The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, October 12, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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OCTOBER 1 1893
Tremradoas Outpouring of People at tie
World Fair.
Ths Peop Cam From Everywhere and
Tbouuod Wer Compe'.lsd to Sleep
in Stsiiwaya, Rettaursnt and
Hotel Offices.
Imposing Beenee Presented.
Chicaoo, Oct 01. At day break thl
Aorning there were scores of people
about the gates of the world's fair
ground, and when the ticket takers
went to their places the scores had
f rown to thousand.' The indication
ong before noon were that MO.OOU
would be a very small estimate of the
number of people on the grounds
during this Chicago day. Ail morn
ing at all the entrance it was next to
impossible to gain admission, so dense
was the crowd.
The people came from every direc
tion. Thousands were compelled to
sleep in stairways, restaurants and
hotel offices last night as the city was
completely filled and cots were at a
premium. Train loads of people were
deposited down town and in the
kit ion district this morning.
While the people were scrambling
througa the gates, (Simon I'okagon,
the Pottawatomie chief, and John
Young, son of the Indian who named
Chicago, rang the new liberty belL
They were introduced by Miss Emma
C fclekels of 1'ino Uidge.
At noon every avenue was filled
with a restless, moving throng and
the Midway, as well as the approaches
thereto, was black with people. It
was almost impossible to pass through
the buildings. At the entrances great
numbers were massed and there was a
crusii to get in that continued hour in
and hour out
The restaurants were wholly inade
quate to serve the hungry. Half of
the people carried lunch buskets.
Downtown business houses were
locked up Saturday night not to bo re
opened until to-morrow. Merchants
purchased tickets for their employes.
Everybody was in holiday attire and
Chicago was at her best.
The decorations at the fair were
superb. From the flagstoffs of the big
buildings, keeping company with the
stars and stripes, the colors of every
nation waved. The state buildings
were loaded with bunting and llags.
lu many instances Honors were
banked about the doors.
It vas 10 o'clock when the Chicago
hussars, under command of Captain
Jiraud, entered the grounds at the
west end of Midway. As the com
pany made a tour of the grounds,
battery I)., under the direction of
Lieutenant Kuweit, was firing a salute
ou the lake front Flanking the grand
basin und s'atloned on the peristyle,
Administration, Manufactures, and
Agricultural buildings, trumpeters in
herald's uniform played a short fan
fare of peace, and then in unison,
"Pence on earth, good will to men."
. Combined bands numbering several
hundred musicians, played the air of
"All Nations." It was a grand spec
tacle. The height of enthusiasm was
reached, however, when a chorus of
2,000 voices under tho direction of
Professor Toinllns, sang "Tho Ktar
fcinanffled ISanner.'1 Tho refrain was
taken vn by thousands of people, and
as the singers executed the notos tho
bunds swelled the volume to on ex
teut rarely heard. Then the choir
sang southern airs lnclndlnd "Dixlo
Land," "Maryland" nnd "Kentucky
Home." "Columbia Uein of the Ocean''
was then sung, and tho united bands
marched from tho grand plaza to the
west entrance of the Administration
building. Hero S00 voice directed by
Professor Toiuliim sang, "Hie Watch
Am llbcin," "The Marseillaise" and
other airs. The morning exercises
werj closed by an exhibition drill in
the stock pavilion by the Chicago
. hussars.
The court of honor presented an Im
posing scene in tho afternoon. There
was a grand reunion of states repre
sented by yoaths and maidens all at
tired in approprlatecostumos symbolic
of the states which they represented.
Chicago's guard of honor was com
prised of youths representing the
thirty-four wards of tho city, euch
bearing u huge shield on which was
inscribed the word "Welcome." Fol
lowing them were thirteen pvetty
im-M. iv.iicuilns: tho thirteen ori
ginal slates of Ihe Fr'on. They car
ried shields and olivj brunches nud
each woro crowu whuh was sur
mounted bv a largo gilt star. Then
followed the different states of the
Union with shields on which were the
name and motto of the state and the
day of its admission to the I'ninn
Flags, sheaves f wheat and flowers
galore were carried by the children.
