The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, October 05, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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, , p
- - STATE NEWS. - -
I alrtla( Itaai BUrrUsf Sabcstks sa
5kmaka raapla. t
Mindes bus fire men whose combined
ijht U 97 pouads.
Gordon has a new fin company with
Uurtr n sines enrollM. .
TtfpLtherla i sorely scourg-inf the
little folks oi Boone cooaiy.
, Gge count jr wants to unload the
cumbersome supervisor j-ttn.
A tralnload of stock was shipped
lio Sumner on day Un week. .
Schayler papers are urging the es
tablishment ol a public library and
reading room. . . , , .,; , r
1'redCliandlcr of Mudi.son county lias
hurvted a avatemielon that weighed
almost sixty pound!, ; . . .
' Everett Scott eluiui to hare killed
' fort v-two ducks at four shots." It must
he been a good day or ducks. -
' lfchpito the dry weather Banner
county lmrrestert a log nay crop, anaii
is worth but iJ.rn a ton tn the stack. Smith of (iatfield county,
rot a foot taiifrled In one of these new
rwrneutters and will le a cripple for
life, '
Alfred Anderson a drv troods nier
ehant of Htromsbnrg, lost a part ol his
goods by Are. Fully eorered By insur
ant'. "
Fanners near (iotheoburg are haul
' ing woed from the canyons south of
ike MePherson reserrstW It Ukes
; three iays to get a load.
Farmers will save making
: 8re guards while the sun shines,, The?
re ptrtlmi1rly cautimied not to wait
dl aflfr holwaust. ' ' -
Mr. IV. ft. Keith of Xaponee Is shy
ne (eg as the result of her husband
esrelessoewi In handling a loaded shot
fiia. It was a wostdUtiesslngand nn
fortuuste acidnt. '
Harry Urn hi bull of Alum dropped
hesry iron, and he now siwrt one
less than he is entitled to under the
" statutes relating to toes.
? The Central City Democrat wants
M si well to run Independent and
promises to see that he Is elected, finch
ilevottjn la rarely observed among men,
;' As a result of the United Brethren
' reriral lust closed twelve people hare
turned from their sins and are on the
'right road. A little lettven flieth the
t whole; lump. . - ,1. Jl. Oeornf of Hhulton waa
rutting wood in his back yard the ax
vtruc.k the clothes line and rebounded
against bis face, ctittlujf u gash that re
quired sereral atiches. , -
Mrs. Louisa Thompson, juuitress at
the Dodge street school at Omaha,
dropped dead while engaged In work at
one of the buildings. Apoplexy Is sup.
. posed to be the cause.
Inn foot race at Loomls the other
day the visiting sprinter won, and the
local spuria reiuseu i give up me a,-uu
aUike on the ground that betting was
Illegal, Ureat heads!
' A farmer living nenr Himly island
went to (iothenbur uul got on a jam
boree, Us was finally run in after
squandering 52, und had to mortgage
bnt team for money to pay the flue,
v A young man of Vance coiitity got a
sandbar In his windpipe and it took a
surgeon with a pair of tongs to dis
lodge the enemy. For three day the
patient was unable to articulate, '
"'KiifTalo Bill ' recently purchased a
htsmisoiae residence in North Platte,
M-which he paid f(),M)U, tin intend.
' so pass the decllging years of Ms event
ful life near the spot where he killed
bUilrat "Injun."; . .,' ,:
' Colonel Keyllnger of the Hay Springs
Druiuurut hss Weu sued foi-slander,
aud the i damage' claimed is IS.OOO.
