The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, September 21, 1893, Image 4

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    ,: . . . ttt rtnw i l v n t v m
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OaaoUdatlott of tb
nrrn UlIaictSeMisU Independent
rrsuxHXB rur Thtbsdat it
Tei Alliawci Publishoto Co. w M BU Lincoln. M-
B. TaouTBB, hM. H. R. Bwa,
. A. Kcuii. J. . Mimas, Tieae.
B. 8. LmuruiA
Ian F- UmB BoinM Mmucw
N. L P. A.
WEEKLY Circulation far the
B2 Week, Ending Marcn 30,
I 93,
tS,248 Cvplwa.
Publisher Aaaoanoeaneet.
sabacriptlon prlca of tba ALUlfca-Iii
pest is fi.wi per year, iiTriuij ,u mv
Hsmr will
promptly autooawnwxi
acxpiratSoa o am paid
boIcm we r-
Aaame in soikltlnt: subscription should be
my cuvful that U niaatm am correctly
tm'nk ud drimT pwhiAlo given. Blanks
sasv aiiimia an maiLiauaL
lor feturn sutmcrlpuoa, return envelope,
its,, can be had on pplkUa itt "u emc.
iuifi stent Tsiif hum, No matter how
ntwm ro write n do cut nefriert ul impnrv-
jM aaatter. Bverr weea we recive leiuin
wtta Inonmptele addieems or without slgna
ana and it is auwetlioes dlfflcnll to locate
CasAPeBor ADnaaaa. Buhaerlbers wlsblac
e ekania their ptatofflos address mast always
ft their tormer as well as their ureeeat ad
faasa wbea rhaace will be promptly mad.
AddresM all intursaod make all remUtances
eayauato TH ALLlANCK PUB. CO.,
Lincoln. Neb.
Ftt 8uprtmi Judgt
8. A. Houmb, of Custer.
For Regents Staff Unictnity,
Long term E. L. Bkath of Sheri
dan; A. A. Mokroe of Douglae.
Bhort term C. L. Bhaikard of
Thvrk Is more prosperity. The
great Lombard Investment company
has gon to the wall.
Judge Cbipman, of Indiana, a life
Ions republican, has this fall come out
1b fever of the people's party.
Harper B Wmkly, which la per
haps the most rabid Cleveland organ In
tbe country, says there is no longer
any dobut about the repeal bill passing
the aenate.
JUDOi FoT has again descended from
the supreme court bench to meddle with
ward politics. He waa in Fremont the
day of the republican primaries, eleo
tloneerlog against Judge Maxwell.
Tub way in which leading old party
men are flocking to the standard of the
populist Is almost a repetition of tbe
landslide of W. All our people need
to do It to take heart, for victory ia in
eight The nation la awakening.
The Alliance-Independent ia now
upon a stable financial footing, Tbe
future of the paper Is assured. It will
he constantly Improved. There la no
reason why every populist voter in
Nebraska should not have It in his
house. With such a circulation, the
paper can be made superior to any
weekly in tho west. The paper is
owned by the farmra of Nebraska. It
la their paper and will be run In their
interests. It should receive their entire
Tom Patterson's lotter to the
Rocky Mouutain News, la which he
comes out squarely in favor of tho Peo
ple's party, is attracting attention all
over the United States. Henry fC
Legate in the Boston Traveler says
of it:
"It la the most Important paper in
the west, and it will be a valuable ally
tn the political contests or tne luture
At a tout th same time the News e
roused the populist raune, the Denver
rosL the democratic administration
organ, was obi i trod to suspend publlca
flnn It will arum tut IVia lt it '
When the Nebraska railroads let out
a great many of tbelr employes a month
or more ago, they gave as their reason
for so doing, the maximum rate bill
jsow, wben tbe Dill ns been bung up
Indefinitely In the United Statea court
and the men have not returned to their
places, the latter have begun to wonder
If some one has not been lying to them
Never snlnd. bys, the railroad com
panles do not think any more of you,
their employes, than they do of the
farmer, and when the time comes they
will pinch yo'i jtut as htrd.
