The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, September 21, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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    t h e AL l i a a c e rmjiYKyjflft t.
s -
I f At II
ScT3tj-fir Thoaund Peep's Wsrs ia th
Scram uls
Fast Hones Beat ths Railroid Trainf,
Beciui of tho Ttrribls Crui
Mo Serious CaosusHtiss.
Scenes sad Incidents.
Arkansas Citt, Kan., Sept. 18. At
high noon to-day 100 United States
carbines cracked in the dry air and
with exulting yells 30,00 men and
women, all American citizens, rushed
into tlti Cherokee strip almost the
last section of the public domain that
will be thrown open to genrral settle
ment. The following figures show the
number of people who made the run:
From Arkansas City By train, 8,000;
by horse, 23,00a
From-Orlando 25,000.
From Caldwell Dy train, 3,000; by
horse, 7,000.
From Stillwater 10,000.
The view of the rush at 13 o'clock
from the obaenratory on the Chllocco
school was full of exciting Interest
Just before the hour, with a field
5 lass the long line of horses and men
ensely packed for 200 feet back could
be seen. At high noon the sharp
crack of a revolver was distinctly
heard and immediately following
came the reports of the carbines. A
hoarse yell went up, softened by the
distance, and the line got in motloi.
Horses were seen to snoot out from
the ruck and dash across tho prairie.
Thi a dense cloud of dust obscured
the line fur a moment, but a brisk
wind from the west cleared it away,
and the men and wagons could be
seen scattering as the slowest were
left behind. Now and then a wagon
would go over with a wheel knocked
A horse was seen to rear in the air
as be was struck by a wagon tongue
and fall back. Ills rider was up in an
instant and bent over his horse.
Then he arose, and from his gestures
it was plainly seen that he had been
left at the post
The last of the rushing hosts were
not long in disappearing over the hill
Into the swale at the south line of the
Chllocco reserve, the rear being
brought up by a throng of men and
women on foot and a few teams on a
The whole thing was spectaculaa,
but it was soon over, too soon.
The trains did not pull out of the
Santa Fe yards until sometime after
--M'Oiclockand the jam then was awfuL
At least 15,000 people including most
of the population of Arkansas City,
were there to board the trains.
Special trains from Wichita, VVinfleld
and other near points came in loaded
with sightseers. ; -
The way the trains Were run was a
bitter disappointment to town lot
seekers, as any wagon which left in
the rear of the line could have beaten
them to 1'onca.
Great recklessness was displayed in
jumping on and oil the trains by the
crowd eager not to get left, and there
were many narrow escapes. No cas
ualties happened, however, and after
considerable delay the first section
moved out slowly. Most of the people
who went in on the trains carried
blankets and provisions and some of
them small tents. All will have to
. sleep on the ground to-night, as they
will not be able to got back, all of the
regular trains having been laid off.
The crush to get on the trains was
awful. After the cars were full peo
ple climbed to the roofs and soon cov
ered them. They clung: to the steps,
invaded the engine and even crawled
upon the trucks. Inside the cars the
jam was frightful, people were crushed
In and the pressure at the doors
could not be stopped. The efforts
of the deputy marshals did not
avail much after the first fow had
shown their certificates. The trains
left hundreds of disappointed people
behind who were unable to get a foot
hold. At the edge of the strip a horde
of people were waiting to board the
trains but there was no room for
them. The Santa Fo sold 8,000 tick
ets for the trains, most of thetn for
Camped along side the track at the
state line were about 200 men. Thev
had walked out to take the trains
there this morning. When thev could
not even secure foothold they threat
ened to throw tics under the cars.
The town is literally deserted, banks
are closed and most of the stores are
m posses Nion of the proprietors, all
me cierKS naviog gone to the bonier
to make Hie run.
rally Tea Thauaaad leople Kaks the
Craad lluth. Kf J., Ran, Sept It Two
minutes after noon to-day 10,000 peo
ple who had gathered along the bor
der south of Caldwell were rushinff
belter skelter Into the strip in every
direction at far as the eye could reach.
Five minutes later the fletet and
foremost horsemen were mere specks
and clouds of uusl in the distance and
behind thetn were hundreds and hun
dreds of white cover,! wagons and
bugtftas trooniuir into the land, leav
ing behind thetu great clouds of dut
to luarlt the line.