"Chicago iu Hertlrowth Welcoming
the World," was tho titie of tho night
pageant in celebration of Chkntgo
isy. The st oliiuent portrayed in tiu
parade was the growth of Chicago
from tho time of the first white settle-
lueut to tho present period. Kight
flout were designed and prepared un
der direction f A poeil eouunitteo
appointed lr the fit v council of t hi
ejt. The tirst seven of these m
ImsIM all states uf advancement made
by (lie city from Mil to IHU. Kaeh
event ws mn) a chapter In tho
spec U'tttse array.
In addition U those telling what
I kiicstf.i had done llmr were tUwt
from all the foielgu born resident
in subjects it which presented in
etuuiiiln jl!l order all of thedier
les which built i the habitation of
the Wrtei' world. tirrat llttlaltt,
Mwnlvn. tictmsnr, Italy. Irene.
ttiinark, I'mIuii.I and Norway, all
kN.k M't la C review, and the
tUt of tl various fr.HWlth' pre
t their e Kunip'ons' d el in lifelike
The H'rW UM
titrated t ihU-tgi- 'the Urge pieo
wa enUl'.-tl l lutnlnf uf Chi
retfo ' m. I .iir0 fwt,
urdud U vui" secnes-lhe
Itis i J t tr ' row, No.t, tho kb'k
v bioj'i third, the ur
fetaf liny ! -. On te. tfU lag a reV.Utki
!. toirnttig ft the IVI
ftmrih it'oof t hfcaila HHw
Aara Barr's Astatlaat Mill tit I-rS
Additional Itaward Offered.
Fobt Scott. Kan , Oct OLThe
negro brute who assaulted Agnes Barr
so cruelly last Friday i eti!! at large.
The rewards for his capture have been
increased by private subscription, and
telegrams were sent to Governor Lew
iMnT tn-A-Av asking him to oiler an ad-
ditional inducement to good detec
tives wno nave oeen put w wm u
the case. Merchants and laborers
have subscribed, and the local press
Is calling loudly on the officers to use
mnra rfiliiranra. The houses of Several
suspects were guarded last night but
nofurtner arrests nave oeen mu.
Tope k a, Kan, Oct. 9. Oovernor
Lewelling has offered a reward of
1300 for the capture and conviction of
the negro who brutally assaulted Miss
Uarr at Fort Scott last week.
About Soldier' Horn.
WisiHjfOTOJf, Oct 01 The annual
report of the board of managers of the
national soldiers' homes shows that
the cost per member in was
140.95 a .1 -rease of ?. In a. year.
The avera number in the various
homes was . ol, while 83,4-10 veter
ans were en d for. The total ex
tended for th .iomes was I3.00t,527.'j4.
The Keeley cure is reported to hav
reformed 14,000 reterans. The num
ber of admissions Is at present Increas
ing at an unusual rate.
Two Vlotlmt of Jaalouijr.
YovxnsTOwn, Ohio. Oct. 01. James
Campbell, a retired saloon keeper,
shot and killed his wife and fatally
wounded Patrick Tinney, a guest, at
midnight Campbell had been drink
ing, but was not intoxicated. He is
00 years old and his wife was about
tho same age. When arrested he at
teinotcd to palliate his crime, but the
indignation was so great when he told
this story that a lyn ng was only
prevented by prompt ..ion of Chief
Cant well.
Au Klgin Watch Agent Short.
New Vokk, Oct. 01. Edmund .J.
Schofleld, New York manager of the
Klgin Watch company, has been
suspended by General Manager Cutter
und has resigned as president of the
jewelers' ooard of trade. The jewelers'
Review to-day states that one of the
stories in circulation Is that there Is a
shortnye of $70,000. It is said that
Hhoileld claims that it is under ft.VI.000,
all of which he can account for
A Hlff New York firm Involved.