'I,.....-!.-.1.. J, I, J
Hon. J eshk IIakprm, the veUran
labor trader, the old law partner of
Abraham Llncola and the man who
Boatioatoil hint for president, U out
campaigning every day for th people's
part, in a Idler to the prvajnt eUtr
if this ptpwr, after commenting on h
IrlfhUulog outlook fot the movement
ia I ilttiis aud ladtana, );
"I he great itiuisto pl Jre
r ali m Hirer bf.r that the dlr
wh vfc U kliiiag the republic I far ad
f Uirv.l.w
Py Ue way, U It altcf ether pp haU
that Cot llaiperwlli take part U Ue
NeerakaeailG this fall,
Nearly two nont4s e!spd s!nc
the maximun rate bill should hare gone
Into effect. And aUll the old schedule
of robber rates ii cootlnuad. Without
ever giving the law a trial, without a
tauth as giving bearing as to iu
merits r demerit, the law has boee
hung up Indefinitely bj the Unltrd
States district Judge, and the only re
courae the people hare la to submit.
There ia ao doubt that all the howl
raised by the railroad organs again
the law was Intended to pare the way
to thla action. There la no doubt that
the Mil waa taken before the United
State court, which properly baa noth
ing to do with It alnoe it ia a state law,
to aare farther odiuat from falling upon
our own precious supreme court. The
people will bear in mind, however, that
nia u.uta states JudEe, whose name
ia Dundy, is a republican and a member
of the republican railroad ring; and
that he simply acted as a tool in the
conspiracy to defeat the will of the peo-
Vow. of Nebraska, the aame power
that has over-ridden tbe freight rate
law. ia oranld to dfeat rou at the
polls this fall. That power dominate
reoubllran aonv.nti. That nower.
with n.h.w n -Tnt.inn-
controls the republican officials of this
i - - w 1 -
state. One of the exceptions is Chief
Justice Msx well and him it will turn
down. You must this fall by your vote
give that power to understand that it
can ao longer trample under foot the
laws of tbe great state of Nebraska and
that It cannot longer sustain lu dis
reputable gang of boodlers at the state
capital. This you must do at the next
election. You cannot put it off lonrer.
It is enough to break one's heart to
see such men as W. J. Bryan. J. D.
Calhoun, CD. Casper and Judge
Broady following la . the lead of the
gold-bug demo-republican combine at
Wasfaltgton; tailing up tbe democratic
column while It marches away from
every principle dear to their hearts.
How can you doit, boys? The adminis
tration has no use for such men as you.
It has no une for any man who has the
bravery to differ from the gold-bug
crowd. Why are you longer bound by
a uamer way aou'i you Stand tv tbe
democracy of Jefferson and Jackson?
Why don't you have the back bone and
courage to come out for your own idea?
An honest id, that is your own, is a
better thing to tie to than any party
name that was ever coined.
r- a a . a . .
'jut nere comes tbe plea: "We can
do more good where we are." How can
you do more good when the party
machinery and the majority of the party
itaeu ia ail against your Your own
state convention will
repudiate yeur
Ideas, though at heart they may believe
in them; and will repudiate you in sol
doing, though at heart they may be-
lieve Jrou to be the brains of tbelr party
n this state. Why? Because you have
bo miserable crumbs of public patron-
age at your disposal.
The leaders of your party are In
league with plutocracy. The majority
of the rank aad file of your party are
cowards. They have proven them
selves so in the late congress. Do you
want to train longer with a crowd like
the party has deserted Its old-time
stand on the money question. It is
deserting its old-time stand on the tariff
question. It Is doomed. Now is not a
time for weak pandering. It Is a time
for every man to array himself on one
side or the other. Come out on the side
In which you believe and help us fight
tbe common battle of humanity.
Why does not the attorney general
prosecute the railroads of this state for
violating the raaxlmun rate law?
There is a provision in tbat law which
says that any railroad guilty of violat
ing It shall be fined In the sum of five
thousand dollars for the first offence,
Why does he not prosecute them under
this provision?
Does he make the plea that tbe
United States district judge has Issued
aa injunction restraining the state
board from enforcing the law? That
cuie no ngure with the criminal proxe-
cution. The United States district
court has no Jurisdiction over the
criminal statutes of this auto.