The i !! ltd not become Impatient
untu a few minutes before II u clock,
when the cavalrymen matte their last
ridm un and down the ttitumn. For
tire minute b (ore the signal all had
been gtting rraly and there waa
more ruttviuent thaa ever along the
lines or pH)ple no had stood so tuany
noum waiting lr the opening.
A II o'clock a ranaoai sounded awav
off several mile ! of the hills
where stjfhier had aMivtl.l
There was a eloud of dust la the dts
Uo 'I l.-r another report
esrvr, Wt It a the riwl of a eat
Iryatsa a carbine. The I 1m ot dust
advetwd up lbs column, Ut rambling
sound vattMt by the atauiaedlag ul
.i8lra tf boras laereaaed. A a
ether trMae was fired sad twst
treat all the people toward the south.
.The race at first was fast one and
hondredj of me a on horseback started
out of the mass and began to lead the
crowd. There were some lively raoea,
but there are too mesy entries to ob
serve individual cob test
Two men en safety bicycles who had
really gone into the strip along the
Rock Island traek unooserved tea
minutes before It, were for a long
time In the lead oi every one and they
went out of sight first
Tweatr-rtve Thoosaao' raople Make the
Bath Maay Sooaers Already la.
Oklaxdo, Ok., Sept 11 Twenty
five thousand men and women with a
goodly number ef boys and girls
started at the . sound of carbines held
by cavalrymen aharp at noon to-day.
Hundred! went in on trains which
were jammed but the grand rush was
by horse and wagon.
I rains both north bound and south
bound yesterday and to-dar ran in
many sections and ail were loaded to
the platforms. Women clung to the
guard rails and men hung to the
engines and the roof like bees. The
rush was especially big from Arkansas
City and was made up of men who
came to this side of the strip to run
for ferry town lots. Conductors esti
mate that no less than 5,000 men
crossed the strip yesterday.
Yesterday trains encountered prairie
fires on the strip which burned so
fiercely that in a number of places tha
ties were so badly scorched that there
was danger in passing over the track.
Frequently the trainmen had to get
off and pour water upon the burning
lies ana once a bridge was found to be
on fire. The alow speed necessitated
by the Ores enabled the men to get
off the trains In great numbers. I'uily
300 boomers managed to get off and
run into hiding in the Ponca reserva
Ten Tbaueaad Itnrdr Farmer
the Baa Freaa Thai Lisa,
Stillwatkb, Ok., Sept 18. Ten
thousand sturdy homeseekers were
let loose on tha heretofore forbidden
lands north of here sharp at noon to
day. All of this army of men were after
homesteads and none wanted town
lots. In consequence there were no
tnorougbbrea racers in the line.
Scores went into the land in wagons
with equipments necessary to begin
farm work at once!
There were of course many exciting
races for quarter sections believed to
be extra good, but these contests were
not marked features of the run.
oonars Keported Shot.
Guthrie, Ok., Sept 18. Information
received here by courier tells of four
sooners who were shot and fatally
wounded last night by soldiers. The
names at the present are unknown.
Guard! oa lint at Guthrie.
Gbtiibik, Ok., Sept 18. There are
about 100 men In Outhrie armed with
Winchesters who are guarding the
city from bandits said to be preparing
xor a ram.
Two Wretches Attempted . to Burn a
Newton Woman for Shootlcs" One.
Newton, Kan., t?pu 18. Two un
known men entered the house of G W.
Nlcoemus in the center of the city
last evening at 0 o'clock and gagged
and bound Mrs. Nicodemus, who waa
alone. Then they saturated her cloth
ing with coal oil and were just about
to set hor on fire when Nicodemus re
turned and the men made their escape.
I wo nights ago these same men
broke into the house and secured 925.
In departing Mrs, Nicodemus shot one
of them in the leg and he told her
that ho had returned to burn her for
this. - - - ,-.
A largo party of men is scouring the
town in search of the men. A good
description of both men is at hand
and should they be found lynching is
feared by many.
A Philadelphia Mint Employe K:ikes Out
105,000 With a llake.
Washington, Sept 19. It is under-
ttood here that the goyernmen officers
have captured the man who stole $105,-
000 worth of gold from the mint at
rmiadclphia and that $100,000 worth
of the precious metal has been recov
ered. Tho name of the thief has not
yet been disclosed.
the man was an employe at the
mint and used a common iron garden
rake, which he inserted between the
bars of tho vault door and raked the
coin out with it The government
will not lese anything.