New Youk, Oct 01 The firm of Can
da & Kane, dealers in Masons' build
ing materiuli to-day made an' assign
ment to Matthew Dalrd for the bene
fit of creditor. Tho firm does the
largest business in its lint: of any in
the United States and the liabilities
will reach somewhere between 8100,
000 and ."00,000. It is hoDsd that the
assets will equal the liabilities, but
that cannot yet be ascertained.
Miner Forced to 'omiroini.
Nssiivim.k, Tenn., Oct. 01.- Four
hundred miners who had been on a
striko for two months in the Coal
Creek and Hriccville districts returned
to work to day on a compromise of a
ten per cent reduction und $1 per
month off on houso rent, 'i ho reason
given by tho miners for accepting the
compromise was that their wives and
children were starv'nir -d they must
feed them.
To Trent UUniMrck.
Nkw Yokk, Oct. 01. Dr. William J.
Mf.rton, a nervous specialist who
treated President Grant, Mr. lllalno
and President Garfield, sailed for Ger
many to-day. It Is supposed that he
has been summoned to treat Prince
lilsinarck, whoso physician Insists
that tho old statesman is dying from
no adequate cause, but merely be
causo he bclievos himself to be fatally
ksusn City National AkIu Open.
Kansas City, Mo., Oct 0 1. The
doors of the National liunk of Kansas
City, which suspended on July 14,
were thrown open for business at 9:30
o'clock this morning. Two national
banks suspended in Kansas City dur
ing the flurry and now both have re
sumed and uro doing business on a
moro solid basi3 than ever.
llcward for Wrecker.
Jkfi khso.n City, Mo., Oct 01. Gov
ernor Stone has offered a reword of
$H()0 each for tho arrest of the mis
creants who misplaced a switch on the
St Louis A San Francisco railroad,
t-tt using th death' of IheeiiK'nictn" ud
fireman. The company has added
l.oou to tho amount
No Maw 'trial lor OdMirim.
Topkka, Kan , Oct 01 Judge Ilanen
to day overruled the motion for a new
trial in tho criminal libel caso against
Secretary of Stat ttsWne, and notice
of appeal was given. Fending the
preparation of the papers in the su
preme court case sentctue was sus
liendcd. lUhl lor iba Iktsiar llstt, Oct 01 Judge Mc
Coitus to day overruled the demurrer
agslust the Indictment In the case of
Colonel Alnsworth and tHhnr in the
Ford's theater disaster Mr. Uos
Ferry, counsel for Colonel Alnswurth,
gave notice of an appeal to the court
of appeal.
Ik laaaka ttafe Vla Acala.
Toi'SKt, Ksn., tVt l Judge IUfa
of the district tout I t-dy dissolved
the Ittlmtctlon In the fopoU t-luh
t-astv The toitrt held that the cUb
wi i am cudiu te t to violation of the
prohOiitory act. and the arrest of its
members was uuarratd
Martkal MWakaa SattaiMtj III,
MtPHtis K-t.l- Msrh MeMun,
formerly president of the I'retv-h e
pMtic, U sattvriMg from acute broa
t-hitk III rooditioa was tH..uhl a
l- serious,
) mm sM m Me lU.
lats. Vt t!, Ferdinand M H
.vews th eminent esgi", '!
lu W dylF at His ttry lot,
C. K M dlid, jr of Toph-t Kaa.,
hss aa apiiicl!it f ra flr
rob) iz Hid. aid it Goia' to Ctt a Good
Deal Madder-
He Hit Aalwaze Trice to bta Konsist
coi Kxisichun and a
bus Demokrat
He ie a "Mishnnary Baptie."
Mistur Kditub: Tobe SpHkiaa Is
msd. He'stuad ez he kin bee. He
never wuz madder In biz life. Ho'sfitln
read. Why? Oh, It makes me madder
tu think about It. I bev aulway tride
tu bee 2 things; A knoelstent Krist
chua and a konshientabui Demokrat.
