OCTOBER 12, WM 8 THE ALLIANCE -INDEPENDENT. SMASHING 0FMACH1NES. Hebrsii Dt-raocrata tnd R-puhlicani Breaking Loom TH0U3 AED3 DB1VES TO OUS BAKES. Ths Honest Element of Both Parties Coming to Voit for Holcomb and Honest Govemmei.t. l'res CotnmeNtit on the Convent ion Tbo state republican and democratic lrtM is kot as well represented oo our xchango table as Is the popuit press, but cut of what comes, we have dts ' covered that tho action of the old party conventions Is In each cae tbo bitterest party dose ever dished out to the demo crats and republicans of Nebraska. Hero is the way the Butler Co, press, Hon. C. K. Casper's paper, talks. Note the force and wise slfoiflcsnde of his Ust remik. , Io spite of the Jieroio efforts by the honest men of his party, J udge Maxwell wis defeated, and a man by the name of tlarrirton nominated. The tame fate sfems to follow every honest man who darts to serve tho people. Bryan was turned down; and yet every demo :rtlc editor wlli bti expected to tell his nad . ers that Mr. Irvine, the man that To be Cator nominatod, Is a dyed-in the-wcol anti monopolist. Maxwell was turned down because th railroads duinandeo V, and yet tbo men who dtd tho dlr'y Job will tell the people that t.iat n an is tree from all corporation all ar.ces. The conspicuous way in which tho brightost orator and the most venerablo and In corruptible Judge was pushed aside by corpora' Ion tools, will mice denial Im-pot-dlblo. The voters cud not deceive their conscience, and the billot in the booth, with no pry in eyes to see. will demonstrate the honesty of both demo cratic und republican votem, lJolcorab was not nominated by the corporations. K.lltor Ilowlby, f;f the Crete PdHiocrat, ef u r thu manner takes oil the cover: What c'o democrat! think of a state central eomralt'eo that will Hind out a circular letter to all the applicants for w post ofJlces in Iho state, staling that ihey must rustle up a delegation to th state convention from their respective counties that will ba ''all right," or " there might be a change in their en dorsenwnti? Tho democratic Fremont Heral l sug gests tho following: Now If 10,000 or 15,000 democrats, also Incensed at tbV turniog down of tbo honest judge, should aUo conclude to shove liolcorub down th corporation threat, to make n sure thin of it, and not 'lite In lb ah-,' it would give them a k'BHon they would not ioon lorget. Tho rrtti-rallfimd rule, lionet state government republicans are aUo joining tho lHcorob procel'in in strong com punier. The Norfolk Jourcal ,laads over lis division vlth thesj words: The gang and gttOf? methods prevailed in tiu r puhllcau stiiiij convention; the true sentiment of Nl ranlca republican whs throttled, Judge Muxwell was An-ft-atml iiiid T. O. C. Harrison of (ivnad lAnr,A nominated. The turning diwn df Judge Maxwell Is a triumph of tho moit corrupt and sellHli ekmiiit-of tho party nod canuot b; endorsed at the polls by t!i h netit men in tho ranks, The Jurnal belie v that th host in-tcti-s'sof th party doinarnl Mint th runic ui-d filn should turn iwn their solf e nrl'.tuUd h'tttkw, oi.d it will i.ik ipfare givo l a Mipport to tho inJo- . i fb tit norolner. lot" supscuio juujje, h A. llo'comb. lMltor Wo-'st. r ,f the Silver Creel T i . 