Kicked by Two Ministers.
Jakkhvii.t.k, Wis, Sept 13. The
Revs. Cain m and Webb of the Free
Methodist church are accused of kick
ing and beating the Rev. Mr. Johnson
of Moutford lnx insensibility at the
Miulaburtr caiuo mcetinir. Thev ob
jected to Ms good clothes and com
plained that he was not observing tha
vow of poverty and that he was pos
sessed of tha devil-
An Olllerr'a Mistake Fatal.
ATCHisoXt Kan., Hept 11 Orb Law,
a painter of this city, died last night
from the effects of a bullet In the
lungs fired two weeks ago bv Officer
Sprtngtteen, who mistook him for a
burgUr and shot him wheu lie refused
to halt Law thought the officer waa
a highwayman.
Hhol Met Hatband and Herself,
HroaAKE. Wash., Sept. II Mrs. I
C Kulllvant last evening shut and
fatally wounded her husband and then
ttrd two bulUts into her own body,
mortally wounding herself. Domes
tic trouble was the causa.
The Nstefcae Xnl ta Is.
Fbksuwatkh, Isle of Wight, Kent
It The ItittanaU won the race for
the t ape May cup wltich was began
yeatrrday. pUf the winning Fin
at I2:1J. The Nsvahoe finished In mil,
tttee, ldsovond later thta the llrlt
annU. tale tttMiaese Meat liaised.
MusatatK. VU,HpV II. -Kirs at
UaaUlUiae. Ml a. last ntffct de
stroyed twelve buteae how. aad
thre dwellings. enUtltuf a Iom et
l)o, ikkt latum fo about vae quarter.
facilities for Hakla a flnl-Claae Article
The Bert rrvHUei of 11
A : Stack Notva. Hotue
hoid Hlata.
Poor Batter. " '
I suggest that some of the reason!
are there Is a great amount of it made
on farms that have no convenience or
facilities for making a first-class
article, and is made by the wires and
daughters of the farmer, who do pot
furnish them with any information
on butter making. What they make
is good enough for him, and he thinks
is good enough for anyone else. Many
of our cows hare to depend on stag
nant and impure ponds for their
drinking water. Milk being about
eighty per cent water it ill bo more
or less affected by the i npurities in
the water, and the ere m in rising
brings it to the top, and, when
churned, the butter retains a portion
of the impurities which injure the
keeping quality.
n ft do not look to tha comfort of
our eows as wo should, says Cole
man's Rural World. Many of them are
driven to a shadelcss pasture and left
there all day In the heat of summer,
with no place to lie down and rest
but in the scorching ray of the sun.
If there is any damaged or mouldy
grain on tho farm it is generally fed
to the cows, as it is not fit for mar
ket, and would not do to feed the
teams, and tho pigs would not thrive
on it, but the cows will eat it, and
will give us bud milk, because they
cannot give us anything else on such
food, and bad milk makes poor but
ter. Milk set in cellars and caves will
absorb any Impurities that may be in
them, unless set In an air tight can.
Cellars and caves generally hare a
musty smell and butter made from
milk sot in thorn has the same, unless
set in cloned cans. Milk absorbs tha
flavor of any kind of vegetables. If,
therefore it is kept in the kitchen we
are liable to have many flavors com
blnod. A great deal of the butter made on
farms in winter is made and kept ia
tho kitchen or cellar till it is taken
to market. A great many people
make butter on a small scale, and do
not take enough interest in It to give
tho proper care. They do not post
themselves on butter making because
every body believes his wife can and
does make as good butter as anybody
and he will swear she can; and if you
don't agree with him you had better
keep still. Everybody takes good,
aweet butter to market. He knows
ho does, because his groceryman tells
him b and his wife made it, puts It
in tho same can with all Of the good
butter and how could it be otherwise.
Hut ho had to take a low price for it,
thoro was so much of the same qual
ity in the market. So they did hot
make it as good the next week, for it
did not pay to work so hard for to
little money.
Jf grocerymen would be more par
ticular in testing the batter thoy buy
and take nothing but good, poor but
ter would be very scarce as there
would be no place for it. But just so
long as there is a place where it can
be sold at any price at all, it will be
made, and lots of it, too.