Accordln' 1o the way I used tu think
thofotu tllDgsfitlniu each uther like
lha wuz mid fur tbet purpls. But It
rialnttbet wano more. 1 ;he nearly
bust mi biler tryin' tu bee both. I wuz
lazed oo old fanhlu Demokrat an' jincd
tbeold-faehln Mlthuoary Ilaptls' church
Wua uv tbe tcnlts uv thet church Iz
''wunce in grase aulway b in grase,' but
f th-t icnit aint changed 1 kin see very
plauely thct I bev tu either git out uv
tbe church or out uv tbe Demikratick
party. I wish now Jeffenon bed incor
porated tbat pilnclpel in the structshur
uvthe Demikratick faith. You see,
ruletur editor, tbe trouble t thin ever
lastin cbaogin'of tactlckt. Last faul
neerly the hoal Demikratick party wuz
talkiti' free t lver, but when It kum tu
votln tba voted agenst it Tna sed tha
wud repeel tbe McKinley bill, but tha
don't du it 'J ha bed tba wuz oppoecd
tu nakbioul banks, but tha vote tu glv
tbem more privilege. Tha cd tha
wuz in faver uv reduclu' expcnsi a, but
tba vote tu Increostjlhem, Tha sed tha
wuz opposed tu a cold standard, but tba
vote fur a gold standard. Now, mlstur
priitur.I want to aik sum quesMonaand
I want them aneerd, an' thet mltey quick :
1. What does it take tu konstltoot a
2. Air the prlnclpcis tuut bl Toman
Jeffenon and' Andru Jaksun Dcmlkratlc
p.icclpels now, and if so what air the
pi-incipels tau; bi Cleveland
Wbl Jz It tbel the feller who
drinks 27 drams uv rot gut whisky,
swarcs like a truper, and votes tho
ticket at rate Is caulcd a good Demikrat,
while the foller who iz ober an' don't
sware eny, but votes fur ihc prlnsipcls
ezadvocated bi Tom JcffersoD, is cauld a
mugwump or a krauk?
4. Whl iz it thet half uv tbe Demi
krats air expected tu 11 and the utber
half expected tu believe the liza?
.. If tbo Dcmokrats ware bonebt
when tha sed tha wuz in favur uf fre
silver whl didn't tha voto fur li? And
if tha wuzeut honest wbi duz the pee pic.
vote fur them'
6. If the MclClnloy bill wuz rohbin'
the people like the Demikratick speek
erased It wuz, whl didn't tha repeel it
ez buno ez tha got la puur, ex tha sed
tba wudv '
7. If the Demikrats wuz In favur uv
roducln' expenses whl did tha vote tu
iukrees tbalr own salaries $100 a munth
when tha wuz aulredy glttln T.000 a
8. If tho opposishuu uv Jefierjioa and
Jaoksun tu casliinul banks wuz Do
muckrasy, then whl ulnt it Demockraijy
now, and whl don't we bev bum uv tbet
kind uv Paincckrasy?
I). If Grover Cleveland and hi, fol
lower air Demokra's whl don't tha
work at tho trald?
10. How long iz It expected thot tbo
pccrol h gtln' tu stand it tu beollde tu
and tlescevod on1 keep on votln' tbo
Mistur cditur, tbcic air sum uv the1
questions I want angered, and thair 1
lots uv pccple doun here thet wants 'em
arise red ez bad ez I du- Tho Demikrats
dovn hern I'. x mad ez hornets. Lots
uy 'cm hev gone cleno over tu the Pop
ulists. Bum uv 'em air kussla Cleve
land blak and b'u. Tb sware tVa will
never vote anulhtr Demlkrallek ticket
An' I'm mad tu. It's no uao tryin' tu
lye a Domikra. an' a Krlstian. Tha
won't work together. A good Krlstian
won't vote for a liar an' a thief. The
Demikratick party ha pled glity tu
both. When tha promised gud times
tha l'.do. When tha prvcultcd fre sllvtr
tha lUle. Woen tha promised tu repeel
the McKinley hill c suno tt th gut a
chance tha lido, When tha allow tbo
taruff ttt kepo on rohbin' the peepel tha
air helpk tu steal thair hard ernlos.