8fty Th ''deffat of Maxwll will eesS the ivpwhllcao parly it.t.wtatnds of votes.. Tbo (Jraml bland. Indopordeut the dsy bofaro election ail prophet lcitllj : Ho (Uo; ewatcr) l.-i- a perfect right to nipport Mux w IS iisd this pi-per h-ii-vcs ihht ho 1 exhihiti'.n u;h1 stfiiM In tio ire mi. , Mnx'eil's rino!Ut.' -ittion h the nni Iiov.l' tb av party can !i.v of ' (iiict-etrt. -Lt-t the in tuni hhn down und il,o nt-'Xtupf'iu- ji:de will bPilU.oru iemv'crut or indwtiu nt. While tho ba.l -Air.g w-u in ptr-H j.t K'uk ',ri, edit' f Wocdruif of the T. kTiii'ji!t Oui'toiiiai!. wtoie; If the vfiK-vaUo J.h!;.-.- and Jurist h tt:i-rie,l tJown at th hand of trw rail Knti'tf m-A JinptftcVtil olMt'er? f f t: HaSi-houo ang, Nt-hmclut -an'.koo ihjit llui-ttouuty ri!bl'cn-.. end '.auy ironi it t th'r thtv prtrtlec, wero k'i'al ti th. ol.', a.a. The liitliiUH'o vi Vm O u-i'.i Hv'a if Also tol own ngaiuft llin is :n A 1 of wh It'll lnilieiU! ger-t i dl breaking down of old party lines and a moveincu. our wsy. Tuuk M'rpkl.ta anii llUd. Hit kiwis Mai tvt i ..Mrs. Clar J'onl lKk ftO errt worth of morphia nod va found chad In Wd. This wan her IWih effort Me wis younir and hsiidMime, but her nnrrled Itfa w unhappy from Im-ompatlhiiUy u ti'ip'i Nil t44 Is m Ua. Cusroo, Mo, VV I . AkM.ut M yct rday iioirning Tlmmas I fie Witt ..f l.atttvxil. M.i , tvi ! I'l tU was In a at on w Uh hi 'trr and brutbrr In la w. anrtoiU to Wrbii City ta tnlt tbr ir fattier and brother. tttttttii tnlu W I. tMt4 01. 1 1. ilphhe ri'celf A hn from I'rlKdi!. bruhe nay that Pi Un a ll .nnnrvk coullaurs la boirv ti iivstth r v h t-'t ar. It I ! m tt--t l$m .1 an I t Wn d d'lwt, HnnjiniJ by In. Ntiui Khm t wi i l'tsk U MHHm, -!, y,Tle tMlf rfHl rf the statutes. dlvNon of lh cpi'totvnl of sy rt Mitme . bW ')( ton sho a dt'i'Una 3 T p-lnlt tr n tha W)iiiiitr isuitd ia, mIi'.-U wa l lt M a,iHt 7'Kf I 'I ttilt MWilth, mm DEPARTMENT. J. T. M. SWIOAKT. Beoretrr -t the Kabrssks Mutual Cj oiooft, ToruJ and Wind Stora iBtura.ce Coioi dj, EDITOtt. 4:. oommauiimtiuns on Kire, Cyoiona or Han Insura.ac should bs iJdrtsfd to um at Lincoln, Nebraska. Mr. Bauer I well pleased with the treatment he ha received, as the fol lowing receipt ?.nd statement shows: "Vordon, Ricbaidon county. e- braska, September 24, 1893 -J Y. M. Swijart, secretary and treasurer Ne braska Sfutual Cyclone insuraece com pany. This certifies that I have this day received your check for three hun dred (WOO) dollars as payment io full for damage done to my buildings during the late storm. ' Accept my tfaanks for your promptness In adjusting and pay ing my log, I also feel thankful to my fellow members of our company. Jo- chem Bouor." STATEMENT. About two years ago tbo president of the Nebraska Cyclono insurance com pany, Samuel Licbty, atked the mem bers of the Richardson County Fire company to help organize a suta cy clone company. My neighbors said, we never have any cyclones, henco we do not need to Insure against them. But I thought that even if I did not get any return for the small membership fee, that io case seme member should sus tain a loss,l would be doing a duty to help blm la time of need. I am cot vinoed that a cyclone Is nt a respecter of persons or places, and