Tbe object of the railroads la to have
the maxlmun rate bill buna- un la th
courts for two years, when they hope to
buy a legislature to repeal It. It means
three million dollars a year In their
pockets if tuey succeed. It means
three million dollars a year filched from
the people.
l be question la, win the attorney
general aid and abet them la this
cbtiiK? Will be attempt to bide buhind
an arbitrary decision ef a tool e( the
railroad, la the shapo of a t'nlt-ni
Statea judge, ho has no Jurl-dlc'lon
whatever In the matter, while tbe pro
! he I supposed til rrproiwout are K
ng riihix-d of mlllione? WU1 be not at
vat make an effort to test the ma kr?
In a word, Is Aitoraoy Utoerat Mue-
fings represeaUnf the pvople or the
It the pnopJi of this state ever esptut
to have honest girnmt. they mul
r the repa'Ulcaa tarty Uot (Lit
fait After the wpoaure of si th
p Htic&i rottennets at the ttte capital,
of all the stealing in tbe state lctutu
Uon and of the cross partisnnUm of
the tuprem j bench, If the peopl
endorse the party that ia guilty of all
these acts, they will endorse the ac a
tbeiraelves. With this endorsement
behind them, tbe bw4 era would be en
couraged la their public robbery and
Nebraska wou'd bid a final farewell to
all lopes of honesty among her officials.
There is no middle ground. The peo
pie must either repudiate or amotion
tbe action of tbe state bouse gaog. Thla
fall brings the crucial teat. Honest or
dishonest government which? That
Ik the issue which must be decided.
The accounts of two county conven
tions have ben received at this office,
of hlcn re nlIrtl 100 IoB ,or
ine n w" r wibw wuiwy, re
cema ia8' w- 1 De PPUil" conven-
i tion in vusv r was, 01 course, a uum-
mer- amy T?J!
n,vooul ine
w nonin'ed: Treasurer, J. H.Brown;
if' J R- Bhodw; up rlntendent, H
H. Hlattr sheriff, C. T. Holiday; re
corder of deeds, D. M. Lankrman;
clerk, A W. Hiatt; surveyor, S. M.
Hlnkle; coroner, T. L. Crawford.
Tbe to old parties have combined
"In8t our 1 ,n Cuter count
but with a ticket such as this, our peo
ple caa beat them both.
Tbe other communicat'on is from Box
Butte county. The following ticket
was nomlna'eJ: Surveyor, John P. Ha
strd; coroner, P. H. Drlscoll; superin
tendent, H. F, Fillmore; judge, D. H.
Spacht; sheriff, James T.,Walte; treas
urer, S. B. Libby; clerk, J. H. Neal.
A ringing platform was adopted and
among others, the following resolution:
"We believe that the A. P. A. is one
of the plans concocted for dividing tbe
common people In order that the un
scrupulous politicians can more sue
cejifully carry out their nefarious
schemes by thus bringing about con
tention; and we believe tbe right V
worship God ao we please is a God
given right too sacred to b trilled
with. We condemn in unmensured
termi such society, and its instigators,
ttn4 all kindred organizations tending
i Bn vav tr, AtviAu fk. ,tnmnn
pie socially or politically
religious sentiment."
because of
IIory II. Legate now edits a people's
party department in the Boston Trave
ler, one of the leading dailies of the
eHt. He had four solid columns of news
and opinions last week and among the
various items were several real gems.
His news from over the south and west
is most encouraging. Even the ast 1
Mr. Legate comments on the Nebraska
populist convention, and gives etpeci
ally favorablo mention of Judge Hol-
cemb and the platform. Among other
things be has the following concerning
the Omana Bee and Its stand in regard
to the corruption at the state hoase.
Tbe article is entitled:
The Omaha Bee Is finding out that
there is political corruption exis4ng in
Nebraska. It says that the cornice
judicial convention in tbat btate will be
controlled by the agents and tools of
the corporations acting as proxies, and
characterizes the whole business as "a
game with loaded dice, played by cor
poration gammers wno are to be whip
ped into line or bought into support
the man who who will do the bidding of
the railway managers on the Supre ue
bench and make a mockerv of iustloe."