Tbe Domikratljt party hea maid a
j'hool tut u? every honest man who
vottd the ticket las faul. When he voted
he wu told he wu votln' fur fre silver;
lur mor nivinaji fur rtduvkihla uv ts
peetea! fur lie u(eel uv the McKinley
Ursff, a' fur better time. Not dim uv
tseaa thing hev we got. Tht men wlw
dun the moat uv the I tela hev got the
oft aad air Jrala' tha'r salaries.
The men who beleertd Vm and dua
moat uv the votla" air tt' thair n
ducts lower thsa tha r 411 Nl,
wvartn' rags ant rvavwla' thslf ktrfjs.
This ! the sttuatsua doun ar We
sir WM If we vot4 fur Cievtland
thair wod be ahsnge aa4 taatr vus
(haae. W doa't waat e iwrw uv
thn kU4 u,'v. It I Uat-4 ta a
ssan t dviv, hard i ht stuwkk, hsrd
o UU stllUi and hai4 e ' relila,
We waitt u bte knna's'sat, V il w j air
seericj the vurye ut iisjr. VTe
want til bee a Demikrat, but thair b z
got tu bee a revi.hvn uv the Bialeor an
entyre change uv polity of the party, or
else we will her tu giv up our reiigio.
We air aoxshusly watln tu see what tin
be dun la the presnhc, ez the loyeri
a. When we rite agio we hope the
outlotk will bee tuore incouragio.
Tobb Spiuoss.
Who ts trj ln' hard lu be s good Krtstlsa an,
a Demikrst, but iz sfrsda be will fate.
National Reformer.
"Tobacco Destroyed His Nerves and
Stomach and Injured Hla Health "
Valpabaiso. Ind , Kov. 25,
Sterling Remtdy Company, Xo. 45 Ban-
dulpk St., Chicago:
Gemti rmen: I used three boxes of
NO-'J O-B AC. and ltdestroyed my tastu
for tobacco. Befi re I begsn It use I
had very poor health heart trouble,
and ray nerves were all gon; In fact,
tnt health was so bad that I sold my
store and spent a year out of door to
improve my health; 1 was too nervous
to work. NO-TO BAG. cured me, and
my health is better than it has boon for
many and msny a day, and I am only
too glad to give you tbo liberty to ute
this statement, in order that many
others, who are being destroyed by the
use of tobacco, may see it and saved.
(Signed.) T. B. Uaht.
NO-TO BAC is absolutely guaranteed
to euro any form of the tobacco habit;
you can buy it at H. T. Clark Drug Co.
Lincoln. Neb., our agents. Call and
get a copy if our little book, entitled
"Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your
Life Away."
Cheap Rate, (Julck Trip.
The travel from the north anu north
west ten itoiy, tapped by Thk Cheat
Rx k Island Hoctk, has demanded
service of this character, and beginning
October 6tb, tourist car will leavo
Minneapolis every Thursday morning
and join the regular tout 1st train out of
Chicago every Thursday alternoon at
Columbus Junction, Iowa, at 11 V. M,
Central Iowa and tbe great v. ejt slope
district of tho Sluts, demands and will
receive a similar ser vie, and beginning
October 10th, a I'hltltps-Kock Iland
(excursion Car will leave Alb rt Ut
every Tueday morning, and via Lho'f
mor, rt. Douce anu Augut, win arrive
at D'S Moines tbat evening, and Wed
nesday A. M. go west on the "Ulg
Five," via Omaha, Lincoln and IJollt
vllle, at which polut it will join tbe
regular Tuesdry train from Chicago,
Full particulars as to cheap rate
tickets for tbl trip, and also as to cost
of berth in the tourlrt csr cheerfully
given on applla'ion to any Great Rock
I-land Jlouut ii:ret Agent, or agent at
coupon stations f connecting
Jso. Skhahiian, O. 1'. A., O.lcsgo.
To See the Cheapest Lands and the Dest
Crops in Nebis&ka,
August 22, September 12 ami October
10, tho Klkhornrallroivl, Northwestern
line, will sell round trip tickets for the
above purposn at one fan) plus $2 no
fare Kss than 7 to points oo its lines
in Nebraska, South Dakota and Wyo
ming. Write your friends that these
rates are also (rood from points west of
ChicHjro on the North western linos.