It is folly to say we do not have cyclones in this neighborhood, or between theserlvers, or on this ridge, In this valley, or In fact any place. I would not be without cyclone insurance. (Signed) Jocium Bauer. MarnlAcsnt Wadding Prssants. CjciXBtAT(, Ohio, Oct. il.A wed dlnj of phenomenal feature! was cele brated last night In Covington, Ky. Tho bridegroom was Edward J. Wool sey, a club inao of New York, said to own orientate of S'L 000, 000, and the bride was Mrs. Kate Trumbul do Itnode, daughter of the late Judge Trumbull of Covington. ,The supper tvn for J00 guests. The groom, be sides giving bis bride a necklace of dintnond worth l.fiOO, presented her the Jewelry of the WooUey family, valuod at 1100,000. The bride's mother gave her daughter a diamond necklace and a deed to a large blue grass farm near Lexington, Ky. bluualiter Hoots for liablai. Sax Fraxcpico, Oct. 11. A shocking scandal has been caused here by the corouer's investigation of the 6aa Francisco foundling asylum, where thirty threa babies have died within the f.'UHt six weeks. The place has Iwen closed. The coroner ascertained tha', thirty-three waifs died of laek of nutrition and maltreatment. The Daughters of Good Hhepherd publicly branded the asylum as a slaughter homo for babies. lint ted t Death. HnoAi iA, Mo , Oct 1 1. John Wopda, an old man aged "S years, died ye-ter-day afternoon at his home noar Tipton fruiH a hin;fular cause. A week ago l.i.t, Saturday ho wiU attacked by a year old pet ram, whhdi had enjoyed tin' freedom of the yard about the rchldo m'b SiiH-o it was a lamb. The i;::n saw tiii! old nian ti ttinir in a ! t -opin;? rosition and. according the i ni'p.v..o.l cballunge, tutted him iu the f n..!.ii of tbo back, knocking him pros- t.v tv. Voted t Accojtt n licilurtlon. I'Aore.wi. Ky., (Kt 1 1 .The vote of C'l.i".:ti).iike, Ohio and Southwestern 0 i'.ye bus been oanvassed. It is t v holnsin-'l'.' in favor of tho accept : -i f.f the redttetion of ten per cent, 111:- improves. ' !i -"irtcrs of h Million rrrKpnt." ( '", :,. Oft. 11. The paid adrals- t!:e world's fair yesterday fli:el li.v ! Itftiti'ian Iluaitand f v; Fi;a;,, isro, Oat. 11. Mr. Sarah C.'i'i i U.. m?Ui-.:i- of two children was yeMonhiy literally . cut to pieces with u knife in she hands of her tlrtiul; n iuiUi.i.l. from wham sho has Wei "-:i':ii-!. Tie murderer ci- Tin r.. -i r, e Urn ' ' t Y",' itiilil iij tt i'M 'tu til .lu&jK'i', Ala. Tbo Worhl's I'otr. Tho K'Vcn Voi',uiia of ' Urn wmld er ,duj thlojjsan'l thill out at tlt when roniparrd with tho OUutihan EKposttUnuifl'tya. All tho loaning tower, and rained pyramids and glgurit'.o biMg Rid other so-called marvels of tboo d Wi-rld, together wouldn't farm such sjn'Ct cio a lh'r N niw to bo men, not a thousand mlle away, Words eliaot deerlho it, . U you take tha Bur :1b sr. on rt.uio t t' ,i catro )oo cao It fr your'f, )Wm-tu-ll at tho d tt or ZUTsrr v lo:) and O Sta. will vivo jou Itifoi malion abm train and he!o make j wur Jo-oro ;',AMt!t aid ioti'ttl4v, Kavuoio Ti Uotld's I air. It nut nrivaary to b an athUt In irdrr ts eo the worU's fair la sd vsntsgo. AU to lhln? o'evtrdpli'vtrl. Fat i.l a. ll.m !tL it!iittM k. xrKfflt bar drt-4 h I el.liA m'$ t ir-1 .1... .. . . .. i. ... i ' Hi:iS au bail , n" H iiiins (awhtswh.ltw ntn jt.vid-d tor tt mr etiailWii tialtc.