The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, October 05, 1893, Image 5

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    OCTOBER o,18l3
He oew'editor has devoid full two
flays of the past week to an examination
Ol oar peopled party papei a of tl e state,
in order to make himself mors familiar
with the political situation aed the lcoal
and general condition cf the populist;
party in Nebraska. It is new a sear
and a half ainoe he has h3 access to the
local independent papers, and ben Ishes
to tay, locldeaUlly, tbttJie is delighted
to discover their Teaaarkabje epeiigth
and 2&clency. ""What 'we quete else
where from- the Lincoln Herald con
cenrlng our state press is "true, every
word of it Yoi Te fce.a the , fort,
brflthersfiftheo.uiil.'and allies
re storming the citadel artth old-tfcne
religious wal and enthusiast.
In spirit we have never -ceased 13 be
"with you, but now. ones galn, we are
rpresent in body, and extend to you, one
and all, our heartiest fraternal greet
ings, while we press into the fight be
side yon. Let us stand by eadt other,
and help extend each-other's lafluenoe
for good as far ai possible.
The Genet Boreal is tafcSag an un
earthly long" time te get the (acta before
the people, but tfeey caacot be held
back forever. The mortgago indebted'
ness of New York .nd a few more states
have lately been given In a builetd-n
front which, and previous reports,' It
appears "that the mortgage indobtednow
in perhaps all the states Is steadily fa
creasing. TweKy one states hare mow
been reported. .. The Mortgage dett
JneunvA in i!ow Yk lh
lJ2,'9Ct.000, la rounel numbers. The
mortgage Indebtedness incurred ourhg
the your lHfras $33i?,a0O,0ijW, .over 548
per cm. greater, wfci'e the peculation
had increased only f 3 per ooot. The
mortgage defet of Nw York, s gtoen
by 'the Cenaus, amounts t 42UH per
ccpitr,- And thi interest bowing (load
&U fefts n toe working cAaesee. .The
woristng ic&c who fays rent to a land
lord whose jrropertr is mortf aged, tpays
the Interest of that mortgage In his
reiit. Eighty ixDd one-tauX Bor-eeotj
. of tie Netf'York mortgage Aebt in oa
City lots.
The Nan York Tribune, Cfee Heading
republican paper of the country, last
year pub&hed Uk names aad addresses
r&jl03 Xew York city mUUoaarresyaBd
told the li nes of business or efworiatioc
acb one-of their fortunes wa obtained
through. ' They have been aocumvlated
through the powerof monopoly, Almost
wholly skice the war, and the oombinsd
wealth of these millionaires of
one cityils more than sufflciont ao pav
the present oaarket worth or actual,
value of tll the land and Improvements
included 4n the limlu of tfee fifteen
southern stts so bloodily fougbt lec.
"What we ..gained at lnQnlto cost for
freedom is virtually lost, and ratly
more with it. If these New York Citjr
mllllonairesvalone were to dlsoose of
their stocks and bonds, coal, iron, oil,
Manhattan real estate and other mono
polized necessities, and invest Ue pro
ceeds -souta of Mason -and Dlxoa a line,
. tbey would own as kings, they would
reign as lords ovt-r the land and people
of, mat vast-section; and there is aot an
ignorant, partisan-hypnotized republi
can or tfemocrat who would not open
hiajf as and howl at such a spectacle.
Tbe people's independent party of (be Mats
ot Nebraska. i.aveuUoa assembled, beoeby
ladoriie and rajWl'un the platform of priacililes
an laid down in th Omaha platform of July
4th, tttKS.i The wledom ot tbe atterancea there
made and the juatlca of the demands tbera
prouanlf ted areren mare apparentoowihan
then ate .trait there euuaclated, that "'e
me it in the tulurt of a nation broukt ta tbe
verge of moral, political and material ruin,"
bis been ful y verified by the acts of the pres
ent coukw. nw In per,lalaKSsionaaHem.kled
and by the prewnt flmnciil tondltkm of al
mot our d tire i t
weudmn.uieJeera of oolh Ue peptibU
can and democratic parties woo ars i tempting
to demoralize el ver, thereby placing tbe bun
nee f tbeountxyn a gold basin, aad we ue
nounoe them ae traiiora to the liberties of tbe
people, and we reiutmte our demand far the
free coinfti.f silver. with that f gold with a
ratio of 10 te 1. and, the demand of l-he preMniu
c ngres the passage f such law. Weapiirove
an.l applavlthe acts of our congreHsman, vv.
