The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, October 05, 1893, Image 3

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    0 CTOBER 5. 1893
Georgia Sliding Steadily and Surely
Into the People' Party.
The Atlanta Constitution in a double
eader, once more waros the ad mini tra-
loa that something must be done; that
the democratic party in Georgia is going
o pieces and the ship sinking In politi
cal cbao. . The fifth democratic county
to hold elections this year has followed
the other four into populist control and
now the Constitution eajs:
Unless something is done toon to
permit a definite understanding of the
Issues a which the demo:r.oic ad
ministration propones to have the party
stand before the people the party in
this section will suffer more by inaction
in the next few months than can be re-
r i v .11 v. ..(lirltff unri pnthnai
v pan cu uj mil vuo "vw-v """"
I asm that can be gotten up during the
I next year's campaign,
i As a democratic newspaper
flat-footed on the Chicago plat
form on which the party won, and which
-as a supporter and defender of democra
tic principles is not less earnest than
any newspaper in America, we insist,
in the name and for the sake of the
party, that something be done to give
the people to understand that the dem
ocratic platform is to 'be redeemed,
whether Wall street and the protected
trusts of New Englaud favor such action
or not.
For Gcd's sake do something!
. The serious consequences of inaction
. . . I..
k Are manuesting tnomseives in Georgia.
'Day before yesterday the fifth county to
-fj. act in the last few weeks chose a third
party tax collector. We refer to llock
.. dale county which on Tuesday, filled
the vacancy caused by the death of the
late democratic incutrbent. The mao
who at the late county election was de-
f'eatcd for county treasurer because ho
(was a third partyite was on Tuesday
i alaoted tax collector. It will not do to
ascribe inactivity of democrats at home
as the cause of four counties out of five
electing third party representatives and
county officers. Give the home dem-
H. ocrats something to fight for! Stop the
. .. . ....., J,
wik oi repudiating me aenjucrauc
(platform and awaken party enthusiasm
by emphasizing tie determination to
redeem every pledge of that platfora,
(the adoption of which tntbused the
democrats of the southern states more
than aoy other ooo thing that has been
done in ten years. That platform car
ried Georgia for the democracy by more
than 70,000 votes. It made tb party in
the south stronger than it has ever been.
Let the administration speak on the
tariff. Let it start the work of reform
without further delay! Let it reduce
the tariff strictly to a revenue basis as
promised by the party! Let it repeal
the tax on etite banks, giving the peo
ple that for which they have asked
state banks, pure and simple, whereby
tbey can get the benefit of a currency
that cannot be congested in the money
centers, out of the reach of the people
at the very time when it is most needed!
Restore bimetallism by making both
silver and' gold the standard money
metals of the country.
Those things done and our word for
it, wo will have no more counties in
. Georgia breaking loose from their old
Democratic moorings!
Let the Democratic Congressmen
awake! Lot Georgia's representatives
lead in the fight for freedom againat
the despotic domination of Wall street,
and England, old and new!
It is disheartening to see one country
after another electing third party
officers on the very heel of the most
glorious Democratic victory ever
achieved in this county. And yet In
vuick succession Washington, Warren,
Whitfield and Rockdale have done so,
while in DeKalb a Democratic majority
of over 1,000 has been reduced to .T. 0,
Something must be done! Now is
the time to do it. Let the roll be culled
at Washington, and let the representa
tlves of the people be heard from.
Rushing on Swift Destruction.
Mr. Bland, the great congressional
leader of the silver forces since 1S7S, oe
fore the silver purchase repeal had
piased the House ofjlveprrsentatlves,
threw down before the democratic party
a warning and an ultimatum. But
creed never stops at the dauger point
of oppressien. The democratic House
has done what Congressman Bland as
itued it would drive tilm and those like
him from this party, and the breaking
process is aireiuiy wen under way
he warning words of Mr. Bland will bo
uemorable la history, and ws here give
him in part to our readers:
'We are asked here to-Anr te lay the
bloody haad of roitlitcstfji uu millions
f our population ia nrds? to satisfy the
sreetf of r.agiand. Will cool' re is do It?
