The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, September 21, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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    ittft A L L 1 A S U i!i -1 N I K i' t A i ) K N T.
A ' A J A1A
libit r
Nebraska Farmers' Alliance.
J. H. Powaae, PrealdoBt, Cornell.
W. 4. romti, Vlce-Pree , Albion,
Visa Eia Bucaaaa, 8ec.-Treaa., Lincoln.
a, C. Fairchiuo. Lecturer, Oaklale.
&. r. Alum. Chairmen, Bx. Cm Wahash
Appointments Made for Speaker by
the State Central Cominiuee
Arrpahoe, Sept 22, G W. Kincheloe.
Ong, Sept. 24 G. W. Kinchloe.
, Custer county, Sept 30, afternoon and
evening, Jno. M. Devlne and E. C. Re
wick. Grand Inland, Oct 2, afternoon and
evening, E. C. Rewick and Judge
Central City, Oct 3, E. C. Rewick.
Columbus, Oct 4, E. C. Rewick and
Jno. M. Devine.
Judge Holcomb Glrtn a Banquet by
Ilia Neighbor. Irrespective of
Broken Bow, Neb., Sept 17. Hon.
S. A. Holcomb, the independent nomi
nee for supreme judge returned to his
home Saturday night from Lexington
where he has been holding court since
his nomination. He was met at the
depot by the brass band and a crowd of
citizens who escorted him to the Com
merclal hotel where he was tendered i
banquet by the cilizens of Broken Bow
and vicinity, regardless of party lines.
Later be was escorted to the court house
Ihm tha oirtwd waa callad tn order bv
Hon. C. W. Beal, who called for speeches
from the crowd, as no program had
been prepared. Speeches were mad
Vi- mtsmI nl th mnat nrominent citi
zens, especially his former law collea
gues, who were very eloquent in ineir
? raise of him as a man, citizen and
in-lit anil thplr nnlv rairret was that
. should be be elected it would necessi
tate his leaving this judic al district
After all had spoken the judge was
called for and responded with one of his
eloquent and winning talks, thanking
the people ;or wnat mey naa uuae.
. organize.
I wish to urge upon populists of
Nebraska the necessity of tne formation
of efficient committees. Oigjwize, not
only by townshfpsj ut by "school dis
tricts. Work that is the thing, ana
the only thing, that can bring success
The people will give money to the cam
Dalun If you will only approach them
right. Five cents from every populist
in Nebraska will give us a campaign
fund that will enable your committee to
make success assured. We are going
, to win this fall, if our people will only
do their duty. :
Let every county that has not yet
done so, report a state central committee
man. Let the county central com
in it ion ha thornuffhlv organized. And
above everything get men who are not
afraid to work a nttie ior me cause.
cinA helps nnward and he hates a
sluggard; and what the people's party
' of Nebraska needs Is a few men who
will get out snd rustle. Don't depend
on headquarters to do everything, but
do your own duty. Make a house to
bouse canvass, ana aooveaii, get your
friends out? to electlon.-VJ. A. E. in
A' ........
tr :
He Lost Hope.
The editor othe Xtlanta Constitu
tlon, Dem., has spent some time in
Washington City and has sent a letter
to his paper which, when boiled down
according to tne Atlanta journal
1 That, tha democratic maiolrtv in
Congress is without a leader and is
following the Dosses oi tne repumican
2. That the country need not hope
lor reliei irominisaemocraiiccongress
That Is pretty bad to come from the
leading old democratic organ in the
Soutn. i rogreBsive t armer.
Howard the Singer.
' W. A. Howard the people's party
national singer Is ready to fill appolnt
' ments at reasonable rates. Committees
to furnish instruments and players. It
will pay any county committee to have
Mr. Howard at one or more meetings
la each county. Address J. A. Edger-
ton, Secretary State Central Committee
for appointments at once.
This office acknowledges the receipt
of a very fiae basket of fruit from Mr
E. F. Stephens, proprietor of the Crete
Nurseries oi urete iNem-asaa.