Tickots cood twenty days.. Stonover
given. For further Information call
on A. S. Fielding, Cl'y Ticket Airent
li:i:i O street, or Depot ArcdiK.T.
Moore, corner S and Kljrhth streets.
WM. Shipman. (icti. At.
The eonstant demand uf the (raveling
public to tho far west for a comfortable
and at the same tlmo an economical
mode of traveling, has lod to the estab
lishment of what is known as Pullman
Colonist Sloopers.
These curs are built on the same gen
eral plan as the regular first-class Pull
man Sloopers, the only dlHerence being
tbat thoy are not upholstered.
They are furnished complete with
good comfortable hair mattresses, warm
blankets, snow white linen curtalus,
plenty of towels, combs, brushes, etc.,
which secure to tbe occupant of a berth
as much privacy as is to be had in first
class sleepers. There are also separate
toilet rooms for ladies and gentlemen,
and smoking is absolutely prohibited.
For fuu information send ior ruuman
Colonist Sleeper Leaflet.
J. T. Mastik, C. T. A. 1044 O. St.,
E. B. SI.03S0S, Gen. Asit.
Lincoln, Neb.
Low Excursion Ratea-Horth-West-ern
Line. '
daily trains.
Chicago, one way I .15
Chicago and return Id. 10
Fast trains. Through sleepers.
Ucn. Agl
A. S. FlKI.Dl.VU,
City Tkt Ajt.
Depot Cornor S and Eighth street.
E. X. Mqork, Tkt. Agent.
Always la the I.eait Four lasen
ger Trains Dal y Itetween a ait
Ml. Mais.
llartl time eut no tlgute ith the
Hurtiuttoa ha it eomes to the a
roroaiiKiatlng tbe I raveling aublto
toe latest atidUions to thter alres4y
tlen414 aervles are (our dally last
pm trains hetweea l.lovolo aod Hi,
laMtU through recllalagchair tars,rull
msn vpstlbulaU tWstt and th eer
(wiMilsr dlnlag far.
Ask Honntl at B. M tteHl or
.a .ikM itfl I .s W ..I si
)Murr Mwni iwt aim wi
streets abot these as
Lout and ta nnt
tr.a to at.
Hsie'l Yeuf WeiU'a ran Of jwtunny
Hatraeut la t!
tin aad afr Tuesday, Augvist Itt,
the tUrttak rout will aU rotiad
trip lU'ioW U Chicajia with a return
limit 1 thirty days. IW 1 1
ta sjk kew l l
Tivksls i.tld at Ws UvlU aUsl atv
aiti lrt trm itrlt was tf any kind
acd waVUU h'ldur V th I alio t sjy
meat th lUrliagUia sMrU'f
IVtaaell at th Am or lUmr
or loth aad U ata, and arrange M
mak that U piaaal trip I Chi
the best fa
tbe cheapest
Strictly Pure
White Lead is best: properly applied
it will not scale, chip, chalk, or rub
off; it firmly adheres to the wood and
forma a permanent base for repainting;.
Paints which peel or scale have to be
removed by scraping: or burning before
satisfactory repainting can be done.
When baying it is important to obtain
Strictly Pure
White Lead
properly made. Time has proven that
white lead made by the M01d Dutch"
process of slow corrosion possesses
qualities that cannot be obtained by
any other method of manufacture. This
process consumes four to sis months
time, and produces the brands that
have given White Lead its character
as the standard paint.
"Southern" "Collier"
"Red Seal"
are standard brands of strictly pnre
Lead made by the "Old Dutch" pro
cess. You get the best in buying them.
You can produce any desired color by
tinting these brands of white lead with
National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead
Tinting Colors.
For sal by tht most rslisble dealers la Paints
every wbera.'
If you are (olnc to paint, it will pay you ts
end to us for a book containing Information
that may save you many dollar; It will
oly cost you a poets! card to do so.
1 Broadway, Kew Xtr
St. Louis Branch,
Oark Avenue and Tenth Street.