A. McKtlKhMi and U..M. Kern, lor their oppo
sition to theaeneal otfcbe purchaxing; clause f
tbe so-called Bberuitui. law, and also of . i.
Bryan ol tbe first din.i,l;t elected at a dcuw
Kijolre4. lial ve a Jn favor of a service
Pension to aur.aold!r opon a shooinK iu a
court of record of an Uooraole dlschaiwe and
upon a reasonable prpojaoa se vice pension
tubeon an rtinaUty rtKardiew of rank. Aud
wa are in favur of an additional amount based
upon the d'.gr of disability, whlcb shall be
tne meaMiiro or tue rauie
We demand that all railroad, telegraph and
tlei)Utii:' lines shall be owned aad controlled
by the Koverniueut, under xyrs and rlxhtsnf
eminent demaln. n4 ipri1 In the lntrn
and for the benefit of tbe iwopie, and not id the
interest of American and u opean Uhyloess.
We are oppowsi to ualon ol church and state
is any form t uiulxr if pimt haler,
We dmund (hat tbe fMedoui of speech and of
the press shall ever be matniaiiteti; mat ture
sbali be no tvllxous iau furoO'.vS. wesreop-
twtied to ail h: ret or ouu poiiti.'.t orxamxa
lions bated on re.wous prejudice a contrary
to the spirit and Rontusot uuriusvuuuonsaiid
tborouahly un-Amertcsa. We uareaer verily
approve of our American free school system as
uteans of popular educaUon, and we are op
posed lo sny diversion or me punuc m-rnmi
lunda of stale for sectarian aurpuses
h dtnounre the ailmlrustratlon
of this state, also the substituted n-publl an
press and tbetr politirlsns aad sneaksra who
iroin ti.s pra ami rostrum have been Sscelv
tnftbe JMHiixe, rlatmluf Ike stau waa&et of
isa i
4bi. wciie lq spite n4
lb besrf ta
sunoiua warrants upn which Wktajr s-e
required par annaai inter tf 7 fur
'e desou-.ce iu empbattn terms Via
i In
UM om w s tor s pprov 1 1
ia lomi sas wan-
her of lbs trund ot U, w. Mosftsr, president t
the tpnl sUUuaal bank, by wbk k Uis state
wssewiixiisd out of Ve further ssy
that avery Ver whiase duty hadr ike law
was tK?ure iss kinds .i tbssis.s. Shniilte
be4 worady Siwt Oaaaelaliy hwpoasibU tor
the i"i-y Ui
Wedawasa tae stricssaitwrenisasoriBsiaw
kaooa aa tbe Mbrrr tU fr lbs r-lihn
itviiiM rates, e iemsmi tbe ia) l the
U Mipwnaf tee psfle to elect
Mliruad ecmMti-U4t. Ws are iu fo i. ika
L a . ...... . l . k .tahi .h.aliv lw f . l.luM
l ada o stavanw
aiiraH lkxsJkiik wmts-teai4ei
lrs t riiHVt-t lets, tt ts dsiiy teslvii(
Uiktul Utburs ul tsli' mss of iput.
iilM4tM ster ai ttsnnxts
WM su4 tf at f ail MIM . bit in
S ut kr rmU(H l tbe ytaui aeS
twa'tattary wt
Me Ss.asaJ that tke State trsaenrer shUI
tataply ! e if ia) srd lu tke lfct
.! i,f IK iss luul au4 i ai'b
k- ta rttvt"U tbe t''iiiMttae Iwas U
bH '
Ha sS4. It II ths rvol St IH Vvdl'W
tw t k )l,l furiy mm twrs la i-is kmis 4
tfc. ki itur u rvi.r4 Wt t- t".' l t"4
sswt ii t b-rr ttifi our leMy
Hum i r eares uny itrel.