,1'ne best thing Keplinger can do t to
, ipiilogle and settle at fifty cents on
"Ilia JoUur. , ,
Two-Madison comity- bud of man-'
, (ijoibwno are in lore with the same
,7l tried to settle the mutter a la for
feit, and one of thein wan badly dis
rured, though clnimlng to be still in
'the flay. ' v ; ; '
r 'I He populists of Dawes county are
riinuiir Mr. J. 1). Sheldon for super
intendent of public schools and she is
bv all odd the best man on the ticket,
tr he Is sssiK'lsie editor of the Chadrou
' Signal and shows liuu kcd ability as a
eVNHtper writer. ; '
"NSoepy" Hewitt, author of many a
, truuo iaOmHha nnd who was suspect
ed of kumvledjjc lu connection with
ttic inunlor ol Wank lluvdlck, is in
" treulde Hgsin. lie was detected yea
' twdur iii the act of burglarizing n Six
teenth st reel residence while the In-
mail's wore uwey, i ue ("iiut gov aim.
A cwiuimuy lias been orguni.ed at
feutral City for the purpose of inanu
, facturlny n purely vegetable remedy
for the cure t'f hII di-ieascs Incident to
hauiauity,- It the sick take courage.
A lieating balm is at our very doom.
Large bottles one dollar, six for a V,
Two young men of F.hvuod enicaged
a a dispute that words could not sat
isfy, and being ti gentlemanly to fight
in ' public they sought a secluded stiot
awl lammed 'away at each other till
. U4h were tired, tliea shook hands and
jsere friends asln. That la courtes a
1 Albeit Young, the little son of a
widow women tf Arapuhoe, boarded a
' fght passenger train at Cambridge to
tal rtde home, aud was told to get
h after the train had started. In
: jumping he struck a pile ( ties and fell
tu. f.wit MenifcB tha rail. '1'he
wi -- - - ' .
asangletl niiuUir was amputated abore
lUe ankle.
Xelsu arkhurst, sou of J. K. I'srk
nnrat, wha Ures siorlhwest of Mielton,
iMvhe hU right H d a brother
were ewtdgiug 0 rope, whlvli they
fcdtrUhelUut fifteen feet above
the freuttd. ind l.lnr, his grip Mi
ts the gioid. br'Wlng hi arm W
Iweoa th wrist an I theetUnrand also
eretly !lff ' Wft wrist.
A vuuugmsnnt H-i.tla Urtled at ft
!hWt4d I te wal l I tw
tmueiuvi ftbr U h mi blo
CLuTsttd d.vUili.g th vrUe.fa.
JSi?e4 Vut.l Ms tertn were nv4
Is. The 4 1 vt itt.
Employed ia ACTlva
Here, fross the Chicago
lubeUoce of a piper read
Stetens, one of the IlIiBr,
spectors, before the laU
ventlonof Factory Insp
city on the 2lst, lnt:
'Factory Inspector k
labor I ope of the factor
captions of Industry
calculation on cost of V
tbe employment of cbllt
notwitbstandicg statutn
Intccdcd to check It; thai
this fmplon;eot ari inu
every tvolvment if gt'U
in an improved machine;
magical macMoe and cU!l
together, ro In geometries
rressrd the LUmbtT 01
adaiU. With the effect o
on the child we are sadly
ceoiusof m,th last J
cave the numocr of wage
drenat ,Ki'A one ch!
sixteen robliedof itibirthr
time, of physical growth
tialnicff. It Is probable
ores nt time not less th-soS,
dren under 18 years of age if
shop and factories. Tbe cl
a A
bop and factory it In fourf
accidental death, mutilation
111 health, ritlatcd morals ws,
s'ens. and sometime tbe mo
child ii the one to which tb-
tbeio four evlli come, or.t
least a Duality. .To each of yo
cur the wbiob upt
taUmnt of fourfold dangei
need not weary you with oltati
our Labor TJureau report, wL
fortunalflv available or gener
and In which have been collectea
markablv larifo and useful a mou
data on tbl subject, tbe rooro rem.