The Springfield Republican says: ' If
what the llee says is true, it will be
some time before the populist Drty In
Nebraska will die for the lack of am
munition." Th people's partv papers in that, state
have been making charges of this na
ture for two years past. It is no new
thing the Bee has discovered, but it has
become so glaring an evil that it can no
longer ignore the matter. It should be
the province of a ereat paper to lead in
reforming an evil, and not wait until
the majority of the people are familiar
with It, Perhaps the Bee thinks it is
better late than never.
rt Is a goldon truth that now is the
time to subscribe for The Alliance
Independent. This Is oowyoar paper
It is owned by Independents In all parts
of Nebraska.
Send u ,n cIub- You cannot do any
better work tor the came. The merit
01 160 P' oeP Pn Its aupport.
" were -"Pported as It should be,
Thi Alliance-Independent could be
made equal to tbe NonoonformUt
There Is no reison why It should not
be. Get subscriptions at your mas
meetings and conventions. Spend your
spare evenings In getting subscription
I Take them for three months, six months
or a year, S.-ad them la at once.
i' - - "g
The tutwt encouraging report are
now coming in daily from all tarU of
tbe state. The people are awake and
moving. In lkx liutte couatf they
havejunt held thilr populist convea
tU n, nomlaaud a strong ticket, aad
have gone in to win V. 8. Abraham,
o' Keith County, writes: "I fe- ctfi
ttot la rromtlr-i? you a msi uitv for
the stte tUkei We re too fir
ImiB liniitln n.t I -it, l.i t.. kI..u
Biw! too murh iane the hard
time to alWad the voaven'-loa. hut we
are working ju.t the same atd gain-
la irouad aver dav"
the EorTTir minus. i
The btlk-f of pnpulisW that tbe South
wi:l wheel Into line at the next election
Is bt no mtaas a figment of tbe imagina
tion. Tbe action of Cleveland and the gold
standard detmxra a have stttlfd the
question dero there. The South baa
broken from its moorings and is drift
lag with irresistable force into tbe
populist tide
In Georgia Tom Watson is drawing
crowds of from two to five thousand
In Virginia tbe whole state is break
ing awa.t from the gold bugs and going
into the new movement. The Boston
Traveler says of that state:
The democrats are surpr'sed at the
strength being developed by the popu-
iiatf, unc are learrm tbat witb the aid
tne republicans are disposed to give
them, tbe result may be disastrous to
the party that oas so long held sway In
the Old Domlnicm."
And still there's more to follow.
SjuHi Carolina Is following the lead r f
her larger tlsteis The New Nation
publishes the following of the demo
cratic governor of that state:
The number of governors who are
revolutionary in the eyes of tbe eaeu-m
editors is on tbe increase. Guv. Till
man of South Carolina has join-d the
ranks of tbe new movement. The as
sage of the repeal bill settled tbe mat
ter with the governor, wto now pro
claims himself In favor of an issue of
United States treasury nofs bsed upon
the credit of the country. He said to
an interviewer last Saturday that the
gold mn " hject to greenbacks m fiat
money; they object to silver as a di2
honest dollar; they demand gold to be
come the standard of the country,
although it means 50 cent wheat
and rx cent cotton, and the lost of the
titles of their homes by millions tf
American tanners. I told the 'ring In
this state in 1888 It wt.s damming up
the water when the demand for reform
was refused ia the state convention, I
now make the prediction that a similar
crisis is approaching in national affair,
and the flood-gates of tbe people's
wrath will be raised and tbe present
conspirators against the people's
liberty will be swept from the face of
the earth in the next presidential elec
Now and then amidst a large amount
of rot, slush and misrepresentation con
cerning populists in the leading eastern
dailies, a hunk of truth will slip ir.
This probably haopens by accident, as
su.'li occurrences are rather rare, but at
any rate It does happen Tbe following
is clipped from tbe special Washington
i rrespoi dence of a leading eastern
Washington, Sept. 16. At least one
set of southern men in the House have
steadily voted with the republicans
against receiving the bill abolishing
the Federal Election las As one man
the bakers' dozen of populist members
have voted with the republicans. Their
vote bss been somewhat more in both
spirit and meaning than that given
either by the republicans or the admin
titration democrats. The populists are
-aeau against" tne repeal or tbe iede
ral Election laws.