. - 1 If! - f , I I
1 Nebraska Farmers' Alliance.
J. H. Towns, Ptesieent, Cornell.
W. A. Pore-Tan, VfcsPrs , Albion,
Hiss EUiiiBnct)iAH,Sc-TreasA, Uncoln.
a. C. Faibchico, Lecturer, Oak -tale.
& F. Aixair, Chairajsn, Kx. Com... Wabaak
County Alliance Meeting-
1-F41RFMS.D, NjsDlSepW.25, 1898.
Iciajt Ooaoty Alfian wjll meet
October X, 1893, at 1 o'clock to transact
soph buwiess as may -tome betore the
meeting, I i i '
K.T,,CoirE,Couaty Sec'y f ,
Otoe Covet;- tXnventlo.
r A telegram fronc county chairman E.
S.Whittker,ooBBiBgtoo late tot our
lot issne, gives notice that the inde-
peadsnts will held their convention for
the nomination! candidates for county
ofifcers for Otoe county October 10th, at
Syracuse. ' ' '
GcwwtOouotr IsMHres.
In resaonso to a Grantcounty Inquiry
we wllletate that, the exact amountof
the statefr fa nds said to have boon in
the'Catftal National bank at the' time
of itstaUura last January, and which
the state k now trvlrur to recover of
ex-TMemrrtr HilC 1 t VJ31.83.
To se tBdepeadent of the Fovrtb
A will be held at the Inde
pendent iieadquartew;, IJndell hotel,
Thersdew October 5. t o'clock P. at-, ior
the purpose of nooiaatlog clerks ood
judges cr election, ad transact uch
osher'brslness as may come before it
ATfulisr.tendance trwn very precinct
is tbe- ard is deslf!. . l M Atv,
1 ' " iCommlttecsnan
, w; IV Wright
Atertc Irosn W.F. Wrlgto, atate
Uwgttsicer of the "Alliance Aid,''iroB
Msaeok'saging newntif his work in tals
line. jfTbe "aid degree, '' as well as the
LAUiaaoe work gerrcraliy, te a sgat
oduoator. Bro. Wrizht reports a de-
jrree organised t2L-9well andSoowfake
AUMccein searnoy counxy, wna wu
Bro.iiamesT. KelwiM coatiinue the
vbidc as county ersanizer. Ke --also
ends.he good nest's tiiat sister tgellle
will-scon again lift the pen (aog In
behalf of the eomabon people,' and ail
whoive read herigenu of meecf tknow
1 Bro. 'Wright k now Ubertng .in1! Col. Rewidkit tintinnsbitlatos like the
VantHnMuntranrdictsaaentlreUrenaledcoeof a railway fining sla-
weop of (necouaty offKies for the in
depondeats, and liargw wajori$y fori
the-cUte ticket :
T-n air next issue we tthall fea a out
and. print an. interesting sketch;? oar
-candidate, J udgc Ifdlcom ib, the mea wh
k to be elected to the Ncl iraskaupreiBe
bench. ' ' ':: ' v:.-'- "
The Nebraska Lumber Deal.Aeso;
eiatioaadvertise JJ-C. W cKell Iccnber
ciyinpany of Lincoln ai d toliniog to be
oome a member of tb 9 - aettooiatlon.
Bend your lumber bills t I. C, Mclvcll
Lumbar company, ' Uocol a, '.KebeasLa,
or figures.. They whl ma te you whole
ale ipnkes delivered at yo ur sUfcitva.
THE MAltKK'.rs.