Will you trAtnpl dnwn U latere! f
jour wa pis aud dsttoy tha vslue
of ths precious owtals slmpiy to gratify
t grd of Wall sireed, a rnero agent
of (.otubani atrevi? It rtiot and all
not b ssae. Hpeaklng for la wass of
th ptopl of the Mistdppi taltuy. and
ln iieottta ct vt ll, I say Oisi ou
U not do it. And anybody or aoy
that uakrtakr la do il iU. U
name, be tranpttd, as It ought to
otnauust t tooJfwsa'lita aow
ssd ia Ua future I i4a as a dsmo
erat, rut ss aa Atnortria abova dinot
Mcv. W to n?l latxad that any twty
hs!t lurvif that wtl lay l's aa3cat-
lag Kaad on Aa'trka In the Utrst of
iiofianJ and F.sroie That a.sf bo
Voni tastfustf. but, SMakltf in fcuof
tfcs fSitoia dmtetacr, Will bid you
'rtll yi do it. .Now you v
Uitt o cb4i of ta'slsx AmtrW
avklattIgUad,9ffututalag fm
indu-trles and American ltbor against
English iaJuiriead English iabjrers,
vt ,I uur jti'K aprt We ban rume
to IU ptrUn way. I do oo: pretend to
pa8 fur a'ljb dy but myself nd try
coos' itumu?. tut I bclive that I can
fDHik fur ue ia-e'f tttf great Mis
tlippi vjdiey when I say that w will
not submit w the domination of ny
political party (however rune wo lova
uemoctacv) if it laysi's faerlfici! baad
upDU silver and cuadsJtu this rouu
try. I will nt supf orl ati v men a party
here or else h--f. but )l t. rn'iiue it
a aod un Ataviem, acd
the denwf s tugiged ia it I will ask
the people of thrt .u:itry to col-iun
agents and tels no, I will withdraw
thee epiibe's us thi representatives
ot the mas js of th tfoph . You can
o; bold a democratic putty together on
that lin."
Resolutions of Vindication.
The following resolution was unani
mously adopted by the County Central
Committee, at Ruhvil!e, Nebraska, on
September 2itb, 1393. .
Whereas, On the 8th day of Septem
ber, 1893, on L. P. Cummins, resident
of this county, wrote a certain commu
nication which was published in tl a
Blair Republican, atd afterwards in
other papf rs in the state, ia which i e
cast reflections upon the standing, ia
this county, of Un. E. L. Heah,aia
Independent as a candidate of the Peo
ple's Party for Regent of the State
University ; also upon H in. J. D. Woods,
who assisted in securing llr. Heath's
nomination. Now therefore, bo it
Resolved, By the County Central
Committee of the Peopb's Party now
in session, that the imputations and In
sinuations contained in said communi
ctlon are wholly untrue and are with
out any foundation whatever. That a
long personal acqualatanca with both of
the above named gentlemen, convinces
us that they both eojoy the undivided
confidence of the Peoole' Party in this
ouuniy, and we condemn the writer of
gild communication for publishing such
an exhibition of his personal spite,
caueed tolely from his political disap
H. F. Wasjiuxd,
A.J. Myrs.
John II. Jacobson,
Committee on Resolution?.
Nebraska Library Day.
One year ago last August there was
introduced in the Saunders County
Teachers' Institute, at Wahoo, and
sdepted by more than ono hundred
teachers, without a dlsientlRg voice, a
resolution which st aside October 21st
as permanent Library Day. On this
"Day" each teacher endeavors to create
a deeper Interest in the cause of educa
tion by the observance of the day; and
also to establish, or odd to, a library in
every sshool-house In the country, from
funds raited at this tlmebysubscrlptioc,
donations, entertainments, or by wlat-
ever me; bod seems best adapted to each
locality. A "poverty party" once yield
ed more than thirty dollars. Such
libraries are presided over by the teach
er, or by a librarian chosen by him; and
are accessible to all in the district, ua
der given rules and regulations.