Chicago Grain and Live Stock
CmoAOO. Sent. 18. IW1
tirrLi Recetma t.Ouobead: marketttradv:
pfyi to choice iteers. K t44 ft' others, S3 TNT
4 wt; Texana, a i eowi aua hellers,
ft T Ci
Ho KeeelDOi. U.OUObetd: market steadv
and htghrr; Billed ana packers, V t4
IW: prim Bvy and butcher's welahla, 14 16
O ; prune ugnv to nsia w.
HBBe Keeen. bea4 market big her:
Prime nali"e. at sil W: wmiorna, 3S
fa m; Tin, s nu; nnw, inna u.
Ubaim wheat,?; eora,tl;oatm tt
Omaha Live Stock.
OMABA. HvpX. , 1B9
Catti a i.l o cbix auwra, 1 1?-a4 &:
lhr Itl SO, It
w-l t i storkar as tmdtra, I ?
tMtlP-l & v
"A Tobacco Stinin Uraalk"
la not a alee thtrg to b carrying
around with you; If you are UrcU of i
and want the m of an ay rlBw.
t a boi f NtVTO UAC, the harm V,
iuaratet t4-'i babit curr; our
itttle nouk. rat ltd "DulT(w SU
or 8mtA Your I.if Ay" lil ail
abcut It; yoi ran gt a copr of l. or
buy NO-IO HAC t It, T. trk lrgf
IX, uur agcou; or bk will tl!J
fr dtrtct frvia th tnaaufafUirm'
f!tc AJdrea, htSRU.vo UivtDY
Co , No, 13 Randolh M, thlcfo, 111
Held a Meet ng September lit -Head-
jnarter Eetabllf hed la Llncoia.
The 'te executive committee of tke
people's party met in room 151 of the
Liadell hotel, of this city last Wednes
day, Sept 13, at 1 p. m. Present: Gaffin
Dearer, Dundaa, Haskall, Fowler, Beal,
Small and Edgerton. Absent; Canaday
and Wolfe.
It was decided that headquarters
should be opened in the Llndell hotel,
this city. A plan of campaign was
mapped out and various other business
attended to. Committee adjourned to
meet October 4, at 7:30 p. m., when it Is
desired that a full attendance be pres
The most encouraging reports come
from all parts of the state. The people
are jubilant over Judge Hlcomb's
nomination and the prospects for his
election grow brighter every day.
In accordance with the action of the
committee headquarters were opened
in the Llndell hotel block today, Sept.
Resolutions That Threw the Gold
Piratea Into Fit a.
Washington, D. C. Sept. 9. When
the senate convened this morning, D in
Voorhees came in looking more sulky
than ever. There whs a large attend
ance cf senators. Dan tried to force
matters by bringing up his repeal bill
at the point where resolutions are
offered, but Senater Allen was prepared
to crlve the pirates another poke in the
ribs, and he introduced a motion stat
ic i? that whereas this was labor day
resolved that as a mark of respect to
labor organizations the senate do now
adiourn. It struck the senate like
clap of thunder from a clear sky. In a
moment every senator was all attention
A viva voce vote was heard and there
was doubt as to the result. Then the
yeas and nays were called. Forty-one
pirates voted no, the populists voted
a t btiA t.ViA nthara refused to vote.
. Before the last words of the clerk
were uttered Dan was on bis feet again.
But the calm, distinct voice of Allen
was beard again saying; "Mr. rresi
Aon. T hm another resolution to offer.
and he proceeded to stir up the pirates
ttk a. roanlnHnn ftsVliiir information of
the secretary of the treasury depart
ment about now many silver dollars
h8verbe6a paid out in redemption of
antTr cnrtific&tes. Ihow much bullion
was lying in the treasury subject to
J l. 1 A.
coinage untier tne law bbu way m was
. rv. aonatni. HataiiAd with Aaffemeas
to the reading. Several clutched the
desks with their nanas, as u on tne
point of rising. Dan was on his feet
ami AiA nnt wait for the last word until
he erowled out: "Let that gd over un
til tomorrow, under the rule," and so It
went over. Tomorrow he will have it
referred to the finance committee which
V.I mwA klmaalf Dn.l
means ovua ouiriiun uu.uimoou, Jm
there It will stay. Dan really seems
D6 trying to earn ma mguoj. huwu-
lormist. . . '
The Gate City says that: 'The dem
ocratic party may not be formidable to
the republicans in Iowa this year, in fact
it is not likely to ba, but General Wea
ver and the populists may be. General
WooTroi. a. randldata for nresldent
last year of a party only that year
organized reoeivea i, vutea in
the nation ana zu.zvo oi tnem in iowa.