Omaha Waveto.;k.t;t s
-r "OstslHA.IOcv.1i'l93
1 Caiait.-"ood to ehotoe tteeia. St 7!4uil6i
Mhers t-WX4 00.
rjows tWi 66; stoelseM aa t feeators, 3 5
.- - - -
rfree-lft.eca8 40. . , -
bMlMS 564 00. ..r ..4,,
i n f
' f I f TOSSAIE-j '-. '
kaSAIUUlk We have a Bockid
Newspaper iFoldintr Maoilne for sale.
Thi? folder has been (u use but a ebor4
time,AndiU asgooda iew. Also one
five-horse power Electric otor, masu
acturod by the Detroit Motor Co,
which will be fully cuueanteed. If yos
want either the I 'older or Motor, write
s for prices. ;
Lincoln, Neb.
I F. M: liVOODSs
Fine Stock Auctioiieer.
j203 O mtM, Uipcolfi, fbe
Public Sao Datoa.
P. M. Woods will conduct saii as
fallows; '- --
October ti PolaodChLna hogs, at Csrn-
ting, la., i . i i ' i
Octoler 10-Potantltt hind hogs. At
' Iahqx, la., fori1. West Jones. '
OcUihjr 11 rolaod-Chlca hoirs and
Shorthorns, at Arispe ia , for W. IJ.
Oct-ibwr 12-Short-IIorni, at (arde
drove, Is., for John McKlbbeo.
October If-PoUiidChlna hogs, at
Fawnse City, Neb, for f 'lhhar -
lonard. , , . .. .
OcK-rAlH-ShorHIdra", M Mnlolo,
Jjeb., for C tl ('owaa. .
OcU'ber du-t'nland-Chlna , KCTe. , at
Shenandoah, la., for Kills Taeker &
00. , .'".'
October 2.-rulsn4Ch!n bf, at
Pawnee City, Neb., for W. T. HaroU,
cUber I'olsod-t t.laa hots, at Bed
ford, loa-a, for liealy A Jeha.
Ojtobrr -Hhort-lloms, JUdUd, la..
for ileal A Joans.
October 31Shorvllaraa aad Poland-
Chtna hogs, at Atbioa Neb., for p. if.
But! to.
NovoiatKf I -Short llnras snd IV'land-
china htgs, OJar lUplds, .Nsb., fur
A. C. Hiowelt.
Ntvember U-Vland China hoga, at
L'adams, Neb., fortko Jsoksoa.
ovmbr H-lMtao4 China attrs. t
It oomUgioa, Neb, Ut Asa blak-
N'tU'iuU'r Ij-l'olaBil China hort, at
Ueiiuhltima Ctiy. fr Tabor . lt.Ute
,N trtsyr aWviaia-Ctiin fnirn at
lantiifvl.NcH , fif lr. Wsgfunvr,' "m
N .vi-mWr .J-I'iiiand China hois, a'.
turn It, la,tr T1 it. j
Wballslhe rttuody, the one tbing
aeedf d? Confidence, the 13 narcicrs teli
as. Then let us go to that- In which a
tatrfotic people have nrt confidence,
rteir government.. Let u have postal
-avings baEks Progrfsslv k rmer.
Congrt Minan Kftn, the nan who the
e publicans said had no brains, has msde
one of the ablest tpeccaei in favor ol
silver ever delivered in the IIouso of
represectatires. par h"yecd congf ess-
maa wiil comfars with the b. st of them, j
Cherry Oenty Independent.
Toe Aliknce-Independent, our t8,te
irgae, baa been reorganized. d is stow
m a 'seoKd 'flooaclal ' standing. The
paper is owned by Independents from
all over the state and Is deserting of
'hesnpyortof nrery true Iudpendent
ta the state. Caerry County l-ndepen-dent
Tbepricod! wheat Is dwn,'terrlbly
down,"' but fcow abjut the pHcoof coal,
(tlsjustas fclgh ai it wa last year.