A committee consisting of County
Superintendent Watson, Superintend
enls and Principals Bradbury, Crab
tree, Pelesbka, Mengel and Cone, was
appointed In this interest.
The exercises a year ago were maialy
Columbus D'y programmes, with a few
or no modifications, and were chiefly
given in the evening, especially in the
rural districts. The success of the work
was greater than was anticipated. So
interested became teachers, children,
and patrons that over sixty libraries
were founded or enlarged in the one
hundred and thirteen districts of Saun
ders county alone.
The principal difficulty experienced
betDg donations of inferior or unworthy
matter, the committee made a selection
of sixty five book?, aud asked teachers
to select or request donations there
from. It Is believed that good lltera
lure will create a desire for itself.
At the December meeting of the
Saunders County Association, tho
teachers potltlonod the State Associa
tion ta adopt the same work and day
This same suggestion was adopted De
cember 2! th, tV.e State Association
cotuuieudlw th project aod asking the
teachers to abserve the day la a fitting
manner At the meeting of Superin
tendents and Principals, at Columbus,
In May of this year, similar resolutions
wcro edoptfd.
The State Association appointed a
oommlltee of seven to advance this
movement, consUtlng of State Superin
tendent Goudy, Chancellor Canfkld,
Superintendent HtipAtriuk of Omaha,
Cotbett of York, Uradbury of Wahoo,
Principal ('one of Cedar Bluffs, and
MUs O. Clarke of Fremont.
The cowmltU'eTopes to have the day
obrfcd properly lo every school dis
trict in th state, and to accompllA the
folio wtf results:
I. Get It pnople awake to th fact
that It is the 4icted hu4tho wU
road tuaa thi leads e diy.
II. Whoa this Is clearly r,'hllhcd
la ta mind of young u'n aod won. en,
at th do ot oora ga'hcrlog, fruit
reserving, and gon rl preparation t r
later they will be found touting laU
tha yhnd roo.
III. KttaWUh a tihrar-a wr
man's uaUrity"--9 very school
boua It Nshmka.
IV, By this library aid IhrJtgh Its
iatlaiue ralulh jtnral iaUlliitae
and lha social aid moral standard of
A. K.tin'tv,
H at Saai. Pub Jastructtoa,
(Com rJ nt saaat br W. A. Howard, tat
Ticre U a tlr througboat ta laal.
A i of farmer. Oh: whit a baJ
Tbptr numbers re to ioogtr tew,
Soma rail them f,U aud erazy tio.
But wlil yn tell a wbi you'll
RepubUcaas sad Demoerau f '
You hd tb pownr hmg team tM
T suip this t!l ot want aud woe.
Hut to our cause you've Wwn niuru
Wbea now to laie. alan jrou'H rue,
A ad cry out now wht kb ll jroa do.
Republican and Democrat.
Three years go. alihont exrute,
. You heaped on u notoid abUMt,
when we elected Hosent Jobn
iy fore Mil frud you held hlra down;
But don't you sex we're s'.ill in towo,
Republicans and Democr&Ut
There Is a pwyr, btess the Lord.
The people's, b've in deed and word.
Come wdl our rsnUt aud Join our bund
' Aud then with biillois in our hand .
We'll itave onr homes and nstive lend,
RepuMicsns and Democrat.
(Words and music by W. A. Howard.)
The toilers have made up their mlnd
To have s revolution
nd make "perpetual money" soon
A standing institution.
We'll nuke the greenback crlup and new,
A lasting legal tender.
Our slnple votes can do it boys,
for what 1 there to hinder.