able at employer everywhere cover v
and conceal more than tbey report
accidents, fatal aod otherwise. M
own observation extend over a perlo
of thirtv vcar. fer. thouch I have bet
a Factory Inspector, less than thrt
BtoiJth, I have been a wage eamc
since I was 1.1 veai old. For man
year t 1 have been Mac, a a TradJ
Unionist aod aKnisbtof Labor, active
Interested in investigating this pbaJ
of the abor problem. Truro I rer
little machinery at which children at
employed I he t doe not endanger life
tod limb. We are often told, a l was
in a stamping factory a few day since,
that accident happen because children
are carolet. Tbl 1 an aggravation
of rather than an excuse for tha crime
against the child. It is one of tha pre
rogative of childhood that we rob them
of when we make care-taking llttlo old
men and women of them among ma
bines., j Jso child under 10 should bo
illowed amorg team driven or electrlo
lty-propalled maohincry." w .
' The Kvll 'f I'mry. '
While wo have a mom y system under
which tbe usurer deal in certalntiei,
and every one else in uncerlantle. des
olation and iniinlte trouble must beset
our pathway. Interest mutt be out
lawed. The thoughtful and philosophic
reformer tee the legal tender power of
government the only available avenue
of escape from " uiuryr Tb're are
fat forming two faction, representing
two-trill, a dutinct, separate, ann ir
reconcilable a tha impassable gulf be
tween Dive and Abraham'. boKOir.
The legal tender rleht la in direct line
with progress, and In harmony with
the great principle enunciated at tbe
founding of tbl government. ?
It 1 the doctrine which the future
party must assimilate with and adopt
without deviation or compromlee. An
eminent writer on thi subject tay:
'Thlt nation can neltter want back
ward nor stand still as regard the
money question, but must either go
higher or shrivel and ulo in tha , very
betot it ideal" ; -
The question that confronts us te-tluy
is not whether vast wealth can be made
available when dlbured, but whether
it la wise and eofo for thi republlo
longer to tolerite a policy that permits
private pattlea or corporation! to create
and control tuch wealth. We aro al
ready In tha midst of an irrepreible
conflict between legalised wrong aod
natural rights. And aa ture as there Is
a God la heaven tha tight will win.
That which i for the good of tho pea
pie will finally be tecured. If it 1 not
contltutlonaf we will make ltcontitu
tlonal. It our contltutlon imaokt too
much of plutocratic; infidelity and ari
,w..u iMihW. awsr with the oon-
tltution. Ulve u one that eubodie
every right of (lod's noblest creation
a tree man.-n win western muunu,
Follow the crowd to the lutaiture aad
hoiiahiilJ mvsls emnttrtnm of Melue Jt
..mumii ai 1971.1U North Fourteenth
street, where you will And everything In
tbelr line of tbahett quality and cheap
est prlcej eepeciatiy t room suivs.
The -WorlJ" lair.
iiUnni usiuissarv ta bo an athUte
All tnose taings an ieraMeirrio
railroad, a moving idewaJk, (several
I kIimI rKaira. a acorn af eon-
dola and half a hundred electric
Uuechee have Nca provtUea lor the
purro of nnatning visitor vo get
Nn.t tKa vetiuntts without undulr
iertnr thuwl., M& thtrw ar
gttmud hte yot t m rest just m
U fg ostuu iltt. The great fair 1
for all sort tf tvcpM tu neediof
both hj weak and the itronf hsve been
carefullv ifoesMerf vl.
Ak llivnell, at II. M. l'Po5 Of
Ht rtr, cvrvti l and 'ft-ath strostt
A correspondent cf the New, Nation
after acquainting hlmelf with the
political situation U convinced i that
Georgia, Alabama and Text will be
captured by tbe populist at the next
election. In Texas tho democrat ami
populist are holding joint debate in
all part of the state. Judge Nugent,
straight populUt, who , received last
fall more than , 1Q0,Q)0 vote for gov
rnor ' will beat any man now that can
be run agalntt him. An old party
journalist who was present at the popu
list tate convention declare, "If any
politician in Texas ba been bugging
tho, fond delusion that the popullat
eompose an lnslgolftcant party of nul
content,, led by a gang ol demagogues,
he might a well turn that phantom
loose, for the state convention haa dem
onstrated to the satisfaction of every
observer that the rank and file are
honest, earnest workers for what tbey
believe to be a great and noble cause."