The hope of the populist party now
nee more in ine soutn. wnere tbe prin
cipal Industry is the farm and planta
tion, than elsewhere In Alabama and
Georgia, the Carolinas and a number of
other Southern states.
Tbe poullsts believe they will elect a
majority of the congressmen next year,
and it may be added tbat this feeling
has the proportions, of a premonition
with the democrats of the South, and
this is the secret of their present de
termination to take out of the hands of
the people of the country and tbe fede
ral government all control or influence
over the election of congressmen.
People of this state, who believe in
the cause of labor, should keep it con
stantly in mind that tht recognized re
publican organ of the state, the Ne
braska State Journal, is a rat paper.
The organized printers left the paper
last winter for good .cause, and today
there is not a man employed upon tbat
sheet who is a recognized member of a
labor organi zation.
Moreover, the republican machine-
politicians of Nebraska uphold the
Journal In Its course. When a resolu
tion was introduced in the last legisla
ture expressing sympathy with the
striking printers, the republicans of
that body killed it.
When a resolution frera the typ
graphical union was laid before a recent
meeting of the republican state central
committee, it was promptly pigeon
Tbe republican party by these actions
has placed Itself in direct antagonism
to the Interests of organised labor.
uur readers are notified that we
would like correspondence to Tits
Alliance-Independent; but It must
bo on matters of general Interest: and
It must be brief, carefully written and
to the point Don't take a quire of
paper U say what you o an say on a
page. Boll thing I down. Tbe prlnw
has not time to set up, neither have the
Hop!e time to read iong-wlndodarticlos
A IIMKUIN-Wehave a Hockford
Nweer Folding M act low for salt.
Thl folder has been In use but a short
t ie, and U as good a new. AUoow
l -Lorao poarr Kleetrlt! Motor, manu-
f i'trJ by the iVlrott Mo tut t'l,
w (! will be fully mat an trod. If io.i
mt eUhor the (older or Motor, wri t
bs for price,
.UI'akvk V buiu'Nu Co,
Llocvia, Nth,
This deoitrtmectis waiting in breath
less anticipation to see what kind of an
aitl-p&s resolution the republican con
-; . - i , . .
euuua wi i jj,.
' Congressman Kem's late apeech In
congress was headed: "H"me Eule for
America.' Our hay-eeeo congressman
gets hold of abJut tne right idea every
This office is constantly receding new
populUt exchanges, it is impose) We to
notice all of them. We mention this
matter as one more encouraging sign
during tne card times.
It Is said tbat Willis Hudspeth, one
of tbe editors of the defunct Omiha
Toscin, will be made editor of tbe West
ern Laborer. Hudspeth is perhaps the
best labor writer o? tbe west.
Miss Ada Coleman, tbe successor of
I. D. Cbamborlain, still keeps the
Stromsbury Headlight shining as
brightly as of yore. It takes a pretty
good man to nil Ubamberialn's snoes
but Miss Coleman seem to be that man.
Mrs. Jennie D. Sheldon, assistant
editor of theCbadron Sgnal, and one
oi tne brlgntest writers in tbe state
has been nominated for county superin
tendentby (be populist of Dawes county.
Aa. a matter of course she will be
Tbe state central committee of tb
people's party asks every Independent
papr in MetrasEa to seol a copy to
headquarters at tbe Liniell hotel, Lin
noin, during tbe camp ilgn. This is
mat er of importance and should not be
There is going to be a couple of tbe
most beautiful ngbts ever witnessed In
tbe coming democratic and republican
state conventions. In both cases it will
oe between tbe monopoly and the anti
monopoly wing; and in both cases the
monopoly wing will wis.
Ed Richmond, of Minden, since he ei
larged his paper and swallowed up his
democratic contemporary, is writing
some editorials of just at'out the right
ring Ed has got the republican paper
of tbat town so completely cowed that
its editor hardly dares cheep above
whisper any more.
H. J Bedford has became editor of
the Kearney Standard. The ink-sllngrr
oi ibis department bas a sort of a warm
place in bis beart for the Standard,
having been In a manner, tbe god
father of the paper. He is therefore
glad to see it fall Into such good hands
as those of Mr. Bedford.
Tho Independent Press, of Franklia
and its twin, the Nation at Red Cloud,
i i ... '
are now uoing gooa worn lor tbe cause.