W hen our bonds shall all be paid
, In lawful Greenback money.
Our country now impoverished.
Will How with milk and honey.
Tliea proud will feel each worklngman,
It he has done his duty.
And helped lo crush the "Bull" and "Bean
Who care for naught but booty.
But brothers ws can ne'er succeed,
Unless we are firm united.
With hearts and hands securely joined,
To keep the failU w're plighted.
Our mighty work l Junt beguo,
We must not flinch or taller.
Each patriot soul nr..: :ay bis all
Upon his country's altar.
Populist Vote-Makluc In Texas.
We reprint tho following; adrertist
ment just to show, how the pjpuliats t re
making votes in Texas:
"Arrangements are now complete for
holding a people's party camp meeting
at Abilene, Taylor county, Txas, Sept,
26, 27, 28 and 29. A large number of
beeves have boon secured and all camp
ers will bo furnished free with meat
daring the fc.ur days the meeting will
continue. Also with wood and water.
The following well known speakers have
definitely agreed to bo present: H. 8.
P. Ash by, chairman P. P. state execu
tive committee, and Thomas Gaines,
secretary of the committee; Harry
Tracy of Dallas, Hon. Jeromo Kearby,
J. H. (Cyclone) Davis of Sulphur
Springs, Evan Jones and J. J. Eager of
Dublin, Dr. J. K. Barnelt of Big Springs
Profs. 11. B. Allen and II. P. Jones of
Brownwood, J. W. Biard of Jones
county, and several others.
We believe no such opportunity was
ever before given the people of wejt
Texas to hear a full and fair discutbion
of all the pressing political issues now
occupying public attention. Not only
populists, but democrats and republi
cans, are cordially invited to attend t'-'e
meeting, and the assurance is now given
that no improper abuso will be Indulged
in of those who are not in political
sympathy with the speakers.
: - For the general committee,
J. S Bradley,
H. L. BEntley,
J. B. Webu.
Abilene, Texas, Sept. 18, 1893.
E. Ii, Heath. .
Elver L. Iloatb, nominee for regent
(f the State Univo the indep end-
ent ticket, whs born near Cleveland
Ohio, March 16th 18"j3. Ia the following
June ho moved with his parents into
the wilderness about fifty miles west f
Dubuque Iowa and lived there on a
farm, until he vras fifteen yaars old.
He attended the common schools of
the neighborhood and at the age of
fifteen he left home and entered tho
'Hamilton County Freeman' ofl'co as an
apprentica to learn the printer's trade.
I He worked at his trade in different
places until March 1S76 when he bejrsnl
the publication tf his first newspaper
'Tho l?ex Index"-at Essex. PageC'er a J1,? . ,
County Iowa.
Ho sold out the "Index" the following
December and moved .to Shalby Iowa
a:d ostablUhed the ''Shelby Nw."
In ISS0 ho sold bis interest in the
' Sews" and moved to David City Ne
braska and again esabarked iu tbe
newspaper business by purchasing the
David City llepubllctm which he con
tinued to publish until tho fall of 1331
when bo sold out tbore and moved to
Sheridan county, Nebnika
He there 11 led m a half section of
government laud, star KualtvlUo tbe
toanty seat ol Sheridan vouaty which
he still (, led wh r h bow reside.
Mr. Heath Wught the ltushrli:
SunJard in 11 and coatluued to p j1
iUh(ttsa repuHk-a newspaper uetll
tUn rlog of l'.! when the aditkt f
the paper wat changed, a4 sluoa that
ttm) h hu preaihd the loctrtn of
th indepvndsnt party,
Mr. IUta was !cted ta the l.';Mt's
tura from U "slrd reprvsenUUvt d!t
trkt by the rtpubHoaa party ia lOand
srud la the uloft of l'l, acd wh
there vut4 with the Independent an
almost evsry inutsur trt vatue before
tb Uovie.