Tf h!a ahoiilrt irrow nroDortionatfilv
at that rate it would have 40,060 votes
in Iowa this year, 2,000,000 in the nation
and would wipe out one or both of the
old political parties." That is a pretty
frank admission. The fact is old parties
. . . i . i 1 1 i
see tne nana writing on tne vui cu
begin to tremble. lowa Tribune.
Many labored efforts have been made
in and out of congress of late to show
the average man how much easier and
safer the money market will be' after
the demonetization of silver, that is,
the wiping out el the source of about
half of the supply oi tne money or re
demption. So far as these efforts have
come under the observation of the
writer thev may very properly be call
ed denagogy. The whole purpose of
the real promoters oi aemoneuzation is
to make money scarcer, the supply more
easily controlled, the necessity for loans
more pressing, the value of the dollar
greater, the owners oi moneys ana
credits richer, the owners of property
and labor poorer. Kansas r armer.
We would suggest that Mosher be
made the candidate of the republicans
for justice of the supreme court of
Nebraska. His record is as good as
most of the officials of the state who
stand up for Nebraska republicanism.
He would stand in with the national
bankers and the railreaua would, no
doubt take him Into their loving em
brace. Governor Crounae could grant
him a pardon and Majors could give him
a certificate of character. HI election
would calm the fears of the republican
officials who are now liable for Indict
ment for various crimes. No law
against the railroads or against boodlo
ism In any form would stand any show
with Mother on the bench, backed by
Post and Norval. It would aave the
state from espenae in jailer fees also,
Wboseooodtthe nomination of Mosher?
FrapUn I'reaa.
Toarlata Trip.
Round trip to to tne l'adflo Coast
Short trips to the Mountain Resort
of Colorado.
The Great Suit Lake.
Yellowstone National Park-the auuat
wonderful spot on this tontlnent
t'utret Hound, the Mediterranean ol
the I'ai'ieiCdaVit
C T. Maam, a T, A., 104 O St.,
J.U. SLOfcsn. Gen. Agv.
Lisoola, Nab
Ful low the crowd U tha furat'ure avl
!mus"hoM pU mr'rinm of Melnier Jt
frnn(ffo al Ii7 IX North i.-urwn'b
treet. hf jitii will find averythlag In
their II aa nt tha Ut u'taiity and thap
et f itt illiy td ut atitta.
lluiae t&ea, ttercbaau, banker
aad aalktatea are kavlag their ordn
al LUa fast Co, llOitrtet
tilraard Frsm Vur Feeple't i'arij
The populists of Iowa bare nominat
ed a good strong ticket and we are cer
tain oi a largely Increased vote.
Hayti is said to be on the ere ol
another revolution. The fall In silver
has caused great bus!nes depression.
Sneeulatora have conantre.d to df fraud
the roverament out of the Cherokee.
atrip land by falsifying the allotments.
The shortage of Barrett Scott, county
treasurer of Holt county, Nebraska,
now a refugee In Mexico, u fully 190,000,
The cotton crop In North Mississippi.
Louisiana, and South Arkansie, will be
25 per cent smaller than all former esti
mates. -
Chicago bankers are divided in opin
ion as to the necessity of a greater
volume of currency, but all aro opposed
to repeal of the state bank tax.
Paper money is not much used in San
Francisco, ar.a over $1,000,000 of paper
money that bad lain in the treasury
vault ten years has now bocn taken out
aid shipped east.
Six German Lutheran churches offici
ally withdrew from the convention of
the church at Bullaire, Ohio, because
the synod had forbidden members to
belong to secret societies.
L. 8. Coffin, of Fort Dodge, Iowa, for
many years a member of the railroad
oomuifsfelon, was nominated by acclama
tion for governoi by the prohibition
republican convention.