" Ann
Ifxk at IbeM brautiful vohl-
rim and low prlcm. Yourn't
.for douhl tli nionvy. Wrlin
Jllniwtevrr iuhllhnl. OvtVU
'Mlyli-i, Vahlrlfe fin anil up-
Wttrn.eiarBrHViann upwara.
flmplnut and motiteron'
otuirsi riisiues on est
F.illy Caarntrad
A boytar'H.r"
quires only a few
ruinuU"' stten
tloustisy. 'iuar
aiiiriul OMt ,f
runulSK I ct. pr
hour lwr H. P
Write 'or ratsl
cue. Address,
Weber Cas Engine Work
Kansas Citt. Mo.
W1I1S500 Help You 0'Jt? r
s you
ctm linv(
offer you th Sole a coney for an anldo
that is wanted In Eve y Homo and n-
dlpenaableln f veryCfno,i"ineihin
trial SI muni' wuwi rnuvnoii
rapidly ut Double the price, ttougd not
answering the purpose half so we'l.
You can m;tU Irmn $300 io$7QOl t01-88
ruxtitliis lntridm:lu H. t,fu-r wliiculi will brltiK
A steady, i iberal Income, if i ropuiy
uitn(lrd (. I.artlHs doss well aHmpn, In ioa
nrciountrv. Iln'nt MIm thll CHanca.
Writ.; at oncn to j w , J res Mans
fer, bprinRTtoia, onio.
.n a sr im. a r-.iAWj- a.
12th and Farnam 8t.
Great Rock Island Roon
The Rock Island is foremost In adopt
ing any advantage calculated to Im
prove pekt and give that luxury, safely
aod comfort tbst popular patronage de
mauds. Its Mjalpiaent U thoroughly
complete with wstlhuled tralpa. msg.
olttct-nl dining cars. sUeivrs aod ckslr
coaeho, all the roat tl isot, an.l of
reotnilf Imprtivtd pttera,
ilts(nl a'il i-ambe rostssgetueat
aad ptllt. h"fl! a-rv'cs from em
ployes ar Impurtanl I'eO's. They art
aduohUduy-U theCwnpmy aad to
travelers and tt la aomettwas a task
difficult of aeotitnplUhweat I'aessa
mini ih'a Mow will Ua4 tittle t-ause Ur
ronplaiai ea that grwuad
m. Mr. sun. it
The trrest It a k til ad Ko'M runs all
' rf ular tralas to Kf''H4 auurea
etatKMi, cioao hi tn ttri4 i air
groaa.U, and yon eaa av lUua tad
t.smb: by yruiat oS it that olat aad
atld tbe crowd tu the i lly
I'er fall imrtltw arsas to ukt.ui,
l st, to any eoipa ekv t Rlc
ia the Waited t'anat r liloo
or aadw. JN- HKUAhTUN,
nHtii a rwt t strata m
Hi J.weph Ho(f f t o. (srrliivsaad
H iff Us at liesst prim. Cewlagvt
aad pr.'v iUt free. AV isd Maaaaal
4 It JH, Ut
In Paint
-a araw. avi.av. -a vriM.
'd'TVwt.waJ?! ii rs
v m sa Av - m r
m am- s m f i
rT7 iO'JS OF, tcnty (i bjfift''
in Tn rtr.rvn vptf tn rwr
Moat Prvtlcal Busing College la the
Wl. bboithsnd. Typowrltiiie. Book- x
pj ke-iinK and r!erpbjr. Sbortbsnd M
a by Mail. Three lms trr Sad for Cy
MIXED Paints.
For Uoiuws, Bsrni. Rocifs, all color. A SAVE
Middleman's prottu. In a SI ysurs. Kn
dsrsed by Ursne A Farmers' AliUaca. Low
prices will aiirprlM you. Writ for earapls.
O. W. INUEHSOLU m Plymouth St., Brook
lyn. N. Y.