The coal' ifclnes are pwned y the money
power andnhe price must e kept up
Wbe't Is raised by the poor farmer and
the price of it goss cvnl-Cherry
County'fedependent, , v
Somoof the gold oradk editors of tlij
Chicago dailies will be ouhappy if they
find that the streets o! heaven are not
literally paved with tgold. They wltt
fiicmsall intrinsic valce" In the pavemsot
anyhow. Come to think of It, though,
not ntany of thom will ever see how the
streets are paved.-Farmers Voice.
The Vo'ce nls the express csr (ir
tected er;n If it requires every drep of
blood in the sisriion's vein! t o It.
B-Ji at the same time it wants the
go-.'ernment to -ei just as much -vijjor
in protecting the property in the -stock
ea? and In tb grain car from tba well
dressed, pofite-and smiling ruflceirj as it
tray use to protect the bankw gold in
tLo express or from the rude, ooarselv
dressed, mashed villain who stops the
traIrrit,tBjdBVrh. 'ar mcr's r"olco. i .
L Col, E.C,!RewicSrls wday flouting thfc
Vwelkln rinci)i)roken Bow with charges
of con,uptnegainst republican officials
of high mi low decree. The. welkin
up there is itsbout the largest In the
world, but trader : the manipulation of
i on. He ve-!ormidable tborn in the
octc '"' uur.- wm Cr
( ia
The pottiisffreKS of 'Sbis stati
statV is
worthy of notice and analysis. It num
bers more then the ' deusoorailc or at
least as maty and there is -more hard
work done in1 it than on the organs of
both theoldartIe8. Voarit iependent
editor is sometimes opee to the , re
proach of fceipg a zealot, but,n U every
where a thicker and a tirker from
away back. '.While the editor of tbe
regular old party organ of either faith
is sbamblirglong In a pecf uactory way
his populist or- al Is at It early and late.
Ills paper feristles with argtment and
overilows with lots of good 'matter.
tLlncolu HerakV
.The iadepeadent cause is. gaining
right here ia Webster county . We feel
LL It Is in the air, and if tbe right
ideii of work isKlono now, aodilndepen
dacts will a point, on fake 7th, of
Nevember to bat the polls ' and cast
their ballots for he full ticket without
acratch, tberotli no reason r-by we
shoi.ld not carry, by a large majority
Allow no "other (thought lodgncent in
your, brain, work accordingly, aad we
must, succeed. TJie Nation has firm
falthin the ultimate triumph, aU over
liiiis-bioad land, ofhe prlrfclples cf the
people's purty, whose cause w .nre
proud to defend. Ihe Nation.
I lia. e been to receptions la some of
the b;)sl families in Chicago, to Cii
houesttTihe great cierchant, whits
houses palaxs of luxury never
equaled by tbe abouVs ! primes, and
there metavl the naliocs and faces of
the globa. There were Chinamen,
Japanese, avaocse. Lfohammedans,
Christ! aus, Jews, and negroes, black but
beautiful. AU met ot ooaimim ground
and all reoogalzed each other as mem
bers of the aasuo great hutasn family.
They found that rath was not so differ-
oat from the ottar after all, and I think
It oan not fall to Lave a gx! ef?ci,
Thao tho nations of the earth alii be.
coum better acualoted with k and It
will Wad to ad v at tag of many soits.
Fredrlrk DmirUw.
Mhovt Term Mubeairlpllwo ufTer,
Do you wish to tak Tut AUJK i
Isi'Si-CsntMT a short tiais oa trial?
Bo sure art wa that ores a subscriber
you will remaia a subscriber, rv new lag
whsa yoo have read and beoome ao-
qualoUrd with the paper. tha4 we will
send It till January fr fiftosa rsate.