Thos. W. Ivory, a leading democratic
politician of Mills county, Iowa,
announces that as the democracy hi
left the old principles of the party, be
is now in line with the populists.
Letters from Moscow say that eighty
five students, eight professors and five
women of rank have been arrested theie
on suspicion that they were Implicated
in a nihilist plot against the czar's life.
Lady Henry Somerset has written a
letter saying that Frances Willard is
still ill, that she has been compelled to
abandon all public work, and that she
will take a year's complete rest by her
doctor's orders.
Grover is reported to have been
terribly disappointed because the
second one was a girl too. He deserves
nothing better. He believes in the
single standard and hence should have
nothing but girls.
The Iowa populist campaign was
opened at Woodbine, on Sept. 11. Gn.
Weaver was the orator of the day and
spoke to sn enormous crowd. General
Weaver spoke at Owana the next day
to a crowd of 4,000
A singular result of the scarcity of
money is the fact that gold miners are
unable to sell their product for cash
when brought into Helena, Mont. The
banks do not care to reduce their sup
ply of available cash for this purpose.
The populists down in old Virginia
are making the hottest campaign in
the .history of the state. Senator
Allen, Kyle and Peff and Congress
men Simpson, Harris, Ball, Pence, Kem
McKfllghan and others are frown there
stirring up the ablmalsV
' A whale weighing fifty-seven tons was
washed ashore near South Bend on the
Pacific ocean last week- Scientists de
clare that the whale bad lived 986 years
lacking fourteen years of having lived
the longest term of life. The monster
measured 174 feet 8 inches in length.
In opening the State telephone be
tween" Stockholm and Cnrlstiana King
Oscar said he hoped to counteract the
separatist movement In Norway and to
strengthen the union between Norway
and Sweden. The existence of this
movement was the great affliction of
his relga.
The Indianapolis Sentinel, a gold bug
paper, offered a handsome sword to tbe
most popular commander attending the
National encampment Tbe contest to
be decided bv vote. Rey. Myron Raed
ef Denver, the great populist minister
received an overwhelming majority,
and was awarded the sword.
Special Agent Babcock, who investi
gated the condition of people on the sea
coast of South Carolina, finds that 20,
000 are la danger ot starvation. The
reports heretofore published do noL be
gin to picture tbe actual coadilion of
affairs. The entire country is called
upon to alleviate the prevailing dlsires a
John D. Rockefeller's attorney, Mr.
Murray, Thursday, at New York, put a
nnisning touch to the last preliminary
agreement which make i an accomplish
ed fact ot the Lake 'Superior Consoli
dated Iron Mines, a combination con
trolling nine-tenths of all the iron ore
produced in the United States, with a
cash capital oi 30,uou,ahj ana a reserve
of $100,000 more In aggregate property.
A boycott which, if expressed plans
of labor leiders are carried out, must
dwarf any recent moves in la Dor
circles, was declared at Kantaa City by
the Industrial Council against alt pro
ducts of Armours packing-houses and
other plants of whatever description.
Tbe Industrial Council is composod of
delegates from all the various branches
ot organized labor, and represents 13,
000 workingmen In the Kansas City a.
If the Chicago, Milwaukee and St
Paul railroad company insists on cut
ting wages there will be astrike by the
6,000 employes in the operating depart
ment, rhla is the decision of tbe
Grievance committee of the Brother
ho h1 of Trainmen, after a conference
with Grand Sargent of the Brotherhood
of L-toonotlve Firemen, who was al
delegated by Chief Arthur of the ha
glnoera and Chief Weeks ot the brake
men. The primary cause ot the falling off
in western railroad earnings during the
mouth ef August was that roeliu of
heat at Chicago were col. 1'J twr cnt
of what b" were in Auirut l-
Farrners were correspondingly t and
could not patronUe country stores, a
when tney haa money, I ream re r
Purdv of Hck Maud sayt: "What hurt
the railroads moat was the heat t fall
ing off In the movement ot manufactur
ed good weatwatd "
id . a !. t m
. a-Ma tc Nvf U U4i !
,i.h nw.'l t 4t fry It. awi4 flOu t.
ji uvt, Uk ti d'utrnl k4 y bi.a Au.
e. a. sctse, . .