The populist party weakening, i it?
After the following fashion, yes: In
Louisa county, Iowa,, the republican
vote last November was 1,790, the
democratic 1,0(11), and the populist
vote 110.. The, populist committee of
the county now have the names of 1,185
voters who have Joined the people
party since that election.
Ex-Congressman Gillette of Iowa ha
been addicting populist meetings In
Missouri and find the people of that
state greatly alive in the populist cause.
There Is o election there tbl year, but
basket picnics are being held by tho
populists all over the tate. They
usually last two day or more, and large
crowd attend them.
At the Kana state fair thlt week
Tuesday ws Populist . dav, and the
speaker were Governor Lewellloe,
lion. Tom Watson of Georgia, and
"Cyclone" Uavl of Txa.
Senator Stewart of Nevada la bidding
good bye to the republican and entering
the populist party ald, "Come what
may I am enlisted ia the war for the
people' right to the bitter end.
Mi. Anna, !. Weaver ol New York,
now In Iowa apeaklag (or the people'
party, It it reported addressed, Kept.
10th, the largest crowd la Onawa which
ever assembled In the courthouse, She
olio tpoke to a great concourse ol peo
pi at Itotk Ilapiq the SOth ult.
Ralph Heautuont tpoke to an assembly
of Iowa vote! at MarthalUown recent
ly, hit ipeech lasting nearly three
hour. JThe crowd nlUwt the court
house (uar. town Is politically all
truken up, tnd the people are pressing
into the lines of thetrsat labor mwl
pation party.
Tha formstiua of pvople a arly club
t the ordfr f th dy ia Iowa. The
dUcsrdlof of the prloclpi r H!lcy of
prt hibltion. and the iHjswenutJnt hrak
up if lb rvrublkaa iity; rank, U
throwing tho mods and ta of thous-
! an.U of vvU'it into the rvrullil partf.
'have a plan, andVith
r'our help. in workins
out' the "easy - details
can achieve 'results
...'f5Tan4, -. glorious , and
; lasting..; ' ,
H6Ma for 116 People!
-. Nebraska' soil and iunhine,
, Nebiais rain and dew, ;.
.. .. Ksbraska' tteam and lightning,
, Nebraika't wealth and credit, lor
, Nebraska' toiling Sons, , ...
'- To cut the mighty tenU
cle of many -armed
r' ' mon6poly,; to "over-
, throw, the law-sup"
ported tyranny of cor- ;
porate greed, the Peo- i
u-. pie's party must xi
placed in power. To
place it in power, com- '
-'' pleto and sweeping,
! , tWs paper, bearing the
light.of Ita grand prin-.,
. .u! ciples, must reach the
i k people. ' a- i
Oar Simple Plan
Is to divide the state,
; and stir eac;h lover of
' tlie people's cauao to
1 work well the . licld
around him-his neigh-
borlKKxl.. we, shall
make a paper you will
be proud of and en
thusiastic for, and the
personal effort which
and justice can make
. among neighbors and
friends advertisinguits
worth and work and
' asking 1 heir subscript '
tions, should be put 1
forth to multiply , outs
influence, to spread the '
truth to all; We are i
determined to achieve ' '
" great result. . But '
your help is nocessary, '
,We count M
, 25,0Q0 new, subsorLbcr
,. . j can easily be placed on
'. . our books in the next
three months.! Many !
' hands make light work.