Sit daa alonoe ad s ad us y.ur ad
drtassod putlaststupsuipjiy us. Or,
hnur gt sis of your aelghb-ir to take
It with yoa and aad us on dollar,
O.ilornlo eoal. N'ul, MltM H i, lt?tlfis.
laniACUjr and Kh k Mrlug e iiH'l.'l
al ihs lowest r4U- at fmt staUou ea
II v M. to L. I Uys. J. V, laTtY,
Htt Afeat
-I X D E P E 0)XT.
le State GeilCoiiifies
Htxiv,'rARTHS, t.isaii-L HoTer. Bi.x k.
Chalrnun. IX CJeui Deavr, Omaht.
Secwiary. J. A. Kdgertoo, Lincoln.
Treasurer, 3. V. Vo!Je, Lincoln.
Howell at Hyannla.
At Hyannl' on September 30, the
pdpulUts of Grant held their county
convention. , Col. Howell, , late of the
Omaha Bee was fortuitously In town
and In re ponsa to requet t by represen
tatives of all partks promised to ad
dress the convection in tho afternoon.
The court house was well filled and the
Colonel was leard with marked and
respectful attention, as he unwove the
woof by which the people are today so
surely bound. He quoted from speeches
delivered by Daniel Webster, David
Davis, James A. Garfield, Roscoe Cook
ling and other distinguished statesmen
wherein they predicted not only the
exact state -of affairs that exist through
out the oountry today, but calamities
yet more-dire to come as the ret ult of
tho vaVrldled license conceded the
mony power, i . - ,i
. it', .. Judge Itoicomu. . ..
Our candidate for supreme Judge is
aow judge in tbe 12th judicial district,
an.' as such has his duties to perform.
The committee therefore did net deem
it advisable to put him Into the cam'
paigo, when it would to aay extent
whatever interfore with the proper
performance of those duties. However
Judge Holcomb has arranged to give a
little time and we made the follow
log disposition of It.' WlthKIncheloe
at Beatrice, Oct , and at dete, Oct.
v. with Kloche'uo and Bewick at
Saward. Oct. H. With ilewlck, at
David City, Oot. 12; at 'Genoa, OJt. 13;
st Albion, Oct. li. - .-.(
At these appolntents the people
must not expect Judge Holcomb to make
a political stump speech. He is a can
dldste for the supreme bench; a poel
tlon whose products should lie sacred,
Into which politics should, not enter.
Els Idea is only to give a short talk and
to meet and get acquainted with tbe
people, .v -
' Past Ital jeei. '
Kl ! . i e ': , ) i .' . '
On the evening of October 27, 'K C.
Kewkk spoke to fair crowd at Auburn,
Nemaha county. He reports that tbe
political pot is Vginnlng to simmer
audibly down in that part of the world;
and the people are eagertolearn every
aeiauoi taetate house steals. Tom
Majors wae out to hear Bewick, but
Churcn Howe was conspicuous by bis
absence,. i - . ; ...
At Brokoc Kow, on Saturday Sept
30; JohnM; Devlne and E. C Ilewlck
held down the boards both afternoon
and evening 1 The westherwas rainy,
but ia eplte of that fsct, the south side
opera hout-e was well filled ia the after
noon and oomlortably filled In the even
ing. , Knthusiasm was running around
wild. The boys ay that tho deino
repuWicau combine has helped our
ticket hundreds of votes In Custer. So
eager were the people to get every de
tail of the state house steals that Mr.
Re wick was required to, repeat bis
speech at night, when it was taken
down by a stenographer,
At Grand Island on Oct. .2nd, Rew'.ck
and Devlne spoke both afternoon and
evening and repeated the same dose at
Central City on toe 3d. At Columbus
on the 4th, Rewlck -atd Judge Grlml
son. of Schuyler, pit ached the gospel
to the disciples of Jim .North. We
have as yet heard nothing of the last
three meetings. .
Appointments Mode by tbe State
Central Cknttmlttee.
Oct. !l Udell.
Oct. 11, Seward.
Oct. 12. David City, '
13. r;cn m. ,
' 14, Alb'.on.