1. T. X. ewiOAKT. fecmarr .f tkt
Nebrwta Mutual Cjclf oe, Tom art and Wtos
flora laturmac Outei.anr. KblTOH. kC
OBoiuaicauona on K ire, Cjuion or Hail
luuraace tbould b addrm d to aim at
Uaoolo, Ncbnuka.
Next week we will be able to print
the receipt of Jooum Bduer for 1300.00
the same being our first loss. We have
about one-tlird of a million dollars in
sured scattered over forty counties. U
our members had Insured in stock com-
paniesontime they would have paid
at the end ot one year $6,666 00, tot one
and one-tbird years the amount would
be 17,776.00.
In the mutual cyclone counting that
every man p.tid the whole amount due
and all aseeal against him for the six
teen months past the total cost would
be about I1200.C0, a saving ot nearly
1600 00 and the membership fees are
never repaid while in a stock company
the policy holder is bled to pay high
salaries to agents and officers, (both
useful and ornamental) and more super
numerarias thaa any of our farmers
know about, aad y t these companies in
a very few years pile op fortunes that
dazes the ordinary man. When the
agents show them a long list ot figures
showing asset to and assetts, ect. etc.,
all the time tolling the farmer that
their compmy is the only reliable
company doing business In the state
that all other companies are going to
the wall and produ the monumental
l abilities of any other company th
fa mer may chance to name.
But I presume you think I have been old line agents ail my me.
If I have guessed aright it is we.l.
I have before me a report of the Gage
cojnty mutual. Amount insured t27-,-032.00.
Have been running four vears.
When the company first started it had
a severe lost and several since but have
saved thousands ot dollars to ttieir
members. T. P. Tesgarder of Odell. is
tbe secretary. I wish every secretary
in tbe state would send me a report of
bis companies work so far this year.
In our last year's Hail company al
most a'l who are delinquent have prom
ised to pay this fall and .we wilt urge
prompt payment. There is over a z,
000 dellDuuent at this tW.
in this year's ompany the lo?s figures
up about $700 00, and a few to hear
from. This will take nearly it not all
of the 15 cent per nore, but we hope to
cut down some ot these estimates ana
avoid a full assessment if possible.
Turned On the Officer,
Omaha, Sept. 20. There was wsOr
the home of the Schiller fauihy .
Monday evening and when an oificer
arrived on the scene he found Mrs.
Schiller flourishing a lighted lamp over
her hubby, whom she had on the floor.
She was drunk. The sight - com'
mon enemy turned her atteL and
she and her husband both a Hed
the man of law. In the scrimi .til
were pretty badly used up but f
fleer succeeded in landing the 1
ant couple in jail.
John Fisher, a printer in the World'
Herald efSce, dropped dead on the cor
ner of Fifteenth and Davenport streets
Monday evening. Heart disease is
supposed to have been the cause. ,
Louis Zink, charged with stealing a
money package containing $100 from
the office ox the Adams Express com
pany, yesterday morning pleaded
guilty in the district court.
Fired at the Burglar).
Nebraska Citt, Neb., Sept. 20. Mrs.
Barbara Brown of this city was awak
ened early yesterday morning by a
noise at her screen door. She inquired
who it was that wished to get in and
received a gruff answer that it was
none of her business, bhe prom it ly
made it her business to find ou' and
with no small show of bravery con
fronted the burglars with the muzzle
of a revolver. They turned at once
and ran and she poured the contents of
a pistol at them. There were two in
the party and Mrs. Brown relates that
one of them half turned and clapped
his hand on his back as if he was hit.
6af Blowers at Teenmseh.
Tectjmseh, Neb., Sept 20. -Thieves
broke into the office of A. W. Buff urn's
mill and made au unsuccessful attempt
at breaking open the safe. With tools
they had obtained by breaking into
Milton's blacksmith shop they knocked
off the knob on the safe and started a
drill in tbe hole. They broke the drill
and consequently gave up the job.
Had they aucceedea in opening the
safe their efforts would have been
poorly rewarded, as but little that
could' have been of value to them was
therein contained.