-rt to ct ?vo4 tbo fitWtuls without t.r.dul irtliifr tb'Wn!vft. Ad thin r? fcviadfds t'f nh-isant J!a-s tl tnmed wWt Son ett rt i F . ...... . I ..... !.... 1 l.lr i. uif a ' i" fur ait Hrl t (4-niut, U t t'f t'tU tr ss ae.t nait'!4 T''t P'ildtM Alr lUr,aell, s, li h M. i.twtt ur ZitttuT, otirnet O ad Tenth ti HttWKM hr 'Vut A1.I.UNVK JmiC iNUxr, llryf- PUBLISHERS' COLUMN. Friends, ' Fellow-Citizens! We have a plan, and with your help in working out the easy details can achieve results grand, glorious and lasting. I Nebraska's soil and sunshine, Nebraska's rains and dews, Nebrsska's steam and lightning, Nebraska's wealth and credit, lor Nebraska's toiling Sons. Tocutthemigh iy n cles of many-armed monopoly, to over throw the law-sup ported tyranny of cor porate greed, tho Peo ple's party must be placed in power. To place it in power, com plete and sweeping, this paper, bearing the light of its grand prin ciples, must reach the people. Is to divide the state, and stir each lover of the people's cause to work well the field around him-his neigh borhood. We shall make a paper you will be proud of and en thusiastic for, and the personal effort which and justice can make among neighbors and friends advertisinguits worth and work and asking their subscrip tions, should be put forth to multiply our influence, to spread the truth to all. We are determined to achieve great results. Bui your help is necessary. We count upon it ' 25,000 new subscribers can easily bo placed on our book itt the next three months. Many hands make light work. Assuming that we have threo earnest zealous 'riends in each of the 1.01O precincts of tho state, who will send us live new names each, wo shall have nearly l hat, mm, her raised. There is not n Populist who can alTord to bo without the Faels sift Arenmsfits . .ith winch Ihis i.'iipftr will eini him. Thevi? is not an open-minded democrat or repubiieau in Nebraska who should be allowed to rem ai n u mm 1 1 r.v i n ; ( J with n. For this work of intfoducii),'4' and spivsuUit iho liji'hl, th paper, amoiijf I he p'oj do of oneh locality, wo Call M MlMl I ha o, ilirti'. four. a. dozen, ihe more the ttierrler, fshould taku hold In each preciner. Kach one who read lhi n calletl U ihi m edful work of tiuth pnad-.n, culled by fai-Mvini ht htteif.sl, called by o;I-t iiig hu tniinity, t alU-4 tf C hI and eoiiscieiu'p driven. Now, then, ail lv'ethor ta tin work And to tuemUu, Tin n i.i to discharge In IhU Wtir.' SiorfU jvsrly ul4 rlplh'Sa b.e Tu; Att.UiU l?litbi.:nuM', KIUr. t'i il f atw at im i itf Fr lVlr. ri-mrt tim ! -i s , trial ibcrlh(r. r'i! n t vu in ,ft$u.j', lt, muk A4driH4.:r w . THE ALLIASCF. PUB. CO, 1120 M tt t Lincoln, Nta. Nebraska for toe People Our mm Plan Open lietter to Ijorenzo CroanN. HartikgtoJI, Neb., Oct. 3. 