The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, October 05, 1893, Image 1

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The Alliance-Independent
The Alliance-Independent
It tht teliSS
y .
" "Advertlsfns" inedlum
: " !ri the wert. It Is especl
I ally valuable a n?ass
; hi reacting he farmery.
Its circulation lias lcree
In Nebraska as the dr
; culaUon of all the "farm
' joe-nials" combined.
. Give Thr Alliancjs
Ikdkieniist a trial If
" you want good reul. -
Bio Bombarded All Day bj The Bebel
'y: Fleifc s''
Peace Intetveetlon of Foreign Ministers
"and Commanders of No Avail
" Many Lives Lest.
- The Government Still Very Hopeful.
" message received ;: to-day ...announces
) that the iiebel fleet off Rio da Jansiro
j : reopened fire upon the Brazilian ap
.Italycstetday , morning- and that the
bombardment was continued through-
-, out the day, the foreign ministers at.;
Bto," backed up by4 the conamnderji of I
tne loreign war vessels, wno nave lor
7. : lonj time past done everything pos
sible to avert' further hostilities
between the government forces and
the Insurgents, having failed to in-
' duce the opposing factions to come to
1 an agreement. 1 be message does not
give an estimate of the damage done
by the bombardment, nor does it state
how many people were- killed, ' ashore
or anoat, Dut it is prenumed, from the
fact that the rebels shelled-the city
all day, that the loss of life must have
been considerable :ind that both sides
must have suffered-: Z
The telegram further confirms the
statements previously made In these
dispatches that provisions at. Bio de
Janeiro are getting so. scarce i that
amine prices prevail in spite of the
untiring efforts made by ' the govern
meat to secure food in the neighbor
hood of the capital and from the ad
Joining states of Minash-Geraes, Sao
j Paulo and Ooyaz. ,--.i.,,,.,
jl The, Brazilian minister, in,, this .city
i has sent the following dispatch ' to
vJleuter's Telegram company: ,
Rio de Janeiro Sunday, Oct. I, 1W3: The in
surgent squadron is mill in the bay; 1t fllit
Inrf element re much weakened by desertions
from the crews Daily some of the vessels
. are damaged by the shore artllery. Yester-r
day's bombarding the forts vigorously an
, . twered. Two steamers which escaped have
- oean repulsed at Santos. . At Santa Catharins
, -. they tailed to land. . The troops are united and
i loyal to the government and public oplulen is
opposed to the insurgents." , i . ... , ,
Gold Is Plentiful In England aadAmsrl
es's YUow Metal 1 Mot Wanted. j
Loxdox, Oct 3. The Observer,
commenting on the financial situation,
says that the present week, with the
disbursement '- of dividend money,!
hhould bring a return to a condition
of great ease. Continuing, it remarks:
"The recent colonial loans will take
a portion of the funds from , the
market . Germany's demands for gold
"have "been met from- time to time
and ' are uot likely to be heavy.
otherwise ; mere wm be no
immediate prospect of disturbing ele
ments or', influences. Further un
certainty as to tlie financial policy of
the United States has been caused by
the continued resistance of the senate.
' American exchange has hardened a
point, warranting further gold ship
ments ta Kuropu. It is hoped that
the fcclisig of distrust will be allayed
l)v thn Lrm tone of President Cleve-
ij laud's letter. The gold Is not wanted
, .here, and the loss will cause a renewal
of the disturbances in the senate.'
llirre Men Fatally, ! a Fourth Badly
Wounded Ovar Trivial Mattar.
. Oaklami, 7'al., Oct 3. William
(ireen and Tom Mullen were standing
t.utMile of a saloon here last night
v. h,n IVtcc liutts, an acquaintance of
'In'fii's passed by and Oreen asked
,ii n when he got out of jail. This
it ntrnivd liutts and after a fist
;iit hud been indulged (n he drew a
voiver and shot t.reen, wno fell to
I' ilWemsn Scanlau then attempted
. nvt liutts, who fled, firing at the
rt.r a he ran. (in f Hull's strar
t.u iH hit street lar Conductor VY.
l, Wrr, fatally woundloa hinv
Art" ' tjffeel In the body of a
it. .thuae narue was unobtainable.
iudk ting a avrloua woumL
Other police men and a crowd of
'ltUn started in pursuit of liutts.