The Press especially has been consider
ably improved this sucumer and is now
one of tbe largest and best managed of
the country papers that come to our
It Is chronicled that G rover Cleve
land, whose residence Is at Buzzard's
Bay, makes a flying visit to Washing
ton occasionally. It is also said that he
quits fishing now and then to look after
the duties of his office. These occa
sions, however, are so rare that they
scarcely aeserve mention.
It should be kept in mind that there
is an independent press association in
this state. Tbe president has not call
ed it together during --these bard times.
because he felt that the members could
111 afford to spend the money to attend.
ne is reaay to ma ice tne call at any
rime mat mere is any considerable de
mand lor a meeting.
There are six out of ten members
re tot
the people's party state executive com
mittee, who are or have been connected
with the independent press: J. H.
Dundas, of the Auburn Granger; C. W.
Beal, of the Custer County Beacon; C.
S. Fowler, of the North B.nd Argus:
J. V Wolfe, president ef the Alliance
fuonsbing Uo., D. (Jlem Deaver, who
was connected witb the Omaha Public:
and ye scribe, who is a sort of a general
man. The pencil pushers have a majo
rity here as elsewhere.
Ham Kautzman, editor of the Holt
County Independent is getting after the
ringsters ana oooaiers out lu tbat neck
of the woods in a manner tbat doeB
one's heart good. They have about the
worst nost oi republican thieves out i
Holt county tbat they have anywhere in
the state, outside of Lincoln. We are
glad to tea Kautzman going after them
because we know that be is abundantly
BDie to noiu up nis enu oi tbe ngbt.
R. D. Kelley, of the Fremont Leader,
is improving his Paier everv week
Kelley has done as much to show up the
rotten Lincoln ring as any editor in
.Nebraska. The very fact that be Is
next door neighbor of Judge Maxwell
may show something of his source of
information. The only trouble with
him is that he seems to be too much
wedded to tbo chief justice, but that is
a sin tor wmcn ne can be forgiven.
The nomination of E. L. Heath of
tna iiusavllle Standard, was a recognl
tlon oi tbe populist ureis. The iltou-k
of Hath contained in this paper, bas
mjco oojucwa k) oy some on tne ground
that Mr. Uath ha not boen a nouulUt
ince i3ui om is a more recent convert.
Very well; he is a convert anyway aad
hU papor teaches the right dotrln
He Is alio well qualified for a regent of
me rsu university ana above all an,
over all ha U a gentleman. That I all
we need to know.
Hnry Ituckla. who was Mun p.IHa.
oi me .enraka iaupe lueni la runnlnf
a little populist dally donat Nebraska
yr uwiioi laouiges in a food dual
I hood a d IhumWr talk. ihi.. .I..-
and sow and th emit a war wh !
timm -mi I , IUIIJ ui Blin 1,1.
whieo reekc the native take iu th
o!r, U fca ot sitwd 1,1.1 wu
' hgin shrdJing
but w prtxums It wtil h pruy iwa,
asthetoas vt tome ol his edlfslaU
would lead eat ut bHev thai be bad
just come from grindlrg his sword.
Henry bas lucent intervals In which be
talka good commoa sense doctrine
however, and he should probably be
forgivea for fighting ac oocaeioaai bat
tle with his pencil.
The papers that tave not recefied
mention in this column must cot frei
plighted. Ttere is plenty of time yet.
There are a host of good populist papers.
In this state. There is toe Qu'll at
Schuyler; the Wahoo New Era; the
Alliance Herald, Nelson; The Tecumseh
Repbulic; Tbe Auburn Granger; The
B'air Republican; -the Central City:
Press; the Lexington Clipper-Citizen;
North Platte Era; the Trenion Regis
ter; the Arapahoe Pioneer; the Grand
Island Journal; the Hastings Opinion;
the St; Pan! Phonograph; the York
Independent; the Hamilton County
Register; tbe Loup Valley Alliance;
the Platte County Argus; the Douglas
enverpnge: tne suiion register; tne
Holdredge Progress; the Clay County
Progress; the Lincoln Unionist; and
many and many more. And h?y are ail
first class papers.