13. Deab Governok. I read and re-read your letter of recent date, written to Olney Newell of Denver, Colorado; and rubbed my eyes to get thesa wide open. Psrdon me, Jbut the letter appears to have been written when Its author was In an extremely bad humor. Thereare many expressions in it unworthy your dignity as an official and of your char acter as a man. In reply to a courteous request to ap point delegates to the pan-American Silver Congrea?, to be held at St. Louli on the ddte at which I am now writing, you not only refused to appoint dele gates; bat you assailed the convention itself as a so wer of the seeds of secession ; and talktdjas though there were no call for tin south and west to protect them selves against the east. Let us see. The territory bounded by the Atlantic Ocean, the Obbrlvor. the Mlseksippt river and our Canadian border contains 14 per centum of our territory, 40 per centum of our population, but (Sk) 75 per centum of our wealth. This north east corner of the United States fur nished every member of - Benjamin Harrison's cabinet, save one, the speak er of the bouse (who comes nearer our pockets than any other federal officer,) the president and vice-president. It is the tail that wiggles the dog. I quote from your letter; "I am in favor of honest bimetallism and believe that a system of finance can be devised by which both gold and sliver can be utilized as tho baii of our national currency, the former which is the world's measure, being the standard." This sir, 1 monometallism, pure and simple. Silver coins predicated cn a gold basis are, in the language f Cernuschi, sliver greenbacks, "merely this and nothing more." You are a gold bas's man. Do not abuse the word bi-metallistby applying it to yourself. But "How art thou fallen, O! Lucifer! In the year 1870, you were represent ing Nebraska in tho lower houe of Congress, on the 13th day of .December IMG, jou voted for Kelley's substitute for Bland's bill, tho first free silver measure ever voted upon by the Ameri can congress since demonetization. What ha c aused this change to come over the spirit of your dreams? If free silver was good In 1870, why is it not good in 1803? Your letter contains the following language as descriptive of people who nw entertain tho opinions you en tertaincd several years ago; "They are for the most part men , who bare nut earned a place in our assessments rolls, and who having deniors'.rated their in ability to conduct their own affairs suc cessfully, think themselves qualified to join Flcridn, old Mexico p.nd Argentine ttopublic iu instructing the world on the subject of finance." William Macy Tweed conducted his own DtfUrs "successfully;" Daniel Web fctsr did not. Which of the two waa the be3tt') manage the finances of tha na tion? You aro said to ba the only pub'ic man in Nebraska who ever marie monuy outof po Hies You wore a mem-1 her of the territorial leg islature, j :do of our supremo covin, uupreruo ca-urt reporter, rt.eti;bcr of I'-njivts, internal revenue collie tor, aauistaut fc-creUry of the treasury, t.nd tow ouare Mver;.i r In tho Inst q .saner of ;t century yc u have druwii Vior-. than .o, 00 out of the S'hW ard Ueiud Stau: trea-urics. This i.d what II r. j y (jj- rfe calls the "unearned jn;'t't ntt.-n'.," ha rundo vot rich, 1J it the i't! arc jtit-n 'y T men in Ne brakri, who huiiov in i-M i-iivr, iv a yet. jiuy a-i hh 'um iw y.nirs; St. In c i-'-iu-iuti 3: t r.ie i-ay f oat, fur yfiTrt I have :'?v U d you v lib Iwlioyo of tho i. ;';: ' -ci;i. Your public carter '.ueh i to merit it: that uirt. l;tt- !". ii a in-o fr.'in io; rtpli. a ai your imvute Hfo n.'