Mr, INala's strupthis hsvs a!ayl
Us tie 'tioittinon lVU and
Hrn tti leubitaat priy LaI to of Wu
r i" .',Uah1 Its platform and Vttm;4
n n n n n n
FAD ota
Will conpletelydeatTthadeatreforTOBACCX) In from StoS days. Perfectly kirn-
mi; ouwBaiiuQM,aiio may iirni
edge ot tna paueut, woowui Totunuuiiy
riDmnmnrriro m MnDumirp
t'UUlliiiUiitUiJil IUU1 Ci.UUtlUilil
the patient, by the nsa ot oat SPECIAL
Daring treatment patten tear allowed tbe free ih of Uqnor or ator
nhlna until auch time as the ahall volnnurtlr rive tliem un.
Weaend particulate and pamphlet of
be glad to place unerersirom any or
Viou w un persona wuo dim immo cureu
HILL'S TABLETS r for tale
dxesKUU at f .OO Pr paekare.
Tour drusnlaidoca not bd them,
and we will aead yon, by return ruaU.
Writs Ttwr nam and 1dreat plainly, and stata
wltetber TabloU are for Tobacco, Morpbine or .
DO NOT BB DECEIVED into parcbaalaf
any or tne various noei.runis in are
oiiurva tor shi. au iot ' 1 -ij-ir-f
TABIiETS ana uu no utaer.
Xlauulsctured only py
61. Dl6S0tra Block.
I have
f ' fuirrtala.wsin.slroitijo Bl, C3 end 60 Opf Block. UZZJi, CKIO.
the people, be cut loose from them en
tirely, and has since been an earnest it
dependent. His nomination for regtnt
of tbe State University is simply a
recognition of ability; and northwest
Nebraska could have put forward no
better man.
Tbe only SUHK !kCURK for Pn
Worms In Homes V 1 known, is Steko
tee's Hok Cholera Cure. Never fall to do a tint
It is recommended to do. Try it. Send 00c In
U. a. pontage, and I will send by mall; or cut
tbln out, take It to drulst, and ny blio &0o.
O. O. STSKBTBe, Okmd ftaaios. MiOM.
St. Joseph Bugiry Co. Carrlajfes and
Bueles at lowest prices. Catalogue,
and prica list free, 6th and Messanie
8t. St. Joe. Mo. ,
Here's Your World'a Fair Opportunity,
Rates cut in two!
On and after Tuesday, August 1st,
tho Burlington routo will sHl round
trip tickets to Chicago, with a roturu
limit of thirty days, at 10.40.
One-way tickots $915
Tickets sold at rates indicated above
are free from restrlct'ons of any kind
and entitle holders to tho fulle t enjoy
ment of the Burlington's superior ser
vice. See BonBell at the depot or Zlemer
on 10th and O Sts., and arrange to
make that long planned trip t J Chi
cago. The World'a Fair.
Tbe seven Woaders of the world
were playthings and dull ones at that
wheu compared with the Columbian
Exposition of 189,5.
All the leaning towers and ruined
pyramids and gigantic bridges and
other so-called marvels of tbe old world,
together wouldn't form such a specta
cle as there is now to be seen, not a
thousand miles away.
vVords cannot describe It. But if
you take the Burlington routo to Chi
cago you can seo it for yourself. Boo
nell at the depot or Zlemer at 10th and
O Sts. will give you information about
trains and help make your journe
pleai-ant and profitable. Excureio
"Tobacco Users Smile Sometimea"
When told how tobacco hurts them:
pomctiuics tbey don't, because shattered
nerves, weak eyes, chronic catarrh and
lost manhood, tells tho story, if you
art a tobacco user and want to quit,
post yourself about NO-TO-BAO, the
wonderful, harmless, guaranteed tobacco-habit
cure by calling on H. T. Clark
Drug Co., our agent, and amn-ina a
r hrao.e youpLfe Awhv: tbey
tavo sold many boxes tf NO l'O 11AC,
copy oi our little DOOK, " uou I iODtieco
jund they art. prepared to m!1 it to you
Sterling Kkmedt Compam, No, 4.