Many in the erowd had revolver and
wr iwt'Bty shots were seat alter the
ning ruguivA he a u was rap-
irrd it was found that are bulleU
vl cutered Ms tNdy. tiret h, Horny
1 lUiUt rannut lift.
. l-ullmlM'ilk ti J,
Uitnir, Kan., M. I Aftr a
Ultuf tHrc Uj the Jury In th
f l'u!!reiiiai I . I IrUh ei
VtBt hint f tl iMtilftmL'ttr wf
Wy u.'. m M! tf,.ef. lite
oivtirie I ! 'tfU last In ll.e
titjft t M t,.afi. M ,,1.111 kWA
' " f M t -a'iiij toal On uintt:sjj
' Bt 'nje IrloH I Hine'1 .a it.
v- f,;
- ' ,1 ..'V . . -i I .J ii .
' Ouly Ahoot a nrth brtha Triiile Work
t era Abt Philadelphia. Kmlod
lvn,, Oct I A mill to
mill, canvass In' the te tile districts of
Kensington, ,, Frank ford, Fairmount,
Manayunk and Germantown has been
made, about 13 J mills being visited.
These ; are about .,. one-sixth of the
total number about Pkiladeleuhu It
was found that of nearly CO.OOO' per
sons npriially employed in them only
0.WO are at work, - Jif sixty , fiaHbt of
Kensington 15,703 are( unemployed,
while. 1,070 are working on irtuf jul
time down to half time. Counting the
average week in the earulngs. per njan
at $7, 89,381 is kept from, circulation
each week through the - idle tie s of
these 13,703 men. In seventeen Fair
mount t mills t 3.7S3. : men are un
employed and 1,'j83 working on full or
Eart vtfmeyTl wage . loss , there
pn$ 1 8'l(,eM). In twenty-six Mana
fuflk mills are idle and 1,830 re
port for duty, Tirp estimated loss 31,900 a week. In the tier
mantown millr, men are laid off,
while C7haTeinploymciiL The,
decrease in payrolls is 9 H,700. Of the
1,900 Frankford employes 3ij0 only are
at work This makes a total loss' in
the districts named of 10j,0(I1 every,
Tha Tranainlatourl Frelglit Amui latlou
. .. Legal Hotly. , . -
. Sr. . Vavi, , Minn. Oct 3, The
United (States court of appeals to-day
handed down a decision i t the case of
the United States vs. the Transmis
sourl Freight association, affirming
the decision of the lower court. The
opinion is by Judge Han born, Jndge
Shiras dissenting and Judge Thayet
concurring.' :: ; - --,a '
The case is a famous one, having
been brought in the district of Kansas
originally, under the Hherman anti
trust law, the association being al
leged : to be a trust and therefore
illegal. The 'lower coort decided In
favor of the association and the court
of appeals sustains that decision, hold
ing that; the association is in accord
with the interstate commerce law and
that it is not a conspiracy against
trade, but for the benefit thereof. ,
A Vast lletly of Water Swmps Down the
. ' Hoath CanaUa Blvcr. : 7
PurckUh Ind. Ter.,: Oct..f3- At I
o'clock yesterday morning a freshet
caused by rains in the Rocky moun
tains came down the bed of the SJuth
Canadian river, carrying hundreds of
tons of drift nd- wreckage before it
The flood struck the Santa Fe bridge
which crossed the river north of here
and bent it out of line. Broken tim
ber piled against it and it almost went
ont The water filled the bed of the
stream, which is about half - mile
wide, from bank to bank and flowed
over the Santa Fo track. Bridge re
pairers were put to work at once and
worked all uight. Passengers crossed
on foot and bagjego was sent over on
trolley.,,, , r.7' . . : j v
Telegrams received ifrom up .the
fiver' stated that' the Panhandle and
Rock Island bridges had been washed
OUt. 7
Men In Ilia Macou District Throw Aalda
' -V; Theli-.rirka.