It requires but little labor or ex
perience to make poor butter. To
make the other grade requires lots of
both and ome knowledge of the
proper methods.
It is not probable that those who
follow dairying as a business for profit
would make much poor butter. If
they did they would have to retire
from the business soon, as it would be
impossible to find a market for their
production or a price that would pay
expenses. So we come to the conclu
sion that it is the many that make a
little for market and sell for aay
price they have offered for it that
furnish us with a large amount of our
poor butter.
The Heat Profit.
Under present conditions the bost
profit is made only by getting tho top
of tho market Karly maturity is not
entirely with the breed, for no matter
uuw guuuuio ureeu, mo Desi growth
will not be secured unless good feed
ing is .auued. ino principal ad van
tasro with the bettor breeds is In
ability to digest and assimilate a
largor amount or rood and convert it
into growth and flesh, but if t.hl U
dono tho materials must first bo sup-
puod to the animals.
ily feeding well you encourage and
Intennify tho tendency to put on flesh
rapidly, and mi early maturity is
made poH4blo. Ihe profit is not
only in the quickest growth, but to
some extent is a better quality of
product. is a better product insures
a higher price, and a there is but
little difference in tho cost, tho differ
ence in the amount received Is large,
ly profit In fact, taklug the value
of the ftKd into consideration, it
coats to scvuro early maturity
with the bvttcr quality of product
than it does the slow growth and a
poorer product
iio long as one continues to send a
tow quality f product to markt l, low
price roiift 1 accepted tn payment.
Reducing the of production will
nt Incwai. the profits it In doing
thU the quality l lowervd. It is al
ways an It.'iu to reduce the cot so
fur a it Is poiti)e to do so without
lowering tho quality. Hut wbeq it
comes to a choice Iwlww an In
creased cost and a lower ouaUly It
will pay at lat to some extent, to
add to the foet. as tinder prveect
conditions the better prtee received
will make a good profit on. tho addi
tional ct Ta a conWratle at
teat It will be best ta make quality
tha first aontideralloa, tut at ttn
ain uum to reduco the cost as r juch
as polb!e, as this will help ma
ledaliv t incwa th -nfU
' Jourwal of Agriculture.
Ho(i af All Agee.
Hogs a, ali ages, even from the day
they are Uttered until they are ready
for the pork barrel, are more nearly
a cash commodity than any other
stock produced on the farm. There
are always buyers for swine; soma
neighbor wants a sow with her litter,
another wants a lot of weanlings,
another a bunch of shoats and again
another the older stock hogs, while
the shipper is always ready for tha
fatted hog. There is a market for
swine of all ages and conditions at
all seasons f the year. A good crop
of corn, provided in advance, ready
for the swino and, to guard against
any liability of crop diater, is neces
sary for the successful prosecution of
the swine industry. I'nder these
conditions the business of raising
hogs can safely be commenced with
an assurance of profit
It is always beat to hare in view
but one condition of market animal.
While it may in a general way be
desirable to finish up the hog on the
farm, there are many risks taken
with the carrying of a litter of pigs
up to the time when they will sell in
the fat hog market In view of these
liabilities many of the most success
ful hog raisers divide their chances
of profit and dispose of sows and lit
ters and pigs in all conditions of
growth up to the matured animal,
carrying only a portion of the hog
stock through to the shipper.
Their motto is always hare some
thing to sell in the line of swine
when good prices can be secured. As
a money-maker on the Western farm
few products can take the place of
hogs. Kansas City Live Stock Indi
Stork Notes.
The growing calf needs a liberal
supply of food containing mineral
Cleanliness in the cattle quarters
will go a long ways toward promot
ing thrift.
Give nourishing food from the
jtart; this applies to cattle as well as
other stock.
Fall cattle are weaned at a season
of tho year when everything favors a
rapid growth.
After they once get started to
growing there is little danger of feed
ing calves too much.
Scrub steers eat just as much as
well bred ones, but do not turn the
food to as good an account.
With calves, as with other ani
mals, it is. highly important that a
steady growth bo maintained until
In many cases a bettor showing for
cattle would bo made if a less number
was kept and each animal was fed to
its full capacity.