Itandolph St, Chicago, 111.
The constant demand o? tho tri vellng
public to the far west for a comfortable
and at the satno time an economical
mode of traveling, has led te the etab
llshmuot ot what Is known as Pullman
Odoalat Slotpers.
Those cars are built on the same gen
eral plan as the regular first-class Pull
man hioopers, the only differeneo owing
that they are not upholstered.
They are furnished complete with
! good comfortable hair mattress?, warm
Dianksu, snow wniw tinea cunains,
plenty ef toweU, combe, brushes, etc.,
which sooure to the occupant of a berth
ail nmeh privacy a 1 to to had ia Brt
class sleeper. There are also separata
toilet rOims for ladle and gsutlemea,
aud smoking is absolutely prob Utod.
For full Information send lor l.llman
Colonial Sleermr Ieaflet
J. T. Matim, C T. A. 1W4 O. St,
M 11. Suwsiox, Uea. Art
Lincoln. Nob
-A I" 1 1 1" I" w . .-
i , t m Ml t UIM ,
. . l .
m m
Vmi vto w m'V0
tMPoettap co...
Ut Uui iU., (IWI.U
I 1 in
srs. i
eaeiui invjaUtrat
and turtle tb
vutUvkUrtn u to oar raraaiuiliU.
Double Chloride of Gold Tablets
in e. cup of wu or cone wiinootine knowl
stupstaoungor caawtng In a tew days.
nmif enbctiredathome.aniwttti.
UZtUll outaayeaort on the part ft:
testimonials free, and (ball
luese naoiu lu eoranianica
oj me aae oi ou, i ailiti.
fey all narr-ctAM
enclose na ft
a pacJuf at oux
and Irom
from ten
nd moki'd
Of your Tablets
Taa Ohio Cntvicst
r for SI.OU worth of your
them all rlxht and. altbooa-h
BBST UU us wore ia less lasa
Truly yours.
r Tan Ohio Crbmicai. Oo. j-OsirrLBif bb -It irlM ws pleasure v
word of praise for your Tablets. My son was strongly addicted to
qnor.and through a friend, I was led to try your Tablets. Ms was a I
Manor, arid throusl
but after osIbk yonr
and will not toooh llaoor of any kind. I
you. In order to know the curs was parmananL
nna ohtii . nn inwwef.aBtea vTmr TahteSa
uaed momhlne. hrnodsrmieailr. for ssTen
two packages Of roar Tablets, and wlUioat any effort on
AddresM aOl Oram to
For Sair Farm land In Nebraska
and Kansas; also vacant and Improved
property In Lincoln. They ar ir-
ealns and on easy term", ho, C.
Kuenzel, Room 1, 919 "U" Street.
Anyone can obtain free tllver litera
ture by addreslng The Pan-American
Bl-MetaU'c Assncisilon. Denver, Colo..
and enclosing posteg for same.
Use Northwestern line to Chicago.
Low rates. Fast trains. (Mlioe 113-1
Call on Geo. Natterman & Co. for
carriages, wagons, binders, and all
farm implements. We'll use you rlgnt.
213 South Ninth St, Lincoln.
Toartlst Rates to Colorado.
The Union Taciflo Railway (overland
route) will now sell round-trip tickets
to Denver, Colorado Springs, Manitou
and Pueblo, at the low rate of 124.15
good returning until October ' 31st
Stopovers allowed between Cheyenne
a-'d Pueblo. Full particulars given at
1044 O street.
J. T Mastiw, E.B. Slosskn,
City Ticket Ag't. General Agent
Missouri Pacific are offering the very
loweft rates for round trip tickets to the
World's Fair, good -for return until
November 15. 181KJ. Also have placed
on sale sunnier tourist tickets at thrt
usual low rates as can bo verified by
calling at office 1201 O .tree, Lincoln,
Nob.. J. E. It. Mirxut, C. T. A. or H.