Kansas Citvy Owi .3.-Tltgre is con
siderable anxiety ainoug Kansas City
coal operators to-day over the pros
pect of a winter strike among the
coal miners cf t'u IU vWttn.1 Arliuore
districts in Macon county. The first
intimation (if scr but trouble came Sat
imlnr afternoon when a dispatch was
reeeiveJ at the Kansas and Texan eoal
company's oflk-e, stating that th men
were "uarlni up their room and
quitting work," To-day the mines
are reported to be ltl' and the miners
ro at Ardtnore. where a nias meeting
Is being held todeter nine what course
they shall pursue There are etween
? .sou and .o.hi mlnfrit In the diHtrlct
The trouble crows out of an effort on
the part of the companies to reduce
the pri paid the mluera.
(oaHMtlrMt waman Vttta.
II BtvHm i una., (K t J. Under the
new law in lU atte a-.lun lslng
woman an rTrg In aclund analrs the
women of CuBneclWiit are voting for
the Writ time at the (Mober town
electliitt to day fr Uwrda of rduea-
Hon and It I if h v hmd eniitiniltrri. The
rwisirstitui throUi?liuttt th tat ln
illi-nle Dint a li tiitmber uf votes in
lb a !,jf s l o tll li h;i-d by lbs
'nl uUVi (if lUU.III Sltt
AUrt ti ll MllMM.
it tnm;, ttk , fV. 1,-lUlt fialUnt
n l a h-i i.f hN gnii are u-v in
rmp near hit w.,Hhi' oiniui, l.t t!,
riKVniu nut Vm(i,l(,t iMiiii'.y,
as iioi'iur iiifi!.ii.i
uittfl4U trn i.ri-i.ariiif in
jvaptvtr Uwuk authr ttti may b
i.k.aett i sny time.
A : j:
"., "1 Ss
i O ; j SZr 1" -
' ZTTr' " tfo ,7.
'I i ' - -. j
- . - Held ap and noblrrd. i : .
Lixroi.x, Neb. Oct 3. C. L. Buck,
a traveling man residing at T hlrteenth
and O streets Was the victim of a bold
highway robbery last night. 'About
9:30 he was on his way home and had
reached Thirteenth and K streets when
a coitole of fellows nccof,ted liim with
the cheerful demand to hold up his
hands. At the point of, two revolvers
this demand was complied with and
the robbers went through M r, Buck s
pockets. A gold watch and cnam ana
about f 0 in money was bccured.' As
It was quite rtark, Mr. Jiuck woum
probably not recognize the men. '
. A fight in which considerable blood
was spilled occurred last evening at
Tenth and I' streets. No" particulars
of the encounter could be ascertained.
Mike Manama n, John Maun man and
William Wallmonn were arrested foi
participating, and of these the lattei
was pretty badly used up.
1 ; ' Oanahs Kaiaa,' !-
Ov a ha, Oct. 3. Anton MarU-nsen has
brought suit against the Burlington for
$30,000 for injuries i received while
walking on the : track of, the defend
ant's line. lie was struck by an engine
and badly hurt some months ago.
: On account of having failed to pay
certain claims which were ordered by
the probate court. - Mary ft. Shea has
been removed from the position of ad
ministratrix of the estate of John C.
Shea and W. H. Rector appelated to fill
the vacancy.
' Albert Simmonds, who worked for
Joe Pleasant in a cigar store at Six
teenth and Dolge utreeta, is a badly
wanted man. According to the report
of Mr. Pleasant his man Simmonds en
tered the store after he had closed it
Saturday night and stole 98.7 in cash, a
gold watch, a revolver and then,
made himself scarce. If Simmonds is
captured he will be locked up for grand
larceny. ' - -,; '
I Htctity traders J'3oua'
VALUE V. Neb., Oct. 2. This city fs la
a state of excitement over the elope
ment of a highly esteemed young cou
ple who have been the leaders in local
society for some time. They were list
seen about 10 o'clock Sunday morning,
when they hired a livery rig and start
ed,, as they claimed, to visit a friend
about seven miles south of town. , The
parents of the young lady became
alarmed and began an investigation.