. bi-n fi'iw from v:ref, I rim ply -:ta fi' Mri'"rstai.d y. ir j!!-..-M'iit ;.':ln.: -. Thi iv aiv oiher. wi.o wmi'd : i a . in ui,l r' ;o ! i :. Wll.tit'K P. Hit VA NT. 1UO Omaha Mtit b iuMrt'r. Mr. J. 15. Hugikf.c, f(rin,rly.f lkli. vllio JCsii-H ' tiiu vt,ll known hujiot lv.r tiiut brw iU rul bi'Mtsi.-h mi IttilUu Jai:k-, bus returtx-a from hl tr.i lu Suain. Oir r i'r . nttt v 3 futn! lUu t v.- v; Utrti is u-"i"l"i iH'tm r Vinton anil ltth tu-tt.rr' h;l l btjni m nlly lucaliil. IUt0 wk founi imi! h'.n Irt.l ami twvnty tl r.- 1 1 irt'J. ri vltr-.l, brceUiiiif Ju k hb U h. th rrji itu. tlan f bi-ttijr. th Rri stK-rtion m?r blM!iht ti Auk lit n It wtil lw ti' tmtmttiiol hn Mr. Uogat l J m hi bvk lsi Mfvti f ' a 1h U4 l II. 1 1. v.! Li. K !... h f1 ' '' Mn?lt b r fijUitt r,4 u, ' wrritlnrf (,iaU h th firt tmtt . i) r! tb rltM, y f!ttUi'nU twbl hl !i t,t: of tl." '.. Mr., llis,'' ' V'rur i--rWtv Id hi butBt- t t''rbv I. in h t tit , , i-t tj wis tt tmrW (arm r, so I nt lui U th ImwWr 1 W . it isij u.f;H mm.i iu;u4 J h rvhii' t 111 tl-i StKlt t ''), It lufr' ' f h iS I r. ; n M u ha I l VHt t u - II lljtsi rh iiun In !! l.trU oUti iW ftB'l fr.t (f.-iutljf nr i.ih". Atl-fft1; rU hurling Itrfttitnj ti , 1-Uut. t BUY YOUR ... Fall and Winter Goods TIi larftut and most c omnltft : it IU IUC Vliy. KAJUHISUW VI DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. toils Junius WUIM UUU KlXVUk Queensware, If you want to bay a pood pair . "lie. v taus, a kjuil a lei I i n n a i -r. T .1 n I-. wear uo noi laii io give us a cau. w e nave a reputation of keeping First class goods only. Would be pleased to show you through our 6tock and convince vou that you phoold trade with us. Fred Schmidt, 921 O Sk., Opposite P. O. Le Grand SUCCESSOR TO j. w. u.A..rcuErz- & oo. . . . .... To tli Readers of The Alliance-Independent' Having purchased the entire business of J. W. Hartley fc Co., I want to supply all of the patrjas of the old firm with goods. If you want to save money, write ms for wholesale prices on any-anu ail kinds ot M E RCH 2SC 1 , All oj'ders by mail will receive my prompt attention. member 1 guarantee entire satisfaction. 245 South 11th St., Lincoln, 'Neb. Cull and s.e us when you are iu the city. HAWTHORNE " l"y,4 su"' n f ..'.-I ji i us...; ISllillALCO 2G'o Foot Front. tol Iwt Noi kiI liege in America. U'lSI M lil Hit. ,. In fs.il .wlH In S ... J,,,li ,,i(i in la f. lw tU, i ...' M - " -V .--Mm THE WESTERN NORMAL, U ii.ti.. mi li' ?'- e-'-I mmtir , I'MfifWfi'T rtf .S8Wli.t.jMts rt i-'l t.4ifl "! i t t Im tura bikirvii. .l i.Hkul i M4.Ufs. f If ruU IHIi.l4 Ht l.tl twuf li ,lin u :M tHf . l i .r 4 t-n (. ;? i.vf, .. ni j ht t.n t - iuum M ,l u.- . li.'l lil li t ! -I. - ( W (. ib ' t i lM-S it 4 1 tt urm i4 ii u at-J nt f wiik.Ii I u kk ikl.BMwu i r;4 M 1 ju. (4i4 ! v tm Jtifei M , I ROOM 10-1041-0 St, SCHMIDT &trtrc of Ci5pnpr.il Mprlianilise'S' r t A 1j AJ.U1I Groceries, Etc. of Shoes, a Hat or Cap a pair.' . t- I ' I . .i am .1 lim.n I Mln 1, VI iM-lblCUS. UUUC1 - M. Baldwin AND ISE. ON THE HILL, - - v ..' vwra . 1 UUU !.-f li..iil-fcttn w1 IJlMt'tSi M t..t.M Ml i wn.ll lb Uutt KM. V .. H I '.I fUl fc...r W4u.l ! r M.kO 1 fl el- ?P17 1 l-v I BARBER & FOWLER. U.ER. I Lincoln, Neb. y A