Tha btpyln(r lnvatmDt lor a bouiKiif
Nona Ken ulna without brass fltl Itik) our UUtnl
Improvad style, Is s alld tnaV. Iish dp llan
iron? hut hlirb KralA. and clotNis irfclly tight
savesKi pwrrantnutrltlouiielBmwntH. full tie
rrlpMvaRlrniitiirson application. I slsomsn-
nracture tH"New stlf-cras" iva mai ano m
Famous pjyluu Pan, eUi. AO K NTS WANTKW
tu eTrv coiintv In tha U. Ad(lras.
Council Bluffl lows.
Holstein : Cattle!
A few Extra Good r-eptcmber Pigs,
and a No. 1 butter bred bull, yearling,
-registered for sale. Prices right.
H. S. Williamson,
vtll 1 TMI9 Vl'T nil ut-nl It to
ilrcxa mill we will miyoa
l nil au.ll uvtxpruM
for t'XlilllinHllon. n
i Copt. for i Ymi-
ami rhrtin a oliurin
I aunt with It. Vcmix-
i. nil no It ami if ymi
i tlitufc It a bi' run in
I tiny our niniiii
irk' .lO.onil i' U
1 jouik. U 1 brauii
1 fully .ni-m i-i nnd
j wftrrnut (t tilt- bi'.t
llimr k..H-r In tha
i iini'i to a yi'iiuiiMi
N.iiM uuia vvnii'h.
Wrlin In iliiv, this iHit
I Kill ut ,.p.r j4a.
national mro.
canaoRN ST
osao iiu
Programme of Fall Festivities Tbat. For
' brilliancy and Variety Outshines the
Carnival Cities of tbe Old World.
Paris, tbe most magnificent city on
either continent, has for ages held the
proud title of "tho premier, carnival
city of tho world " However during
tbe last ton or twelve years an Ameri
can rival of do mean pretensions has
contested for that high honor, and to
day St. Louis holds what Paris so re
luctantly relinquished, the title of "tbo
earnlv&l city o: the two continents."
Not content with the successful exhi
bitions of previous years, tho Autum
nal FeslivitiesAssooiatlon ha arranged
a programme for 1 81)3 that in brill
laucy and variety will be difficult to im
prove upon. The first of the grsat
attractions, tho St. Louis Kxposlttoo,
will throw its doors open to the public
September 6th aod continue until Oot.
21st. The world renowned SfmsV
bind has been engaged by tbe manage
ment, which in itself Is a sufficient in
ducement to crowd tbe inagolnoent
building during the concert.
Special attention has been paid to the
struot lltust alioDS. and on the evening
of August 12th, 1'th, 24th, and Stat,
Keptemberlth, lUh, 21t and 2'.h, aod
6;tber 3d, 5th, 1 2th and ItHh, the most
magnificent display yet atlernptod will
greet the ey o( th fortunate visitor,
eW'CtrloUy playing a potnlutnt part,
Tho evening of October 3d the Veiled
Prophet and hi followers lil parade
though tha prino'pal thoroughfares,
nd Uuwdlatel aftor the grvat hall
which has received tsnsldrabU pro-mloi-eoe
throughout the world, will bi
Tne X!d great St. I. mis Fair aod
,txKiitaUsi'Jun, OcUtter2d to lb,
IU u th crowaUg week o( th eat
nttal evaaoa. This latitutlua has aa
ptr, aud Is knowa la evert land whore
t ltHtiirlotatf vtvitUatioaealat. Tbe
Ulaaovirl latittto Hallway and Iroa
Mouatala Itiut being dlaiiaetly Ht.
lMi tn and halag at ait tint t-e
iavenvs ol th vlty la wind, hav wade
a ramarkably low r4 lr rate trvm
ail puiatsoa th tattr ww ta M
t,fni and retura dttrtag the lestltJtU a,
Tor tarihsr tahwatatiga ia regent la
rw-s mute, limit of tk'kewaad fur a
fn.V of the tall fvaMvUV wm'u,
a.Uto srat Mlia't k aolfiij or Iroa
Morula Vit ket Ar at la yr it l
urr, e II. V, Toad. tl t and T
Agl. "it tjaU.
Nurthweatera Ita to t'kkag
raw. fi tra'a. Ut.o