16, Malison.
" 17. Lylgh.
" 1!, West l'oiot.
" 2), Fremont.
" 21, Wahoo.
7. Bertrioe.
9, Crete.
II, Haward.
li'. York.
M, Fairmont.
11, Falrbury.
K HebruD.
17. Nelson. '
19, Aurora.
20, Schuler. ,
21, North lit'nd.
23, t'ralgatoo.
21, ilene.
23. Wayiw.
20, Kwersua.
27 Oaklasd.
2", Hlalr.
i, 8prlncnM.
' at
81, Waapinf Water.
I. iniattar.
i, Aubura.
3, Stella.
" 4. Kaile City. ,
" I, Tscutneea.
a, Uaoota.
uro, aaoorr.
Ot i.13, Daaalai.
M, TSedfttM,
lit U.ll'.H
a, , M r M
17, ilfaotile,
1 AIMaaoe,
HS HurrU ta
tl, rteJnw.
51 Hj.hllte,
Hi, Va.ti.itmt.
.v, iu tu
i rcur
Thirty four y weeks,!,'. .
Students can enter at any time.
panic-larv. . . . : '
' frkmont, neb.
An Exclusive School of Hall road snd
?V5 Jl
lariteit U. Ii center In the West. ' rosltlons gnarantoed to graduates. Hmd'ats
taught to copy with typewriter direct from
morning and evening for Duud ana room.
for descriptive caislogue to -
, . '
V. E.
' Preel'ent.
Lincoln,. nM::
1 1
i . F resident j
C.A.HANNA, . u
.. Vloe-President ,
F. M.
At SMITH'S Barn. Lincoln, Neb
The nalo will include th famous CniickHhnnX sire lmiioried Koottl b f rfird TTlrtl ; tt flux show
Mill, Lord Wawrloo tffiW. thecellentCrulrhshttnit cow Oolden impress !Mj ihe World's
K-slrnrstnrixe jarllnibelf"r, Dura flth (Vol
and many others ot ran merit aud deeirabio
lish Lord stock Tkhiis: Bix months credit
f . .1 .. . win ka Hi.,n - U.Im will li.uln
wint. discotint will be riven
0H.w " . . Mvaj.aa
terve. Vor ratalngiics address.
COL F- M. WUOD8, Aut.
. 28,'Neligh. ,
" 30, Stanton. .
" ... ,31, Boemer.
Nov. 1, Omaha. ,
. " 4, 1 all City. .
! ; w. r. dale.
Oct 19, Elwood. r
" 20, Curtis, i
" 21, Wallace.
23, Uract.
" 24, Imporial. '
" 25, lirtokleman. . ,
" 2H, Trenton.
" '-'7, Indlsnola.
". 2. Cambridge.
Nov. 2, Alma.
3, Wilcox.
4, Iloldreg'.
23, Grant.
24, K!siu.
2 Hayts Center.
2i, Trenton.
, 3. w eix;:rton.
20. Mead.
21, Waboo.
' Kr. Cowan, whoe slock (arm is near
New 1'oint, Mo , Is oae of the most
ex'euslve hveders ol Short Horn cattle
ia the United States, These cattle are
direct from the World's fair, and it wll'
pay any lover of One stock to be present
when this sale cornea oft. We wish, al
so, to say, that hereafter, advertise
menu ol surh st'r. and of lino stock
generally will he made a prominent
failure of The Ailuxib Indu-en-tiVT.
With our lare-a circulation, we
can do jou mot gotd, U yon are a
breeder of Boa stock, tkaa any other
paivr la N i brass a-
When writing to
adverUeera please)
tnvaUoa this pair,
SuUrrlbo L rTut AMJanck Inui
tMUsUIT. II t veae.
I'm Nrthsi.rn tlao . Chio
Iow ratsM, )hm tralaa. OA ItlJ
Hi J-SK'kb It t tl. I S'TlMaV'
nutfe'Ws at luwr! mu., . i-ui-
ml i" a Ut frt, eta aud M
Hts., fc t J e
,N ritw ti vf i..