C. TOWN st.ND, G. V. & T. A. St. Louis,
Mo. .
Tourists Trip.
Bound trips to to tne Pacific Coast.
Short trips to the Mountain Resorts
of Colorado.
The Great Salt Lako.
Yellowstone National Park the tuost
wonderful spot on this continent
Puget Sound, tho Mediterranean of
the Pacific coast.
I. Ti Mastin, C. T. A., 1044 OSt.,
J.B. 8LOSSON, Gen. Agt...
Lincoln, Nefc
Attention. Independents.
The present reduood rates to Chicago
places a World's lair visit witnin tne
means of all.
As an unexcelled means of getting
there your attention is called to our
limited train leaving Lincoln dally at
1:45 P m arriving in Chicago at 7 :.W
a. m. By 9 o'clock you can reach the
fair grounds by cable car, passing for
miles tnrnugn one oi unicago s most
magnificent streets,, a sight t f which
is worth a special vieit to the city.
Chair cars, through sleepers and din
ing cars, afford every comfort and con
venience. WM. BHiPMAW, (ion. Agt.
A. S.FiaLDiKO.
City Ticket Agt., 1133 O street
K, T Moork,
Depot Agent, Eighth and S streets.
Low Excursion Rates-North-VVeat
rn Lino.
Chlcaeo, one way $9.15
Chicago and return lu.o
Fast trains. Through sleeoers.
W. M. Shipman,
ticn. Agt
A. 5. r iRtoisa,
City Tkt Agt.
Diot Coner S and Kiihth streets.
E. T. MooitK, Tkt Agent.
Always In the Lead four Taasett
ger Trains Dal y Itetwecn and
Kt. Irftui.
Hard tltu cut no Cguia with the
Burlington when It ciu-s to th v-
e.tnmHlatiri the traveling vubHo
lbelatt addition lo thler a!rdy
t pie nu Id st-rvic artt four daily last v
lre train between L(RCrta and St
Loji. through recHolng chair car,Pu!
mm veulhuied sleeiHrw and theerer
popolar dlalBg far.
Aak Boaaeli i B. 4 M diHt or
lruKr at riiy office. or. Mtu and O
Ues' abtmt the aew tran to t.
IaBjIs acd tho anwttl , t
Mrirt Wtatern t ! "Uses ileepr
ni raatCMesig Taln ,
1. . -.- - - W I ......I. I,
aow attat hed dally to the Cau'a Urn-
1 Utd la let LtBooia at l:4J. o bur
- ,.(-
heitrlit, larUi rert athm eK
cll at etty im I 111 O street or depot
(or. 94 ssd fin tt wU.
-s cVl
from persons
who have been
cured by the use of
I s Tablets.
Ts Ohio Ckbvical Oo.t
Ueaa Bib: I bae been nstnr foirr
for tobmecohablw and found It would
do wbat yon claim for it. 1 need tarn cents
of the strongest chawta tobaoco a dav.
on to At rlrmra: or I wosld amoks
to torty pipes of tobacco. Hare cbewsd
for twenty Are years, and two Dsckacsa
cared ms so I bare no deairs for It.
B. at. JATLOaU), Leslie, If lea,
Oo. CBm.BWtw. Some time aro I seat
Tableu lor Tobacco Habit. 1 received
I was both a beary smoker and cbewsr.
torwauHTa. a curru.
w joussoa. r. o. Box a.
PmsBCBon, Pa.
to spena a
k besry am
TableU but tare days be quit drinking,
have waited four atoiita haforo writing
CtKCtBWATi. Oaia
bava uerfurmed a mlracla la bit oaos.
rears, and bars boon oared PT te assof
Bay part. W. JU LOZwAZ.