They soon learned that they had not
visited the friends south of town, but
had gone in a different direction. : -i
It was developed late , this evening
that the two . had eloped. . The gentle
man in the case is J. C. Kelley, a very
popular Unlon Pacific telegraph opera
tor at this place, and the lady is pretty
Miss Maggie Cross, granddaughter of
the landlord of the Ueed of this
city. .-.,.. ,.
Kerlout Accident Near Reenter.
i Bkkmkr, Neb., .Oct. 3.r As Herman
Stuckenschmidt, , living eight miles
north of town, was taking lint lamily
to church Sunday afternoon he was met
by Mr. Hanson, a neighbor., Hanson
was carrying a gun, which was dis
charged immediately aft?r passing Mr.
Stuckenschmidt, several shot striking
him in the arm, and , Mrs. Stuckcn- j
schmidt receiving several in the back.
A little girl eight years old was struck
iu the eye and another iu the face. As
soon as Ifanson perceived what he had
done he put whip to his horso and fled.
He was, however, overtaken shortly by
a brother of the wounded woman, lie
claims he was shouting ut a dog. ;
Frlgh!uMl Uf a f.nnat li
Nebraska Citv, Oct. 3,-An unknown
Insane man is frightening the families
of farmers south of this city. He has
been wandering around for several
day. destroying property and fright
ruing Motuen and chilttteu. All at'
tempts to capture him have proven fu
tile and the neighborhood i greatly
excited. "
r.iirsrlnrs at tempted lo break nto A.
Goldberg's clothing More undy even
inir but were frl-fhtened away. These
attempts hare been numerous of late
and It is Wtievfd there is mi organized
gang of thieve in the city
' llwlr) l I ha .l Tent. ,
TabI.K IlKk, Xeb., (M.S. The tenia
of the (iiwpel Union of this s;ate lu
charge of Ja mea II. Siuitli and party
which w an p ti lied here last mnIi. was
blwnver last Thursday night and
was dllapUlatt'd that it will nt b
aet un again. fuiU eli.l hiameet
1K Lu evru'tig In the Prrbytrriaa
thuii-U without tnuvh aaieut uives.
the wraliivr having In n tuifvorable
frviu lhetart. 'lliey weat to Idneola
ftotti her and w ill enpjr In m; lui.
hry the fe the winter.
ran') wm raliilf ttiange,
Th Mi'V, XrU. (Vt, 1. 'The eoi,nly
reetsU aiul f until ur wer i'ltntive.!
t Tieittwn je erUf tm t'u'.Wt twn,
tbe !ng I. tie f teams arriving hare
about nMii, At ( "utUt'lwn Judge Ituu
ter g ttv the ti.liitn it parting ldrvm,
and at 'I teuton tHry were met iv the
't ienl.'it roriet Iwtnd a attort dlt4n.
fmnt trta v hU h hadtd i irauliu
tf nearly a'l the f opt if lrrotn. M
Wreck on the San FrtDcitco at
tymaa, Mo. . 7 '
The Engineer and Firemen Meet Instant
Doth-The Acsldent the Woik of
. Taln Wieckers. , , , :
l'ourih Attempt Wllfiln " m Month
Si'nisiOPiia.ii, Mo-,' 0ct 1 8. Passen-j
gor train No. 4 at the 'FrUco ,road,,
which left Springfield at 10:011, about
ten minutes late,-ran into an open
iwitch at Lyman at 10:20 Saturday
night, dashing through stock cars.
Engineer Maxey Hall and Fireman
Charlie Robinson were both instantly
killed So far as could bu ascertained
none of the passengers were serluusly,
injured. One received a broken arm,
and several received slight bruises.