C i v4 t
nil il
I at Ta 4.aiAt a. iti'lfism fc'f.
. .'i0
Address for circakri and
Commercial Telegraphy. Locited in las
telegraph Instroment. Htu l-nts ran work
vy ana rveninf test! on. ' sena 'ia stsmp
v V am m . .... , ' . . . .... .... . . I J
t. !,
Vico - lresldent.
Mil.." f , ' -" '.
J. H. McCLAY, 1 u
V Caitlef.
i nil)
i-.i V
25 6,0 6 O.
: f
,;J ;
I if.
- s40o,ooa
' Ass't Cashier.
H. S. rrUSEMAN. '
' Ass't Cashier.
- . THURSDAY. OCTOBER 19, 1893. v
8m. np B0.V; the entire e oud prime ywiug her
breeding. ) his will be a rr cWncs to st fcwwv
on approved no's at S l'er cent : for cash 3 per
at. 1 n m nml n.1 1 1 K- ruulr.iuaa anj I, ....a u
w a f , . . . . arv w. . a. mi. n ...Uliy ry-
O. CO WEN, M&58III.T-)
Tlirre t'lilnamen Murdsred.
Kitte, Mont.i Oct 3. Yesterday
afternoon thrco Chinamen, gardeners,
living1 about two miles east of the city
were murdered by unknown persons,
all being shot through the head. One
was liteially riddled with buckshot
Tho motive was robbery, , as WOO wae
; Corloue's Ai oilier MarrleiL ,
Milwaukek, Wis., Oct 3. Mrs. Jen
nie Kimball, manager of the Kimball
opt-ra company and "Corinne," and
Arling Hchii-tTer, of Fond du Lac.Wla.,
a member of her company, were mar
ried last evening at the llotlel David
son. ... .. - .. m '
Mabrr anU t ostrllo to light.
Sr. 11-1., Minn., Oct . X Sliadow
Mabi-r f Australia and . Uuffalo Cos
tello of Now York have been matched
for u twenty round boxing contest b
furc the'Twin City Athletic club Octo
ber ?o for a purse ot rt.500.
Tbe Lowest
Wotld's Fdt
Rates Yst
For ' Chicago day" October dth. at th
World s fair, tho llurliogtoa lloute will
sll round trip tickets tit Cblcago at
Am tha half ttt$ vis. II 1.&5
Tkkta ar g'MKl ro tetura utit Oct
lith. aad wilt be on sale Oct. . 7 nod i-
Ask Itonncll at 11. & M dt-iiot. sr
ZU-roor at city o&W, Cor, O acd i
tit full luforinaiiun.
Use North westera line to
Lav rates, . Fast trains.
Offlea ll
We wish to call special attrat'oo te
tho advcrUaeii;ttt tt It, O. Cowaae
g'eatsaleof bhort llorq cattle, to be
he d la Liacola.
llarber h l'uwlr have tme of the
r-h' epvst profwrty la JUaoola for sale.
It yon have a g tend, clear (arto aad
aatto gt !Ju4Mla property, wrtie,
Cbd tasy will fiod tHi a en-.-daas liisai.
IUaas4 IXmuasv
lUttim 10, UHlOisimiV
Wisf.iefisliiissnniiii!i ii, )iis ejasaaiK
Wwlil'i I sitRevsawUI NimbeCa4ve
Thaa thf tjtiw J by th llurllngloe,
Kama (at s i oao dey Ovtubr lib..
U itd trfft tU-liKis ate-itae kniftit
v i l IX TIcttvtearogiitHl a rtura
Mii'titHi. hth, "ad ll luctt ltat
6 7 4 ak 11 a ll at li A M.dt
ist tr ir t tty rvo I'vr U wd
u,.t, ew.. ttr full laftritalua.