The best plan of feeding corn meal
to cither growing calves or fattening
steers, is by using in connection with
more bulky food. '
Cattle can thrive only by full feed
ing, and without thrift thore can be
no profit, and this is especially the
aso when they are fed on dry feed
Because prices are low is not a
?ood reason for marketing cattle be
fore they aro in the best marketable
condition, lo make any profit, the
highest possible price must bo real
ized. If a rood erade steer will weie-h
v -- o
1,200 pounds at two years and can be
marketod at that age, it certainly
ought to return a better profit than a
?crub that must be three years old to
make the same weight.
Ilouneholil Help.
If you heat your knife you can cut
hot bread as smoothly as cold.
A largo slice of raw potato in the
Cat when frying doughnuts will pre
vent the black specks from appearing
on their surface.
Lemonade, it is said, is better in
flavor if made with freshly-boiled
water and then allowed to cool.
Allow throe lemons to a quart of
water, using the rind of one. Peel it
thin, and put it in with the juice and
sugar, then pour the boiling water
rv-or it.
After tho juico is all squeezed from
the lemon one would naturally sup
pose that the rind had no further use,
but if you dip tho inside in salt and
rub a copper kettle or stewpan it will
brighten it, or put in a greasy sauce
pan and boiled awhile, it will cleanse
it and remove the odor of fish or
onions, .
For a good washing fluid dissolve
one pound of sal soda and a pound of
lime in five quarts of water, and boil
for a Tew minutes, stirring occasion.
illy. Remove from the fire and allow
it to settle; pour off the clear liquid
into a stone jar and cork for use.
Half a tcacupful of this fluid added to
t half-boiler of boiling water on wash
lays will have a great deal of labor.
If you wUh to do as thoy do in
London, have coat-black cups, set in
tamers of palo gray or turquols, at
your afternoon teas, and give each
tiosl a souvenir spoon; that U. if
(ton ar a spoon collector. It will be
"omid a most etfcctlvo way of intro
Urine now topics for conversation
tailing pop!, iittla known to each
jthur, tt wacti upooa from Its design
will Ujf,'iht an idea
A lucpof fn-shly burnt lime. placed
n a drawer or cae where bright
it.nd iti tU'ics are kept, Tfietly pre-K-rve
them from rt. If the things
ire to be moved as a gun In tsca,
ta tatUmft- Ihe time should be put
m a muslin taj. This Is cpclally
fttluable for specimen of Imo whea
Wturej. for la a todoral!y dy
Iscw the lime will not require rw
tewtnf lor uiMiy yrs, as it Is lap,
lie t absorbing ik large amaanl of
r. mum'
Schenectady, U.Y.
SUES & CO.. 0'B.
Pour rear's experience a eaaminer in the U. S.
Patent office. Advice free, ao fee nakl the patent
S W. r. Itk a Mus u., K. C. Mm. NiuImm, atartSul,
TtVtrtplir. Eoclitk. r,4lU mH inlwa. WK FAY
a. a. na. ca a a tnim ! t
mimm nc:ri:3 co.
Larceet Manufacturers In the U. S.
V Sheet Iron Bulleing riaterlal v
fltdlnir. renin, neoflncs. Shatters, imitation
Brick 't W euherlioardtng.ODtten, Dowupouta,
no. Par a sr ecat. SUeeaat, asea
Uea tais paper.
St Louie. Cincinnati.
fit Jnsenh Bacrw Cin. Crrl(r and
Buffies at lowest Drlces. Cataloue.
and price list free. 6th and Messanie
Ste. St. Joe. Mo.
arte. "V T. J
Organ My ffmiM for Hn - Years !
Price, 49.75.
Agcnti Wanted for the
A. rtOSPE,
What U th condition of yowtt It your hair dry, harsh,
brUtUt Does it $pUt at tho ends? Bum it a llfeleii appearand t
Hoot it fall out when eomt-ed or bmihedf Ii if full of dandruffl
Does your tealp iteht U it dry or in a heated condition t J f these
are some of your symptoms bo warned in time or you will becomt
EOKOQMJ root lain GnowEni
Is what jwi need. Its production Is not an accident, hot the result of sdentlflo re
search. Knowledge of the diseases of the hair and scalp led to the discovery of bow
ir?,tJth.em- "Skookum" contains neither minerals nor oils. It Is not a Dye, but
5 delightfully eoollug and refreshing Tonlo. By stimulating the follicles, it ttupt
falling htir, cure dandruff and gruwt hair on bald head.