The switch bad been opened by some
party undoubtedly with the intent of
wrecking the train.'
Lyman is only a blind siding, there
being no depot .'or telegraph office
there. The three stock cars were just
insldo . the switch, so that the en
gineer and fireman had no warning of.
the danger until the crash came. - The
oftlcials of the road state that this is
no less than the fourth attempt which
has been made to wreck trains at Ly
man during the month of September.
777 SIAM OIVES' IN. 7;
She Agree to t'ranoes jLste t Demand!
. v l ud 1'eaoa Is Aaaurad.
IUxdKOK, Oct. 3 A final settle
montof the -dispute between France
and Siam was arrived at yesterday by
the acceptance on the part of the
Siamese government of the drafts of
a new treaty presented by De VVil
tiers, the special envoy, of France to
the government of Slam. ... ,r
- The French envoy gave the Siamese
government but. forty-eight hours in
which to accept or decline tho treaty
agreed upon yesterday, threatening to
leave Bangkok unless his demands
were complied with. From this it is
udgnd that the Siamese government
ms made an unconditional surrender
to France, and that the latter country
now has every thine which she has
demanded from Siam with the excep
tion of the demands which were con
sidered in excess . in her ultimautm
presented some time aga
t i
Kansas City (Jruln,
Prices were nuetod as follows:" No 3 hard
wlioot, '! 644.'S)u; No. K har.l wheat, &33&I0;
Nb 4 imrd wheat. Sl.'tf j3o: rejtted hard wheat,; Na 3 red wheat, M-(b7'4e- No. I red
wliOHt. W-A40; No 4 roil limit. MfftSSo.
Conn Wiis firm Most of tho receipts were
P'U up ra sslos "to arrive," so the offerings of
s.ini i'H were not lr,'U . Shippers aud local
doaiers wore fair buycri and 1 some cora
wenr, ta ' eler nor rooii Kneel pti of corn,
1 curs' h year a ears. No. V mixed sold at
?3o No j mixed. e No. 4 mixed,' aj'
no, trade. vsm No ... 2 whito, .Met
No. 3 white. 5B!e X? 4 wlrto, S3) Shlpperi
psid 28M'-W ilis ssippl river (or No. S cora ;'4e river for No. h!lj corn Na
imi.V'il 1,0 ul M Jo MomphU an t No i white,
ito il"t.ii'i', - ; .
4'tiletr of Tr.iile. '
('uii Ott i-Tt foliolnttsble shows
tti riwi v f.f p.'leei for twllvti fm urcs. on boiird
ot trail? t)-.!ay: ' '
Ou'nd lilu't jLo al
f si"
V, i,i:tr- s p
. . !.!
Corn- ! .
,, - ' M t
Oa-m - r.p.
s-t i
POHK- ?"(! I
I V I. !.t
Lr)i- 1. "
I VI ! a
Jan 1 S
9 I
'" tH
, 40
" W ,
' W '
16 an
iT t
81 '4
i.i yr
' ?s"
a mi
!ti '
3 TUns -',
Jail f 1
A) j
K t I rt,tu for la m'ir.-a - Witsat
wuar, 't i;i titi o;t tiitftr. saga
rt i btut
Kn-eeipt. l Cilii' tvdtt Whast,
lllti r, 14 1 r anal-t. W trt, , II
er e-mtrjet, I ert a-e till etc t coa
tcs.'t. ii mt aiu am tars.
ktSV "ifv"ll; at IK Is.