This department for this week is
largely devoted to the populist papers
of the state; and they deserve it. Any
man who will stand right to his guns
and run a populist country paper In
these bard times bas some little of the
hero in his make-up; and deserves many
good words for he gets very little of &
more substantial nature. We have a
press in this state to be proud of, ia
spite of all the boys have to contend
with; and behind every paper stands a.
man of nerve and back bone, else he
would not have carried the fight for
ward so long as he bas. Whenever L
pick up a populist paper I cannot help
but tbinkjof the bard work, tbe scrap
ing, and the struggle to make both
ends meet, that it represents, and
though it is covered all over with
typographical errors and bad prints, I
can not help honoring the man who Is.
behind it; who goes on bearing all these
hardshlps for a prlnclpie. All hail to
the reform press! And when the new
day finally dawns, boys, each one of you.
may feel that you have done your part
toward bringing it Carry on the good
work. There is nothing that lives bo
long as truth; and the men who battle,
and struggle to uphold it will be re
warded somewhere; if nowhere else, in.
their own hearts in the consciousness
that they have done the best they could.
"The tariff can wait. It's less mocer
we need. President's Message.
We are very near the point now
where it requires a basbel of wheat to
buy a pound of coffee. Tecumseh Re-
On the finance question the two old
parties have assumed tbe role of loyal"
lovers. Inl896 thev will dia In ma
other's arms. Custer County Indepen
dent. Where's the fellow tbat told
the tariff question overshadowed all
others. He'll be oversbadowed as sooa
as the people can find Mm rarmen"
At last tbe people have Wnm mai-li
evenly divided in two classes calamity
howlers and calamity makers. Whlce
would you rather be clafcaad wtthP
Topeka Advocate.
The democrats want to ml v.n mil
lion dollars by a revenue tariff; the
republicans would raise the ssme
amount by a protective tariff. TV
your choice. Coining Crisis.
The taxable proortv in th etat.
Georgia, has decreased about 112,000,
000 in the past twelve months. Th ww-
peal of the Sherman law will knock of!
as much more in the next twelve
months. Progressive Farmer.
Ask yourself whv vou r:all vnnuif c
democrat or republican? There is noth
ing in Common to unite a western
southern man with tbe party combina
tions controlled by Cleveland and Sher
man. Rocky Mountain New.
Has the firm of Shilling Bros., druc
purveyors to the state, furnished that
boiler for the Home of the Friendless
And if so, what did the etate pay for it?"
A drug prescription
pounds lroa boilers oucht to a watt
ed. Bee.
The squeezing process now going on;
has reduced property values to panic;
prices. One dollar is now worth aa
much property as two dollars were last
January, and fs still !screft!n in
In short, property has no monev value
in Texas at present. -Southern Mercury
We call the attention of our esteemed;
contemporary to the utterance of Got.
Tillman, of South Carolina, who re
cently said that the gold bug conspira
tors must be orushedeven it we had to
resort to hanging. The Democrat laid
awake of nignta from Its nervous fit
over what Gov. Waito of Colorado saJ4
about blood and bridles. Will It toll u
a bat It thinks about Gov Tillman, who
Is a democrat? Independent American,
Tbe Hogg faction of the demount
party are coming over to the peopled
party by the thousands ever t
everything points to a grand victor.
Iha Mil aloAtt,... TL T . , . "1
... ... ....... , uo urvpir prtp
was not developed In a d. n.i
who have entitled ar in .,. .v . IV7 '
Letters are pourtnk' Into th I
oltloe from every section of the country
inini goi iwws. May G 4 ,,1
the day aksn this muntr. K-.l.TlZ
and run by honest turn -Texas ajm.
Congressmtn Bryaa s great nvch
fintuUi for th,i,M democrats whostitl
had lingering hoi that tlnlr
oo .turning to owrafkr thirtv
bilhmnv would endravor to 'ium
lHilr sad htw trramaL .
Hry ta sh that ClevciaaJ k 1 1
the same thatbts IhhuU f .vJ v.Nn
stit for twfty.fivt re.-N 4coV
. rUT1" luu si'iwara ta tbl i,af. f
of the NiMioonforiuWL It logical
uiny, sircauie, witty and e'.vvjttoL
i ntin ni'gniy int.fret intf rxn..