money. The number received
ou this plan will bo limited to one hundred
and twvnty students, f'.fty graduate', last
year. Kleven stales represented, Electric
Shorthand taught which Is the shortest and
Afturyou hsve read all other catalogues,
end for ours and we will leave It to your judg
ment which college In the West rauks first in
standing. Address,
A. M. HARGIS, President,
Grand Island, Nth.
Simplest and most econ
omical engine on eurth.
Folly Guarnteed.
A boy starts
quires only a few
miDUies alien
tlonaday. 'iuar
anteed cost f
running 1 ct. per
hour per UP'
Write for ratalo--
gue. Address,
Weber Cas & Casollno 6 nglne Co.
Hox eo, Kansas Citt, Mo.
t-t f "It rV I
12th and Famam sts.
Great Rock Islahd Rouii
best minm service ihtss world
'J'ho Rock Island U furemotit in adopt
ing Htiy advantspo calculated to 1m-
iir(i: anrl tri VP t.hnt. 1 11X II rV. Safllt V
and comfort that popular patronage do-
ruanus. ita rquipaient 18 inoruugmjr
nninnlol,t wllh V-t 1 hlllcfi trftlnS. Hlft?
nitlcent dlnln cars, slrcpcrs and eksir
coaches, all tno most elegant, nnu 01
rccfintlv Improvcu pattern.
Kaltb'ful and capable management
and polite, honosi sorvlco from em
ployes are Important ltoniH. They are
a double duty to tho Company and to
. it. i ...i . . . . ,
trayoiers aim n i wiraoniuca
diflicult of acooniplUhracnt l'aauo
th! Hurt will find littlo cauo for
complaint on that ground.
The great liock laland Koate mni all
regular tralnt to KoglewtNul auburnan
tttatlon, chxte to the Worlda Fair
ground, and you can sate time and
trouble by gotting off at that point and
avoid the crowd to the city
For f all tnirtlou'artM to tic-kete.mpe.
ratoe, aeply to any coupon ticket ofllce
la the Uulted Saw, Canada or Meilco
or addrtM: JNO. 8KUASTIAN,
tuii't rti. r irv. nir, UL
K. T. JOHN, tlea l Mer. t.fcieafo. IlL
8W JiMcph Uugry tVi. Carriage and
Ituggtcaat Lowoat prtiwe. t'aulague
and nrkM list free, oik aad Meaaaale
SU Ht. Jiw. Mo,
The cheapest plafa for inoumeni la
at (i, NaiWnuan'a. ii South Math
Ue KtWthwKetera line U Chlw
raw, laet iraiaa, vwoe
rnt - f i
TV Vtt.VlJt m
b '-mm for -1
crncE," eaxsas citt. mo. j
Moat Practical Btuineea Colleg In the I
West. Shot inand. TypewriUiiK. Book- j
keeping and telegraphy. Shorthand I
by MalL Three sou rre Send for I
MIXED Paints.
For Houses, Barns. Roofs, all colon. & SAVB
Middlemen's protlts. In use SI years. En
darsed by Grange Si Farmers' Alliance. Low
prion will sunwise you. Write for samples.
O. W. IMGEKSOI.L, 253 Plymouth St., llrook
lyn, S. Y.
Largest Manufacturer in the U. 8.
-. Sheet Iron Building HaterUI
fildlnnn, Oelllnits. Kooann. hhmtera. Imltatl.m
llrlck orWestlierbosnlliiK.Gutters, l)uwnixiul,
ete. Far s per ceaU Hcaal,
Uoai this siaiter.
St. Louis. Cincinnati.
WILT 8ys she Cannot sec how
O Bnyt tttm lBprm4 UifMrS MM
with lDM.IitrfiM luw Mavror mi T
iirr trom urn lirVtrj, i m.. bo4 tfMlii
pnat. minuiLui rnuutiUiuti.
The best paying Investment for a bouse l(e.
None Kenuine without brass flttlnK) our latest
Improved style, Is a sol Id make, has deep tlanire
strong but high tfrale, and closes perfectly tiuht
saves 33 percentnutritloiiselements. Fullde
scrlptlveclrculsrs on application I also man
ufacture the ' New Success" stove mat and tbe
Famous Frying Pan. etc. AGENTS WANTED
In every county in the U. 8 Address,
Council Bluffs Jowa.
Holstein : Cattle!
A lew Extra Good September Pitfs,
u,nd a No. 1 butter bred bull, yearling,
-registered for nale. Prices right.
H. S. Williamson,
Beaveb City, - - Neb.
. ).
: -uV -"-' .e'ntii.i oat ;.t,.l s ''' 1 1 w u. oiik
t-- r! "iV'i' . i.i.:..J t: .it 1 i:n:,
v I s. V
ft'' i t v !
I c
-.. .'.I- ... . . I
1 It
sr 1 i
" r r 1U.
Programme of Kail Festivities That For nnd Variety Outshines ths
Paris, the myt majniflcont city on
either continent, has for ayes h-ld the
proud title of "the premier, cirnival
city of the world " Iljwever during
the last ten or twelve years an Ameri
ein rival of bo mean pretensions h:is
conttbtcd for that high honor, and to
day St. Louis holds what Paris so re
luctantly relinquished, tho title of "the
carnival city ot the two continents."
Not content with the successful exhi
bitions of proviou ye irs, the Autum
nal Festivities Association hasarranijed
a programme for 1SU3 tlirit In brill
iancy and variety will b? dltli'-ultto im
prove upon. The first of tho great
attractions, the St. Louis Exposition,
1U throw its doors optn to the public
SeptemlHirOth and continue until Cvt.
21t. The world-renowned SmiaVa
Uand has ho"n engaged by the manage
ment, whicb In Ubi It ia a sufficient in
ducement to crowd the magnllluont
building during the concert
Special attention has been paid to tfc
atrout llliiBt "atlous, and on the evonie
of Auirubt 12th, 17th, 2Uh, and 31'.
September 7th, 14th, 21st and 23 a, anl
October 3d, 6 h, 12th and linn, the moat
magiilucent display yet attempted wl&
K reel tha eye of the fortunate visitor,
electricity playing a prominent part,
The evening of lJ. tobor 34 the Vellef
I'rophet and hia followera will parai:
through the prlno pal thoroughfareff
and Immediately after the gr-at ba!
which hat received oomtldurable rr
mlcence throughout the world, will fc
The 33d great St. Loula Fair and
ZtmloglealCardena, OetotierSJ to7tfe
will he the crowning week of the car
nival eoaimn. inia inati.uuun bmm
peer, and U known la every land where
lk f.uitnvlnlAnl nlirlltaatkm atlaL Th
MlMourl I'aciflo Hallway and Iru
Mountain lliute being dlstlncUy St.
Louis lines, and having at all UinM l
IntrrraU of the city In mind, have made
a remarkably low round trip rate tnm
all polaUoa the entire aysWut to hu
LauI and retuia during the fuatlvJUvav
l or further Informatlun l regard m
raw. route, limit of Ueketa and or a
copy of the fall fesUvlt!e (rograiame,
aIUi nearest MWiuri IVtador lr a
Mouatale Tlra-t Agat la ymir Urrl
tory, or II. C. Towaaeod. U. I. and T.
AfU S lul.