Kiisu 4 itv, Mo.tXl 9 - (Uttlo-Ra-eti
ni't.a MalurJav. If tv 0H; s'i.r.iir, a VI. ta!.. lis Ths
itrsl lf 1 (iruiif tuaiSioo,
lull an l kr raw aa4 kuiia, alrenfi tao4
mh1i', (.tly uu.a io -Wfs 4 ktaari
Vn ,tl'e, atwiHy,
1km'4 t'l ! bi!llil4 l(t tl IVtJtWj
'.itti.M l tf4, t t i n I fc (era,
Il ;vij w T m at I ln l!n i r II awfifcii
l t - i t . ti !.. ai-wter
u i, j-ft it 1 wnl si sw Jt- J&,
IIih.. ti .,(' a K tf !, iT3i
Slpv. J rM;r-ljr, TmkJ .it
iutt m tne l Si fcl.iwr. !' tm4
V,,.H ft J ( la t
Ml.ii.-I ..-t tho " S.t ir ier, tt'.t,
ihlctwj atir)Ai, I l"l Mrbl
lavir a.tlia aad alt 1 Jr (r awl a4
IJ lv! m i.t .tiv Ut,
...... t
7 : i 7 , '.; 1
' paring Kabraakn lUbhers. '
'Gordon, Neb., Oct.' 3.Atouv 1
o'clock yesterday morning.os Charles
Bnrwell, the night operator at this
place, was carrying tne maii-sacM irona
the depot to the postofiice man wll;h a
handkerchief tied over the lower tjart
part of his face appeared and, putting
a gun under Burwell's nose, o.deVe4
him to stop and at the same time told
him to keep quiet While one man
kept him covered with a gun a second
robber stepped out of the darkness ana
dragged the mall pouches Into "the
alley, leaving the sack containing the
papers on the sidewalk. If then or
dered the operator to. walV .t into the
middle of the street. ' ; Ife did so and
when he turned around both of the
robbers had disappeared in an adjoin
ing alley where they had saddle bofsea
tied and mounting rode rapidly away
in a northeasterly direction. The op
erator gave the alurm and St 4 a. m,
Sheriff Rosecrans 'and United State
Marshall Llddavd of Rushvillo were on
their trail,, following it for ahout six
miles where : It was lost. -The mall
sacks were not believed to contain
much of value. They bttve hot been
found yet but the general opinion is
that the work , was done by amateurs
and Jt Is only a , question f a short
time until the robbers will be appre
hended. . ;. ' 5 , ,
, Au Anierloan II If My llouorad. .
Nkw York, Oct 3. The Rev, Amory
,11. Bradford, D. D , for twenty-threo
years minister of 'the First Congroga
tional church, Mbntclalr, N. J., one
of ' the' editors of the Outlook
apd widely known .as '. preacher
and author, has received a unanimous
call to the pustorate of Westminster,
chapel, London, the largest Congrega
tional meeting house in the world and
located near Bucklnhum palace, West
minister abbey and the parliament
houses. lie has not decided regarding
tlUCall. - '- ' j,
, Oarxa at tne .World's Falrl';' ;!r''
Nkw York, Oct 3. One of Cairino
(iarza's latest and most daring, ex
loits, it is said, is his visit to Chicago,'
where under assumed names he and
his lieutenant, General Ruiz Sandoval,
spent the early part of August and
lived in no less conspleuons a place
than the Palmer house. ' While Mex
ican and American troops were seek
ing the possible hiding place of the
"revolutionist" be was enjoying the
r'xftosltion to his heart's content
... " .
..1 Troops for ' Choctaw.. ' .7.-r "J'
Taulkqcah, Ind. Ter., Oct 3, tThe
Choctaw council convened here this'
morning with the largest attendance
of outsiders ever known. If any pre
cincts are unlawfully thrown but' se
rious trouble is sure to be the result
Captain Guthrie arrived this morning
with United States soldiers to prevent
trouble if possible. The votes of the
last election will likely be counted to
morrow and that ia when the- trouble
Is expected to begin, ., '
Jleiluead roataga Net LHcatv.
Wasiusgtox, Oct. 3. There is no
immediate prospect of one-cent lette 1
postage, as the postofiice department
lums u deficit of something like
iS.O'HUKio, and in his forthcoming re
pott the postmaster general will ad
vise 'against any further reduction.
litis deneit in tho postofiice receipts
m $4,ona.fjoo greater than for a cor
responding term following the reduc
tion of postage from three to two
. Ks-fnuMor Knaltlng Affuln lloue, 1 .