. (r Keep the soalpelvan. healthy and free from Irritating eruptions, by the nst
ot fJpopkutn BkH, Soap. It destroys paratUia ituecU, whiek feed on and (Ustrot
the hair. .
If your druggist cannot gonply you. send direct to us, and we will forward
prepaid, on receipt of price. Orowsr, $L00 per bottle; (for SS.00. Soap, 80a pet
jar j o xor S..PUL
'' 7 5outh Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.
For Barns, Bridges, Roofs, Fences, Etc. 85 PER CENT. IRON. Adopted
by Union Pacific Railroad as their Standard freight car paint. Best Paint in
the world. Protects iron from rust, wood from decav. Sold readv for tha brush
in Ore gallon cans at 60 cents per fallen.
Manufactured by National Oil Paint CO., Omaha, Neb.
and all other Diseases of ths Bee turn cured by Srs. Thornton ok Minor, Kansas
City, Mo., without knire, ligature or caustics no money to be paid until patient is cured. We
also make a speciality of DlHeases ot Women and Diseases of the Skin. Beware of all doctors
who want any part ot their foe In advance, even a note Ia the end you will And thm rnun.
give luxuries. Send for circular frlving namea of hundreds who have seen cured by us, and
aow w uiu onwra uu iiuiu;, umuo, no. tuu
When in Doubt
"Try -The
Osnsrsl Passang sr Agsat,
TUlf statement is tww rrpeat4 If thouaautU !iO bars pureltased
TliU jut, It so s'iUBtollodolo, doses the borje'a aostrila..
a m ii
1 - lo
Aar Lore l labia
wiia lb I f. Us h
UiflS Soald vA bU lui tbt W4 styit DIU.
rml fr UlnMntW viaairUU t mtiulntnjf (rati.
mniiLils f ntm alt t.arts t,t tha world, ami verftnl
mi tML : J
If UO. atwl rntHUlrtt.rrsk.ttaabouUh llltlTt Al Tt
VlTir Hit ETT HIT Mt4 iu wUiU-a
In suUlulug ths tkaius horses ami cttatruiUuf the UKt lilMiti puller ana
thror.ta ruuawsfs,
th Mlt ti't in ths worll that U n alTriol, unl arul st.M If tha Sot M .
far ta frtvtaUoa ef Cftwlty t Aftioia! 3 h it tithes! Authority,
UK, l f, UUII If af
Look e.t tbeee aeaatlful chi
cles and low phcrs. Yon can't
boy m from roar local drairr
kfor double the money. Write
a'vt oar tew pir csutiozoe. in.
Jdaestevrrasblisbod. Over M
'Btri. Sateiea ti add as-
tlr.tfc Site.
sarq. mrai and upward.
Farmer igents la Sebraska
Fer 1803.
The meat coi plete line u
wood and steel pumpinr and
geared . ills and geared nuU
macbiiwrv in use Prices
low and machines the moat
reliable sad durable ia nee.
Agents wanted who bam SV
and are known to be reua V
ble. II you or any oi you-
. a. . - . k.
ft "Nili
neifnDort want shy aura o
windmills this year, writ,
now and secure tae agenrf
Co fin E S. D., March I J
ConUhue Wind Sturm.
Co., St. Charles. Ill: 1 ami
grindinr feed for J9 herse
and o bead of cattle ana eel ,
sheep. It stands idle a foodS y
UCHJ u mr umc, wouw no e . '
not if 1 had to get a new om
erenr Tear, I c-o rnnd 12
bushls an hour with it ins
rood wind, My neighbor V
Mr, Hsskrlt, likes hamuli
first-rate; be hasaii fool
thinks there ts nothing like it lj
His son says they can grind a bushel at cum in two
minutes with it. Mr. and Mrs. Haskel say it is the
best thing they ever invested any money in on the
place. Yours truly.
FaD Wilson,
Goodhue Engine Co.
St. Charles, III. ,
Use Northwestern line to Chfoao-n
Low rates. Fast trains. Office 11.11
O St. -
Kimball Pianos and Organs-
Jr., Oijiaha, Net.
In barrels 50 cents per gallon.
wesnxinm street, iiooms 81-32-33 uunker U lug
City Passenger Agent,
t, run. sad iNeulJ bo driven
IaUss sbd tliUren Jr.e hattu
Ina Urmlas ami huntaiM Pttwvt
- ii
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