The cheapest place for monuments is
at Geo. Natterman's, 213 South Ninth
St., Lincoln.
Use Northwestern line to Chicago
Low rates. Fast trains. Ufflce 1137
Business men, merchants, bankers
aad salesmen are leaving their orders
t Lincoln Pant Co., 1223 O street
Use Northwestern line to Chicago
Low rates. Fast trains. Office 1133
OSt. .
Pristkh Situation wanted ia good
oountry town Steady, reliable, and
first-class all round man with tea years
experience. "H," Alliance Independent.
Use Northwestern lino to Chicago
Low rates. Fast trains. Office 1133
BIpans 'J'abules assist digestion;
sweeten a sour stomach; cure .liver
Ths St. Cbarles hotel at the foot of
O Street is the most popular farmer's
house in Lincoln. Only II 00 a day.
Wnrctt vou writs to one of our adver
tisers, be sure to mention The Alli-
Viavi tbe rnmpdv for uterine troubles
now being introduced by the Nebraska
Viavi Company, oOl N. V. Llfo Bld'g.
Omaha is creating a profound and wide
spread Impression.
Barber & Fowler have a stock of gen
eral merchandise iu Iowa, now run
ning and doing big cash business; old
settled country Party wishes to move
to Lincoln and will take a part clear
property and balance cosh. See or
write, Baruer & Fowlkr.
Koom to, 1041 u atroei.
Missouri Paclflo.
The Missouri Paclfllo railway seems
to be up with the times to the very
latest moment in giving low rates to
the World's f air also to St Louis and all
eastern points as well as to tbe south.
Any information desired can be bad at
1301 O St Lincoln Neb .1. n. u. miller
C. T. A., or St. Louis Mo. of, H. C.
The World's 'atr.
The seating capacity of the restau
rants at the World's Fair grounds is
sixty thousand people. They range all
tho way frm the molest lunch counter
where you can obtain a good plain
meal foe thirty or forty cents, to the
expensive cafe which servesasix course
dinner for two dollars.
Lots of people bring a lunch basket
with them and thus get through the
dav at a merely nominal outlay.
The Burllncton routo agents at de
pot or city office Cor. O and 10th Sis.,
will be plod to furnish full information
regarding price of tickets, time of
trains, etc.
To Sa the Cheapest LarQ and ths Best
Crops in Nebraska.
August 22, September 12 and October
10, tho Klkborn railroad, Northwestern
line, will sell round trip tickets for the
above purpose at one fare pins 12 no
fare less than 7 to points on its lines
In Nebraska, South Dskotrt and Wyo
mlug. Write your friends that theso
rates are also good from jmlnt west of
Chicago oo tlie North Western lines.
Tickets sood twenty days. Stop over
gives. For further Information call
on A. S. FUldlDg, City Ticket Arent
I lsU O street, or lteit Agent K.T.
Moore, corner 8 and Eighth a'reot.
Wal. SlttPMAN. Uea, At
Tho oUior day, la speaking of the Im
proved faclllttue for luiurlou travel la
thi country says:
"S a are abandoning the old system
of llghtirui the cars with kerosene
lamps, and inor that h!f 1h eehe
hat alrvady beea efiulpiw i with the
moat I in prated aad the safest S) stent of
lighting kitowa in this cvuutry or
Kunpe. With the aew 1'reuch tampa
lt)ri can m no jiibUU,T of daager
front sp)o4aa or ether I, a ths
afpsratua Is all out si4 and usdr lh
ear, asd l the twnt of talthan, th
BittJt brooms 4tMhe4 ae-1 ts gas
eta leV Iks air.'
Ths b'illlaat nsUeh Ugal, ths laest
ear Utumtaaat la eiUsaoe, la use,
mi Iks UaUia palao Myateia fatAlls all
Us rtulslV ouadUlu so hplly
asVrd 1 1 Mr. Uiw,