Mii.wa t'RKK, Wis., Oct 3. -John B.
Kocttl.iar, cashier of the failed South
idle Savings-bank, under indictment
"' r.n-t'! btttikiiig, failed to appear
iu court this morning and his bond of
""f.V liii.i w;.s deelared forfeited, Ua
v:ih recently brought from Denver
after tuuclt trouble and put under
uoruis 10 up.var. -
J-.otte.l Ilia liantoer.ille Tlckat.
lir.a Molvks, Ia , Oct 3 This mora
l:.g Senator I K. Bolter of Harrison
ifiiiutr. In a .letter to Chairman Scott
nf 1 he Populist central committee,
wnnoum-tts that he lius lxlted the
l) liioeraiie ticket and will support
lohcph for governor. Senator Ikdter
!u b.'t'R S lemor ratio leader lathe
Iowa general asseiubty for sixteen
AlU-rt II, shtpperson, an authority,
nitkea a 1 at ef ul eaUmatK ot this year's
field of coitus at t,sHOJ bales, t'v
4) 1 morw than last year
The Northern luw M. li. conference
t hplet n w)luilun vigorously d-(Hun,,-,
;i - th old ivolllleal 11 ties for
tvuldiug prohibition as ;t Uu, ' MacCorWe vf West Vie
Tlna U be in if swvartlr erliu,l by
lbs lrwierailvi pren of that atAta for
tpp4ring lfori tho Wat's an I atlsa
suirt,iita at Washington in favor uf
t Utiflf ot rvwt s
Herman mUiUty att'horUles fry
fHMe to ihlraw alt iniltiirv auacaea
(runt I'rJWe, s. at t t rre t ru ta
twlthdrsw sluilUr atl4St frva tU
istlous at la Ihrvibuu L
The free and unilmlfc
ed coinage of silver at
the ratio of ltt to 1; ia
; , other words, thoresior
' ' ' atlon of allrcr to ;tho
i j lT, ; plaotj lt-beld In our eur
reniy from 1792 to 1873.
' ' ' - That' the Sherman
t law ehould not be re
pealed unltM a law
more favorable to U-;verWubtitutdforit.
' : -" .V NCfcSJe
.1' .)..,.' -
f, 1 il 11 i. 11. .1
DmIm WtM Ar Witli tha faiyta
, witfcoit ,Hif Trgim, ,
St. Iouv M . Ott 3. Tb leaffu
b a ball aeaaon doaed Baturday. fhe
Boston clnb won tle pep nap t; with
hardly a effort. Tlwlr rlctoryia
been foregone conclusion for eome
time, and the club ha of l&te bf
playing: careless .balj: and irratfinf
players Tctlon because there aa
no lonfrer anything to Clit for7 The
bl: league has bad only a fair season.
Home of the clcbs have made money
and some have ; not ' The interesl
seemed to grow lens rather than In
crease towards the close of the season.
Following is the standing1 of thu d)nba
as they finished the soasoo- ' 't
wf. tc.
Hmlon.,.i..,.H 44 M
l,ltut)ur,,8l 4S 4m.
Cleveland., .1.73 U ,MS'
PhlladelphIa..TI M ,r,M
Chlo iKO..,..',.6r Tf .
ht. I)iiis,.vJ.WTtl.
uincinnati,. no ta .tin
New York.. HI ..4
WasUiiigWBj.40 V.
Mrs. Deacon Arrlvva In MawtVejr.
i New Yob. Oct. , 3.Mrs. Kdar4
Parker Deacon, the, div9ix?d'.w68 of
Edward Parker Ieaeon who. Jiyled
Emlle Abclllo, ' a - well-known' man
about town, of Paris; on the-night of
February 17, 193, arrived on'thf La
Bretagne yesterday. Mrs.'':I)ctfcon
was :' accompanied by hot1 yvVangesa
child, b nurse and ' a ft'olWo' da
cbambre. -'' ' ",v ' ,a
... .in i.' 1 i in, r i,wt
Bridges Carried Awaf by risodsr
.Wiphita, Kan., iOcfc.I3rhe'Rock
Island bridge across the ' Canadian at
Union City, Ok.; was washed out , last
night, and the Santa Fe , bridge al
Furcell, Ind, Ter., wtts .also, carried
out by the same flood. . The riven are
all swollen down in the territoryand
the railroads are experiencing consld-
Tvi lit a rlnma va ' ' '
1.1 a vv uumwV)
Foatofllea IloblMira Caoght.