Football l'rartlre Began.
AanT.ANn, Neb., Sent 20. The high
school football team w getting in good
trim for the approaching season. 8,
L. Mains, who waa the beat man with
the Doaneteam lat year, haa been so
cured to coach the team and la putting
" 'ttft wihw sat i awv j
work. The vgatnea of the Nebraska
luirr-Kiiuiaskiu iikuimii mugim n
played on the home ground are with
the wtnahaa, October ft, and with Ne
braska City, November 1 1.
To OWbrole Uerwoa ley.
Nebraska t'tvr, Neb,, Nejt tX
KrpreiM'ntative (ieruiana from the city
and county tn-t ymtertlav evening in
'I urnvi-riii IihII t iimt urrHnvvimtnta
fur the ve brat ton of (.eniian Uv, tc!
totvr 4. A great tkal if nthuiaia
was ihimn, and there U ev ry lnika
tttn that will Imi a grrat day, I'nw
in-nt orator of the ktato have I eeiten
g ! and the erlbration wa tit end
with Hrewi'rka and a I .ll In the vu
(VoratlA el. Nut, Mia I tun, IVrrl'f.
Canti ntMy and llk spring auppliwl
at th lowtct rau at we auttoq on
II k M 4 I?. P, i f J. W, Utai tai,
nt.Va Afat
TaieTNK AlUcc lxptrtx utaT.
He Scores the Silver Mon in tha Bsoate in !
Great 8hap
alt. Dubois Says tbe Anti-Repea'era Will
Oppose the Passage of the BJ1 by
Availing Themsehree of Every
;will Force a Vote,;
WAsnisoTo.t, nepL v.0. In the sen
ate thU morning, Mr. Voorhees.leader
of the repeal ter a sensational
deuunclatlon of the New York bank
ers and a defiance to the press that
has been criticising hia actions and
questioning his motives, demanded
that the minority senators name a date
for a final vote; and Mr. Dubois of
Idaho met the demand by a , sitive
declaration that the anti-repe . men
would oppose the passage of .e re
peal bill by availing themse. vea of
every advantage afforded them under
the rulea and usages ot the aenate.
Mr. Voorhees retaliated by giving
notice that he would to morrow move
for longer and more continuous aes
sions. In his speech to-day Mr. Voorhees
reviewed the history of the rulea of
the senate from its creation, showing
that for seventeen years, front 1760,
tbe senate had amongst it rules the
Fro vision for the previous question,
t was tried fully, and iu 1H06, when
Thomas Jefferson was president, it
was deliberately abaudoned and
never claimed or admitted from that
hour to the present
"I am now arraigned," said Mr,
Voorhees, "before public opinion for
not terrain 'n'g this debate. As well
might I be arraigned for not terminat
ing the tide of the ocean of tbe north
west wind. In abandoning the clo
ture rule tbe government or this great
body was placed upon the aense
of propriety, patrotiam, defer
ence to publie sentiment, the
public interests of each senator and of
the body itself, with an assurance In
the minds of those in the senate that
no senator would be found to abuse
the patience of this body or to outrage
the public business or public interest
For eighty-seven years this body has
been a law sufficient unto itself. It
has never tn found wanting in
peace or in r, so that tbe critiuisna
of a certr .as will fall as harmless
upon this boi.y as they fall on me.
The AdmluUtratloo Decided to Bring
He peal Matter to a Teat
Waruisotoh, Sept 20. The admin
istration has at last decided to force
the fighting upon the repeal bill, even
at the risk of defeat Instructions in
accordance therewith have been given
to Mr. Voorhees, who, as chairman of
the finance committee, has the uncon
ditional repeal bill in charge in the
senate. While there was, and still is,
a majority of the senate in favor of
the unconditional repeal bill itself,
Mr. Voorhees hesitates to risk in ef
fort to reach a vote on some other
proposition, such as a continuous ses
sion or a form of clotare. The plan
favored by the administration is to
advance a motion for a continuous
session, if necessary. Even should
this motion be defeated by the aid of
votes of senators who favor uncon
ditional repeal, it is the opinion of the
administration that such a defeat
would be preferable to the present
uncertainty and the indefinite con
tinuance of a debate to which there la
no visible end. If, by forcing this
test the administration should dis
cover that the silver minority
in the senate hold the whip hand,
it would then be time to consider
upon what terms a coraproruiHe might
be reached under which the silver
men would consent to allow a vote.