' Assuming that wo have
threo earnest zealous',
' friends in each of the ,
, 1 , 040 precinct - of the :
state, who will send
' tis five new nameseach.
we shall have notusly
that ' number ' raised. ,
There is not a Populist
who can afford, to 'Uv
without the ... ; ,
Pacts anfl Argomsnts.
with which this- paper
'will equip him. There '
is not an oiwn-miaded
democrat or republican
, , in Nebraska , who "
,V should bti allowHl to (;
. . remain . unacquainted
with it. IjVw this work
of introducing ' and '
spreading .the light,
', the paper, anion? the
pHi)lo of wach locality, .'
,.!f we , ... . .
One, tw.oH tktv, four, a,
dozen, the more the
men-ivry nltould take
hoUtinach precinct.
Each one who reatU ,
thin U tailed to thUs
.nvvdful work of truth
hpreading, called by
' faMeingiolf interPNt,
called by huffei ing hn
manUy, called or (Uxt
' and cotvsclente driven.
Now, then, all together
i to the work.. And iv
ruetuU'r, "Theio ii no
tliechurge In thU war."
Magi yearly ulcrlptloe for Thk
AlUAkt'K-lNttrrKXtiMT. Ou IWmip,
(Mul ol live sent lu at one time Iwur
iWillar. Stiort tf ia f ate to . trial
suhscrtbi rs. HMeea tVaw tilt January,
1st, 1!I, Address order to
',20M It .Lincoln, Nwb.
f-ji! ttl rt,UU In ft folttina.
IZ- - ;.-.
- a.
Fall arid
Winter Goods--- "
i !M j Ml i
The largest land most complete
f j ijl tie city.
1 - i
If you want to bay a good pair
... of Blankets, lied Uom'orly- a Uucic fjoat, a pair ot over
alls, Jeans, Pants, a Skirt, Glovesor Mittens, Under
wear do not fail to give ;u a all t W have a repntation
of keeping First t-lass goods only.CJ Would be pleased
to show you through oar stock ;and convince you that
you fhoa Id trade with its. ur:m ," ; :M : . ,": :
" " Jt'il o '" '" ." -.j
f 921 p 'Sfcijl OpposHc P. O.
Le Grand
..7 ..U
To the Headers of The Alliance-Independent . . ... .... 11'
. Having purchased the entire business of J.W. ilartley &
Co., ' I want to supply all of the patf 6ns of the old ftrm with
goods. If you want to save moneys write me. for .wholesale
prices on any and all kinds of 5 - , i . , , : , . i, .
4 . f u
AH orders by mail will receive my prompt attention.
member 1 guarantee entire satisfaction. '
! 245 South 11th St., Lincoln, Neb.
Call and see us when you are in the city.
irt i Tsunruui n iiJ UHA m;uu:
r?i u -w-..' i. -
268 Foot Front. ,
Second Largest Normal College in America.
mud wrui nil t. hu la full onarstlon In Sll U Tttbslwsn W Sd JSJO tud-B In
fia awoen saJ II iss ibintt wduubls r mus.j
ih stsi ef
la iiuit MsH Ml'Ht irwiM rlwln ihCi-Mrli-sfUf lwlt's-sl
,vu.'ivt n IK ilt fft, lUakltolLf Hhii !! SurM i.'-rtjr amutut IS
eu l Ltiirl sm Wlwla jpu i.Si!"i. 1 it atmj
U If v at Uttuituf st Mtwlis ;r lu i haul S )(, ku'l.l btiw i-J nn a t
.. H - H m it fat ail n4 will h.i II wl lu " 'r IS t Sat -mt
U u ff ! u. .-. fi m i Ki ilktiii - ! ifc iti'i w '"'"'' 4
lit i Vu SwKi-lll tl( liaait ai4 ws ltsM, ur sitj Iim l " In
i..i aaU !! al mm' WyMvrn iiaa) naH u4 at Srllla.
ROOM 10-1041-0 St,
v-.- -
.stock of General Merchandise
Cbmisting of .
t ak r
Groceries, Etc. I
of Shoe, a Hat or Capf a pair
M; Baldwin,
Lincoln, Neb.