. Wichita, Kan., Oct 8. Three 'At ea,
giving the names of , Jack Crawford,
Joe Davis and James,. Ward, .wanted
at Hume, Mo., for the robbery of tha
nostofBce there a few nights ago, wera
captnred here yesterday with nnnrly
$250 in stamps and money: on: them.
The men secured .no worth of statu pa
and money and some other valuables
from the robbed postofnc -m
., . ft -
i. Fatal Rhooting AflTar- .
. Makbhat,, Mo., ,Oct 8. Torn San
ders, familiarly known a "brlektop,' '
a notorious negro charaeter, was shot
and fatally wounded by another rtegro .
named Churohie Wood at danccFlaat
nignt 'Xhe shooting s was the result
of a quarrel over a woman whom they
had been dancing with. ' Five 10M
were fired and three took efitctr."-
' Mine raltaaaa Cars Wrecks!.
P1TT8BPR8, Pa, Oct 3. A special
New York train of nine Pullmans est
route front the world's fair was de-
immi; (loan nuunwu, .aw w
Pittsburg and Western railroad early
yesterday morning.' The passengers
were thrown from their bertha, but
escaped with slgiht bruises and a bad
fright '-, ' - - - '-
Ha and .'kid" WlUon Maka . aa Ifnsaa
easaful Attempt to Break JaM.
Fort, Smith, Ark., Oct 3,."Kld'
Wilson and Henry Starr led an unsuc
cessful attempt to break jail yester
day. They were assisted by John
Pointer, Alexander Allen and Frank
Collins, condemned murderers, I ' and
Charles Young and Jim Fair.
They refused to go into their 'cells
at dinner time and made an attack
upon oue of the guards, who tried to
force them into their cells. They had
been makinir trouble all day and a
big force of guards were on hand.
Ohm cruBi'd fired, ahootlair Youmr In
the face and breaking the cheek bone.
but not seriously Injuring him.
Pointer, Starr and Wilson beirired to
bo shot. 1 he court meets to-day to
try the case of Marr and Wilson, and
this nittde them desperate. . ,
Itlantarva HreahUg Down.
Hr'.ni.tx, tV:t. 1 The netrspaper
here publish less favorable report re-
;rfling Pi luce Bismamk s health, it
uatslhe lutetttion of his fstailyaad
h!a ph ail too t la remove hint to his
tiuneat 1 riedriehsruheyesterday bu
he p iiut was not ia condition ta
uake the Journey. Confliellng re aorta
,eysrding Hi" nature of the. prlae's
tlekaes, are an many and varied that
I Is nse!e to reoeat taetu. - Alntoat
vert ttresaadat has hia . own
theory as ta the eauae of liUiuarok's
(rvrnt Utnesaand as ta the eaaolvea
itUnt of his health. i
IMa will Seara Ma a tar. 4
W tntM to -4, I VL 1 The fallow Inf
inle.l vlieuUr was revolved bp every
-riraeHUIiv, senator aait pualU of
luial n t i--h nitl.m yeatardsvv
' ih'r t a tUne la the sRaiiS af
, i.Mt M. 1 nU-.e tvas to te
iilii. 1"A i ttjih t United Mnt
.ee, Uh vikiik ff U ptMjd'
Atiintg(i t o kv.H wr tia Wn
ea.led Uts rirvaur, th worla tsera
rtfintei1, Ut 'rfe, lli k, omiitouk Lk
! tyH Utters eonUlntutf tl
;, .'. r wr i.stMrW4 Neva. VAr
7 iT