But. not until affairs assume such u
position as to make it clear that the
administration, is balked will Mr.
Cleveland consent to or consider tbe
suggestion of a compromise. The sil
ver senators do not seem to fear this
policy, because thev claim that public
opinion is turning more and more
against the demonetization of silver
without some binding promise that
the administration will give its ap
proval to other legislation recognizing
silver as money.
Itepreaeotativa Burrow oa tha Bill to
Kepeal tha Federal JCleotlou Uwt,
Washington, Sept. 20. "I expect
the debate over the bill repealing the
federal election lawa to be as acrimo
nious and aa lung in duration
as was the debate in the sen
ate when, the Democrats filibus
tered against the force bill," aaid
Representative Burrows of Michigan
to-day. "The Hepublicana in tbe house
are determined that the bill aha 11
never paas until the Democrata force
cloture. Our blood Is up,au(l we in
tend to make the fur fly when the
bill couies up before the houta. I
Fireauino no effort will be made to
liuit the debate until it haa progressed
aeveral daya. There will be some of
the hottest apeeehea ever heard in tbe
houw Then the eoutinitlee on rules
will tryjto reach an agreement to limit
the UetwUh We will decline all
negotiall , after which I have no
doubt the committee will farce
cloture. Kven after eloture U re
ported tit Krtillit'iin will tthitttr,
V Intend to die In the lat dttcU. I
have i i t of iiot'uta that thu Mil
can tlie senate,"
hltll OiMel an Km etttf,
Ti'l iKJl, Kan , ept $i liovrrnor
Lewel'lng, in an M rlw to-dy,
Kid that he wunUl lint rail a eatra
a lit o! tUl'(iut,uw!e he w is
r rtnin that a Maj-til i f the Mitp'e
tf Uu a'aie d.Ha'l4 tl He tw! !
there U ' U! prt.le Sh4 )ntroltm
tuouh atuon peifjt wf K!
wht ar UU 4t with ttriht, l
! their he fkiiaal Height (a
tkfk ri, wUlnittt an at'ivj-iUtum
fr tk.i lal treary
Vum,m im m viiia eallei A. B. C. ia 5W
Yo-4 atAio.
Th bat an! coat ra-ka oa fbe wall of
tbe Aator bouae are monograms in wooe"
of U' letter A and 11.
Color pbotoKraphy seemi to be a fact
All tbe beauties of Yeliowatooe park have
been taken by the proeei.
I he beat bingiaa coma from Roast
where It la oatained from the giant tur
geon wul.h inhabit the Caspian aea.
One hundred and twenty -seven yeaa
ago England seized the ftrat eight hales am
cotlon grown in the outh and decUrei
that it production should oaaaa.
One of the effect of the aarthquke at
Japan was the sudden diaturbinf ef the
aea eventy-flve mile trom ahore aad taw
deluging or lhe American bark Hesper
with water so hot as to b apparentlr at
the boiling point
Frank B:aka, an Arizona man atole SN
heap in broad daylight near Lot Laaat,
Cal., and drove them Into a canon, which
be held with a Winchester rifle against Urn
berdamen. They finally drew o it and he
escapei with the heep.
John Ingatl Handler, of Maine, who
was the talleit man in the army of the
I'otomae, recently died, lis was six feet
seven and one-hail inches ' high. The
tallest union soldier in the service wm
laid to be Jerry WbeUtona, Co. EL 105th
Dhio infantry. Hi home we believe,
wa In Youngitowo, and he overtopped
Handley by an inch.
A very aingular accident occurred re
cently at Medicine Lodge, Idaho. , David
Collier an 1 a boy atarted out for a horse
back ride. Collier's hone soon began
bucking, and, getting beyond control, res
with such force Into tbe boy's aor a to
kill himself, aa well aa tbe other animal.
At the came time Collier wa thrown and
bad bis neck broken. The boy escaped
A York hire vicar ouc received the fol
lowing notice regarding a marriage from
a parish bouse: "This to give you ao
tl that I and Miss Jemima Arabella
Brearly U coin la' to your church oa Sat
urday afternoon nex to nndereo the Der
ation of matrimony at your hands.
Ples be proinp, as tbe cab is hired by
the lour."
Lov fills moat scanty meeures. "
Oil and truth get uppermost at last
In jealousy there I more self-love thaa
Tbs characteristic of heroism I lu per
uatency. t Might brings out stars, a sorrow shows
us truth. .. . .. , .., ;
The man who borrows trouble alway
haa to pay big interest.
Tb devil alway take a deep interest
in people who got too buy to pray.
The love of glory can only create a
bero; tbe contempt of It only makes a
rest man.
High profeMlon and low living are two
thing the devil I always very glad to see
In anybody.
Tbe man who doea a good deed only Cor
( ay, will do a bad one juit as quick if tbe
price U raised.
Weed never grow, when watched, bt.
turn your back, and how they jump. It is
tbs same with sin.
Leant of all do we sacriQoe anything
when w deny some pUaaant thing to tke
body to gratify the heart
The richest man Is not the one who has
the most money, but the one who caa be
letiifled with tbe least.
If you wish to appear agreeable la e
:iety you must content to be taught aaaaw
thing you already know.
There are many vices which do not de
prive us of friends; there art many vir
tues which prevsnt our having any.
There are people who probably tfclak
their bead were made for wearing ere was,
every time tbey look Into a looking glass
In Austria women are employed as feed
-airier and are paid at tbs rats ef tweav
ty-flve cents a day.
An old Continental hat worn in 17S7 s
the treasured relic of a Coatetville, Fax,
gentleman. The hat belonged to his
After a Seattle mau had spent 85,600
and traveled extensively (or ten month
to recover his voice it came back to hia
without costing a cent.
Washington U still tbe haven of honey
moon tourikU, and it is also a great toua
(or wedding, tha percentage of !arrlas&
there being greater than in other cities of
Its sUe.
A member of a New York china firm
tay the very latest fad in Mew York so
ciety 1 for all a girl intimates to send
ber teacups on tbe announcement of hee
A monthly periodical of New York City
announce it is ready to supply the publie
with literary pabulum, secular or relig
ious, "by the pound." It says: "We ii
tend Ave pound of reading matter pre
paid for one dollar. "
A horse jockey in Aroostook, county.
Ma, repented hia iharp practice, joined
tbe church, and announced that, if be had
taken unfair advantage of any one in a
bona trado, be would 1 glad to sqsara
thing by paying tbe differ no In cash.
U we scarcely daylight next morning
when a neighbor who considered that he
bad been ' roasted '' in a wap with the
aewly converted jockey, made hia apBeeur
ance at the latter door, remarking tauat
be bad "come early to avoid the roth.
Ihe jockey promptly settled the case.
Cheeter E. Hall ot Danville, lad., boast
ef aa educated cat One cold night the
loor-bell rang, and whea Mr. Halt aa
twered the bell what hould walk in hut
the family rat rllace then, whenever the
Mt wanta to come la the boue It rlnt
the bell and continues tbe ringing eabS
A poor t'ltiien a No, N, Y., sued a
ieh Bvifc-blrtir to reoover damages for tbe
tttai k u( the tatter's raatl dog, which he
sialatalned was a "snar!iuft snarling
i-Mu l iute " la answer the defends
maintained that tbe caulae waa a '"great
lv and ef foatl aature," but he loat hi
! and uut pay I1.W0 damage.
Hew a d"a aaved hie matter's lift west
told mvatiy at the I 'blladelphta ewoaecV
imei I Rio the cam f U doath vt WO
baas l'''.Mtau, It aj rtl that lltint
a4 totu aul aauted Wai , aree
elklMg aivri lh faanaylvaaia ailral
4ii'oww that s rt m Wuik I ihM
H lledo'a tb4 taw N danger au4 f eeV
tkt iur e l tbe tr I iu ilm, 1U
aaa hl au k dumb (iWad ar,4
tra a a4 tu4 if the train, i